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Get ready to hear the truth about America.


On a show.


That's not immune to the facts.


With your host, Dan Bongino.


I've got Justin in the house today running.






You know why?


Gees is not here. He decided to take a little trip. He went out to.


Dallas, do some... He does that Dungeons and Dragons thing, whatever it is. What's the thing?




And flesh and flesh and blood. He's like a superstar. He's like the best in the world. Yeah, he was. He's like the number one guy in planet Earth right now.


They stormed the field. They held Gee up. You know, like in Rocky 4 at the end.


When Rocky 4 is like.


If you could change and I could change, we all could change.


Gee gave this.


Amazing speech. There were Russians there. There were Arabs, Jews, Christians. Everybody was all together celebrating around Gee, holding him up in here, wrapped himself in the American flag. Actually, none of that happened. But he is off.


Today, so Justin's in. It was a big week.


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Folks, I got a big show for you today. It was a long weekend, which means I have a lot of stuff to catch up on. A couple of quick shoutouts, weekend update. Obviously, concerned about everything going on and be careful with people.


With co-exist bumper stickers on their car, they're probably going to kill you.


I'm not kidding.


I'd not be very careful.


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Com/bongino. All right, Joseph, big day, so let's go.


It's showtime. Yes, sir, it is. Taking a note, I almost forgot.


I just want to give a shout out to one of my good friends.




Friend, Cleve. He owns an awesome restaurant down here I.


Went to this weekend. I had.


A blast. It was his one year anniversary. Blackbird and Jupiter. It's in this area. It's like if you want a whole Miami vibe, but you don't want to travel down to Miami and.


Miami gets a little hot for you, I don't mean hot like the temperature. I mean, hot, if you know what I mean. Like I hang out in Miami once in a while.


You know what I'm saying? Blackbird, man. Just jump in.


Place is awesome. Absolutely love it. Spent a weekend hanging out there for the one year anniversary. Food is amazing. You're not going to eat anything like it, man. It's just so good. So shout out to my man, Cleve, for that.


All right, lot happened.


This weekend. Folks, listen to me.


I'm seeing these, let's call them, pro terrorist protest, just erupting all around the country. I said to you last week, if you don't think what happened over there can happen here, then you need to do this. Go get yourself a history book. Justin, you do this in school every year.


You get a book and you go like this, What am I doing?


Like turning some pages? Reading a little bit, just open it up. Maybe get a pen to guide yourself and just read. Historical atrocities that happened to people who thought it, quote, couldn't happen here. It can.


Happen here.


And it will happen here if you don't stop it. I put out a tweet and a.


Post on True Socialist Morning.


And I want you to take it to heart. You ready? You all ready? Take it in. Take it in. Breathe it in deep because it may save your life one day. These same leftist lunatics with their tolerance, bumper stickers, and their co-exist bumper stickers on the back of their car and on college campuses on the back of their $3,000 Balenciaga backpack that they got from mommy and daddy. Those same people, a lot of them would kill you in a minute. No, it's like your cat.


I love cats. I had a cat. Cats are cool. I don't have a cat now. I have a dog.


I'm a dog guy. But I went on a report once. I don't know if it's true. I'm not a cat biologist. Justin, you have a cat? You have a cat. It's said that your cat.


Would eat.


You if you were just smaller and that it likes you, but it's scared of you because you're bigger, but it would probably eat you if you're smaller. I don't know. I'm not a cat biologist. However, I am a leftist anthropologist slash biologist.


I made that up myself not.


Really, but I am. I go out in the field and I study these people, and I'm telling you right now, these people would kill you.


I hear myself.


I'm telling you.


These people would kill you. Now I don't... I'm not trying to kill myself. They were very good.


They would kill you in a second. These are the same people who although reports are now emerging that these terrorist demon savages overseas were gouging.


Eyeballs out. They cut the leg off a little in front of her parents.


They cut the off a woman in front of her daughter. I mean, these are first-hand reports. You can see them on cable news and respectable cable news channels. First-hand reports from medics who were on the scene, multiple eyewitnesses. There are still people on college campuses like, We love Hamas. These people would kill you in a minute. The left has shown their ass. That's mine. The left has shown their ass this week. Their asses are out everywhere. They don't care anymore. They're not hiding it. They're not even like a little bit hiding it. These people would kill you in a minute.


Listen to me. I get it. There's a lot of.


Sarcasm in.


The show. I say it often.


The verdict is in.


I'm not fucking around. I am being as serious as a heart attack.


It has now become mainstream to want to kill Jews and torture them. This is the craziest. I've never seen anything like this. If you've ever wondered how historical tragedy.




The Holocaust and slavery and things happen.


Now you know.


Now you know, it's the same people.


It's the co-exist people. Folks, I'm obviously very concerned about where this is going.


Now, we can have two.


Simultaneous thoughts in our head at the same time.


It's amazing.


How many who want to defend the terrorist simps out there.


Who want to touch, here's Hamas's ass. They want it right in their faces. Give me that Hamas ass. They want to kiss it. It's amazing how many people cannot simultaneously hold these two thoughts at the same time. We need to do everything we can to de-escalate a situation to avoid World War Three while simultaneously being morally clear that the Israelis have every right to defend themselves against eye-gouging, child-raping, breast-cutting-off-savages. We can have those two thoughts at the same time, correct? Can we do that? Can we see leftist morons are like, What do you want? World War Three? Do you listen to my show, Dipshit? Because if you listen to my show, you know how dumb that sounds.


I am concerned about a global conflict.




I want to be realistic.


Guys, I'm sorry if the show came.


Out hot today on a Monday. We got 50,000 people only nine minutes in here.


But I got a lot to say. Usually, I have more elements in the beginning.


But I have to get this out of my head.


I don't think people understand.


Militarily what's going on right here.


The people hyping up the next global conflict, that World War III is around the corner, if you don't have moral clarity.


Against Thomas.


Are full of shit. A couple of things.


Yes, this is serious.


I'm worried more about China and Russia, though, than I am right now about army-wise.


I'm not talking terror-wise.


The Iranians. The Iranians are a regime protection, basically a bunch of the military is a bunch of dancers in a bar. Those dancers may be tough in the bar, but faced up against 30 or 40 gang members outside the bar, they're in rough shape. That Iranian military, a matter of fact, every military around the Middle East outside of the Israeli military is basically there for one thing. Joe, they're there for defensive regime protection. They have almost zero logistics capabilities whatsoever outside of terrorism of taking a massive armed.


Conflict anywhere else.


I say that because even on the show, like when I mentioned World War III, I don't want you to think like I'm specifically talking just about the Iranians and Jordanians. I'm talking more about China and Russia that, believe me, do have the logistics capability to take the fight to Taiwan and elsewhere. Russia is doing it right now in Ukraine. But you can be morally clear, the Iranian army and all of those Middle Eastern armies, the Syrian army, they're bogged down in our own civil war. The Jordanian military, they're not walkovers, but they have almost no offensive capabilities at all. They're regime protection only. The Chinese, however, and the Russians are not screwing around. We learned this week and you're seeing the South China Morning Post story that the People's liberation army of China now has six warships in the Middle East. There's conflicting stories there about how long they've been there. One says they've been there since May. The other says they've been there since May, but their mission has changed. The bottom line is this, regardless of what story as to why they're there, the verdict is in. They're there. There are six warships in the Middle East.


Why do I bring this up? The hype up World War III? No. Just to tell you that the potential for an incident goes up if two parties that don't like each other, i. E, us and the Chinese Communist Party, are over in the same area, right? If they're not there, it's hard to have a conflict. If they're there, some really bad shit can happen.






Finding out.


And I'm using these left-wing sources too for a reason, not because I believe them, but because I've been dealing with lefties again all week who think everything's made up. The terrorists killed a bunch of babies, little kids, and rape women. What the hell is time, CISO? You're an asshole. Okay, you're just stupid. Some of the stories on both sides, yes, have had been retracted and rescinded.


Some of them on both sides of that... That happens in any conflict.


Everybody knows that.


However, the gist of the story on one side is accurate. The gist of the story on the other, the Israelis blew up a hospital, is not. We now find out that incident, the Red Sea with that US destroyer where they intercepted a cruise missile, we were led to believe early on that it was one missile that came from Yemen over the Arabian Peninsula was going to hit Israel.


Now we find out that this incident actually lasted nine hours. Folks, it involves something like 15 drones and nine hours and multiple cruise missiles. My guess is you didn't get this story right away. It's from CNN, so take everything with a grain of salt. But I'm using CNN as a source for a reason, because the lefties insist to you that everything you're hearing about this is all fake. We had a nine-hour incident with multiple cruise missiles and drones. Folks, this is a big deal. This wasn't just some small, fly-on-the-back-of-the-neck moment. We have to avoid making this a regional conflict, but it's not going to be done through weakness, and that's the problem. Now, Joe, you can unfrag this right away in almost record amount of time. What did we say last week? I told you that a litany of foreign leaders were going to head over the Middle East to try to delay an Israeli ground insertion into Gaza, which I think would hopefully send a message that would quell a lot of these regional adversaries who are sniffing out any weakness right now. The weakness is being created by us. I don't understand how us letting the Israelis do their thing hurts us right now.


It's not our troops. It may be some of our intelligence. It's not our troops. We're not risking any of our people. Why would we be in the way of the Israelis right now? I don't understand. Why not just let them do their thing and clean this mess up and do this ground insertion into Gaza so that these other regional actors don't start sniffing weakness and then make it our war? Folks, listen, I'm a Reagan conservative from back in the day. You don't find it a little bit odd that during the eight years of Ronald Reagan, despite again, oh, Reagan.


conservative, you must be a warmonger.


Tell me again what war we got in with Reagan. We had some military action into Reagan, but there was no World War. Why? Because Reagan wasn't fucking around. You want me to be honest with you? He said, You're going to build a missile thing? We're going to threaten this what they call Star Wars, which was really strategic defense.


Star Wars was more of an insult term, lobbed at it.


The Russians got scared. I mean, it should be a news flash to anyone that people who pluck the eyeballs out of people and rape women and children and burn them alive that they only understand strength and death. Let the Israelis give it to them. I told you guys the other day that Biden only went over there to delay the ground invasion because he wants to give these savage animals time to rearm. Oh, snap. Look at this. The Guardian, other left-wing source, came out this weekend. Us quote holding back.


Israel from strike.


Against Hezboah. There you go. There you go. That's a that's a we look at that. They note, Biden uses this time in Tel Aviv on Wednesday and visits by top.


Us defense officials on the day before.


Like I said, a litany of people were going to pile into Israel, don't do anything while I'm here.


To urge the Israeli leadership not to risk a preemptive strike on the Iran-backed.


Militia, as if that's going to make them go away. Prime Minister Benjamin.


Netanyahu ultimately called on the idea.


Oh, look, as I told you, another foreign leader has also been touring.


The region.


They're all going to want to tour the region now. Richie Sunak from the UK, seeking to do what? Exactly what I told you. Seeking to prevent the conflict from spreading. It's already spread, guys. It's already spread. Let the Israelis do their thing so we don't have to do more things, if you know what I mean about things. The overwhelming.


View I got from everyone I spoke to was that we need to do.


Everything possible to stop a contagion of conflict in the region, Sunak said. Unflag it. Yeah, that's fine. Thank you. Thank you. That's not even a week. Listen, man.


Again, I'm sorry, man.


Chatsters, do we have an unfag thing? Do we have an unfag thing in the chat? Someone needs to get in a... Someone create that. We need an.


Unfag thing in there.


Because you're not wasting your time here. A bunch of sources were telling me the only reason Biden was there was to delay the ground invasion because they're trying to give these other guys time to rearm.




Telling you, bro.


You're not wasting your time.


Now we find out, by the way.


Again, I usually get to some elements quicker, but I got a lot to say.


Now we find out over the weekend that Hamas and Hisboleau know full well about our open border in the south and that they may be trying to secrete cells of people across the border in the south into the United States. Again, big shocker, stunner. People who want to kill the infidel, i. E, us, first we get to Saturday and we get to Sunday people. I'm going to change that from... It's actually we'll get to Saturday and Sunday people at the same time because they hate all of us, the infidel. You think it.


Would be even remotely surprising that they would see what's going on in our southern border and go.


Hey, man, that's a golden.


Opportunity to get some terror cells in there and.


Over there. Don't you think we could kill some infidels? Stunner.


Daily Caller is a massive exclusive on this.


But it's not like there are people coming. Oh, look, there's a Bill Mellusion tweet. Bill Mellusion from Fox, who's down at the border, breaking. Cbp reports there were 269,700 migrant encounters at the Southern border September. Don't worry, Joe. It's only the single highest month ever recorded. Oh, God. Perfect timing. They're doing great. The border's secure, fellas. Don't you worry about it. Cbp reports this.


Fiscal year.


Finished with 2.47 million illegal encounters. The highest annual total.


Ever recorded in a single year. Ladies and gentlemen, that's illegal encounters. You can probably tack on another million that made it in here who we did not encounter because no one encountered them at the border because they just walked their asses right in. 2.47 million folks. Ladies and gentlemen, if 1% of 1% of 1% of those are hardcore terrorists looking to do a demo on the United States, then they're already here. Why do you think I've been tweeting out all week and the enemy is already here? Folks, nothing is going to be done to stop this. Nothing is going to be done with these people in charge. We cannot get to election day soon enough. Their biggest fear right now is one of these lunatics across the border, these savages across the border, because we know they're here, these terrorists. We know they're here. Engages in some massive terror strike in the United States. The lefties won't change one bit because they're a bunch of terror Sims. I'll show you what I mean coming up in a minute. Let me take a quick break. I've got this. Elhan Omar losing her mind. The terror Sims just don't get it, ladies and gentlemen.


They don't get it. Let me take a quick break, and then we'll get right back to it. I got to chill a little bit. It's been a hot show right in the beginning.


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This is the stuff I was talking about. We got people piling across our southern border right now who clearly want to kill us, the freaking infidel. How do.


We know they want to kill us? Because they keep talking about killing us. All they do is film videos about.


Killing us.


And then they put on a GoPro camera. They put on a GoPro camera, go out and kill people, and then they broadcast it everywhere. That's why. Here are their terrorists and friends in Congress. Here's Ilhan Omar, who again, the left loves to do this all the time. They love to start the story in the middle. She forgets. She's like, How many more people would you have killed? She's pretending like the Israeli counter strikes here just started randomly out of nowhere. They didn't start randomly out of nowhere. They started as a response to a bunch of their citizens having their eyeballs gouged out. Take a listen. I have another question. Why don't we find- A question from anyone else? -that burned, tortured.


Killed their.


Babies and and still have them. Why don't you want the Israelis to go after the terrorists that did not go?


How many more.


Killings is enough for you?


Is it 1,000 more? 2,000 more? 3,000 more? How many more Palestinians.




Make you.


Happy if.


They die? Will you be fine if all of the people of God were gone? Would that make you happy? Would that be the thing that makes.


You proud? And maybe that's the question you should.


Ask, Richie. Is he okay? How many more.




Lives is he comfortable with?


Because I am.


Not comfortable with anymore.




Notice how they always start the story in the middle. They do this all the time. Reminds me of old Thomas Solvidea, where he debates Helen.


O'banyan about.


Welfare stuff, and she goes, Well, what are you going to do? Pull all these women off welfare? Thomas Solvidea is like, Why do you start the story in the middle? How did they get on welfare in the beginning? Because you incentivize a bunch of people to engage in family-type relationships without fathers around. That leads to a lot of criminality and broken homes that leads to welfare. Why do you always start the story in the middle? Here's another one, man. Here's another terrorist. You know, cattle guy, Medie Hassan? Medie Hassan from MSNBC, who was infamously caught on tape comparing non-believers in Israel, the atheists to cattle, comparing them to animals. This guy's got a show on MSNBC. Here he is, pumping his bullshit. This terrorist simple, loser liar about the Israelis annexing land. Annexing what? They gave the land back. Does this idiot not know that? And calling them the occupier. Here's the catch. This guy knows.


Exactly what he's doing.


These terrorists want us to engage in a world war like that. There's nothing they want more than us fighting Ukraine, China, fighting in the Middle East. There's nothing they want more. He knows that. So he's trying to get a bunch of people over to decide. I want you to hear this. He strategically links it to Russia. He did this on purpose. It's not an accident.


Check this out. They see a double standard. It's interesting that he did a whole thing about.




And Russia and linking them together with a slightly axis of evilry, putting them together because they've really got very little in common just when you look at them. Because a lot in the rest of the world would say, Okay, if you're going to compare Ukraine and Israel, Biden and a lot of people in America may see Ukraine and Israel as the same. A lot of people around the world see Russia and Israel the same. They see Russia occupying and invading another country and annexing land and dropping bombs on civilians and saying, Hey, human shields. They see Israel doing that in Gaza. Israel is the occupier of the West Bank and Gaza. That stuff, I know we don't talk about it here in the US on television in Congress. I'm glad you asked the question because that's what the rest of the world is talking about.


You see what he's doing? He's roping in the Russia argument, trying to get the national security right on his team as a strict propaganda expert, even though this is the same guy. If you're a national security guy on the right who doesn't believe in his religion, he compares you to cattle, they know exactly what they're doing. Now, listen, I don't like playing clips of Bill Mar, because the dude's not our friend. He's not our friend, okay? Everyone in the chat understand I'm not playing clips of this guy because he's our buddy. I get it. I'm going to play a clip from him coming up next on his show because I want you to understand. He's trying to warn his fellow lefties about the danger of this metihassan cattle type ideology. They're pushing upon people. How it's in us versus them. Mar gets this. We even know he's not our friend. I'm going to play that.


For you coming up next, take my last break.


Of the show. Then at CNN, just getting smoked overseas because they're still under the belief, unlike Bill Maher, that if they're lefties and they have a co-exist bumper sticker, they're protected. They're not.


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Folks, some lefties are getting it. They are not our friends, I understand. Mar is starting to get the danger of the Manny Hassan type ideology, calling people who are cattle and other things like that. There's an effort to dehumanize them, the occupiers and ex-hears of territory. Mar sees the devastation and the.


Damage going on. And although he's not our friend, he got it. I want you to listen to this. Check this out.


Higher education has become indoctrination into a stew of bad ideas. Among them the simplistic notion that the world is a binary place where everyone is either an oppressor or oppressed. In the case of Israel, oppressors being babies and boobas, the same students who will tell you that words are violence and silence is violence were very supportive when Hamas terrorists went on a rape and murder rampage worthy of the Vikings. They knew where to point the fingers at the murdered, and then it was off to ethics class.


Now, I.


Recognize that a certain amount of foolishness is expected of college kids, but mixing Jägermeister and tomato juice isn't the same as siding with terrorists. 34 student groups at Harvard signed a letter that said the Apartheid regime is the only one to blame, proving they don't know what constitutes Apartheid. They don't know much of anything, actually, but it doesn't deter them from having an opinion. They've convinced themselves Israel is the most repressive regime in history because they have no knowledge of history or even a desire to know it. And actual history doesn't come up in their intersectionality of politics and gender, queer, identities class.




Trying to warn his fellow lefties about the danger of.


Getting into bed with people who like to goug eyeballs out. It's probably not a good freaking idea. Folks, I don't know what... The lefties, what else do you need to see to wake the hell up? That it isn't us versus them fight that we didn't ask for.


They asked for it.


They don't see the difference between the Great Satan and the Little Satan, the Saturday.


People and the Sunday people.


Cnn is learning.


This the hard way. This is my last bit, and we got to get to the Speaker's race because I heard something that just really ticked me off. The Speaker's race has turned into a total debacle.


But some very small number are waking up. Not CNN, CNN. I bet they thought by pumping terrorist and propaganda over the last 10 years and trying to back up the free Palestine cause or whatever they thought they were doing that they were protecting. Watch what happens. This CNN anchor, this CNN reporter, by the way, overseas, found herself in a pretty hairy situation. I don't wish your will on anybody, but they better be really careful over there because if they think they're protected, they're crazy. Watch this. The journalists gathered here because this is where the clashes happen. All right, we're.


Going to-.


You are genocide supporters. You are not welcomed here, genocide supporters. Fuck CNN. Fuck CNN. All right, you see that people are very angry that you're not like the way that CNN has been reporting the story. You hear that, but we're fine. But what you are- You're not in our position. -were seeing the heightened fear, anger, frustration with what's happening. Folks, this lady was in a really serious situation. This could have broken bad state. But these are the same people, these lefties who are really convinced if they put the co-exist bumper sticker on their Gucci backpack or in the back of their Prius or Mini Cooper or whatever Tesla they have, they're absolutely convinced that the savages are going to leave alone. They're going to come for you first, man. You're the infidel, too. What are you, stupid? Can't see the signs everywhere. Now, I was in.


Church this weekend. Father Marty gave a killer homily. I tweeted it out this morning about the difference between stupidity and wisdom.


But he talked about it in not a surface level, in a deep way.


You should listen to it.


It's about 10 minutes. It's worth your time. How it's stupidity what got us here. That these animals and savages and.


Demons, I hate the word animals.


These savages and demons, if you're not in bed with them with exactly their ideology, they're coming for you next, man.


All right, let me move on because I got.


A lot to get to, including the premiere tonight. I'm super excited. I'll be at the Stewart.


Premiere, Stewart Movie Theater down here.


In the Treasure Coast of Florida.


For our movie, Police State. I'll get to that in a few minutes with the next episode. I got a long day today, but I'm really excited. I've never produced a movie before. The movies, you got to see it. I'll get to that a little bit.


But this GOP race for speaker continues to.


Metastasize into a.




Rotting cancer.


Folks, the party has become a humiliating mess. However, however, I'm out in the chat, Teo for a second. I just want you to remember when I think the most conservative candidate was running, Jim Jordan, 194 Republicans still voted for him. The reason I said, I'm not defending these guys, I get it. I understand there's issues and all that stuff. They all hate you. I've told you that myself. I'm just here to tell you that 194 of them voted for Jordan. We should focus our.


Political anger.


At the 20-25 that did not want to vote for Jordan because they wanted to give you the middle finger and they wanted a less conservative guy. Now, I'm hearing from my sources this weekend, now that Jordan has pulled his name out, there are now nine candidates for speaker, but I'm hearing from my guys and my friends up on Capitol Hill that this is all about money, that this is all about appropriations and spending your tax dollars because the lobbyists don't want a conservative guy like Jim Jordan there because they're afraid that he's going to get us off the path to bankruptcy and the Republicans want bankruptcy too. At least the 20-plus who stopped Jordan. I'm hearing if you live in the.


Dallas area.


Which I'll mention on my radio.


Show later because we're on in the Dallas area.


That Kay Granger, who is a Congresswoman from that area and pretends to be a conservative. I'm hearing she was whippin' the whole thing to keep Jordan out of that chair because she loves the spending spigot. They need the spigot open, man. They need the spigot open. Here's Jake Sherman.


Nine candidates now for speaker.


Why not a hundred? Why not all of them? Why not 218 or so? Why not 222? Tom Emer, Mike Johnson, Kevin Hearn, Byron Donalds, Austin Scott, Bergman, Pete Sessions, Palmer.


And Dan Mauser, Pennsylvania.


Folks, I'll take Donalds out of that group. But again, you think they're not going to do the same thing they did to Jim Jordan? They don't care.


I heard another radio host say, Well, if Donalds is black, maybe they won't vote against them because of that.


Ladies and gentlemen, only one thing takes priority over identity politics in Congress, and that's spending your money. They don't care about any of that. They don't care about any of that. They've got to keep the spending spigots open, despite the fact that the US budget gap this year soared to an astonishing $1.7 trillion, which don't worry, folks, it's only the largest outside the COVID era ever. Wait, I thought Joe Biden cut the deficit. You believe that? The verdict is in. I'm sorry, you're a moron.


You believe that? Mess up my gavel.


Here's how bad the situation is. Interest payments on the federal debt have now hit $879.


Billion last fiscal.


Year, eclipsing all military spending by $103 billion. But don't worry, folks. If the treasury keeps issuing new debt at 500 billion this month alone and rolling over old debt at higher rates, annual interest will exceed just a small two trillion by 2030. Two trillion, that was the entire federal budget 20 years ago. It's actually less. Look at this chart. There you go. Those are.


Our interest payments.


This is interest. Senior's on Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, sorry. Fbi, Secret Service, DEA, no good. Va, sorry. Military, no dice.


Nothing to worry about, folks.


Just the most predictable financial apocalyptic in human history. No sweat at all.


Nothing to worry about. I got to play this. I got to take a little out. This is one of my Monday lets cool into the week thing.


You know, Sheila Jackson?


Let me ask in the chat.


You all in the.


Chat, you know, Sheila Jackson? Let metell you why. Yes, you've heard of her before. She's a Democrat. A little crazy.


Sheila Jackson.


Lee is known up in Congress to be one of the more difficult members to work with.


Now, an audio tape leaked out. Did you all hear this? Some of you catch this? The audio tape is semi-hilarious. I'm just going to say there's a lot of exploitives in it. I'm not mad at Sheila Jackson Lee.


Even though I hear she's a terrible Democrat to work for.


For cussing and being fired up at employees.


Okay, we got a lot of yeses right there.


She's known to be difficult to work. I'm not mad at her. Ladies and gentlemen, I've been caught on tape saying some cuss words, too. I was upset when the chat just went down, and I'm still upset about it. But that's okay. I demand a higher work product. Sheila Jackson Lee, though, I think is just mean. I think just straight up mean. So she calls her staffer, I guess they recorded it, and this went down and she just.


Berates these people like you've never heard before. Check this out.


You took a piece of favor from that woman regarding something that was all about Duncan. Where is it? What date was it?


From yesterday. I'm sure while I'm trying to talk to you soon as I have.


To call you and talk to you. When I.


Switched out the picture. I'll call them and.


Then send them to take care of me. I don't want you to do a goddamn thing. I want you to have a fucking brain. I want you to read it. I want you to think Congresswoman... I don't want anyone with such and such a date. That's what I want. That's the staff that I want to have. So some stupid other motherfucker did it, and I don't have the information. Nobody sent me the information. I need to ensure my schedule. And Boo Boo did it, shit ass did it, fuck face did it. And nobody knows a goddamn thing in my office. Nothing. I gave it to you. Your job was to get it on the calendar, imprint it in your brain, or send me the information back saying, Congresswoman, I made sure that the old, I'd duck and tell event that you gave me for so and so date at seven is on the fucking calendar. Not to hold Jerome, have to. Okay? So when I called Jerome, he let me sit up there like a fat ass stupid idiot talking about what the fuck he doesn't know. Okay? Both of you all are fucked up.


They're fucking asshole. It's the worst shit that I could ever have put together. Two goddamn big ass children. Fucking idiots who serve no goddamn purpose. Ain't managing nobody. Nobody's them. Nobody gives a shit about what you're doing, and you ain't doing shit. This is an example of it. I gave it to drone. This is not child's work, okay?


What the hell was that?


Listen, man, a lot of stuff happens when the show and I can tell you for a fact. Although I get upset about stuff, I would never in a million years talk to these guys. These guys are men. You don't talk to people like that. I got into it with a reporter once, basically told him to go fuck himself quite a few times. I'm proud of that. It's in my book. If you want to read the whole transcript, by the way, my new book, The Gift of Failure, the whole transcript's in there.


That guy.


Was just... He was just being an asshole. But these are people that work for you, man. Really? You're going to talk to him like that? I don't care if Boo Boo did it or what. I mean, really?


The hell was.


That, man? How do you even work for someone like that? People walk right out of here.




Totally nuts.


Hey, don't worry, the No Evidence crowd is at it again. Turns out they found a $200,000 payment to Joe Biden. Guess what? It was from his brother after he got the payment from one of the companies alleged to be involved in this pay-for-play scheme. So weird, $200,000 given to Joe Biden's brother, Jim Biden, and then he writes the $200,000 check to his brother for loan repayment. I thought there was no money trail, no evidence. Don't worry, ladies and gentlemen, they already had an excuse. What do I always tell you? It don't matter if Joe Biden comes out tomorrow.


And that emits to the biggest.


Gripped, money laundering scheme in American history, the no evidence a-hole media will do what? The no evidence media will be like, Hey, man, he was having cognitive difficulties. He should have taken or something. He's just lying. They will always defend this guy. Get a load of this. Now that we have the money trail between a company to Jim Biden to Joe Biden for an astonishing $200,000, the.


Media is like, It was just a loan repayment.


But James Freeman at the Wall Street Journal.


Has a great take on this. Really?


Even if it.


Was just a loan repayment.


Comer noted, it's still troubling that Biden's family and her ability to pay back his brother depended on the success of the family's shady financial dealing. Whether the money was payment or debt or just a payment was enabled by the leveraging of the Biden name that he benefited from in the business ventures. What we're supposed to believe is pure coincidence that two payments of $200,000 happen to occur in the same day, and that Jim Biden was so flush he didn't need the America or money to pay Biden, but borrowed it anyway.


The biggest grift in American history. Now we've got the money trail right now. This guy is the most corrupt President in American history. It's why I tweet it and put it on true social every single morning because it's true.


You are dealing with the most corrupt.


President in American history.




Is why these foreign countries, whether it's Iran, whether it's Russia, whether.


It's China, mounting their forces in the Middle.


East right now.


With their PLA warships, they don't care. They're not.


Afraid of oatmeal brains.


Because they own him. This is just the tip of the.


Iceberg on the money trail.


You can't count on the media to tell you the truth. They'll always have an excuse.


These people are full of crap. Yet when it comes to the police state attack on Donald Trump, they're blind. They keep going ahead with this fake electors talking point that Donald Trump and the team down in Georgia were trying to promote fake electors. They were promoting no such thing, ladies and gentlemen. They were skeptical of the results of the election, which they're allowed to be, and they had a backup plan for alternate electors if the Georgia vote count changed. There was nothing wrong with this. Why are they being charged then? Because Fannie Willis in Georgia hates Donald Trump. They're making this up. Thankfully, this.


Happened on CNN this weekend.


Abby Phillips, who's.


Chronically confused, once in.


A blue moon.


Like a blind squirrel, she finds a nut somewhere.


But Abby Phillips again was confused about the fake elector scheme, and there was a representative from the Trump team on who had to set her straight that there is no fake elector scheme. Oh, but they're pleading guilty. They're pleading guilty because they're out of money because they're being targeted by the police state. No one's pleading guilty to this.


Fake elector scheme. Here, take a listen.


In Mr.


Chesbro's view.


Was the architect of this fake elector's plot?


Mr. Chesbro doesn't think there was a fake elector plot. Abby, please, again, I know I'm repeating myself, but the fake elector's plot was part of the Riko conspiracy. Fami Willis dismissed the Riko charge. The charge that he played to has nothing to do with being the architect of the fake elector plot. I will ask anyone listening to ask themselves this question. If Mr. Chesborough was the architect of the fake elector plot, then would the district attorney of Fulton County offer him five years probation and first offender? I don't think she would. That really just proves that while he did accept responsibility for Count 15, that he was never the architect of the fake elector plot. I think if you asked him who was, I think he would say there wasn't a fake elector plot, and there certainly wasn't an architect, and it certainly wasn't him.




There was no fake elector's plot, folks. The JFK election, they've done.


This before.


You have a backup plan for alternate presidential electors in case the vote count in the state changes. They're making this whole thing up. When your friends come up to you and go, Oh, they pledged guilty to a scam to steal the election. They pledged guilty to no such thing. The fake electors plot is fake. There's no such thing. They were alternate electors, and there's nothing illegal about that. Jfk would have been in jail. The Democrats do this all the time.


It's the biggest BS case I've ever seen.


All right, folks.


Tonight's abig night for us. It's the premiere all around the country in theaters exclusively tonight on October 25th, which obviously is Wednesday. Mine and the De Neste and the De Sous's new film is called Police State. I will be in steward tonight. I think that I'm pretty sure that theater is sold out. Tickets are selling out quick in a lot of theaters. You can still grab them for tonight. The website is policestatefilm. Net.


You can only buy.


Tickets there. It's policestatefilm. Net. Polestatefilm. Net. Folks, if you missed the trailer, this is the shorter, one-minute version, but this is a film that's going to change your outlook on everything. I promise you, you have my word. Check this out. Donald Trump.


And the McGaray.




Represent an extremism that threatens the.




Foundations of our republic.


Chief Division.


Counsel and DOJ.


Have approved a no-nut breach. We want the.


Subject to.


Be on display.


Doing the.


Walk of shame, full.


Visual impact.


Any questions?


Are we becoming a.


Police state? The government told American citizens they couldn't go to church on Sunday. I've never seen anything like it.


It may be the Russia.


Other people grew up in, but.


Not my America. Fbi warrant. Come to the door now. There's a heavy banging at my door. Open up. It's 15 marked units on my property. I got SWAT in the back of my house. It took a.


Battery, Ram, to my door. 6:00 a.


M, I hear, boom.




Boom, and hear about six to eight military-style soldiers with the tallest one.


Of them.


Pointing an.




Rifle at my head. Fbi, we.


Have an arrest card.


Shock you out of sleep, drag you out of your house, have clothes, refuse to give you a warrant, ransack your house. Now I'm facing 15 years in.




Prison for doing nothing other than exercising my right to free speech.


Folks, that scene at the end is just horrifying. I can't even tell you how emotionally moving it was watching people on January sixth who did nothing wrong, relatively speaking, not talking about the stuff that happened where people got convicted for other things. I'm talking about these people who were targeted for walking inside the capital through an open door. One guy wound up hanging himself. You're going to hear from his aunt with this Hispanic gentleman. They raided his mom's house. His whole life has been destroyed. All he did was show someone a video of what happened at the Stop The Steel Rally. This movie is going to blow your mind. It's not easy to watch. I know I'm not like some salesman.


Okay, it's fun. Go have a good time.


You're probably not going to enjoy it in that sense. I know that don't sound right, but it's true. But you need to see it. You need to see it. It'll open your eyes. It's probably the most important thing I think I've ever done in this space. Call Police State, premieres tonight on October 25th in Theaters, the virtual premier is October 27th. And if you want to get tickets are exclusively available at policestatefilm. Net. Again, sorry about the technical stuff. It's not a personnel thing. It's just we had a technical hiccup. So it always ticks me off because technology. I'm totally reliant on technology to get to you. And today is a super important show. There's so much stuff going on, and I can't express to you in strong enough terms the growing danger of the co-exist tolerance crowd that thinks in the name that they're doing this in the name of all that's good and is targeting you. Folks, we're only weeks, if not months away from things getting really bad and really ugly if a few foreign actors do some really bad stuff. And these people, these leftists here in the United States will turn on this country in a heartbeat.


They have planned this for a.


Long time, the enemies of the United States, and they know they couldn't destroy us from the external portion of the country, so they have to destroy us from the internal portion of the country. And sadly, a lot of it's working. I've never seen anything like this. People out there protesting for a group that gouges people's eyeballs out. It's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. I'm horrified that this happened in our country. Thanks again for tuning in. I so deeply appreciate it. I was in the live chat early today. I'm always there around 10:00, 10:15 or so 10:00 AM Eastern time. I'm one of my at Dan Bonino show, Justin. The De Bon Jino show. Yeah, so I like chatting with you there. Show goes live at eleven, rumble, com/Bonjino 11:00 AM. Really appreciate you tuning in and click that Follow button. Thanks for hanging in there with us. 85,000 not bad considering we had an interruption. Thanks so much. I'll see you back here tomorrow.


You just heard the Dan Bonino show.