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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts, with your host, Dan Bongino. Listen, man, I got you some. Wait, what are these? This is the NATO Kanye. Imagine these were crazy pills. Tony, just for a second. Crazy. If you take these, you go crazy. If you take these, you won't go crazy. But imagine these were crazy pills. I've got a crazy pill story for you today. Now, I just want to be clear, because I said in a tweet, in a true social, I do not want to be accused of overhyping this story. Okay? Gee, you're know Gee. Gee's like the stoic among us. Yes, dad, what can we do for you? Sometimes maybe this is not an end of the world story. This is not a get your survival food story. It's not a TikTok bombshell. It's not any of that. But it's a story. So can I just say fucking bananas, that it'll make you think, like, there really are morons running the government? Like, legit morons? It's the craziest thing. Let me just get to it. I want to waste any more of your time.


If you were with me in the chat earlier, I kind of teased what it's about. I heard this from multiple people, by the way. Hey, you probably heard by now you should be using a VPN when you connect to the Internet. But if you're like me, adding an extra step to anything you do every day, it sounds like a hassle. Well, if you knew how easy it was to protect your connection with ExpressVPN, you'd be doing it already. ExpressVPN is the easiest way to browse safely, securely, and just better I use it. I love it because I don't want anybody watching what I do. I don't trust anyone, especially the g. It's blazing fast. The government, by the way, you can stream in HD with no issues, and it couldn't be easier. Just open the ExpressVPN app like that. Bang, bang, bang, bang. Click the button. Instantly enjoy protection across all your devices. The fact is, once you connect to ExpressVPN, you don't even realize you have it on. But your connection's secure and your data is encrypted. No wonder it's been called the best VPN by Business Insider and tech radar right now. Go to slash Bongino.


Get an extra three months of expressVpn for free. That's slash bongino. Slash Bongino to get three extra months of expressvpn. slash bongino. Go today, Joseph. It's Friday, amigos. So let's go. I'm in a good mood today, Friday. And you said it too. You're like, man, I love my job, but it's good. It's Friday. We're just regular old american working folks like you guys. Friday, big Joe gets a weekend off. Tony doesn't have to commute 75 hours. Geez. Like, he can play flesh and blood or dungeons and dragons. Everybody's happy it's Friday. So listen, some folks reached out to me, and of course it's never who you think they are, because I know people have certain ideas, and they were like, dude, you're never going to believe this. So remember the cocaine gate story? Cocaine gate. Gee, hated that story. But the story was fascinating because it was, like, really weird. They found cocaine and a cubby at the White House. There's a guy in the White House on video, on a laptop with a history of using a cocaine product. If that picture is authentic, there's no reason to believe otherwise. The guy's already admitted a drug problem.


And everybody was like, holy shit. I don't know where this came from. It's so crazy. And then all of a sudden, this baggie, they find, which is plastic here. Like, I have a plastic thing here. They're earbuds for the show. Plasticine. So they're earbuds for the show. Now, Joe, you're not a fingerprint expert, but if you wanted to pull a fingerprint, you'd probably want a non porous subject like sunspace, like plastic, right? Because it leaves an actual fingerprint and oil. Right? Joe, you're not like Barney Miller, but you could figure that out. Plastic bags, right? Pretty good for that. And that's why I can't plastic bag like this. So I thought that was kind of weird. I'm like, the secret service, which has the best fingerprint lab anywhere on earth. How do you know that, Dan? Well, because I worked in the Secret Service. They can pull a fingerprint off anything magically. They couldn't pull it off a baggie. And I wondered, how did that baggie get in a cubby hole? Someone going, yeah, how did that happen? How did they miss the fingerprint folks? My fear is that the Secret Service has been taken over by a bunch of anti Trump crazy people.


Oh, don't say me. Just before I get to part two of this, in the crazy pill story. Yes. You know, Joe's saying that because Joe's known me longer than anyone. He knows how ferociously loyal I am to the men and women there. Let me say in advance, to the guys and the women out there putting their asses on the line, protecting President Trump, President Biden, President Obama, President Clinton, President Bush, and doing what you do and sticking the politics in a drawer and putting it away. I love you guys. You will always have a special place in my heart. You guys are some of the bravest people on earth. I love you to death. This is not about you at all. I hope you understand that. You can always come to me with problems. This is about management over there. There's something going on with management, and I think they're going down the FBI road. So let's get right to it. What if I told you now that an edict went out in the Secret Service about what color tie you could wear? Now, I worked there for twelve years. I don't recall ever getting a memo about tie colors, ever.


But the story gets even weirder. Why the hell would Secret Service management be preoccupied? People's tie colors? Maybe because some of the people running the agency have gone crazy and have turned into Biden ass kissers. Damn. Let's track back a little bit. Let's go to this story in the Guardian New Hampshire primary. Biden warns us democracy at stake as Trump races closer to republican presidential nomination. As it happened, well, a picture appeared in the Guardian that day and it was of an agent in a red tie. And all of a sudden, the red tie thing became a big scandal. Why would the red tie thing become a big scandal? What was on that red tie? Cocaine or something? No, it was the same color as Donald Trump's tie, Dan. That's the story. Did I not tell you it was crazy pills? That's eight. Yes. Oh, yeah. He gets another one. Agent was wearing a red tie. It was the same color as Donald Trump. These agents need to immediately stop showing solidarity with Donald Trump. What the hell? This actually happened? I told you this wasn't like, I get your survival suit. What is going on?


Are agents on Biden's detail? If they wear Ray bans like Biden when he pretends to be a fake tough guy, are they going to be accused of being Biden supporters because they have Ray bans on? What kind of stupid email edict was that? Guys are pissed. They're like, we can't wear red ties. Now, I'm not going to say who I've reached out to, but Mr. President, I'm telling you right now, clean out that management, President Trump, when you get elected, because I assume you're going to win here. I'm hoping you're going to win. You need to clean out that. They all got to go. All of them got to go. You've got crazy people there right now. Do you understand? I know you haven't heard this story because the guys don't want to come to you. They come to me. I'm telling you the story and I'm telling you it's real. And if you ask about it, you'll find out it's true. If you ask, you'll get answers. These guys, they don't want these guys wearing red ties with you because God forbid they have the same color tie you have on. What the. Now you understand why we're never going to get an answer on the cocaine thing, too.


Now you want this story to get even crazier? Yeah, I'll try not to actually do it. Ready for the deuce? Here's where this comes from. There was a story back in 2021 by Carol Lennon, who I've got to tell you, consistently gets things wrong in the Secret Service. She wrote a story once about a guy who was a friend at the time, and the story was, you may not remember, but it was all over the news. The story was about this agent that ran into a barrier and he was drunk and whatever. He didn't run into a barrier. He tipped the traffic cone a little bit. That's not the story Lenny told. And I confronted her about it on CNN. This is years ago, by the way. She is consistently getting stuff about the Secret Service wrong because she just has this like, I gotta be first but not be right attitude. That's not us. We have the I'd rather be last and be right attitude because that's how you develop a consistent audience, by not fucking with them all the time. Read this piece in 2021. This is what motivated, this is from 2021.


The Secret Service management that is at the lips, attached to the ant. They must have seen this thing and then seen that New Hampshire picture the other day and been like, oh, my gosh, we got a scandal on our hands. No, you don't. Carol Lenning notes in his 2021 piece. Finally, election Day had arrived. The morning of November 3, President Trump was upbeat. This is from her book. The mood in the west wing was good. Some aides talked giddy of a landslide. Several women who worked in the White House arrived wearing red sweaters in a show of optimism, while some secret service agents on the president's detail sported red ties for the occasion. Holy shit. So what? That had nothing to do with anything. And by the way, I've got from very reliable people, the people Carol Lenning was talking about wearing red ties on the 2020 election day in solidarity with Trump and the secret Service weren't even secret Service. They were Waka White House communications agency. They were military. She can't even get the story right, folks, are you tired of this shit? You work all day, you're busting your ass. You're paying a 25% to 40% tax rate to the government.


You're paying payroll taxes for Social Security. They already pissed away. You're paying Medicare taxes and Medicaid taxes. FiCA, all this stuff. They're all broke, they're all bankrupt. The government's 30 trillion in debt. You got morons in charge who can't even figure out how to not let an invasion happen at the border. You got Biden while there's a war in Ukraine shutting down liquefied natural gas exports from Texas to take a dump on Texas, while Texas is helping, by the way, the Europeans get through this crisis because the Russians, they're trying to stop the Russians from sending their natural gas. We are being governed by morons. And I got to tell you, I love that place and the men and women there. You have a special place in my heart. I love you guys to death. I ran into some of them at the UFC, didn't talk politics or anything. Told them how much I respected what they do. I'd never met most of them. These are great men and women to the management there. Listen, man, I'm sorry, you got to go. If Joe Biden wins, I'm sure you guys got a place in the next five years, but you sold out.


This is a bullshit story, and you should be ashamed of yourself. And the fact that so many people are furious at it, it's just like, did you really have to go down the road to the FBI? And then they start knocking some cat for a freaking haircut. He got. The guy got the haircut because his kid was sick. What the fuck is going on? I'm sorry, man. I lost it on the radio yesterday. I did this half an hour rant. I just can't believe we're being governed by idiots. You're making a big stink. I heard one guy supposedly said, this shit's got to stop. The red tie wearing. What are you talking about? These guys are protecting a protectee, Donald J. Trump, whose threat level is through the roof and you're busting their balls about the tie color. Mr. President, President Trump begging you, make some calls today on this, because if this is what they're worried about and not your life, I'm sorry, you're going to get hurt. There, I said it. That's why I didn't want to hear this when you started. This is bullshit. Wise words, my friend. You got a guy whose threat level is through the roof.


I've been told by several, several people who have intimate knowledge of the situation, and you're busting their balls about a bullshit haircut and a freaking tie color while you can't seem to magically find who put the cocaine in the cubby. Bullshit, wasting everybody's time. And I'm embarrassed for you. And don't tell me like you don't know. No, I know the people in charge here. I was there when you were there. I did the detail. Yeah, I was a lead. I did all that shit. Tell me. I don't know. You know. I know you know. It's going to get this guy hurt, folks. They are going to get this guy hurt. And I'm begging someone in the president's inner orbit, they better make some calls to the Secret Service today and say, you better tell me that shit ain't true. You got my guys worrying about their tie color because of a 2021 article by some crazy media person who couldn't even tell the difference between Waka and the secret Service while my threat levels through the roof. I got people threatening me every day. Lunatics calling me Hitler, fascists. Hey, gee, do me a favor.


I don't want to get out of order here, but you know that video I have of Biden? This is, like, way out of order. Biden calling him fascists and crazies. Do you have it? Can you. So I'm messing this whole show here. This is how crazy this guy's threat level is. You got a sitting president calling all of you MAGA people out there like lunatics and crazies, and we're worried about Donald Trump's agents. Tie color really play that. Too much of what's happening in our country today is not normal. Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic. That the republican party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans. And that is a threat to this be. If that's true, Tony, if that's true, right? Like, we're all a threat to the country, right? Would you be stunned? I'm not even asking you to take a political weird. But if that's true what Joe Biden said, meaning he's actually telling the truth for once, then wouldn't severe measures be justified? Like, holy shit, these guys are a threat that we better do?


Like, kind of, like, puts people on the spot? No. And we're worried about the freaking tie color. I'm going to leave that story there. It's going to tell you for the third time. To the men and women working there, I love you to death. You do a really hard job, and I mean that. Joe Biden deserves protection. I protected Barack Obama even though I couldn't stand the guy politically because it was my freaking job. And that's what we do. I took an oath, and it mattered. And if anyone has a problem with give, I give zero will. I protected him and bush, and I'll tell you what, I didn't like either one of them, but I did my job because that was my job. And that's what we do. These guys are doing their job, and you're busting their fucking balls over a tie color. I'm not letting this go. And if you want to play games, I can play games, too. Send someone to knock on my door. I think you can tell after the whole cancer scare, I give zero. Not nothing is going to scare me off. I don't care. I never, ever thought about ever going back in government.


I swear, until shit like this started happening. All right, let me move on because I got a lot to get through. Get this Texas thing absolutely blowing up. I told you. I told you three weeks ago. I warned you. No one believed me in the mainstream. Everybody thought, oh, damn. Conspiracy. How many conspiracy theories are going to come true? Jackasses in the media? How many? That's a conspiracy theory. This thing will go away. What did I tell you? It isn't going to go away. In Texas, you've got a governor who is doing the right thing, by the way, in Texas, Abbott, who's got no political motivation whatsoever to make it go away. And you got a crazy president with freaking spaghetti for brains who's catering to a left wing commie group who's got no reason to make it go away either. Unstoppable force, immovable object. Ding, ding, ding. I've checked our inventory, Dan, and we're all out of theories because you know what I mean. Can you think of a single one we put out that has not come true? We're out of them. Today's the day in Texas. Biden said you guys are going to get rid of that razor wire and we're going to start cutting it and allow the evasion to continue.


And Abbot's like, no. What has two middle fingers and ain't doing it? This guy, folks, there's only two scenarios going forward. I said it yesterday, I'll say it again today. I put it out on Twitter. And truth, the freaking tweet got like 3 million views last night. Biden painted himself in a corner. This thing only ends one of two ways. And I'm telling you politically, not for the good of the country. I'm just talking pure turkey here. You understand? Two comprendes? Pure turkey. That either way, this ends bad for Biden, either. Every single tv camera on planet Earth watches Joe Biden forcefully remove Texas law enforcement in favor of illegal immigrants and cuts a wire to let them in the country illegally, which is a disaster. This guy will get destroyed in the election. Or he shows he's a paper tiger and backs down. Either one don't work. Either way, Joe Biden is effed. I got a quick question about the January 6 bomber thing, too. Involves that guy. It's kind of weird, right? Guy who discovered the bomb. He's like a hero, right, Joe? Hero. I mean, found a bomb. Damn straight, right? I mean, Kamal Harris could have been killed.


Yeah. Joe, what's his name? I want to say Tony. What's his name? Tony says in Spanish, no key. Any idea? Par Jim. You know his name? You could text me. It's weird. None of us. I don't know his name. So weird. Why is the guy's a hero. No, he's a hero. He found a bomb. Can't even say that. Gee, wow, look at what the hell? I'm not used to this guy. I can't even tell you what Gee just said. Give him a shout out, folks. In the chat, he got some freaking moose ball. If there's ever time to bring out the grapefruits, this was the time. I know you wouldn't say that on the mic, but you said it, which is like amazing. All right, quick break and I'm going to ask some questions about that and I'm going to show you. I'm like crying because, tears of joy because I feel like we're finally turning this around, folks. I'm telling you, despite my dower open, I feel so confident. I feel so confident November. November is going to be a good thing for us. Are we going to win? I don't know. I just feel like a lot of people are done with this shit.


Okay, quick break. I had a good night's sleep last night, as you can tell by my just amazing energy profile today. Do you have trouble sleeping? Listen, I'm not messing with you. I can show you my phone. If I wasn't watching everyone here on the chat room on rumble, right here. What do we got there? We got angels. Johnny angel. My brother called me because he has problems. Sleep. My brother Joe, he's like, dude, I'm not really sleeping that well. I told him, you got to try beam's dream powder. It's really important to get a good night's sleep. And I know you've heard that before, but sleep science has exploded. I'm just going to do my own read dreams, okay? Because this is, like, important to me. This stuff really works. The sleep studies. You have no idea how important sleep is. The deep sleep, the REM sleep sleep, the light sleep. I wear this aura ring all day just to make sure I get sleep, because I'm going to tell you something. You can do the greatest workout in the world and have the greatest diet. If you sleep like crap, you're going to gain extra weight, you're going to feel terrible, and your health, your blood pressure, it's all going to be a mess.


Some of these other sleep aids, they cause the next day grogginess. How do I know? Because I've tried just about everything out there. Beam's dream powder contains a powerful, all natural blend, and I. Please look this up. Reishi, magnesium, l theanine, apigenin, and melatonin to help you fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up refreshed. Apigenin is that chemical? And chamomile tea. Oh, I drink it. I feel a little tired. Well, there you go. Just mix beam dream into hot water or milk and enjoy before bedtime. It's fantastic. If you want to try Beam's best selling dream powder, get up to 40% off for a limited time when you go to Bongino and use code Bongino at checkout. That's Bongino, and use code Bongino for up to 40% off. Thanks, beam. bongino stuffworks. So back to the show. Did we have that vo. Did I tell you to put that in there again, the hero? I did, folks. So just quick on this January 6 thing again, the bomber case, the bomb that was left outside of the DNC. So we've got three secret service stories to open up the show today, which are causing me a problem.


First, we have cocaine gate. Now we have red tie gate. And then we have this problem where the secret Service evacuated a protectee, Kamala Harris, on January 6 from a building we're about to show at the DNC, where we now know, according to the great reporting of Steve Baker, Darren Beatty, Julie Kelly, and Michael Schellenberger, there was a bomb found in front, a bomb that apparently was detonated by a robot. And yet magically, nobody's heard about the story. And the hero who found the bomb, nobody knows who he is. If you would, folks, here's the gentleman. You're going to see him there. And he walks up to the car. Oh, look, he finds the bomb. He sees the bomb and he's going to walk up to the secret service car and oh, look, he told him. And look, now they're zooming in. Look, there's a bomb right there. So there's a guy behind the camera. So my question here going forward, someone brought this up yesterday and hat tip to the caller on my radio show, why isn't that guy a national hero? Keep that picture up a second, if you would. Anyone in the chat have any ideas, why don't they want.


There's the bomb they found. By the way. By the way, does that thing not scream bomb? You could put a big red like a, that looks like something you buy on Amazon, like fake bomb for Halloween kit. That's what you would get, right? That's like the no frills brand bomb everybody buys on Amazon. Betty Rocker bomb. Right? When they do those 1980s movies like Invasion USA and 80 to bomb, that's what they use, Chuck Norris movies from the 80s. Chuck Norris eats those. That was sitting there. So again, you're telling me the secret service and the EOD explosive ordinance disposal team magically missed that? No, I'm not buying it. But some random guy just found it. How come we don't know who he know? I gotta remember to tell you this part, too, because something else, someone reached out to me yesterday, too, and told me something. So just to be clear, some hero walks by, finds a bomb that could have killed the vice president, elected the United States. And although we. Joe, you remember this, the Capitol police officers, January 6, there were big ceremonies and stuff. And listen, I'm not going to get into that whole thing.


I love the cops and everything like that. But however, there were all these ceremonies, they testified up on Capitol Hill. You remember what? I'm just curious. I know what you're saying. I know what you're thinking. Why wasn't the guy who found a bomb during the, quote, insurrection who practically saved Kamala Harris's life. She could have walked by that, right? The FBI said it was a viable bomb. Their words, not my words. Joe. Why isn't that guy up on Capitol Hill? Why isn't. Why aren't they. Oh, my God, look at you. That you stopped it. You saved us from the MAGA insurrections. Why? I'm going to tell you why. Weird. A little bit. Even peewee takes. Why? Because they don't want you to know who that guy. That guy. That guy right there found that bomb. They want that guy absolutely hidden. Right? He brings up another good point. Why is the guy dressed in ninja attire? What is this show? Kasugi revenge of the ninja? It's like, is this like an act? Is this a shtick? What the hell's. Did you get his name? Is anyone going to find out? Is anyone going to interview this guy?


Where's good morning America? Is it good Morning America? Like, oh, my gosh, the January 6 insurrectionist. They almost killed the vice president. You saved their life. Yes, I did. I found it. But what happened? I was talking to a friend yesterday about this case, too, and the friend told me something fascinating I hadn't heard before, that that pan tilt zoom camera that pans in and tilts and zooms in on the bomb that I just showed you, that that camera was magically kept the entire night out of the frame, that the subject who allegedly dropped the bomb the night before, and I don't believe any of that actually happened, by the way, was caught on a fixed camera instead. Really? So you're telling me, Tony, you a camera guy? So just throwing this random question out for you. If you wanted to id someone and you had a pan tilt zoom camera, you wanted to see what he looked like, would you pick the camera that doesn't zoom in or the camera that does? Yeah, it does zoom in. Tony's like, I'm not an investor. Tony with criminal experience, how much do you have? Investigator? Yes.


So he has none. And Joe, Tony got that. He's like, yeah, I would zoom in on the PTZ camera to id the guy, but it's weird that camera remained locked out of frame the whole night. It's almost like someone didn't want you to see the subject who dropped the bomb, not drop the bomb. You think I'm giving up on a story? Chastisers. You think I'm getting. I'm not giving up on anything. And though I'm not crazy, and we're not conspiracy theorists, I'm not giving up on squad. This story stinks to the heavens. And I want those secret service communications. They did not disappear. They said they disappeared. You know you have them and you know where they are. They did not disappear. You know you have them. Folks, we are going to have to get patriots back in government. Patriots who are loyal to the constitution back in government. And if Donald Trump wins, we have four years to clean this mess up. That is a decent amount of time, but this is a freaking mess. Let me take a quick break here. I want to show you some just really cool audio of how other people are waking up.


And you may say, why are you optimistic about November? I'm not getting ahead of myself. I don't want to hear any talk of a red wave. And if anyone dares accuse me in a chat form, oh dear. Bonjito said to be a red. No, that's not what I'm saying. Shut the fang. That's not what I'm saying. I'd rather tell you to be a blue wave. That way everybody shows up in a panic and votes. I am optimistic though. I'm not going to lie to you. Whether we win or not, I don't know. I'll show you why in a second. 1st let me get to this. Hey, it's New Year's and a popular men's magazine survey asked guys, what would you change about yourself? Guys said, get fit, get the weights, get going, look better, improve intimacy. These guys line up with force, the next generation testosterone booster. Listen, don't mess around with your t levels. All testosterone products can fail to help build muscle and enhance intimacy and performance. The studied ingredients in force have been shown to help power up testosterone for lean muscle. Weight loss and enhanced intimacy make for a good date night.


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And this red tie secret service stories when I told you was crazy pills and freaking bananas is another one of those stories that just makes me sit down in the chair today, this one right here. And I say to myself, gosh, we're living with a bunch of idiots. And I mean idiots in government. These people hate you. I want you to understand there is a real divide. When that John Edwards, that big phony, ran for president and he ran on the two Americas platform, he was right, even though he was a phony. There are two Americas, just not the two americas he's talking about. There are connected elites, and it's not about money. It's about power and influence and access. And then there's the rest of us. And the elites with access hate you folks. It's not about money. Some of these elites are really rich, and some of them, candidly, are probably no richer than you. But they know people and they have access and you don't. And they freaking hate you. And they hate it even more. Hence my optimism. You see where we're going with this about November? They hate it even more that we're starting to win.


We're starting to win. Yeah, we are. I want you to listen to a Democrat candidate for president. Who? Joe Biden? No, not Joe Biden. There's another one. This congressman Dean Phillips. Is he faking this? I don't know. I don't give a shit. He said it and he said it on a national cable news channel. Ladies and gentlemen, even this guy's starting to recognize that the other America he was told about by the elites that we played, I'm going to play Joe Biden again in a minute. Joe Biden said, you maga fascist, Hitler, terrorist, killer, white supremacist deplorables. Even Dean Phillips is like, I'm a Democrat. I met them. They're actually pretty nice people. Watch yourself.


We have a crisis of participation. And I got to tell you guys, I went to a Donald Trump rally a couple of nights ago. Never been to one. I had an event across the street. I saw the line of people waiting in the cold for hours, and I.


Thought, what the heck?


I'm going to be a leader who actually invites people, doesn't condemn them. Met probably 50 Trump people waiting in line. Every single one of them thoughtful, hospitable, friendly. All of them so frustrated that they feel nobody's listening to them but Donald Trump. A diverse crowd, people who had never been to a Trump event before. My party is completely delusional right now.


Is it going to translate into an election win? I don't know, folks. I'd rather tell you no and say there's going to be a blue wave, so everybody freaks out and gets to the polls. It does me no good to say, don't sweat it. Everybody's waking up. It'll be okay. It won't be okay. There are still lunatics. And yes, the voting systems around the country still suck big time. So even if we win, we probably have to win by one or two extra points just to overcome all the bullshit. But that's not an excuse to give up. I love my country. I love my country. I love my country. I'm not giving up. I'm going to keep trying until we get to where we need to be because the place is worth saving. But I want you to make absolutely no mistake, there are a class of elites with access, like that guy who really believes you were the enemy. When they talk about the deplorables, the little MAGA fascists, the maggots they call, they're not kidding, man. They think of you like rabbit animal. Oh, gee, come on, you got to pull that. Remember Dan Kilde the other day?


Tony, grab that one if you can find it. Remember, he called us rabid animals. These guys are not kidding. They're not joking. They absolutely think of you that way. But just work it. But get to the next one first. I want to show you what I mean here, too. Watch this. Union leader. This is the UAW United Auto Workers. By the way, I know United Auto Workers people because they message me on Facebook. They're not voting for Biden. They're voting for Trump. You want to talk about what elites look like and why there are two Americas, and these people freaking hate you. This union head yesterday endorsed Biden, the head of the United Auto Workers union. There is no one in America right now doing more, no one, to destroy the auto industry more than Joe Biden. But this clown has access. He may not be rich, he may be out of it. Doesn't matter. He has access, and he's not giving it up for shit. So what does he do? He goes and gives a speech. We're endorsing Joe Biden. Joe Biden has f'd you over like. No, I got the receipts in a second in case there's any auto workers out there who believe I'm making this up.


I got the receipts. You want to vote for Joe Biden? You work in the auto industry because you hate the second amendment? Fine. He hates it too. You want to vote for Joe Biden because you like whacking babies in the womb, fine. Joe Biden's your guy. You voting for Joe Biden because you think he's good for the auto industry? You are crazy. I got the receipts coming up in a second. Here is what an elite looks like. These people hate you. Watch this. When you go back to our core issues, wages, retirement, health care, and our time, that's what this election is about. It's this election is about who will stand up with us and who will stand in our way. So just to be clear, nobody has done more to toy with and destroy the auto industry other than Biden. But this guy who claims to represent you by the. And if you're using your real name, don't reply because I don't want you to out yourself. But anyone in the chat that has kind of a screen name here that won't out them, you know what I mean? Put a yes in there if you're a UAW member, because I'm telling you, I get Facebook messages all the time from United Auto Workers union people who can't stand these guys.


You endorsed Joe Biden. And just to be clear, I had to write this down. You said in your speech you're endorsing him because Joe Biden's protecting your wages, your retirement, your health care, and basically your man. Look at that. Look at that. He's protecting your wages. Key, if you would, jacobin. Real wages. The president is struggling in this day. We've got work to do, there's no question. Now you play it again. All right, hold on. I did mention Kildy before. So you guys are like, I think I'm too much energy here. Is kilde calling you guys rabid animals? Before I get back to this UAW thing, check this out. Concerned are you that the president is struggling in their stay? Yeah, we've got work to do. There's no question about it. Former President Trump's supporters are rabid. They're religious about their support for him. A lot of the challenges we're having right now is just bringing democrats home, getting that enthusiasm up again. You guys are like rabid animals. These are the elites with the UAW guy. Tony's getting all excited there. Tony liked that cut so much, he jumped the gun. We got to play kilde.


So the UAW guy, who, by the way, hates you, he can't stand you. He says your wages are going up here. Jacobin magazine. Real wages have declined under Joe Biden's presidency. None of that, you understand? UAW people in the chat. This guy's bullshitting you folks. I want to be clear before I even go on, too. This is not a conversation about the United Auto Workers union. Yeah, it is. No, it's not. It's a conversation about elites and the rest of us and how it's frequently mischaracterized as the evil rich folks. There are rich people who have a lot of money, who stand for stuff and have no access at all. Everybody stays away from them because they don't kiss their ass. And there are people with just average amounts of money, with a lot of access, lobbyists and otherwise, who hate you and can ruin your entire life. This distinction is frequently overlooked by a lot of people in the talk radio space. This UAW guy is lying to your face. Oh, we're voting for Biden. Because he's taking care of. Wages are down, bro. They're down. Well, at least he's taking care of retirement.


Really? There's a whole thing in the Wall Street Journal the other day about Gen Z and Social Security. You know it's broke, right? This is what you're going to rely on. Here's a Gen Z kid calling it, phrasing through Milton Freedman, the biggest ponzi scheme on earth. He said, can you imagine if your 401K or IRA contributions weren't being invested, but were shipped out in real time as distributions to other investors? Now, to be fair on this, one of my disagreements with Donald Trump is they got to propose a Social Security fix, too. I'm always going to play it straight, but Donald Trump wages were up. So at least one out of two ain't bad. But let's go to the other one, the UAW guy who can't stand you, he tells his UAW audience, we're endorsing Biden because of health care. Really, Joe, who was the vice president under Obama? No. Oh, shit. It was Biden. Tony, can you double check that? Joe's, I think, smoking weed today. Let me be clear. Joe is right. Look at this. Heritage Foundation. Obamacare has doubled the cost of individual health insurance. Holy shit. I thought the UAW guy just said, like, they were great for health care.


Here, you want another kick in the nuts here? Boom. Right in the balls. Right in the nuts. You want a kick in the nuts? For you? The UAW guys, whose unions bargain for what they call Cadillac health care plans, well, the Obamacare legislation didn't like that because these gold plated health care plans, as they called them, they felt were driving up the cost of health care. Ladies and gentlemen, the economics of it. I'll have to leave for another day. The bottom line is, if you were an auto worker, your unions in the past, in lieu of higher wages, got really great benefits. Oh, look at this. Even the Detroit News noted in 2017, the Cadillacs tax, which was an Obamacare thing, hurts union workers. Don't matter. Don't matter. Let's endorse them. Don't matter, don't make a difference. These elites hate you. This guy hates you. To the UAW people, this guy's you over big time. Donald Trump is your guy. I was just very candid about it. Real wages were up against Donald Trump in office. The Social Security thing's a push. Granted, the Obamacare thing, they tried to get rid of it. John McCain sunk it.


The Cadillac tax was an Obama and Biden idea. And Donald Trump wants to get rid of cafe standards. And he had nothing to do with this. EV push for electric vehicles. Nobody wants. They want them. No, they don't. Building elements, January 25. Ford's losing $36,000 on every f 150 lightning sold. Fires 70% of EV workers, ramps up gas production. Yes, this is great for the auto workers. Gee, what part of that's good for the auto workers? The losing of the money or the dad? Gee says they both suck. They both suck. They both suck. Here's a Wall street journal. The other day, Biden pushes electric vehicles which kill union jobs. They note the surprising thing is that the UAW United Auto workers are going along. Sounds surprising to me, too. He's growing some balls. I don't know what he took. That force four one one. Testosterone, some flow mentor. He's got some moose dads today. He's like, there's no way Biden lies about shit like this. All. It's all true. He's great for health care, retirement, where he's good for all this stuff. We're just making all this up now, folks. You want to see?


This is just like exhibit 1546 of how they're, who's part of the elites, right? Lobbyists, politicians, wef folks, globalists, entertainers, sports figures that kiss the liberal ring, but who are like the foot soldiers that keep the elites from having to suffer the ramifications publicly of their own issues. Come on. Anyone know? The media. The media. I want you to watch this now, you know, the economy sucks. Prices are up. Labor force participation is down. The job market is good, but not great. The housing market will have high interest rates for mortgages. People are locked in their own homes. Is the economy horrendous right now? No, I never bullshit you. No, it's not. I'm not going to lie to you, folks, unlike Democrats and I don't talk shit about the economy to hurt people, to make sure we win elections. I really hope the economy does well. I hope people realize it's not because of Biden, ever. He's spending you into chaos and he's trying to hike your taxes. But I'm not going to lie to you. The economy is not good right now, but it's not horrendous, but it's not good. Inflation since Biden took office has hiked prices.


I want you to watch the media, people. I just told you the truth, did I not? It's not a total horror show. Yes, we're not in a recession right now, but the economy is pretty shitty productivity is low again, people are stuck in houses, prices are still elevated. That's an honest take. Here's the media, elite snobs that absolutely hate your guts, telling you you're crazy and you're the problem for noticing the price levels and everything else. Take a look. The real story about the US economy. Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman lays out the dollars and cents for why Americans are wrong to feel so down about it. How's the economy doing?


Well, there's the difference between how it looks and how it feels.


Actually, the economy is doing okay right now.


If you actually take a step back.


The US economy is strong. The economy, by all objective measures is doing pretty damn well.


The economy has actually been incredibly strong.


The Biden economy is great. Yes.


How does it look? Honestly, pretty damn fantastic.


But will voters give President Biden credit for it? The question for Biden is, will voters give him credit? When we report on how great the economy is doing, what do you, do you feel that? Why aren't voters giving President Biden credit? Because it sucks. Because prices are up. And when prices go up, even if the economy is not terrible, it's not terrible. It sucks, but it's not terrible. It feels worse because you can get a 3% raise, folks. But if inflation is 6%, you lost money. Joe, do we have to go to Jay's abacus? This is the original, folks, if you know this product here, you are the hardest of hardcore p ones. If you're asking, then did you just burp on here? Yes, I did. Let's do the abacus. Okay. Jay knows all, man. Jay. And it's not Jay's abacus, it's Jay's abacus. Some dude sent us this after me and Joe had done like 100 shows. So Jay, if you're still out there, God bless you. So if you're at 3% raise, moving some numbers here, and inflation makes prices go up 6%. Yeah, Joe, by my Jays abacus math, that means shit still costs you more.


Damn, it gets us every time, that damn abacus. But the media, who, by the way, if this was happening under Trump, would tell you this is the worst recession in human history. Every day people are dying, starving in the streets, are telling you you're a bunch of morons. Why? Because what's the theme to today's show, ladies and gentlemen? The elites, I. E. The media, hate you. They hate you. So why are you so optimistic, Dan, about November? Because, folks, nobody listens to the media. No, no, they do, Dan. No, they don't. Media operations are going out of business around the country. And I say yes because you bullshit people. People don't like to be bullshitted. So what happens? They say, I don't want to be bullshitted, so I'm not going to read bullshit. And when you don't read bullshit, what happens, Joe? You don't buy bullshit. And when you don't buy bullshit, they don't make money and they're going out of business. But that's my problem. I'm supposed to worry about that? I'm supposed to pee my diaper right now because some media guy in the LA Times lost his job because your paper hasn't told the truth in 200 years.


That's not my problem. I want you to listen to of the elites. This woman is like the grandam again. I'm not saying she's wealthy or rich. It's not about money. It's about access. She has access to. She writes at the Washington Post. She has access to all the liberal thinkers. This woman is a certifiable moron. I mean it like probably has the iq of a speckle toed sloth. She's an idiot. But everybody loves Taylor Lorenz. Here she is the other day doing this video. Oh my gosh. Media people are going out of business. That's what happens when you're full of shit and you hate your readers. Watch this.


Journalism industry is basically in a free fall. Today the Los Angeles Times laid off 115 employees. They wiped out their entire DC bureau in an election year. They laid off pretty much all of their sports teams. They killed their entire tech and business section. They laid off breaking news writers, social media editors. The list goes on. But what's really dark is this is just the latest in months and months and months of layoffs in the media industry. In fact, tens of thousands of journalists have been laid off in the past year. Major media companies like Buzfeed News have completely shuttered their news operations. Time magazine also just laid off a ton of people. And oh, Sports Illustrated basically shut down last week. Pretty much the entire digital media ecosystem that myself and a lot of other millennial journalists came up in has been completely hollowed out.


Someone got a freaking Kleenex. I don't give a shit. Oh my gosh, Dan, people are losing their jobs. No, they're not losing their jobs. They got themselves fired. You know why? They had one job. Any idea what their job was? Joe, if you're in the media, what's your job like? Maybe put out the facts. That's kind of an easy just put out. You couldn't even do that because you're freaking morons. So you guys lost your jobs? That's not my geek. Can you put the chat on the screen, please? Chastisers. I really. Yes, I give a shit that they lost their jobs for lying to you or, no, I don't give a shit. Bot. Gino, if you're there, can we get a poll on this, too? I'd just like to know, does anybody give a shit? Anyone learn to code? I'm sorry. Is there a single yes in there? No. Okay. I don't care. No. Fuck no. I think we broke the chat again. Holy shit. We are like. You guys are a bit. We sit. We broke. Look at, there's the chad. There are so many. We give so little of a shit. We broke the chad.


Why do 125,974 people. Why are they watching my show right now when none of them are watching the Washington Post? Because we tell the truth. We've been out ahead of every story. You wouldn't be here if I was bullshitting you. Gosh, that was crazy. You guys, look at. Oh, you guys almost, like, fried the chat for good. There's a rumble server right now. Someone sitting there with a fire extinguisher. Dude, nobody cares. We're supposed to feel bad for Taylor Lorenz. The woman lies, man. The chat's, like, totally nuked. I know. I love it. I think we broke everything. Only we could do that. Nobody cares. I know. Chris is going to be like, bro, I want to end on this story just to show you why everybody hates the media, folks. Rolling Stone, of all the Media outlets, is easily one of the worst. Joe, you and I have covered, I don't know, 1015 Rolling Stone hoaxes. It's still going. I could watch this the rest of the show. This is so crazy. This is just nuts. Oh, my gosh. But this is. This is crazy. You guys are hilarious. Rolling Stone's the worst. Okay.


Rolling Stone's been caught in all kinds of hoaxes over and over again. So someone sends me this story the other day. Dan, what are your thoughts on this? Rolling Stone, Trump's White House pharmacy handed out drugs like candy. New report. A DOD report found an obscene lack of control over the handling of control medications. Why? Trump was in ritas by Nikki McCann Ramirez. Three names. Joe. She sounds really serious. Holy shit. I was like, wow, that's bad. Trump's White House pharmacy. So I actually read the, you know, again, folks, I don't want to pumping it down your throat because nobody gives a shit, you all a good job. But I actually did this whole thing in the White House. Whatever. But I actually worked there. I'd say a little bit of experience. Worked there for five years. So I read the article and it said that the White House was giving Ambien and provigil to people who needed it. And I thought to myself, Joe, did I ever work in Trump's White House? Joe was thinking to himself, I don't think so, Dan, because when I met you, you were running for the Senate and Obama.


So Joe's doing math in his head. Wait, we get in the. No, no, I never worked in Trump's, but I did work in another White House. It was, oh, Obama and Bush. That's right. And it's interesting that the exact thing in that Rolling Stone story that's framed as a Trump scandal, the exact same thing happened in those White Houses, too. Oh, my gosh. They gave out sleep medication and they gave out provigils so people could be alert. What a scandal. Why would you think they would do that in a White House? Let me save you them, Joe, you ever traveled overseas? You've been to Russia. I know that's. Sure. There's this thing. I don't know if you know this. I know when you travel you probably didn't pay attention. There's a time change. I don't want to confuse you with too much information. There's a time change thing. And when you fly there, because you can't walk there, what happens is you land and you're groggy from the time change and you can't sleep. So, Joe, when you're a secret service agent or in the military, and you've got to wake up the next day, and yet you're still on east coast time because you work at the White House, which is on the east coast, and then you're on, say, London time, which is five or 6 hours ahead, whatever.


London. Or say you're in Paris, you're on a different time zone, and you've got to get up in the morning and you've got to do this crazy thing called protect the freaking president and be alert. So the White House. This is insane. Joe, the pharmacy, you believe the balls on these people? They may give you an ambient to go to sleep. Holy shit. Didn't we do another version of this story three years ago? Yes, we did. Yes, we did. You got a good memory, you. Yes, we did. Holding 15 year unauthorized distribution of ambient. What do you think these guys are getting ambient for? To snort it? This is your rolling stone's latest scandal. I guarantee you we did do it because they were accusing Ronnie Jackson, the congressman, now you remember, the doctor, of doing the same thing. This happens in every way. So, folks, rolling Stone, just to be clear, you want the agents now in Biden's detail to fly overseas overnight on no sleep, and then when they give him some provigil to possibly stay alert so they don't get the president killed? You object to that? The guy writing this story or the source, the woman is probably like 20 years old and has probably never had a real job.


Oh, my goodness. I got news for you. Here's even crazier, folks. We give fighter pilots provigils sometimes, too, because they have to fly a long time and kill people. Oh, my gosh. The snowflakes in Harvard, they're like, we do that. Holy shit. That's so bad. They're giving out drugs like candy. Keep in mind, this is from the generation sitting there smoking a freaking bowl from Hunter Biden, watching Hunter Biden smoke crack on a laptop. Folks, however much you hate the media, you don't hate them enough. The Rolling Stone story is total bullshit that happens in every White House because we don't want the president to freaking die, assholes. And you don't seem to have any problem with the president's kid on tape, engaged in sex orgies, smoking a crackpipe, you dipshits. Are you people always this stupid? Trump scandal, white ass pharmacy. However much you hate these people, I promise you, it ain't enough. I gotta run. Don't miss my radio show coming up. It's important. I got a lot of stuff I'm going to talk about there, too. Please download the Rumble app. Rumble has been had. A great week. Our best week in a long time, folks.


Download the Rumble app, open up an account. It's absolutely free. Chat with us. Join us every day for the show. 11:00 a.m. Stay for the radio show at noon. We totally dig having you. 127,000. I think that may be a new record. Love you guys. I know. Ten more minutes, we would have did 130. We could have done the flames and the digital. Almost there, but I got to do the radio show. I'll see you guys back here on Monday. Heard the Dan Bongino show.