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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host Dan Bongino, getting to the show today.


You ever see that movie War Games, you younger fellows and ladies out there, fellows, people use that word to listen to the show. You people like war games. What the hell's that? It was a movie in the 1980s with Matthew Broderick. And this guy sets off a global thumma thermonuclear war thinking he's playing a game. And he in the worst computer voice from the 1980s. The computer asks him, remember that? Shall we play a game that sound kind of like the computer?


I think so. Hopefully someone like you can check out that clip. Yeah. Thank you, Joe. That's my best computer accent.


So shall we play a game today? Oh, no, it's not going to be hokey.


We're not going to play. It's going to be like UNO or poker. I want to play a larger game today, I given the passage of the devastating portcullis bill and the immigration policy collapsing, taxation policy collapsing, I want to play a logic game and ask the Democrats a few simple questions if your policies are right. Then why not? This will get to this in a minute today, but you've expressed VPN to protect my data with a VPN from Express VPN go today.


So should you get a VPN Express VPN Bungeni. Welcome to Dan Bongino. So let's get to that. I also want to get to a video of Michael Moore embarrassing himself, engaging in magical thinking. But that's what Michael Moore does best, along with other things he's very skilled at, too. But I'll leave that out of that because I want to keep the show somewhat on the level. Let's say, as I said Today show brought to you by friends that express VPN.


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All right Joe, let's go. I will have an announcement at the end of the show two tonight. Don't let me forget that. All right. I got to I have a little big asterisk here, but I don't want to forget my announcement. So let's get back to our war game, shall we?


Play a game, start using simple logic, right. We're going to play an if then game. If the Democrats are right, then why not this? You know, if then equation's right. Some of you took a logic course in college, wasn't Moad Estonians and Motus pollen's and stuff like that. Remember that if then logic. Right. So let's start with number one for the Democrats.


If you're a liberal and you're intelligent, you will no longer be a liberal after this show today. If you're a liberal and you're not intelligent, don't worry. You will still be safely ensconced in your liberal ideological prison after the show today. No worries at all. Let's try number one here, Joe. If government spending. In government spending your money, because that's where government gets this money, makes us wealthier and more prosperous. And why not spend more?


All right. You may say, well, Dan, that is a standard logical fallacy of reductio ad absurdum, you're reducing the argument to the absurd to make a point. I'm not doing that. I'm asking a sincere question. Given the passage of the Occulus bill, also called the stimulus bill spending ridiculous amounts of money we admittedly don't have, the government doesn't have it. It doesn't. They're just printing it, if that's OK. And it's going to make us wealthier and more prosperous.


That's the goal. Right? I'm trying to I'm trying to get myself in the liberal Melen, in the liberal HADOW that hurt a little bit. I hit myself with my own gavel. I'm trying to get myself in the liberal head to head his head scratcher right now, because it's very difficult to get yourself in the liberal head. But if you actually believe that, that's your pitch, right? Spending all this money is going to make us better off.


Am I wrong? Liberals, if you're listening, stop here. Pause the show. And am I wrong or was your pitch? No, no. Let's spend all this money in the stimulus bill because it's going to make us worse off. That's not your pitch, right? OK, good. So you think it's going to make us better? So my question is sincere. It's not reductio ad absurdum. If spending this amount of money is a good thing, why didn't we spend more?


Is there a limit? Is there a limit to government spending and if there is a limit, don't you think you should tell us what that is? The folks, again, I know this is a simple logic exercise, so liberals are having trouble, but to the conservatives listening, you're getting it, you're picking up, you're like, yes, makes sense. If there's a limit, what is that limit and what's on the other side of that limit?


Because if on the other side of that limit is national bankruptcy, where we all go under and the country collapses, I think we should know that. No, Joe, just throwing that out there and be very good. Is that not a fair Joe fair? If if government spending is a good thing up to a limit, you haven't told us this limit. And on the other side of that is, yes, after this limit, we will surely collapse from bankruptcy.


You should probably put out there what that number is. Do you get what I'm saying? Thank you, thumbs up from GI Joe, make sense as the official audience. Absolutely. You can ever tell us that if government spending is good, how much of it what's the limit and what happens on the other side of it? It's just logic. It's a logic. I know liberals who listen to my show and media folks who listen like an idiot.


How is that not a fair question? So let's get to the stories, why why are we bringing this up now, because as you can see from The Washington Examiner, the great Paul Bedard, Berkovich covid Port Deal list price stimulus. I'm not calling it a stimulus. It's the populist covid porky price tag. This bill is going to cost you that. Biden's going to sign, I believe, tonight. It's going to cost you folks seventeen thousand dollars per person and sixty nine thousand dollars per family.


That's how much the one point nine trillion dollar Pork Gulas bill spending money we don't have is going to cost you because where does the again, logic man logic? We're just using logic. Where does the government get its money? It's not from the sale of iPhones or Android phones or from the sale of recycled plastic bracelets from the ocean. The government gets its money by taking it from you. So if the government is giving you money and how to take it from you.


So how much is it taking from you to pay for the one point nine trillion dollar portcullis, seventeen thousand per person and sixty nine thousand dollars per family? Wow, that sounds like a lot of money. Where is the money going? This is the kicker and please read this story in my newsletter. Subscribe, follow. So you got to say follow on a follow because it's free bungee dotcom slash newsletter. You can follow the newsletter and get it every day.


Here's where the portcullis money, the seventeen thousand per person they're taking from you. Right. It had to come from from from you. It's not there's no money faery. Less than nine percent goes to combating covid. I thought it was the covid Porcupine's. It's the nine percent Joe, nine percent covid Portia's, it's the ninety one percent non covid portcullis. Twenty seven percent goes to basically bail out state and local governments. Gosh, that sounds fair.


You just moved to Florida and now you're paying for your your your buddies in San Francisco to pay for weed and booze for for homeless folks in hotels in San Francisco. Yeah, we covered that story yesterday. Another twenty one percent goes to policies that reduce private sector employment. That sounds great. What a gem that is. One hundred thirty five million for the National Endowment for the Arts. That sounds really important in a covid crisis. I don't know what we'd do without the National Endowment for the Arts.


Another hundred thirty five million for the National Endowment for the Humanities. The humanities people were really pissed. They were like, you gave the arts people a buck thirty five mil. You better throw a buck thirty five miles away to enable like it's not our money. We don't give a. Now, the two hundred million go for the Institute of Museum and Library Services, man. Without that, we discovered crisis will go on forever. Of course, you can add 12 billion for foreign aid far.


That's really great. I'm sure that's going to do a lot to solve the current crisis here, 12 billion for the foreign governments. So that's really terrific. So I'm going to ask you the question again in segment number one here. If government spending is so delicious and makes us wealthier and more prosperous, then why not just spend more? And I'm going to ask you this follow up question. What other? Service or product? In your life, would you spend seventeen thousand dollars on per person or your family's sixty nine thousand dollars on?


And get so little in return. Again, liberals, by the way, if I'm a little hyped up today, so I had I have some information on my lungs, so I had to take two shots of albuterol in my lungs. And it really like geek's me up like you wouldn't believe. I'm not even kidding. It's like mainlining some drug or something. That's why I'm. Because I know guys. Gosh, you sound a little hyper. A little bit.


Yeah, but the subject matter is good. Do thank you. Jose, I've been wondering, do you think what's wrong with this guy? But you drop a nitric oxide tablet or something that do earlier in the morning, what other product or service have you spent your family. Sixty nine thousand dollars on to get so little in return. And why haven't you asked the question like that? Doesn't that doesn't sound right. So you spent sixty nine thousand dollars because the government, again, folks logic.


The government only gets money from its citizens, it doesn't produce anything of value it takes from you. So it took from your family sixty nine thousand dollars and it gave to you back a hundred and thirty five thousand dollars for the National Arts and Humanities. Got another buck thirty five, two hundred million for the Dewey Decimal System Library Services Agency or whatever that was. 12 billion of foreign governments. If another company came to you, Joey Bag of Donuts Inc and said, Bongino family, I want sixty nine thousand dollars from you.


OK, what do you want? Is there some great investment? New tech company? What what do you got? What are you offering? A brand new car. Be a nice car. Sixty nine thousand dollars. You probably get yourself a year or two year old Corvette, right? Maybe a three or four year old Escalade. That's a nice. What do I get for it? Not on a bunch of women. So we're going to cut you a check for fourteen hundred dollars back.


OK, and we're going to send the rest of your money to the Dewey Decimal System and to Kazakhstan. You'd be like against your audience ombudsman for an emotional reality check if you were part of the but you're part of the Armacost Spanel, although you're part Scottish or English, right. So I think they're called Klans over there. So you're part I'm part of the Bongino Fembot La Familia, because I'm Italian or half actually, but half enough. My wife's actually Colombian, so, you know, my kids are all over the place.


We traveled the world. So I'm just checking if you were part of the clan for a minute and they came to you for that or La Familia and said, yeah, we're going to do that. We're going to take your sixty nine thousand dollars, cut you a check for fourteen hundred, and we're going to send the rest to Kazakhstan and the Dewey Decimal System. How would you feel about that? Well, hold on their account. Poor Portilla, back it up.


You would say that doesn't sound good. Now, right now, I'm just I'm just checking. I'm just the cannibal. The cannibal. You go just. I didn't acknowledge the Rush Limbaugh about being on his show, but we should do that every day forever because we are with the great. But again, we're doing a simple logic exercise. If you're a liberal at the end of this segment and you're smart, you should be asking questions like, OK, I know you hate my guts because I'm Dan Bongino and I'm a conservative.


I get that. I understand. I roll with the punches. I have a thin skin, not a thick skin. It still bothers me, but whatever's. But you should be saying, even though you hate me like Goshi kind of makes sense. If we're spending money we don't have taking the money from people who are citizens and you just said, well, then you just said we don't have it yet, but they're taking it from your future income.


That's where deficit spending comes from, not your income today because you don't have it. They're taking it from your future income. So two points. You haven't given us a limit on what government spending where the red line is because you don't know it, which would mean you should be a little more careful. And secondly. Is there a product or service out there you would spend that kind of money on and get what you've been offered by the government?


The answer is not only, you know, it's a resounding hell. No, I wouldn't. Sticking with this theme here, government spending is good. Why not spend more? And how much more should we spend? And what happens when we spend too much question? Sane people would ask like us, not the liberals. Let's say you haven't asked any of this stuff. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, my gosh, we don't have a spending problem and it's a taxing problem.


We spend a lot, but our debts and deficits are largely caused by not taxing those evil rich people enough. That's really weird because there's a great article in CNS News, a really terrific outlet today. It'll be in my newsletter again by Giteau dot com slash newsletter to access the article. Well, you can just look it up there. Here's the headline by Terence Jeffrey, who does great work on this subject. Trifecta, federal taxes, spending and deficits, all set records through February.


So for the liberals listening, thinking, we definitely, definitely have a taxing problem, not a spending problem, we can spend more because we insist that we just set a record, literally a record. And, you know, I hate that word, literally a record for federal tax revenue. And we also set a record at the same time for a deficit in the same period, which if you're again, like replay logic, logic, game logic, if then equation's right.


If taxing is a problem, then how come we just set a record for tax revenue and set a record for our deficit too, because we're spending too much. If then logic equations. I know it's hard for you liberals, but just think it through for a minute. Go register in an online Khan Academy class logic 101, modus tolan's, modus opponents, whatever it is. From the CNPC. Quote, Federal taxes, federal spending and the federal deficit all set records in the first five months of fiscal year.


Twenty twenty one, which is October through February, doesn't match up with the calendar year, according to the monthly Treasury statement released today. In other words, this is government data. Lib's, in case you think we're making it up. The Treasury under the Biden administration have released these numbers, I didn't make them up, federal taxes hit a record one point four trillion for the October through February period. Yet federal spending hit a record two of two point four trillion, which resulted in a record deficit of obviously one trillion, forty six billion, six hundred and fifty four million dollars.


Against simple logic, folks, logic games, if taxing is the problem and we should be taxing people more, how come we just hit people with a record number of taxes as we raise the most amount of money we've ever raised and we're now running the biggest deficit ever? The answer is if you're logical and smart, some of you are in the liberal ecosystem. Some of you aren't. It's because we're spending too much money. McFly, you know.


All right, I got one more story from that which I'll get to in a minute. Sumi, let me get to my second sponsor tonight because this is important again, logic you'd think would reason, logic, science.


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All right.


So block number one of the show. He's got to tell people what you're going to tell them, tell them and then tell them what you told them. That's the rule of trying to instruct. Segment number one here. Government spending is good then and makes us wealthier than why not spend more if we spend more? How much more? What's the limit? And don't you think you should tell us that while we are spending more, we're spending historic amounts of money, that we are now going to have the largest federal deficit this fiscal year than we've had in human history?


We're spending money we don't have. And here's what's happening now. The story in the newsletter today by Paul Bedard. Budget busting spending gives the United States their worst ever economic freedom score. Yes, nice job, Libs. Well done. How to reverse my hands there because my elbows don't exactly work that great anymore. Really great work here. We used to be at the top of the charts, not no one, but at least in the top few countries for economic freedom.


Joe, where now is Paul Bedard notes in the piece. We're now behind even three former Soviet satellites Estonia, Georgia and Lithuania. You want to be economically free. You have to now flee the United States for Estonia, Georgia and Lithuania. Great countries, by the way. Very nice. I have friends who've been there. We are dropping like a rock. Why, because we're spending money we don't have, meaning what if governments get money from their citizens because they're not free market companies?


Right. And they're getting money from you that you don't have. If you don't have it, they don't have it. So how are they spending it? They're printing it, which means they're going to take it from you in the future to pay back all the money they printed. Therefore, your economic freedom. You have to go to Estonia, Georgia and Lithuania to get your economic freedom back. OK, it's not the only war games part here that was part one of government spending is great.


How much? Why not more? Illegal immigration is such a wonderful thing, and one hundred thousand illegal crossings a month isn't a crisis, the White House refuses to say it's a crisis. Then I'll ask a simple question. I lib's again, I know this is really hard. I'm not kidding. I'm not trying to be a tool here. I'm trying to just lay it down straight. I'm asking you logical questions. If one hundred thousand illegal border crossings a month into the United States is not a crisis, the White House's words, not mine.


I know it's a crisis. The White House says it's not. Joe, is this not a fair question? If one hundred thousand isn't a problem or a crisis, then why have a border at all? I don't I don't understand. What's the point of the border?


Then come on again, reductio ad absurdum, you're reducing the argument to the absurd, I'm asking you a simple question. It's not absurd. Is this not a fair question? If one hundred thousand people walking across the border illegally, in other words, Joe Wright ignoring the border. That's right. Then what's the purpose of the border? My job is confused because he's like, I don't get it, because obviously Joe was like, I don't know what is the purpose of the border that I don't do I either.


Diski, what's the point? It's not reducing the argument to the absurd. It's, again, using logic and reason to say, OK, if one hundred thousand people entering the country illegally is not a crisis, ignoring our border. Then what number is? Is is there a number is it not a fair question? When does it become a crisis? Two hundred fifty thousand a month, a million a month, two million. Do you have a number, do you think, if you're the chief executive of the United States to press the United States in a leadership position, that your administration's responsible for giving people a number like one hundred thousand people entering the country illegally?


No biggie. It's not a crisis, but maybe two 50 is. How did you come up with that number? Why is one hundred thousand not a problem? Why is two fifty a problem? Why isn't a million a problem? The answer is, folks, because none of this is logical and they don't believe in any of this. They're just making it up. They don't actually believe government spending creates prosperity because then they would just spend more. They don't believe that they don't believe illegal border crossings are a good thing or else they just wipe the border out.


Just say, forget immigration, the whole process is a joke, we think illegal crossings are great. One hundred thousand with no problem. Let's just let everybody in. Oh, that sounds silly. How is that silly? It's simple logic is spending two trillion dollars of money we don't have is a great thing. Then why not spend four trillion? It's a double great thing. If one hundred thousand illegal immigrants in the country is no problem or to be precise, to be precise, not a crisis, then why not let in?


Two hundred thousand? That's not a crisis either. That's a double, not a crisis. Here's Peter Deucy, one of the few honest reporters left out there in the White House briefing room, I'm sure he they forced him to wear the scarlet letter every day in the briefing room. The other liberal lunatics in the briefing room. He's from Fox's Steve Doocy, says, son, good guy. And here's Peter Doocy. Challenging White House circle back ain't no circle.


My Circle Back press spokeswoman Jen Psaki, who does this, asking another simple question. If kids in cages air quotes was a crisis during the Trump administration, then how come the kids you're putting in cages now, it's not a crisis to the Biden administration. Again, ladies and gentlemen, I know this is blocked to the immigration part, but it's another if then equation. If kids in cages equals crisis during Trump deucy saying then logic here, if then equation's, then why do kids in cages during the Biden administration, why does that not equal crisis now?


Fair question. Right. Sakie had clearly in our heads circling around it, circling back because she can't figure that out. She thinks it's quite funny actually. Check this out.


I think that's a little bit of mixing different circumstances. I would say that if children all in tight quarters, I mean a classroom, but not quite funny. Not quite. I would say that let let's let's take a responsible approach to the two issues I just did.


A responsible approach is to use reason and logic. Is that not the pinnacle, the peak of responsibility to not use emotion, to solve problems and use logic and reason? It's a simple question. It's a simple question by DEUCY if packing these kids into tight quarters in the Trump administration was a crisis of the millennia and you're doing the same thing now. How is it not a crisis now? The answer is because Joe Biden is the president in the media doesn't care any more because they don't want to make anything.


Biden does a crisis, even though the exact same thing was a crisis under Trump. Bingo is right. Bingo to Joe's bingo double bingo. All right, so that was block to. One hundred thousand illegal crossings are not a crisis, then why not 500000 be five times not a crisis? Of course, they can't answer that question because we're using logic and reason they're not. Again, I can't hammer these points home enough simple, logical questions liberals will never be able to answer you.


If government spending is good and illegal immigration is good, then why don't we do more good and just spend limitless amounts of money and open the border? Why not? What's the numbers? Oh, we don't know any that, of course, you know, you're just making it up. Let's move on to another Jim. The whole minimum wage Artec argument. Again, folks. Simple logic here, if that equations Commodore 64 is using them now, I'm really aging myself right now.


Everybody's like the young men and women. What the hell is that? Put it in your search engine. Check it out. Those were high tech back in the day. So they used the whole operation if then equation for basic programing. Here's our next one after immigration and government spending. If a 15 dollar our minimum wage is going to create more wealth and prosperity, make us all better off. Then why not twenty five dollars an hour? No doubt, Dan, reductio ad absurdum yet again, is it is it how is it absurd?


If randomly, randomly, meaning non, specifically randomly for everyone. If randomly throwing out there this number fifteen dollars an hour, despite not knowing any of the circumstances behind the companies that paid less than fifteen dollars an hour, if that's a good thing. Then why not just make it 30? Why not double it and make it a doubly good thing? Why not? Why not 60? Why not one hundred thousand oh, that's how is it ridiculous, what's the name?


Have you put any research whatsoever into that specific number? And if that number is good, why not? Sixteen dollars an hour? Well, ladies and gentlemen. Because this is all magical thinking, we'll get to that hopefully a little later with coronavirus, too, if not, maybe tomorrow, maybe never the way I go contact. It's magical thinking, it's not logic, it's not reason they just invented this fifteen dollars an hour, I think, because it it sounds nice in a slogan.


Fight for 15, there's three FS, I think they just made that to you. I'm not kidding. I'm not joking. I really believe union leaders needed a slogan because they're there. It's a long story, but their wages go up if they're indexed to a minimum wage. So they want the minimum wage to go up. So the union leaders, I think, thought of something that sounded slogans and they're like a 15 fight for 18. Doesn't sound as good.


Fight for 12. Sounds terrible. Fight for fifty three FS, three F's. Fight for 15. There's no no, this this is magic. There's no science here. It's all magic. You don't believe me. Watch this cut by magical thinking. Michael Moore. On MSNBC, and I want you to pay attention to two things here. He says, I am I underline I'm underlining my own stuff as if I don't know, I wrote it for what?


Like I'm not showing it to you or you see me doing if you're watching. And I want you to pay attention to two points in this video audio. First, he talks about it being free money, but he's free to use the money storage, so it's free, everything's free, free money. And second, he talks about the magical minimum wage increase has been. This is just unbelievable. Why would anybody fight against this? They just doubled your salary.


I want you to listen to two things on the other side I'm going to explain to you. The scene versus the unseen. Some of you economics majors already see we're going to go with this, but if you don't stay to play this video, here's Michael Moore about the free money and magically doubling people's salary.


Check this out, Wayne, to me, how Republicans are gaining support among the working class, even though they're not getting behind a bill like this one that is largely very beneficial to the working class.


I know it's crazy, isn't it? So you would think they would just latch themselves onto this free checks of children being raised out of poverty, making sure that I just to tell anybody that if they're working for seven twenty five an hour and then tell them the next day, hey, we just doubled your pay. It's now fifteen dollars an hour. Well, that's really going to turn the voters off. I mean, this is so insane on their part that they're doing this, but here we are and I say it's been a good year.


Obviously, it's been a very bad year on so many levels. But I'm just so happy to be in this moment here. You know, folks.


I know I make these shows personal, I'm not going to pretend I don't know that I'm higher on the moral totem pole than you, I don't get into the personal that I do. I just can't help it. Sometimes this guy's just the dunce. I mean, ignorance is absolutely bliss, and let me tell you something, this guy is as ignorant as it gets. It's free money and they're magically going to double your salary. Doesn't ever ask the if then questions, well, if it's free, where did it come from and if money's free, why not just give people more of it?


And then secondly, if we're magically doubling everybody's salary, why not double everyone's salary? No, no, I'm serious. Why not double? Why not do a national law saying whatever you make now, you make fifty seventy five hundred K, you'll now make one hundred, one hundred fifty and two hundred K respectively. We're going to double everybody. Why not. It's free. If it worked for minimum wage, why not do it for everyone's wage.


Because he's not a smart guy, he's a dunce, and he doesn't understand what Bastiat talked about. A very long time ago, when people were smarter than Michael Moore, this scene versus the unseen. I'll get to the scene versus the Unseen in a minute, I have a great article you must read because you will be smarter than people like Michael Moore who say stupid things like it's free money. Let me get to my third sponsor, my friends at Teater.


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So get back to the show. Obviously, Michael Moore exposes his own ignorance and his own magical thinking. Free money. Everybody's salary is going to be double. That's really terrific, isn't it? Well, Michael Moore, because he doesn't understand economics and hasn't done even a basic level of reading, doesn't understand what's called the scene versus the unseen. This is an article from March of nineteen seventy four. But my gosh, is it worth your time? What is seen and what is not seen by the Foundation for Economic Education?


I'll get to a screenshot from it in a second here. But what Michael Moore is ignorant of is he's blind to what he doesn't see and overestimates what he does see. In other words, Joe, and tell me if I'm if I'm not explaining to try to get to the screen shot in moment here, because it's important. Michael Moore sees a number. He sees fifteen dollars for people who are making, say, eight dollars. He's like, my gosh, that's great.


That's really wonderful. People are making more money and there's no reason for him not to see that there are going to be people who will get a raise if the minimum wage goes up. There are people who are going to get a fourteen hundred dollar check from the government. Michael Moore is going to be like, my gosh, it's free money. Problem is, Michael Moore is unaware of what he doesn't see. And how is this explained? Well, Bastiat explained that a long time ago from this piece.


They say, hey, look at all the good the government spending does. Look at these public works. Consider, if you will, the many jobs these public works create. Surely you wouldn't suggest that government spending be reduced when so many jobs depend on it. The concrete results of government spending are what is seen. But what is not seen is what would have happened to the taxpayers money if it hadn't gone for taxes. See, Michael Moore doesn't think about that.


Michael Moore doesn't understand that. The piece goes on. The money would have been spent or saved if taxpayers kept in it, if it'd been spent, then it would have created jobs in the private sector just as jobs were created in the public sector, except that people would have been spending their money on what they wanted. Now, what the government wants, if it had been saved and directly or indirectly, that money would have been invested and turned into factories, machines and tools.


That is, the money would have been converted into capital goods that create jobs for millions of workers. Ladies and gentlemen, again, asking simple questions like we started block, see this, if a 15 dollar our minimum wage is good, then why not 20 dollars an hour? Liberals don't see that they would answer that question probably. Yeah, 20. Sounds great. How about 50? Because they don't understand the money has to come from somewhere. But where does it come from?


I used CNBC for this article for a reason, so it wasn't Bongino Dotcom, not our site is reputable, of course, but I don't want you to think there's any bias here. Here is a left leaning site, CNBC. What what happens when you actually raise the minimum wage? What is the unseen component of it? So you see a lot of people getting a raise, but what do you not see?


You don't see this headline raising minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour.


This is CNBC would cost one point four million jobs. The Congressional Budget Office says.


Yep. That's what you don't see. Michael Moore doesn't see that because Michael Moore hasn't done his homework, and just candidly, Michael Moore is not that bright. Michael Moore is not capable of processing the unseen because he's shallow and intellectually vapid and he looks and he sees the simple stuff but doesn't ask. And then what? Well, where did the money come from while the money came from companies who had to pay their employees more money they didn't have, so they had to fire other employees?


Oh, I didn't think of that. I didn't think. Of course you didn't. You're not smart enough. You're not smart enough liberals cities, he's not you think the CBO is lying to CBO, the Congressional Budget Office? You trust them for everything else, but when they tell you hiking the minimum wage is going to cost one point four million jobs, you don't pay attention to that. You unsee it on purpose. I don't see nothing. The Sergeant Schultz.


I don't see it.


Bastian's example of the broken window, you ever hear it, a broken window guy in a bakery shop, his front windows broken, right? A glazier has to go and install new glass, everybody looks around, goes, Joe, look at the economic activity, the broken windows, great. The glass guy made a fortune replacing that glass. Look at the economic activity. It's wonderful. I see it, Joe. I see it. I see it, Focker, I see it, that's a no on terrestrial radio.


Yes, you get that before Robert De Niro went crazy. I see it, but what do you not see there? Oh, well, what you don't see is the baker who had to pay whatever one hundred dollars for the new window that's broken. Yeah. And you see everybody working and you think it's such great, profound, fantastic economic activity. The baker, the day after the windows installed has the exact same thing he had the day before a window.


He just had to replace it with a new window and he's now one hundred dollars poorer, but didn't matter. You saw the glass guy working. You just weren't smart enough to think how much worse off the baker is. He has nothing new. He has a window he had the day before. And he's one hundred dollars broker. I know these if then equations are hard, folks, I get it, but it requires not talking about you, my conservative, I'm talking about they do listen to my show.


I get their hate mail and every other nasty thing they said. I'm just asking you for logic. Fifteen dollars an hour is great, government spending is wonderful and illegal immigration is a net positive, then why not just open the floodgates and do it all? Why not one hundred dollar hour minimum wage? Seventy five trillion in government spending and open borders. And if you can't answer that question and you say that's absurd, OK, then give us a number.


That's not absurd. What level of government spending is an absurd, fair question? Right. What level of illegal immigration is not absurd? What minimum wage is not absurd is 15 great sixteen's bad. How do you know that? What happens at fifteen dollars and one cent. Oh I don't know. I haven't done any homework. Maybe you should, maybe you should. Kind of a good idea. No. All right, it's my last one in our if then equation's, that's the first time I did the flip through like that.


If higher taxes are wonderful and beneficial and they lead to net wealth. Then why not the highest taxes? The reductio ad absurdum, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, if high taxes are a good thing, then why not higher taxes and what? No, our taxes too high that they're not a good thing. Is is that not logic? I'm Jeggo again, simple, simple calculations and questions like businesses go through every day.


If producing X number of widgets will make us money, then why not produce 10 billion widgets? No, that's too many. The market can't absorb that. We'll lose money. Why doesn't government do the same thing? No. High taxes are good. Democrats say how high, how, how high or good, how and what happens on the other side of that? How high? No, no, no. How high? 90 percent is good.


OK, 90. Well what happens in eighty nine. What happens at ninety one percent? Of course Democrats haven't asked any of these questions and won't remember that interview with Al Sharpton from a long time ago. We played on the show where they ask Al Sharpton what percentage he thinks rich people pay. He's a guy. I think they pay something like what he said, 30 percent. They actually pay like 80 percent of all taxes. And Al was confused because he doesn't know they don't think this through.


He's not that he's like Michael Moore. They're not that smart. So, again, if high taxes are beneficial and how high, why do I bring this up article in the Epic Times again, be in the newsletter Bungeni that comes out newsletter to subscribe or follow.


I can't get that out of my head.


The Biden administration is raising the corporate tax rate to pay for the stimulus. GI Joe, are you guys are picking up the irony of this headline? Oh, sure. So the Biden administration wants to give you back a fourteen hundred dollar check to your family despite taking sixty nine thousand dollars from your family. And then in order to pay for the money they took from you to give to you, they want to tax the money back.


Yeah. But you get this money, I, I don't know, I don't know. Stop asking stupid questions. I don't care. Kitty, I love you. Don't ask it. I, I don't I don't know. I don't know how liberals go through life being this stupid. I really don't. I'm sorry. I know you just you taking it personal and you're sounding me out, but I can't help it. I'm literally losing self-control here. How do you go through life being this stupid?


You want to take money from the American people to pay to give them less money back to pay for it by taking back the money you gave them after you gave them less money than you took from them. How does that make sense? On what planet does that make sense? Clip? You are an idiot. The judge has spoken. You want to give people money, you talk, but less than you took from them, a lot less to go and tax it back later.


What planet do you live on? Want me to give you their counterargument, their counterargument is going to be this, because I can predict liberals because they're dunce's, where are they taxing the rich companies, corporations, as if corporations are made up of space aliens. That's what they're going to say, that's why Biden's going to say we're promoting the corporate tax. Here from the Epic Times piece, who cut the corporate tax? Oh, Donald Trump will reduce the corporate income tax rate to twenty one percent from thirty five percent beginning in twenty eighteen.


It also reduced the tax rates for pass through businesses and individuals. So Biden wants to hike the corporate tax rate because he's going to tell you it's a progressive tax, Joe, it only hits those evil, awful, terrible, awful rich people.


Well, what was that really what they're talking about doing? Because if you look at this article at the Epic Times, this other article about the gas tax, you'll see they're talking about raising other taxes as well. People to judge is, by the way, there's no human being who says less by saying more than people to judge epic times again article in the newsletter. Biden's transportation nominee, Boudjellal, says the gasoline tax hack is a gasoline tax hike, a tax hike, tax hike is possible.


Spit it out on Genom. That's weird because the gas tax, Joe, is regressive. Meaning it impacts the poor and low income folks among us the worst. Because the portion of their income they spend on gasoline, if they make thirty thousand dollars a year by simple math liberalizes logic is far greater than the percentage people who make five and six hundred thousand dollars a year spend on gasoline unless they're driving to the moon and back every day. So just to be clear, again, to walk through this liberal exercise here.


If taxes are good, then why not more taxes? What's the limit, what's the number, what happens on the other side of that number? And if taxes are good, then why are you giving people the money back that you already tax from them and then taxing them again to take the money back you already took? I'm just asking a question. Now, quickly, I know they'll respond and say, well, the Trump tax cuts, they were all about the rich, too.


I've already thought of this, of course, Aleksandre Washington Examiner. That's actually false. Let's do this thing called facts and data. Liberals are going to have a tough time with this. And because we're only taxing the rich people wrong. From the Washington Examiner piece, again, you can find this in the show notes. You'll see that is, in fact, highly inaccurate. Those tax cuts were about you got a screenshot from the piece which describes some data facts and.


The like, I know these are troublesome things for you. Because of the Trump tax cuts, the unemployment rate dropped to three point five percent in twenty nineteen, a 50 year low. In that same year, median household income increased by four thousand four hundred and forty dollars, or six point eight percent, the largest one year wage growth in history after the Trump tax cuts. I know this is hard. This wage growth dwarfed the wage growth experienced under the entire eight years of Obama's presidency, which was just five percent.


Wow, that's fascinating. Eight years of Obama wages only grow five percent one year after the Trump tax cuts, they grow six point eight percent. That is really weird. Again, if Trump's tax cuts were so terrible and higher taxes make us wealthier and more prosperous, why not the highest taxes? What's your number? You're going to give us that. Of course you will. That would require you to do some homework. That's not going to happen.


All right, let me get to my last sponsor on the other side of this. I've got another alert about the president. I got to watch. I'm sorry. It's just gives me no joy to tell you this, but those bad folks, you know, in this house, what's my thing? Right. Nuggets. I love chicken nuggets. I'm just the kid at heart. I'm sorry. I don't have a fancy palate. Really. The only.


Well, actually, yesterday, what I tell you about the pokey, the pork, I think is called pork. I do like the tune of pork. I've call it a pokey. I don't know what the hell. It's just good. That's my only maybe fancy fufu thing. Everything else. I like nuggets. I'm a chicken nugget guy who makes the best nuggets. My buddy had power. Zell Air Fryer. I'm not kidding. You're appliances.


They take up a boatload of space, get rid of them all, replace eight kitchen appliances with the power Zell air fryer. It's obviously an air fryer, but what else? It's a grill. Rotisserie convection of it. Pizza oven. The pizza comes out of that is solid, solid, a griddle, deep fryer and a toaster oven. I reheat my pizza and, you know, get that microwave, you know, that microwave pizza dough like a sponge.


No, no, no, no, no. Ixnay the power. Xolair Fryer comes out nice and crispy. The power zile. How does it work? It cooks with hot air, not oil. So you can cook healthier. We love that. But the seventy percent fewer calories from fat and cook for the whole family if it's over four times more food than a traditional air fryer and it cooks much faster to save you time. If you ever come visit me at my house, you'll see it right there.


My kitchen. It's a staple. The secrets, the heating elements from above the side and below the grill plate, plus the turbo blades. And it distributes the heat evenly throughout the entire cooking surface comes with a ton of accessories, like a nonstick real plate, a crisper tray, baking pan, drip tray and an oven rack there. All dishwasher safe, clean up is super easy. That's why it's the number one brand of air fryers in the United States.


The power of fire comes of the 90 day money back guarantee. You're not going to need that. They have it. You're not going to you're going to love it. Right now, they have an exclusive offer for Dan Bongino. Show listeners if you go to try, try try Power Excel dot com and use promo code. Bongino, my last name, you'll receive ten percent off plus free shipping excuse me, and a free cookbook. So I had to try Power Excel Dotcom use our promo code.


Bongino Buongiorno. One last time go to try so website TIAR Why Power Excel Dotcom and use code by Gino. And again send me your reviews. You're going to love this thing ok. Onto some sad news and I mean said, I'm not kidding, this is not some kind of dopey virtue signaling, so I don't need to do that. I don't wish ill on any human being. I don't think Joe Biden's a good man or a good president.


Obviously. I think it's terrible. I think he was terrible before his deteriorating condition. But again, I'm getting information that is becoming a legitimate national security threat, that Joe Biden is in really, really bad shape, that his cognitive condition is deteriorating and the man has his finger on the nuclear codes. Here's just another video of his staff. Just secluding him. They won't allow the guy to take questions. He always looks perpetually confused. This is real trouble, folks.


This is not a joke. Is nothing funny about this. Check out this video from the other day.


By contrast, we're going to. Let's go crazy and go to the border, sir. I'll tell you, I you folks, I got to tell you, I'm can I give you a little inside baseball?


I have worked for three presidents, Clinton, Bush and Obama. And I know pretty well the fourth. I've never seen anything like this. Everything that happens around the president is scripted, everything. Why does this guy always look loss that these events? I'm hypothesizing here. That he forgets what the script is supposed to be. Because he always looks lost. Did you notice at the end of every event, he says something like, am I supposed to take questions?


He looks around confused, like he doesn't know where to go. He tries to open a door that's closed. Folks, this is serious stuff. It's not a joke. I'm telling you from my personal experience, everything is scripted. Walk here. Go there. Grabbed the door with the yellow tape on it. Everything is secret. Why does he always look so confused? Why is the press not concerned? He's the president of the United States. This is fair game.


It's not personal. How is it if he's told, here's what you do, here's what you do next in Inexactitude, I just made that word up. Why does he always seem confused? He's told what to do. Is he not remembering it? Are we not entitled to know why he always appears so confused at these events, knowing there's some deficit there? Hi, folks, it's not a joke, none of this is funny and this is amusing.


There are foreign governments who are watching this. This is serious stuff. Wish the Democrats would address it. They won't. All right, this story is very frustrating for me because I get a lot of information, a lot. And it only gets worse. Really, every day it only gets worse. It's the saddest thing I think I've ever seen here. All right. I wanted to give you this one last piece. Can we do that vaccine thing at the end?


Let's play enough to skip the John Solomon. Just the new stuff. But yeah, but I'm going to do The New York Times one first. You had that. You were right. I just want to get to that one at the end. Here's what's coming up. We just got a few minutes left, but I'm going to pack this in. What have I been telling you for eons now about left this tyranny, culture and cancel culture? I've been telling you that it's going to eat itself alive because leftist tyranny, culture, they've run out or almost run out of conservative targets because conservatives are starting to ignore them.


The smart ones they tried to cancel Piers. Piers Morgan walked off. Piers Morgan will be fine. He didn't apol he's not a conservative. But you get he's I'm talking about people who are leaving the far left and starting to see he's not a conservative. He's not our friend, but he is an ally. And the enemy of our enemy is our friend. Piers is just going to come back on a new show. Would you believe me, Piers Morgan is not going to go broke.


You're not going to cancel him. So the only thing left is going to be left. This canceling themselves market. Mark my words, conservatives are figuring it out and going on to establish their parallel economy. Let me do my announcement first, because I don't want to forget. Just quickly, I told you an announcement. I do. I've established a company. And this company will be announcing in the coming weeks and months a series of web tools for your website.


And organizing tools. That are not cancelable, that'll make it easier for you to organize, be an activist and to engage in e-commerce without being canceled. This is a big announcement for me, my boldest step yet. I mean, that is a lot of risk, but I put my money where my mouth is, I started with parler, moved on to rumble with video. Now I'm moving on to an entire ecosystem here. It's coming, the company's been started and we are getting ready to rock and roll, and I'm going to give you conservatives the ability to escape liberal Tiran culture and to move into an insulated conservative economy where we don't cancel each other for speech.


Stay tuned. More coming on that. Check out this. I rarely put New York Times links in my show, but this is what I mean by leftist canceling themselves because conservatives are just starting to ignore them. This will be in the newsletter today. You got to read this article. It is. Read it three times. I read it twice. We still don't understand it. It's really that's why are you putting in the show? Because it's so confusing.


You're going to be like, who canceled who? And it's all leftists. Or the title of the article is called What Really Happened? That Reply All. It was a podcast which was applauded for its reporting on embedded racism in the workplace, yet it never made it to the third episode. Don't try to figure this whole story out. So one of the people involved with the podcast is this woman. Forgive me, your last name is Pinna many.


If I'm saying her name right, it's unintentional. But here's the first screenshot from it. So Alison Romans, this cookbook author, and she used to work at The New York Times, she was facing criticism for one of her recipes, which is a turmeric infused chickpea stew recipe. Apparently, she made the cardinal sin of not acknowledging the influence of South Asian curry dishes. She was culturally appropriate. Folks, don't try to figure it out. So this other woman, Miss Pennyman, nanny, I'm not again, I'm not messing with your name on Pennyman any.


She came to the United States from India as a teenager. She was interested then in exploring Curry as a lens into the complicated concept of appropriation and food. So, Peter, many I don't know, was was she offended by this former New York Times woman use of turmeric in her chickpea stew? If you're trying to figure this out, don't you will be in Michael more stupid time? I'm just telling you, somebody was upset that someone culturally appropriated food.


What you and I would call eating. That's not allowed on the left. You're only allowed to eat foods from your culture and God forbid you cook them. You are definitely a racist. So I guess Pinna, many had a problem with Alison and the podcast people because the cultural food appropriation. Well, then penname gets canceled, too, apparently. Here's the second screenshot from the piece in a Twitter thread. A few days after the release of the second episode of this podcast, another guy, Eric Eddings, a former colleague of the podcast creators, accused the project of hypocrisy.


Miss Pennyman, any and Mr. Vogt had contributed to a, quote, toxic dynamic at Gimblett Media, the podcast parent company themselves. Don't don't do it to yourself. Stop trying to figure this out. Why would I put it in there if I don't want to figure it out? Because I just want to tell you that left this cancer culture is so dumb and so cannibalistic, they can't even figure out who they're supposed to cancel. Do you cancel the curry person who cooked with curry because they're not Indian, or do you cancel the person reporting on the curry cooking non Indian and then cancel the company that hired the person reporting on the non Indian curry cooking person?


Nobody knows. They all get canceled because they're eating themselves alive. Just take your popcorn and just watch. Just watch. Because none of us in conservative America who are saying actually do any of this stupid, we just do this thing called eating. I enjoy cultural foods and I don't have to ask left this because I'm not a lunatic if I can eat rice and beans. By S&P instead, you're Italian. Yeah, my wife's Colombian, she likes rice and beans.


You know what happens when she makes it?


I eat it too. Oh, you are definitely a xenophobe. I don't I don't play your games. I give zero hits with an S in front of it. What, you think it's leftists who play that and they're all canceling each other? Just get your popcorn and watch. All right, I just want to end with this because on a totally talk about the worst Segway ever, because there's no way to switch gears from this. But just some quick numbers.


Because of my condition, then, fine, I'm always open and honest with my audience, I never hide anything from you. I took the Pfizer vaccine about a week ago. Listen, it's your choice. I'm not getting into any vaccine debate, you decide on your own as an adult if you want it, and which one you want, which one you can get as Pfizer Moderna, the change one you decide you may not want it. It's your call.


I'm not getting into the vaccine. Debate your business. You're all adults. But the science of the vaccine is interesting. I'll give you a quick my experience. So I got the Pfizer one at the cancer clinic a couple of weeks ago. Some I don't know. I'm just being honest. I had a little bit of a rough time the first few days, nothing horrible, but I did have a little bit of a response to it. I got the second one coming soon, but it wasn't anything bad for me.


I obviously feel pretty, pretty good. But there's some confusion about the vaccine and this article, Economics Observatory, which I found up on Gino, I might add. Good job, Matt Polumbo. People are mistakenly believing that. The ninety five percent supposed efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine means there's a five percent chance you'll catch covid. That's not what it means. This article explains it quite well if you decide to take the vaccine. It says, quote, What is 90 percent, 95 percent effective mean for the covid vaccine by the Borum Bacara?


Well, here's what it actually means, it doesn't mean you have a five percent chance of catching covid quote, and they have a little chart there for you to show what the study looked like. The ninety five percent efficacy that Pfizer's reporting can be obtained as a percentage reduction of positive cases in the vaccinated group versus the placebo. So in other words. That the it doesn't mean a five percent chance of you catching covid, it's a comparison between who caught covid and a placebo.


In other words, people who got just sugar, water and injection and people who got the actual Pfizer vaccine. What does it really mean? It means the chances of remaining covid free with the vaccine equals one hundred times the number of participants who got the real vaccine. And the number of people who got the vaccine in court covid so the efficacy like, well, just give us the number is actually ninety nine point nine six percent effective based on that data.


And that's the number of the most potential recipients of the vaccine. Who you want to know. Check out the piece. I know I did, and I'm running out of time. I didn't have enough time to go into real detailed statistics on it, how it works, but it's really ninety nine point nine percent effective according to that research. Again, your call, you do what you want, but I want to responsibly give you the numbers and tell you I did take it because of my condition.


I have a very compromised immune system. I live in Florida where, you know, the governor here is really, really doing a great job.


All right, folks, that was a loaded show tonight on a lot of it from a little excited. I'm going to go down and go. Might use my Teater and burn it off now, which I that a lot of energy left. Please, if you wouldn't mind, follow our show at Rumball. It is free. It's a video version of our show. We're almost up to one point five million subscribers. I really appreciate your support there. Rumble dotcom slash Bongino again, go to Rumble Dotcom Slash Bongino, put that in your web browser.


Just click that subscribe or follow button. It's all free. Follow us there. We would really appreciate it. Thanks for tuning in. See.


You just heard Dan Bongino.