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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. Look at that. We're back on a Monday. And yet, unbelievably. By unbelievably, I mean, absolutely believably. Fellas, another conspiracy theory has come true. You believe it, Keith? Is this amazing? What were we told by BBC Newslast, who David Ingram or Dan Ingram, whatever his name was, there was no threat. There was no threat. Don't worry. No domestic threat. All those conservative conspiracy theories, those crazy people, they're definitely Nazis, too, by the way. There's no threat. Oh, look, the FBI came out with a story about a threat. So weird. What's up? Hold on. Joe, let me go to my conspiracy. Another one gone. Kind of running out of conspiracy theories, man. Right wing. It's right. I forgot. I should have specified. Right wing because we're all nuts. Do I got a show for you today? Ladies and gentlemen, what's next? Well, what's next in The Speaker's race? What's next right now with the war going on in the Middle East? None of the answers right now are that pretty in either scenario, but I'll give it to you either way.


Listen, I've been raving about Beam Dreams powder, the hot cocoa for sleep get up to 40% off when you go to shopbeam, B-E-A-M. Com/bongino and use code, Bongino, and check out this delicious. Loaded show today. I'm going to give you an update on what's going on overseas because it does affect you. Ladies and gentlemen, we are not prepared for what's next. I'll prove it to you. As always, I always bring you aseats. Today's show also brought to you by... Let me click on the switch there. Who is it brought to us by? Birch Gold, one of my favorites. I've been a customer there for a long time. B-a-r-c-h. Last month, the G20 announced a plan to impose digital currencies. I don't like those and digital IDs in their population. Central bank digital currencies essentially allows the government to spy on you, track every purchase you make. It could also possibly freeze or seize part of all your money. That's true. Concerned Americans are diversifying their assets into physical gold with the help of Birch Gold Group. If you want physical gold, held in a tax sheltered retirement account called Birch Gold. I buy gold through Birchgold, B-I-R-C-H because I trust them, text Dan.


The 989898, they'll send you a free information kit on gold. Listen, you have an IRA or 401K from a previous employer? Birchgold can help you convert it to an IRA and gold. You don't pay a penny out of pocket, text Dan. 989898 claim your free information kit on gold because if digital currency becomes a reality, it'll be nice to have some gold to fall back on. Performance may vary, and so with your tax attorney or financial professional before making an investment decision, message and data rates apply. All right, Joseph, it's Monday. Let's go. Yes, sir. Happy Monday, Dan. You sound pretty chipper today. Would you have a good weekend? Thank you. I did. How aboutyourself. Am I right? Yeah, not bad. I need to take a break. Friday's show was a little emotional for me. I had to cleanse some more people over the weekend. It's one of the best things that ever happened. Getting rid of the morons in your life is like cutting a cancerous rod out of your body. It's eating you alive. It's draining your energy, and you might not even know about it, but you feel a lot better when you cut it out.


There's a lot of other people, too, that happened in today who, again, have no comprehension what's going on at all, tweeting at me all kinds of stuff. By the way, I instantly block and delete morons instantly because listen, I have respect to your right to free speech, but my Twitter is my account. I have no respect for you, so I don't want to see what you have to say at all. You can say what you want to your people. I will support that. I'll even give you a platform of a Rumble. I just don't want to read it. A bunch of people who are involved in this primary. This guy doesn't call out this candidate, this candidate. You know what? World War III is ready to launch. You can just, again, go yourself, all right? I'll do what I want. You do what you want in your Dopy account. Having said that, Oh, look, fellas, so strange. It's like we said on last week that the threat level domestically was probably elevated because we have no idea who's in the country. They said, BBC News said that is an aptly quoted, a right-wing conspiracy. Then the Daily Mail puts out this story, October 15th, which call me crazy.


Is that just the other day? I don't even know the dates anymore. Fbi warns of Hamas copycat terror attacks on US soil, urges to watch out for lone actors amid a heightened environment of fear following the death of 1,200 Israelis. Guys, isn't this nuts? It's almost like we said that was highly likely. But BBC News, which says the threats to Trump's life, which I heard about, by the way, I might know a little bit about. I mean, I only did this for a living. They told us that was crazy and a conspiracy theory, too. Now the FBI is warning about Hamas copycat terror attacks. It's just like I said last week. We don't prepare for a best-case scenario. We prepare for a worst-case scenario. The worst-case scenario, ladies and gentlemen, is this is just the beginning. Unfortunately, I find the probability of the worst-case scenario to be more likely than the best-case scenario. When I say this is just the beginning, Russia owes Iran. Iran has been supporting them with drones for their war in Ukraine and on Ukraine. Russia owes Iran. Iran decides to jump in and the decide to give them their support, even though they've got their own fight going on in Ukraine, ladies and gentlemen, we could have a real problem.


You're talking about a nuclear-armed country and a country on the cusp of gaining nuclear weapons, Iran. You're talking about them both jumping into what could quickly turn into a world war from a regional war. Also, there's a threat here metastasize. As I just showed you opening up the show with the FBI now acknowledging what we told you that, yes, there is a threat, and you telling us there's nothing specific doesn't mean shit. Nothing specific. What does that mean? A guy didn't walk in the office and go, Hey, fellas, I'm going to attack Times Square next week. You've got the Hamas animals and all the Hezbolla people talking about global targets all over the world. What more specific threat do you need? Are you that stupid? Are we still targeting parents and school boards and pro lifers and stuff? Because it seems like you've been a little bit preoccupied with political targets. Let me ask you a question, and this is why I think this is going to get worse than the threat here metastases, while our domestic intel agencies seem to be preoccupied with targeting political targets. Let me ask you guys... Let me ask you a question in the audience and in the chat.


Thanks for hanging around, by the way. I'm sorry about that technical glitch, but shit happens with technology, but we're back. If Joe Biden... Joe, let me ask you this, too. I'm serious. I'm not even screwing around, folks. This is not meant to be like an asshole thing. If you were trying to elevate the threat level within the United States, I mean, intentionally trying, like you were an agent of a foreign power, not suggesting... Well, actually, yes, but that's for the bribe stuff, and you were trying to elevate the threat level, would you do anything different? Keep in mind you had to do it, but do it so that nobody thought you were doing it intentionally. Would you do anything different? Joe, let me lay it out for you. Tell me what you would do different. Number one is I would drain our strategic petroleum oil reserve. They did that, yeah. That would help, right? Because then you'd have to rely on Middle Eastern oil to fuel your economy to keep going and you're a war machine too. Consider it done. Yeah. Oh, yeah, he already did. Oh, he did that already. Okay, I was unaware of that.


Okay, so he did that. Another thing I would do is I would definitely curtail domestic oil production here so that we can't actually fuel our military, our jets, our fighters, and our economy. I would do that. Didn't we do that? Oh, shit. Yeah, man. Wow. So he's two for two? Let me just throw another one at you. Another thing I would definitely do is I would open up our borders, Southern and Northern, whatever it may be, I would open up the borders so that if terrorists wanted to get in here, they could basically walk in and wouldn't have to go to an airport where they may get caught, biometrics, fingerprints, background checks. I would just walk in the southern border and be completely open. What do you think of that? Yeah, that sounds like a great idea, Dan. I think it's been done already. I think it's right. We did a show on that. Ding, ding, ding. Wow. Let me throw just one more at you if you were trying to destroy the United States on purpose. Sure, man. Here's one thing I would do. I would take our domestic intelligence, FBI and foreign intelligence assets, CIA, DIA, and SA.


I would take those, and what I would do is I would sick them on Donald Trump and his supporters, wasting their time just to make sure that the threat of terror attacks in the United States happens while we're busy arresting parents at school board meetings. Would you do that? Let me make a phone call, Dan. I'm calling Gee. What do you think? Wait, you're calling Gee? I think he said you're good, man. He's saying, I think that already happened. While he's still fixing the technology, he's saying that, Gee, that already happened too? You got a multitank. You can't just fix it. Wow. Shit, it's like that stuff already happened. You think we're prepared? Here's our national security advisor. Let me place him. What did you say? National security advisor? You mean the guy advising on national security? The other Joe, by yeah, Jake Sullivan, who by the way, I just want you to know, was also a peepie tape hoaxer. He was busy colluding with the FBI and CIA and others to make up a fake peepie tape from the Russians. That's what he was busy doing. This guy is our national security advisor. He's got the Lego hair, by the way, the Mike Rogers' hair, the Lego hair.


You just. Here's our Jake, does this guy sound prepared? He's asked the question on a liberal media out this weekend. Hey, man, you said the Middle East, no sweat. Everything's hunky-dory. Does this guy sound prepared to you? Check this out. The Middle East region is quieter today than it has been in two decades. Now, challenges remain, Iran's nuclear weapons program, but the amount of time that I have to spend on crisis and conflict in the Middle East today compared to any of my predecessors, going back to 9/11, is significantly reduced. Jake, why was your assessment there so far off the mark? Well, first, Kristen, I made those comments in the context of developments in the wider Middle East region over the last few years. After two decades that involved a civil war in Yemen and a massive humanitarian catastrophe, a civil war in Syria and a massive refugee crisis, an invasion and insurgency in Iraq, a NATO military operation in Libya, Iranian-backed attacks on both Saudi and the UAE, as well as many other steps, including the rise of a terrorist that actually occupied a huge amount of territory. The sentence before what you just played, I said, in fact, that this was for now and that it could all change.


For now? Forget it, folks. It doesn't even matter. Let me just speak to you. The guy is the national security advisor. They were trying to cut a deal with the death to America, Iranians. They did cut a deal, gave him $6 billion we still haven't taken back. Up until last week, thought the Middle East was hunky-dory while they were supposed to be preventing a national security incident in the United States and his excuse for missing everything. How does the Biden administration get a pass on missing the biggest domestic terror attack, the biggest domestic terror attack for the Israelis with the same enemies who attacked to us actually on our domestic soil on 9/11, how do they get a pass by saying, Oh, no, what I meant was up until that moment, it was all good. Just to be clear, if this was the Trump administration and there was a major terror attack, killing, say, tens of thousands of Americans on American soil, and they were to say, No, the fact that we said there's not going to be a terror attack yesterday, we only meant up till yesterday, they would get a pass? Are you guys getting what I'm putting down to you?


This guy's... Look, does this guy look prepared to you? Does this guy look like a guy who understands the suck? You understand this guy was a peepie hoaxer, right? This is our national security advisor. You think you're safe with people in charge? No. The CIA and FBI, they're definitely on it now. After spending the last couple of years targeting political opponents of Joe Biden and liberals out there, censoring people, censoring people who said masks don't work, working with social media companies to censor COVID people, Elvis Chan and all them out in San Francisco and what they were up to. After them doing it, no, now they definitely get it. I saw a female FBI agent on Fox this morning. Oh, they're going to reallocate a lot of assets. Reallocate from what? The Dan Bongino, Bongino Army targeting group? Oh, we're going to reallocate them to actual threats. Now that's good to know. Thanks. You were a little late. You think they're going to reallocate them? Really? You think they even feel a little bit bad about f-ing you over for the last five or six years, throwing you all in gulags? They don't feel bad one bit.


I always bring receipts, Daddy O. Always. You think our CIA and FBI are on it now? Maybe some agents are, but the top doesn't give a shit. Here's Leon Pineda on Fox. Leon Pineda was the director of the CIA. He was one of the supporters of the Hunter Biden laptop, his Russian disinformation hoax. You think now, fellas and ladies, I'm just going to throw it out to the chat. You think now would be a good time for this jerkwad to say, Hey, we screwed up. Maybe we should pay attention to the metasticizing terror threat around the world being that nobody knew a bunch of people on motorcycles were going to kill hundreds and thousands of innocent people and potentially start World War III. You think it's time now we apologize for that? Nah, here's his answer. Here, check this out. I'd be remiss if I didn't ask you about that letter you signed on to from former intelligence officials saying that the laptop and the emails had all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation. Obviously, The New York Post and others saying the Hunter Biden laptop letter was the real disinformation all along.


That letter was used in the debate. I haven't asked you this, but do you have regrets about that now, looking back, knowing what you know now? Well, Brett, look, I was extremely concerned about Russian interference and misinformation. We all know it. Intelligence agencies discovered that Russia had continued to push disinformation across the board. My concern was to alert the public. You think they're ready? You think our CIA and FBI are ready? Oh, yeah, they're totally ready for the threat. They're ready to move on from targeting. You're not even ready to apologize for stealing the last election, man. You think they're ready? You don't find it weird, right, that you can't show up at your kid's school board meeting without worrying about the FBI taking license plates in the parking lot? Oh, that didn't happen. That did happen. Steve Friend, the FBI whistleblower who was an agent, and Kyle Serifin told you what happened. They were there. These people still can't apologize. Now you see why I'm worried about this? That's why we got this movie coming out next week, Police State. I'll warn you that this is happening here. There's a real threat. It's not just you're going to find yourself under investigation.


It's that real terrorists are not going to find themselves under investigation because they're wasting their time on you. This guy can't even apologize. You got to be kidding me. You want to see the domestic terror threat here, by the way? I'm going to show it to you coming up because it's getting real and the videos are everywhere. You can't protest on a college campus. Go to a college campus and put up a Trump 2024 sign. It'll be five minutes before you're getting the shit kicked out of you by a bunch of lunatics. Go on a college campus and scream death to the Jews, burn the Jewish flag, they'll be like, Free speech, baby. We're all about it. By the way, I am all about free speech, not about threatening people's lives or committing crimes, but I am about protected free speech, even disgusting, repugnant free speech. Where are you assholes on the left? You ready for the domestic threat here? You better be, because these people in charge, Oatmeal Brains in the White House, and Felix, the national security advisor, because that's what he looks like. He looks like Felix. He looks like he should be Felix.


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Helixsleep. Com/dann. Helixsleep. Com/dann. Unbelievably comfortable mattresses with Helix. Better sleep starts now. Listen, man, it's serious time. I love you all, man. We spent a lot of time together last week. 76,000 people here. It's the bunchy no army in effect. No need to panic. Panic kills. This is what the savages want. Live your life. Be vigilant. Don't listen to the crazies out there sitting in your house and cower away. Get out of here. Chances of you being caught in a terror attack, even if it's a maximum threat level, honestly, are very slim. Live your life. Just be vigilant. But again, don't be stupid like the left. Let's not pretend that the domestic threat is not growing by the day because it is, and some of it is right in front of your face. As I've had to repeat to you often, I completely understand and respect your opinions out there on what our involvement should be with Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan. You're right. United States military, because of politicians, sadly, has not been allowed to finish a fight for a long time. They've entered the United States military into fights. Honestly, I don't believe we belonged it.


I'm one of the few guys who actually ran for office on that when it was unpopular. I remember running in Maryland, telling people I didn't support the Iraq war, and people telling me you can't be a Republican and run on that. I can be a Republican and run on whatever I want because I thought it was dumb. Those are all fair opinions. But I had a conversation with a friend of mine this weekend, a very good friend, and I told the friend the same thing I'm going to tell you. I stare at these demons. I spent 10 years of my life dealing with these demons. Whether you want to get involved in this fight or not, they don't care. There is an ongoing debate with China, Taiwan, and Ukraine. If we were to stay out of it, what Russia or China would do? They're fair arguments. It's a lot of very smart people on either side I respect to have different opinions. Well, if we let China take Taiwan, then they're going to leave us alone, and other people, Well, if we let them take Taiwan, they're coming for us next. You can debate that all day.


This fight now against the savage is not that fight. I can't emphasize this to you enough. There is no amount of tweeting how much you love Palestine or anything else that's going to save you from the animals. I am just trying to keep you alive. You can tweet. I'm not talking about you and my chat here, my listeners. I love you all, but you don't understand what I've been dealing with all week. There's no amount of tweeting to me, You're a shill, and all this that's going to stop me from knowing what I know because I'm not an asshole. They will come for you, too. I'm trying to keep you alive. You're trying to get me dead. I understand the threat. You can eat your hot pockets and eat your Ben and Jerry's ice cream and tell me all you want. No, don't leave us alone if we just leave them alone. Sure. Are you talking about these people who are going to leave you alone? This is the Princeton campus. Here in the United States? Yes. By the way, they want you to wear a face mask at all events. That should tell you something right there at Princeton for Palestine.


They note Free Palestine from the river to the sea. What does that mean? That river to the sea? Does that take a tour boat thing they do? Oh, it means no Jews. Oh, it does. No, that's not what it means. Oh, yeah, it does. I'm looking that's like, wow, that's to the Jordan River. Oh, I thought they're talking Mississippi. It's so weird, so strange. Yeah. Oh, yes. That's a good point, Joe. I was like, Yeah, you're not wrong. You actually are at every other river, from every river to river. There's a Princeton group out there that just wants you to know, put your face mask on. You notice how all the Marxists gather together, they all believe in the same thing. Death to everyone. Israel's the oppressor. Yeah, they all have the same talking points. Where are your face mask. Probably have to be vaccinated, too. They just want you to know that they want all the Jews dead at Princeton for power. This is on a campus. Now, again, keep in mind, you can retweet this all you want. Yes, I'm with them up. They'll still kill you, too. I'm just telling it right away, by the way.


No, I'm with you. No, I said... I'm Christian. I believe in Jesus Christ. Do you think I'm going to be spared? Jesus Christ is my Lord and savior. I'm not Jewish. Do you think I'll be spared? They have this word called the infidels. The infidels are not the non-Jews. The infidels are everyone who's not Muslim for these radical lunatics. But that's actually a good point. He noted another thing along with Joe's two river rules or 10 river rule or 1,000 River Rule. They kill Muslims, too. They really don't care. Matter of fact, I saw something this weekend. They killed a bunch of Muslims. It's like they want to kill everyone. It's so weird. You think the domestic threat is not here, but don't worry, you still got Leon Pineda and the Bureau and others still focused on parents and school boys. I heard they're allocating assets. It's good to know. Maybe they should have done that months ago, and maybe we wouldn't be dealing with the world on the cusp of World War Three right now. I'm just going to throw that out there. I got some video for you coming up next. Joe, that's a really good point.


I'm glad you popped in there. In case you think, Oh, the Mississippi, the Jordan River, any river, but it's definitely not in Europe. Europe is enlightened and all, and every diversity they have co-exist stickers and stuff. There's a little Muslim Crescent, Star of David co-exist. You ever see that? You don't think it's, Oh, I got some video for you next. Let me tell you something. The safest place in the world for you to be as a minority, a Muslim, Arab, Jew, and Israeli. Not all Israelis are Jews. Some people are like, Oh, really? Liberals because they're stupid. The safest place for you in the world is at a Magga rally. Let me tell you something. The most dangerous place in the world for you right now is go to a from the river to the sea free Palestine event and hold up a Jewish flag. You may find yourself dead. No. Oh, yeah. I'll show you the video. Good. Okay. I'll show you the video. But there's two sides to this, bro. Yeah, there are two sides. They want to kill you and they want to kill us. That's the two sides. Let me take a quick break.


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Omahastakes. Com, promo code, Bon Gino, at checkout. Thanks, Omaha Steak. So again, you think the thread here is just some local thing? No, they just want to kill the Jews, not me too. Good luck with that. Good luck. Here is London. London where? London and Jordan. Is that a neighborhood? No, no, London, like England. You know that London. Here's a mass demonstration. They thought this was a good idea. Look at that. That's a lot of people. Free Palestine. Sure, the River to the Sea is pretty common. River to the sea. You wonder how a Jew would do in there? I don't recommend you try that out. I don't recommend you. Probably won't be back on Monday. No, Dan, how dare you say that? It's completely safe. These people come on to co-exist and all. They thought the day after a mass terror strike on October seventh in Israel, it's probably a good idea to go and put your Palestine River to the sea or free Palestine. There is no Palestine, by the way. There isn't? No, there isn't. No, there's a Palestine. The word was written on a map on it. There was. Who was the emperor of Palestine?


Who was the king? Who was the president of Palestine? What was their money? What was their currency like? Oh, there wasn't one ever. What do you mean? My college professor told me we're freeing it. You're freeing what? It? What's it? I don't know. Of course, you don't know. You never cracked a history book. Sorry. Sorry you believe that. Here's what happens when you show up at a free Palestine rally with the co-exist crowd. They want you to wear a mask, by the way, because remember, Marxists all think alike. Their motivating ideology of tyranny, death, and collectivism is all the same. You understand that, correct? Here's what happens when you show up with a Jewish flag, excuse me, Israeli flag. Oh, my gosh. It looks like the police had to protect this guy. What are they protecting him from? I'm sure that people were just going to give him cookies and stuff. That's what they were doing. Right, Joe? It looked like they were just going to deliver pastries to him. Look, it's a lot of cops because it looks like he was going to be killed or hurt by a raving crowd of lunatics. Yeah, of course.


Yeah, that's what they were. They were just asking him if he had a couple extra donuts or cookies, maybe some sweets. It's Halloween and all. They weren't going to kill him or anything like that. Totally on. Keep telling yourself you're on the right side of this thing, by the way. Yeah, where are the invaders? The invaders, the colonists, the colonized. There's a colony. Where's the colony? They occupied Gaza. They did. That's interesting. They left Gaza in South Georgia, 2005. Fucking stupid all the time, or is it just on a weekday? You didn't know that? You just going to put in a search engine. They cut off the water. Well, they only supply actually 11% of the water. They could add more water, except they took the pipes and made missiles and rockets at them. Oh, you didn't know that either? Oh, that's propaganda. You're right, it's theirs. They actually made a video of it, the animals and put it out, the savage. You didn't see that? We played it last week. It's almost like everything you say is bullshit all the time because it is. Here's another one. Here's Ontario. Rebel News decided to interview one of the terror simps.


They love terror. Simping for terror all the time. Here's the ass of the terrorist. Here's this lady. Give me your ass right my face. Here's this lady. She's confused. She says, Hamas, they're not a terror group. They just kill innocent women and children, kidnap babies, launch rockets into towns and people, target non-military targets. Other than that, they definitely don't do terrorist-y stuff. Here, listen to this. Hamas is not a terrorist group. Oh, it isn't, ma'am. First of all, Hamas is not a terrorist group. Hamas is not a terrorist group. What is it? Like a motorcycle club? It is a resistance. It is a resistance that has been fuming for 75 years of colonialism, of occupation, of murder, of rape, of little children, of women. That's what they are. They are resistance. Do you think Canada is a colonialist country, too? Everything that they do is justified. Including what happened last week? Every single thing they have done is justified. Ma'am, there were children murdered. There were babies beheaded. Babies beheaded? Really? Please educate yourself. Please check the news. As a news reporter, you got to check the fucking news because they said that that shit was fake, okay?


Multiple times. Different channels. Even Biden himself, his ministers and his idiots said himself that that news was fake. There's no 40 beheaded babies. And there are no 1,300 deaths in Israel? There is no evidence... There is no evidence. There's no evidence. There's no photos whatsoever. Hamas is a Muslim group. They would never do that because it's against Islam. That's good. That's a good one. Don't worry, fellas, there weren't 40 beheaded babies. There was only one baby burned alive amongst the many thousands of deaths and people who were shot and killed and murdered. I mean, they actually filmed it, Hamas, your Muslim group with GoPro cameras because they were proud of it. This fucking idiot could watch that, but she's too stupid with her. She probably supports gun control too with her AK-47 earrings. Oh, did you miss that? You can rewind that and watch yourself. I don't think any... Did you catch that? If you're listening on Apple or Spotify, go watch the video. She probably supports gun control and masking, too, which she's got AK-47 earrings. Gun control, unless you're killing Jews. She's like, No, guns everywhere then. Gun control to hermies, line up your sights and kill some more Jews.


That's what that means. Here's the Hamas charter again, by the way, for this lady. Maybe we'll help her out a little bit. The Day of judgment will not come about until Muslims fight Jews and kill them. I thought she just... She said, This is not a terrorist. It's so strange. It's not happening. Of course, it's not happening. Wait, again, it wasn't 39 beheaded babies, folks. There's only one. Only one that was beheaded we have a picture of, the only one. In that case, it's okay. Let me just behead one baby and kill thousands more. Don't worry about it. You definitely escaped the definition of a terror group then. By the way, getting back to my point here because the point of today's show is we're not prepared either. You think the country is prepared? The FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and others have spent the last five or six years focused on the conservative, maga-supporting, deadly domestic terror threat that didn't exist, by the way, while this shit has been metastasizing overseas. You think Biden's ready? You think the world is watching in fear of Joe Biden, who the only thing he can gather to say?


What's his word to say? Don't. Don't. Don't. He can't think of anything else to say. Mr. Biden, what do you say to... His below may want to touch off World War Three with the... Don't. Is Biden this week trying to get up? I can't even get up on the stage. You think we're prepared for World War Three? Look at this. He has to pose in case you missed him tripping for the thousandth time, going up the stairs. The people behind him are like, key point. If you watch it again, you'll see. They're giving him the thumbs up. Yeah, man, that was good. Good recovery from your thousandth trip this week. Folks, seriously, can we just stop doing stairs with this guy? Can we stop? The world is watching. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. Can we please stop? Can we get this guy one of those stairmaster things? Joe, you know the one you sit in the chair and it goes... Can we do that? Can someone get this guy a freaking stairlift? So he stops falling up the stairs? Can you tell me? Well, we got the side view. Hey, watch. Here. Can someone...


Can a wealthy Democrat donor get this guy a secret service, maybe an armed stairlift, a cherry picker, anything where you can just elevate him up so he talks? He sits in the chair. Wait, here, folks, watch. Watch it. And then it goes down. Watch. Can someone please get this guy a cherry picker? The world is watching, bro. The world is watching. Of course, he can't get off the stage either. He can't get on there. He can't get off. How many times I have to tell you? The Secret Service gives him a card what to do. Walk on stage, talk, work rope line, exit stage left. The guy cannot remember anything. He can never get off the stage, even though he's got a card telling him to get off the damn stage. Here's his wife rescuing him this weekend. Oh, yeah, don't worry. We're ready for World War Three. Check this idiot out. Look, did you guys see the look? You see the look she gave them? Please, God, just follow me and don't stop waving. You see the look? Again, you think we're ready for this? Folks, pray with pray. Pray every single day that this does not escalate.


We should do everything in our power to avoid having to intervene here and escalate this. Everything. Everybody's reading me wrong. I absolutely support civilization against the savage, but everybody involved in this has to do everything they can to avoid what could be a really, really nasty global war. Having said that, this idiot isn't helping. All he wants to do is silly virtue signaling. You see this last week, he told the story again. This is, by the way, I think the fourth or fifth version of this story that Joe Biden saw two guys kissing or something like that, and this is how his dad told him about love or something, folks, he's told this story so many different ways. Why is he telling it so many different ways? Because he's making it up. This didn't actually happen. Here, he did it again this past week. I remember he was dropping me off. I wanted to be... I wanted to work in the projects as a life card on the east side of Wilmington. He was dropping me off on his way to work at the city hall to go get an application to be a life card there.


As I got out of the car at the four corners in the center of town, two men turned out one going to the brand new wine, one was the work for the DuPont Company, the other work for Hercules Company. This was back when I was a kid. They leaned up and kissed one another. I've never seen that before. I turned and looked at my dad and he just looked at and said, Joey, it's simple. It's simple, Joey. They love one another. It's a simple proposition. Folks, that never happened. That story is bullshit. It never happened. They didn't say that. His dad didn't say, Joey, they love each other. I love the way he throws in seemingly irrelevant details that change every time. He throws them in because he's such a sociopathic wire. He feels like if he mentions a specific place or town, which changes every time, by the way, that now you really believe him. We were down at East Tunafish, Brandy Wine town, and I said, Sir, last week you said it was in downtown Delaware, and then the week before you said it was in Washington Heights. Oh, yeah. Sorry. He's such a bullshit artist.


Here's Glenn Kessler, the worst fact checker on planet Earth, who if he's fact-checking Biden, this is how bad this has to be. On March, three reasons to doubt Biden's story on his father and a gay kiss. He notes that Biden keeps telling the story a different way every single time. The last time he told the story in 2014 when he made a big deal about it, it was him telling his son that, not his dad telling him that. Why? Because he's just making it up. You think we're ready for World War Three? You think the left is? The left is too busy with Elhan Omar and Rasheed Al Taliib tweeting out Simpleton's stuff. I can't believe we have to lobby for the lives of innocence. What do you mean, the Jews? No, you do. That's crazy. It's almost like you didn't see what happened to precursor to this whole thing. You think the liberals are ready for this? What's coming? Here's the liberals in America. By the way, it's not bad enough yet, because I know a lot of you in the chat... Let's do another poll chat guy. Poll chat guy activate like the Justice League.


They still touch the rings, remember? You think it's bad enough yet that liberals are going to change their vote? I'll give you a five count before I give you my answer. Is it bad enough? I may surprise you. No, it's not. I thought you said surprises. I was just kidding. It's not bad enough yet. No, it's not. It's not even close. No, no. It's not bad enough. All these people, it's going to be a Republican landsline. Maybe. I'm not convinced. We had a good weekend, by the way. Republicans won the governor's seating Louisiana, won an election seating Louisiana, too. It was great. There you go, AP. I was on a ball. I was going to put it down, bouncing through stuff. Republican Jeff Landry wins the Louisiana governor's race, reclaims office for GOP. Pennsylvania is looking better for the Republicans by the minute. We had a good weekend. Having said that, folks, I'm still not convinced it's bad enough yet that liberals will change their voting behavior, and we'll have a 1984 Reagan revolution again. 1980 and '84, actually. Why? Because the world's going to hell in a hand basket. Here's a Wisconsin lawmaker, what's his name?


Dave Consadine, arguing for men to play in women's sports because you're just whining. If you argue against that, you're just whining if your daughter may lose a scholarship to a dude who wants to play in women's sports. You think the left is ready for World War Three? This is what they're preoccupied with. Check this out. Some parents are concerned that their daughter might miss out on a scholarship. They might miss out on playing for this team or that team. Boy, that doesn't sound like community. That sounds like selfishness. I'm sorry to label it that way, but that sounds like what it is to me. I'm only worried about myself. I'm not worried about building the team and having my school have a powerful team. There's a left. You think they're ready for this? You think they're ready for The Savages? You wonder why so many lefties were tweeting through their accounts. By the way, why are you all anons? Why are you all Anons with egg pictures and all that? If you're so proud of your position supporting The Savages, the ManBeasts, and the demons, and you're tweeting at me, why don't you ever put your name on it?


Less than 1% of people who tweet back to me actually have a name, and their names are probably fake from the others. Why? My name is Dan Bongino. My picture is right up there. You know what I look like? What are you so afraid of? What are you so afraid of? You spent years canceling all of us and what? Now while you're anonymous on Twitter, while you support the Savage, free Palestine from river to Sea, you think the left is ready? The left loves this shit. They think this is great. They're on college campuses celebrating this. Free Palestine. Where is Palestine? They don't even know. They don't even know where Palestine is. You know why they don't know? Because there is no Palestine, and there never has been. Here's Clemson, University of Clemson, a bunch of students marching for what? World peace, increased security posture of the United States, better counter terror efforts. No, they're marching for the right to have tampons in the men's room. No, it's not real. No, it's real. Definitely. No, it's really real. Here, watch yourself. The organizers of this march say their main message is that they want LGBTQ students here at Clemson to feel safe.


What the hell are we marching for? Marching through Clemson University's campus, students called for change. Our students are still not safe on campus. They still experience harassment, hate, all of those things. If anything, the university needs to step up, needs to protect its students. Last month, the Clemson College Republicans called for tampon and sanitary product dispensers to be removed from a men's bathroom on campus. Men are men. Women are women. Of course, men cannot menstruate. So of course, we spoke out against that. Of course, these people think the opposite, and that's why they're out here protesting us. This is the left. They want tampons in the men's room. Keith, let me ask you, have you ever been in the Middle East, Keith? Yeah, I've been there. Let me throw this as a random quote. How do you think that Pride group that wants tampons in the men's room, how do you think they would do in a Hamas training camp? No, they wouldn't do good? Are you sure? Yeah, queers for Palestine and Palestine for queers, they turn off the roofs. Folks, now you wonder why I keep saying it's not bad enough yet. What?


Do anyone have the chatbot guide? It had to be 90-plus %. Yes, you're right. It's not bad enough yet. Liberals are still living with the co-exist bumper sticker. Do you think this is real. They think if they drive whatever it may be, their electric-powered car, their Prius or whatever. I'm not going to Prius, by the way. I'm just telling you. You drive your Prius or your Mini Cooper or whatever it may be, you drive it up to a Hamas checkpoint. No, I got the co-exist bumper sticker on the front. Hold on. Wait, I said co-exist. You think they're going to change your vote? They just saw a massive terror attack go on overseas with innocent people slaughtered, people burned alive, people beheaded with garden equipment. You can actually watch the video, by the way. Garden hold the head. They're like, What should we do today? I got an idea. Let's march for tampons in the man's room. That's a great idea. You need to read this. This is why I put this last. He's like, What about the rest of this? I know we're not. I'll quickly talk about the speakers raise too in a second.


But you need to read this article. Listen, I'm not your teacher. I don't give homework. I'm just telling you, you need to read this article. Barton Swain has a piece in the Wall Street Journal called The Marxian Roots of Campus Anti-Semitism. You want to understand the anti-anti-communist, how we're anti-communists and at the left in this unholy alliance that David Horowitz calls them, how they're all aligned against us, animals, terrorist, demons, free Palestine from river to sea, savages, Marxist, communists, sexual identity, politics, culture warriors, you see how they're all aligned against us? The branch, Covidians. Why are they all together? Swame notes what I've already told you because they hate the idea of free markets and freedom. He notes that's why they particularly hate Israel, a wealthy nation among neighbors whose poverty is relieved only by oil revenue. Israel is the one country in the Middle East where ordinary people stand a good chance of creating prosperity for themselves and their families. Damn right. But for modern progressive academics weaned on the Marxian concept that wealth is the result of exploitation, that's precisely the reason for Israel's guilt. They can't behold its prosperity without concluding that the Jews have stolen their wealth from their neighbors.


That's right. That's exactly what they believe. Incredible how you can give them land, give them billions, if not hundreds of billions over the course of history and value, services, and money, and they still can't get their act together. The death to America crowd, the river to sea crowd, and yet you gave the Israelis basically a patch of desert in the '40s, and all of a sudden they've turned it into one of the world's most prosperous economies per capita. So weird. So weird how the Marxists and all these people are all aligned together against us. That's why I keep telling you, you think you're safe? Oh, I got a co-exist sticker on my car. No, I'm in America first, but me too. The bad guys aren't. They're death first, and death to America is first with them. That's the point. That's the point. I don't know how you're missing that. You don't have to be pro anything to be anti-savage. I don't understand why others don't get that. You know what I'm for? I'm pro a lot of things. I'm just telling you don't have to be pro anything to be anti-demon and anti-savage. Listen, just quickly on the Speaker's race, I had a bunch to talk about.


I'll get to the details tomorrow. But folks, anyone telling you right now, you need to call your congressman today. The pressure matters. Jim Jordan is the guy right now. I don't care if you got your panty stuck in a wad because last week your guy didn't get it. Just like how we got here, there's now been a terror attack and we have to move forward and we have to fix this. We're now in the middle of a really serious world crisis. We have no speaker. If you're a Gates guy or a McCarthy guy, I told you last week, I don't care. I don't fall in love with politicians because I don't give a shit. I fall in love with outcomes. If we get Jim Jordan, turned out great. If we don't get Jim Jordan and we get a squish because there's this al. Com article was talking about Mike Rogers will not back Jim Jordan for Speaker would work with Democrats. Rogers is now backtracked to his credit, says he's going to support Jordan. This cutting a deal with Democrats, ladies and gentlemen, I'm telling you right now, we're all watching. If this happens, we are going to watch every single one of you that voted with Democrats.


But Gates voted with Democrats out to Speaker. Yes, that's a fact, which I highlighted on my show. But now we're here. Grow up. Your big boy pants, probably your pants, you see him? Pull them up. Pull them up. Put your pants on. Get your shit together. Shut them up and get your job done. I had a lot of shit go wrong when I was an agent on security events. I didn't sit in my room and cry about it. You kept going. Even when we had a shitbird doing a sight. We had a guy on a sight one time who couldn't handle airport security. It was just the easiest thing in the world to do. You think I cried about it? We wound up doing it for him. But he didn't want to work. Doesn't matter. We can't get the president killed. Shut up. Do your job. I don't want to work for Jim Jordan. I'm a McCarthy guy. Really? That's interesting because Jordan actually supported McCarthy, and McCarthy supports Jordan. How do you explain that? Are you that stupid? Everybody get together and get the caucus and get Jordan in there. You got a motion to vacate.


You don't like them? Vacate them too. Get Jordan in there. Cut the shit. Stop dicking around. It's no time for amateur. Freaking panties out of a wad. Get going. Tired of you wuss bags. Do your freaking job. Get the speaker in there tomorrow. Stop whining. All right, folks, sorry about the technical screw up. That stuff happens. It's very frustrating, as you can tell, but a lot of variables here. Internet, electricity, software. Once in a blue moon, things happen. I so appreciate. How many people we have? Let me look. What have we got? 96,935. Thank you all for tuning in, hanging in there. I really appreciate it. I'll see you back here tomorrow. Rumble. Com/bongino, 11:00 a. M. Give us a follow. Hit that green button. See you tomorrow. You just heard the Dan Bon Gino show.