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You're listening to DraftKings Network. God bless football, Billy Gill.


God bless football, Stugats.


Thank you. I haven't stopped talking for 48 hours, Billy.


Yeah, you know.


That's what that's what Radio Row Super Bowl week is all about. Yeah, you're right. I apologize. It sounded like I was complaining, but I'm not.


Yeah, you know.


Yeah, I do know. Why are we doing this from our hotel rooms.


Well, here's the thing. Today, we conducted 11 interviews back to back to back to back. And when we finished conducting those 11 interviews, I simply forgot that we needed to record an intro for the podcast. Now, if you're listening and you're thinking, Oh, my God, I'm not going to listen to 11 straight interviews, you're not. You're not going to listen to 11 straight interviews. So what we're trying to do is space out the interviews over the next couple of days, have a morning episode, have an afternoon episode, leading up to our Friday episode, which hopefully is a pretty big one. If everybody comes through, we already did some of Friday's episode. And don't worry, that stuff is not going to be dated or anything, but I feel like that's going to be a fun one. And I'm having a good time. I'm having a good time at Radio As you can see, I'm just like you. I'm a little delirious. I'm just talking.


Yeah, no, I noticed. I feel the same way. For the first time, I understand what it's like to be you. You have no idea what it's like to be me. You're right, I know.


Imagine what you're feeling now, what you're feeling now, the voice is in your head and everything's moving. Then while feeling that, you have you to deal with.


Yeah, well, I'll never understand what it's like to be you. You're right. I'll never understand.


Anyways, so on today's episode-But Abby might, right?


She'll come closer, correct? Yeah.






On today's episode of God bless football, you're going to hear now, we caught up with our old friend Frank Caliendo. Roe. Well, he, Mostert, came by Radio Row, and that was an adventure because basically, Stugatz just said, Hey, you want to come to Radio Row? And he's like, Yeah. And then that was all the effort that was put into getting him a credential. So that was a whole ordeal where we had to find a way to get him in there. But after a while, we were able to get him in. Mark Ingram is going to join us. Rich Gannon is going to join us. We have a lot of people joining us today, Stugatz.


Most of it was funny because you and I were laughing that he couldn't get a media credential. He led the NFL in touch downs. That should be his credential.


Insanity. Insanity.


Yeah, it is. All right, who are we throwing it to first here, Billy?


Let's start with our friend Frank Caliendo.


Yes, an old friend, Frank Caliendo, and his many voices and characters. Let's get to it. Billy, I said it earlier. I'll say it again. Part of Radio Row Super Bowl week is catching up with old friends, and this is one of our oldest friends. We met you at Radio Row, did we?


Oh, jeez. Yeah, that's right. Hold on. Did I just become Fargo? What was that? Oh, jeez. Yeah, that's right. I remember. Yeah, it was in Omaha. No, Omaha. Omaha. That's my attempt at a Peyton Manning. By the way, Peyton Manning, the word to get is weird. That's weird. It's weird. Eli, that's weird. Yeah, I think it was Jacksonville or Miami. It was Jacksonville. I thought it was Miami.


It was Jacksonville. Leventard was so sad. Not that we had met you. You were the highlight of the week for us. Yes. But he was sad that he's never returned to a Super Bowl again. But here we are with Frank Caliendo. Check him out on social media at Frank Caliendo. Frankcaliendo. Com as well. A of the show, an old friend of the show, a former friend of the show.


What is this? The brightest light in history. Why is it only on me that bright? How did you get that? That's a little better, although it looks like I have no makeup on, but it looks caked on for some reason. All right, I got it.


Are you enjoying Radio Row?


I'm ready to go home. I've been here today. Really? You just got here. Yeah, that's enough. I'm great. Monday, Tuesday, I'm great filler. Before the stars get here, before the people truly people care about are here and while you're at the Jerry Rice's, the Hall of Famers, I saw Anthony Munoz. There's a couple of people here, but at this point in the week, Monday, Tuesday, maybe even Wednesday, it's a lot of, Hey, we got to fill some time and not talk too much football because we have to talk a Thursday and Friday.


I don't like that. I don't like that you're calling yourself filler. I don't mind it. You feel like you're a Monday, Tuesday.


Frank, you're a big star.


I appreciate the strategy. You come Monday, Tuesday, get a bunch of shows, promote what you need to promote and get out.


I don't even need to promote something. I just had friends here. It was just like some people actually said, Can you come out? I was like, I was going to have some teeth work done. I had two molars that need to be extracted. I went to get the oral surgery done. They took my blood pressure. It went to 230 over 130. They're like, You need to go to the emergency room. You're dying. Are you okay? I felt fine. I'm like, I'm fine. I'm going to do one of those. Like, week-end at Bernie's it all of a sudden, just to have a joke. I didn't because I thought it was improper for the time. But yes, I haven't had it done yet. I didn't even know if I was going to be able to talk this week.


Then you just saw there was a bunch of lights on and you came over.


What's going on here? He is the only guy who's... He's gone from prognostic. He's gone from Nostradamus to knowing nothing all of a sudden. How did that happen? Jim, they're trips right. Now, I hate to do this. You're going to be a slant coming here. Watch it. The cadence, he's going to go. I wouldn't be the first. I'm going to play the heads with you right He's on the upside. So we're like, What's you going to do here, Jim? Let's go to Jay Healey. I'm a kicker.


I was going to ask you about that. Are you invested in him succeeding because you've spent the time trying to learn his cadences? So it's not going to be great for you if he just disappears because I don't care. No, I don't care. I'm tired of him.


No, I'm tired of everything anyway.


You're reaching age, Frank.


Stop, Gary. I just go for what I... I do less sports overall because the audience already knows I do those sports things, so I do some. There's new, younger people doing all kinds of sports. I'm just tired of the going after everything and trying to fight to be seen all day. People like what I do. They like it. I've been doing more off of the sports. Some is just material, some is just jokes and stories and stuff like that. Some of the stuff, if the sports stuff hits me, it's there. Super Bowl week, obviously, it'll be more sports stuff. But it's funny because... Well, Lombardi was the guy who who hooked me up with, Nance called me, and he's like, really? He leaves me the message, the greatest message of the world, because when I would do the Nance and Romo impression, the Romo was that, Oh, the kid in the candy store, I'm wearing my Skechers, and I'm smiling so big. You could throw through this window really easily. Brock Purdy could hit this in a second. It's like that is right there. But with Nance, all I could really do is go, Tony.


Because it's hard to talk as him. Hello, Friends. So he leaves me this message, Franky.


I thought you were going to say it started with, Hello, friends. And then he got to the point.


I wanted it to be, Hello, Frank. Jim Nance, along with my pal, Tony Romo. And what a sweet day it is. So we got to talk. He's like, Tony and I love what you're doing. So much fun, so much greatness. We'll be back.


That was it?


No, we talked for an hour, but he's like, But they've done it. They did it a couple of playoff games where he's like, Oh, here. And Nantz screwed it up. He's like, Here we go, Jim. He's like, No, you're supposed to be. You could tell Romo's doing... Because my Romo voice is deeper than his is. So you're, Oh, Jim. You hear him getting a little deeper. I was like, They're doing the bit. That's hilarious.


Wait, so Nance just called the thank you? That's it?


No, he just said because I never met him. He's like, All these years. He's like, I'll come out to a show. Enjoy it.


Why don't you tell him to put you in the booth?


Because I'm not always working a deal like you are.


You want me to work a deal for you?


No, I'm good. Keep him away from Jim Nance.


You don't want that. I have the number. I'm going to make things happen. No, we're going to try to get break in the booth. I mean, with Romo. I love I love the revving up of Tony Romo.


Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim. Jim. Jiminy, Jim, Jim, Jim. Jiminy Cricket. Jim, it's a Disney production. Here we go.


All right, try not to get mad at me, but I'm going to ask you if Steven A.


Smith-i have to say I'm credulous to this entire situation. I understand where you're coming from, and why am I yelling for no reason whatsoever? But I'm going to take it short. I'm going to go quiet for a second. That means that I'm getting serious.


John Madden describing what Radio Row is like.


I mean, you see people that look like me and like smaller versions of me, and they're all talking. I don't know if the Internet's good for these people.


Frank, the face always gets me. It looks like Madden's face.


Yeah, the Madden face is just like he just ate something. I ate a Sour Patch Kid. You say the things that you're thinking and you think the things you're saying. Between those two sets of things...


We all know that Radio Row Super Bowl week does not start until Jim Rome appears. How great is that? That's all you got for me.


Do not laugh over the pauses.


I'm sorry.


Dude is interrupting the most crucial time in all of Super Bowl broadcast history, the Jim Rohn pause. Dude should get a gig with animal shelters.


Good for the pause. What a terrible joke. You're trying to pause as much as possible to see if I ruin it, aren't you?


That was such a bad joke, but it was perfect in a Stugatsian manner.


Yes, it was. Ridiculous. How's Robert De Niro doing?


Can we do something new? Can we do like Jocy Reilly or something like that? Did you touch my drum set? You would be the guy that touched my drum set. You would totally be that guy.


Yes, I would. Tell me some of the new characters you've worked at.


That's it. That's all. I just did Jocy Reilly.


I did Jocy Reilly. Reving up Romo with Jocy Reilly.


Which sounds like a band. Reving up Romo with Jocy Reilly. Which sounds like a band. Reving up Romo and Jocy Reilly. I'm on the drum set. There it is. Okay. They could do Mark Ruffalo, Joe Rogan. Wow, Jamie. Pull that up. Oh, my God.


We miss you, buddy.


Yeah, it's great to be.


How do you feel about ventriloquists?


I love them.


Yeah? Do you really? We have one on.


Oh, do you have Terry coming in?


Yeah, he's great. He's great. Really?


Make him sing like a woman. His female singing voice is incredible.


I wish we had you here when we did it. We met Winston, his turtle.


Winston, the turtle. Is it? Man.


The Winston's-A little bit saucy, this Winston.


All right, check him out at frankcaliendo on social media at frankcaliendo. Com. An old friend. It was great seeing you.Thank you for doing this.Gerard, good to see you guys. Thanks. Okay, man.


Ragnia, I'm out.


Rahee Mostard, our friend, has made it to Radio Row. It was I'm not going to get in here. It's like Fort Knox, this place, man.


No, it is. It really is. I mean, seriously, you guys got to do a better job of making sure you let people like myself come in here, at least.


How is it possible that the NFL's leading shutdown scorer was not able to just get in?


I wasn't even supposed to be here, to be honest with you.


Yeah, but how is that possible? You should be able just to walk in.


Look, when I show face, they're not going to be like, Oh, yeah, I know this guy. They should. They're just going to be like, Hey, look, where's the badge at? I'm like, Oh, I don't have one. Sorry.


We need to talk to Roger about this.


This is unacceptable. You should just walk in, leading scorer in the NFL, leading Dutchman.


I should have had that shirt on. I should have had just a big '21.


I don't want to ask you about Vegas because I'm more fixated on Orlando and the Pro Bowl because you had such a great time there. I was following you on social media.


You had a blast there, didn't you? No, I did. It was a lot of fun. It was eye-opening. It was full circle for me because I'm literally like 45 minutes east of Orlando, from Dayton Beach, New Smyrna Beach, to be exact. Yeah, it was just a full circle moment for me. I grew up watching games in the Citrus Bowl, right? It was a thrill. It was a lot of fun.


Can we talk about Disney World? Because you guys were telling me how excited you were to go to Disney World.


Your tweet moved me, man. I thought you were able to take your kids there.


So that was Universal. When I tweeted about that, so that was Universal. I'm not a big fan of Disney. Really? Yeah. Really? I went with the kids. I took my family, my wife and all that. But I'm like, I'm a Universal guy. How old are your kids? Four, three, and one.


Four, three, and one. Disney's for them. Universal's for you.


No, but my sons did Universal. Really? Oh, yeah. What was your favorite ride? I took my oldest son on Spider-Man. That's great. That was a great ride for him.


I don't like the simulated rides. They're too herky-jerky for me. Just me.


Funny story. My wife, she actually went to... One night, we had the whole theme park for just the players and families. It was late night. Oh, that's sick. We got ride the rides in the dark and everything. It was pretty cool. We actually went to a Harry Potter ride, and it was a simulated ride where you have the thing come over you, whatever, the seat belt, the bar. We're sitting there riding a ride and everything. I look over to my right and I see her and she's just like this. I'm like, Oh, she must be going. It's a good ride for her right now. When we get off that ride, and she damn near threw up. She was just like, Yeah, that ride got me seasick. Or not seasick, but motion sickness. Yeah, motion She's like, I read the signs walking in. I'm like, Oh, yeah, this is not good. But this whole time, she just had her hands like this. I'm like, Oh, gosh.


Can I give you an embarrassing confession?


I love that he thought that she was having a good time when she was about to-I literally piqued over.


I couldn't see her face, though. I piqued over a little bit and I'm like, Oh, yeah. No, she's enjoying it. She loved it. I'm like, This is pretty cool.


Because Miami is not that far from Universe also. You just drive up three and a half, four hours. We used to get annual passes, in part because we did it once and then it just kept renewing itself over and over again. I'm like, Well, if it's paid for, we're going to go. We'd go. So we'd go in, you get in an hour early, whatever, right? And we'd stay close enough where I decided it was a good idea one day to go in the hour early and try to go on every single roller coaster back to back to back. So I went and I did the Hulk. At the time, there was the dueling Dragons. I went on one and then I got off and I went on the other. Then there's the rip ride rocket across the thing, right? Like three in, puking. I couldn't hang. It was terrible because there's no one in the park an hour early. So it was like three minutes in between each roller coaster, and there's no one in line. So you're just walking right to the front of the line, going all of it. Horrible idea. Don't do that.


No, honestly, but I had a lot of fun. It was a lot of fun. Like I said, I took the kids to Universal. Hey, there's this new ride you got to try out. It's called Velocil Coaster. Oh, yeah?


How is it?


Oh, my. The best ride ever. Really? Best ride ever. Really? Really? Explain it to us. It's basically… You know, Jurassic Park? It's in the Jurassic Park.


The Jurassic World.


That part of the theme park. This ride is the smoothest ride in the world. It's fast. It just takes you on these different loops and turns and everything. You go upside down. Literally, you're out of your seat. When you go upside down and it's close to the water and you're hanging this up, man, it's just-Are you screaming like a little kid? No, I don't scream.


Did you do the one that's the Velocity RAPTors or whatever? That's like a swing? You can do that with your kids. Here's the thing about that. You can do that with your kids, but you can't do it. This is Billy's wheelhouse right here. You can't do it as an adult, so you need a kid to do it. Then when your kid's too tall, you can't do it, which is the strangest thing because you're a full-size adult male, and you can go on it with a child. But if not, they're like, No, adults can't go on it. It's for little kids.


We actually went on that ride, and it was different. It was different. Just because you're hanging, right? You're literally in the seat and you're just going through the whole part of that part. There's a certain part where it stops you because you have to wait for the other carts to go around. It stops you, and you get jerked forward a little bit. It's almost like a whiplash. My son was sitting in front of me and I'm like, Oh, is he all right? We get off the ride. He's like, Dad, that was so much fun. I'm like, Oh, dude. Okay. He had a blast. I was nervous because I was like, Look, I don't know if he could have fell out of the ride or anything like that. It was great.


Who had more fun? You or the kids?


Kids, definitely. But I was equally as... I did have fun, though.


It's a different fun for you because your kids get to experience something that you enjoyed at one point, right?


Yeah. So growing up, that's all I... I went to Universal. That Islands of Adventure, all the different parks in Universal. Me being able to have my kids there, man, it was a blast. I had so much fun.


As soon as you walked in here, you were mobbed by about 50 people. I was, yeah. I'm telling you right now, if you walk any further, it's going to be 150 people.


Yeah, I wasn't even planning on coming. Then you hit me up, I'm like, Yeah, come on. I got to be on the show with my guys, man. These are my guys here.


I appreciate. Hey, you played in the Super Bowl, so do you have a You're rooting for the 49ers.


Yeah. I tell everybody it's a love-hate relationship right now for me. I love the fact that they're in there, but I hate the fact that they are, and they have an opportunity to win because we could have won in 19 when we played the Chiefs. But right now for me, I'm going with the Niners. I got to. Just because those are my guys, blood, sweat, and we put a lot of sacrifice on that field together. There's a lot of guys that are still on that team, a lot of coaches that are still a part of team that was a part of when I was there. I'm definitely going to have to go with the Niners on this one.


Were you nervous the night before?


I was.


Did you sleep?


Yeah. You got to sleep? I slept a little bit, but honestly, it was like, this is a moment right now. I got to cherish this moment. Going into this game is key for a lot of guys.


You have one of your best games ever.


Yeah. It's fun.


I have a question for you. I need to get to the bottom of it. I haven't told you guys that I was going to do this. Here we go, Rahean.


Here you go.


The The last time you were on, you invited Stugatz to go to the clubhouse and have a drink with you on a Friday night. Then you invited me, too, but we all knew that I wasn't going to go because it's so far. But you invited Stugats to go have a drink.


Well, I think the difference is you told him straight up you were not going.


Okay, so here's the story.


Billy, come on out. He's like, No, I'm good. No, that's not what happened.


That's not what happened. He lives three counties away from us.


That's not what happened. Next time you invite me, I will consider it.


You could stay in his house.


I told you that. He can't stay at my house.


Exactly right. He doesn't want me there.


Oh, my God.


All right, next time- You can stay at my house.


You can stay in my house.


You know what? We'll do that. Anyways, let's get to the bottom of this. He claims that he went to the clubhouse and you were not there and you stood him up. Now, There's no way to prove that he was there. I didn't say that. There's no way to prove that he was there. But I said, Hey, did you? I asked him, I forgot about the next week. Two weeks later, I'm like, Hey, did you ever go and have drinks with Rahim? And he's like, I was there. He never showed up. He stood me up. I was like, I do not believe that that's the case.


That's crazy. I can't believe that. I didn't say that. You're supposed to be my guy. I am your guy. I didn't say that. Look, see, this is what happened. I'm like, Still, come on, man. Let's go out. Let's go grab a drink. Here we go. The two of you. He's sitting there, he's like, he text me, he calls me back. He's like, Bro, I've been so busy. I'm so tired, man. The drive has just been so crazy for me lately. I'm like, Okay, I see.


But the drive from your house to the clubhouse is nothing. It's in the same community.


The drive from our studio back home is what I was telling him.


Yeah, you know me. I'm like, all right, well, let's get a rain check. Exactly right. Because I had some other stuff, too. I will say that. I did have some. I had some other stuff, too. I had some obligations I had to fulfill.


Billy, I was just doing that for show. I didn't show up at all.


I wasn't like, I know you didn't show up, but you threw him under the bus. It made it seem like it didn't happen because you were there and he never showed up.


The clubhouse actually finished remodeling. The restaurant, it's amazing. You've been there already?


I went to the restaurant once. Yes.


That's nice. The bar? Yes. The bar is nice.


Is the course open again yet or no?


The course is open, but it's cart path only. Okay. Which is fine.


It's fine with me, but Billy, you're not ready for it yet. Billy doesn't want to walk. Billy wants to drive right up to his foot.


I can walk. Billy, I think you can walk.


I can walk. My legs work.


Raheem, are we going to get this done? Can me, you and Billy play golf?


Yeah, we're going to play golf.


After the Super Bowl. I got less as next week's schedule. Once this whole week is done, next week, I hit my trainer up. Scott. I don't know if you know him. He does lessons at the-Oh, Scott.


Yeah, the-Yeah, Scott. Yes, you know Scott. But I don't know his last name.


I hit him up, and we're going to get lessons, and I'm going to go right after the lesson.


The back of that range is nice, man. It is. It really is. Are you going to the game?


No, I'm not going to. You're not going to go to the game? I'm leaving Sunday.


People say Kyle Shanahan is... He has to win this because everyone says he's the best coach in the NFL. He's the smartest coach in the NFL. You would probably say your coach is Well, he is smart, right? Mike McDaniel. Definitely. But he has to win one, right? To validate all that?


Yeah, he has to. I mean, he's been here for two... This is his second time going in the past, what, five years? Yeah. So I mean, you have to. There's a lot on That's the estate for him.


What are we thinking about for next year? What's happening there?


25, 30, 60. Touchdowns? How many?


Billy and I told you, don't take another snap again. Oh, yeah.


You're going to hold out. What are we going to do?


No, honestly, I don't know yet. We'll We'll see what that does.


There's a lot of runningbacks. Don't hold out. It seems like you're not going to have-He led the NFL on success. Yeah, but it just-Right now, this market is a little high. You got a good situation right now.


I'm good right now. I'm good where I'm at, so I can't fight. Best behavior. Yeah, I got to be on my best behavior. I got to be on my Ps and cues.


All right, don't leave us, man. We appreciate you coming down and doing this.


Hey, I appreciate the invite.


Are you going to do more?


Look, I think I got one more lined up, and then that's it. But I'm here for you guys, man.


You guys get drinks with him tonight.


I will. Where are you all staying at? We're staying at the Circa.


Circa? Yeah. Fremont. Okay. We're staying at Aria. Okay. Yeah, so we're right there.


You want to have drinks with us, Billy? Yeah, sure. Let's do it. All right. We'll make it happen. Let's do it, man. If you want to come back in a little bit, feel free. Yeah.


I see Mark over Here in Mark Ingram. Coming up next, we have Mark Ingram on the set.


Look at him. You're going to do this for a living one day, aren't you?


You're going to hire me?


If you do it for ESPN, you get free Disney tickets. For real? It's part of your perk. You're a Disney employee, you get free Disney passes.


What? Now I can't offer you that, to be honest. Hey, ESPN, we don't look. Your boy 8chan is coming on later, too. Oh, he is? He's here? Yeah, why don't you come back for that?


Oh, yeah, I definitely am. Okay, perfect. All right. Well, appreciate you all. We appreciate you, man.


You are the best. Thank you. I did not blow you off. About It's all the time.




We're joined now by Mark Ingram. Mark, thanks so much for doing it. How cool, by the way, is it to see Mark Ingram and Rahim Moster interacting with each other?


Very cool, yes.


I mean, backs got to show each other's love. If you're heading on the running back. What's that about?


Why is it that It seems to devalued now.


I mean, it sucks, man. It's such a difficult topic. And I think other than the NFL going to a passing league, I think they're just trying to devalue the position. And it's highly unfortunate because you got guys who are committing their blood, sweat, tears, giving their body to an organization, to their teammates. When it's time for them to get paid, they're not being compensated properly because they have too much wear on their bodies or they've had too many touches. When other positions have high touches, high volume, they get paid accordingly. But when runningbacks do, it almost hurts you. If you get a lot of touches and you get a lot of production, it hurts you. But if you don't get touches, you don't get production, it hurts you too because you don't get paid. Where's the common median? But I think just as a back, you have to know that you have to be a very versatile. You know what I mean? You have to be able to run inside, run outside, pick up path protection, come out the backfield, catch the football, so that you're valuable more than just being a one-trick pony.


It was crazy to see Raheem Oster have a breakout season. His best season at the age of He won, man.


I think just an opportunity, the system. He was able to thrive in it. He waited his time. He's waited for his opportunities, and he was prepared for his opportunity. He took advantage of it, and he had a huge year this year.


How are enjoying the media stuff. You're great at it, by the way.Thank you.


I'm just starting, man. I'm going to continue to improve, continue to grow. But man, what a tremendous blessing to be able to play 12 years and be able to have a smooth transition off the field, being close to something I love, still being close to the game. It was amazing, man. Just being with the crowds in the background, being able to watch football, being able to visit campuses and travel. It was awesome.


You're here with us on behalf of American Gaming Association. Could you ever have imagined when you were playing that there would be a Super Bowl one in Las Vegas and that sports gambling would take off legally the way that it has?


I mean, the legalized sports betting has just transformed consumer entertainment, right? It's come full circle. Like you said, in 2018, Vegas was the only state where you could legalize sports betting. Now it's in 38 states plus Washington, DC. The AGA estimates now, 68 million American adults will be betting $23 billion on the Super Bowl game. Jesus. It's just the growth of legalize sports betting. We just encourage everyone to bet responsibly, know what you're betting, know the odds, and it should be an added form of entertainment. It shouldn't take away from the enjoyment that you have watching the game. So bet responsibly, and shout out to AGA, man, for everything they do.


Were you surprised nick Saban retired?


Man, I was hurt. I'm still hurt. You were hurt.


Why were you hurt, man? Because you want to enjoy the rest of his life.


Of course. You didn't let me finish.


You know what? You're right. You're better at this media thing than I am. I've been doing it for 25 years.


You answered my question. No, man. Just what he's meant to the program, what he's meant to Alabama, what he's meant to me, it'll never be the same. Obviously, we're excited by our new head coach, and we're Roving for him. We know he's going to do great things for us, but I'm a nick Saban guy, man. Just what he's meant to this program, what he's meant to Alabama, it's hard to see someone else leading the program. But like you said, he's He's 22 years old. He has lots of other things going for himself outside of football. He has children, he has grandchildren, and I'm excited for him to be able to enjoy his life and enjoy the fruits of his labor. Selfishly, I'm upset because my man is gone. My man is stepping down.


Yes, but the rest of the college football world is happy.


Yeah, they're excited. No, I truly am genuinely happy for him.


Have you been to the Lakehouse?


At Alabama?


Yes. With Mister. Yeah, of course. He take you out on the boat. Did he try to throw you off?


Did he throw you off? Yes. Why does he do that? Jalen Hertz told us he did that. Everyone tells us he did.


You stay on, right? You hold on, you stay on. Then once you're on for too long, he starts,. I'm like, That ain't Coach. But no, man, he definitely had some It's been times at the Lakehouse.


Is he at all concerned that he might hurt one of his players?


I don't... Shit. It hasn't happened. It hasn't happened.


It hasn't happened. Your change your arms are so deep. If he hurt someone, someone else will probably step up. It's the craziest part.


It's actually crazy that it's never happened. Nobody's ever been injured. I guess you just hit the water.


Real quick on the way out here, we appreciate the time, man, and enjoy the rest of your week here in Vegas. How do you feel about the 12-team playoff, college football?


I think it's good. I think it's good because all these bowl games are getting irrelevant. People weren't playing in them. So I think now that you have the 12 team play off, more teams will get in. We'll be able to see more key matchups. And listen, I think it's just growing college football. I think the growth of college football is special. I think if college football was a stock, I'm buying it. You know what I mean? No doubt. I think it's exciting for the college football. There's so much stuff going on with the NIL, the transfer portal, and all this craziness. I think it's just a plus. I think it's a positive to look forward to the 12-team playoff.


That was the most surprising thing for me with nick Sabian because it's never been easier to make the playoff. You guys could have had three or four losses and still got there. Exactly.


But like he said, man, the way he has to do to put into a week, he said it was killing him. You know what I mean? I think once you get to a point where you don't think you could have that same output to get the results that you're used to having, I think that's why- You think he can adjust?


You think he'll be able to just shut it off and enjoy retirement?


I hope so. Yeah, me too. I hope he's able to just enjoy his life, man. We saw him boogie boarding or something or trying to boogie boarding the ocean. Have you guys seen the video? Yeah. He wasn't doing no boogie boarding, but he was trying. Give him time. Yeah. He'll learn to master that skill over time.


We appreciate your time, man. You're great at this. I'm sorry I answered your question. No, it's all good.


We just have some dialog. It's all love.


I appreciate you all having me. Enjoy the rest of your time in Vegas, man.Thank you so much.Thank you.Thank.


You so much. All right.


Gannon is with us. He is with SiriusXM. He is a former NFL MVP, he is a former Oakland Rater. Are Are you sadden by the fact that the Raiders are now in Las Vegas? No.


Look, guys, I think it's a great opportunity for the Raiders. They built this beautiful facility in Henderson, Nevada. You guys have seen the stadium. It's an incredible stadium. Unfortunately, the product on the field hasn't been up to snuff. And so Mark decided to make more changes this year. I'm excited for Antonio pierce to have this opportunity. We have Max Crosby on the show today. I've said a number of times, if you get 25 players like Max Crosby, the Raiders would never lose a game. The guy's got a nonstop motor, plays with great effort and intensity, and they just got to continue to build out the roster. I just think that when you look at the drafts the last five or six years, not to the level the Raiders need to be.


How great was it to see things come together under Antonio? Because, Josh, it seemed like things just weren't clicking. Antonio, it's a great story because it's really a lesson in, you know what? If you're an interim, you can become a head coach.


Yeah, you hate to see people fail. I know how hard Josh worked out at Dave Ziegler, the general manager. I give the team a lot of credit for hanging together. I mean, you fired the head coach, the general manager, the offensive coordinator. You have a young quarterback that's playing for the first time in Aiden O'Kanaugh. I just think that it was veteran players like Devante Adams and Max Crosby that really kept this team together. The job that Antonio peers came in. They beat the Chiefs, they beat the Chargers, they beat the Broncos. He really put them in a position each week to have a chance to be competitive. I think he was really transparent, really honest with the players about what had to happen, what changes needed to be made. I was really impressed by the effort, the intensity with which those players played to finish out the regular season. I think the future is bright for the Raiders.


Well, you also saw in the game against the Chargers, where it set the tone for the team. We can win this game, but we're not going to take our foot off the pedal here. We're going to keep going, and we're going to win by as many points as we're going to win by.


They dropped the house on the Raiders, on the Chargers. I think it's something to build on. I think that you look at where those teams are heading. Obviously, the Chargers make a change, bring in Jim Harbaugh. They've got a great quarterback, and Justin Herbert. The Raiders have to continue to, I think, add to that quarterback room. You got a young quarterback. I think they need more depth and talent at that position, and particularly when you compete in the division, it has Justin Herbert and Patrick Mahomes.


Rich, you won the MVP, so I'm wondering, do you marvel like we do at home? Like fans, guys who have never played, but you're an MVP, you could break it down differently. Do you also marvel at Patrick Mahomes' skill, like his ability?


It's ridiculous. I think the thing that bothers me about Patrick Mahomes is how easy he makes it look. It's not. I've played the position, but you look at his body of work for the first six seasons that he has been a starter in Kansas City. It's incredible. He's got a 30 and 5 record in the division. It's ridiculous. It is ridiculous. You look at four of the last five Super Bowl they've been in. People say, Is he the best quarterback in the NFL? I said, No, he's the best player in the NFL. There's very few players that have the ability to put a team on their back and carry them to the finish line. Patrick Mahomes has that ability. We're here in Vegas. I'm not a gambler, but I've told people, if I had my last five dollars to bet, I'm not betting against Patrick Mahomes is just not going to do it. I'm too smart for that. I think if you had one player in a got to have it situation at the end of a game- Game for your life. Everybody in this room was going to take Patrick Mahomes.


Were you nervous the night before the Super Bowl?


No, not really. I mean, it didn't turn out the way we wanted. We had a one-week turnaround. We had a lot of issues. Our center went AWal and didn't show up for the Super Bowl. There's some things that we had to deal with. We played a really good Bucks defense, but I wasn't nervous. I think everyone handles the pressure differently, but I don't think I think once kickoff comes, you don't see players one-hop and throws into the boundary or guys just coming out dropping balls or fumbling. I mean, these guys have been in big games. Championship games are important. Divisional games are important. I expect both teams will play well on Sunday.


I'm wondering if Purdy is going to be nervous just because he has a.


Oh, yeah, he'll be nervous. But I will say this, I've been so impressed with Brock Purdy, the job that he has done, not just this year, but those five starts in the regular season last year in the playoffs. Here's what I would say about the 49ers. They can't come out sleepwalking in the first half like they've done last two weeks against Green Bay in Detroit. If they don't play four really good quarters of football, this one could get away from them.


Well, the Chiefs have had to go through a gauntlet to get here, where the 49ers, you look at it, you're like, There's been some games.


Well, the 49ers haven't played great, and some people say 49ers still have their best game in them.


That's one way to look at it. You look at what the Chiefs have had to do. They beat Miami, a really good team. They go on the road, beat Buffalo, go on the road, and beat the team that everyone thought was going to be the best team in football in the postseason, the Baltimore Ravens. I give those guys a lot of credit.


How long is too long in Las Vegas?


A week. But you don't gamble, so I would assume. I tell you what, I think this is going to be a Super Bowl destiny. I think this is going to be on the rotation because all the things to do here, all the entertainment, all the hotels, all the convenience of it all, the beautiful stadium, the facilities, I think Vegas has really stepped up big time this week.


We appreciate the time. We know these are long days.


Yeah, no, it's great, though. Where else would you rather be? We're at Super Bowl. Nowhere. When you think about the finale of it all, it's pretty amazing. This team started in OTAs, mini-cams. You make it through preseason, you make it through a 17-game regular season, you make it through... Now we get to the final two. When you think about what's at stake for both these teams, one's going to go home, victory is holding that Super Bowl trophy, the other one, it's painful. Trust me, I've experienced it.


You think about it every day, don't you?


Yeah, you do.


Promote the show on Sirius XM, if you'd like.


Yeah, we got to show. We do it every day, 9:00 to 3:00, local. We're on 12:00 to noon. I'm sorry, 12:00 to 3:00. I don't even know the times because I do the show.


12:00 to 3:00 Eastern.


12:00 to 3:00 Eastern. Serious XMNFL Blitz with Bruce Murray and Rich Gant.


I have no idea what day it is.


No, I don't. I'm trying to figure out what time zone I'm in.


Rich, we appreciate the time, man. We know it's a busy time for you. Enjoy the rest of the week.


Guys, thanks for having me.


Just three more days left.


That's it, brother. We can do it. We can do it.