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This is The Dan Levator Show with.


The Stu Guts podcast.


So, Dan, you saw hard knocks yesterday?


I did not.


We just covered this.


We just covered that.


I thought that you did.


I thought that you were going to know what I was talking about. I watched it this morning because Hard Knocks is usually like a ten o'clocker and 10:00 in my household does not fly. So I said, you know what? Tuesday shows are going to be a Wednesday show. And then I found out this morning it's a 09:00 release, which is very exciting.


Important details.


Well, no, I'm telling you now. I'm going to be is the hour going to change it Billy. It does nine to ten. Dude, when you get to this phase of your life, nine to ten is a big hour. It's the witching hour. Like that's the time of activity.


Billy, I think you're just announcing officially to the audience that you are in on old age.


Yeah, no, I woke up at 530 this morning and I watched Hard Knocks because I thought everyone else was going to and I had to for work. And now I realize no one did but me.


It's different for me. For me, it's like ten to midnight is my time. That's when I would have a chance to watch stuff because it's like everyone's asleep. It's like I finally have some alone time.


But this is another process in aging. You are right, billy, you want to get everything, everyone down and sleeping by.


09:00 p.m.. By 09:00 p.m.. By 09:00 p.m.. I'm hoping we don't have like, the second wake up.




Everybody's in bed by 730.


Okay, so those are your hours. But the time that Billy gets for Billy, your wife, the time that Billy.


Gets not for his marriage that Billy.


Gets for Billy is between 07:30 P.m. And 10:00 p.m..


The time that Billy gets for Billy is when Billy's pooping. Yeah, that's the only time Billy gets for Billy.


You stay there. Bonus time. Right?


That's where I watched half of Hard Knocks this morning.




Because I know if I'm in the bathroom and I close the door, sit there all day. Quite the visual.


What do we need? Please give us we have aired in, not critiquing. I mean, this is a big deal. Chris, you've been a Dolphin fan all your life. This is the most interesting season in 20 years here. And your team is now the featured player in Are they a Fraud?


I'm a little nervous that Mike McDaniel is going to be too zany. Like he's zany enough with the cameras constantly there. I'm worried that it might be a little overkill, but I'm definitely excited about.


He curses a lot.




Almost like we don't playing it up. Yeah, we don't need a curse that much. Let's tone it down a little bit. Mike, we don't need to curse that much.


He's forcing it.


There was a lot of F bombs that I felt like weren't super necessary.


He's got to be extra football, though, doesn't he?


No, extra football.


Extra football. F words. The more F words, the more snacks you got. You got Rex Ryan shouting f words like that's.




Oh, I get what you're saying. He plays it up for them when he's coaching. He has to turn up the football.


Well, because people think he's a numbers dork, and he's kind of eccentric. He's weird. How can this little frail guy who's into fashion be leading all these muscled men?


So you have him turning on the Dan Campbell for the players.


Some F words just sprinkle in some F word so that you a little tougher.


Well, we discovered that the Dolphins do have a Dan Campbell on their staff, their linebackers coach.


I saw that clip. That guy's cursing a lot.


That guy's cursing a lot. And he dan I don't want to spoil anything for anyone's out there, but he let us know ass whooping is the international language. You can go to Greece. Someone's whooping ass you know what's going.


Put it on the poll juju, please.


He's right about that.


His ass whooping, the international language.


He is right about that. When you see somebody getting their ass kicked, you're like, hey, that guy's getting their ass. It doesn't matter what you speak. We're all country. We're all fluent in that.


Unless the Steelers play in the game and then get outgained. And we're confused about the ass whooping.


He also gives he gives out cakes each week to defense for good performance on defense. Like Steve Aoki full cakes. No, not thrown. Full cakes. And from what I saw was, like, printed images. You know how the Dolphins have, like, the elevator that they change every week with a picture of the Dolphins. This guy hands out cakes with pictures of the defenders making good plays on them, and they get a full cake.


Imagine a Van Ginkgle cake when he.


Told everybody that ass whooping was the international language. Tyree Kill and some others were laughing at him. And then they show, like, a couple scenes later, tyree Kill is in the practice, and he's telling his ass whoop is the international language everybody knows, which I couldn't figure out. Is he making fun of his coach right after, or did this stick? Because either way, it was great.


Which would you vote if you had to guess?


He was laughing at him, so I thought he was making fun of him, but then I thought, you know what?


He's buying in.


Yeah, I think he may have bought in on this.


I think it may have worked kind.


Of like we did. Like, we laughed at first, and then we're like, wait a second.


He's right.


Yeah, well, because it's a ridiculous thing to say in a lot.


It's also true.


But it's also true that's correct.


If you go to Greece and there's some ass being whooped that's right.


You know it's up, right?


Yeah, absolutely.


It is true. I can't dispute what it is that you guys are saying. And that person thrives in the community of football. They are seven and three. They are on hard knocks. Chris Cody is super interested, but not quite interested enough to actually I'm getting to it.


I'm super passionate. I understand.


You're sitting here feeling obligated. You're belching out two, God bless footballs in three days. That's hard to do. And you're finding only toilet time to yourself where you're doing homework, feeling obligated because surely in the local hour we were going to discuss Hard Knocks.


Surely seemed like a for sure thing and I didn't want to be the only one left out.


But now I know.


Maybe don't put so much pressure on myself.


You went the extra mile, man. I'm ready.


No, we needed it.


Tuesday is a good TV day for me because right now I had a pretty empty slate on Tuesday. I watch Winter House occasionally, but that sometimes I watch things. Usually the day after it happens.


That's what I'm going for.


Monday shows. Become Tuesday shows.


Have you finally caught up on the World Series?


Could you believe it? Got injured and they still won. Like nothing. That was crazy.


When did you watch that? Like last week at 530 in the bathroom. You're just getting caught up.


It was a nice mid November treat for myself.


It's got to be Paul classic.


If Mike's having trouble with Fanwidth and children and keeping up and travel and you've got two running around now and you've got stu.


I'm good with my child, by the way.


And God bless the football.


We get along swimmingly.


You must be in a frenzy. In a weekly frenzy that allows you very little television time.




And that television time. If you're going to parse it. The Hard Knocks has to be earned in the Billy household, does it not?


Well, I view it as like a business expense, you know what I mean? Like it's now required viewing. I'm going to have to watch it.


That works. I got to work, honey.




Sunday Night Football. Got to watch this one.


Where'd he come from?


Every Sunday.


No, that was just my voice.


No, that was not your voice.


I've got some topics.


Thank you.


Really, I do want to talk Billy's cooking with gas.


I want to hear more.


Do you have any more hard knocks?


I'm here.


I'm not going to say anymore because you guys haven't seen I don't want to spoil it because, like you guys, the audience probably is the same is that everybody can't watch it. Why don't we make a pact, gang, let's make a pact. We'll talk about Hard Knocks every Thursday so everybody has a day buffer to catch up. Is that fine?


But you're not here on Thursday.


Well, not this Thursday also.


Because this week it's kind of like Roy show this week. It's a Wednesday.




But Billy's never here on Thursday.


Yeah, I'll watch it.


He's doing God bless football on Thursdays. Which?


Talk about it there Billy.


Okay, why don't we do Fridays? Or I mean Mondays.


People might want your hard knock take.


I don't know.


Maybe you can critique it for us for the show. Because Chris Cody might not get to it.


He's got to get to it.


He's such a big Dolphins fan that he didn't even watch and forgot that it was on.


I was watching the rewatching the Raiders game, all 22.


You might also forget that they're playing on Friday. 330. Once you get into the beer and your dad's barefoot dried fried turkey.


Why does he do it barefoot?


Is that a question that's ever been asked before? Do you wear shoes around your house to fry a turkey?


I'd probably wear shoes.


He's in the garage, though. Frying a turkey.


Fry a turkey in the garage, by the way.


That's all he does just outside the garage.


The best part about it is he always puts one cone like a couple of feet away from it, as if it's like, stay away for your protection.


It is wildly irresponsible. Your father at any point could get boiling oil all over.


He's not dropping it. I actually am with my dad on this. He's a pros.




He's not putting in a frozen bird. When you have explosions, it's two things. Your bird is frozen or you drop it like a maniac. He's dropping it slow and his bird's not frozen. He's a pro.


Anything can happen.


Anything can happen.


Anything can happen.


Yeah, anything can happen. When you're cooking your turkey in your oven.




Your house could burn down, but it's probably not going to happen. Yeah, but I'm not having boiling grease 3ft from my you're missing out.


He's a proud you just take your time.


I'll stand idly by.


But the bare feet add nothing. It's just an added unnecessary danger.


He would say it's unnecessary to add shoes just for that. I mean, walking around.


Thank you, Josh.


He's got to bend down.


I mean, safety issue.


Club Crushes on social with the feet.


No, it doesn't.


The Talons, because he's got those rotten toenails that sugats has cut twice.


Click on the floor.


It's disgusting. No, and they do click on the floor. And it is really wildly unpleasant.


It's such a viral video that this year he's like, can we get it on the Greg Cody show? Like every year it goes on the Levitard show and they get all the views.


Yes, he can have it.


He's foot views come in. I'm telling you, Florida.


He's maximum Florida. Manning it by not wearing shoes around boiler state of Florida. But I just want to get to what Chris Cody is doing there, which is, it seems like you have done very little learning in the life that I have seen from you being a young boy to where it is you are now. But there is a truth in this Cody family. What you have learned is that you cannot drop that. That the only time there are explosions are when you drop it in like a maniac.


And what was the first time?


If it's frozen and if it's frozen, like if people if they're frozen turkey, they don't let it thaw out. That's when it really you were showing real expertise.


Anything can happen, though. It could tip over.


That's right.


A number of things can go wrong.


Yeah. But you know, these fryer things are like they're not just like on, like a thing where it's going to fall.


No one whose house is burned down from a deep fried turkey expected that to happen.


You're talking to Billy here, Chris.




I mean, anything can happen.


Any motto throughout life burned down because of a fried turkey either. I mean, do I have to say it again? We already just did. The two just they don't just blow up. It's not like a Tesla. You have to do something wrong for it to blow up.


Life lessons from Greg.


Why are you so defensive on behalf.


Of I believe it's a bunch of.


Non fried turkey people over here tell me how dangerous it is.


Just a non controversial take to say perhaps you wouldn't want bare feet around boiling oil.


Put the dogs away. That's all I'm saying.


The views, though, or the turkey you're going to eat?


Think about the views. It's fine. You can argue on behalf of your.


Father is doing a wise thing here. I think it's a losing argument, but you can argue it in defense of love and your father. Him being barefoot is an extra Florida man vibe. Those feet are dirty. I've been in that garage. That shit hasn't been cleaned since 1980.




Like, it's deeply unpleasant. Where he's cooking food black.


The bottom of his foot is black.


The hygiene we're talking about there, with his talents and everything else is disgusting.




It is a monster who lives in the swamp of Florida, who comes out to cook and drink twelve beers.


Drink twelve beers and happy Thanksgiving. I hope my feet aren't covered in boiling oil.


Let me get those clicks, honey. My talons, my rotten talons need to be out there for everybody and they have to see me do fried turkey.


But he puts a cone out.


He puts a cone out.


One cone.


One cone. Where's the cone supposed to it's like.


A foot away from the thing of just, hey, stay back, don't park here. It's for my five year old.


It's not going to be funny if he burns one of those feet.


Well, I did talk a big game now. It almost would be funny at this.


No. Well, now there's tension on the smack.


That I talk now there's pressure on it, that driveway goes thankfully downward. So the boiling oil, although the boiling oil will spin in the other direction into the gallery.


It'll spill into the gallery.


No, we're always uphill. We're always in the garage. We don't go downhill.


I hope there is rampant fear in that garage around that boiling oil.


Then you will respect it. You've got to respect the boiling oil. And your father's a fool. I know he's taught you very little, but what he should have taught you more than all is he's a fool.


But the man can fry a turkey.


He can fry a turkey. Delicious.


Worth the risk.


It is good. I have never eaten anything better on Thanksgiving.


I'm being honest. But what I'm saying is it could.


Have been prepared with shoes. Gross.


Yes. Dangerous?


I'm not so sure.


All I'm asking is a couple of.


Shoes that's it really hung up on the shoes here. It's a dirty garage, Chris. You can just outside the garage. When is the last time cleans a garage?


No, like the floor. I know you clean the stuff in a garage. You mop your garage.


I want to know the last time anything in that garage was cleaned.


It's got to be when did they move in? In the 70s. In the 70s? That garage has not had a washcloth in it in half a century.


It's all fair.


You cannot cook anything in that garage.


A foot outside the garage.


A burnt, boiled, oiled foot that you now have America rooting for your house to go on fire for the acidic burning down of your father's house and his bare, dirty feet. Don Lebotard at the end of our.


Conversation with Alex Smith and we talked for about 30 minutes, but I feel like nobody is going to remember anything about that conversation other than how you fell flat at the end with your very last word.


Listen to how Stugats here, at the end of this interview says goodbye, just exhausted to Alex Smith.


Thanks, Alex.


Stugatz, what happened? Alish dan.


I'm exhausted.


I haven't stopped talking in a month.


I mean, I don't know what to tell you. This is The Don Levatar Show with The Stugats.


Billy, you're a OD combination today of proud and confident and strong. You've been fixing things. You claimed that you could fix the world. You have finally been able to fix your bed. The bed that you fell asleep on. And then it broke. And then you pretended to still be asleep, hoping your wife didn't hear it so that you could fix it the following morning. That bed has now been fixed. You have successfully been a handyman in your home.


That is correct. I fixed that bed and I did a great job. If you ask me, it hasn't broken since. And it's been almost a week.


And you feel good about are you someone I can't fix anything? I feel truly incompetent around my house. This stuff was not handed down.


Well, it's fight or flight, dad.


I'm embarrassed that I can't fix anything.


It was fight or flight. I had to sleep on the bed the next day, so I had to fix that bed. What is my other option?


There's got to be a line, though. Something you will fix. Come on, let's find it. Let's find the thing that you will tackle.


What can you fix?


I'm right there with you. I'm trying to think of the thing that I wouldn't call someone with toilets unclogging a toilet.


Not just unclogging, but also getting one to practice getting one to flush correctly. Yes. Thank you.


Wait, jiggle you take the thing off.


He's been waiting for that opening all his life. I wasn't even looking at him and.


I just saw how casually he threw in. Wait a minute. Look. The opening I've been waiting for. Dan clogs the toilet. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody. It's one of the greatest gifts you can give me. During this holiday season, I could accuse Dan of really vigorously clogging a toilet.


Took us 21 years to get to it.


Finally, we haven't reached 20 yet. It just feels like I always like.


To tack on a year.


You'll hang a photo?


Yeah, but only if you spot me. You need a stud.


Finder the wire on the back of the frame.


You're a command strip guy if I've ever met one.


Regardless, is there a story around your fixing of the bed? Because you're better at this than I am. I think Roy's the best we've got around here in terms of being able to do things around the house.


What does that mean?


I would challenge Roy to a home off.


Oh, wow.


I like that idea.


I like that idea.


I would challenge Roy to a home off.


So we break everything in both your homes and you guys have to fix no. Oh.


That's two challenges for Roy this week. My dad also challenged him to a Turk off.






Because Roy claimed on the Greg Cody show where we did our potluck that his turkey's better than my dad's, and my dad's like, no, I'll turk off with you anytime you want.


We'll turk each other off.


You guys turk each other off and we'll all taste it.


Circle turk that bare feet. But it's true. I do have a better turkey.


The feet are your objection to what I just described?


I don't want to see it. He's going to fry that turkey with those bare feet. No, I'm sorry.


I need for both the home off and the turk off.


One clearly has a better name.


I need both of those things to appear on the after the game podcast.


Show before the game with David dwarf.


And the Turk off. These things need to appear somewhere to.


Bring traffic to Roy's podcast. There is content around both the home office.


Remember, we're all tasting after the Turk off.


You mentioned that already unpleasantly. But Billy, you are now alleging that you think you are better around your home fixing things than Roy is. I thought Roy was our local champion here.


I'm not alleging. I know it to be facts. I'm just simply stating the fact that that's the situation.




You want to know how I fix the books?




Phone books.


Phone books.


That's broke ass Latin phone books. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Tony in Awela's house. That's how awella does it? Under the bed, a couple phone books. You put it right underneath the center so it doesn't fall. Things are hard to get in Cuba. Respect things.


They're still making phone books back in the day.


Grandpa has phone books. They used to.


I used a leftover piece of my mailbox wood. That when I installed a mailbox years ago. I had leftover because I don't like to throw things away. So I just had a mailbox post in my shed and I cut it. And I'm not a very good cutter with a circular saw. Things don't exactly always work. Roy's got that.


You got circular saw game.


Roy's got the circular saw game.


I mean, come on.


I think if I needed something done around the house, I would go, Billy, thank you. I don't know why I feel like Billy would look up the proper thing and he would never start the project until he knows the right way to do. I feel like Roy would just be like, I got this, winging it. And then midway through he'd be like, I screwed this up, now I got to go back.


I'm a measure twice, cut once kind of guy. Roy just cuts once. No measuring. He eyeballs it.


I mean, I don't have hurricane shutters. I have to use plywood as an instick.


Roy, that can't be true. What is that?


It is to do with plywood. No, that is true.


That's a fairly normal thing that's all over South Florida. That's not just Roy.


Yeah, but that's a hard job.


You're getting help with that. Roy, you're getting help with that, though. That's not a one man job.


What on earth does that have to do with what we're talking about?


Roy showing off his home skills.


Exactly right.


That's what we're talking about.


I have done that before. I had help from my father in law, but we did it. Tag team, baby.


Hurricane. Hurricane shuttering can be difficult.


This is drilling a piece of wood to cover the window, though.


No, it's not just four corners wood. You got to drill into the house, and then you have to find actual right screws to put it in through the plywood.


Through the plywood is easy. It's the individual shutters that are way more time.


It's not that easy.


You're not making any cuts. You're just drilling.


Okay. We are talking to a bunch of people who are good at these things. Okay? So I cannot explain to you.


I don't feel like jumping in the fray, but I'm also quite good around that.




Wow. This home off is getting very exciting.


And guess what? I'll turk you off right now.


What's it going to taste like? Like Roy's is more citrus. My dad's is the fried what are you coming up?


I go with a little cajun bird.


Well, that's what my dad's fried bird is, a cajun bird.


I like a little dry rub on my turk off.


Greg Cody.


No moisture.


Greg Cody's going to be hard to beat here.


We'll see you about that.


I'll turk him off, too.


Roy's turkey is so famous, he's not doing it this year.


That's why he's going to be hard to beat.


I'll turk I'll beat him. I'll turk them both off at the same exact time.


You're not doing your turkey this year.


I'll try all your turkeys.


No, we are going out of town next week, so it wouldn't make much sense for us to have all those leftovers in the refrigerator for a week next week, though, again, the leftovers in the refrigerator for an entire week untouched.


Sounds like you're bailing on the turk off.


You're promising a turk off a year from now?


As opposed we could do this before Christmas.


After the we could do this.


You name a date and time and I'll come over there and I'll turk you off.


Oh, yeah. Me, too.


At the next mike.


I already called it. Billy, why can't you send leftovers elsewhere? I don't understand. You can't do a game today because Thanksgiving's tomorrow. You can't cook.


He never does anything on the day.


He'S supposed to do.


He has no plans on Thanksgiving. He's not cooking on thanksgiving because he doesn't want left.


He is right up there low key.


With stugats when it comes to excuses.


But it's not just excuses.


No, I can't do that. I'm going out of town in the spring.




It's that this would all be very good content for a property that could rocket up the hockey charts because the.


Turk off can't do it. Turk off night stars.


I can't do it because I can't have a home. Just I'm trying to give you ideas on how to build up whatever this property is going to be. Roy and I think us Turking off is absolutely the way to go.


All of us at once?


Maybe all of us. Yes.


I think just gratuitously circle turk. That's what it was.




One of us has to try. So I won'turk off, but I'll just try all your enough.


I'm actually not Turking off this November.




I have to turk off.


Okay, enough.


Once a week, at least I made a pledge.


Not Sundays, though.


This is the month to do it.


Or Fridays. Billy, build up.


How do you go from I successfully fixed my bed to I can now fix the entirety of the world?


Well, because, you know, every good journey starts with a step. And my step was the bed. And I fixed the bed very successfully. And then we were talking about Waze the other day, and the show is always talking about climate change and all these things we should be worried about and carbon footprint and emissions and all that, right? So I'm driving. And I thought, at one point in time you know what? Waze always sends me this way because they want me to not be on the expressway. And then I was thinking, man, I don't know why I was thinking about carbon emissions, but I was like, you know what? I feel like if I was driving on the expressway, I shouldn't be taking my emissions then through, like, a regular neighborhood. Like it's sending me. I'm ruining this neighborhood for all of these people, right? Then I was thinking, well, what if there was a way that you encapsulated all of the emissions that people are using on an expressway, just on the expressway, and you have to drive through all those emissions? And then I thought, what if each person lived in an orb?


And all of their emissions that they created, they had to deal with on their very own? And no one had fresh air? They just lived in their own little bubbles filled with their own emissions.


This is saving the planet.


Then we would yeah, well, the planet let them. The people would die. People that are creating the most dangerous emissions will be the ones that are dying. You basically have to deal with your own consequences. If you're being kind of like an Irresponsible person, your Orb is going to be super dirty. But when I get home, my orb is not going to be dirty because I have a clean orb. You know what I mean?


Greg Cody's garage would be one of the orbs that would be deeply, deeply unclean.


It would also be great to see who's full of it the most. You know what I mean? Emissions.


That is me.


You're looking at me right there.


I'm not looking at you. I'm just saying, you look out there and you have these people to oh, this is so you shouldn't all this stuff. And they're like, Buddy, your orb is gray as hell right now. You know what I mean?


I believe almost.


Not that I want to be Orbist, but I'm just saying orb off. Imagine the world, Dan, if we all lived in Orbs and we just had to deal with our own shit.


It's coming for the rich people.


That's Right. Everybody else is going to be dead.


But Joe Buck will be alive in space.


That's Right.


On a yacht in space.


In an orb that is very clean. That is correct. I believe that correctly covers it. I'm not sure how you think this fixes the world, though, Billy.


Well, because the world doesn't get any more emissions. You just keep your emissions. In your orb.




You don't get it.


You get what you deserve.


What color is your orb, Dan? Now I'm wondering.


It's going to be unclean in spots.


We put up this video. The turkey, greg is standing in his garage. 150% the turkey's out of the one.


Fireball out of the garage.


He's in that garage.


My orb has some hypocrisy in it. Don Lebotard, were you guys building out.


The a rod bathroom of your imaginations? Is that what I heard you discussing during the break?


Towels with an A on them?


You know the thing you slide the toilet paper on? That's a baseball bat.




Like that.


Stu guts.


You think he actually calls it the throne?


Probably does.


It's an actual throne.


An actual throne.


There's gotta be a full length mirror in there somewhere.


I imagine somewhere in his house he has a replica of David but with his head on it.


This is the Don Levatar Show with.


I don't know if Mike sure sees the holidays as a stressful time or a joyful time. I am looking forward to the results of that poll because I think of Mike Shore as having a balanced life that has many of the things in it that he wishes for it to have in it. But I also think of him as somebody who all of a sudden wants his Christmas bonus here at Metal Arc Media and is upping his effort a little bit. Here where he says he's got five stats of the day. He's been woefully remiss around here for a while. We haven't gotten a stat of the day and I don't know how long. Just because these elitists in Hollywood finally stopped striking and now he's back and he's got a bunch of stats and you're just doing this because you're trying to get a better holiday bonus. Correct.


Nice to see you too, Dan. How are things going? Y'all right?


I'm a little stressed because everybody expects a holiday bonus.


Is that true?


Do people actually want them?




I'll take one.


Yes. What do you mean?


Is that true?


Do people actually want them?


Of course it's true.


I don't want a holiday bonus. I want to be released from my contract. I want the opposite of a holiday bonus. Fire me and use the money that you don't pay me to pay your employees a holiday.


We do pay you money. You give it to Ron McGill.


I hate that you say this. We pay you for these services.


You're not an unpaid intern. Metal Arc Media does not have unpaid interns.


That's not true.


All I know is I have exactly the same money in my bank account as I did before I started working for you.


Because you give it away regardless.


That's not our fault. That feel their dreams flopped.


Oh, God damn.


The hell, man. It's the holidays coming at me with that.


Before we get to the five stats of the day. Roy Bellamy. Thank you for joining me in old personhood roy has tweeted from his account a breaking story from Variety. Hall and oates. Hall of Notes, famous duo in rock and roll are in a confidential legal battle that has led to Daryl Hall getting I'm sorry, I couldn't get it out without laughing. Getting a restraining order against John Oates.


What? No. Yes.


I guess he can't go for that.


Hall filed an undisclosed complaint against Oates on November 16.


The court has issued a temporary restraining order to begin November 30. This is terrible news and music. This is one of the I know. No one cares, Mike. I'm glad I got that response out.


Of this material at first.


No, I know. Nobody but Tony and Chris don't have any idea what we're talking.


Say it isn't so.


Does hall of Notes still have that telephone number you can call to get call an Oats to get three of those songs of theirs?


Do call an oats.


Hold on a second. We're going to call a notes right now. I want you to imagine hold on a second, Mike. I'm sorry to interrupt the show with this. You know the telephone number. It's just call and oats.


It's one speed dial your emergency hall.


And Oats help line. To hear one on one, please press one. To hear Rich Girl, please press two. To hear Manita, please press three.


You're hitting three. You're hitting three. Press I'm going to hit three. Come on.


All right.


Watching you. You should have hit three, though.


How can you not hit no, because.


This one has the clap. This is your new set of the day, Ben.


Enjoy it.


Go ahead, Mike.


This is your set of the day.


Go for it. You can go you can give us one of your stats of the day to each of the Hollow Notes songs. Maybe we'll go through four of them as your background.


Go ahead. Give us your first stat of the day.


There we go. All right. Here's a stat of the day. You ready?




It's from Codify baseball. Not counting batters who were intentionally walked, greg Maddox faced 8025 batters during the 95 to three season. The total pitches to those batters that were called balls 8006 less than one ball per batter over nine seasons.


No way. That can't be right. They're just thinking of the next time they have to clap.


I tried to time it so that.


They clap right as I in between.


There we go.


You almost stepped on it and they didn't trust you. Give your second stat of the day. No.


I can barely hear this music.


It's so titty.


Non original audio.


If it's on, it's on his phone, it's shitty. Audio off of it.


This is when music was music.


He's a man eater.


Don't hold back your love.


Go for it. That was so good that Tony I thought I'm like how did Mike do that his lips weren't moving.


This is like it's Am radio in like a 1979 all right.


Go ahead. No, I'm trying to walk them into a trap.


Now they're clapping too much.


Wait, hold on. I think you can go now. I think it's safe. No, it's not. You're out. Get out. Roy, get out of here. Therapy couch. Get out of here. It's all start. You're on our team. Come on. That was Tony. Tony, you're out. Get out of here. Go ahead. Sure.


Even for this show, this is insane.


Give us your second stat of the day.


Hold on. Let him get Maneater here. Let him get man eater. Queued up by dialing number three so that you have the music that you need.


Yes, the music I need. That's right.


Segment needs a little buoying. The stats aren't strong enough by themselves. It needs some entertainment behind it.


That stat wasn't strong enough for you.


That's an amazing stat.


I didn't hear it.


The clapping was strong enough.


We were jamming out.


We didn't hear it.


All right, you ready?


Wait for the sacks.


I guess you can wait for have.


You never heard Maneater?


I can barely hear Maneater right now.


You requested Maneater. We're doing the sax here. We're easing in. We're easing in. A little bit of lubrication before things escalate to the most sensual mike looks.


Like he's playing the saxophone into his phone.


That's right. You can go now, but when you got to beware you got to hit your dismount. So that Man Eaters I can't barely.


Hear the song, Dan. It's not fair.


Just deliver the set.


Last night all right, layout.


Hold on a second.


Last night, Tyree Talibur. I don't know if any of you saw that game. 309 points scored in that game. He's 30 716 and five. He's great. He's, according to a meme, the last hope for point guards in this.


Love watching him.


30 716 and five with nine threes. There's only one other person who's ever had that game. It was James Harden New Year's Eve, 2016, against the Knicks. If you toss in his three steals, no one's ever had that game.


Hold on now.


Chris Cody, you're out.


You went early with early. Get out of get out. You're out.


Why is Tony still here?


Tony, you collapsed at the wrong time.


You're not supposed to be here either. That was such a fun game. I wish all of basketball was like it was amazing.


The highest over under since 1995 entering.


That game yes, I saw before the game. How is this over 250? How is this number over 250? And they went over 300 because the.


Patriots score 140 points a game.


They're good. They're legit good. The two teams last night were 37 of 76 from three. That's almost 50% on 76 attempts. God bless them. So fun. That team's sneaky good. Not even sneaky.


Not just sneaky good.


If I tell you now, who do you want Trey Young or Halliburton? You're like halliburton.


I kind of want halliburton.


Oh, halliburton? By far.


I know, but that's easy. That's changed over the last 18 months. I'm going to say Halliburton is becoming.


One of the best players in the league.


He's wonderful. His range is ridiculous.


Yeah, he's got incredible potential. Still, he's an amazing player.


Do you want to do another song or do you want to peter out here? Because it's just you, me and Mike.


Well, he said he had five stats.


How many more?


I don't really I've got a couple more if you want them by the know instead of a stat.


Can I give you a theory now?


I mean, we are in the Sachs breakdown, so go for it.


My new theory is that the Steelers and the Miami Heat are spiritual cousins. Their offense stinks for both teams. They're constantly outplayed there's like a narrative for each of them. That their culture is that they're different and better and tougher than everybody else. They win every game by three points and no one can figure out how.


And they've only had the same team.


And they've only had, like, four coaches in their.


They'Re. The Steelers are the heat of the NFL and vice versa in the NBA. That's my theory.


Juju put it on the poll, please, at LeBatard Show. Are the Steelers and Miami Heat spiritual cousins? Mike, do you want to try a third? I don't know if another Holland Oats song is going to hold up. I think of Holland Oates as having those two and I know they have.


More, but they weren't they have Sarah smile.


They weren't offered on that phone line. That's not one of the options.


Why are we doing this on a day when they're, like, suing each other? This is so sad.


Well, because they're suing each other, some things are better left unsaid.


Give us a final stat of the day. We have missed you. Congratulations on finally getting back to work.


My final stat of the day is just a list. It's just a list of wide receivers. Do you want to hear it?




Bethel Johnson PK Sam chad Jackson matthew Slater brandon Tate taylor Price jeremy Ebert josh Boyce aaron Dobson jeremy Gallon devin Lucian, malcolm Mitchell braxton barrios nikhil Harry trey Nixon and Taekwon Thornton.


These are all wide receiver draft picks by Bill Belichick.


That's correct. Since 2003.


Just your thoughts, because Mina, Pablo and I talked about this for a while the other day. We've got less than a minute left, but as a fan of Boston stuff and excellence, your ideas around Belichick might be fired are by the way, I.


Left out Julian Edelman just because it made my list better. I think that the answer here, which I haven't heard anyone say. I'm sure someone has said this. I haven't heard anyone say it. If you could fire Belichick as a GM and keep him as a coach, you would do it right. His problem is not coaching. He held Tyree Kale to, like, 40 yards. He still is a very good defensive coach. At this point, you can't keep him as a coach and fire him as GM. If you did that, he would quit, which maybe is what they'll do. Maybe they'll say they want to bring in a GM and get him to quit, but that's the answer. His main problem, in my opinion, is that he's whiffed on, like, ten straight drafts, and he's gotten a little unlucky with injuries on defense. But other than that, I would still keep him as a coach. He just can't draft people anymore. He's never been able to draft wide receivers. Do you think not draft them?


See you later. Good seeing.


I can't go for that.




No can do. Bye.