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This is the Dan Leviton Show with the Stugats Podcast.


Oh, my God. Somebody tweeted that Julius Randol is one of the best players in Nick's history. I'm like, what the.


Fuck are you.


Talking about?


Certainly in the last 20 years, though, I mean.


Not even. Come on. He's awful.


Last 20 years.


Last 20 years, I mean. Last 20 years, he makes it. Last 20 years? He makes a bleacher report list.


Last 20?


Is it 20th? Put it on the poll, JuJuAtLevitard show. Is Julius Randol one of the best nicks of the last 20 years? Because I think he is.


He is? He has to be. You make an All-Star team, you're on the list.


Twenty years takes you back to 2003. Right. Then Allen Huston is on that list.


Is Allen Huston on.


That team? Allen Huston? Yes, he was. O-3 team, yeah. Okay. He was there until I.


Was-i concede that you still have to have 15 strong here.


Carmelo Anthony.


Yes. He's on it.


Stoudomire. Amari Stoudomire. We're not doing this.


We're not doing this. Are you.


Going to put Jeremy Lynn over Julius Randall?


Hold on a second.


I was just.


Going to say- The first couple of months of Amari Stoudamire, yes.


The first couple of days of-.


He's the MVP. I think on the whole, Amari is still better at his peak.


Than Julius Randle. Amari's nick career.


Yeah, but Julius Randol's the depth.


Behind him. Hold on, Tyson-Chandler. Okay.


Defensive Player of the Year. Pablo Pazioni.


Deep boy. We're not doing this. No?


Julius Randel makes a team. He does make a team. You don't want to give that to him.


He's a starter on that team.


No, he's not. Yes, he is. He's backing up Amari. No.


What? I want to stop this. Amari was good for.


Five or.


Six minutes. I've had enough of Julius Randel in general. Mike Ryan called him an assortment of names during last year's playoffs.


Oh, he stinks.


That we're not-.


But he makes a team because that team stinks.


Yeah, you called him a garbage can. Exactly. But I'm glad that we've got this combination of chemicals in here today because I've been wanting for a week to get to this story, but I needed the right people to talk about it with. Marbury? Oh, wow.


Marbury. Starbury.






Marbury doesn't make it. You're just saying- Marbury does not make it. You're just saying names that-.


Marbury doesn't make it?


No, you're cheating. You're just saying players that we rate at moments in time, but certainly not during their Nicks years.


He was great with the Knicks. What are you.


Talking about? They weren't good.


Julius Randle was. Julius Randle's.


Been good.


I'd rather have Marbury.


At forward, by the way.


I'd rather have Marbury at power forward. I'd rather have Marbury at.


Power forward. I'd rather have Marbury at power forward. Really?


We're applying a conventional sense of people that aren't co-chairs of people who know ball.


Last week, and I know this triggered Stugatz because there is very little that Stugat hates more as the voice of the fan. Anyone in sports who's being paid a lot of money telling fans how to behave when Stugatz believes that he is entitled as a customer to behave the way that he wishes to behave.


Within reason, dad.


Yeah, but everybody defines that differently. What within reason is, and you extend that further out into the extremes than I do because you don't mind heckling or insulting a player.


When they deserve it.


And I don't... That's not for me, but- What's up.


To me? Understood.


It's up to me. I decide. -understood. Within reason, you decide what is your reason. I don't trust generally your reason. Your reason is not trustworthy to me. But when it came to Kauai Leonard returns, his shooting free throws, and then Greg Popovich takes the fairly extraordinary act of like he's talking to a high school gym. He's a principal of some sort.


Well, he wanted to be a D3.


Coach, Dan. And he talks to Spurs fans, and he simply yells at them, yells at them into the microphone that they are not... That that is not who they are. That San Antonio fans are classier than that. And he tells them to stop booing and heckling Kauai Leonard, who I think, and I don't know what the reporting has been on this, how accurate it is because the stuff around Kauai is so muddled and he's so quiet. But I'm pretty sure that Kauai feels failed by that entire organization, led by Greg Popovich, and I think he feels failed by their medical staff, and it's part of why he left. Those fans are mad at him. They booed him. What did you think of.


All that? They have every right to boo Kauai, Leonard. What is Pop doing? You have to have better things to do while you're coaching your team than doing that, than grabbing a microphone and addressing the fans. You know what? I paid good money. If I feel like I want to boo Kauai Leonard, who is now two or three teams removed from the San Antonio Spurs. Left there under your watch, Greg Popovich, because you were doing something wrong. He was not comfortable there. He got out, he went to Toronto, now he's with LA. If the fans want to come back and boo Kauai Leonard, they have every right to do so. There are only a couple of times where a coach would grab a microphone in an arena and address the fans. Before the season, first game of the night, first game of the season, you address the fans, you thank them. I love that. A little thank you message from the coach right before the season starts. We appreciate your support. That, you can do it. If fans are launching things onto the court or a hockey rink or a field, things that are dangerous to players, then you can grab a mic and address the fans, okay?


The other time is when a little girl is failing at singing the national anthem and you have to rush to help her out, okay? Mo'che, great job by him. Those are the only times you can grab a microphone if you're a head coach in the NBA. You cannot do it when fans, and not all the fans were doing it, Dan, not all the fans were doing it, just a handful of them were doing it. You cannot, while coaching a three-win team, come to the microphone and say, Hey, stop booing Kauai Leonard. Give me a break. I'll boo whoever I want to boo, including you, Pop.


For the uninitiated, and this was a couple of days ago. I'm not totally sure you got the Maurice Cheek's story totally right. I don't- He did, actually. I did. Did you grab the microphone? Because I remember him just - He did. He helped her sing it. But I remember him just putting his arm around her, comforting her. I don't remember him picking up the microphone.


And talking. It's one of the great moments in American history. For me, it's top five right behind OSHIE.


Okay, very good. For the uninitiated, this is old, but let's just check in on Popovich. Excuse me for a second. Pops on the mic.


We stopped all the booing like these guys play.


Oh, shut off.


It's not who we are.


Knock off to booing.


It's not who we are. Here's who we are. We tanked to get Web and Yamma.


Lay off Kauai Leonard.


I love that they booed more after he said that.


Well, here's the thing. If you're Pop, he's a smart guy. He had to know telling fans not to boo would make them boo more. Okay, that's what I mean. I think he.


Was doing.


Something- He wanted more booze? I think he was trying to make himself look like the good guy, being like, Oh, no, don't boo him. Then he's like, Well, of course, they're going to keep going. Then it'll be more where he can say, don't poke the bear. Still don't get it.


Still don't get that. Trying to save face with Kauai Leonard on the line. He comes up, Guys, stop. Let's stop this booing. Come on. Kauai, I.


Got you. Or he was icing Kauai.


But Kauai hates him. Exactly. That's why he's.


Trying to save face. I mean, you had a great take on oddball. I'm going to ask you to microwave it real quick because I came away watching this as it happened. What are you doing? This is clown behavior. I don't know what's going on inside your mind if you feel guilty about the whole Kauai thing, but we, the audience, are not your pawn in all this. You never see that.


There's two different levels to this. Level one is I want to ask Dan a question. Dan, you said, Oh, you're not into heckling, whatever. Are you anti-bullying? Not heckling, not calling people names, not talk about their family, not using the word. Just boeing. -just the.


Word boo. No, I'm not against- You're anti- boo? No, I'm not against booing. I'm not against booing. The part about this story that I found most interesting is that Popovich has been a king so long in that market that he actually thought going to a microphone and telling them something.


Would work. -that's the problem with Pop.


I don't know that he thought it would work.


He absolutely thought, I'm.


Lord over.


All of this. Yeah, I run this town.


They're going to be, Oh, sorry, Pop.


I appreciate your theory. I do Charlotte. It's a great theory.


You got to zig.


When they zig. If Popovich is indeed smarter than everyone, and I don't know why it is, he took out Duncan so that Bosch could get that rebound. But if he is smarter than everybody, absolutely. That is the third eye move of, I will go over there. You want to know how I win in every circumstance? I will look like the good guy. I will look to everybody like I am protecting Kauai like I didn't when his body needed protection. Bang.


But really what I want is more booze.


But I'm going to get them to boo more at my arrogance.


Yeah, you want to know the smartest thing ever? Remember when they were three and two and everyone said, Oh, maybe Whenbanyama could take them to the playoffs? They've lost 12 games in a row.


How smart is that? That's not a very nice.


Invitation to me. Mike Ryan. That was how Mike Ryan said it with his arms moving like that.


Like the sweetest chef.


Morgy, Morgy, Morgy.


Whenever I get excited, I put my arms around and I make points.


People are starting to open their eyes.


This is my pop point beyond just the right to boo. Everyone in sports has a right to boo. We can't take that away. To act like that's unclassy or whatever, shut the hell up, number one.


Especially a guy who left your franchise and went somewhere else.


That's my point that I draw an oddball, which is the reason they're booing, because he didn't do this when they booed Paul George or they booed anybody else, the reason they're booing that guy is because he's a villain in San Antonio. Why is he a villain in San Antonio? Because when he was hurt and he said, I'm not ready to play, the Spurs organization used every single dirty trick of leaking stuff repeatedly, consistently to the press. He's not that hurt. Tony had the same injury. And then we had a team meeting. They did all of those things to make him look like trash. And so the fans are like, Yeah, this guy, he's not down for the cause like Tony, and Manu, and Timmy. So of course they boo him. You taught them to boo him.


I don't think that people totally understand what an enormous source of tension in the offices of basketball it is, the load management questions to get. When the Miami Heat are paying Jimmy Butler $500,000 or $600,000 a game, do you think they want to be hearing from him or his agent on he's not playing the second night of back-to-backs? Like just across the sport. It's not just Jimmy Butler. Make it across the sport. Do you think any of these people, when it's $500,000 to $600,000 a game you are paying them?




Don't want to hear it, Dan. And where.


It is that Kauai-Especially during the in-season tournament.


Kauai Leonard ended up. I can't think of a lot of people that San Antonio's fan base are angrier about that have played there in the history of that market. Then they had a superstar. They watched win a championship somewhere else who didn't trust the organization medically about his body and left.


For me, it was just really about Pop, and he thinks his words matter. He thinks his words matter more than anyone else's words. He thinks his hugs after the game matter more than any other coach's hugs after the game. Like who made Pop? Who put Pop in charge of the NBA and player relations in the NBA? Every single game, the opposing star that he's playing against gets a big handshake, a big hug, a big smile, and Pop thinks it means more to that player than any hug, any smile, handshake from any other coach. And he's wrong. Overrated, Pop. He's not that good of a coach.


Put it on the pole at Levitard Show. Does Greg Popovich think his hugs matter more than the hugs of other human beings?


Do it without Hall of Famers, Dan.


How about that? As one myself, that was ego, maniacal behavior from Greg Popovich. That was narcissistic right there. That's what all that was. Takes one to know one.


And also is distancing himself from the Frankenstein's monster that he created. It's not just narcissistic.


You're going to make me the bad guy here? Yeah. You want to feel better about yourself. So you're just going to tell this amorphous blob of fans that they're the ones that are wrong.


No, it's ridiculous. To me, it all comes down to, like you said, narcissism.


David Lee, I take over.


Dan Levittard. Amino Hassan.




Amino Hassan. This is the Dan Levittard.


Show with the Stugats.


It's time for… Dan?




The spread. Getting into.


It, Mike.


Wow, what a year against the spread we've had. We're coming down to The Wire as the year is ending, and we are so close to the big grand prize. You could be there on hand in person to see the big grand prize handed out to the winner of Against the Spread. On December 11th, whether or not the dolphins get flexed out or not, it doesn't matter. It's brought to you all by Miller Light and Dollars, Shafe Club, and it's going down 8:15 at the Miller, Light stage at Vivo Miami Indoreal Dolphins Mall, free to the public all ages, come out and touch Dan Levitart. Dan, you kick us off even though you are mathematically eliminated from winning the history prize.


What if Dan doesn't want to be touched? Give him a shot, double or nothing here.


You kick us off on against the spread.


What have you got, Daniel?


I have to pick a game from this evening, from later in the week?


You can pick an NFL.


Game if you You know.


How this works. Throughout the weekend, Dan. You do this thing where you pretend to not know the rules.


Bad comprehension. I lack some enthusiasm for this segment. I want to get to the useless sound montage.


Sir, you should pick up the pace then. If someone wants to get done with something quickly, they're going to be there. If you want to get.


To it, get to it.


I'll take the dolphins.


Really? What's the spread? I don't know anything about what the.


Spread is. You can't just say, I'll take the dolphins. You got to do the whole thing. Everyone knows how this goes.


I don't have.


The point spreads in front of me. Just say, I'm taking the dolphins.


The dolphins minus nine and a half.


Against the spread. Now over to Sue Gotts.


Mike, there's a big game this weekend in college football. There are several big games in college football. I'm going to go with the SEC Championship Game. I've been telling Georgia all year to do it against Alabama. They have a chance to do it this weekend, and they're not going to do it. Therefore, I am taking Alabama plus five and a half, according to DraftKings, to win the game, cover the spread, win the game outright, and cover the spread. So Alabama, plus five and a half, according to DraftKings, to win the game, cover the spread, win the game outright, and cover the spread. Alabama, plus five and a half.


Against the spread.


Now listen, buy the hook and a little money line wouldn't hurt either.


Jessica, why are you so angry about that?


He took mine.


I'm an Alabama fan-I'm a Alabama fan now, Dano.


Don't get out of here.


Stugatz took my picks, so I'm going to take the Georgia Bulldogs. -wow. -minus five and a half against Alabama. -weird.


-against the spread. -that is a great strategy that she just deployed because she's trying to win this prize. Right. And she's aware of what Stugats... That's a champion's advantage, basically.


You're buying it down to five?


What is your confusion there, Billy? I don't know. That she was going to take Alabama and then she just takes Georgia because Stugat took Alabama?


Yes, and-I'm trying to win the game, Billy. Look, he learned. I am rooting for a chaos scenario in the college football playoff. Either two SEC teams or no SEC teams. If Alabama wins, you can't do one-on-one. Something crazy has to happen, which is why I wanted Alabama. But since Stugat took Alabama and I want to win the game, I'm taking Georgia.


Against the spread. We've got a root for chaos. The cast of oddball hasn't been with us for the entire time we've been doing against the spread. But for them, we've made a special exception where it's just winning percentage, not overall record. And that puts them into contention to get the big mystery prize at Dolphins Mall on December 11th at the Miller Light Stage.


You have to be present to claim the prize.


Judges? I mean, we go over to you.


No, you don't have to be present. You can pick it up the day after. Perfect. All right, great. Coincidentally, it's when I fly in.


Yeah, but it also may affect your ability to win the prize.


Why is that?


Because it's all subjective.


Because no one is keeping records on this.


Not true. What? That's very untrue. No, I have it on my phone.


Mike said I'm in first place.


There you go. What's my percentage, Mike?


Yeah, it's up there.




Up there. I don't even know how to play the game. I have PTSD from trying to play this game.


Well, you get to watch a meme, do it, and then you go after.


Guys, the Denver Nuggets are seven and a half point favorites against the Rockets, but here's the deal. Jamal Murray, maybe coming back. Aaron Gordon, maybe not playing. Yokech, maybe not playing also. Payton Watson, maybe not playing. A lot of questionables. I'm going to go with the Houston Rockets plus seven and a half.


Against the thread. It is brought to you by DraftKings sportsbook. Use code Dan when you sign up on the app or limited time offer for new customers. Charlotte Wilder, you're up next.


Well, I panic whenever this happens, and I turn to Jessica and she helps me out, and I'm going to take Oregon against Washington at minus nine and a half against.




Trend. That is a gutsy pick right there.


Charlotte, I'm going to be quick with it. I agree, and I'm going to take your very same pick because I want to keep pace with one of the lead dogs. No, no, no, no. I have been betting against Washington for the last month and a half, and by God, I'm going to get him. Wow. Going with the Oregon Ducks and Bo Nicks ends up.


Winning the Heisman. Because you're chasing Washington?


I guess the spread. Do you still think Washington's being disrespected?


I mean, it's plus nine and a half. They're undefeated and they already beat Oregon. What is.


Happening here? They've been playing really close games against not so great opponents, even the Wazoo's rivalry game. But they keep.


Winning them.


They've been.


Winning them. Am I right? And now you're giving me nine.


And a half? It's an eye test.


Stugat said, I know, without realizing where you were going with that statement.


He does that. -premature, I know.


-yes, I know when I understand are things so that he doesn't have to listen anymore to what it is that you're saying. Keep it moving, dude. Listen. Billy, are you ready?


I'm ready. Do you want me to go now?




Preferably. Tony, go ahead. Oh, wait. Wow. Toney.


Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. High atop the Walsco Center. High noon tip-off for your Miami Hurricanes.


I love a high noon.


Jazz band and sneakers, as we've mentioned. There is no spread for this game yet, but I will be taking the Miami Huricans. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Whatever the spread is against the spread. Brought to you by Gus Machado-Ford.


You've got to sing it as.


A Zegaki.


You've got to sing it as a gacky.


Against the spread.


Billy, what do you got?


I'm going to go to the World Highlight League, Dan, this Friday. The Renegades are going against the Wall Warriors. Big one.


That's not listed.


It is listed. I'm going to go game two. It is.




Here, right here. The battle court is on DraftKings.


Proud partner. Game number two, Williams and Ubeya against Joseph and Correa. If I was top one thing, it's always bet against Correa. So I'm going to take Williams.


And Ubeya.


Nice. I don't think that's against the spread.


No, that's not the spread.


That's the spread. Now it is. You know what? I'll take the Colts minus one over.


The tiles. No, you're stuck.


With the...


Well, no, I'll take both then. I'll take two. We'll allow it.


I'm trying to close this thing out, baby.


You're always alleging that I don't do this correctly because I go over, unders, I go totals, I go money line, and you say it's got to be against the spread.


Yeah, they're minus 475. By my understanding, they have to win by 475 points, and I think they will.




The spread. You are locked in in lead dog status. You're going to win that oversized gummy bear. Oh, shit. What?


It didn't grow. It didn't grow. It slightly grew. You know what? I took a picture. I'll send it to our video department. You can see. Hubba hubba.


Charlotte, if you're not familiar with what it is Billy is talking about there. He has fallen for an internet trick of throw a gummy bear in the fridge and add some things to it and watch it grow to the size of.


A salt and water. No.


Oh, Billy. Even I don't fall.


For those. No, it slightly grew. It lost its color, though.


You got to check.


The doctor.


For that.


But how big was it alleging that it was going to get and how much bigger did it actually get? And why did you fall for this stupid Internet thing?


Well, it wasn't that I fell for it. It's that, you know what? If I buy a four and a half pound bag of gummy bears, and I put one in and I grow it to become five pounds, and they sell those things for $20, then I'm dumb not to try it. I'm making money.


Billy's treating this like a pumpkin growing competition.




Speaking of which- You're going to go up against other big gummy bears and weigh them.


Well, here's the thing about pumpkin growing, now that we're talking about that.


What happened there, Charlotte? Go sit in the penalty box for two minutes. I'm sorry. Go sit in the penalty box.


Two minutes minor for leaking confidence.


For falling apart and then just spitting some- Into the microphone. -some saliva into the microphone.


Here's a question for the parents in the room that I'm wondering. Do you ever get home early on and the Halloween season and your kid has grown from a pumpkin seed, a little sprout in a cup? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I have that going on, and I was thinking, This thing, I'm keeping it alive and putting water. If I put that thing in my backyard, I have a pumpkin farm, and I'm just making money.


Say that they were once owned by Elvis. Are you ready for useless sound? Play it.


Well, give me a second.


What is the.


Computer buffering? I have to screw Louis up. Do you, really? It's tough to win football games. It turns the ball over that many times.


Getting to the Super Bowl is a goal.


But we're going to just take it a week at a time.


That's all we can do. You get.


Mentally tough, more tough.


Throughout the year when you go through ups.


And downs.


The biggest argument Wink and I have had is who.


Has the last piece of pizza. So I've got a lot of respect for Wink.


Done a good job, so I'll leave it at that. I think the best thing about us, though, is it's about us. It's about us being together.


We're at where we're at and we're just the size of the limits, too. We have everything we.


Want in front of us, but we just got to take it one game at a time. Whether it's a penalty, whether it's a mispass.


Whether it's a sack, we got to.


Be on the same page at the same time. Parts of the game, we.


Look very functional. Other parts of the game, we don't.


It felt like we didn't match their level of effort and enthusiasm throughout the game. The guy loves to.


Compete, loves to.


Play football.


We've only scratched the.


Surface, honestly.


What lessons do I take from it?


Don't take anything for granted.


We anticipated it being a.


Four-quarter game. We won nine games, and all those games had to be closed out in the fourth quarter one way or another. These games are tough. They're tight. They're close. We just lean on each.


Other in.


These moments. That's really.


All we can do.


This is.


The National.


Football League, and anybody can be anybody. He's one of those guys.




Loves competing. And when you've got that natural just zest and.




For going out there and playing the game, and then, by the way, you're.






I'm learning each week.


I think we had some injuries early on. It's not acceptable to make an excuse, but we had injuries. One man's misfortune is another man's opportunity.


What you like about him is the way he.


Came back. Our guys turned that game back around where it felt like we're going to come back and go get it done. And we had that sense at half-time that we could. And so it was good to see that happen.




It almost.


Got there.


I thought he stayed in there, kept battling. But I'll get to the tape and just take a look at all of it to make sure I'm making a smart answer.


I'll make sure I.


Have an answer of a better answer for you guys tomorrow. But I thought he battled.


It's a tough thing to do to win a game like this after a big Monday night game and then Thanksgiving. You get that trip to Fed hangover, so you got to work through that. We did what.


We needed to do to win. There are no moral victories.


Each and every one of us have to look at ourselves. And like I.


Told you, that.


Starts with me. And that's what you do. Guys like myself and Kenny, man, we're judged based on winning and losing. And we don't run from that. We run to that.


So he and I are winners today. I love that. That's your coach, Jessica. I love him so much. He doesn't run from it. He runs to it. Everything he says is a poem. Cut your eyelids off. It's a poem.


Don Libertard. Well, Charlie, as far as I know, so just Charlie's title in my- Are.


You going.


To say anything? -two guts. How familiar were you at the time with Cheubaca? Your upbringing had how much Cheubaca in it? This is.


The Dan Levator Show with the Stugarts. It is.


Too bad that Stugats just fled the studio, chased by authorities, because I needed an expert for the story I'm about to tell you that I simply don't understand. I don't understand how some of this is possible. I've lived in Florida all my life. I know about corruption. I know about scammers. You live in Miami. You know that people can get away with scamming those COVID loans. Every day there was a news story about somebody spending millions of dollars here that was supposed to go to some other cause that goes to jewelry or something else. But I'm reading about a director named Carl Rinsch, whose only movie is 47 Ronan, which is not the Ronan I know. No. It's the Ronan with De Niro that I'm always scanning through and finding somewhere on the television, just like the Italian job is always on somewhere. This Ronan is not that Ronan. I don't know what 47 Ronan is.


It's a Keano Reeves vehicle.


It's got a 16 on Rotten Tomatoes. That is the one film this person has made. Evidently, Netflix gave him $55 million to do a sci-fi series that has not produced a single episode, but did produce this director buying five Rolls-Royces, a Ferrari, clothing, fancy clothing, furniture. He also made a lot of money. This was not losing money on the 55 million. He made a lot of money on Dogecoin and with other volatile stocks. I ask you, Ameen, as someone who worked in a big business that gave out a lot of money, how does this happen that Netflix gives this human being $55 million and he goes on a spending spree? It's been a while now. I think it's been more than 18 months, and they haven't gotten anything in return for their investment.


I think that when it comes to creative stuff, there is an element of we give you money, and then you go off and you do your… It's not like he's showing up to Netflix HQ and clocking in and doing his work. Like, Have you done your work yet? I'm getting there, boss. It's not like that, right? It's like he goes to his studio and does whatever it is he does, and they say, How's it going? Oh, good. Here's some slides, here's some dailies, or whatever. It's easy to fake that stuff. Meanwhile, you're not creating anything, actually. In a sports environment, it's a lot more crazier because there is a day to day we see what you're doing. You are clocking in. I remember when I was with the Suns towards the end, our general manager was using the organization as just to bankroll personal trips to have fun. So the Maui Classic would start on a Tuesday. He'd show up on the prior Friday just to be in Hawaii for the weekend before the Maui Classic gets started.




That's a good move.


This is insane. There's something very weird going on here. I know a lot of people trying to get movies made or shows made. It's unbelievably difficult. So for Netflix, it's basically impossible unless you're going to bootstrap it yourself to get something made. If you have a critical Dud, if you have no movie or a bad movie, it's almost impossible to get a movie made to get money from these major people. What's going on? Who is this guy related to? What are they trying to cover up? The fact in the Times, it's a John Carey-Rue story who broke the Theranos story. Something very weird is going.


On here. Well, in hearing the details read to me, it feels like Netflix and giving him that seed money was funding a project about this. If you want to have your suspicions about stuff and the internet, what is the internet without its conspiracy theories? The whole plot behind the movie is that they gave him $55 million and he did all this with it, and that would be subject to a Netflix special.


I would love if that were the conspiracy theory.


What is this? You guys didn't consider that?




Do you mean? I think the plot is he pitches them, give me $55 million, and I'm not actually going to make anything. I am going to be the central focus of this special. I'm going to try to make as much money as I can on Dogecoin.


Here's the thing, though. Then they would need... Hulu would also have had to do that, so they could have had the dueling documentaries like Firefest.


How tired are you guys of that? Of finding the story of Mother God over here, and then its three other movies are being made elsewhere. We really have seen a golden age of content making come crashing to a halt that has gone from a bunch of different people will tell the same story two, three times on the different streamers because- Like the Lakers. Yeah, a number of different stories. But then the industry closes down and it's super hard right now to get much of anything made by anybody because the industry has been in such turmoil over the last 8-12 months.


There's two things going on. One is, like Charlotte said, it's hard to get something done.


As we're a content company that is actively pitching documentaries and we're spearheaded by the former head of ESPN, the dude from 47 Ronan just waltzes into Netflix and he's like, I don't know if you've seen 47 Ronan.


There's two things, though, Mike. One is, have you ever made anything? That's the only thing. The only thing worse than not having or making something bad is not having made anything. Having made something automatically gets you in the door in a way that everyone else with even great ideas can't.


Even if it's 47 Ronan.


Even if it's 47 Ronan, right? But then the other part of this, and this is the critical element, is Hollywood is in enthralled by this concept of IP. Is this an original new idea? Shut up. Go away. Is this something based on something from somewhere else? Tell me more. That's why every movie you see now is an adaptation of a video game, or a book, or another movie that was made a long time ago, or a TV show, because everything is IP-driven. I'm curious to see what is it that specifically about his project probably had ties to something else.


I think this is the project.


It could be that he worked with Ridgeley Scott. He came from him, maybe just having worked in that production company. The Belichick tree. Yeah, truly.


Yeah, he could be Charlie Weiss, the Charlie Weiss of movie making, where he just gets a shot because he was Ridgeley Scott-adjacent.


By the way, that buyout looking like a good deal right about now. Good for Charlie. Good for Andy.


Speaking of money issues, do you think when you hear the Joe Smith story, when he tells Vlad TV that he went from making $61 million in his career to being down to $3,000. You believe that is how common in sports? It's a bit of a cliché. Billy Corbin made a movie for ESPN about that subject.


Yeah, Broke. Based on the article by a young sports illustrated writer who was not AI, was named Pablo Torre. Did you guys know that? He wrote the story that the documentary was built on bringing us back. Full circle to what? Ip, ladies and gentlemen. They won IP. They want to see that it succeeded somewhere else.


But I was asking you about Joe Smith. Oh, okay. Losing $61 million. Joe Smith, almost when you play Word Association with me on the name Joe Smith, I think I've made a ton of money because every time he signed a contract, it was a big deal in that sport. Joe Smith, he was a.


Coveted person. Now it's Cameron.


That's what you do. Mine is Glenn Taylor. To give people background who don't know who Joe Smith is, Joe Smith was this player who was the number one overall pick, and he wasn't really good enough to be the number one overall pick. His drafts had Rasheed Wallace, and Chris Webber, and Joan Howard, and a lot of better players, but he went number one overall. But he was a good player. So he gets to Minnesota, and he's about to be a free agent, and he's going to sign a big deal. He's going to sign a one-year deal or something to get him to the Bird Rights. And then Minnesota promises him, Hey, just get through this. Get your Bird Rights, and we'll give you this massive deal. So he agrees. But his agent is worried. His agent is worried that the owner of the Timberwolves, who was very old at the time, won't be alive to make good on that deal. So they make this under-the-table deal in writing, and the leak finds it. As a result, the contract is voided, and the Timberwolves get the death penalty, three first round picks taken away, and Kevin has to stay away from the team for a year and all this stuff.


My favorite part about this story, the owner's name is Glenn Taylor. He's still alive. That was in the year 2000. It is 23 years later he is still alive and still owns the team, technically.


That is your favorite part of this story.


I love it. I love the idea of Dan like, We got to have this in writing. What have you done? He's about to kill over. I can't just trust that the next guy is going to honor this agreement. Put it in writing. Put it in writing so I could sleep well at night. Twenty-three years later, he's alive and kicking. There he is right.


There, ladies and gentlemen. He's 82 years old now. What? So he was 59?


I thought he was going to kick it.


Forgive me, because now that we have the video of Glenn Taylor, it reminds me that I've forgotten to go to other video that we have, the investigative work of one Billy Gill. He went into his fridge. He took a single photograph. Billy, if you'd like to introduce this story so that people can see how you wasted your time by partaking in an Internet scam?


I did no such thing. We had a vacation. We had some days off for the holiday. My mind doesn't take days off. I like to investigate things. I saw on the Internet that if you put a gummy bear in with some salt and some water, that it'll grow. I said, You know what? It seems like free money to me. If I just buy a pack of gummy bears, I can have these giant gummy bears. I could start a company, whatever, sell them. They'll be a little wet, but whatever. When I went and I did. It took about two seconds to do, set it and forget it. The refrigerator does all the work for me, and then here are the results of said experiment.


It is bigger. It is a giant bear.


I only left it there for about two days. I feel like maybe this is a long-term commitment. I left it there maybe two months or more.


What's the scale? Are these both giant gummy bears next to one another?


I think.


You can see from the- Or is that your standard gummy bear on the right?


I think you can see from the... You can see from the weave of the paper towel, Mike.


That's a giant.


Paper towel. That's a giant paper towel, too. You put that in the refrigerator as well.


It's actually a.


Duvet cover. Billy, it's pretty close. It is pretty close to being twice the size. It's inflated, but I don't know how much flavor you lose once you've lost the color.


I would put that thing in my mouth.


Well, what's the point of getting more gummy bear if you're going to put less of it in.


Your mouth? I'm selling them.


Billy, I'll eat it.


Bring it in. Plank. It's in the trash. I'll cook up another one today.


Thank you. Charlotte, you've been over the eating of things on the.


Show before. You've been over the eating of things on the show before. Plain gummy bears, once owned by Elvis.