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This is the down labor part. Sure, we've still got Sparkasse. All right, so we are searching for these marrow is there, but we are searching for Jesus. We will see when we find him. But please, Christine Lacy, continue.


And finally, the pandas is called an embarrassment, ironically enough, that's what you call a couple of aging South Florida talk radio hosts. Thank you.


Well, what some of them just finished a sentenced. Now she's she's changing up the way the laugh is delivered. It's a different laugh. She's got shades and flavors with which she mocks us. Thank you, Christine. We appreciate it. I just want to get back for a second. Got to the idea that the audience, which again, I mentioned hot breath on the back of my neck, two minutes into that interview. Make it better. Make it better.


I want you to imagine this person is breathing heavily. This person is sweating. This person is way too close to my ear and my neck. And I'm just wondering, does that person think that you and I are in here saying, yeah, we got a great answer there.


That was so good. We changed the way people are entertained. What James Conner just told us was so illuminating and brought so much clarity that my life is altered by the experience of having been in his presence unblinking. Are you asking me if they think if we think it's going well? Yes. People we know it's not going well. I'm ask you when we're paid to do this, when they're breathing on my neck and they're saying two minutes in, do better.


Do better. Would you like if I did that to you at your job? If I job, you do do it to me occasionally. I do. Do you your job, your job is what it is in order for me to do it to you. That's absolutely so. But that's the contrary to what we do here. These are the men who have their chemistry. That's ours. It's my job and you leave it on my neck.


So we've only got married at the moment and that's OK. I'm sure he's got plenty to say as well. But their first book, God Level Knowledge Starts Life Lessons from the Bronx is available now and you can get DS and Marro Showtime Thursdays, 11:00 p.m. Sundays, 11:00 p.m. on Showtime.


They got a book out before I did have it. Yes, they did four out of it, so.


That's correct. I'm very happy. We are very happy for your success. Thank you for being on with us. Why did you write the book? Well, I was inspired by a sports journalist in Miami who invited me and my counterpart on his show way back when and said, hey, listen, I run Miami, tell the people downstairs that you can have whatever you want. And when I went down there, I ordered like 16 pounds of crab legs and I said, put it on that little card.


I was like, you know what? The next step is announced is a life changing. Paradigm shifting book that we have to put out there to help people navigate life nicely, you get your inspiration from Cody.


He got so many crab legs and left our studio smelling and looking like blunts because there were wrappers all over the place.


That's that's what they do.


And I'm just curious, do you guys still film some or tape your podcast Bodega Boys, do you still do that where CBS Sunday Morning does what is the oldest show in America? It's a great show, but it's a very old show. And I can't I can't imagine you guys rolling through with blunts on that particular set. Maybe not that particular, that I have a great reverence for my reservoir, you know, I mean, he's my anchor. Yeah.


You know, maybe we put our heads down and, like, you know, things a little bit more seriously. But it is you're right. It is the only show on television like that. We went on that and then my like my aunts and uncles sort of had to be up. Hey, I saw you on a puppy. Well, you know, CBS Sunday Morning right there with my wish to watch the sunrise.


They don't bother you up your next when you're watching the Hills, when you're watching the heat, do what they do. Your necks have infuriated you. How much recently?


More than I can say than I was enjoying my little cafecito right here on my porch. And now you ruined my day. But yeah, next year upset me. But I will do the opposite and bring you joy and tell you that the heat are going to fight. You know what I'm saying? Because it's just going to happen. Okay, there you go.


You don't have to watch Mike Ryan having the first gut level knowledge starts life lessons from the Bronx available now. D is tomorrow, Sundays and Thursdays, 11:00 p.m. on Showtime. I view you. I don't know why I do this. I view you as the irresponsible one. Like if if somebody was going to miss this call, I would have thought it was you. Do I? Am I what did I do?


I'm not irresponsible, I just play it on TV. I got four kids, and I imagine if I was irresponsible on one of my kids, like I'm just going to go to the pool or some shit. And then I said, my kids runs off with a stranger. But, you know, I'm saying that's a bad look, you know what I mean? And I've been I've been doing a lot of media training, a lot of media push ups, a lot of media keeping my media Kotite, you know, saying I'm just trying to get, you know, on the right path.


You know, it's a responsibility. Try and be like you, Dad. I mean, I want people to let me wear my hat all the time.


Please forgive me for doing this to you, because it is not the best thing to do to these guys. But I need you to be careful with the language because it was bad enough that you rolled through here with blunts that you just had on television on Disney Air. But I've got to ask you to watch the language. I hate that. I've got to ask you that. I really do. But you mention you mention the having of four kids.


This is something that you explore in the book, right? That kids that you've got to be careful around kids because they they will not stop absorbing how bad you are at being an adult. Yes, yes. If you're like a luxurious adult, you know, don't have too many kids or for people who are like, you know what, I want to have kids, like, if you're you know, if you're ambivalent about having kids don't have to because they're very serious responsibility.


They're like they're like having a show dog that has like some weird condition where you have to feed of Fruit Loops every half an hour. And I mean, it's a very big responsibility. So, like, it's not for the faint of heart, you know what I'm saying? So my, my, my my advice for kids is just, you know, they really do absorb everything you do. So you've got to be real careful about what you say.


All right, kids, I'm going to say and so there's a lot of things that sit around my kid that I will not repeat on the show, since that is the Disney family show that I mean. But that's what I realized. I was like, oh, no. I was like, oh, no, these kids are really just content, you know?


And I explain in the book how if you think your kid sucks, it's probably because you suck because you're raising the kids, you know, you know, whoever is reading or whoever you're, you know, outsourcing the raising of your child to you, you got to re-evaluate that.


The kids are also always watching. My kids are always watching. Like what life changes. What's the biggest life change? What's the biggest change you've had to maybe make because you have kids? I started taking dumps with the door open just to be left alone, like, go, oh, you want to come talk to Daddy?


I come from society and say I'm I. Enough is enough. Yeah, I shouldn't. Don't go away. Talk to mom.


That is crazy. Yeah. I don't want to pinch early.


OK, that is one of the tests I got in hospital. Lucy, what do you think you're teaching them there?


I'd love to give them a very important lesson about avoiding your problems with minimal conflicts, no violence involved. You know what I'm saying? Unless someone's an aggressive part is violent, you know what I mean? There's no violence involved. There's no pow, pow, pow. You know, I don't know about you, but I got pow pow back in the day when I'm at home, so no pow, pow. There's no yelling, there's no, you know, and there's no Corney like, you know.


Listen, mister, you're going to go to timeout for five minutes because you're five years old and there's a minute for every year. That's the pediatrician said, and I'm like, man, get back, go and come to the bathroom while I'm taking a furious dump after being like, so I did get pow, pow, pow.


I also. Did you get triangulator? Oh, yes. Oh, I'm glad the whole day my mom was like, my mom could have won American Ninja Warrior. Just want to talk about things like she I don't know. She could have been like one of the X-Men, like Cleopatra, you know, I mean, like I don't know how she was able to like she could have been a major league pitcher. And then, I mean, if, you know, the major leagues are more inclusive, my mom probably could have been on the mound is the second one my sophomore year.


I just sort of thought together.


Can you explain to the audience that might not understand, like the discipline of the translator that you have a great story involving you and your mom throwing a Flip-Flop at you?


Oh, listen, Margaret, white people, listen, this is very important to us in the Latino community have received discipline votes on 21st century. And I'm saying depending on what country you come from, the makeup of the Congress is different. I know the Dominican Republic. They're made of this material called Ouli, which is like a very hard rubber that you would use to make, like, I don't know, body armor or like a vehicle. And there are Manhart.


And if you throw on it, it's actually that's why there's so many good pictures that come out of the yard, because they learned early on, how do I know how to use aerodynamics and technique and our movement, you know, to throw objects and get good movement, you know what I mean? Like, you can if you can't throw a good slider with a trunk, you can't do it with a baseball. Do you have a specific story that resonates with you or your memory, your friends, anything involving discipline with a chunk it that specifically?


I remember my grandmother, my mother, she I was sent out as a young child of Dominican Republic. I don't know if this is child labor, but I was sent out in high noon in labs to try to sell a entire bowl of avocados, like a baseball avocado, like a chamber, pots of avocados and. Then is all of. Oh, and he came home one day, one avocado that was just bruised up and it was just like.


It was basically walked in the skin and she was just like. You know, something's eye to happen. Yeah, nobody wanted it so bruised up. Well, oh, no, I guess it's impossible for me to write something that I learned. You know what? There's a crack in the bowl. I'm going to try. Go. All right. Get off my neck. Get off my neck.


Get off of my neck. We feel it. Get off of my neck. Thank you, sir. We appreciate it. We're very happy for you. God level knowledge Dart's Life Lessons from the Bronx. It's available now DSN. Merrow airs Sunday and Thursday, 11 p.m. on Showtime. Thank you, sir. You also have ice cream out your oddfellows NYC. Check that out. You know what I mean. If you ever want to eat bacon again.


Cheese of ice cream. That sounds interesting.


Sounds interesting. He really. You say that I, I. Exactly. Oh, he's all the way into it. Yeah.


Like it wasn't here for a minute. I got a little it looks like I'm going to make a little antipasto one for you guys.


All right. Thank you for being on with us. We appreciate it.


Well, that's OK. Let's sell some ads.


Oh, you're so close to them.


Not breathing on our next segment. So close, Casper.


We didn't notice. We didn't notice. We thought it was a great phone line. Actually, towards the end, we don't even know what you're talking about. What do you mean? The story wasn't ruined. It was a great story told. Well, on a landline. I love the full peeling back of the car. Jesus was incredible.


All right, so truth be told here, when looking at the macro of this radio show at this network and its relationship with the local basketball team, this show exists on ESPN with a studio built in a hotel here in South Florida because LeBron James was in Miami, LeBron James came to Miami, and he brings economies with him.


As you see, some of the stuff that he's doing with, like, real meaningful, social instigated change where he is pouring his money into increasing the freedom of voters who, you know, have been convicted of felonies. And when he's working with Dodger Stadium to help people vote, LeBron James came down here. He made himself go from super famous to super infamous to more famous and has dominated a decade of ESPN television, turning it into the modern age.


Michael Jordan never had this into a giant network that is largely an infomercial for his work over 10 years because he did a TV show with ESPN that was wildly popular and set in motion as he becomes an old guy, now set in motion 10 years of player empowerment in his sport that has been wildly entertaining to watch, that has watched the NBA climb past baseball in terms of interest because it's given so much power to the players and the transaction is so interesting.


He brought that to Miami. And a decade he has been impacting this league by always playing late into seasons. Except for last year. He leaves Miami under circumstances that the Miami Heat felt hugely betrayed by him, feeling not unlike what Kawhi Leonard just did to LeBron in Los Angeles, where he did recruiting things that damaged the Lakers while recruiting Kawhi Leonard. The Miami Heat felt betrayed by LeBron James. When Pat Riley didn't get return texts from LeBron on free agents.


They assumed he was coming back and then they felt like he was getting in the way of them being able to get a Pau Gasol or anything else that he was actively trying to sabotage the organization he was leaving to make the East weaker as he went to Cleveland. Whether you believe that, so or not, there are people in the Heat organization that believe that that is something that is so. Now, this Heat team has rebuilt itself after blood clots from Chris Bosh.


That was the second cataclysmic injury in Pat Riley's tenure. OK, because Alonzo Mourning and Chris Bosh, you can't prepare for those things.


Pat Riley has been in the finals. Across six decades, six of them the last six decades, have included Pat Riley as player or coach or executive. Getting to the finals and now Pat Riley's toward the very end of his career, should have probably left a while ago. He's very rich. He made the Showtime Lakers matter. He helped make basketball matter with Magic Johnson and Kareem Abdul Jabbar Hollywood. He can walk into any Armani store anywhere in the world because he made Armani popular and get whatever he wants for free, because he's one of the few people who has that arrangement with the fashion icon because he helped make him popular in the United States.


Those two guys seeing each other at at the end of Riley's career, again, when Riley still can't talk to Michael Jordan and Larry Bird because the scars they left all those years ago still can't talk to him, but he retired.


Jordan's jersey for that guy to joke was really super necessary. It was let's close out the SEC.


That is straight talk and has brought to you by straight talk wireless. No contract, no compromise paid that man his money.


Experts do not tell him.


I don't believe that our money thing you know, now, every time I call my cable company, I have to catch them up on all the notes that they're supposed to take. I imagine they got to look at a computer. I'm like, where does it say, I'm sorry? And he's like, Giorgio Armani told me that I could get any suit. I got to imagine it's a headache when he tries to do that, right. I fully believe it.


Hold on. I've got to go to the stockroom. Yeah, there's a guy here, an old guy in white hair saying that he gets any suit for free. I got to imagine it doesn't go the way that you said it did. Where were you going with that? Was it really should retire after he beats LeBron in the finals? And I was getting to the end of the story. But you made your joke there.


Oh, sorry about that. I bet that's my bet on this. I am sorry, Christine Lacy, we interrupted you. And finally, cats cannot see under their own nose and Levitus can't see under their own chin which chin. Oh, wow.


Well, good luck. That was even more maniacal. I just got out of here.


Here you her.


Laughter echoing in my ears. We've had a difficult day, OK? Last night, it was a long night. And then, you know, we did the James Connor interview and he came in and he sucked the soul out of the show. You guys all saw it happen. He came in here unblinking and all of us just that's it. We were done for the day. This is what James Garner does when you hand him the football or the microphone, he just runs right through you.


But we did do a great couple of hours before the show.


I mean, you should check those out. Those are good. The big Shuey and the local hour. You should check those out. So what ends up happening is James Connor steals our soul with an athlete interview that just wrecked the show. And then I lash out in every direction because I'm a repressed, frustrated 51 year old man still doing children's things for a living, even though I'm grown. And so I was telling the stories to gods of our existence, said ESPN.


And. Everything that's happened here, where we replace Colin Cowherd and become America's most popular sports radio show, a little show out of Miami, a proudly Miami show that was never supposed to be a national show, was just this stupid Miami thing. And it came with basketball and it was fun. And we were on the ride of the last 10 years with LeBron James at the beginning. And then he turns on Miami. And Miami doesn't care the way Cleveland does.


Miami gets distracted by kitesurfing and cocaine and the water.


And so we were like, what are you laughing then? You know, whatever. We went to the nightclub and it was over. LeBron is leaving, but the cocaine is still here. The cocaine is still here. We don't need you, LeBron.


Just to be clear, we're making Tylor Heroes thirty seven points last night about ourselves, right?


That's correct, yes. And so within this I'm also not only making about ourselves, but also a series that's not finished. The next one I'm doing some previewing after saying for a lifetime here, we don't preview games around here. I'm already previewing a fine I think we might not have.


Yeah, I think you have already put Pat Riley in the finals for his six decade. Right.


This is going to be a cool story if it arrives and it arrives in Miami for proudly Miami show as a surprise, it's the best thing in sports. We've been starved on here for 17 years that anything that felt like this, the basketball team is the only thing that's given it to us. So here it is on the cusp again, the LeBron vibration thing. Those Miami teams of LeBron James and Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh are the greatest teams in the history of this city.


The most attatched in the history of this city to a team that has ever happened in Miami is that team, because it used to be with the University of Miami football teams conjuring the same feelings of, oh, wait a minute, this is us against them. These people don't like us. The rest of the country does not like what this thing is that we love that makes us love it all the more down here because you don't like it. And now this story arrives different than that one, because this is a surprise that was expected that bothered people because it was on a stage before it played a game telling you how many championships it was going to win.


And that's why you hated that team. You can't hate this one. You might because of its past, but you can't hate this one because look at what this one did last night in terms of the things you care about in sports, toughness, aggressive precision, teamwork, sharing about your craft. We're built for the bubble even during a pandemic, because we're all about work. And then you got Jimmy lunch buckets, you know what I mean? Yeah.


And that's what that team is. And then not only a surprise, but here comes a 20 year old, a baby face. We're all looking at that the same way your wives are watching, walking past the television and saying, what is that boy doing with those men? Oh, he's breaking them overnight. Thirty seven point one turnover takes the team the team was given to him, Jae Crowder told you major adjustments were coming. OK, here's the team.


Jimmy Butler's our number one, but he's unselfish. Tyler, go win a playoff game for us at 20 years old. You can't we can't buy your beer legally, but go win a playoff game for us as Tatum is shooting from twenty seven feet and he did have one for the ages.


So now you have Riley in the finals against LeBron and the Lakers, which would be very, very attractive. I think big ratings. I think that's a series of the heat when Riley can retire on. My biggest fear is, is a the heat don't get there and be even if the heat do get there. What if it's the nuggets? Please stop doing that.


You need to stop doing that. I understand that the Nuggets, nearly as they say this is what I'm telling you, is going to happen with the Nuggets.


I know if Riley retires on that whole that whole segment doesn't make sense. If we don't wrap it up with LeBron and we're wrapping it up with Jokic clinched it and build these studios.


Please stop doing that. When I'm saying I'm not talking to the guys, I'm talking to the Nuggets.


Please stop doing that because I know what's going to happen here. The Nuggets are going to lose four games in a seven game series and somehow still not be eliminated. We all know the Nuggets like the Lakers in the Heat are going to be playing in the Nuggets are just going to come out onto the court and run around and everyone's away. Never leave in that bubble.


They're just like Denver. Please stop. Jamal Joker, I'm pleading with you. Please stop doing that. If this is a respect thing, we respect you totally.


Well, this was a show about you that you lose that Denver. I told you. I told you. I said Denver on our air and everyone thinks I'm a Miami homer. I already said these playoffs, Denver's better than Miami. Can that be your trophy?


Your word just I just please, please stop.


We are so looking ahead, we do not want this loaf of bread in the middle of everything we're doing down here.


It's such a delicious, good loaf of bread. I know it's an amazing loaf of bread. And do you have any idea how much I like bread? Why is the bread always bleeding.


Why Dragic or dropkicks face always bleeding.


All right I love that it gets beat up. You can't get a call but it makes you feel like you're in a fight and we're in a fight.


I mean I was I don't know what the we is. You're a Knicks fan. Yeah, you're good at it. But yesterday I'm watching you guys do realize this right on a Dragic three attempt at one point. And this is hard to do and not enough people are talking about it. Gordon Hayward fouled Goran Dragic with that push broom mustache.


I thought it was it was with the most. The mustache committed the foul that terrible terrible mustache that makes him look like a black and white vaudevillian in a barbershop quartet. Because there are stripes on what he's wearing, but it's black and white, they might be red, but on your television is black and white because he's straight out of the nineteen and then he goes outside in the streets and gets into a bare knuckle fight. That's the look he's going for, correcting the Notre Dame leprechaun fighting since I will fight you with my mustache.


This is the sound that you guys listen to this Boston. You came after the Miami Heat with a push broom mustache and a guy named Gordon, a push broom mustache. The toughness of the playoffs arrived and the one willing to get physical was only the mustache of Gordon Hayward.


It's a mustache that wears a one piece with a belt around it to the beach.


But at least your coach is intimidating.


Paid that man his money. We're so going to regret this if it's Nugget Celltex or all of this. But for now, we can talk tough. We're up three one. Who's we? Oh, yeah. We could talk tough to Brad and Gordon. We're not afraid of your mustache, Gordon.


Still kind of afraid of your ability to break his own. I know that time is an illusion during the pandemic and things are weird and upside down, but I don't understand how the weekend starts today in this particular time spectrum. When Jaylen Brown told me that last night's game started on Sunday, Jaylen Brown told us that Wednesday's game wasn't Wednesday, that it started Sunday. Solomon Hill being in that like this is all these are the things that are happening, right?


Time is distorted. And the next thing you know, you look up and Solomon Hill's on the court looking like Frederick Douglass and you don't know what to do with yourself. I don't know if the rest of you feel this way, but the weekend doesn't start today, no matter how much we want to dress up this Jacksonville, Miami Dolphins game. And I'm with Mike Ryan. Mike Ryan says that Thursday Night Football tonight would be better if we just had a three hour preview of the Monday night game between Baltimore.


And I just don't get to. Don't try and tell me about the facial hair of Ryan Fitzpatrick and Brian when Bill Belichick has been laughing himself to sleep for 15 years because every team in the division is going after him with that particular guy, Ryan, trying to dethrone the Patriots with Ryan Fitzpatrick. And he's got a war now with Gardner Minshew, who looks like Jacksonville, like in every way he Gardner Minshew should play these games in these jean shorts and should run around out there with a cigarette in his mouth.


Jautz Yes. And and they are going back and forth at each other. And Chris loves this. I hate to sabotage this for you because Chris was so excited about this sound. Look, trash talk between the quarterback's trash talk between the quarterback. But these teams.


But I think Chris is also excited about the game. He's a Dolphin fan. The Dolphins, a must win game. The Jags are one and one. This is important for the team. But I am punishing Chris Cody for that excitement because on Monday we've got Lamar Jackson and Patrick Mahomes and that's what good football looks like. And no one needs to disguise their facial hair to hide that they're the quarterback of that team. You know, like they don't have to wear their facial hair that way because we want to see their faces like Fitzpatrick.


His hair is like that on his face because he doesn't want you to know it's him back there.


He's trying to fool Jacksonville into thinking he was the quarterback for the build fifteen years ago. So here's the back and forth between Gardner mature as we trying to rub two sticks together and create a flame for Thursday Night Football. He really said, just like Jacksonville, Miami. Here they go. They're fighting about each other's facial hair.


I think the beard is a cooler look. And I think guys that grow mustaches a lot of times have patchy sides for their beards. So they just stick with the mustache. That's Ryan Fitzpatrick, and then here's the counterman measure from the guy who looks like Jacksonville, they have I can grow a beard with no patchy sides. But, you know, I'm I'm a I'm out of respect for my elders, you know, especially when they're much, much older.


Be respectful.


And that is wacky quarterback hijinx right there. That's as wacky as quarterbacks get talking when it's the last time you heard quarterbacks talk trash about each other.


It's only when Manning and when when Manning and Brady are playing.


Those are also white guys are playing golf.


That's when you hear with you know, with Mickelson and would Lamar Jackson and Patrick Mahomes will not say a single bad thing about it? Nothing about each other. They don't need to say great. He's great, he's great. He's going to say anything. We're all going to tune in. I'm with Mike on this, though. Chris, do you disagree? Like, I know you're a Dolphin fan, but if I told you it's just going to be a three hour preview of the Monday night game tonight instead of Miami, Jacksonville, would you be OK with that?


And we just have Chiefs, Rams from last season, just rerun the run that the last greatest game of a century in anticipation for the greatest game of the century.


Monday night that's going to do a no man.


Thursday night under all circumstances are pretty dreadful football. But let's make it a pandemic. And now let's make the TV promo ad with the spinning quarterbacks, Fitzpatrick versus Minshew, a Thursday night football.


I'm going to watch the loaf of bread in the Western Conference finals.


Lamar Jackson and Patrick Mahomes are Monday night.