Local Hour: Papi
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz- 1,524 views
- 6 Jan 2021
The Le Batard Crew discuss Cameo free agent Billy, why Tua needs to be reassured by the Dolphins, and Papi joins for... we don't remember what reason
Big news I have, Joujou got under my umbrella for Cameo, as is very he reached out to me and I have Joujou Godi under my umbrella that I think Joujou is going to kill it on Cambio. I'm about to claim Billy as well. I don't know where we left this. I have no idea. But Billy wants on Cameo. I have over fifteen thousand dollars and request I need to get to. I will get to them today and tomorrow.
Billy you will not that much aren't you charging one hundred. Well so here's the deal with Addison and I'm trying to tell this to your dad. OK, Addison, it's like golf. Chris, if you choose to play with a caddy, he knows the golf course. He knows the terrain. You either trust your caddy or you don't. Addison, in fact, now will call Kadison. OK, Kadison, he's our caddy. He's the guy who takes us through Cameo.
What? He sets the price. He lowers the price. He ups the price. He does what he wants. I just trust that is going to do caterson to do whatever the hell.
What am I getting this wrong? Are you screaming at us right now? Like, are you extra loud or are you just to God like you just fired up? I'm very excited. You're very passionate about what's happening now. OK, continue. I'm sorry. It just seemed like you were screaming. Well, I want Billy to enjoy what it is.
We're all enjoying the love on Cameo.
I'd also like someone to make money off of Billy when Billy ever enjoy what the rest of us are enjoying. It's the whole role. He's been silent. It's his greatest suffering around him. There are things like, all right, I'll pick it up. I'll take the other side on this one. I just not the you like.
Look, I love our fans. I'm just not good at it. I'm going to be awkward and uncomfortable and like stick.
Let me let me tell you a quick story. And this actually is a quick story. I was asked to do, like for the graduating class of my high school, just like a quick congratulations video, like less than a minute, no less than a minute. Right. I said that's impossible for you and Poppy 18 times because I need those guys.
We need to release those. I was like, what do I. Congrats.
You have that. Do you still have that? Does he still have that to someone? Is that video available to us?
Let me see. Let me see if I can track it down. But it was so bad and I did so many different takes and I'm like, no, like and then at the end of all that I'm like, none of these people even know who I am. Why am I recording a video for them? This means absolutely nothing to these 18 year olds. They don't know who I am. Why did you ask me to do this?
I was this for an hour trying to record a one minute video, just saying like, hey, good luck. Sorry this year wasn't that good. You know, hopefully next year in college things will get better. And like, what do I tell an eighteen year old about a pandemic? I've never been through this. I'm going through it just like they are.
You can imagine how hard Cameo is going to be for me when it's like, hey, tell my person happy, you know, twenty years, I don't know, whatever it is. What do people have? What have they requested of you guys so far? You can see guys. Fifty thousand dollars. You have a record of one video yet. I don't think there's no way you're going to be able to keep up with the demand.
I'll be able to keep up with demand. Like here's here's one of the first ones I got. Hold on.
Should we just do some of these? Now, those people would appreciate that we're here with you. Do you want to bang out a few of these? Can you do it quickly enough? Do your first one here with us live on air?
Yeah, I'd like to I'd like to pick out a few because unlike Greg, I'm actually going to put some effort into this. Like one guy wants me to give a hot take on the Braves, NC State or the Carolina Panthers. So I was good to go home and try to do it, like in a Braves shirt or Braves Jersey maximum effort. Yeah, like maximum effort. These people are paying a lot of money to had me deliver them a message.
OK, everyone skeptical now, Chris, you're not believing this one. I'm serious.
Yeah. No, I. Brave's clothes. Get out of here. You know, if I have a Braves jersey, I'd like to or braves cap or something. Atlanta Braves related. I'd like to do it in a Braves jersey for. All right.
Can I get back to what we were talking about just because I want the audience to understand what we're going through right now and how funny it's going to be to watch all of this? Because we are totally untethered right now. We're almost talking directly to you because you're just getting us from a variety of different places, none of which actually own us. So we're headed into a negotiating period. And the first order of business is everyone fighting over the cameo money already like it's the first thing that is arrived with freedom.
And it's not surprising to me at all. But what's new got to saying here, you guys were immediately skeptical about how much efforts to God is going to put into this. You guys made faces as soon as you went down the path of all the effort he was going to put into this. And as we head down the path of just brazenly grabbing money from our fans, because this is this is a really strong community and every. We've ever asked them to do they end up doing I would like to do this with Grace and in our show style, I would like these people to get a little piece of the radio show, like just you're getting a little private show.
That's what I would like for them to get for their money, because we're just sitting here and it's literally taking your money. So I would like give them a little bit of a show in those cameos. So they're earning so you're earning the 40 dollars because it actually feels personalized?
I plan on on absolutely. Trying to deliver them some sort of show. I'm being serious here. I am taking this very, very seriously because I think it's important for us to do for our listeners. And I see a real revenue stream here for us guys. I really do.
It's not altruism. It's got seize money here and seize being able to that directly cash in on. No, I appreciate the honesty. Yes. Because what I because this is why the reason I appreciate the honesty. Look, what we do with Stewart is a character and isn't. And let's speak most freely here now that we know that we're speaking to the people who just ride with us. OK, the construct of this entire show as a comedy troupe has been disguised for eight years at ESPN as if we're a sports show.
And so we leave the machine and now you see what's left behind us. It's the pieces of the machine that absolutely don't do it this way. The Stewart thing has been a construct, but it is only him turned up to 10. The real stewardesses is are about a nine like it's but there is some really nice stuff around the money with him. And so I legitimately I'm going to present to you something that Stewart said to me before we got here, because it was heartfelt.
No, but it was nice to watch.
But I also didn't know whether or not to believe you because someone just tossed the glass.
Well, there's liquor in here for some reason. Can we finally do the drunk? Merry Christmas, Dan. That's for me. Merry Christmas.
Can we finally do the drunk show now where there are no rules, right?
No. You can get you got drunk. Wait a minute. What did you. I'm not getting a speech today, though. I think I might want to get drunk.
I think those would be great cameos from drunks to God. I have no issue doing the show drunk. I have no issue to do with drunk cameos. I have a keynote speech I need to give today at eleven forty five. So. All right.
What kind of tequila is this, Chris? Did you bring it in? Does it have the right to honest. How did this get here.
I brought it in yesterday. Yeah. I had to pick up my laptop so I made a little drop off Santa made delivery. OK, it's it's an expensive tequila. I don't know if you're tough to shop for, man. I was just like, give me your top shelf. Give me the most expensive tequila I have not had in Kotal.
Tequila. I love you acting like you don't know what tequila is or what. You know what, Brandy?
I don't know what this is, but I'm going to now have it for breakfast bathed in it.
So this is good here. So I want you guys to give me a real verdict. Yes. Billy, can we just rewind for a second?
We're talking about how much through God's cares and how much he's trying on camera while having recorded zero messages so far, while everyone else has recorded messages and his excuses. I wanted to see if I have a Braves jersey at home.
Well, I'm taking my time, Chris, by the way, thank you for my holiday gift. I appreciate it.
I have one for you. I texted you about it. It's a it's a golf related. We're golfing soon. Got this.
I'm paying for you to play at my golf course for the holidays. Wow. Have a merry Christmas to me.
I got the number of times I've heard you accuse somebody of doing something like not returning a call and then them coming to you and saying, but I called you, you didn't call me back. And then you just sort of walk away laughing like that. It's usually my fault.
Okay, so this is what I want to put in front of you guys. I want a verdict here. For some reason, this has become a law. Our help me understand whether or not Stewart is sincere because I was moved by Stewart's. Saying, you know what I'd want to do, because some of the people who have written in have written in such kind things about how we brought them through a dark time or they were hurting. And Stewart said in a way that moved me.
He's like, you know what I'd like to do? I'd like to find a listener here and there, a Steve in Nebraska, I'd like to find one. And then just who wrote us like a nice letter about how he was down on his luck and just send them the cameo money. And I'm like, well, you can do that quietly. You could you could do that without publicizing it, because I don't totally believe that there would be a Steve in Nebraska and the fraud runs on both ends.
Maybe Steve from Nebraska starts faking it because he just wants to got his money. Or maybe he's got to concoct the Steve from Nebraska so that he could take his money and cameo money.
So what's the verdict? More likely you'd be a Steve in the Cayman Islands.
So so.
So which one do you guys believe? Because when I came in here, like, you guys know, the two gods can actually be very generous, but you also know that you can be very greedy. So which is it?
Can it be both that I believe 100 percent to God's meant that when he said it, but also a thousand percent believe he's not going to do that in both those things be true?
Yeah, I believe the thought went through his head, but it was like, wouldn't it be nice if Roys Gameel Money went to Steve in Nebraska? That would be a nice thing for Steve, right.
I could tell you what else I'm dealing with here is, you know, how do we vet our listeners? How do we know if they really need the money? Like if someone promoted that to me and I was a little bit of a radio show, I would start cranking up the lines to get the money.
It loses. It loses. It's a nice gesture with you guys. Is asking Steve in Nebraska for his father's death certificate, asking for it.
Yeah. And also saying and I've got seventy five thousand credit cards now, like, you have to really worry about, about Stewardson in general.
But we could do a nice thing here. We really can. And what this part of the journey is with you and I think you can hear the happiness in all of our voices like Snooki. I haven't seen you this motivated and radiant in a really long time about doing this job. You are fired up. It's yeah. It's like seeing the young you, the young, ambitious, hungry you like you. You've been taking a cliched beating from me as the court jester for eight years, just coming in here every day.
I'm not going to stop, but this is the payoff. This is the payoff. Right? This is freedom. This is us with our fans. And this is literally and symbolically cashing in on Camiel like you've been touched, flattered that that what ESPN helped us build. And just like, wait, people need to understand, like the back story on this, what Stu got built. All of this is here because many years ago, through fraud and contamination, through God's was running a radio station.
I was thinking about this the other day. You realize looking back on the same damn day that Boog leaves for the Cubs job. Yeah. Do you realize the talent of that station you put together, like what a dream lineup you created twenty years ago to make this thing that, you know, since Tadano, when is he rocketing over here and rocketing over there? Now, BUKs got the damn Cubs job. And here's the best part about it, guys.
We're getting all the applause here and it's felt like our eulogy and people are really embracing us and we've never been this popular bucshon be our beloved Boogum who cares about doing that thing so much and is probably the best in the country at it because he sculpts and knows baseball like he could be running a team. And so yesterday he's getting calls not never mind applause in that city of Chicago just for being the broadcaster and a discerning city, replacing a guy who's been there for 60 years, Len Casper, who was here before that, and for Bucshon me to get that job to universal applause to consensus, he deserves to be there.
He he is going to be valued with the Chicago Cubs. How cool is that? That that's what we're in the middle of right now. And how cool is it that you're the one who put those people together twenty years ago building this thing that's rocket shipping now? No, we couldn't have imagined. Look at where we are. It's like like what was the dream was what?
The dream was a local radio show. I mean, the dream was, to be honest with you, when you and I were doing an afternoon drive in Miami and it started to have success, that was the dream. You know, the fact that it went all the way to ESPN and now where we're sitting today and what's in front of us today is truly a blessing to me. And yeah, I feel a great amount of pride in where everyone in that lineup has has landed.
Boog, with the Chicago Cubs, I would say probably one of the three best play by play jobs in Major League Baseball.
If there is no one, there is no one better. I'm telling you, there is simply I know I'm biased. I'm no we've been friends for thirty years. There is simply. No one better at what Beug Zombi does than boob be the sculpting of a craft in the telling of a story and and in the honor of Vin Scully, you know, a guy who's got the skill to make it sound like still old timey poetry while telling you reported stuff.
And on top of that, just so solid as a broadcaster in terms of his knowledge of what he's watching and then being able to spin it. It's Tim Kurkjian and Bucshon before for me, in terms of the two people I know and I don't know, we should oh, we can't call Tim Kirk.
We can't call Boogy either. I would love to know Beukes with the Cubs, not with ESPN.
I think he's I don't know whether, look, this is going to all be complicated in coming weeks, as I don't know whether we're how many of these ESPN people are going to be able or allowed to have on with us our friends. Right. Our family. These people have become like it's going to be this whole part of it's going to be weird that we don't know if we can just pick up a phone and call Mina and and have her just show up here like she used to do.
It is going to be weird. But just back to 790, the ticket for a second to have Beug arrive where he's arrived, to have Sudano out in L.A. doing some of the things he used to, would do an MBA stuff to have us arrive where where we have arrived.
And I'm telling you right now, the person I am proudest of and no one has accomplished more Joe Rose to have an entire radio station named after him, five, 60, the Joe, you are the worst.
All right. You turn something that was nice. OK, so let's follow this story with us for those of you. And there there are so many of them, students who have been with us like all 20 years. There are a whole lot of people who think they get the show, but all they get is the show for the last eight years, which was different from what the show was before that. Like, I, I went and kicking and screaming and screaming, I'm not going to be changed by the corporate machine.
This thing isn't going to change. And, you know, by the end, the to doing 25 minutes of commercial radio and I just I can't it's a pandemic and I just can't fight everything off like 25 minutes that had to be noticed. Right. Like, you notice the difference right now in two days of us just talking to you without interruption and the idea that every five minutes we were stopping to tell you, you know, like you can notice the difference in how relaxed we are doing this, can you not?
Yes. I mean, I hope people notice that. We all noticed that we've gone from 25 minutes of commercials to zero and now we're talking too much like these segments are way too long.
We're going to have to shorten that up. But the part of the journey that I'm excited about, and it is really cool because you've seen me blubbering on television and around here the last few days about this wonderful thing that you have helped us build that we can't we cannot believe. We just can't believe where we've arrived with the freedom and our stuff to continue entertaining you here in this space for free, because we just know somebody is going to come in and be like, oh, yeah, they're going to fight.
They're going to fight over wanting this thing because of the power of what you guys do underneath it, making sure that it gets supported. You really have, like rocket shipped us into a really cool future where I've got to figure out, are we going to just start drinking on air? I've got tequila here now.
I don't we the bar staff, Mike, like this is kind of the hotel is kind of I mean, you don't need a bar staff.
Just chuck it out of the bottle. Well, I'd rather sip it. I would rather sit and tell people what. Mike, I can just do this now. I can have some morning some. You want me to get a bar staff person or your drink?
I don't have I don't have a shot glass or anything. It's all I'm like, yeah, OK. A plastic cup right here. Are you really going to start drinking right now? I mean, is there any trouble?
Is there anything to keep me from drinking now? I am a shock jock. That's what's happening on our second day of radio shock jock orchard's to God to get drunk.
I'm not getting drunk. I have a big speech delivered today and I also have a lot of cameos to catch up on. I will tell Chris Cody this. The Dolphins have Chan Gailey has resigned as Dolphins offensive coordinator.
Now, the news for many is that Chan Gailey was the Dolphins offensive coordinator. But I am telling you, he has just resigned. So how about that? Some local news here. Miami Dolphins Chan Gailey out.
A lot of Dolphin fans are happy Sucrets with that because there was a fake Adam Schefter that fooled even ESPN. ESPN had to put out an apology because the fake Adam Schefter had everyone convinced Chan Gailey was let go. Parting ways with the Miami Dolphins. Dolphin fans celebrated. And then we're all bummed to find out that Chan Gailey was actually not let go and still on staff. That was a plan. But now Chan Gailey, twenty four hours after the announcement of him being on the staff, has decided to no longer be on the staff himself.
And that's after school, the real chef there. Yeah, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the most boring roller coaster in the history of roller coasters. That story right there.
Billy, what's. Going on here with that is a kadison, as I like to call him, he's these are. He is the guy that takes us through Cambio, the rough terrain that his cameo. What has happened here? You have multiple introductions or now the race races on.
Before I couldn't get, you know, any face time a meeting with this artist. And now multiple people are like, hey, Addison, this is Billy. Nice to just want to introduce you, bring them on board under me.
Well, I love Roy swooped in there to try to get the the five dollars off a Billy Billy.
Billy said he wanted Roy to have his. Are we really doing this? This is already how it's going to start. OK, let me explain to the audience what's happening around here. Of course, the guys was first of the money and and then Greg Cody was a first responder as well. And Chris Cody hasn't. Chris, you haven't done anything yet, have you?
You've just I've done some camping. Oh, you have. OK, I'm killing it too. That no one can fake positive energy like me.
OK, well, you need to you need to have an inside joke with the audience because this really does have to be what this thing becomes where, you know, honestly, I mean, I think I'm doing what they want.
I'm giving them I'm it's it's honestly fun because it's like improv. They give you three bullet points and then it's like, go be funny.
You put your character. Don't care. I'm taking a couple of cracks at it, like I'm actually enjoying. It's exhausting. So you got to think he's going to bust a hundred out in like an hour. I spent like a couple hours on yesterday and I did like twenty three. Like, I'm telling these two guys, if you're putting the effort that you claim it's not that easy.
I'm a machine. Chris, you should know that. I think, Chris, this is what I think is funny about what's going to be this guy's experience and it's where and how he wins at every turn. It's because he's just going to he has a furnace blast like he is a rocket ship of taked. He could so fake that, just get into character and just be like body and throw a couple of, you know, you know, just he knows the character so well that students will rip through these.
Yeah, I think you will.
Actually, one of my crutches is saying whatever their name is, like four different ways. Like I had a brand and I'm like Brandy and brandy. No, they don't have the big brand, you know, like ten seconds. Just say the name gets it wrong.
It's also cool. Like this is the this is the beauty of the character. We are now cashing in on. Some of the request I have gotten is please say his name wrong.
I love it. There's no wrong. That's is it is going to be happy, is not going to be able to wrangle him doing the bad because this is the guy he's always wanted to be. Wait a minute. They're going to think I'm Max. I'm trying just because I put the camera in my face and I just be this stupid character we've created.
You see what I'm going to be so bad at this, though. So you think I get calls from Brandy?
No, Brando. I know. But let me make a point that great. Billy, your character.
What do you mean you can't do this? Your character, Billie, your character is simply to be insecure. Hey, it's OK. I don't even like taking pictures with people. Imagine me holding a camera selfie of myself, you know, only going to me. I need to tell.
I don't know who is off. Elizabeth. No, you don't understand. To the side, Billy. How do you not get the show? The audience wants you to be insecure and give you, you know, give them your vulnerability. That's in character. Scared, awkward. You're Billy. I think you're going to be like I think you're more popular than Greg Cody is going to be on there. I think you will be more popular if you just stay in this terrified, neurotic character because that.
Well, what do you make of the cameraman for you? What do you think is happening there? Because that's what you know, how many fans you have, Billy?
It's it's nice. It's I don't get it. But thank you. Thank you, everybody. But I'm going to listen to me. I will disappoint you in this video, I'm telling you right now, if you send me a video, I'll send it back. It'll probably be the 18th time I tried to do that video. These will probably take me longer than it takes everyone else, because I'm going to just be like, that doesn't make sense.
This person's not going to like this. I'll send it to you. Just be patient. And it's it's it's got to be underwhelming. Video will probably be underwhelming, really.
I will help you out any way you need, but you're falling under Roy's umbrella. And so I'm a little disappointed there. But that's fine. I want Roy to earn the money there, but I will help you out anyway. You need a cab? I'm going to rip through some this afternoon. I wanted to talk to you guys about Toure because I find it interesting how much the dolphins, what great lengths the dolphins are going to to coddle to what?
I don't get it. First off, it is very, very obvious that the head coach does not trust his rookie quarterback. I don't think he trusts them at all. He never lets them throw the ball downfield. And then you have the head coach and the GM feeling the need to give some reassurance. The two headed into the off season that he's going to be the starter next year. And I didn't like that. Well, first off, why do you feel the need to do that?
And secondly, why would you guarantee he's going to be the starter next year? What if someone falls in your lap? What if Trevor Large is there at three? You're not going to take him. You're going to pass about Driveclub. I don't like that the Dolphins have to go to such great lengths to make to feel good about to.
Chris, do you agree?
I mean, it's you can't stop guys. You can't have to like what are you just going to draft a quarterback every year? Like, it wasn't that bad this year. He had no help this year. Like, I know we've had this argument over and over again about like how much of to his lack of success was him not being the guy or his lack of support. And I'm with dolphins like, what are you just going to draft a quarterback every year, you guys?
Well, not listen, I've said this before. I would draft the quarterback every year, especially the way the the rookie contracts are structured now as opposed to years past. I'm just saying the way they have to, like, kind of buie him up and remind him, hey, you're our future, you're the quarterback, you're the guy I have to stop.
Why I have to stop you because.
Well, why does he need to hear that they're not coddling him. You said they're going to great lengths to coddle and protect this quarterback. And from afar, I've been sort of. Wow, like, wow, that's an interesting way to treat a young quarterback pulling if you're worried about quarterback confidence and whatnot.
Brian Floras is totally carved out a whole new unique path to handle a rookie quarterback that isn't exactly delivering for you on what you thought his ceiling was. In fact, it took two whole days for that organization to say something publicly after they had already clinched the number three overall pick, a pick that would net you a top prospect at that position for Chris Greer to come out and say Tua is our quarterback. You know what that buys you? It buys you something with Toure and the NFL and all the other executives are going to come sniffing around that pick.
Understand that you could still very well take a quarterback with that pick. They have to do that because you don't want to lose the quarterback publicly and lose your leverage for that pick. Either they're lying to him.
That's what you do. You lie to the quarterback. You're like, no, no, no, you're a guy. You're a guy, you're a guy. And that boom, you take Trevor Lawrence, boom, take Justin feels that's what you do. You lie to everybody so they don't know what you're doing. We're secretly behind the scenes. You're pulling the puppet strings. You're figuring out how can we get a new quarterback because this guy is a bust.
I saw some mock draft that had them taking some BYU quarterback over Justin Fields. And but he's good.
I mean, why would you have to announce the guy you took fifth in the NFL draft is going to be your it should go without saying he's going to be the quarterback next year. No, wait. Hold on.
For I forgive my ignorance here. The Heisman was decided last night.
Yep. Devonta Smith. Yeah, that was weird. That was weird on ESPN's CAP on a Tuesday.
Yeah. You realize that my father voted on the Heisman again. That is. I wonder if he will get to keep his Heisman voters who didn't vote for him. I did not ask him, do you want to call him? Do you want to get him on the show? Do you want to put him on?
Isn't there like a whole code that people don't like to reveal their Heisman ballot? No. After you're allowed to after you're not, there are all sorts of very obvious driving to some sort of code.
And they want to call my dad now on the Zoome because I've got a couple of questions. I'm thinking a first. I want to clean some things up here. Tequila, should I be doing this? Yes or no, am I going to do am I going to drink during morning, the morning of the show, to be a shock jock? Should I do that? Yes or no? Snooki is still saying he has a speech for some for some reason.
I want to talk to him about what that speech is, because the rules are so weird right now with ESPN that Snooki is now scared, Mike. He doesn't know if he can actually even give this speech if he's allowed to interact with an ESPN person.
I am a there's a thing every year called lexicon. Funny. I'd be the keynote speech speaker at something with the word con in it.
But there is a thing called Laks gone where I am supposed to today.
They're recording a Zoome conversation with me and Matthew Hasselbeck. Now, I am not certain I'm even allowed to do that.
That's not content, right? Well, it's content for them. Yes, it's a convention, but people are paying.
It's a paid appearance. People do paid appearances with rival network people all the time. I'm not being paid for this.
You're not? No. And why aren't you doing it? Because they asked me to do it. I'm trying to help you. Just doing something to be kind.
Well, I'm trying to help grow the sport. It's a sport that I care very much about. My daughter's playing college basketball. There's got to be a person.
I'm telling you, there's no angle, no angle whatsoever. Hold on. Let me talk. It just dawned on me, in fact, now that I'm thinking about it, that perhaps I should be paid for this. And now I'm going to text the guy. We have a whole separate set of issues here now. OK, hold on. I need to. Hasselbeck is getting paid. I'm getting paid. I'm getting paid more. All right. Hold on.
Let's just slow down for a second, because I've now got this tequila and a toast to gods because we have really arrived when all of this is happening.
Just your camera, because we'll put this out on social to prove that you're like real, OK, you're a real dangerous camera.
Did just catch him, like pouring it. So OK on Zoom.
Yes, I'm going to drink I'm going to be a morning shock jock. Miami Beach. We're a party city and we are now allowed to have a hell of a lot more fun than we've been having. And we've been the most fun show in sports for a long time.
And you have a new knap in your future.
Oh, I think you think if I start right now, I don't think I know I unless you continue to drink the entire day, like if you stop drinking the within twenty minutes of you stop drinking, once you start drinking headache and you're in bed. All right, stop. I don't think so. Actually, I think I want to do the show like exposed. I want to see if I can get my father in here to talk to him because I want to use my father in the next incarnation of the show.
You know, one of the things that made me blubber on highly questionable the other day is that it's been the greatest professional blessing in my life to have my father at literally at my side. I mean, you guys know the story, right, of all of this shit. That's crazy.
Second language, middle of the lineup for the worldwide leader in sports, doesn't know much of anything about sports, but America grows to love him because he's a little bit of a sports sitcom. Dad, I want at the end here. Right. A lot of stuff will happen that I'll be able to be more honest about in coming weeks, about, you know, like why I had to run away, you know, on my honeymoon for six weeks to go take care of my family because my father, you know, just things it's late in life.
And then he disappears from the TV show. Right. And I had to take care of my dad in the middle of this. And then you guys kept the whole show up. You know, you didn't even know if I was going to come back. You thought I might be gone forever right there. Yeah, I didn't ask for any of that. Yes, you did not. And so I'd like to talk to my dad and bring him back as a character because he's got a little bit older and he's a little he's a little frailer.
You probably seen on television that it's that at the very end there, you know, on a zoom call and a pandemic. He can't come around here. He's not as robust a version of himself. I miss him. I do, too. Stargardt's This has been brutal, man. The last twelve months in this country have been. No, and this is a funny we've we're always having the argument like it. It makes it easier to have money.
Your money doesn't buy you happiness, but it helps with the down payment and a lack of money will will make you unhappy. But in the next incarnation of this, I wanted to be a giving thing, like a thing that, you know, literally gives back on Cameo. And like the most events, I don't know how many people know the history of this, but that was just to get our crew more money like those where these are invented businesses is given his likeness.
He signed his likeness over to me because we were going to get you some money to the crew. Even those two guys can be greedy, can also be generous. And to guys, it's taking a fraction of what he could have of that T-shirt money because it's his stuff that sells the most. And it all trickles down to God's wants to get involved with the giving in the sharing of this money for real. Now, though, Billy, not like all the fraud in your past with him.
Like, I really do feel like God wants to turn this into something that doesn't just make money for him.
I would like that. I'd also like my likeness back.
I get that back. OK, so this is what I want to ask you. OK, I'm going to start drinking in a second and I think we should do. Stuart's cameo takes on here to show you, Chris, to show you that he can do these rat a tat tat in character and he can zip through these with like I believe that's. You guys will be better at this than anybody, because while you think he's being lazy, he's just going to be maximum him and he's going to blow torch through these 30 seconds at a time without without even needing to redo most of them, I think.
Do you not have that confidence in him, Chris? No.
I mean, the more you talk about it, he's going to crush this.
There are some that will make you think like I might have to call you like one guys asking for my best day and story. So I want to be careful not, you know. Oh, yes.
Of all the governing. You got to be careful of me. You got to be careful. And Hasselbeck, I you guys will be happy to know that I got this week and I finally got to meet Luce.
You got his agent the first time, let's say, look like you didn't meet him. He spoke to him on the phone. But I love having an agent named Lou. I have no idea why, but it just it gives me some peace of mind just to know that my agent's name is Lou. You guys know how cool it is, like legitimately cool. And a lot of people wonder about me and stuff Godse and our history and our marriage and how we love each other and how this thing has worked for as long as it has when it never goes that way in this business.
I saw that Bomani Jones wrote something really sweet and sweet for him. Because he doesn't show a whole lot of public vulnerability because of the things that it's like beaten him down getting to this point in his career, he wrote something that was deeply moving to me, that we've become legitimate friends through all of this and to God and his friends who know each other that way in this business go back 20 years. And we have navigated all these negotiations with him, trusting me and never more blindly than he is this time, and never more lovingly than he did this time, because he never made me feel bad that he had to be kept in the dark on some things.
And because we man, I want the audience to really appreciate this. Because it's deeply moving the way that you love us and I've gotten into the tequila now is Mike talks to engineers. So forgive me if this gets emotional because it's emotional for both of us. It is. The outpouring of love over the last few days has been I've found myself getting emotional in my head.
And my love for you is I see you get more excited, my love for you, because how long a way have we come to God when in these negotiations and this is the coolest thing and it's what's going to make me emotional is like when it was time to pack up our shit, like it was like all of us know Cody's gone. We're let's go like. Yes. And we and there weren't questions asked, like I and it's not because people are afraid of me.
Like, they're just they trust me that way. I feel like I've earned that trust. But with all these careers and now I'm responsible for them, like as I always been have been in some form. Stewart's during these negotiations has been so moving to me because he is legitimately left me alone and knows that I will value him. I know you value me in a way that that few other entities or people do value me. I've learned that over time and I appreciate that.
I'm grateful for that. I know how much you value my wife, my children, their well-being. That helps me sleep well every single night because Dan cares about that stuff, not just for me, for every single person on that show, on this show. In fact, he might care more about our families and our kids than he does us unserious because he's just a decent, kind and great human being. And so I'm thankful we've arrived in the place that we've arrived, you and I, personally, with our relationship and the relationship we have with the audiences is just is just unbelievable.
It's overwhelming. It is overwhelming how much this show means to our audience. And I've and it's a million times and we love doing it for two hours. I mean, I'm not going to sit here and B.S. you I tell you, the paychecks aren't nice, but we love doing it for you guys. We really do. We love doing it for this audience in particular, because this audience is part of the family.
So keeping with what we were talking about with the families, if you've been on this journey with us for twenty years, because we're going to talk about to change, but we're going to do the family the Miami show.
We're going to who's that in the Zoome? OK, that's all. Gonzo is being brought into the Zoome dojo. Mom just ran off here. Let's find out live on air here. I'm drinking in front of my father at nine thirty in the morning. Well, it's funny your mom popped in there because it's Madonna's wedding. She outrank me. I mean, she put me under the table with tequila.
We should bring mom on it. Oscar, you guys should ask her whether I should be doing what I'm doing right now, which is drinking tequila. Bobby Malleus. Oh, OK. I mean, that's the zoom is not working, this is going to take a minute probably. Oh, Daddy. He's not on mute. All right, we want to figure this out live on the air, or maybe you can hear now it looks like you here he started talking when we addressed him, but now.
Bye. I miss you guys. I can hear you now.
I think while we happy we miss you, you don't hear any of us. You know, I hear you now. OK, we were screaming because everybody here misses you, Poppy, can you see can you see everybody in the zoom? Yeah, I can see everybody.
She really is to you. Billy Crystal treats everybody.
OK, you can you could see Mike as well because Poppy has been at the center. Poppy, you've been in the hood ornament on this nonsense Miami machine that had just careened and swept all over all over ESPN. And now we're leaving. Your buyout money's coming. I'm drinking tequila at nine thirty in the morning, Poppy, because we're celebrating.
We're very happy because because this this stupid family of ours and you're the head of this stupid family of ours, of Chris and Roy and all these things, they want to say thank you because you made it so fun for them. Well, you know, they also made it fun for me, so it goes both ways. OK, that was very emotional. Thank you, Poppy. Did we get here, Poppy? Take a Chan Gailey no longer being the offensive coordinator for the Dolphins.
Poppy, have a take on that. He's no longer going to be the office coordinator. Yeah. Well, I don't know what to tell you. All right, that's perfect. Thank you, Poppy. Thank you, Poppy. Poppy Harlow has a question for Poppy.
Hold on. Poppy, what do you think of those new heat uniforms, huh? Oh, they're very, very, very attractive. You know, I mean, the different colors, nice. You know, light blue and all that stuff. That's a very sexy.
Oh, we did sexy.
We have gone through the CODI bedroom tonight. We are not going through this bedroom. Any other questions for my father before before he gets out of here? Is there any why do we have him on?
I don't even remember. What do we look for like? Do you remember why it is? We were having my specific question to kill.
I got no idea.
OK. All right. Oh, who who.
Who annoyed you? No more asking you to read Liner's Billy or me. I say again, where we're having a bad connection here. I said, who annoyed you to read Liner's more Billy or me?
I don't know you guys, I know me at all. No, Pop, you can't stop me. That's not true. You were a diva. Hold on, Chris. Let's talk about this. I want to expose my father on this front because not everyone gets to be lovable, Poppy, without some diva and ego in it. This is a man who's in relaxed mode, just waiting for that by outside.
Yes, this is Leiningen. Poppy, how do you feel about that? Buy-Out That's the American dream. Pop, you haven't been working for 12 months. You've been cashing those checks.
Well, I mean, who was the one that close the deal? Who was closer?
That's your son, Poppy. Your son closed the deal, OK? We haven't talked about it. Thank you for all that pride. I feel so emotional inside. All right, Chris. So let's tell the people the story of my father and how difficult he was to Ranglin around here to try and get him to do reads.
Once the television stardom went to his head, he was always willing and very gracious with his time. But he would just be he would get he'd be in the makeup chair and I'd pop my head into the studio. And you just say, Poppy, I need you for a couple of minutes for a couple of reads. And he would just slowly look to his right and just give you a look like I'm going to do it, but I hate you now.
I'm kidding. You know you're not kidding. That is true, Poppy. It is true. Billy. Billy, you would confirm this. Who does he hate more, Billy? You or Chris? What's the question? What's the answer?
Probably Chris, because that's like one of the only things I would delegate. I'm like, Chris, can you go take this to me this can you go read this? And in and I'd be like, Chris, can you all have record? Do you just walk us through this? And then and then a lot of times was expansion because, like, I can't I can't do that. I'm like, OK, I'll do it. And I'm like, we're going to get this in one shot.
And if we didn't get in one shot, I just find different places and different words like a piece things together. So we. Wait a minute.
Wait, Billy, you're telling me that my father would be a one take. Wonder if you made him do it more than one time he'd storm off.
Oh, no, there was no storming out here happening. I just didn't want to ask for a second take. So if we didn't get it in one take, I'd figure out where we had words in other recordings from previous years that I could make things all right together. So it sounded like, all right, hold on, I'm going to I haven't been taking my in that bad.
Yes, but now you are being unfair to pound. Bobby always did everything I ask.
I just didn't want to ask for a lot of things.
Hey, Bobby, you Bobby. You want to be on Cameo under my umbrella.
What do you think? Oh yeah, sure.
No, no, no, Bobby, no, Bobby, this is a bad idea. Hold on a second. This is two guys getting up into our fight. Got them in our into our my account. Into our poppy. I just texted you a little bit.
Don't make a deal, Bobby. Be careful here. It's a bit of a pyramid scheme.
I've got a text from Addison. Bobby, I've got a whole lot of people trying to get in on the money here. Hold on a second. Let me explain to you, Bobby, because I haven't been able to tell you some of what's going on in our negotiations, OK? And this is the reason you're on with us. Are you ready, Bobby? Yeah. Billy and Chris are going to start needing you to make videos. They're going to start working you a little bit.
I know you're ready to get back on that treadmill. You're ready to be POPI, whether it's on Cameo or somewhere else. Mom loves being around these videos. She filmed Doug this week and Doug from Des Moines. What do you remember about him, Bobby? You admitted Doug.
He was a nice guy from them. Oh, yeah. He went from there going, yes.
No, he wasn't Cuban. He was. You were. He wasn't. You know, that's OK. But you did a great job reading all that for me, Bobby. You did a great job reading all of that for me. As Doug from Des Moines, Billy and Chris are going to need you to start making videos and stuff. We're going to need to start sending you stuff so that you can give somebody the original poppy if they call. Who do you think's going to make the most money on this?
Do God's will it be you or Poppy, if people are summoning cameos from you guys?
Well, I'll have my own and then I'll have a piece of poppies because he's under my umbrella.
So you've got to be careful with the guys. He's a shark. OK, but this is you're the big fish, though. Perhaps your dad can get you I've ever had. Bobby, let's make a deal on air right now, OK? This is a deal. You have to work with Billy and Chris to produce some of these videos so that people can get what they want if they try to get you on Cameo. OK, OK, no problem.
That's a deal. That's a deal. You got easy money, papi. Here it is. Let's go, boy. Girls, I'm going to send you those scripts.