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This is the Dan Levatore Show with the Stugats podcast.


I don't think that we have ever started a Greg Cody Tuesday quite this way, where he's coming in a bit rattled, I would say, because he ha has taken off. He has now declined tour dates. He, all three, had a paid gig as musicians to tour expenses paid, turned it down. They're too busy. They're not accommodating requests right now. Greg Cody's in high demand, and he wants his intellectual property, and he's caused a problem at the company, and he doesn't understand the problem he's caused. We'll get to that in a second. He's confused.


You're talking in riddles. I don't cause No problem. I solve them.


All right. Well, David Samson insists on coming on because he says you've violated company policy.


No problem solver.


David Samson. What's his title with the company? Good question.


Well, he runs the merch store.


Does he? Yeah. Is he an apron on? He's a salesman in a retail store? How does that work exactly?


You have salesmen in retail stores wearing aprons? Home Depot.


Home Depot, Macy's.


Of course, bring back retail.




Yeah, Macy's. The perfume counter, they have aprons and stuff. They put things in the... Exactly right. They sure do. What's wrong with cosmetics?


What's wrong with aprons?


Exactly right.


All right. But he doesn't understand that part of it. That's one thing you don't understand. He also doesn't understand that. I told him before the show, there is something your son did last week that was very wrong, very wrong, and you would have been proud of it.


Wow, that's hard to believe. What is it? What did you do, kid?


I took time off.


He had to go to New York.


Yeah, but let me tell some people the backstory. He had to go to New York. Mike Ryan had just left his position as executive producer. Company was in a lurch. One day to the next, Chris Cody shouts, Hey, got to go to New York, and everyone's learning of it, and the company goes into a ditch with your son in charge.


I'd call it one week to the next, but you can call it one day to the next.


Well, it was a problem. It created a problem for the executive producer who had left with much fanfare, getting his father's music career off the ground. And three days later, Mike Ryan stuck in the same job he's always in because Chris Cody shirked his responsibilities to go to New York.


But Chris Cody is back, and Mike Ryan is still here.


He's still here. Is that Mike or is that a hologram?


Sounds That's a great leverage for Chris. He left for two days and everything fell into a ditch.


At some point, it's a you problem if this is the guy you're looking at to hold everything together. Look at this.


Look at me.


Well, here's the thing. He does look like George Washington today, but that's not George Washington. It's Larry David. What? Yes. It's a good Larry David. It's visually funny. I was about to come in here today enraged because nobody did the costumes. I've got Nacro Libre under my arm, and I'm like, Why will no one pay their punishments? I come in furious and I ask, Stugatz, does he have to pay any punishments? They say, No, he's all paid up. He kept getting the golden helmet. He owes nothing. All his punishments I'm like, Are you kidding me? He's paid three in five years. One time, he's just put on a sweatshirt like Rocky. He doesn't pay any of his punishment.


You got the costume. I was Rocky that day.


All paid up. Stugatz is all paid up. I come in here, nacho libre, and as I'm ready to yell at Chris Cody like, Hey, who's in charge, Chris? Chris, are you in charge? Child of nepotism. You can't skip work when we need you to be executive producer as we're trying to figure out who the executive producer would be. And this part, Greg Cody, should offend you as an old-timey businessman. If we opened up the job of executive producer to this show, to the media crumbling around us, to anyone in the United States, the line was stretched from here to Dallas on people who want to sit in that seat to run the show so that they could come after Mike and respect all the things we built around here. Your son flew to New York.


To do what?


To do what? Something that made Stugatz proud, which is not the way Metal Lark should be run.


He did what he had to do, Dano. He did what anyone in his situation would have done.


Okay, so explain this part to the audience. Explain this part. No, because I found out about this, and this is the doubly offensive part. Doubly offensive. While executive producer, he's flying to New York because he's got... I mean, this is very Miami, because he's got to go see about some cash.




Because he's the big winner when it comes to a pool of people.


A $500 pool. You're making a little something out of nothing here.


Yeah, a little bit. Just to get some cash.


$500 means more to some people than you, Dan.


You don't even have to report that.


I'd report $500 if I was you.


I mean, I report every cent.


Same here.


All right, so we've said too much. No, not enough. Not quite enough yet. No, because this is my predicament, Greg Cody, who spawned this child of nepotism over here who just stumbling his way into executive producer.


Right. Anytime you need somebody to fill in as the executive producer, I'm there for you. I would love that.


I would love for you to be executive producer.


I really would. What are you doing tomorrow?


Teach me how to run the board and press what buttons when, and I'm there.


Please try this, Dan.


You think so? You guys think that would go well? Lucy He's saying, yes, put Greg Cody in charge as executive producer today. Yeah.


Switch seats.


Just show me where the Hakeem's laugh button is, and I'm good. That's all I need to know.


We're trying to find that thing. Oh, you think that seat's easy?


No, I'm kidding, of course. It's very difficult. Christopher makes it look easy, and he's got big shoes to follow in Mike Ryan. What size shoe do you wear, Mike? Twelve. Yeah, see? Big shoes to follow.


Mike, where are you on all of this? Because I brought this to air against- He's here. Against your will. He's here. I didn't mean to do this to you, but I'm storming in.


We talked about it before. I said I didn't want to, and you still did it.


So you didn't.


The very definition of you meaning to was premeditated. I don't want to discuss it because I was genuinely hurt hurt by it. I found out that I was sitting in that chair, a chair that I thought I said goodbye to a week prior. I found out about it the night before. I had a babysitter. I had to cut my night short because I found out as a surprise, Chris Cody was off to New York doing something that I think he probably could have done during the weekend and not miss shows. But that's okay. That's his prerogative. I'm not here to PTO shame. I think I was more hurt than anything because I've spent 18 years trying to build that position into something desirable. We haven't prioritized looking outside for a candidate. We're hoping that someone internally ascends and wants it.


Like Greg.


To have a situation where I'm being surprised that I have to sit into it because the communication is such that someone decides. I understand why it's a solid reason, but I would have thought that chair meant more, so I was a little hurt by it.


You just got to check the schedule a little bit more. You'll see it. I did check the schedule. It was not the day before.


No, I found out about it the day before because there was an email on Sunday that had talent schedule, and I came in on days that I wasn't scheduled for. I had to cancel meetings, but it's fine. At the heart of it, I was just genuinely hurt that this wasn't being treated as the opportunity I thought it would be after all the hard work that I put into it.


Chris, it seems like you told somebody, though, right? Like someone the night before you left. You told someone a week ago. They didn't-Right. They didn't communicate it to Mike.


I think it's not the issue that- The week before was Super Bowl week.


It was crazy. We're all coming back. Everyone's drugged for three days.


The communication... Like, whatever. I found out the night before I come my night short. That's fine. That's not a big deal. To me, the part that hurt was this is an opportunity, and it's not being treated as such.


The opportunity to replace someone that isn't gone.


Or go pick up some quiche.


It was a good excuse.


Okay, but no, this part of it.


If you want to do the theater of the mind, Seth, we know what's going on here, and I think it's a pretty cool opportunity. Sure it is. Quite honestly, I was hurt by it, and now I'll just prioritize looking at outside candidates.


But child of nepotism here is in charge today, and he does look like George Washington. You do look more like a founding father than Larry David, right? Is it the size of your jowels? Is that what's happening here? I don't... Is it that it's more powdered wig than cul-de-sac?


You tell me what it is, man. I looked in the mirror and I just ran away. I was like, No, don't like this.


Generally, when you impersonate a Larry David, you do it without a beard.


You got to shave. Go shave. Yeah. Commit.


Got to go all the way on an impersonation.


Billy, why were you laughing at Greg as he limped into the studio?


Laught is... I don't know that that's the right word. Greg's injured. He's playing hurt today. He hurt his knee. It's not my place to put his business out there, but I heard what happened, and it sounds like a trying tale of what happened, how he hurt himself. Did I giggle? Maybe the way he described it, possibly. But we should be commending him for not just being here playing hurt, but also volunteering to step in in his son's absence on the days his son can't be in that chair. If anything, he's a great team player here. Thank you, Billy. That I feel like, if I understood right what's going on here, he's being set up to be massacred shortly by David Samson, which I don't understand. I really don't.


I I don't massacre easily.




I'm taller than Samson. I could beat him in arm wrestling. He doesn't intimidate me. Really? He's a nice dresser, though.


It's going to be a physical fight. Really a physical fight?


I would like the idea of whatever this dispute comes down to being settled by an arm wrestling contest. I feel like that's fair.


Samson's a rabid spider monkey. What? He will climb up your arm and he will break your arm in pursuit of the things that he wants.


He's never broken an arm.


He could beat me in a marathon.


You think you could beat David Samson in arm wrestling?


Don't you not see what happened to AJ Burnet?


pierce Nipples, AJ Burnet.


Not surprising. Arm wrestling Samson?


If you said to me, baseball player from your past that has pierce Nipples, AJ Burnet, first name.


Why would anyone say that to you?


It'd be a weird thing to say, but it would be the first name I'd say. You would have an answer, though.


You would have an answer.


If it came off. How would that come up? Exactly.


Number two, Dallas Breeden.


Someone comes up to George Washington and says, Name a baseball player, pierce Piers Nipples.


Why would someone do that? You're walking down the street, it's George Washington, and someone comes to you aggressively and says, Name a baseball player, Piers Nipples, and you go straight to the '90s. Aj Burnet.


Aj Burnet.


It's a random category right there.


Is there a Hall of Fame here? Why are you thinking about these things?


It's a Jeopardy category.


I think it's the tattoo that connotes nipple ring.


If Jeopardy ever has a category of baseball players with Piers Nipples, things have fallen off.


Hey, Jeopardy, that would be like 100. Daily Double.


I don't understand what you're doing, though.


Stugatz here. Did you know that according to FBI property crime data, most home break-ins happen in broad daylight? As the days get longer this spring, protect your home with Simply Safe. It's the award-winning home security I use and recommend. I've had it in my home for many, many years now. The peace of mind it gives me when I'm not home is the best thing about it. I could see everything happening in and around my house. Both experts and customers love Simply Safe for its comprehensive protection. It was just named Best Home Security System of 2024 by US News & World Report and recognized for the best customer service in home security by Newsweek. The whole system is backed by 24/7 professional monitoring for less than a dollar a day. There is no long-term contract ever. So you always get the emergency response you need and at half the cost of traditional home security. Protect your home today. Our listeners get a special 20% off any new SimplySafe system. When you sign up for Fast Protect Monitoring, Just visit simplesafe. Com/dlb. Don't wait. That's simplesafe. Com/dlb.


Don Lebatard. That's how it's going to end. The mailing in end of the retirement, Chris, go get me this, is just going to be him coming out and hitting the one or two notes of that thing, and you know it, and then just giving us finger guns and leaving. Baby.


You should listen to the Great Cody Show podcast because that's all we do for 55 minutes a week is just say catchphrases. We even make songs about them. The And You Know It is a song for crying out loud. That's great. Hopefully, that's a Sui nominee for best song. And You Know It, Baby, and You Know It. Stugatz. And You Know It, Baby, and You Know It. This is the Dan Levatard show with the Stugats.


Speaking of, I just want to explain the audience something, us, Stugats, because some people here who have listened to us nationally might not know the story of the Florida Panthers and Steve Goldstein, and when a voice for a team becomes really a voice for a team during a cool time. Somebody who, when you're hearing his enthusiasm on calls, many of you who grew up with him in the Panthers organization, are hearing your emotion carried with him, and you've watched for long enough to see him become a really excellent broadcaster, sculpt the skill. Hockey's tough, man. That is a fast sport. And he is clean. No one's got any objections to how Steve Goldstein has mastered his craft, and he's done it 20 years in this market as hockey has been a pretty shitty thing for most of those years. And to see him carry that call, let's get that call for Roy and Mike because they weren't here yesterday when we played it the first time. What a cool moment at the end of this Washington game, not just to have It's going to end this way. When you know you've got the best team, they're playing all the most fun hockey.


Everyone in the sport hates them, but they're exciting, and now they're yours. The call is coming to you from a grassroots broadcaster who's flying down the ice with you and taking your enthusiasm with him.


Milano stripped away by Gustave Forzling. Milano again stripped away by Sam Bennett. The Panthers trying to win it. It's Bennett. It's Forzling. Let's go home, Goldee just switched it in overtime.


It's musically perfect because of all the history it carries down the ice with it.


The other thing that Goldee does, and he does it so well, because you mentioned he's been calling games for this team, and this team has been lousy for a long time, and Goldee has been right there for it. So what you're hearing in his voice the last couple of years is a guy who has been there with you, with the fans, through the down times, and now is having a blast calling games for this team because this team is fun They're young, they're exciting, and he gives that off with every single broadcast.


But he comes from old-timey sports radio in this market when all these guys were kids, and they all grew up with him in this market. It's hard to get out of this market into the national mainstream, and he's done it because he's excellent, and the enthusiasm around this team is real. I was just curious with Roy and with Mike, you hear that and feel what?


Even before he got the Panthers gig, I worked on his weekend show at 7:90 to take it.


This is back when he had He had hair. He had hair at the time.


To see him...


To see him making these highlight calls like this is just great.


It's like watching your kid grow up.


Well, I mean, he's- Did you just become Goldie's dad somehow? What's happening here? I remember when I saw a young goalie every Saturday morning on Sports Bang, and I said, This guy's destined for greatness.


I mean, Roy has been a local observer of Miami sports media more than most, I think. He's actually viewed Goldstein's career from the bowels of next to Stugats in Sports Radio.


I literally worked for them. I recall when I was a wet behind the ears high school graduate that attended a job fair hosted by the Florida Panthers and then became a sales intern, hopped up on a AIM, instant messenger, and a new metal, going to what at the time was the NCRC and seeing Steve Goldstein, who at the time was just an in- arena host, giving out-of-town updates, and he would just always be around. He was a grinder that wanted that job from pretty close to the franchise's inception. He's really worked on his craft. He's improved, made a lot of leaps, has also, in recent years, added a signature call that you've seen there. He's a testament to hard work in this market because that is very much just hanging around and grinding. He has survived several different administrations over there at the Florida Panthers.


Nobody survives all of those administrations. Nobody does. Look, forgive me, Mike. You know that organization better than I do. But there's so much turnover there through ownerships that there's always a new grift in town coming to try and make that franchise work. And the last crew now has the best crew, and they're trying to build something different. This is not an organization of lifers. One of the things I want to point out about last night, the heat went again. Okay, Stugat's on the road four in a row. They do it at Sacramento, and Bam says to everybody, No, it's a bonus. No, I'm better at this than you are. The heat with whatever they throw at you, do something that is taken for granted in this market. They always matter. Sacramento, look at their past. They're never any good. You don't get to go through administration always being relevant. When Stephen A. Smith is going back and forth with the Pelicans and he's saying, In 22 years, you guys have won two playoff series. It is hard to do the Heat do with whoever it is that they have. I'm watching the Panthers come into this sphere and be something exciting from Broward that's different.


But that's not a crew of lifers. That's not a crew like the Heat's crew is a heat crew.


Well, on the broadcast, certainly They are. Moler and Goldstein, I would dub as Panthers lifers. Red Deer was brought in very early on in the franchise history. Goldee was around for decades at this point. The broadcast team has absolutely grown up with you, and I think that they do Both teams, by the way. Yeah, but with a franchise that has so little history, at least in the broadcast booth, you have people that you know have been with this franchise for the vast majority of their professional careers, and they truly love it. It shows in the broadcast, I think.


Greg Cody, get moved by this stuff?


I do. Goldstein has paid his dues in this market, worked his way up. I want the voice of my team to be honest at all times. Like when the team sucks, I want the play-by-play guy or the voice of the team to reflect that, to reflect how the fans are feeling. Right now, the Panthers are the best they've ever been and the best in the league. I want a homer voice at this time in Panthers history. I want that. You want Steve Goldstein? Yes, I want that because it reflects how great this team has become.


Did Goldie die?




I just thought it was a cool call.




Great call.


It's two days. For wrestling to bounce back from that injury, so cool.


He has a great hockey voice. He does. Chuck is back tonight, by the way. Nothing worse than watching a hockey game with a guy calling the game who doesn't have a great hockey voice.


He doesn't have this classic hockey voice, though. No. He's got a very unique voice for play-by-play, especially in that sport. He is a South Florida guy, so it's really cool. I think he's risen to the level of getting close to national prominence. I've seen over the last few years him get the occasional national gig.


He's called multiple Olympics on the radio.


Am I missing something here? When you ask about Steve, you're asking about an accent. There's some New York in his accent. Yes. Yeah.


But I mean, he's been down here in South Florida for what, 30 plus years at this point?


But to be a voice in hockey, there aren't that many of them, right? These are cool broadcasting jobs. I don't know if people have been noticing also locally, Jorge Sedano is now learning the craft of how to do play by play all over the place because he wants to be versatile as the media changes. To ride one of these rockets as a broadcaster, you get to go along for the ride in a way that also helps you economically. More people are hearing you. They're listening to your story. They start to know your story. You develop a connection with the team. Oh, this guy rides with them from there the same way Eric Reid rides with the heat from back there, where he slices Doc Rivers the other day with, Oh, it's a lot easier talking under the headsets, Doc Rivers, as you coach the Bucks, giving your opinions. Eric Reid saying that slices more because you know it's a voice that is courteous and decent, but also just slaughterhouse homer. Like, Slawderhouse homer. Like, Okay, we're going to ride this. And, Oh, you don't like our team? We'll ride the magical carpet ride of Eric Reid and Steve Goldstein are going to gallop into the galaxy being homerific for the rest of your lives.


Unless you're Trip Tracy of the Carolina Huracans, who once celebrate Matthew Kachuk getting yanked from a game because of injury. Disgusting display. And his apology, if you can call it that, wasn't really one at all. He set a really bad example for the youth of America.


Hockey broadcaster.


Well, I got the memory of an elephant, Mr. Tracy.


Stugatz once called Mike Greenberg Goldy.


I do like that idea, Goldy. Goldy. Greedy. I like the idea. I have a friend named Goldy. I called you Goldy.


That was a- That's what my name is Tripp.


I can't believe we I smuggled that sound away from ESPN that it wasn't so valuable to them.


I do like that idea, Goldy. Goldy. Greedy. I like the idea. I have a friend named Goldy. I called you Goldy.


That's our intellectual property. We smuggled it away. That's on ESPN. Why How can I stop and explain?




Because you couldn't believe you were tap dancing with Goldberg. Those were the heights. Those were the heights of-I was tap dancing with Greeny.


That's a fun one.


Goldberg. Oh, I'm sorry.


Goldstein. Yeah, Goldberg.


Greenberg. Goldberg. A lot going on there before you did.


The Hammer. Hammer.


Hammer time.


I do like that idea, Goldie. Goldie. Greeny. I like the idea. I have a friend named Goldie. I called you Goldee.


Kick Brett Hart in the head. Ended his career.


Reckless wrestler, it appeared.


Bill Goldberg. Fakes, don't go to Austin. My favorite thing in pro wrestling is how much Brett Hart hates Bill Goldberg. He even insists on calling him Bill Goldberg because he knows he hates that instead of just Goldberg. Got kicked in the head by Bill Goldberg. Cost me $17 million.


What's the matter, Dan? You got Hank confused with Greeny, Goldy confused with- I know.


I'm sorry. Yes, that's What's the matter? That's all. It happens, man. I know, but I've got a fine on Goldberg.




I counted seven fines.


Are you really digging into You still have a wallet.


Look at you. Greg, you're about to go up head to head with Samson in a couple of minutes, right? Are you prepared? Dan, what advice can you give him? Because I feel like he's being set up for a blindside. You know what's going on, but Greg doesn't. You have the information here. You're leading him to a slaughter.


I don't know what's going on. I've asked Chris. Samson's insisted on coming on because we've got a legitimate problem on our hands, and I don't know the depths of it. Chris, do you? Because Samson insists on coming on to talk to Greg about it on air.


I just got a text. I need to come on tomorrow. It's business. Nothing personal. He didn't even say nothing personal. He was just like, business. Got to talk to your dad. Wait and see. Okay, 9:27. I don't know more than that. Why don't you just call him?


You guys could call each other.


I don't know what the allegation is. I have no idea.


Greg, I will say this. Regardless of the allegations, I side with you.Thank.




Appreciate that. I don't need a single detail, I side with Greg Cody.Thank you.


Can we decide this based on vote? If not arm wrestling, can votes decide how this ends? It is election season, Dan.


Sure, but what is that going to prove to anybody?


Nothing. You're in charge, so we just ask you, can we decide if you have votes?


It depends on what the accusation is. Yes.


John Rocker would also be on my list.


Peer Snipples?


Don Lebatard.


I miss crank windows. Too many unnecessary conveniences now. Cruise control, please. I've got cruise control built in. It's called my right foot. It controls how fast the car goes. No button or steering wheel lever needed. Power steering. There's another one. Why do I want to give my power to the car? The power that I once had. The car is a ton of metal. I'm a damn college graduate.




Bluetooth, HD radio, satellite. I'll take AM, please, with Wolfman Jack talking through the static, and I'll crank the windows down so everybody We can hear. I'm Greg Cody, and that's how it was back in my day.


This is the Dan Levatard Show with the Stugatz.


Billy, I have a concern here as we onboard David Samson here shortly because I've got a problem. We run the company, but Samson runs the merch store. I said last week, and this is genuine, what Greg did to me didn't feel terribly fair, where he's texting me, Hey, I want to put merch up on my store. Give me an answer. I just want to make sure it's cleared. My people are worried, but I'm just checking in. What should I do? And 27 hours later, I said, Check with our COO. And then he said, No, the ship's sailed. I already did it, and now things are for sale. And now I've got a problem where David Samson's bothering me with shit I don't want to worry about because lebitardaf. Com is just a little place that was meant to pay some employees some extras, and it's turned into this ugly thing that's now run like a business.


But Greg was asking you. He wanted a quick answer. He made that very clear. Twenty-seven hours later does not work for Greg.


Yeah, evidently not. Not fast enough.


It's a COB, Dan.


It's going to be more prompt.


Yeah. Okay, so that's what happened. We'll bring on David Samson in just a second. A what? A second. Thank you, Roy. But Billy, Greg has had his foot up on the table in one of these rotten boat shoes that is- Neck shoes. Same from the 1980s. This is a new one. He finally got rid of the ones that were you buried in the backyard. What were those? How old were those?


Oh, those were from the '70s, I think. Deck Cody. Yeah, Deck and Deckle. But I have new ones that I got for Christmas, but I can't bear to part with these, so I haven't even begun in the new ones yet.


But what's happening with your leg? Because Billy was laughing at the way you limped in because you weren't even talking bowling injury. You came in saying, Hey, I'm not going to to be able to make bowling yet.


Well, no, questionable. He hasn't ruled himself out yet. I'm questionable. Day to day.


I'll throw a practice frame to see how it feels. When I tweaked my left ham string, that's my plant foot. So I knew that that would disable me for a couple of weeks. But this is an injury that feels like it's in the back of my kneecap. Oh, boy. It hurts when I sit and when I stand. I injured myself sitting on a couch. That's great. I sat awkwardly, felt it right away. I had a fine night's sleep. But then when I woke up this morning, ouch. I literally said the word ouch, which I never say. It's like last week when I sneezed and the actual sound was achoo. When I woke up this morning, I stood up and I actually said the word ouch. Are you sure you didn't say ouch? No, I didn't say ouch. I said ouch, and nobody was in the room to hear me.


Wow.un Unbelievable. Did it really happen? No, it did.


It did really happen. This is the problem with the renegade parts of this business.


Greg Cody's Achoo now could be his intellectual property because we haven't signed any contracts about how that sound gets used. I said it. We're a free media thing. All our sound is our own. Now, Greg Cody wants to fight about whether Heehaw 3 is his or Heha3 is Metalark's.


Did you say we're getting paid for the merch store? I mean, are we getting paid for the merch store? David Samson just sent me a text. He's very upset. He said, Let's go. I don't have all day.


All right, well, you guys have added here. All right, Samson, come on. This guy thinks he Yeah, no. Well, Samson, you're in charge of the merch store, so I've got chaos on my hands. What's happening now?


Well, the reason why you have chaos on your hands is that you asked me to do this. Then when I call you to tell you that something has to be done, you I washed your hands of it, pretending that you're above it and you don't want to upset anyone in your employ. You play both sides, and then you tell me that I have to do it. The only way I can reach you is on air. I need to do it today. Greg, we go back along a long way. I am sorry for what I'm about to do. Not. But you violated our company policy, and no one's going to say anything, so I have to. Instead of telling you what you did, I was going to sing it to you, though you did not invite me to be a part of HeHaw 3. I merely need to deliver this message to you very clearly.


Is that what this is about?


No, no. This is about money. Clearly, only money, not Fame, not fortune, just money. Dear Mr. Cote, it has come to our attention that you have been selling clothing merchandise using intellectual property owned by Metalark Media and Den Lebitard without proper authorisation.


That's in dispute.


Oh, we haven't even started. Okay. I haven't even started either. This unauthorized use constitutes a violation of our copyright. Violated. Metalark Media and Den Lebitard hold exclusive rights to the intellectual property associated with our brand and content. Your sale of merchandise without our consent infringes upon these rights and undermines the integrity of our brand. We demand. We demand, Greg Coat, that you immediately cease and desist from selling any merchandise that utilizes Metalark Media's IP, including, wait for it, Greg, but not limited to, trademarks, logos, any proprietary materials. And you don't have 27 hours, my friend. You have 24 hours upon receipt of this message. Yeah.


And then you're going to have me arrested or what?


Well, I'm glad you asked. Failure to comply with this demand will result in further legal action to enforce our rights under copyright law. We reserve the right to pursue all available remedies, including seeking damages, including from Chris, should you be unable and unwilling to pay any financial harm that has been caused by your infringement.


Okay, may I respond or are you on a filibuster here? Do I have a chance to respond?


Oh, you will have to respond. Good. Can Chris respond? I'm ready to respond.


I'm ready to vote.


I object.


Please confirm in writing within 24 hours of receipt of this message that you have ceased all sales of infringing merchandise and that you will refrain from any future unauthorized use of Metalark Media's intellectual property. Sincerely, not Dan Levitard. I asked him to sign this. He refused. Therefore, I'm signing it. I do have the authority under Metalark Media's umbrella to sign this letter.


Okay, I'm going to say what I'm going to say, and if you need it in writing, then grab a pen off your desk and write what I'm about to say. Two things. Number one, the phrase hee-haw is my intellectual property, and I am I'm absolutely entitled to sell hee-haw merchandise on my website. I have an attorney who will back me up on that. Number two, an unnamed high-ranking Metta Lark executive, dare say, ranked above the level of merchandise store clerk.


I did not approve this.


It was not Dan. I did not approve this. It was another unnamed high-ranking executive.


There is no one higher than Dan.


You didn't give me time to respond. I responded 27 hours. You got to talk to the COO in charge of this. It's the second in command there.


All right. It wouldn't have to go up to Skipper, the dumb ass merch store wouldn't have to bother.


Skipper is the most powerful man in sports. You're going to bother him with your merch? With he and ha?


He-haw 3. I have text proof that I had at least tacit approvalTacit go ahead with this. And so between my intellectual property attorney siding with me and my high-ranking Metalog executive in text form, granting approval. You have no case, David Samson. That thing, so forth and so on.


Mr. Cote, I appreciate your prompt response, but you missed two very important things. One, Lebitard AF has been selling hee-haw merchandise since its inception. The reason why it is intellectual property They should cease and desist doing so. Wow. Well, I would certainly encourage you and whatever lawyer you have.


You have 24 hours, David, to write back to Greg on that one.


Oh, he will not. Please send a cease and desist toDon Skipper over our merchandise. This is good.


Company publicly fighting over $400 in T-shirts.


What are we doing?Great look. We're going to hire lawyers on both sides to fight over a he and a ha.


I don't have to hire a lawyer. I married one.


Listen, Dan, if you want to solve it, you can end this right now. If you want to relinquish rights to your intellectual property, to Greg and Greg Cody and the Greg Cody show, by all means, just tell me. I don't have skin in the game because I make the same amount off the merch store as Sue Gotts. Zero. You're the one who makes the money off the merch store.


No, I don't.


As a matter of fact-No, I'm talking to Dan.


I coined the phrase, I eat butt all the time. It turns up on a Levatard show merch store. My phrase, my intellectual One of our biggest sellers.


I got nothing.


I didn't even get a free T-shirt. A giant seller. My hobby.


Said that on this show.




Thank you. Please keep in mind, folks, that every word that's said when you have a Metalark microphone is property of Metalark. What if it's my What if it's a pet frame? What if it's a fun bits and intellectual property is owned by Dan.


What if I say Nike? Does Metalarke own Nike?


We can't keep calling- Contextually, yes. We cannot keep doing this thing of I eat butt all the time is property that's intellectual. As is Heehaw 3. I'm not going to have this creative company ruined by, I eat butt all the time. Is that Metalarke's or is that theirs? Is he his or is Haw theirs?


Hehaw is my intellectual property. I'm going to challenge the audience to rebel against the authoritarian David Samson by going to the Greg Cody Show merch store or what'sitcalled.


Com. It's whatever it's called.


Com. Whateverit's called.


That is not allowed.


Buying this merchandise.


Whateverit's called. Com.


You cannot promote your own website on the show, Greg.


Wait a minute.


Now Dan's promoting it, David.


Greg, you can't be so bad at this. You cannot be so bad at this.


Oh, yes, he can.


That you ask your son the incompetent.


We just bought the phrase a couple of days ago. I haven't memorized it yet. I said, what's this whatever. Com.


Did you buy it when you were sitting in that chair? Whatever it's called.


We're going to break your website right now.


I want sales of that I'm going to cut without even wanting to or needing to, I'm going to give Lovitar to 5% vigourish of all sales.


What are you doing? Wait a minute.


He's taking 100% of your sales.


Video is promoting their website instead of ours, David, because this is what happens.


It's outrageous. That has to be edited out. We are not promoting other people's websites. Greg, now that you've been warned, any revenue that you get from this live moment on for a HeHaw shirt, that actually just adds to Do you know how much this is worth?


Do you know how much this terrain is worth? You just wasted our time with promoting your website and causing me a problem with this guy because we're fighting over he and he. Come on. This offends Mike Ryan.


And it should.


I don't know who this tacit is, guy, who's just given approval left and right.


Okay. It's a high-ranking executive.


Is it time to vote or what?


I'm not going to throw him under the bus. You're welcome, Greg. I will privately show the text to those in my coterie.


How's this vote going I'm just going to have a full-scale employee revolt.


I don't know how the election is going to go.


It's fixed.




Do you know how hard it is, Samson, to enter a dispute? Stugat says, sight unseen I side with Greg Cody, and he leaves the dispute feeling like he's never won bigger.


I'm the little guy.


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