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Draftkings Network.


This is the Dan Leviton.




With the.


Stugatz Podcast.


If you had access to more than or almost 100 million more people today than you did yesterday, how would you start your show, Stugart, because right now we are on max for the first time. What are you looking at, Billy?


I'd ask everyone for a dollar. Yep. If 10 % of them, I'd have what, 10 million dollars?


So the moment that you got a big platform, you'd start begging.


Not begging. I'd just say, Hey, you guys got a dollar you want to send me, that'd.


Be cool. My Venmo is...


I wouldn't do that. If you want to find me to send me a dollar, I'm here to take it.


Tony, GoFundMe is outsource and begging, is it not?


It is, but it's more relatable to people. We're like, Oh, GoFundMe is not like, Hey, can I have a buck?


I would not define GoFundMe as begging. I would say that it's a nice place to set up a place for charitable causes for someone who may be down on their luck, who may have had some unfortunate house fire, medical bills, whatever. It's asking. It's not even you asking. It's usually your friends or family or whatever set something up for you because it's like, Hey, you know what? This person got a splinter in their hand, and they don't have health insurance and it costs $250,000 to remove a splinter at a hospital. So can you help this person out?


It feels a little like internet panhandling.


A little bit. No, that's what it is. Ron McGill says that The Eagle is a buzzard with a gooda PR agent. This is begging with a good PR agent. This is begging with a good PR agent.


Gofundme gives off.


Well, speaking of that, I wanted to start with mascot, and we'll get to that in a second. But the most shocking thing from the football weekend to me, and there was some good stuff, the most shocking thing is that Chris Cody came in here today. In the AFC East, where this entire century, he and his family have been taking drugbings at the hands of the Patriots, and when Chris Cody goes, Oh, he felt that way yesterday for Mac Jones.


It was like a GoFundMe. I instantly felt bad, and then I thought about it. I was like, Wait, why am I feeling bad right now? Good.


You have no reason to.


Feel bad. When he threw that tear, I know he had a couple of picks, but there was one. It was just.


The worst. Do you think there was a single Patriot fan during that braided run that sat there and said, Hey, I feel bad for the people down in Miami?


Nobody. I'm back. Okay.


I have a couple of good stats for you here, Stugart. Which one is more stunning? When you mention the Patriots, okay. You have the Saints now with Derek Carr, the way that they're playing, they have two games where they have no touchdowns, two games under Derek Carr this year. With Drew Braves, they had two of those in 15 years. But that's not even the worst stat in that realm. Because what has happened to the Patriots? They've now become the first team ever in back-to-back weeks to hold their opponents to 10 points or fewer and lose both games are the first time in 30 years. Forgive me, it's not ever. But the Patts this year have been held seven points or fewer four times. In the entire braided era, it happened five times.


What? I feel like we're doing this every week now with The Patriots. There's something they're doing every week that braided did it.


They deserve it.


Okay. Ben Vollin had the tweet, and we won't put it up here now, but Ben Vollin, okay, we will put it up here now. He has the tweet of what Mac Jones's quarterback rating would have been if he had just spiked the ball every time in the game before getting benched and what his quarterback rating was in the actual game. It was lower in the game, Stugat, because he threw that interception. It was a terrible interception. That ended his career with the Patriots. That interception, and he knew it.


That's why it was sad because you could see it.


In his face. They benched him immediately. The camera went straight to him immediately. But if he had spiked the ball every single play, he would have had a better quarterback rating than the one that he had before he got benched. What is.


Bill Belichick doing with Mac Jones and Bailey Zappi? Because if you believe what you saw in the postgame press conference, he was saying the plan was for both of them to play. So you're going into it knowing, At some point, I'm going to bail on Mac Jones and go to Bailey Zappi. He told Mac Jones that both players are going to play, and he told Bailey Zappi that both players are going to play. You're going into it saying, Hey, you're going to start, but we know you're going to mess this up, and we're going to pull you at some point. At that point, why are you even bothering.


With him? I feel like they're tanking for Caleb Williams, and all the noise around Belichick getting fired is just to distract us from that.


That he's going to stay?


He's staying. They're sucking for Caleb Williams, but they're in a patriot way, culture. They're the heat for football. They could never tank, so they're going to act like, Oh, he might get fired. He might not make it back from London. They're tanking.


For Caleb. But do you have, honestly, a serious question, do you have any faith in Bill Belichick's drafting abilities? Do you think that he's going to fix it if he gets Caleb Williams? Because it's come out lately. Yeah, but you see what they've done in the draft and none of the players really amount to anything.


Right, but Billy, if Caleb Williams is great, then yeah, that solves that. Even Belichick can get that right if he's picking number one, number two, number three.


But outside of braided, Belichick hasn't gotten free agents right. He hasn't gotten drafting right. The only thing he's gotten right is defensively getting good players.


All he got right is putting braided in. That's it. That's what he got right.


All he got right was blood so getting hurt.


Well, that was the thing. Even putting braided in wasn't really a choice that was made. It was forced.


On him. If he finishes top, well, bottom three in that draft, it's going to be really hard to screw up Caleb, Masarati, Marv, or.


Drake May. Correct. Yes.


You are doing Masarati-Marv after- Love Masarati Marv. After Gus Johnson has gotten crushed right and left for calling him left and right Masarati-Marv?


No, no, no. It's actually a genius move because then you don't have to remind yourself of who his dad is.


Oh, I see what.


You're saying. Yeah. You don't have to say the.


Name, though. You never have to say his name if you say Masarati-Marv.


He should be applauded for Masarati-Marv.


Gus Johnson was criticized a great deal, again and again, for never speaking the name Harvon Marison because he was afraid to speak and calling him Masarati Marve the entire time. We'll get to Ohio State and Michigan in a second. It's a shame that both of them couldn't lose. My solace is that one of them had to. The game? Yes. Auburn, Alabama, was also the game. Totally ridiculous football game that ended in the.


Most-that's not the game. That's the Iron Bowl. That's a fine, too.


No, I'm going to call it the game from this weekend. I'm going to call that the game from this weekend.


Because-it really was.


The play. Fine system is broken. Are you.


Talking are you talking, Bulls-Eagles?


Nope, I'm talking about what Stugats likes to call the Iron Bowl that I'm going to call the game because of how it ended. But before we get to all of the football stuff from the weekend, I did want to start with mascot. Have any of you ever ziplined? Have you ever done ziplining?


And Maui have done ziplining. Awesome.


Maui ziplining feels safer than some of the Ecuadorian and Costa Rican ziplining that I've done. That doesn't seem like they've got proper licensing, and I'm just headed over a forest and I'm like, This does not seem safe. I don't believe that they have regular checkups on these wires.


That's part of the fun, though. It's not ziplining if you're not fearing your death.


You have to fear your death. You're right. Tony, you could have just said yes. Us, right? Didn't have to be Maui.


I've ziplined to Maui. I've ziplined to Connecticut before.


Why didn't you say.


Zipline to Connecticut? Why did.


You go to Hawaii? It seems more dangerous.


Because Maui, it was more dangerous. Dan has been to Maui. He knows what the deal is over there. There was a lot of wind gust that day, so we actually couldn't do zipline 10 because they said if you come in at a certain angle and the wind's pushing you, you're like 70 miles an hour straight into the trees. We're going to skip this one.


The Oregon Duck decided, as did Ludacris, by the way, at a Falcons game. We'll get to that in a second. But look at the Oregon Duck here. This risk does not seem worth.


The reward. That's what I'm saying. This is just, I hate all of this. It gives me anxiety. I don't get anxiety about a lot of things. When I see Ludacris, Rapping coming down and this guy, it's just like, What's the benefit? What's the best-case scenario? This. This is what we're looking at. This is the best.


But the scenario, it's hard for mascot to stand out. It's hard for your neighborhood mascot to be someone who does the thing that goes viral, and you have to go further and further toward the edges. How many people every year die from stupid Instagram accidents trying to do some ridiculousness where they just want to get a video that a lot of people watch?




Give me a dancing mascot any day of the week over this. Who's that? The Kansas State guy? He dances with the cheerleader? Give me that over this any day of the week.


No, but this is not the video. These are not the videos that go viral. Now, he appears stuck there. He is stuck. He is very high up off the ground where the press box is. Now, he is being dropped down slowly by the belly.


The big payoff here.


Not much of a payoff. You're right. It's very slow because I'm assuming they had to go safety first. This isn't happening as fast as it should. He should be repelling. All of this should happen quicker.


For people just listening, we're watching a duck get lowered to the field.


Very slowly. Very slowly.


But-he should be repelling. Yes, I mean.


It should be faster.


Than this. It should be a quick fall and then he stops at the end, right before the field.


Whoa! Hey, Duck, are you doing it dangerous or are you not? Are you giving us the illusion of dangerous or you're faking it? Or are you really doing something dangerous? Because the speed with which he's going down makes it feel like there was some malfunction.


This is longer than Bo Nicks' career.


Yeah, this is like ziplining in Connecticut.


And he's on the field. That was it.


It took a long time to go from the press box to the field. It's like a really slow elevator. One of those old elevators you don't trust is how long that it took. Is Ludacris is any better here? At the Falcons game yesterday, Stugatza, let's check this out here. Are we allowed to play the music?


Falcons in first place.


It's assinine. There are all sorts of weird things in the sport.


That's the weirdest.


I mean, is it.




Ridder? Is it the weirdest? Because I got a few for you.


Yeah, we're not allowed to license some music on this one, but Ludacris is doing this a lot quicker than the Oregon Duck and a lot more energetic.


But his looks more flimsy. His, I'm more worried about it falling than the Duck.


I'm with.


You, Chris. It looks like hang gliding.


It does feel flimsier, doesn't it? But is it because just we're closer?


Maybe. His fish eye lens makes everything cooler, too.


He's not nervous, though. He must have done this a few times in dress rehearsal.


I still feel like I'd be scared at that height.


If you're ludicrous, you have to watch someone do that, right? I have to go out to midfield and watch someone heavier than me do the exact thing. -before I just get on thatJust to make sure? -i need to watch.


The walk-through. What's your strategy on that? Someone heavier than you that you feel safe or someone's heavier than you and you're like, Oh, did they.


Weaken it? Now they're loosening. Yeah. Billy's right. The exact same weight as me. The exact dimensions is what I would need.


Don Libertard. Tried to know.


What this list is. But he was ahead of Tom braided, who also won a.


Playoff game.


A couple, yeah. That was literally the most confusing list we've ever done on the show.


T-bow's got a better shot of coming in.


I'm mad. I'm mad.


I'm angry.


I'm angry.


I'm angry. I want to leave.


Still got to leave. This would have been your day. You should own the sports media landscape.


Right now. I am top seven guys. I would not want the judge.


No. No. No. No.


I'm not.


Allowing it. Give him a.


Chance, guy.


No, I'm not giving him a chance. I've given them.


20 years.


It's a hard-to-win game. It's a.




Game. I've given them my prize.


This is the Dan Levator Show with.


The Stugats. Stugats, when you say strange things in the sport. How about the Chargers having the same record as the giants?


It's crazy. It's crazy. I mean, football is so funny, man. It really is. The Colts are in the playoffs.


How about the Colts having the same record as the Bills?


Bills are not in the playoffs. There's no way.


There's no way, Dan. They've got a 15 % chance of making the playoffs now. The Bulls have a 15 % chance of making the playoffs. Excuse me, the Colts don't have the same record. They have the same number of wins.


They have one fewer loss. The Colts are six and five. The Bulls are six and six.


They have one fewer loss than the Bulls. Also, the Broncos have as many wins as the Bulls.


Hey, congrats, Dolphins. You now have a victory over a winning team.


Not just a.


Victory, my friend. You put 70 on them. 70.


If you want maximum, max, Bronco's coverage, I suggest you go to Godbless Football today, where Billy and Stugat are obsessed with the Broncos. What the bills are doing? Listen to what I'm going to tell you, Stugats, because mathematically, this is a puzzle. This is a riddle.




Bills have a better point differential than every team in the sport except for Dallas, San Francisco, and Philadelphia. The bills are six and six.


And Baltimore.


I think. And Baltimore. Excuse me. Wait a minute. I think it's better than Philadelphia. Forgive me. I think Baltimore is the team in there, and Philadelphia is not the team in there. I think I got it wrong.


Baltimore is plus 137, Philadelphia is- Plus 64. Yeah, plus 64. The Cowboys are.


Plus 182. The Bills, this is so hard to do. It is so hard to be six and six and have that point differential.


I'm not a big point differential guy, but it is incredibly impressive to be six and six with a point differential of over 100.


The Dolphins have a good point differential, but they blew out the Broncos that one game.


Yeah, the Bulls, I would have to say, if we're just doing We watch football, let's look at their schedule. They're not going to make the playoffs. They have a by week, and then they're at Arrowhead. Then they have to play the Cowboys who haven't beaten a good team, but look at the Bulls record, they're not really a good team at this point. Then on the road to the Chargers, who knows who their head coach is going to be.


They have to go four and one, right? To finish them.


Yeah, but the Bills can beat anyone. They got a game against an elephant. Mike, if yesterday proved anything, it's the Bills could beat anyone. They went to Philadelphia, and they should have won that game.




Lost yesterday. I know, but.


That's a good loss. They've lost six. They can beat anyone except the six times that.


They've lost. I'm just saying we're doing the schedule thing, and I'm not going to be surprised if the Bulls beat Kansas City. Are you guys?


Again, 15 % chance to make the playoffs based on what their schedule is and what they've done so far. They have put themselves in an unbelievable hold, Stugats. That Philadelphia game, you're correct. The Bulls outplayed them in almost every discernible way, but the Eagles won the game. Jason, Kelsey told Peter King after the game, I don't understand how we're the team with only one loss. I've never seen such parity at the top end of the league. None of us would be surprised if Dallas beat Philadelphia.


That one loss is to Zach Wilson.






Football. Jason Kelsie skating yesterday. Oh, my God. That guy tried to blow the game for them.


You know what? I was going to say if we're going to cover Jason, Kelsey, and all the good things he does, we should cover the bad things he does. He tried to give that game away, but an interesting point was brought up to me during God-blessed football. He had the poop. When you have to poop, you're a bit twitchy, especially when you have to get in that position every 15 seconds or so.


Were you sure.


It wasn't P?


I don't know. That has been covered already on Godless football. If you want your poop coverage of Jason, Kelsey.


Speaking- And pee coverage.


-of peeing. And PE coverage. No, we've got your PE coverage right here. Let's get that Tomahawk video for the people because Andrew Hawkins will tell you that these players go in their pants regularly, and we will get to that sound in a second. But that game, Philadelphia, I want to ask you a couple of things about that game because them tying the game after Jason Kelsie got two penalties, Stugart, to make the field goal in the rain a 59-yard field goal.




Philadelphia ties the game. But what I wanted to ask you, and I want to talk some broadcasters over the show today because there were some stuff I wanted to observe with Al Michaels and Jim Nance that I thought.


Was interesting.


Not their contracts, please. No, not their contracts. Thank you, Billy. I appreciate you being a governor for the audience on that one.




Grand. You want to explain to me, though, what Tony Romo, who is in a little bit of trouble, at least according to the reports, because his coverage has been a little lazy, reportedly, that the executives believe at CBS that his golf game is very important to him, and he didn't take last season as seriously as he could. Didn't take last season as seriously as he could. He's a broadcaster. It's fourth and 17. Yeah, he's a broadcaster. It's fourth and 17. They're going out there for a 59-yard field goal. Tony Romo is out here saying to Jim Nant, How about a fake field goal on fourth and 17? Don't give it to Jayle and Hertz in that offense. Let's have the holder roll out and see what we could do fourth and 17.


See if he can get us 18. What is he talking about?


What is he.


Talking about? But if it would have happened.






Have expected it. It would have.


Been so amazing. This is what Nantz got lucky on on Thanksgiving Day on Daron Bland because he started the call. Here comes history. But then he needed the weaving return because he got his audio levels way up. But he got lucky. Everyone's saluting Jim Nance for getting the call exactly right. But you have to in the event that he doesn't get tackled 30 yards out when he starts weaving through the defense. The punner.


Is the holder. That's who they wanted, who Romo wanted rolling out there.


The punner. What is Tony Romo talking about?


He went from calling all the plays and being an amazing advertiser to just he's your wacky toddler watching the game. One of thesides playing Madden. Why don't we fake a field goal here on fourth and 17? They're not rushing you. It's in the rain and it's 60 yards. What do you think? They're going to let you go ahead and kick the stupid.


Field goal. Gladly.


How about Jake, Elliot? Oh, man. In that weather?


Chicken Little? Amazing. Yeah.


What a kick. That entire game happening in that weather, I mean, all the passing from Allen and Hertz, it seemed like it was 70 and Sunny out there, the way that game was played.


Let's go to Andrew Hawkins here saying basically, this is from last week, so he's not saying that Jason, Kelsey should have pooped himself yesterday, but he's saying a lot of football players are running around with pants filled with feces and pee.


But let me tell you some of the disgusting things that happened in the game that just seemed normal to us. Guys just pee on themselves. But in the NFL, guys, when you have to pee, it's not like, Hey, Coach, I'd like to take a potty break. It's dirt. No. Guys literally just pee on themselves during the course of a game and continue to play.


How often does that.


Really happen? Every game, probably of the, we'll call it 70 players that play in that game, at least 25 pee on themselves during.




Course of.


That game.


There's no way.


Facts, jokes. It's got to be the same 25 then, Hawk. I feel like you're either a pee on yourself guy or.


You're not. I am not a pee on myself guy. I am a get me a bottle, put the towels up around me so the fans can't see my junk, let me do my business on the sideline. I'm not going to pee on myself. I'm too disgusted.


Hawk is taking JuJu's advice right now, and he's not outing himself when really what he's trying to say is I was the guy that peed on myself in every game. That seems high. Twenty-five of 70 guys?


Come on. The time to do it is like during a fumble on the ground, you jump on the fumble and be like, I'm peeing. And then who's going to jump on you?


That's tough, though. That's hard to pee in the middle of an action like that where you're trying to fight for the.


Ball to be... You just say you're.


Peeing, right away. You need to. Need to focus.


Billy, what are you making faces?


I have this weird expertise.




It not true? When you're active and you're doing stuff, it's hard to pee. You have to sit down, not sit down, but you have to focus on what it's doing.


You got to close your eyes, find your zen. It's tough. You can't just be walking out, just peeing all.


The places. I can't do it.


I'm just laughing at you're sitting down -Correction. You just heard the internet crawling up to you right there saying, Oh, you pee sitting down.


And a piece of vulnerability? Sometimes I pee sitting down?


At night, every time. Get out of here. You think I'm going to risk it and pee all over the floor and I have to clean it up?


It is a fun game to play. Listen to the sound of the water.


That's not a fun game to play. My wife hates that game. I lost. Yeah, but I also feel like you're not the, Oh, I got to clean this up now. You're just like, Ah.


The worst is the panic of you don't hear water and it's like, Which direction do I need to turn? Are we right or left here?


I'm enjoying that your eyes are still closed as you deliver this information. Just trying to show Max what I mean. You're getting deep into character of how you do it in the dark. You don't want to open your eyes. You don't want to wake up.


Too much. I tend to aim right. So if I don't hear water, I go a little left. That's usually what it was.


Wait, not a second. But how many seconds have to go by before you get nervous?


No water. What do you mean?


Multiple seconds? We're talking.


About fractions of a second.


It doze off.


A bit. Sometimes P is quiet, too, you know what I mean?


If you hit that perfect space, you don't want to hit the side of the toilet. The side wall is the money spot.


I'm so confused. So you're peeing in the dark, but you're also closing your eyes to.


Add to the difficulty of it? Well, no, I'm closing my eyes here because it's light in here. In my bathroom.


To get in the character. He's a method actor. You're recreating it in your head what it.


Looks like. -i can't make it. -maybe my eyes are closed. Do we know if our eyes are open in a dark room?


Huh? What?


Put it on the pole, please, JuJu. I think it's up to you. Do you know if your eyes are open in a dark room? At Levitard show. I thought you were keeping your eyes closed because you simply didn't want to wake up too much. They say, Stay out of blue screens. Don't get too many lights on your face so that you can go back to sleep. I thought that was a strategy of yours. You kept your eyes closed.


I'm still sleeping. That's right. You can't walk.


With your eyes closed.


Or keep them...


That's why I like it. Get the corner of your bed. Shit.


You didn't want to wake up too much is what I thought. Stugat, I've got a lot on broadcasters, but I have now sighted with Tony. Tony is calling Jason Garrett the most electric man on television. Really? I am with him based on… This is an old video, but we've seen… He is great at only one thing. And on television, he's a mannequin, he's a cardboard cutout, he is plastic, he has all teeth and suit, and then this. He finds the camera wherever it is, whenever the camera is on him. And he knows- Not.


Just his head turn.


Just his whole body. No, it's the whole thing. He has got this down. It's hands in pocket. It is great to be a former Dallas coach. I can get any job I want. They would have given this to Dave Campeau if I didn't smile quite like this.


In this thing we're showing, someone had to say to him, Hey, be creepy and look at the camera right now.


It's not creepy. It's great television.




Awesome. It is great.


It scared my five-year-old.


He's a pro.


No, it's making love to the camera. It is the look of a man who doesn't know he doesn't ever say anything interesting. He doesn't know it.


I think he does.


Know it. He makes up for it with that smile. No, he does not know it. That smile is too authentic. It is not plastic. It is pleased with yourself.


He thinks he's.


Brad Pitt. He doesn't think he's a 500-career record. He doesn't think that he's bad at this. He thinks I look good, and America wants to watch me say nothing interesting. And we do.


Collinsworth had to be enjoying that, seeing the reaction to it. I'm like, Oh, you missed me, huh?


After getting ripped off at the fish market?


Oh, I mean, that's a whole other thing.


Let me see Jason Garrett, again. Show it to me again just so people can see.


Oh, my God.


It's amazing.


Don Libertard. These teammates can't shoot from three. Now they're going to see a different Jimmy. Now he's just just playing. Niko back in the locker room and-Stugats. Now, play dee and show threes as they chase the net for the sixth seed. These five words in his head, Scream are we winning games yet?


This is the Dan.


Levator Show with.






Because we're debuting today on Max, we are now debiting a new segment where newsmen gather and talk about their football teams. Wolf Blitzer will join us tomorrow to talk about his beloved, Wolfarines. But Jake Tapper is here, unbiased Jake Tapper, allegedly, objective journalist, Jake Tapper, allegedly, like I said, first day, streaming on Max. You can catch an hour of this show. Weekdays on the sports tier. It's free to max subscribers through February will be alongside the NBA, NHL, March Madness, HBO, and CNN. And Jake Tapper is the chief Washington correspondent for CNN. We will talk to him about newsy things, but we'll let him have his joy here. Look at him. Look how effervescent he is. Yeah, he should be. Nothing makes him happier. They had no business winning that football game. None should have lost that.


Football game. That's what they do. I mean, they trail by double digits. They come back every single time.


Yeah, that's what they do. They kick 59-yard field goals that are bullshit in the rain. Jake Tapper with us. Thank you for being with us. Take us next to you when you're watching that game. How mad are you, Jason? Kelsey, are you yelling at him about his podcast as he keeps making the field goal later and longer in regulation?


Okay, first of all, that second call was bullshit. He did not flinch. The second call… Okay, if you want to give… First of all, I think the whole flinch call is bullshit to begin with. Because if you can't deal with a flinch, I mean, whatever. But that's the end of the world.


Because they called it on you. What do you mean? They called it on your team.


What are you talking about? You can't make it… What's bullshit is that they didn't call a horse-collar one and it was an obvious horse-collar. That's what's bullshit.


Those are the rules. I get it. I understand those are the rules. But the second one was not a flinch. The second one was not a flinch.


It was a flinch. What are you.


Talking about? It was not a flinch. The second one was not a flinch. But whatever, you got the call. Got the call anyway. And Jake Elliott still, in the pouring rain, delivered a 59-yard field goal. Unbelievable. Unbelievable to tie the game. It goes to overtime. I mean, these boys, they are the real deal. You can say whatever you want. Who should have won the game? Should have. Should have won the game. Every time. Every time they win the game. Except for when they're playing-I'm sorry about the angelic lights that are filling my study because the gods are with me and the Eagles.


Pros pro. I mean, this guy.


I'm sorry. Every time you win, except that one time against Zach Wilson that you lost. Or to.


The Chiefs in the Super Bowl.


I believe.


You-it keeps us humble. It's fine. It keeps us humble. I don't mind a loss to the Jets. It keeps.


Us humble. When you were on with us last time, did you say that Jaylen Hertz was now the most popular athlete in the history of Philadelphia? Did your top five have Jaylen Hertz at the top?


It had him in the five. It had him in the five. It did, yes.


Well, I thought that there was some current... Was a current Eagle not at number one? Do I have this wrong?


I don't think I listed them in any numeric order. I just included Jaylen Hertz in my five. I mean, he may have been the last one I listed because I love.


Him so much.


Is there anyone- This is, by the way, the Jaylen Hertz hoodie that I thought I lost and I found it this morning just so I could wear with you beautiful people.


That's a little bit better. Thank you for eliminating some of that angelic light. How unreasonable are you when they're losing? How bad are you when you're watching yesterday and they're getting trampled a little bit early?


I'm not bad. I'm sitting there with my son, who is even more of an Eagle fan than I. We're sitting there and he's great. He's learned that even though he lives in Washington, DC, he has the exact Eagle Spirit. He's yelling at the refs for their bullshit calls, like that second flinch call. He is agreeing when they make the right call. He is trying to figure out who Zakeus is, as is the entire rest of Philadelphia.


That was unbelievable, that catch. How is that possible? They've got so many guys to throw to, and that's the guy on third and 15 they're hitting in the back of the end zone.


The touchdown that sent seven million Philadelphia to Google? Unbelievable. Who is this man? Beautiful. It turns out he went to high school with Swift. Beautiful. I mean, unbelievable.


I didn't realize you were learning who he was at the same time.


Of course, everyone was.


He was on the Falcons until April. I mean, I'd never even heard of him, but wow, amazing.


So good. I was surprised that the ball didn't get jostled at all as he fell out of bounds that the ball didn't move.


I mean, all of us were like, Please, please let that be a touch, Jim. Please, let's have the replay. Let's haveYes, it was a touchdown. Yes, it was.


Yes, it was. Now, Wolf Blitter is also a Bulls fan, I'm told, so I'm wondering- Huge. Any back and forth yesterday?


Are you talking smack? Not yesterday, today.


Normally, I would be a huge smat talker, but I have reverence and respect for Wolf, so I do not. Okay. Like, for example, my daughter is a jock, so she committed early to Michigan for rowing. She's a junior in high school. She committed early to Michigan for rowing. So all of a sudden, our family just two weeks ago became Michigan fans. It just happened like that. We are now Michigan fans because of her. Phil Mattingly, who's a morning anchor, the CNN this morning anchor, he's an Ohio State guy. Saturday, I was just texting him the meanest, most horrible texts in the world because he was on vacation, so I couldn't do it on Twitter or X because he wasn't responding. Then Phil showed up on Sunday saying that his happiness about my daughter's accomplishment has now been tempered by the realization that I have now become a Michigan Superfan, which is going to ruin his life for the future, which is the correct response, because I will now be awful to him as an Ohio State fan. But I can't do that to Wolf because he's an icon. I can't.


Well, where's your line on this, though, for respect? John Berman is a Patriots fan. Will you.


Like that? Oh, I'm mean. I'm mean. I'm hard. When we beat the Patriots in 18, I called into the morning show and berated him when he was the morning show anchor at that time. Yeah, no, I'm horrible. I'm a Philadelphia fan. I'm horrible. But I won't do it to Wolf because I have reverence and respect.


You mentioned that- That's the only guy, though, I think. -you mentioned, are there others, though, who rise to that level of respect? Is he the only one in this tier?


He is the only one.


Wow. I mean, he's a God-tier newsman. He somehow made us all accustomed to how ridiculous his name is, and we just don't think twice. Wolf Blitzer.


That's not his real name.


Anderson doesn't like sports at all. He doesn't care. I mean, it doesn't matter. There's no team that he roots for, so it doesn't matter. I'm just trying to think. I really like Aaron. I really like all of them. Aaron Burnett went to Williams. I don't even know if they have any teams for anything. Right. I mean, whatever. I don't even know. But no, I'm relentless. And by the way, they give it back to me. I mean, Burman is really mean about when the Eagles lose anything or Philadelphia loses anything, which we do quite often. Maybe you remember last season for every sport there was. But yeah, no, I'm not going to give it to Wolf. One of my close friends is from Buffalo from Lockport, and I was sending him some very mean messages and images. Ai is great for this thing, like the images you can create with what an eagle can do to a Buffalo.


That's what you would do with that?


I may not go into it. I need not go into it.


I need not go into it, but I wish you would. Better left unstated. We will get to some of the news items. But yesterday, during the Red Zone broadcast, a fire alarm went off on Scott Hanson, and he was supposed to leave the studio. Have you ever had that happen to you during a broadcast? Have you ever had something happen during a broadcast where you thought you were going to have to leave air?


No, but I have seen it happen on CNN in New York one time, Jim Shudow, and I forget exactly what it was, but there was some thing that happened. I think it was, but I don't exactly remember what it was, but there was some time that they had to evacuate the building. That is never happened. That has never happened to me, thankfully. I'm sure, I mean, it does happen, but no, it has not.


I should tell the people that he anchors the lead with Jake Tapper and State of the Union. He's the Chief Washington correspondent for CNN, and he's got a new novel out, All the Demons Are Here.


Can I ask you a question? I'm sorry to turn the tables. First of all, congratulations and welcome to Max, by the way. I do want to say that as somebody who's been on Max for a little bit. The lead is on Max, and it's so exciting to have you on Max. Let me just ask you a question. Why is Jaylen Hertz not mentioned more in the top quarterbacks? Because it just does seem to me that he is incredible, and he should be mentioned at least top two or three quarterbacks, and I don't understand.


Why he's not on the left. The same reason Brock Purdy isn't because the assumption is that he's being aided so much by the people around him that he's not as individually great by himself.


Also the Tushpush. But listen, Jake is right, Dan, because we have to come to the realization that Jaylen Hurts with 29 touchdowns went to the Super Bowl last year. He just might be the best quarterback in the NFL. That's a nice thing. And no one ever discusses him as the best quarterback.


In the NFL. How about that? Prescott's having a better season.


No, I get that he has wide receivers that are amazing. I get that, and that's totally fair. But he really is one of the top two quarterbacks in.


The League. But it's the same thing for Tua, right? Like if I ask you, Who do you want? Jaylen Hertz or Patrick Mahomes? You're saying Patrick Mahomes. Are you not? What?


What? I don't think so. I mean, I get that you... I mean, look, I understand. And we saw that in the game against the Chiefs, where because our wide receivers are so much better, it looks easier for Hertz than it does for Mohomes. And when Mohomes misses, it looks like it's my homes fault and not the wide receiver's fault. I get it. I don't know. I understand what you're saying. I'm not going to argue with somebody who knows more about football than I do, but I'm just saying I think Hertz belongs to.


This- I'm not that person. Jaylen Hertz was the best player. Even though Kansas City won, Jaylen Hertz was the best player on the field last year in the Super Bowl. I said this on God bless football. You can check it out on Max.


Oh, you can't check it out on Max. Oh, we're not there? Oh, no, God bless football is not on Max.


Do you still have a beef with Asaad in the Super Bowl? That turf? I had you guys slipping all over the place? Is there a CNN investigation on the Saud in the Super Bowl?


No, but I was happy to be rid of our defensive coordinator. I hope the Cardinals are enjoying him.


I never got to any of the serious stuff with him. Thank you for being on with us, Jake. We will check on the serious stuff down the road.


Yeah, we have a tough... Our schedule is tough the next three games, but so far I don't know if you saw them. I don't want to jinks it, but at the beginning of the season, I had a very bold prediction about how our record was going to go. I said it was going to be 15 and one. I did this with our friend Rich Isen. So far we're 10 and one.


But there are 17 games.


Well, then maybe I said 16 and one. So I apologize. But in any case...


It's a fine.


I'm not off.


No, you're trending well.


I'm just saying, as of now, I don't want to jinks anything. Anything could happen. We could end up 10 and six, 10 and 7. But I'm just saying right now, it doesn't look horrible.


That's all I'm saying. This is why everyone hates the media. You're clearly biased, and I told you so, is what it is you're ending our conversation with. Very biased.


100 %. All right. Very biased. Jaylen Hart is the best quarterback. All right, guys, thank you so much. I'm glad we all agree because-I'm glad we all agree.


See you later. Enjoy the AI of the Eagles doing bad things to Buffalo.