Postgame Show: Funniest Thing
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz- 1,205 views
- 21 Sep 2020
The Le Batard crew does funniest thing from the sports weekend and Dan tries to explain his failed prop from today's show.
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Billy, there is video of Bob Ryan doing what what is he doing? Someone tweeted a video of him tap dancing, I guess, before around the horn while reciting the Celtics retired jerseys.
I got to see. That is funny. You have to send that out. Right. Because what happened with the student's negotiations with Bob Ryan, we were trying to make a bet with Bob Ryan. And then you offered to just give him money. Mike got a bit carried away. I mean, he could explain himself, but he got carried away because it doesn't seem like Bob needs a bed to pay this thing off. It seems like he just puts on the tap shoes and does it.
Yeah, Bob was willing to give this video for absolutely nothing. And I felt the need to be like, wait a second, only if the heat win because I'm still hung up on our regional food bed and hasn't gone anywhere. Now Simmons hasn't returned to in on my clam chowder bet. I've asked Simmons to come on the show. I will ask him again today to to join us on the show tomorrow to see if he wants to talk about this series like, oh, wait a minute, Cresco.
Chris Coady is just put in the zoom right on the around the horn, not the set, but with that backdrop, that fake backdrop, it is absolutely Bob Ryan doing old timey tapping while now you explained it to me while reciting something Celltex history related to reciting the numbers of retired Jersey.
We have to book him tomorrow and he has to he has to tap dance while on air with us and recite the Celtic question, why would we steal that? I mean, do the Red Sox do it at Bruins? It doesn't matter to me come up with a better idea. But Chris, that is a great video that you are showing me. It is so magical. Tweeted out, I'll tweeted out from an eleventh hour joke.
That is crazy. So we need to get to the funniest thing from the sports weekend. Can you guys help me understand something? Because I really don't know what happened here, but I look forward to the answer. I went twenty nine dollars into a prop comic joke today. I went twenty nine dollars. And if you weren't watching on television, you just may have heard got I was going strictly for a prop comic visual joke on television. You may have heard Stu got asked the question, what's with the pipe or some derivative thereof which would have had no context for you if you were on the radio.
Just here's to God's blurred out again, trying to do a visual joke for the television only audience blurt out what's with the pipe? But what is the answer to the question as you asked it? Like what? What do you imagine?
The answer is, what's with a pipe? I imagine that you were doing, you know, like what do you put in a pipe and smoke it? We were waiting for origins on that. I still haven't gotten to the origins yet. And that was a sight gag. And I well, I also if you worked hard today to disprove my take that smoking still looks cool.
Well, what was happening? You looked cooler. What was happening in the zoom? Yeah, smoking a pipe does not look cooler. Yes, you did though.
Not like I thought it had something to do with the baseball players in the cigarettes in the outfield. I was I was I didn't even see it at first because you just had your hand like in front of the camera that you got said, what's the pipe? And then Chris is like, why is Dad holding a pipe?
This all started with Keith Hernandez. I say, hold on, hold on. I'd like to backtrack for a second for just how badly that joke failed on a number of different fronts when our entire own crew was asking some form. Has ten taken up points in the middle of the show. It's dangerous decided during the pandemic. You know what? I'm a pipe smoker. You should do that.
By the way, it's open real estate right now. No one's rockin that.
I wouldn't know that you got the joke. None of you. That's true. Where would you find the pipe and where did you get the pipe? It's a good question. The key is the side of the mouth. You can't go straight forward. You got to go to the side of the mouth, say, yeah, OK.
You also have to say jolly good more. Can I let you know, please, dear God, let you know that I was hoping to do that on here. When one of you noticed what I was trying to do with the part you were going to secretly go, I wanted you guys know who I want to set you up.
I mean, let's do funny's this weekend. Let's just do it. I really I got a twenty nine dollar pipe.
I spent twenty nine dollars on this vending machine. Where'd you get it. Where'd you go. Where had people turned to figure out what made your life the hardest this weekend. Huh. Oh good.
It's a pretty good impersonation Mike. But let's go ahead and do it. Let's we don't have any music here either. Nothing I don't have to do. To where where'd you get the pipe we wanted.
Oh, it's too late. You had your chance when I came in with the. I have to ask all these questions on air and make good content, but no one understood. But I'm saying now I'm not going to do it for you. I was going for this joke 30 minutes ago at an expense of twenty nine dollars. And all you did was blow it visually. And then when you blew it, there was no context and no one helped you because they didn't get the joke that I was making.
Can I go first for funniest thing. Chervil. Yes. Standpipe joke.
Thank you, Chris.
What was the funniest thing from the sports weekend during halftime of last night's Nugget's Lakers game in which Anthony Davis hit a game winning three pointer? Charles Barkley said at halftime that Anthony Davis doesn't have a killer instinct.
That's funny.
None of it will stick to him, right? None of it ever with Barkley. He could do it as long as he wants, for as long as he wants. It could be a half like that. Killer instinct, a silly thing to say about Anthony Davis, but it can happen that overtly and it doesn't matter. Mike, what was the funniest thing from the sports weekend, how can it not be the Falcons? I mean, that was ridiculous or just inventing unprecedented ways to lose for a franchise that it's famous for blowing big leads.
They found a new way.
Tony, how about you? Funniest thing from the sports weekend.
And the Lions became the first team in NFL history to lose four straight games in which they had a double digit lead in the Lions.
I mean, so lions all of this start to the season. They get out to a seven nothing lead lose by three touchdowns.
I had a couple of baseball nominees, but I don't think anybody saw that. First off, there was a wayward fan that broke into the Yankees Red Sox game. I don't know if you guys saw the green monster. He was he was on the green monster. It was so bizarre. He was just yelling things that people had brought the game to a halt. And also there was an absolute fire that was just blazing outside of Citi Field, the Mets, the Mets, about a couple of these does anyone call it should shitty field dugouts?
Is that something that people say, I'm going to start doing it now?
It's a great job, but it it's just like the second fire they've had it. Should he feel? Well, what was the funniest thing from the sports weekend?
The Jets gave up a fifty five yard run on thirty thirty one. Yeah. Know bleep yourself. OK, thanks. God.
What was the funniest thing from the sports week.
Billy stole my thunder so I'm going to go. I'm just the Jets. Not that play. Just the Jets. I don't have any idea how you're going to get out from under that. Right. Because you don't know. You still don't know if you have a quarterback.
I have no idea if I have a quarterback. I'm going to tank for Trevor, though. And hopefully Trevor Lawrence is my quarterback at Davos. When he is my coach next year, I'll get excited again. That can be exciting.
I want I want to go Stephen A. Smith here providing play by play on Twitter as the Cowboys were, you know, getting annihilated, then going mysteriously silent as soon as Dallas came back to win. If that's not this is such a this is such a funny thing that's happened in sports media. It's not something that existed before. We can agree. A national television personality who is basically just writing. He is just pressing the gas on. I'm going to make fun of the Cowboys every week.
And when it's a real distortion of Cosell or whatever it is that we used to do around here in terms of aspiring objectivity, when he's going on and he's wearing a cowboy hat and he's eating it all up. And it isn't anything that resembles journalism, but it's delightful.
So Molly Moderate, an entire show wearing a New York Giants T-shirt.
When did this happen? This used to be like what the weather people did on the local news when one of their teams made the playoffs. You over a suit. When I'm serious, I'm asking the question seriously. Stiglitz has been wanting to go after Wilbourne all day to day because Wilpon might have pioneered this being such a bulls suck up here at the network and wearing all sorts of jerseys. Stewart's today is wearing unbelievably dirty, looking for being new Norteño.
Yeah, Northwestern gear. The hat looks like you picked it out of a sewer.
Well, that's the beauty of the hat. It's like a trucker's hat. It's supposed to look like you've had it for ten years. When you put it on for the first time.
That's what it's the hat. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. Random, though. Why are you wearing so much North-Western gear? Well, thank you for asking. My God, not only have I arrived at the same place professionally as Michael Wilbon has, my daughter has arrived at the same university that Michael Wilbon attended. I mean, ever that chalk that up for the dumb people, I'm like, oh yeah.
I mean, yeah. Rachel, he's overcome some of his primary obstacle to speaking from a genetic standpoint, bringing pride to the Weiner name.
Yes, I am going to plant myself right next to Walbert at these lacrosse games.
He goes there. Everyone is there. Is he really because he's proud of Northwestern lacrosse and now he has to cheer for my daughter.
That's so good. It really is. Last laugh.