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Juju, what were the complaints about today? I know that Stugatz has taken over with WFAT. There's a lot of New York coverage. I imagine that the reaction to that in Miami isn't great, but I am staying out of social media, and you are my Guardian Angel protector, so I don't have to go into that hell hole and see all of the things, that nasty things people are saying about the show. So update me, sir. What's been the reaction to today's show?


Yes, just a lot of people are shocked to find out that Zazlo is In fact, Zazlo. They are drinking him in, wanting to fight the Boston Brewers players. Let's just say they are being as nice as we would wish about those things.


Understood. Yes, he is very sports radio, and he came in here, and he came here very aggressive today. He was amped up because it's playoff hockey time.


Hell, yeah. But yes, drink him in, ladies and gentlemen. He's never changing. Also, people I love Stugats's Reggie Miller takes. At first, it sounded a little offensive, but the people seem to be agreeing, though. They're like, What has Reggie Miller done? This is not my opinion. This is people on the Internet. They They agree that they are tired of Reggie Miller, take those nine seconds away, and he is not a Hall of Famer. He's not even the best basketball player in his own family. The people are agreeing.


Well, people did seem to like that line around here as if it was Stugatsi's. I've only been hearing that all of Reggie Miller's professional life. A lot of people were hearing that line for the first time, but he's been getting that he's Sheryl's brother for a long time. What else did they have to complain about? I know that I got one here put in front of me that was funny, yelling at Tony saying, That's your beef with the Catholic clergy? There are more meaningful ones than they got you a whole bunch of holy water to the side of your face. What else are people complaining about?


That's pretty much it. People are very much anticipating your Kenny G episode on Friday. We're getting a lot of love for that, especially the videos you all made this week. People are highly anticipating that. Outside of that, man, the Bruins, Panthers, they got the people juiced right now.


Kenny G was and is great. I'm looking forward to that coming out Friday. It was very long. We talked for a long time. His energy does not wane. He's got a very playful spirit for somebody who's approaching 70 years old. What is the reaction, Juju, in general, to the New York stuff? Because I've told people before that as I'm walking around in Miami, people are upset with me and our show for how negative it was about the heat in general, and more specifically, how it has taken on New York correspondence, basically, because I just want to talk to Sam Morrell and Marel more often. But people are reacting how to WFAT and Stugatz's takeover.


Yeah, they don't like that at all. The Miami people are standing up. They're joining forces. They're saying, At least we can get an Indiana Pacers correspondent to come back to all of this Knicks low that we're getting right now, what we're giving. I take part in it as well. As soon as the Knicks win, I throw my sister Jessica, I throw my dog Taylor, David Samson, the real true original Knicks fans that I know. I play a part in it, but maybe we get an Indiana Pacers correspondent to come on. Do we know any Pacers? Mike Epps. We'll look into that. That's a good one.


Juju, what I'm hearing is that the audience loved when we talked about airplane for two segments today. There's no negative comments about airplane, so we're going to bring that back on Friday's show as well. We're going to do a full listing of all of the best jokes from airplane.


All right. I cannot wait. You're promising people that you are going to formulate and craft. You're going to sculpt a little something with care tonight to unleash your pond. Wait, what?




Well, it just sounded like that. No, that's not what you're doing. You're not going to come with- It didn't sound like you were going to press something. It sounded like you were going to promise them something and tease something for 24 hours from now. Okay, no.


I got a tea time later down.


W-f-a-t. How did people feel about Doggy Juju?


Yeah, they were talking about he looked like he just rolled out of bed. I don't know, him and Pablo need to treat this more like a professional setting than it is. I put on my best glasses every time I come on this show. My best fur hair band, as soon as I see you want to talk, them boys be rolling out of bed with crest still in their eyes or breath still be dammed. Like, Come on, you all, let's get it together. But I'm not a morning bed head shaming or crest in the eye-shaming. But I just think those brothers could take this a little more serious than they are taking it.


Well, wouldn't you say in general that you are fairly your needle? We talked a lot about that needle today. Your needle runs pretty close to disgusted with the general hygiene of everything that happens around our show?


Yes, absolutely. Oh, my God. I got sick two times ago when I came down there just for being in there. I didn't even touch anything. It's just ever since I've seen my brother, and I love my brother, oh, my goodness, if anybody out there put a hand on him, I'm coming over and 100%, I'm going to knock you out. But since I've seen my brother, Jeremy Tashay, with his finger in his mouth in the damn stadium, I could not believe that that's the way people are getting down after post-COVID.


Dan, people wanted me to come to the microphone and talk about hundreds, potentially thousands of years of illdoing by a religious establishment.


They wanted me to come and say it.


That's what they wanted? They also wanted you to do more airplane jokes.


Tomorrow, those are coming. Jessica is going to spend the entire evening crafting, looking through all hundreds of the airplane jokes in our most joke-filled movie ever. Juju, would you believe that any movie from the '70s that comedy holds up? Do you have anything from the '70s that you would say comedically, 50 years later, can hold up?


Yeah, I definitely do. Off the top of my head, Cheech and Chung. Whenever there was a lady, she was in the kitchen, and she snorted a line of Ajax, and she thought it was cocaine, and she was like,. Every single time, that made me laughed out. So all the movies hold up to me. Cheech and Chung, for sure.


It's got to go in the club.


I think also needs to go in the club a couple of the sounds from today's show, because I will say that two things that were funny from today's show is the confusion around Mad Dog and whether he thought jitsu was something that only is partaken in with and by Jewish people. How did he lose his beautiful wife to a jiu-jitsu-instructor?


How do you pronounce it? Jujitsu? Jujitsu Instructor. I mean, that's the whole theme of the night, that she's going out with a jitsu instructor. No, bro. Salute the mad dog, man. Also, we're going live tonight for the alley U posters all this NBA action. You feel me? We're going live with some of the most brilliant basketball minds in the history planet Earth. So lock in, please.


I encourage all of you to check out what Juju is doing after the game with a cast of characters of his imprint because he wants to cover some of these games a little more seriously than we do around here sometimes. But here, I will close-We can just end the postgame. We don't got to play the other clip. I will close here with playing for Juju, Chris Cody saying hello to Mad Dog when he greeted him in an 1890s saloon. What's up, dogy?


What's up, dogy? I'm never going to live that one down. Did you all grow up together? What's up, dogy?


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