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To DraftKings Network. I've been having an issue with how many of our fellow employees at Metallark Media are on the West Coast because I constantly have issue with texting them. Obviously, texting somebody on the other Coast is not actually a problem. But when I'm waking up in the morning and starting my day and wanting to reach out to our audio editing team, one of which members is.


On the West Coast. You're texting them at 3:00 AM their time. Right.


I don't know whether or not that's a fau pas. Is it okay for me to text somebody who's on the West Coast at what is the middle of the night for them? Is it okay for me or early, early, early in the morning? Or is that not okay? Because I'm always worried that I'm going to wake somebody up. I'm not one of those people who will send you 12 text trying to explain something that I could just write in one paragraph, so it'll just be the one notification. But what's going to happen? Am I doing the wrong thing by texting this.


Person on the West Coast? For me, you're a monster if you are woken up by your text messages.


Well, right, that's.


Also my view. I think everyone's phone needs to be on silent or notification, silence for the night. Text can come in. When I wake up, I'll see them. The idea of somebody getting mad about a text message at 7 AM or 4 AM their time, it.


Just has to go on silence. I just know that if I text my mom in the middle of the night, if I text her, she's already sleeping. She'll wake up and send a text back to me and be like, Oh, so sorry, I was sleeping. First of all, you don't have to apologize to me for being asleep.


You should be sorry for.


Sleeping at 4 AM. You don't have to be worried about falling asleep. But it could wake people up. Some people keep their phones on loud. Some people do it for emergency situations.


I don't want to be the jerk here. I also don't like the opposite of what you're saying. I don't like when it's 8:00 PM and I text someone and I see that they already have their notification silenced. Oh, yeah, that's the worst. But then they respond anyways. It's like, turn this little thing off if you're.


Still- Your phone will prompt you nowadays. There have been late nights where I'm on Instagram and my phone is like, Hey, bud. Shouldn't you be putting the phone down?


Why don't you go to bed?


Shouldn't you be putting the phone down? I haven't seen that. Shouldn't you be putting the phone down? I guess when I was a little kid, the day my grandma, my Abuela, died, my dad and I were watching a movie and the phone rang and rang and my dad had a habit of ignoring it. We found out too late. Then when my mom died, we were in a movie theater, we were watching The Grinch. My dad came out of the movie theater, again, respecting the movie theater, missed 17 calls, and that's how I found out my mom had flatlined. Since then, I know this sounds dark, but it's truly fine, but now you know how I'm programmed to where I don't have my phone on completely silent. I don't hear all the text messages that I get throughout the night, but I have it loud enough that if you keep calling me, I will hear the buzzing if it keeps going. That's probably the.


Right way to do it.


Yeah, I have that. If someone's trying to call me, I have in a place where if you try me five times, I'll eventually get to it.


Right. See, that's, I guess, to me, first of all, that would be the right strategy for how to keep your phone overnight, which is if someone texts you, it's not necessarily going to wake you up, but if they're persistently reaching out to you, then it might. My big issue is what if it's a group chat? Now I've sent something, for example, into our audio editing group chat, and now we've got multiple people responding, and it's 4:00 AM on the opposite person's time, and I just don't want to be a jerk. That's my biggest issue is I don't want to be somebody who's waking someone else up and ruining the start of their day because I've decided to send them a text that might be for work or might be personal. What about Slack?


Sometimes I do some of my show prep for the night before. I don't keep any notifications on that. -show prep for the night before. Slack doesn't work. It's after midnight, and I'm like, Oh, I want to put this video because I want to put this on the show tomorrow. Am I going to wake up a bunch of people that are asleep because I'm driving.


This-i haven't even had that thought. I just.


Do it because I'm like, Hey, turn your notifications off. I can't not work when I want to work because I think people.


Are asleep. I think in this day and age, it's on the operator at that point. You might have some boomer like Dan Scott not know how to turn off the notifications and then they'll chastise you because they're not aware. It's something that they can control.


I have yet to have anyone actually give me any flack back.


I got Mays texting you.


What the fuck, Jared? Sorry.


I'm editing. I'm trying to emphasize.


It's not Mays editing today. It is me editing, so that's extra work for me. Let's text him. No, but you guys are making me feel a lot better because I've been having these panics moments in the morning. If someone ever texts you.


Hey, you woke me up, you text back, Hey, shut your mouth and learn how to use technology.


-do you know me at all? -yeah, these devices have been around long enough that I think you can trust people in terms of how they protect themselves from it. You shouldn't be made to feel bad if you're... You know what I don't like? Is when I text somebody early in the morning and I just text them what I need instead of good morning, and they'll respond back like, Good morning. Hold on. That's hate a dork. Come on, don't do that.


You did that to me today. You text me, Hey, a certain thing, and I sent you back a certain thing.


Yeah, then texted you, Good morning. I never been offended by that. I needed your address to send you a holiday card.


I sent you.




Address. That was sweet. I was shamed before because when I texted Kristen, Billy once gave me shit because I just asked the question of what I needed. I didn't hit her with, Hey, Kristen. Good morning to you. It's just like, Come on, we're working here.


I am a good morning person if I'm sending one of those early in the morning, but I'm never, ever offended if someone's just reaching out.


Yeah, if it's someone that I know and I communicate with regularly, afford me to just skip past the pleasantry. If I'm asking a favor or if I'm dealing with someone that has hit me with good morning before, I correct the behavior, but I privately resent them.


I did this. I actually had this. I was reaching out to Ryan Cortez the other day, and I was like, I haven't talked to him in a little bit, but I was asking him for something work-wise. So I did, and he's probably going to listen to this, and I felt insecure. I did hit him in the email with, Hey, man, how's it going? You're crushing it on, which he is. Like, Pablo Ficure, Ryan's great on that show. But it felt insincere. I actually meant what I was saying, but I was thinking, is he going to receive this as he's just asking me for something and all these pleasantries are bullshit?


That's actually the worst, where you do mean the pleasantry that you're providing because you're like, Oh, man, I actually haven't spoken to this friend in a while. I'd love to know how they're doing. But the first time you're reaching out, you have a question. I have a couple of times where I've known I was going to have to reach out to someone, purposefully procrastinated the reaching out and reached out to them just to say hi first, knowing very well that a few days later, I'm going to text.


Something I need. Two days later, I'm going to.


Text, something I need. Yeah, it happens all the time.


I've been there where I plant the seed early in the morning, knowing that I want to ask somebody of a favor later on, but I'll be like, Hey, and then I'll circle back several hours later. I just got to think of him.


Exactly. You popped up in my head.


And you know what? When talking to you, I was reminded of, and I actually get to what my initial intention was. These are people that I need something from them, but I don't discuss things with them on a regular basis.


We're all the same, huh? I don't want to just- It makes me feel better, all of us.


That's what I'm saying.


This is such a good talk. I'm not going to be made to feel bad in work when my relationship with you is transactional because, yeah, this is business, but people are.


Feeling it.


Nothing personal. You stand on that.


What are.


You thinking over there? I see you over there. No, I do the same thing with the guest bookers, like Evan and Laura and all them. I always go out of my way to be friendly to be like, Hey, guys, how's it going? Doing great, whatever, but can you get me Shane Gillis? You know what I mean? Then I get back like, Hey, I don't know. I'm like, Okay.


Did you get Shane Gillis? I did that with you.


Did I get Shane Gillis? You can.


Answer that one for me. He has been on. You wanted him for an MMA hangout?


Yeah, I did, actually. I think he's a.


Big MMA fan. I think Shane Gillis might have the award for this year, 2023, funniest joke that I've heard, and it was the Joe Biden Roomba joke. Great joke. That after he speaks Joe Biden turns into a Roomba.


He doesn't know where to go. He just walks around. There's one where he takes his dad's drinking buddy, Cliff, to Notre Dame. I'm not going to spoil it for you. He said it at the live show. It was incredible.


I like this segment. Everyone's favorite joke of the year. Go ahead, Jeremy.


Okay, great one. Mike?


I wasn't ready for this segment.


I wasn't prepared. -for me.


And you killed it. -i will do it next week.


See you guys later. All right, cool. All right, bye. Bye.