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Draftkings Network.


Lucy, you mentioned the death of the ACC. As someone that has been trying to back channel way out of the ACC for several years, trust me when I tell you, it's hard getting out of this goddamn thing. And every time I see John Skipper through the holes, I curse under my breath, God damn you. It's his fault. You got us good.


We're locked in. Is it a 14-year deal? 14 years that he negotiated the first of these.


Conference television deals? 2036? Is it 2036? I'm like, We're not going to be around then. I apologize, Michael. This is not going to see 2036, the way things are going.




Stuck. Put it on the pole.


I don't believe. I'm sorry.


Are we going to see 2036 the way things are going at Levitard show?


But that's obviously where the conversation point has been going for FSU fans. Okay, let's sue the CFP. Let's not pay the players a base salary. Let's still find ways for us to get out of this conference. Let's raise private equity so we can buy the university that made the bad deal out of this deal, because that's where it's going. The universities themselves don't want to pay for their mistake. No, just let me out or you guys pay for it. Same thing with NIL. The NCAA president actually is proposing a motion, and this exists in some schools where the schools themselves can fund NIL and provide all these student-athletes a base salary. He's proposing that this happens in a new FBS subdivision, basically Super League for these big schools. Schools like Ohio State with their massive alumni base and their huge student body, they're going to benefit from that. It's going to be a little bit more difficult for private institutions. Here's where it gets real interesting, because if you're a private institution that doesn't have the funding that Florida or Ohio State or Penn State have, do you think the administrators and the coaches are going to take pay cuts?


Because this is all going to go under one budget. I don't think so. He's not going to get the support for that. No, that's a Liam Neeson. That's going too far. Pay cut for me? No, no, no, no. I'm here taking the Committee of the Orange Bull out to Fleming's for Tomahawk Tuesday. Can't afford to take a pay cut. My job is far too important. It's a pretty funny place that we're at. Trust me when I tell you that the lead option is certainly not the schools paying for their mistake. Yeah, Skipper goddess. Mike, you got $50,000. Help. That all goes into a pool. Well, do you? Not anymore. There. Something I.


Think about a lot.


As in this new... Devoted all of this to the pinstripe bowl.


Something I think about a lot in this new just like NIL day and age of this sport is like, at what point do coaches are like, You know what? I want to win. I make a ton of money. Why don't I take something out of my salary and put it into the NIL fund? I don't know if there's a rule that prohibits that, but like...


It's never going to happen. There's a couple of animals that might do it.


Who? Mark Soops makes so much money. You don't need all that in Lexington, Kentucky, and you can make a real difference with that.


Money, Mark. Wouldn't that be part of the negotiation? You want me to co-chair? I need X amount of money for NIL every year.


Yeah, that would make a ton of sense, but I'm sure that's not how it's going.


Those conversations are happening. In fact, I've heard of pretty funny... I won't reveal the administration nor the head coaching candidate.


Is this one of those a Mike Ryan nugget? I think these things need a little bit. I think these need some flare. You can't limp in on it. If you're giving information, they.


Need something. There was a head coach talking to a university. This coach is a former head coach, is not coaching, has a great television smile. He asked this institution about NIL. This institution has had success, has had plenty of big-name coaches work for it in the past. The administration, as this story was told to me, and I have every reason to believe it because this person is very plugged in, told them, Oh, don't worry, that's not going to be around in a couple of years. Yeah, we don't really have a plan for that because in a couple of years, it's not going to be around. That administration joined a mega conference this year.




Administrators are getting paid far too much and they don't have foresight, and we have the Wild West happening right now. The portal is insane. If you.


Think that people are- A thousand players in the portal?


Let me tell you something. A lot of these players that are being named, I've heard they're named, whispered about in September. The back channeling has been going on for a long time. It is insanity. I don't blame the NAAA. But it's also fun. I mean, it is. It's really fun. I was dancing portal season. I was dancing about it because I'm a Miami fan. I wasn't necessarily cosigning beyond Sanders' portal season because I want to be the dirtbag in the end that wins. But this is too much. It really is. There is an appeal, I guess, to some about the honor amongst thieves because it's always been a part of college football. How can you cheat and get away with it? But it is crazy. Different states have different rules, and different universities have different resources, and it's not uniform, and there are unfair advantages and there are disadvantages, and it's all kids, and it's all bagmen, and it's all high school coaches, and it's all dirty, and no one wants to talk about that. Ever. Everything matters. Everything matters. From a post of a kid's parent to how you performed against Bethune-Cookman, everything has a ripple effect in it.


It's insane. It is so second to second.


The thing is, is like the NCAA took a wild time to just be like, once NIA was approved, they were like, We're done. We're not going to supervise anymore. We're not going to do anything. We'll block some transfers every once in a while. But the NCAA, when that happened, realized there's nothing we can do here. They've stepped off. There's no real governing source in any of college football now. That's why they're like, Congress do it. They can't do anything.


It's so wonderful from this perspective for chaotic business things, Stugatz, because I can't think of a whole lot of businesses off the top of my head that run the way that I'm about to describe to you, which is you've got at the top end, a multibillion dollar entity that is one of the most powerful things anywhere on business earth, the NFL. And it has a totally free, minor league system of bodies that, until recently was soaked in injustice, disguised as amateurism. But, and this part is amazing to me, the way that we're going to correct the injustice is not by paying the players from all of this television money. We're going to crowdsource it, and we're just going to make whatever your allegiances to local identity are profitable. We're going to beg so that you pay our players so that we don't have to pay our players, and we're not going to govern any of it well because it can't be governed. So it's just, it's always been to theto gut. Is it a great to me? To the gut. It's always been the inner cities fighting for money in basketball and football. And when you say these players have a lot of options, I say a lot of times they don't, like in boxing, actually have that many options.


This is an option to give your body over for money. But the fact that the minor leagues here can't even pay for your body destruction themselves through the television money. They're just asking the boosters, Hey, can you do this for us? Just based on how much you care. But many are, Dan. Yeah, it's an amazing business strategy. I'm not even complaining about it. I'm just marveling at the stupidity in it and just what a great business that is. I would love Metallark Media to have a farm system where I could just dispose journalist bodies in and crank out money from people that are giving it to us.


It's pure insanity. A lot of these public institutions also receive state funding. It's just, Hey, we're fans of this program. I didn't even go to this school. I'm giving you upon tens of thousands of dollars to nail your decision. When you botch it the way that Texas A&M botched it, you're going to come back to me to help pay for your bad decision and trust you to make another bad decision.


Let's do it again.


A wild example of this is when Iowa football is going through that insane race scandal, and they had to pay for the investigation for it. They're like, We'll just get the money from the state. We'll just have the state take care of it. And eventually that blew up in their face, and they're like, Fine, we won't. But that's how crazy it is. There's a scandal within Iowa football, and they're like, We're going to make the taxpayers of Iowa.


Pay for this. Don't worry, Ron DeSantis has taken care of things for Florida State folks, seemingly allocating a million dollars of the state budget towards suing the college football playoff on behalf of FSU. First of all, wondering where that energy was for UCF. Okay, you're in state school. Second of all- Not everything is about you. -second of all... Yeah, it is. Second of all, it really is amazing that when we look at all of this money and where it's coming from to buy out Jimbo, you're looking at Texas A&M Boosters who have oil money, and that's all destroying the environment. Then the unfettered capitalism with that on top of it is all right, now we're going to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on college football.


We have been very serious about pain, and now Jeremy has made things even worse by summoning politics. So can we make it just slightly lighter here by going to a hockey video where someone is farting, please?


How did it feel to be in your mind in the last 48 hours from the end of the game on Saturday to.


The start of this one? Yeah, obviously, it wasn't a great feeling, last game, but... What was the question? Mindset. Yeah, mind, I'm just... Yeah, I mean, I was just.