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Welcome to The Big Suie, presented by DraftKings.


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This show? The podcast that seems very similar to the other Dan Levitard podcast. I'm sorry. I'm not going to apologize for that. In fact, the only difference seems to be this imaging.


I have been tempted in restaurants just walking past tables to grab somebody's fries if they're just there. That hasn't happened to you guys?


I've done it. And now here's The marching man to nowhere, fatface, and the habitual liar.


We have breaking NFL news right now, Stugat. Two bits of breaking NFL news, one of them bigger than the other. The least interesting, the least newsworthy of the two things is that Frank Reich has been fired in Carolina. Wow. I was watching part of that Carolina game and feeling bad about my general life decisions. And Bryce Young looks more like a high school quarterback physically than almost anyone I've seen play the position, where he looks so much smaller than everybody else. And when you're bad at offense, it really stands out how small you are. But that's the second most interesting piece of breaking NFL news. The first is that Will Levis has apologized on Twitter. He writes, I think I used capitulate instead of matriculate in the presser today. It's been killing me. I apologize to all my former English teachers.


My guy, we've been back channeling. We used capitulation often.


Those are two very different phrases, though. You matriculate down the field. You don't capitulate down the field unless, of course, you're Carolina.


You can't fire your head coach after he loses to Dan Renow, Tony, if you squint. Tepper seems to be an awful owner. Frank Reich, there was a fascinating press conference, one of those meaningless midweek ones, where Frank Reich gave insight and did not look pleased and had to fight through his fake smile about detailing weekly meetings he has with David Tepper, where David Tepper gives his opinions about how things are going.


I remember having a conversation about this with Joe Philby. I think people don't have any earthly idea how metalsome these rich people are because it's their toy. And all of that gets kept secret. It never leaks because all of the people who have the information are afraid of being fired by the people with the power. I think people would be alarmed if they found out what these football owners are like as billionaires who are always used to getting their way and not used to just telling everybody, Yeah, sure. Just embarrass me publicly with my toy. I won't interfere at all. I won't get involved with any of your decision making. I'll just trust your expertise.


I'm not saying you're wrong, but they would be shocked by this, by the actions of billionaires who own a football team, who are.


Writing paychecks like that. If it was reported, yes, it'd be in the news every single day we'd be talking about how could that guy be doing this. If people knew how bad this stuff actually was, because you're talking about the most entitled. You're talking about the most used to getting what they want. You're talking about the most spoiled people surrounded by handlers who are doing so many things for them and have been doing so many things for them for decades. They're very used to it. And they become Jimerseys, where Stugatts, when some of this stuff gets out in the public and you see just a small light on some of the crazy, you look at it and you're like, What is the matter with this person? Jimerseys can't keep this stuff quiet because, reportedly, there are drugs in the car and there's cash in the car. But First Take was talking about this the other day, and Jimerse couldn't keep quiet. Jimerse couldn't keep this to himself. The other owners look at Jimerseys, and even by their standards, he's a little bit unhinged. Let's put.


Up the tweet here. We'll put them up in a second. But I do want to talk a little bit about the breaking news in Carolina because Tepper hasn't been there long, and the things that have hamstrung that franchise over the last few years have been Tepper calls. The trade for Bryce Young was a temper call. Paying Matt Rule, the money that they paid Matt Rule and readjusting and establishing a new high watermark for coaching salaries was a temper call. None of this stuff is working out. Frank Reik went back to play calling duties. It seems as though there's a real meddlesom owner here. That in years previous has worked with Al Davis, and then it stopped working. In years previous, it worked with Jerry Jones, and then it stopped working. It's never worked with David Tepper and the sample size is growing. They are screwed if Bryce Young doesn't figure it out. Frank Reich has a pretty proud track record of making it work with quarterbacks. You don't have what now is the number one draft pick next year in the greatest quarterback class in several years. You don't have a shot at Caleb Williams.


You are stuck with Bryce Young, who looks like a high school footballer compared to some of the bodies that are out there on the field. There is no fix for a meddlesom owner that just can't get it right. You're stuck with it.


Why not take another quarterback?


You can't. You don't have your first round draft pick. The bears.


Have their pick. Oh, the bears have their pick. That's right. The bears have two of the top four picks in the NFL draft.


You just said that. What happened? What happened? You were just.


Firing up the tape. You were looking right at them? He was just firing up.


The take. He was looking right at them. I don't know if you said that. You should roll the tape back. No, I.


Definitely said it twice.


I apologize. Just in.


Case the audience.


Was confused. Yeah, exactly. My bad. I mean.


Why does he think matriculate was the right word? Because that just means to enroll in a university.


Well, I heard this multiple times yesterday, and you guys know what the advertiser is talking about every time they say this, extracurricular activity.


I love that.


What do you think they.


Mean by that? It depends on what's.


Going on. It depends whatI love some extracurriculars.


Is there a pile? Is there a fumble pile? What's happening in that fumble pile? Are unnecessary things happening in that fumble pile?


I don't understand when this became the go-to cliché. I think of extracurricular activities as you're in a youth group after class. I don't think of it as guys shoving each other. Dodgeball? It's not even dodgeball. I think of it as I'm in debate. I've got an extracurricular activity after school. I've got a debate club that I'm in.


Matriculate is a great word and so is Moxie, but they're almost exclusively used on The Gridiron. These are great words to describe things that you see in everyday life, but you only hear.


Them during football broadcast. I don't think I think matriculate is something I only associate with school. Because Hank Stram said it a million years ago talking about what a football team does on a drive, it is now also associated with football, but matriculate is school. Put it on the pole, please, at.


Labitar show. I'm learning on that. I thought that it's just you going down the field. Exactly. That, brother, I think I'm right here. What do you mean? Enrolling in university. There is only one meaning for it. Wait a minute. That is you having a nice, chunky 12-play drive at four and a half yards per clip. That's how you matriculate.


You're saying you never heard the other usage of matriculate?


Not even the other. There's dictionaries with definitions for words. That's what words mean.


Matriculate means to go down...


This isn't a phone. This isn't a duck. I can't just say that my duck.


No, matriculate means to go down the field four and a half yards at a time. That's what that means. It's a.


Big third.


Down, too. You got to have a.


Few of those conversions. A fourth down, too, I feel like. Now it's a four these days.


Yeah, and like three, four yard outs from Adam Thielen. That's how you matriculate.


He sucked yesterday.


Who? Adam Thielen? Yeah. Dude, you can't judge anything on that offense with a.


Price of zero points and fancy.


He's actually had a good season, Thielen. He has. All things considered.


I said yesterday. Great season. He's the only Carolina Panther who's doing anything. Let's get to the Herce tweet here, though, Stugat, because this is an NFL owner. I will say to the audience again, if the behavior of NFL owners or sports owners, if all of it got out, you would be appalled at how it is these people behave. So first take is doing a segment on Jim Herce. And now at this point, anytime Herce's name is mentioned as the Colts owner, the word association is dollars in the car, cash in the car, and pills in the car. One of the things he said in his, I don't know, diatribe on Twitter is he usually has a lot more cash than that on him. That's a low amount, that $29,000 is a low amount. And this is, look, if I were a PR agent, I would have told him to do this. He's like, I'm always giving my money to people who are unhoused and people who need it. I've always got a lot of cash on me, and I'm just handing it out.


It's a heady play, man.


So he says at First take, you're going to get your ass sued because there was no alcohol, no illegal drugs. $29,000 is low for me to be carrying in 2014 arrest. I give away $2,000 to $10,000 to the homeless and need it on the street all the time and passing it on will make the world better. Heart emoji.


Solid grammar.


Let's see the other tweets, though, because I end on first take, the woman who preceded Stephen A, how dare you pretend to know me? I don't know your name and I don't care to, angry-faced emoji. If my black mother, was still alive, you'd be in some big, hot water, hot and water, capitalized exclamation point. You are mean and ugly, upside-down, smiley-face emoji. You're used incorrectly, a nothing-burger. A nothing-burger is capitalized. And what is that emoji? What is that emoji?


It's a slightly disappointed emoji.


It's you are?


Yes, it's you are a nothing burger.


It's the gut. Maybe he ran out of characters.


You got to do what you got to do. You're right.


What are the other owners thinking when Jim Merce says that and does that? Are they like, Go, Jim.


What do these emojis mean?


Go, Jim. Go get them.


Black mother.


What does.


That mean? I think it means what he's saying it means.


I don't know what it means, though.


His black mother was a disciplinarian is what it means. She'd be in hot water. Again, the mismanaged Colts have as many wins as the Bills.


They're a playoff team today.


The Bills have a 15 % chance of making the playoffs. The Colts are firmly in the playoffs.


I just googled Jimerseys's mother, and her name is not Dorothy.




Harriet Erseye. Oh. Yeah. She is from Hungarian Jewish descent.


Okay, that really just stops us in our tracks.


Well, there's a third tweet there.


My grandparents came across Ellis Island with just the shirt on their back, penniless and escaping Jewish concentration camps. I grew up in a horrible home where both my brother and sister died in a car crash in 1971. That is a crying emoji. I work for my living, bought 30% of the Colts bank loan, and now a football emoji.


Now, I did find where Jimmerer say has provided more context in.


The past. Apparently, he was asked some follow-ups.


About Dorothy? And he.


Tweeted about it. Yeah, Dorothy, blood saw was his black mom. I guess he has a black mom and a white mom, which is where the context is lacking from that first tweet that you read. He has.


Two moms. It says, She carried me in the house in Lincolnwood, Illinois, on 1959, June. I swear this is how it's written, and raised me in the light of Christ. I would be dead if not for her unconditional love. She showed me that Jesus was my savior. I owe her everything. When he.


Said, My black mother, Dorothy, that was just the designation he applied to differentiate between the mothers.


He didn't want to and Harriet.


I mean, do we know if she's black?


We do know that. Dorothy, I'm going to take him for his word there. Harriet is definitely not.


Don Libertard.


It's been a lovely cruise. Oh, man, that's my outro. As my casket is being lowered, I'll have been cremated a week before, but we'll do the casket thing just for sure. And as my casket is being.




Empty casket? -yeah, it'll be empty. -closed. Just for sure, we're.


Going to do that. Well, what's the redundancy there?


We're going to put on a public display.


Yeah, naturally. Stugats. What do you do with the ashes?




Going on.


Lovely crews.


Exactly. Maybe my wife will throw them overboard. I would assume- She's nicking with her new husband.


This is the Don Lebotar Show with the Stugats.


Every week at about this time of year, Stugart, I come in here and talk about the magic of football. They give you that Bill's-Eagles game, and it is camouflage for what was a sewage system of a one o'clock hour. Just terrible football all over the place. Saturday was better than Sunday this week. So I do want to talk about some of the Saturday games because the NFL has a way of giving you that Bill's-Eagle game, and it just washes everything away, Stugart. That one o'clock hour was terrible. It was just a bunch of teams playing, and it felt like all of the games were giant's patriots.


Because it was so bad, Dan, I watched an entire football game because I had no interest in any of the other games. Not giant's patriots, not Colts and Buccaneers, even though the Colts are a playoff team. I watched Jaguars, Texans, and I watched, and I know we lost, but I watched CJ Strab. The patience, the confidence, the mobility, the ability to pick up blitzes. Dan, that kid is so good. Here I say great.


You're late to this party. People have been doing this for a month.


I know I am, but because I watched an entire game, I got to see every single play. The Red Zone is ruined football because they go to highlights. You see the best of these guys, right? You see the best of Justin Herbert, you see the best of Joe Barrow. You don't see some of the mistakes they make because they don't highlight those mistakes. When you watch an entire football game, you're able to see that Justin Herbert, he's not that mobile, and he doesn't pick up blitzes. He does not pick them up as quickly as C. J. Straud. In fact, I'm not certain anyone picks them up as quickly as C. J. Straud. I know they lost, Dan, but he's great, and they're going to be great for the next 15 years.


Three weeks ago, Justin Herbert had the best game against the Blitz that any quarterback has ever had because that was the Ravens defense last night that did that. Herbert hasn't looked like that all season.


Right, do it every week.


Outside of Jags, Texans, I don't know if you could have hand-picked five worse games than this. I'm just looking at them like, There's not a good... Mike just said Colts, Bucks, wasn't 10. I'm just like, If that's the next best.


One, woof. It's not only a lot of bad football. It's a lot of bad football with a lot of teams that can't keep players healthy. He mentioned, Burrow. God, this was funny yesterday. The announcements were trying so hard, Stugart, so hard to teach me to care about Browning. Tell the story. And one of the things that they did, this happened twice, right? I don't know who the announcements were on that game, but it was funny because this happened in sequence, just like I'm telling you. The announcements were saying that Browning, and I laughed at my television when they said this, had the same vibe as Joe Borough. And they kept just arguing. Same initials. Cate kept arguing on behalf of his vibe, his vibe. And then he rolls to his left, holds onto the ball too long and gets sacked. Then they come back and try to convince me that Browning has unique arm angles, and he's got all the arm angles tackled. Next play, interception.


The mystery of Jake Browning.


They put up 10 points.


I'm not going to talk about Sunday. I'm going to talk about Saturday. I'm not going to talk about the football of Saturday first, even though I'm going to get to that Michigan-Ohio State game and the Auburn-Alabama game.


The game.


Whichiron Bowl. Which one?


The first one.


Okay. Because Auburn-Alabama felt pretty big at the end of that one. Massive. I would.


Like to- Sixth-wins Auburn team.


I'd like to watch Alabama against Michigan, though, because I don't totally trust Michigan. But I don't want to talk about the football just yet. I want to talk about a couple of the entrances. I want to start with Oklahoma, okay? Stugat, explain to me what has happened here when they're coming out of the tunnel and the fire extinguishers are going off and Brent Venables gets... It seems like he gets run over by his first player because it feels like he's the first one to fall coming out of the tunnel and the player notices. What's he holding there? Is it.


A GoPro? Is it a Sledgehammer? Or is that a GoPro? I think that's a GoPro.


I think it was a GoPro.




There is video somewhere.


Of-actually, one of the players there has to stop and be like, Stop.


Well, they look back, but you can't stop the running onto the field. You're just going to have to persevere.


It does. The trickle effect is great, though.


That is great.


We have another angle.


He was okay. That's what we can say. We're laughing.


Because he was okay. It will take a lot more than that to kill Brent Venables, I promise you.


It's a great call, Sugars. He's reanimated. He probably did die, and he just reanimated.


The best is when he finally emerges. He's just like a beaten man.


I was.


Going to argue on behalf of the exclusive video of that initial number 94 coming through the smoke with the GoPro that would have Venables going down. But you can't video anything in that smoke. You're not going to get anything. There is.


But once-Much stronger.


Once people start going down, though, one of the worst places to be is in smoke where you cannot see what's in front of you.


It looked like the scene from when Mufasa dies. The Stampede, where Mufasa, all of a sudden, you just see a big plumage of smoke. It's like, is he in there? Is he okay?


I would like the video team to find, and I have not asked for this before, so it's going to take a second, but just an assortment of videos of peewee football players, seven and eight years old, trying to run through some paper and always getting stuck. They don't have the strength or the momentum to break through the paper, so they just start log jamming. I didn't expect it with 300-pound people. I thought to myself, Good Lord, what a terrifying place for Venables to be to know that that smoke is behind him and to know how many players are coming. It's going to feel like he's being run over.


By bison. I thought to myself, That's exactly where Venables wants to be. Go ahead, run.


Over me. It's the way he got ready for the TCU game. Watch me score 69 points here after getting trampled in the tunnel.


The show goes on, though. College football. Our coach might be dead at the bottom of this thing, but we're running out of his tunnel right now.


The guy with the GoPro that knows that his coach, an older man, was in front of him. Keeps running. Keeps running. That's right. Keeps running. He's like, What am I going to do? Get trampled as well? But that was not the best entrance of the weekend.


We have a video of kids failing to go through.


Oh, wow. That was quick. Yes, I have seen... Chaos here. I have seen a number of... Oh, wow.


Let me break the page. Look at the coach here, pointing in the right direction. He gets upset here. He's like, Oh, come on. One of.


The kids.


He takes his hat off in his appointment. We worked on this. That's what.


It felt like to me.


Right there, guys. No, no. We worked on this. Here comes a hat.


Here comes a hat.


You can't get enough of those for me. There are many of them. They are replete throughout PEW football. But Stugat, explain to me, please, what it is that's happening here, where the Mississippi State coach, whose name I do not know, is coming out onto the field for the Egg Bowl. He is coming out, leading his players onto the field. Now, Mississippi State is a special terrible. Every time I look up, they're scoring three or seven points this season. They cannot score in this particular game. After this rousing entrance, they scored seven points and lost the Egg Bowl by 10. But here is the coach of their team on an ATV, on a four-wheeler for what I can tell is no discernible reason.


This team out.


Onto the field.


Tonight and give them a little juice.


Cole is with.


The arm head coach.


Coach, nothing is normal about the Egg Bowl. Why are you bringing the team out on this four-wheeler? This is about handling adversity, opposition. When you face things that's tough in life, this is a life lesson. This is what we learned in 11 days I've been here. This is a life lesson.


And that it is. He told me pre-game.


He only did the.


Four-wheeler once before.


That was in.


The locker room before the game.


Last week. His name is Greg Knox. And when he says, What is the life lesson? The life lesson is that when men get power, they get ATVs.


He's also no longer the Mississippi State Head Coach.


That's right. How is going out on that thing, adversity? It's easier to go out there when you have something-What's the life lesson?


Well, the adversity is he coaches Mississippi State and they're not very good. Look at these men behind me. You want to know what the adversity is? Look, it's right behind me. It's all these guys gathered up behind my ATV.


I guess the adversity was provided with some context by the commentators by saying that's the only the second time he's ever been on an ATV. The first time was in the locker room before, so he's overcoming.


That coach.


He's like, Honestly, I don't know why I'm on this thing either. They just gave it to me and I'm new here, so I said, All right.


He just put-putted along, too. That didn't really inspire anybody. What's his second time. He's not going to do.




Confidently. He's going to kick it into high gear for the Egg Bowl.


Been here 11 days.


Yeah, they came out flat. You have Greg Knox to blame for that.


It reminds me of Tubby Smith trying to come on the court at Kentucky on a motorcycle when he clearly hadn't ridden one and he just slid out. That's a dangerous game, man. Yeah, I mean, so is this. Less dangerous, admittedly, because it's four-wheeler and it's safe, but he didn't have confidence. He also, though, had what he was going to say in his head already, and it didn't matter what the question was, because I don't understand what he's saying when he says, This is a life lesson. I wanted a follow-up there. Coach, what's the life lesson?


I don't know if I'm ever going to be a head coach. I knew that if this was my only shot, I was coming out on an ATV. I'm watching the Tubby Smith video for the first time.


He was moving. He was going 15 miles an hour.


That's because he didn't know how to drive one.


He's wearing a.


Leather chain. Honestly, with how it ended, it could have gone a lot worse. He could have ended up going into the stands.


That's how you stop when you don't know how to drive a motorcycle.


I don't know if, Tugotson, I don't mean that this is correction. I'm just generally not sure that drive is the correct verb there for a motorcycle. Drive? What do you do? It's not drive a boat, for example, and it's not drive a motorcycle. You can't get a boat. I don't think... Put it on the poll, please, at Levitard show, is the correct verb for what you do on a motorcycle. Drive.


Apparently, but it says you ride a motorcycle.


You ride the hog, yeah. Okay.


The four-wheelers, two guys, have you ever been on one? No. I have wrecked one. How? Dangerous. I went into a whole life lesson.


By sitting on it? What happened?


Yes. Yeah, I sat on it, and the wheels just came off because I'm so fat.


Is he staring at me?


He's staring at you right now? It's just a lifelong trauma, is all. The first time I ever tried to get on one, the wheels went rolling into traffic because it collapsed under the size of my weight. Don't live a tard. All of us who were watching college football elevated everything the weekend was because we missed football in general so very much. You didn't watch the ending of U-Tep.


Jacksonville State. It was awesome. A dizzy. Boom.


Stugats. It's such a lane for you. Just everything in college football is awesome. Any single thing that happens, she gets deliriously happy about.


Don't you miss viewing sports through that prism, though? I'm envious of Lucy. I wish that I could still be happy. This is the Dan Levator Show with the Stugats.


All right, you guys were lamenting how bad the one o'clock window was. I don't think really you're applying the necessary context in that we got four games before the normal one o'clock window on a Sunday. Naturally, it's going to be a little diluted. It's not like the games that we got in advance were great. Detroit Green Bay was, I guess, interesting, but all blowouts on Thanksgiving. But then we were given a prize for the first time ever. Amazon was going to carry a Black Friday game. And before the season, it looked like it was going to be great. Tua versus Aaron Rogers. Aaron Rogers and that Achilles has nuked the prime time scheduling because you can't exactly flex out the New York market. So we're stuck with the mystery of Tim Boyle.




We solve that one?


Yeah. I mean, you could see why he's starting because he has such great command of Nathaniel Hackett's offense.


He's starting this upcoming week, too.


Yeah. After that performance, you can't put Trevor Simeon. They have three quarterbacks, one of which we've only seen move the ball. Trevor Simeon is the only guy that I think if you've played fantasy like, Oh, maybe I take a little flyer on Trevor Simeon. But okay, they're not going to play Trevor Simeon. They're going to trot Tim Boyle over there. During the game, the most interesting thing happened, and it wasn't over the broadcast, although there is something from the broadcast I'd like to get into. Mike McDaniel, who was winning after for much of that game. Then at half time, you had one moment where the jets could have maybe taken control of that game. Was that great? And on a hail Mary, they end up throwing a PIC 6.


So people have the context. The Dolphins are at the time winning 10-6, and with two seconds left in the half, Tua throws his second interception. And if you're doubting the Dolphins, you are watching how they will lose in the playoffs. If you're a Dolphins doubter, you're watching Tua have something close to the golf game that's going to also end whatever happens in Detroit, where you can see from here how the game is going to end. Two seconds left in the half. He's thrown a couple of terrible passes. This is the second of them. Right.


But the game goes on, Dolphins in full control. I can see from this video that we're about to queue up that the score is 27-6. Jets fans, God bless them, they think that this is a great time to talk trash to the head coach on the opposing sideline.


Because he's near the heater, right? Because he's from Miami and he's a wimp whos who needs a heater.


And because we're Jet fans.


Yeah, he's not from Miami, but he is wearing joggers and the ankles are probably a little nippy in the cold weather. But this is what happens when Jets fans try to talk to Mike McDaniel for standing next to a heater and give him some guff.


I am cold.


Also winning.


I am cold and also winning.


The only coach in the league who does that. There's not another. Maybe Ciriani. Ciriani would.


Do it. Although Ciriani wouldn't admit that he is cold. He would just stand there. He wouldn't go near the heater.


That was the opposite of what the Bulls players were doing with the Eagles fans after the game. Did you guys see that video? There was one where a couple of players had to pull a guy back. Honestly, the Eagles fans were being jerks. Yeah, the NFL was investigating that.


But you got to stay away from that. The NFL is.


Investigating that. The players made their way over there where you got to just not.


Do that. But the one interesting.


Nugget from- I would say the fans also need to not do that.


I agree. The one interesting nugget from the Prime broadcast was maybe L. Michaels. I mean, he added a Friday, so now he's called the football game on a pro football game on all seven days of the week. That's cool. L. Michaels found the energy on that hill, Mary. Not really. He also did the signature thing of talking about the spread at the end of the game, trying to keep it interesting. But he did provide a cool little story from talking. He's fascinated by Mike McDaniel. You could see that throughout the broadcast. Mike McDaniel was asked for a story about his time in the Arena Football League in Sacramento. He's like, Well, there was this one time I was a running backs coach, and one of my players was dancing with this beautiful woman on the dance floor, and I told him, Hey, get out of there, or you're going to get cut. Then Mike McDaniel cuts in, and then the story goes that the woman that he was dancing with ended up being his wife. We have a guest booker here, Matt Sullivan, that was doing research on this and looking at the roster of that Sacramento Arena Football League.


One of his running backs was John David Washington, the son of Denzel Washington.




That's funny. I asked Sullivan, I thought today would be the day to get that running back without realizing he's going to be hard to get if he's Denzel Washington's son. I just wanted some Arena League running back who was dying to tell the story of Mike McDaniel stealing his girl on the dance floor. Al Michaels didn't enjoy telling that story. Mike Ryan, I don't know what broadcast you were listening to. I will let my announcements age with grace. I don't want to fire them. But I do understand the criticism of Al Michaels sounding a little lethargic because Al Michaels did say that the Javan Holland interception was as crazy a thing as you will ever see. He did not announce it that way. He said it was the craziest thing you'll ever see. So technically, he did announce it that way, but he did not meet the moment in tenor and tone with what it is that we were watching, which the craziness of a Hall Mary. Did you guys see how many yards Garrett Wilson ran on that play? No. 174. What? Get out of here. 174 yards Garrett Wilson ran on that play according to the Next Gen stats because he went from one goal line to the other and got there a yard late because Boyle can't tackle.


That mystery also solved.




Put on him though.


He did broke down Boyle. But Al Michaels has seen it all. So you expect him to get excited for every.


Single thing? I mean, he hasn't seen that.


None of us have.


He himself said that it's the craziest thing you'll ever see. Not in football, just the craziest thing you'll.


Ever see. There was also one thing that wasn't mentioned in all things that Al was talking about, where Tyreeke Hill scores a touchdown and then gives the ball to his wife in the stands. Then I was like, Oh, I hope that's his wife. I'm not 100 % sure.


We were like, Oh. Someone didn't watch Hard Knocks.


No, you can't guess there, though. Tony's right. You cannot guess. That's not a.


Guessing game.


Season veteran, though. Did you guys watch Hard Knocks, finally?


We did, yeah. You did, yeah.


It was his wife's fault, right? The Nachos.


She definitely.


Knocked it down. He even came out and said as much. He said it was 100 % her fault. She pulled down the machos.


Kennevan, Carl's sister.


There were a couple of interesting things about Hard Knocks. I've always said that it's the illusion of access because of how edited it is, but it's more access than you usually get with that league. And the way the Dolphins talked about Max Crosby as a team, the way they were talking about him, I found startling, even though I know those things are so... I'm just used to the respect being begruging in the locker room. They don't want to say a guy is too good. But on Max Crosby, they're all like, Yeah, he never gets tired, and he's a problem, and he's their best player, and all of us, everybody who's here, offense, kickers, everybody, I need you worried about Max Crosby.


We've told you before, Max Crosby is terrifying. He has two exes in his name. It should be three exes. Max Crosby, over the weekend, the rare, doubtful designation, and still started. Amy Got a sack on Patrick Mohones.


He's incredible. I want to be Max Crosby when I grow up.


Do you really? Yeah. I think the most terrifying guy in the League, Max Crosby is up there, but I think Chris Jones is probably the most terrifying.


Guy in the League. When Miles Garrett leaves in a sling, I'm like, People shouldn't be doing what is doing for a living if Miles Garrett can leave in a sling. That person cannot have his arms hurt. But there are a number of scary people in that sport right now. Do you guys believe, Toa, when he says, I'm not watching any of that on Hard Knocks? He's not watching any of it, he says.


I do believe him.


I believe him. Yeah.


He seemed innocent and a little corny in the episode.


He seemed to me, honestly, like he's more fun than he leads on. He's capable of being down and having fun and having a good time, and then when he's in front of the microphone, he turns it off. A little too excited about that. He wants to give you nothing.


A little too excited about Secret Santa for me.


Oh, I.


Loved it. I'm a big time guy. I need time.


But he also already had everybody's gifts.


Mike White did not.


Let that slide. Well, no, it was confusing to me because how is he a big time guy? Also, do you know how Secret Santa works? You shouldn't have bought everyone gifts if you're only going to get one person.


What's going on? Well, I think the quarterback gets stuff for the offensive line. I think that's what he was doing there.


Do you remember that weird Renaldi piece where they profiled to a and they made it seem like a tear-jerker? Even though part of the Nuggets in that piece was like, Yeah, my dad would get the belt every time I threw a PIC 6. Then the piece would keep going and you're like, Wait a second, did he actually say that?


I think they said that his dad made him go to Alabama.


That's right.


Chris, if you're Sam Howell, do you get your offensive line gifts?


Yes. Well, I get what you're saying. Not good gifts.


What are the bad gifts? I'm trying to think what a quarterback. Just like a candle. What's the lazing thing?




The most fun.


Give cards to like, chili's.


Now, my wife and I do that every year. We'll give a gift that's right on the line between insult and thoughtful. And it's like, You got to guess. For the people that we don't actually care about, we didn't give this any thought, but you're getting a gift. So is it an insult?




Was I thinking of you?


Does Aaron have to buy his line presents? Because he's obviously the richest of the quarterbacks on his team, but he played four plays.


I don't.


Know how that works. They got him hurt.


Well, speaking of hurt, Calin Phillips gets hurt on that turf, too. I know.


That Achilles. Billy hates.


That turf. Tony doesn't.


Want to talk about it. Everybody does. I mean, Holland call it trash after the game. And everyone says that it seems stupid and a multibillion dollar sport that we're still ransacking human bodies because we can't get the field right because it's shit. They should be sparing no expense on making it most probable in the sport that you can't get hurt with a non-contact injury because the turf is shit.


Well, there's also certain fields that people just get hurt on. Metlife, people get hurt on. Cincinnati, people get hurt on. I heard San Francisco also. A lot of people get hurt on that one. Why can't you do something about this?




Going to get hurt. The San Francisco one is just rumors, though.


It was Mike Fentaz, I think, that told me. -okay, so here's the thing. You're going with it? You know what? I think it was Gino that told me. It was a little about a lot. One of the Fentazes.


The turf at MetLife is the cause of a lot of Achilles injuries, but it has me watching the Jaylen Phillips injury in a different way, where you see that rubber band Achilles snap when they did the replay of it, and I was like, Oh, my God, I lost my mind. I have a very irrational fear that my Achilles is going to snap like that, like walking up the stairs or doing something normal, all of a sudden it's going to be like... Because Jaylen Phillips, all he really did was push off. Yeah. He didn't do anything crazy.


He's done that a thousand times just in the last week. It's your job. It's how you start your job. It's like the part where you.


Don't get hurt. Can someone tell us, though, for sure, was that just bound to happen to him? It's just a matter of when? Is it the field? I feel like everyone's getting mad at the field, but it's like.


Nobody knows. Well, the jets just changed the turf and the giants because they both play home games there. They just changed it to field turf, and it got good reviews.


Before the season. In this particular case, Chris, and I don't know exactly, obviously, but when things start breaking on your body, then other things start also breaking on your body. And Jaylen Phillips has had an assortment. These things might not actually be interconnected. But when someone gets dismissed as injury-prone, I tend to just assign it to if other things that are connected to that aren't working correctly, eventually that's not going to work correctly someday, too.


Well, there's a thing called the posterior chain, which everything in the back is connected to each other. Your back is connected to your hip, hip, connect to your hamstrings all the way down.


-hip, bones.


Connected to that. -exactly. So if he had something like in his back that traveled down to his hamstring, that went to his calf, and all of a sudden that thing snaps, it could happen.


There's just so many injuries on that turf. But it should be noted that Jalen Phillips is a player that once in his college career had to medically retire. He's had a lot of stuff going on with his body. I guess that theory does hold some water, but the theory that holds more water is all the injuries and all the stars that have succumbed to that turf in MetLife. They have a real problem.


That is an injury that really hurts the Miami Dolphins because their past rush is made a lot less effective when he is not a part of it. But I want to accentuate and put the spotlight on how poorly Chris Cody did that particular song.


The toe bones connected to the foot bone. The foot bones connected to the ankle bone. The ankle bones connected to the leg bone. Now shake them, the skeleton bones. I don't know. I don't really know the end of the song. I don't remember that part either, Steve.