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Live from the headquarters of Ramsey Solutions, broadcasting from the car rental studios. It's the Dave Ramsey Show where debt is dumb. Cash is king and the pay paid off old mortgage has taken the place of the BMW as the status symbol of choice. I am Dave Ramsey, your host, Crystal Wright Ramsey personality and a number one best selling author is my co-host. Today here on the air, we're answering your questions about your life and your money.


Open phones at eight eight two five five two two five. That's triple eight eight two five five two to five.


Jessica in Los Angeles starts off this hour. Hi, Jessica. How are you?


I'm doing great, thanks. What's up? And I my husband and I recently had a baby boy, and we.


Yeah, and I really would like to be a stay at home mom or more of one. I currently work full time and we just want to know if we can do that or what we need to do to reach that goal.


OK, can you live on his income. So currently his income is a lot less than mine. And if we did so, we've paid off all our debt and and we're currently saving for a house and retirement. If we lived on his income, we couldn't save anymore. That's where we would be at. And that's kind of my concern.


OK, so you can't buy a house, right?


Right. We have a good amount towards a down. But, you know, we live in Southern California, so we're not to where we have enough for them.


So how do we fix it? I mean, more income, but one of you has to make more income in order for you to get a house because you don't. I'm guessing that you do want to stay at home.


And I'm with you on the golf course, with you on the go.


But I'm also guessing you don't want that to mean you never buy a home.


Yeah, I mean, we're not in a big rush to buy a home, but yeah, I currently we rent from my mom and we have really low rent in our area and we're helping her out. But eventually, yes, we would like to buy a home. Yeah.


OK, well I mean I think one of the things that is an option for you, Jessica, I'm not saying it's the right option, but an option is to take a step in that direction without fully, completely just staying home so you could work part time. You would still have some income to contribute to savings, but you're able to spend more time with your baby. You're able to kind of have a little bit of the best of both worlds for a season until you reach that financial goal.


Another option if you've ever heard me talk about business, but I love helping women start businesses from home. So you probably have skills and knowledge and talents that you could turn into a home based business or a side business that would bring in income for a season you might not be saving or not might not might not be saving much, but you could build that business up and work during nap time. So that's a very common thing. And see, women do so I would just say it's easy to feel like I'm either going to work full time or stay home full time.


But we live in a world right now where you have more options than that. So I just think that's one thing you could consider that would still reach your financial goals of being able to save your house, but also move you in the direction of being home more. What do you do for a living?


I'm a speech therapist. Oh, Jessica, Jessica, Jessica, this could be a business. Now, listen, I got to tell you, I'm not the type person that says everything could be a business.


But as you know, no, it's not for everybody. It's not for everybody.


But but in your case and I say this specifically from firsthand experience, Jessica, my son Conley needs occupational therapy. We were going to a clinic and he just got so comfortable, like I really need someone to come into our world environment. I was just telling Dave about this. And we are now looking into an occupational therapy therapist that kind of comes in our world, goes to school with them, goes to soccer to help him in his environment where he struggles.


A speech therapist is something that you could do virtual or go to the people or from home on your own terms. That is something you absolutely could turn into a freelance type of business if you want to. Now, you don't have to. I just want you to know that that is that is a skill that would be very easily turned into a business. What do you make a year now?


I make between eighty five and ninety thousand. OK, all right. And what does he make? My husband makes about sixty thousand. He's freelance as well and doing well. So he's he's an audio engineer.


OK, is he still is he staying busy.


Yes. And getting more busy because he does a lot of podcast editing and so that's only picked up with all of this and it's continuing to rise. But he has other skills as well that he relies on.


OK, so there's three or four buttons we can push, but they're all on the income side. OK, but no one is. His career expands, his income expands. How do we grow his business? How do we double his income? And that gets you there to OK. But number two is we take a temporary reduction in pay and you work either part time or you start a a one person solo customized in the home type of speech therapy situation like Christine's describing.


And that might be so lucrative that you even could replace your income, but work many, many, many less hours and really, really have control over what you're doing.


So I would want to explore it, try to find some people around the nation, certainly in California, that are doing what we're talking about and try to figure out to use it.


And then based on pricing it, how much of that do I have to do per hour? Per project, per job? Per package? I don't know how you priced something like this.


That gets me to 75000 or 65000, but it's an eighty five, but it's more than someone would pay going to a business.


This costs years type of service has a higher value. So don't price yourself at whatever you're out of business.


You know, this is somebody that's doing exactly what we're talking about doing somewhere else. And you can study them.


Yes. And let's give her a ticket to live stream business boutique. Just I'd love to give you a ticket to our business conference. It's October 22nd to the 24th. We're live streaming it so you can watch it from home with your baby. And we are teaching you how to grow your business or your turn your idea into a side business. It'll be exactly a great thing to kind of get you started exploring this. And if it's right for you, if you want to do it, it's perfect way to get yourself.


So I would love that and I think I'm going to pull all these levers, his side, your side, either, you know, so we're going to explore a part time corporate gig for you or we're going to explore a startup concierge type thing like we're describing. And what can we do with his career? What other things can we do to cut expenses? And let's just start to, you know, you know, develop the life that you are desiring.


OK. And that that includes being at home or mostly being at home, right. And.


You know, saving for a house and so you don't have to say, oh, I'll never buy a house in order to sit at home full time and turn the thing completely off, the we can use a dimmer switch instead of an on and off switch here. Yes, and I think you can pull this off, you got to start working it, though, and you got to and I would work on all of it at one time. OK, honey, what are we going to get your income up?


You know, we're going to raise your prices or something.


Here, we got to get going. Need to get you on some more famous podcast now, those little startup things that aren't paying you much. I don't know what it is, but, you know, and then you start working on your thing and going, OK, talk to your current employer, what they consider part time or somebody that's one of their competitors part time. And then you start talking and studying, consider or whatever. We want to call this new thing we're designing here and how to price that out and then divide that into seventy five thousand a year.


And how are we going to get there? Sixty five thousand a year? How are we going to get there? You can do this. So hold on. Kaleo, pick up. We're going to send you a copy of Kristy's number one best selling book, Business Boutique. And we're also going to give you a live stream ticket to that business boutique event that is three days long. Coming up, we'll tell you more about that after the break.


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Some exclusions apply see site for details. First, you right, Ramsey, personality number one, bestselling author, is my co-host today here on The Dave Ramsey Show, we're answering your questions about your life and your money. So the business boutique conference, we just gave her a live stream ticket. We've got a few, just a handful of in-person tickets available.


We are limiting it to half of what we normally do. And it is almost sold out. And then we're doing a live stream for the first time ever. And this is a three day event. And what are the dates on this event?


October 22nd to the 24th. So it's a Thursday night through a Saturday, right around lunch. This is kind of the same structure we've kept in past years. We kick it off on a Thursday night, go all day Friday. We've got breakout sessions and half the day Saturday with amazing rock star speakers. And, you know, we change it up every year. We bring in new speakers on different topics. But the thing we stay consistently true to is we bring in speakers that are going to help these women in the areas of their business that they need help the most with.


So marketing, selling, making money, overcoming your fear, pushing past your fear. And you hear these incredible stories of these women that have done it and best practices and plans to show you how you can do it, too. But you're also in a room with other women that is so empowering to realize, oh, my gosh, I'm not alone, even though business can feel lonely. But the livestream option is going to be really cool this year because for the first time ever, you don't have to travel.


If it's not the year for you to come in person, you can join us from the comfort of your own home and still get that great teaching and encouragement and those amazing sessions to help you build your dream.


Elizabeth Hasselbeck will be speaking. Chris Hogan, Lisa Bravia, Doug Butler of Googoosh Cupcake's Jamie Kurn Lima, who sold her business for a billion. That's right. Billion dollars.


Just a small, tidy little side business that'll be on there.


And any Afghans will be speaking and some powerful speakers here and teachers here. The Business Boutique Conference, October 22 through 24. Learn about it.


A business boutique, dotcom, Christy Wright, Dotcom, Dave Ramsey, Dotcom were everywhere and they were empty. Dot com slash events is an easy way to get it, of course. Oh, it's one of our biggest events of the year. We'll have about 1500 folks there, primarily ladies.


Occasionally a guy sneaks in and but it is an incredible, incredible lineup of star studded people speaking and teaching. And so it's a great bargain for those of you thinking about this. So we gave her a live stream. Our last caller there. We'll get her set up and get going on that. All right. Alex is with us in Indianapolis. Hi, Alex.


Welcome to The Dave Ramsey Show. Hello. It's a pleasure to speak with you. You too, sir. Can we help? Yeah. All right.


So my dad's been watching me for a while and he kind of put me on year. And I've been watching YouTube videos for like five here. And I I'm 16 and I work I work at a restaurant and they make between 500 and eight hundred dollars a month. And I've been saving and I really want to buy a 2001 Corvette and they're about 10K. But my dad keeps telling me not to and that it's like the work that you and I could make.


But he said he would allow me and I just wanted that. I want to give your opinion if I should be allowed to buy this like my current income, because I don't plan on going to college. I'm going to go to the military. And I just I don't really see a reason for me to say right now and that I should be able to buy this. Mm hmm.


Well, that's going to be up to your dad as to whether you are able to buy it or not in terms of getting permission. That's not up to us. I've got to Corvettes. I love them. I've got a 1960 and a twenty fourteen both. And so I'm a Corvette fan. I love the car. I love the history. And, you know, 2000. Was it interesting that it really is. It's a pretty cool car.


If my son were sixteen and in your situation I would be giving him the same advice that your dad gave you. I don't think it's a place for you to put your money.


A 2001 is not going up in value. It's going to at best stay stable and or probably go down in value. So you're going to turn ten thousand dollars into 5000 and 10000 hours.


A lot of money in your world. It's a lot of money in your world. And so I wouldn't do that if I were you.


I think it can be a goal later on when you're, you know, an adult with a full paycheck and you're in the military. If you want to go get you a vet, save up and pay cash for it, whatever the year at that point. But it would make a lot more sense when you're earning a full on paycheck than it would now. Again, you and your dad get to make the decision of what you all are going to do in your home, but.


I would I would tell my six year old, in your situation with those dollars that you're talking about, that that's not where I'm going to put the money.


Yeah, it's amazing to how I think so often we feel like, oh, well, I can afford it, so I should buy it. But it's like, is that the best use of that money, especially like you said in your world when that's a whole lot of money, do you.


Yeah. And well, you only live once YOLO. Well, that's true. But you can screw up your life while you're living it. Yeah. By YOLO ing around.


So, you know, you just got you have to stop and look out and go, OK. Is the 26 year old you going to be happy with the 16 year old year's decision?


And that's what I'm looking at. I don't think he's going to be happy with you. You're 26 year old version of you is going to look back and go without Dom.


And so I wish that I had that money to do this or do that with I wish I had been able to do that. And I had been a little bit more conservative in my car purchase at this stage of the game. That's where I would be. But again, I will defer to your father. He runs your house and whatever you all decide at your place is there. But I would if it were my 16 year old son, I would tell him not to do it because I don't think it's a good play.


Thanks for calling in, Alex.


Open phones at eight eight two five five two two five. Monte is with US atrocities. Hi Monte. Welcome to the Dave Ramsey Show.


Hi, Dave. Thank you for your financial and spiritual guidance and the services you provide. Well, thank you.


How can we help? Yeah, I'm 35, work for the deoxy, and suffered from scoliosis my whole life trying to figure out how to get the surgery done, which was like a nine month turnaround in the hospital and do that without committing financial suicide. Wow.


Not much turnaround, meaning like nine month recovery. Nine months recovery, it's they had to toe back surgery. Yeah, wow. And so no work for nine months. Correct, you're single. No, I'm married to girls. OK, and does your wife work outside the home? She does, she's a bartender and she's working on getting an insurance license, working for Country Financial. She makes between 15000 about a year. Mm hmm. What do you make?


I make about 60. OK. What do you do, DMV engineering, engineering technician. OK.


OK, so you're going to lose 39 months at 60000, about 45, not forty forty five thousand dollars.


We need to make up for because you're living on your check obviously. And so you have any money saved. I have 10000 in my savings account. I have 10000 and a deferred compensation and then about 30 in state retirement. That's kind of a pension type deal. So not really access.


Not not not there. So do you have any kind of short term disability through the state? I would have to look at a. Because that's exactly what this is. This is a short term disability, and so if they can if you can get that covered, that may that may be your answer right there, or if you can buy it as a benefit, a health benefit, add it to your policy before you buy it. Obviously, make sure it covers this type of situation.


But, yeah, that's the other thing to of being pre-existing. I'm not sure. Yeah, exactly.


And whether or not they'll consider a surgery to be a disability, I don't know. But loss of income, a loss of income type policy on the short term would sure go a long way.


But I don't know, you know, again, I don't know what you're gonna have to do to qualify for that and how this is going to work. But you're on the right track.


You've got to say somehow we got to find this 45000 because your family is going to continue to eat during this time and they're either going to run you deeply in debt or you will have planned for one of the two. So we need a plan. This is the Dave Ramsey Show. No matter what time of year it is, focusing on your family's financial plan is always a smart move.


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Christy, right, Ramsey personality, a number one best selling author, is my co-host today here on the air, open phones, a triple eight eight two five five two two five. Two of the biggest things that you guys are saying out there that you need right now in this pandemic post pandemic world is community and help with your money and think about this. What if you could get both of those in one place? Imagine being coached, encouraged through a money plan that you know will actually work for you.


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Ramsey Plus. You do not have to figure out your money problems alone, get a free trial. I said free. That's a word people around Remzi like free trial of Ramsey. Plus right now at Dave Ramsey Dotcom like you, that's the Dave Ramsey dotcom slash F.P. you financial piece universities in there. Hello. This is how it works. Ciani is with us in Reno. Hi, Seany. Welcome to The Dave Ramsey Show. Hi, David, Christy, thanks so much for taking my call.


Sure. I'm actually on the California side, but near Reno and I just got a question. We're in baby steps four or five and six. I am one of four kids. My mom was a single mom from when I was two and my oldest brother was 12. So four of us in that span, she is currently 82 years old. She has done fine for herself. She has about one hundred thousand dollars left. Three of my four brothers are very or three of the four of us, I should say, are very stable and our financial situation and we're wanting to help my mom with grace.


So my question for you, Dave, is not so much mechanical as we all feel like we have the funds. But the question is, do you let her go down to kind of a lower amount and how she starts to feel worried about her money? Or do you start supplementing her or her nest egg now so that she doesn't feel as stressed with her money? So hadn't heard you address this before and was wondering what your thoughts were on this.


What would she want to do? You know, we haven't talked to her about it too much. I know that she's starting to worry her expenses. She brings about ten thousand dollars and per year with Social Security and her expenses are about thirty thousand. I think that she would be fine. You know, we often give her gifts of, you know, a new phone. We just got her an Apple Watch because now has that full protection so that we get called if she falls and doesn't get back up, that type of thing.


So she definitely takes larger gifts from us. And I just was wondering, you know, should the three of four of us, you know, be sending her a thousand dollars a month so that she kind of keeps her and her nest egg? Or would you think that we should decrease that? Because it's not all four of us, you know, hoping I just didn't know exactly what you if you had any thoughts about that. So how did your Oscar race, the three of you have talked and you're all willing to put up a thousand dollars a month each?


Yeah, OK. All right, well, the grace would be that this is a.


Method of honoring her. And say, Mom, yeah, mom, you have been a warrior. You raised us as a single mom, we turned out you did it, touchdown. Way to go. Absolutely incredible. And we want to honor you and honor the work that you've done and honor how the the lean years and how you took care of us. And so it's our turn. To honor you, and so your budget is going up by 3000 dollars a month because each of us are going to spend a thousand dollars a month to you.


And just when you look at those checks, mom, call them honor. Would that work? Yep, because you went through so much. Yeah, she was raised by a single mom. Yeah, I think the the interesting thing in your question, Seanie, is that you and your siblings, you'll have such a heart to do that, to do exactly what they've saying to honor her. I think there's just such an opportunity here, too, for just really great dialogue where she might seem stressed.


But you can ask her like, hey, like we want to honor you. How are you feeling? What's going on? Just just open up the conversation. Not so much, because there's going to be some incredible insight that you don't already know in terms of her financial situation. But it just becomes a conversation with her that she feels ownership in, feels a part of feel seen and heard. And I think a lot of times we can just assume how people are feeling or assume what they want.


And just like they've asked you from the very beginning, like, what does she want? Like, I'm not sure we ever really talk about. I would just say talk about it. In addition to what you're planning to do, I would just say, yeah, just have some really loving conversations to see where she is and share your heart. And I think that that will set the table for you all giving a check every month for her to get to hear your heart of what y'all want to do.


But just maybe maybe start with some questions and just kind of here where she's where she is right now, you know, because of her current burn rate, she's she's having to supplement twenty thousand dollars a year and she's got one hundred thousand. That gives her five years for she's out of money. Right.


Right. And we didn't want her to get to that point. Well, no, I get I wasn't at that point. You know what I am going to do, though? I'm going to change it now that I think about it a minute after you've done what she's talking about, you got to have the conversation. You got to open up and have a dialogue. Let her be heard and let her hear you that this is about honor. This is not about charity.


And this is not because we feel sorry for you. It's our way of giving you a trophy because you got you won.


You did it. And that's what honor is. And so once you've got all of that table set emotionally and spiritually and this opens back up. Now back to the math a second. I'm not going to fully supplement it.


The reason is the fourth child. I'm going to let I'm going to let some of the burned down and I'm going to supplement maybe half of it, which would mean she would have 10 years worth rather than five years worth if she puts in 10K and you put in 10K to cover the deficit. Or something like that, OK? I wouldn't cover 100 percent of our deficit, I'd let some of the 100000 burn each year.


That had to be a bunch. But the point is she no longer has to worry. You've got her covered either way, right? Yeah, yeah, and it makes sense, I mean, I think right now, the way she has her well set up because that other child owes her some funds already. I think she has it split between the other three. And those are the three that are financially OK, although that may be.


Yeah, that may be that may be the answer to the question, because that's what ran through my mind. If I were in your shoes and I paid a thousand, I paid twelve thousand dollars a year for four years.


And so I put 50000 bucks basically in the pot here. And then Junior, who didn't do anything, gets gets a quarter of that 100000 thousand in there.


I got a problem with that. I don't mind helping Mom.


I do mine that deal going down. So, you know, that's that's what I was thinking about. But if she's already got him the where the three of you are getting this, then basically all you're doing is you're fronting some of your inheritance is going to come right back to you. Right, yeah, so some of it you're not depending on, you know, the math would depend on how long she lives, obviously, but yeah, this is a good plan, OK?


Yeah, I think it's wonderful that you all are talking about this.


I, I, I think you're dreading talking to her for some reason. And you're going to have to do it. You're going to have to bring her into this because I got a feeling this woman has a really strong backbone. Yeah, I could be wrong, but I doubt I am. This is the Dave Ramsey Show. Our scripture, the day Psalms 90 17, but the favor of the Lord, our God be upon us, establish the work of our hands upon us.


Yes, establish the work of our hands. Dwayne Johnson said success at anything will always come down to this focus and effort, and we control both. Wow, good, good quote, Christie, right, Ramsey personality, a number one best selling author, is my co-host.


Today here on the air, open phones at Elite eight to five five, two to five.


Up next is going to be Clay in New Orleans. Hi, Clay.


Welcome to The Dave Ramsey Show. Hi, Dave. Appreciate it. Sure. What's up? Well well, I'm calling because my wife and I currently are in a smaller, older home. We've got a growing family and two boys and another one coming in a couple of weeks. Yay! Yes. Thank you very much. And so I was a little bit afraid that with as much money as the federal government's been spending, that interest rates are going to start to climb.


And so my wife and I had always wanted to in the next, you know, three to seven years, either tear down and build new or move into a bigger home that's a little bit more suitable for a bigger family. And so my question is, is that the rising interest rates a legitimate fear? And is that something that would or should push us into doing something like this a little bit sooner? No, you don't make your decision based on that.


You make your decision based on when you're ready to do it and then you deal with it because the interest rate my is ready now.


She just wants to get into a bigger, nicer home. Are you guys out there? Are you know, we still owe 100 on the house.


Are you out of debt except the House. Except now I owe about 30 on a car. OK, we need to clean the car up. We need to have an emergency fund in place and then we talk about moving.


But now the fear of the fear of higher interest rates, the fear that the marketplace is going to shoot up in value, the fear that because let me tell you, if interest rates don't go up, prices will. And the only thing will keep prices from going up is interest rates going up, and so both of these things are going to affect what you end up buying.


Right. And so, you know, they're going to get you, you know, and by the way, the house you own is going up.


And being in the to be yeah, it's got some issues with it, you know what I'm saying?


If the House are going to BI's going up in value, the house that you own is going up in value unless you live in a dog neighborhood or something.


Well, no, it's actually a good neighborhood. But the tendency in this neighborhood is for anybody that buys tearing down the old home and builds a new home. So the current home doesn't have much value, but the land does. Well, the land is going up in value then. Yes, so you're in a pretty hot market, are you're in a pretty hot neighborhood if they're doing teardowns, so it's very desirable. Because the numbers don't work on teardowns very often, most of the time, that most of the time that's just I really want to be there and say that that's true.




So I you know, no, I think you need to get the car paid off, get the emergency fund in place.


We talk about moving after that. Unless you were going to move a lateral move, which is not what you're talking about. You're talking about moving on.


Well, yeah, right. Right. Getting something bigger. But you're talking about moving up in price, too, aren't you? Yes. Yeah.


So, yeah, you need to get those things cleaned up before you do that, because, I mean, here's the thing. Think about how long these interest rates have been sitting at four and under the 2008 12 years. Yep, and so I don't I don't I mean, I don't know, I mean, I if I if I start predicting interest rates, I become an economist and economist and weather forecasters are the only people can be wrong every time they still keep their job.


Right. And apparently medical professionals, too.


But anyway, the but but yeah, the. So, yeah, I know.


I don't know what interest rates are going to do. I don't know what they're going to do.


I would not I have not made good decisions when I make it based on fear of something happening that no one can predict. That's just a bad decision making tool. That's called worry. And I you know, I think you're going to be in a position to buy something and you're going to be able to buy it.


Yeah. One of the things I hear in claeys question is it sounds like his wife just wants to move, but you're just not in a position to, you know, and when you're when you want to do something, you can come up with all kinds of reasons like, oh, interest rates.


They might go up. We better we better get. Well, you know what? That's true. You know, it's like we can justify what we want. So we just got our heart set on a newer, bigger, nicer house. You're just not in a position to do so. You don't these other factors don't affect what you're doing, because when you get yourself in a position to move, then you can start looking at moving.


But right now, you're just not in a position to get ready to buy a house. Prices will be so high. Oh, yeah. Oh yeah. I'll buy something. I've heard that for thirty years.


Yeah. We can talk ourselves into all kinds of things, but the reality is you're just not in a position to.


Yeah. That, that's really what it comes down to. That's a good observation. Very well. Nicole is with us. Nicole is in Des Moines. Hi, Nicole. Welcome to The Dave Ramsey Show.


Hi, Dave. Thanks for taking my call. Sure. What's up? Well, my husband and I are old and we have been practicing your principles that you teach for many years now. And we have our emergency fund fully funded and we've been contributing fifteen percent to our former case for many years now. Right now, I feel like we're in a very good position. The only thing we really are working on now is paying off our mortgage. And we have three children that we want to pay for their college for good.


So recently what happened was my husband, who worked for the same company for twenty five years, found out that his position had been eliminated. So he's in a position for the next six weeks where he will stay on with the company and not be paid. But he's being placed in the talent pool for those six weeks where he could potentially be picked up for another position within the company. If there is no position offer to him, he will get a severance package in which he'll be paid out a little bit more than a year of his salary.


So my question for you is, during during this sorry, I didn't say I meant six weeks, not six months. OK, so during the six week period when he's kind of in a holding pattern, he's going to be looking for another employer. My question really has to do with if he gets offered another position in his current company, should he take that because he would be eligible to have health insurance subsidized in retirement when he takes early retirement until Medicare kicks in with his current employer?


We would like to retire at the time or sixty. So that provides us with that gap between 60 and 65. And how old are you now? We are forty eight. Yeah.


So you got fifteen years? No, we don't make decisions based on health insurance fifteen years from now. Well, 12 years from now, five years, yeah, no, I won't make a decision based on my career. And the income, the income and how do I feel about this company and do I want to work there after they laid me off after all this time and now I'm in the talent pool, which sounds like sounds really appealing.




So essentially what we could do with his pay, if we could get our mortgage down to the point where we could pay it off in two years. Yeah. Yeah.


So, yeah. I mean, you know, if he's offered a job inside that company, he's offered another job outside the company. We just compare those two things. We say, don't compare the companies. I'm going to compare the upward track, what I'm going to get for the next 12 years if I work here, 15 years if I work here, and what's the pay, you know, and what's the benefits package? And so, you know, and I'm going to pick the best job between the two because you have absolutely no reason to stay at the company that he's at unless they give you a reason to.


And that would be money. Right, because you can't stay and say I'm loyal to them because they've not been loyal to you. Right, so we're just a transaction. Yeah, I feel like financially we're ahead a lot more if you leave the antiques that your steak is essentially double his salary in one year.


Yeah. And do it. OK, you got to consider that, I mean, but if you have to do that and then it's pace cut in half at the new place and it's a horrible place and there's no upward trajectory inside the no mobility inside the position, then that would be a bad trade. You're taking some short term money for a bad long term play, but so you've got to compare it out. But there really want you to leave because they're giving you a lot of money leave.


So I don't suspect he's going to get a great offer and saw the talent pool. If he gets a great offer outside, he gets a signing bonus or the severance package. I'm out of there. That puts us out of the Dave Ramsey Show in the books. We'll be back with you before you know it. In the meantime, remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial piece, and that's to walk daily with the prince of peace. Christ, Jesus, Dave here.


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Hey, it's James, producer of The Dave Ramsey Show. This episode is over, but check the episode notes for links to products and services you've heard about during this episode. Thanks for listening.