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Live from the headquarters of Ramsey Solutions, broadcasting from the armored car rental studios, where it's the Dave Ramsey Show where debt is dumb, cash is king in the paid off. No mortgage has taken the place of the BMW as the status symbol of choice. Anthony O'Neal Ramsey personality is my co-host today here on the air, open phones as we talk about your life and your money.


The phone numbers, triple eight eight two five five two two five.


Anthony, our my friend Rush Limbaugh announced yesterday that his health has gone sideways and that the cancer has returned and he's not doing well at all.


Heartbreaking time for those of us in the radio business and those of us that no rush. I know some of you hate his politics and some of you are so caught up in your ideology that you say and do mean and nasty things to people during times like this.


And you should be ashamed of yourselves.


But here's the thing about him. There were a couple of people in America that were doing talk shows of some kind or another before him, but he pretty much invented talk radio. Absolutely. 1988, he comes on the air and I remember hearing I wasn't in radio business until I didn't get on the air until 92, four years after that. And so he was still fairly new, but he was already Elvis. I mean, Elvis invented rock and roll.


Absolutely. Russian band on talk radio. And so whether you agree with his politics or not, there's two or three things you can know about him. No. One, he's an incredible broadcaster. Number two, his intellect is incredible and he's a worthy adversary. If you're on the other side of him and he takes no prisoners and goes for it, yeah, he may or may not like some of the things he's done over the years.


And you know what? I don't really care. Right.


You know, when someone has a death sentence from cancer that is an iconic figure, just because you disagree with them, all you do is you just say, man, we're praying for you and for your family. And I sent a note to some of his guys a few minutes ago on e-mail and told them that if there's anything we can do to help, we would I don't know what it would be. How do you help? I don't know.


But it's not like they want me to fill in because it's a completely different thing. I don't need to be on that show. But I wasn't suggesting that, in other words. But the point is, anything that you could do and I mean.


And you honor an iconic person.


Absolutely, Dave. Even if they are an adversary. Absolutely.


You know, a day when James and Kelly and I was teaching me how to take over the show if and when you're going some days when the first thing I did on my own, which is go back and watch some of his stuff because he's just an incredible broadcaster and knows what he's doing. And I was able to actually learn from a guy that, you know, I didn't listen to that much growing up anywhere. Not at all.


Right. I am talk radio you not a chain, not a test, you know, but when I joined this team and joined you and listen to yours, I need to learn from there some things I can learn from him. And so I want to send my love and my condolences, not just to him, but to his family and even to his listeners who who are actually feeling this a lot right now. Yeah. And I don't know what I can do, but whatever you do, Dave, I'm supporting you and whatever we can do as a organization as well.


Yeah. So, Rock, we love you. We're praying for you.


And, you know, again, we can't do anything except just say the guy invented the business that we're in. Yes. At least this portion of my business, the business where I'm on the air and no one was doing it. And there's a whole bunch of people out there trying to be him that aren't and never will be. There are a lot of people try to be Elvis. Yeah. And they couldn't they couldn't do it. And, you know, to try to follow in the steps of greatness and mimic it.


And you just you know, there's there's a there's a level of talent.


There's a level of when someone just invents an entire space out of the out of the, you know, crevices of their brain.


It's a different kind of person. Yeah. It's a different kind of a thing. And so, you know, we don't do anything except say we're big fans of him. Personally, I enjoy big fans of his broadcast, big fans. I agree with most everything he says. A lot of you don't. That's OK. You're allowed to be wrong about America. But but right now, let's say this.


I mean, well, I would say this. Even if you don't, right now is not a time to argue what you agree or disagree. Agree. You know, that's exactly you know, now is just a time to have a little guest house.




For goodness sakes, in America, have a little honor, have a little class, have a little dignity. Yeah. That that you can say guys, a warrior. Right. You know, and I know an adversary with honor. And so no question about that. So let's talk about a class scene.


Dave, you said something that is so key and I must say to her in the air and be totally set up. I'm a set up. But when Donald Trump got the Kobe virus, Bishop T.D. Jakes went out there and said, I'm praying for Donald Trump. He said this is not about politics. This is about a man's life. Yeah, because Ted does not agree with politics. He doesn't I mean, we we both know Bishop Jakes, you know, and we're a hundred percent sure.


Right. He does not agree with US policy. Right. But the man stepped up as a Christian and said, hey, I'm praying for his health because his health matters, all human beings health matter. And to me, that was a classy thing. You're not willing you will be shot. Dave, how many people went after Bishop Jakes? No way. Yes. Because he had class like you honoring.


And and what we're encouraging people. And I think for me, sometimes we can disagree with people, not agree with certain things, but that means we can't be be professional, classy and be respectful and just have love for the human being. Yeah, and that was frustrating to me. Well, this thing where if I disagree with something you say or you do have to burn your house down.


Yeah, it's gone. It's gone too far. Yes. You know, I have to you have to have scorched earth.


I will I will never do anything you ever do ever. Because that one thing you said on a tweet that I didn't even really understand, but I'm still pissed off about it because I think I'm supposed to be, you know, I mean, some of you people really need to get a life.




You really need to lighten up a little and just step up and, you know, have a little bit of idea that maybe someone that's different from you is also worthy of your respect.


There you go, Dave.


I mean, I the stuff the stuff we've learned in the year 2020 should have taught us that.


But instead, we all just have to just completely tear everything up. I will get hate for two days just for the segment honoring Rush.


Yeah, I'll be right there with you, Dave. I'm probably going to hate right you. You'll probably get more naked, but was you know, it's you know, it's just, you know, guys, we got it. We got to do better. We have to you got to be able to disagree with someone without being so dadgum disagreeable. Absolutely. It's just ridiculous. I didn't know that a story about Bishop Jakes. Absolutely. I didn't know he got Powell down.


Oh, yeah. And I went out and said, cancel, cancel culture. Hey, my mama. No, no, that's Bishop Jakes. And he sent it for the queen.


But he can't take care of you, really. You know, bring it, bring it, bring it. Yeah, he's not worried about it. He's got a really sizable backbone. Yeah.


So, you know, and I was praying for our president, that is the president of the United States of America. And he would like to pray for his policies come on day if you can pray for his health. Exactly. I mean, and I did the same thing for Barack Obama and we got some kind of bad thing to happen to the man personally.


Yes. I didn't agree with hardly any of his policies. We know that. But I know most people know that it's a widely publicized fact. But I still I don't have to be you know, I have to be such a jerk. And you're not Dave and man, sometimes I have been in the past. But I'll tell you what, I'm getting tired of people doing it. So I'm not putting on it day and man. Yeah. Now, when it comes to leasing a car.


Oh, I'll be a jerk. Oh, me too. I'm right there with you. Do any kind of debt you get get a credit card. Oh, let's just let's just get down on business right now. Yes. I woke up and I would scream at you. This is the Dave Ramsey. At Takeover's, we believe a great pair of cowboy boots won't just make you look taller, they'll give you the confidence boost that'll make you feel taller to attack us.


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Anthony O'Neal Ramsey personality is my co-host today here on The Dave Ramsey Show. I'm going to jump on the phones and talk to a friend. Multi Grammy Award winning platinum selling artist Lecrae is on the line. He's evolved into a New York Times best selling author as well, because there isn't anything this guy can't do.


Hey, look. How are you, man?


No, I'm doing better than I deserve, man. Honored to have you with us. Thanks for hanging out.


So I got to look through the new book. It's awesome. Oh, yeah.


Wow. Thank you. Thank you. That means a lot coming from you.


I am restored how I lost my religion but found my faith. Now the subtitle is a mike drop. I mean, that's awesome right there.


Good stuff.


So in a year like this restaurant, I mean, the year of 20/20, the dumpster fire of a year, restoration of any kind is a good thing, right?


Absolutely. So you had a lot of projects going talk about this message of restoration and why it was a big deal for you, particularly this year. Well, yeah, I think, you know, when you're talking about restoration, we're talking about the idea that the unfixable is fixable, that the unmanageable is manageable, that there is, you know, change is possible and this is not the end. This may be a very terrible chapter, but it's not the end of the story.


And I need to know that I need to know that emotionally, mentally, professionally, spiritually. And and once I came to that reality, I wanted to write something to help other people navigate that space in twenty twenty. As you say, it has been just devastating for so many people. And it's just, you know, it's divine. This book is coming out during the Centier. Yeah.


It's almost like you scheduled it or something or God did anyway.


So sometimes I mean, because you're you know, you're a little bit you're the cool dude. I mean, you're the hip hop artist with the Grammys. You're the best selling author. You're the entrepreneur best gospel album, fifteen Dove Awards.


You got all these things. And I'm blessed like you are to have gotten to know a lot of guys who have had that level of achievement.


And sometimes what's amazing to people is that they're looking at you from the outside is that everything's not always perfect on the inside, even though we've stacked up a few trophies and.


Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I mean, you know, you never thought you would be the candidate, that description is internally just in turmoil. But for me, I think that was probably too heavily focused on achieving. You know, I've had a lot of it's awful news that led me to subconsciously believe that the more I see, the more subtle. And it took me a long time to realize that if you look for people, you got a rejection.


So that was a hard to swallow and, you know, even. Even in the middle of someone like myself and wanting to manage my finances, well, I had a motivation, you know, was my motivation to be motivated, motivation to be perfect and have it all together so that I put myself on the back and others will do so.


Yeah, that is validation that the stage gives us sometimes can cover up this, the vulnerable side of what's really going on.


So one of the things I read that I loved about you, one of my favorite trips and I've been blessed to travel most all over the world, but one of my favorite trips I've ever taken is I've done several trips to Israel.


And I hear you guys that you went to Israel and that you were baptized in the Jordan Guf, most phenomenal trip of my life. I mean, I wish I could go back every week. It was just so amazing. I feel like I just barely scratched the surface of history. And, you know, it's so amazing for me that Jordan was being baptized in Jordan, which was more or less symbolic. It was just trying to follow in the footsteps of Jesus for me, which was, you know, just an incredible experience.


And so, yeah, I don't know, you know, if I've ever experienced anything quite as amazing as that trip, whether it was just the things that I had been learning for years and believing manifested themselves and came to life, or it caught me off guard because there was this collision in my brain between my faith and my knowledge of scriptures and the geography, the the modern times issues, the Old Testament, the New Testament.


And you're standing on both of them with one foot each and the proximity of things.


I couldn't believe.


I'm standing on Mount Carmel and I'm looking across the General Valley, which the Valley of Armageddon. And there's this little white village on the other side of the Mediterranean village. And so what's that over there? And the guys with us in Nazareth. And so I'm standing in the Old Testament looking across Armageddon at the New Testament. It just blows your mind, doesn't it?


That was that was probably the single most amazing part for me, was just seeing those places and thinking to myself, like, wait a minute. So they walked from here to here. So when you're reading through the you like, wait, they walked into one of the probably the single most amazing thing. I can't say a single most, but one of the most powerful things for me was that, you know, they don't you know, Israel doesn't make any graven images, no statues or anything like that.


So, you know, you don't see like, oh, this must be David because they made a statue of him here. But what they did find while I was there was a signet ring that was connected to a letter of someone who had acknowledged that he had been in a fight with Israel's King David. And it was like, wow, this was real. You know what I mean? Yes. Modern blowing. Yeah.


It puts a different I mean, the Bible stories that and you go, well, that was only two blocks over there or that was that was forty miles, you know, and you think about the proximity of things and it tied it all together.


I just came out and I said, you shouldn't be allowed to preach to you been there.


I mean, it's just, you know, it's pop up Bible. It changed everything.


Now, Dave asked the great question, bro, like you and I just got off the phone earlier. And you speak so vulnerable vulnerably about the trauma you've experienced in your life.


When you say like you experienced this stuff, how do you heal and how did you how do you teach that to others?


Yeah, well, you know. Healing is a process and it's going to look different for everybody, but I think. You know, it's it's it's laying some groundwork, it's doing the work, obviously, you know, as a believer, I believe that God is our healer. But but if he is, he usually works through natural processes to bring about a supernatural result. And so we often will say, oh, man, I have a heart condition, Lord, heal me.


Well, the healing is going to come through a nutritionist and in a workout that's probably going to happen. Or you say, God, I'm in debt, help me bring money and heal this, you know, financial dilemma that I'm in. What it's going to be a process, going to be a process of financial education and saving and so on and so forth. And so what I would tell people is that, you know, God is not transactional.


He's relational. So he's going to walk with you through your process, not snap his fingers and make it go away. You have to join in in that process. So you have to begin it and start the work. And for some is therapy. If it's a mental and emotional, you know, if it's physical, it may be exercise and eating. Right. You know, as you know. So all those different things are part of a healing process, but he makes them available to us.


So and I wouldn't be remiss let me say this, too, because I just want to acknowledge, Dave, that when the pandemic initially hit, you know, I'd already been through so much mental turmoil historically that I had never considered what to do about something like this. And, you know, all of the money that I had worked for over the course of my career, what was going to happen in the market and so on and so forth.


And and then, hey, man, I'm up on a commercial arm.


I have to cut you off. I look great in hip hop artist. The book is I Am Restored How I Lost My Religion But Found My Faith. Honor to spend time with your brother. Well, thanks for hanging out. This is The Dave Ramsey Show. You know what angers me as folks are going through some really hard times, identity thieves are using every opportunity to prey on us. The scams are endless. You need to be prepared. Zanders I.D. theft protection is the only plan I have ever recommended.


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Anthony O'Neal Ramsey personality is my co-host today here on the air, open phones, triple eight to five five two to five. Hope is in Grand Junction, Colorado. Hi, Hope. How are you?


Hey, you even get are you great?


How can I help? Well, first, I just want to say thank you. Thanks to you guys. My husband and I have put our forty thousand in debt and cash flow. The idea. Cool. Yeah. And that leads me to my question, because now we're expecting identical twins or.


Yes, touchdown. Yes, very exciting.


So for the last like five or six months, we've been living just on my husband's income just to make sure that we could survive on that because this is a high risk pregnancy. Sure. And I have been out of work for the last month or so. Sure. And we can survive on his in his base pay, but it's tight and it makes our mortgage 50 percent of our income. So I'm a planner and looking to go back to work after the babies come, I'm a nurse so I can work pretty flexible hours and I was looking at what it would take to make our mortgage the twenty five percent of our income.


Just so that, you know, I would like to work when they're little enough to keep us financially successful, but also work few enough hours to spend enough time with them while they're little. I mean, yeah. So that would be I would need to make like twenty three hundred dollars a month to make. Ah. And that would be net to make our mortgage a quarter of our income, but then daycare is eighteen hundred dollars a month. So I'm just curious what your thoughts are on that, because it kind of seems like two steps forward, one step back when the twenty three hundred would be what we would need to make, but then eighteen hundred would come right out of that.


What's your husband's career path look like. What's his income tracking. Possibly, possibly going up, but what kind of rate? I don't know about. I don't know about sizeable increases.


He's a wildland firefighters and he makes a lot more in the summer and then it obviously slows down in the winter. His income has increased every year, but not by huge amounts. Yeah.


So the truth is, if you want to stay home, you're probably in a different house, aren't you?


Yeah. And I don't necessarily want to stay home. I guess I'm just wondering how you do. You said you did. Yeah, well, I want to stay home enough. Like, I don't want to be at work all the time. So I guess I want to work part time.


Yeah, but you're telling me you can't afford to do that. I guess not in our house. Yeah, that's what you're saying. So, you know, basically it's OK to make a choice to move down in a house, to be a stay at home mom.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's kind of a cool choice, actually. It's a real cool choice. Yeah.


Or or we can look at what can you do from home to generate that income as far as in the side hustle. Are there any hobbies that you want to turn into a side business or anything from nursing that you can do from home?


Yeah, yeah. I've definitely started looking into what I could do more from home in the nursing field.


Yeah. And let's cut that, you know, because if you can generate that, even if it's not twenty three, 300, if you generate 1500. Yeah. And no daycare bill. Ding ding. I think we got a winner right. Yep. Sure. Yeah.


You know, have to get it all the way to 25 percent as long as your trajectory is up to the point of the 25 percent is just don't be house poor and 50 percent is just not sustainable isn't it.


Yeah. Something's going to come along and knock you off your stool if you do that.


He did I miss this. Do you have any other debt outside of your mortgage? So we are we were in the storm mode and we saved up 30000, so our only debt left is 17. So once these babies are here and I go back to work, we'll just pay that off right away.


Seventeen hundred or seventeen thousand. But she. Seventeen thousand. Thirteen thousand. She got a bit of an emergency fund after that. Yeah. You'll be in good shape. All of that's fine.


But that still is not going to cover. It's just not sustainable to stay at 50 percent. So we've got to do something. Yeah. And it doesn't sound like going back to work in the traditional model with the daycare is profitable enough to mess with. Right. Yeah.


And so you're going to have to do a non-traditional model or look at a move down, perhaps one of the two in order to accomplish your goals. And by the way, we completely affirm this goal.


Yeah, I mean, you guys have been wanting baby so long and you've gone through IVF.


And this is a I mean, it's more important than a house. It is. It's just it's you know, it's OK. There's nothing wrong with that. Yeah. And you have a different version of keeping up with the Joneses here.


Austin is with us in Las Vegas, Nevada. Hi, Austin. What's up? Hey, how you doing? Great, man. How can we help? Hi. So I'm 23 years old, working for my father for the last three years, making fifteen an hour. And I'm finally moving into the career field that I want to go into. And I start in two weeks. I'm going to be making double what I make now, so I'll be making thirty dollars an hour.


But my question is my, my father says that I need to open up a credit card account and build credit in order to get better. I think interest rates on when I go to buy a house. Mm hmm. And I, I don't have any credit at all. I don't. And I've been listening to you for a little over a year now, and I know that's not the right thing to do, but I just wanted to know why not to do that.


And yeah, that's that's my question.


Well, also, you know, why at 23 years old, you don't need any you don't need any debt and you don't want any debt. Let me put it like second, you don't need a credit score to pretty much a debt score to get a good interest rate on your mortgage. OK, I don't have a credit score. I didn't have a credit score. And I was able to get a solid interest rate on my mortgage that I have for my house just the other day.


Just the other day, like two weeks ago. And so here's what you need.


So it stops second. OK, the point is no disrespect, but your dad's just wrong. Yeah, he loves you. But his supposition is, is that you need to get a credit card to get a lower interest rate.


Anthony just told you he just did it with zero credit score.


And so apparently your dad's information is inaccurate. Yes, that changes the equation, doesn't it? Yeah, and it feels good to have a mortgage payment with no other debt and maybe just be real with you.


And so I would definitely say just just tell your father. Hey, Dad, thank you so much for your thoughts. I am respectfully going to respectfully disagree with you and follow the plan that I believe is best for me and my life.


But, Dad, I love you. And Dad, I appreciate you. Yeah.


You can be honoring to him. But, you know, one of the things about growing up is you discover that your parents don't know everything. Right. And some of the stuff they know is wrong.


Yeah. Yeah. It's just wrong. That's it. There's anything you can call it. It's just wrong. Is in Reno. Hi, Rebecca.


Welcome to The Dave Ramsey Show. Hello. Hi. What's up?


So my question is, my husband and I are in step for five and six and he's looking at changing his career path to doing financial advising where he is currently. He makes about fifty five percent of our income. So we would be cutting that in half.


What what's he make now? He makes about 65000 and he's going to make less than that.


And financial advisors? Well, we're not sure what he's going to make, so we're not going to make sixty five thousand in financial advising.


You shouldn't do it right. OK, so I just guess I'm trying to plan for worst case scenario, if he's absolutely horrible at it and.


Well, he's not going to get to keep doing it if he's absolutely horrible at it, OK.


A financial adviser who makes 30000 dollars a year ain't worth spit. You don't want to work with them.


OK, so he's failed. He's going to go back to a different career because he sucks. OK, that's not going to happen.


He's going to be OK. You can make sixty five thousand. So. Yeah, and no, I think I don't think you can plan for 35000 as an option.


It's going to be zero change careers back or 65 plus. Should be. Anyway, this is the Dave Ramsey Show. Anthony Neil Ramsey, personality number one, best selling author of the book Debt Free Degree, is my co-host today. Open phones are elite eight two five five two two five. Tim is in Orlando. I'm sorry, Toronto. Hey, Tim. How are you? I'm good. Thanks for taking my call. Sure. What's up?


I am currently my mortgage is just taking up too much of my income and was somewhat house poor. We've done well on the house and the investment, but I'm just looking towards the future and I'm wondering if I should take the equity I have in the home and change the lifestyle and put that in the bank for or invest in the long term goals, or if I should look at a multi-family home. To increase our yearly income and I'm looking for your advice on that.


So by taking the equity, you mean sell the house? Yes, OK. Sell the house now and go buy rental property, yeah, well, multifamily living a part of it. Rent part. Yes, that's right. Or put the money in an investment. One of the two. OK, so why can you not afford the house.


Yeah. The cost of living is high up here, and I don't have another way of earning more income. What is your income? But I mean, what's your income? Their household is about one hundred and five. That includes current rental income from a basement apartment, my salary and the government gives us a baby bonus, OK?


And so why can't you make it on 105? Just the cost of living, how much is the mortgage payment? Pakistan is only fourteen hundred a month. My wife at home with and she's home schooling our four boys. Something wrong with your numbers, brother? How much other debt have you got? I have we just renovated the basement last year, so the total is one hundred thousand dollars for the for the Rayno and. And 250 on the mortgage, so I'm in for 350 right now.


That's all, you don't have a car payment, you don't have a student loan, no, they're all paid off. OK, so so your renovation loan, which, by the way, is on the same piece of real estate, is not a separate investment is how much is it? I mean, what's the payment on it? It's. About nine hundred a month. OK, so put your 4300 with 150000 lower income is still doable. Yeah, I still don't know where you're staying.


I don't think you're doing a budget. Yeah, I don't think you have a written plan.


When when we bought 10 years ago, I was following your plan and we fell away from it because the house prices were a big percentage of the income you have and you keep talking about the standard of living or the cost of living in house prices.


And yet your house payment is not a problem in the numbers you're giving us.


Yeah, because I mean, net, you should bring it home by seven or eight grand.


And so you looking at our net is sixty six hundred.


But still, even with that, a fourteen hundred dollar mortgage payment. It's not difficult to. Yeah, that's doable. Well you got another 900 on top of that. You may need to refinance the second end of the year into a new first and get a lower payment overall to hold on.


But no, you should not sell the house because of the numbers anyway. If you want to sell it for another reason, that's fine. And no, you definitely should not sell the house and buy a rental. I think you have a rental kick. You put one in the basement.


Now you want to buy a multifamily and you need stay away from that crap. You're broke right now. You're trying to get this thing lined up. But the numbers you're giving us, I don't think you're doing a written budget. You got to have our you got to have to plan the money out because it's not they're not that far off. Now, again, the 900 plus the fourteen hundred. But you're 2300 out of 60, 600. So that's a third.


You're 33 percent. That's higher than we would like.


But even that is doable. Yes. If you're on a plan and you guys, you know, quit spending the rest of your money on other stuff, I don't know where your money's going, but you don't either.


Right. And so you're going to have to ride it out. The budget makes you feel like you got it right. Absolutely.


And that's one thing I really want to tell them. And when it comes down to a written budget, Tim, I really want you to check out every dollar. And I think for you, here's a practical tip is once you write down all of your income and there must be some other expenses in there, you just not tell. And Dave and I, because I hear the stress in your voice, I'm trying to figure out where is that coming from?


So there's something else that you just you don't know. So I want you to write down all of your expenses, and it should total up to zero if you're in the negative to give us a call back and we can walk you through those numbers. But I think you need to know exactly what all is going out, because I think that's the main thing. You're talking about your income, but you're missing something that's going out.


Well, there's four boys in there and that's something going out with that amount of money. But still but it's still doable.


Lots of people do it on less naps. And so that's the thing.


And I think I think you're going to do the first thing you've got to do is get the operations of the current situation under control before you start talking about changing the situation. Yeah, the situation is not the problem. Yeah, it's the fact you're not operating where you are. Well, first, let's start there. Yeah.


Is with us in Los Angeles. Hi, Andrew. Welcome to The Dave Ramsey Show. Oh, thank you for taking my call, Dave. How are you? Better than I deserve. What's up? Well, just a little background, newly married and all this Congreso wonderful, beautiful wife, you know. And our question is we are trying to get pregnant within the next month or so. We also want to buy our house by June of next year.


Nope. We're in baby step three B and we have about 200 to 25000 saved up so far. We want to know how much we put aside for the baby and just really cash for the get our dream home, which is probably around 250.


And you have two hundred thousand dollars saved cash. Yeah, my wife was an awesome, you know, Dave Ramsey person, and she had a house that she sold about a month after we got married and probably made about 250. So. OK, and very good. That's awesome. Well, good, so you're going to buy a house with the money from herl house, that's not a problem for the baby.


Shouldn't you have health insurance? We both of. So what's the baby gonna cost? I think you don't know Well, yeah, you do. I mean, it's hard to hear people say, you know, save up money or not. I want to know, you know, just make sure I listen to what your household income.


About 175. OK, so diapers and formula fit in your budget. You don't have to save up money. Absolutely. Now, here's the thing, though, Andrew. You're not paying cash for 225 in Los Angeles. He said he's going to put it down on 600.


OK, ok, OK. Right. And what you said. Yeah, correct. OK, OK, so you got a down payment of 600, you don't need fifty thousand dollars to have a baby. No, OK, you need enough to cover the the portion of the medical bills for labor and delivery that the insurance doesn't cover. And you need an emergency fund anyway. Right. But other than that, the rest of this money is your down payment.


And that's cool. All right, so we're not reaching too far, trying to go for like six fifty seven hundred, maybe not making 175 with 225 down. No, that's only a few hundred thousand dollar mortgage. That's very doable. 15 year fixed rate. Correct. No variable. No, 30. But it'll it'll be less than a fourth of your take home pay. You're making really good money. Yeah. Yeah. Very, very cool.


That's interesting how a lot of people day feel that they need a lot of money when they have babies. I get nervous every time I hear that. Like, you need that much money to have a baby.


Well, and all the baby magazines, really stupid articles that a baby costs cost 462 thousand dollars to raise a child from emphysema. 18.


No, it doesn't. You're already buying the electricity. Yeah, you're already paying the mortgage out. Putting an infant in the same room with the electricity and under the same roof does not cost more.


Right. They don't eat that much, for God sakes. You can't get them to eat half the time.


So, you know, it's like what what are some clothing? Yes. You know, there's a little bit of stuff here. There if you're going to spend like a bazillion dollars on their sports, are on their school or something, you can spend a lot of money. But it really they're participating as a part of a family and the family has economies of scale. Yeah.


So, yeah, early you got some pediatrician bills the first year it's federal law. You pay the pediatricians payment every month and that's that's first year, baby. But after that I mean in some formula or whatever and some diapers.


But it's really not like, oh God, we're going to go broke. We make a hundred ninety five thousand dollars a year and one kid is going to notice. Man, I was about to say, I'm not having any kids.


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Hey, it's James, producer of The Dave Ramsey Show. This episode is over, but check the episode notes for links to products and services you've heard about during this episode. Thanks for listening.