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Live from the headquarters of Ramsey Solutions, broadcasting from the car rental studio. This is the Dave Ramsey Show where America hangs out to have a conversation about your life and your money. I'm Dr. John Maloney and I'm with the number one best selling author, podcast and YouTube sensation, Mr. Anthony O'Neal. Man, thank you so much, sir.


We are taking your calls about your relationships, about your money, about your life. You ready to rock and roll? I am.


All right. Let's go to Mike in Chicago, Illinois. Mike, how we doing, brother?


I'm living the dream. How are you gentlemen doing? Actually, the same. You betcha, man. How can we help? Perfect. Well, my wife and I will be making some additional payments to your mortgage, but we recently decided that we want to really continue to move or drive only currently only about one hundred sixty two thousand on it. And we have some different ideas on how to approach it. One of the accounts that we have is a it is an investment of forty five thousand.


And she wants to essentially close that account and throw towards the mortgage. But I'm rather hesitant on that because it took me a long time to convince her to even open an investment account. What are your guys stance on that, Mike?


Is this your only investment account, too? I'm asking you have a fallback. What kind of investment account is it? OK, what kind of investment account is this? It's mostly mutual funds. OK, yeah, we're not touching that, but yeah. Yeah, we're not going to touch that.


I'm curious why why does your wife want to go into your retirement plan to pay off your mortgage.


Is there a concern there was. Give us give us that answer.


No, there's no real concern there. She grew up rather poor. So I think she's hesitant on having money, which she can't really see and owing money in case something bad were to happen. We do have a sizable nest egg, you know, in case of an emergency does come off. And we will out on our own case as well. On. OK. All right, yeah, so here's the thing, I love the fact that you all want to pay off the house, but I do not want you to pull from your investment account.


What's your household income right now? About 170, that's combined income. Correct. OK, cool, great, yeah, so about 170 you owe 162 on it, and if you are really just good aggressive over the next three to four years, you are going to have to stay paid off. So don't touch your retirement. I'm curious, how much is the house worth? About 250. Yeah. So you all in a good place, bro.


Just go ahead and sit still. Do not touch your retirement accounts. You're making great income. Sit down with your wife and say, you know about anything. You want to go ahead and aggressively attack this loan. But I do not want to pull from our future. This mortgage is actually making us a little bit of money. So let's go ahead. And here's the game plan to how we can pay this off in the next three to four years.


Will you commit to this with me and just had that conversation with you?


OK, great. All right, man. Thank you for calling it.


All right. Let's go to Hannah in Spokane, Washington. Hannah, you were on with Jon and Anthony. How can we help? He Anthony hey, John, thanks for taking my call, I appreciate it. Thank you.


So I have just begun to tap into my passion and I feel like it's God's calling for me. And actually, the thing that really just it's just, you know, with the match was on the Dave Ramsey site looking for jobs. And I said, I'm looking for another personality and I don't have the experience to do this. But so I started doing my own research and I have a passion and a deep desire to reach single women, single moms who have been through domestic violence and homelessness and financial insecurity.


And those are all things that I have been through myself. So my only experience is my personal experience. And I have reached out to a few different churches in my community, as well as some non nonprofit organizations that serve that specific demographic of women. And my question is, or what advice can you give me to continue pursuing this in a professional manner but also still be making money? I'm only on baby step two. And so I just found you guys in July.


I'm still pretty new to the Dave Ramsey plan and whatnot, but I also want to be pursuing my passion and the calling that God has for me.


So that's a great question. I can tell you my journey and Anthony can tell you his. I've worked full time jobs until I stumble. This is a full time job, too, until I stumbled into Dave and his team.


I've worked full time gigs and speaking has been a part of those jobs ever since.


And whether that was when I was a professor or an administrator or a teacher, I would. And whether it was worth teaching at a local church or at a local school or speaking after hours or meeting with groups beforehand, speaking for me was just a part of my day to day job. And so I didn't get paid for that outside of maybe a tiny honorarium here and there. And when I was working for the state, I did it for free because the state was paying my salary and I thought that was the right thing to do.


And then where I would say, you cut your chops, you learn how to speak by just speaking and you speak as often as you can, but also you only speak if you've got something to say. There's so many people who are chasing microphones and they're chasing screens and it's just the same people repeating the same people's stuff. And it's the world does not need any more noise anymore. Gong's where I really felt like I turned a corner. And what we were talking about, what I was talking about was when I started teaching real students, grad students and undergrad students, and when I started working with people one on one, and that's when I got outside of my experience and were my truth was not the way it's going to be.


But I started learning. A whole bunch of people have a whole bunch of different experiences in that these the same answers kept coming up and bubbling up and bubbling up. And so it was a lot of one on one experience, some schooling, some training, and then a lot of speaking engagements all over the place, most of which I didn't get paid for. What about you, Anthony?


You know, I think, man, I followed had a method that Ken Coleman talked about that I definitely want you to get you know, I would give it to you for free, but I want you to make an investment into you. So I want you to purchase King Coma's book called The Proximity Principle. One of the things that I did for myself was when I identified that I really wanted to help people. And at that time it was helping teens and today has grown into helping millennials, minorities and, you know, individuals with their money and really accomplishing their goals.


And it has something to say. And I really learn. Could you say it like, hey, I don't have the expertise? Well, let me be honest with you, Hannah. I don't have the expertise needed to be on this phone, OK?


I don't have a bachelor's degree. I don't have a master's degree. I don't have a doctorate degree. But let me tell you what I do have. I have a passion. Let me tell you what I do have. I have a story. I have experience. Let me tell you what I do have. I have people around me who have bachelor's doctorates who who are good in their field. And so the very first name for yourself is you've got to stop telling yourself you don't have the expertise and really tell yourself you do have something to offer.


And so I want you to want work on your message to get around other speakers and powerful people and then from there to start building that by. So right now, go get the book parsimony principle and you'll notice when you get in proximity of other speakers and powerful individuals, you will have a stage to speak of. This is the Dave Ramsey Show. With all the uncertainty in the world, there's enough for you to worry about. That's why my good friends are simply safe.


Are there for you ready to protect your whole home from burglars, fires, burst pipes and more 24/7. Emergency dispatch starts at just 50 cents a day visit simply safe direct dotcom today. And my listeners will get a free security camera. Plus free shipping and a 60 day risk free trial. This is Dave Ramsey Show.


This is John Deloney with my good friend Anthony O'Neal. We are taking your calls about life, taking your calls about money. Let's go out to Atlanta, Georgia, and talk to our good friend, Adam. Adam, how are we doing, man?


Very well. How are yourselves? Outstanding. How can we help, man?


Well, the other question I've been fairly familiar with your show. Dave Ramsey didn't listen to those YouTube videos. For the past two or three months, I've been hearing more and more about stay out of debt and everything like that. I have been slowly adopting that idea in my mind. Now, I know that you mentioned about paying off debt except the House for a while if the goal is to get out of debt. Mind you, I'm not a homeowner, but if the goal is to get out of debt, why save up for a down payment on a house to get into debt for a home?


And if you are to get into debt to get a home, how do you do that without getting a credit score or anything like that?


Great question, Matt. I like the way you think in already two or three months into the game, man. Well, welcome to the team. And hopefully you can adopt all the way into the game. But to answer your first part of your question, why do we suggest that you have a down payment to get back into debt? Our suggestion is not for you to jump back into debt. Our number one suggestion is if you could pay cash for your mortgage, pay cash for that is the best and our preferred option.


But we do understand that the average person in America is not going to save up four or five, six hundred thousand dollars to purchase a home. And so we believe that it is OK to purchase a home because for the most part, that is an asset. And so we also want you to get into that very, very wisely so you can get out of it very quickly. So you say to put 10 or 20 percent down finances over 15 years and boom, because we've also learned that the average millionaire person has a net worth of a million dollars or more, pays off their home mortgage within a matter of eleven years.


So when you get that 15 year fixed rate mortgage, more than likely you'll pay that thing off in between seven and 11 years. So then on the flip side, if you have no debt like myself and like John and like the other personalities that we have here, how do you get a you know, how do you get a mortgage without actually having any any debt? Great question. This is called manual underwriting. We fully endorse and I personally use them myself and they're called church your mortgage.


So they don't really go by my credit score. They go by, you know, did I pay my last mortgage on time? Did I pay my rent on time? If I was renting? They were actually to bringing your electricity bill. They asked you to bring in stuff and they will manually underwrite you and look at your your situation. So and it's not in church. A mortgage is one who we prefer. Now, there are several others out there who do manual underwriting.


So that's not just one particular bank. There are banks out there who do it. But Churchill, from our study and our relationship over the last few years, they're the best way to do it. So you can get a mortgage without having debt. A mortgage still is debt. Let me be real with you. Mortgage is still a debt now, but that is one debt that we are OK with our our team, our tribe, our followers and our our loved ones to have.


Because if they do it our way, the average person will get out of it within between seven and 11 years. Makes sense. Adam, you still there? Good man. Well, we lost them. That's all right. All right, let's go out to let me ask you this, Adam. Are you still there? Down here, OK? There we go. All right, great. So that makes sense. Yeah, that makes sense.


And I just curious because I've been personally burned particularly by that and want to stay away as much as possible. So hence the question. Good for you.


Yeah. I mean, and I'll tell you this, Adam, I just took out a mortgage I've been renting. I haven't got anybody money in years and I just took out a mortgage and it already is hanging on me. I've already had a meeting with my boss here to how can we accelerate? It's already weighing on me.


And so it's not debt that we love. In fact, we hate it. It's something that we tolerate just because of how hard it is to save up for that long to to pay cash for a house. Yeah. So it's not preferential, but it's the only one who will tolerate and it's even that it's with with a really wrinkled up face. Right.


Yeah. It has the keyboard tolerate. That's right. That's right.


Yeah. Yeah. But I appreciate your call and man welcome aboard. Like Anthony said, let's go out to Eugene in Edmonton, Alberta. Eugene, how are we doing? Good, man.


Good. John and Anthony, thanks for taking my call, guys. And thank you, man. How can we help? I'm just got a quick question. I've got some long term plans coming up. And basically the situation I'm out right now is I've been making the lump sum payments on my mortgage for quite some time, and I've got some pretty decent equity. And now what I'm kind of trying to decide if I should just keep doing what I'm doing or if I should now start looking for the investment side of things.


OK, talk to us a little bit. What's your household income right now? 200 to 200 a year, no debt. And how much is your house worth?


Last I checked was 450. And how much do you own it right now to sixty to sixty. How much do you have in your emergency savings account?


I'm sitting at about fornicators. Let's go brother. How old are you man. Thirty five. James, let's go.


Let's go man. You thirty five years old. No.


Well hold on. No investments or you know, retirement savings or anything. I trippin.


Don't bring yourself to me. Listen, we're going to have five. You listen. Nashville to Edmonton. Yeah.


I brought you one year younger than me, OK? And you got forty in an account. You got over about 200000 of the equity in your house and you making 200000 dollars a year, you single.


You know, that's household income. That's household income. So you're a married man. Any kids don't want that. OK, cool. Yes. So what I want to do is stop going after the mortgage aggressively right now. All right. I want to go ahead and fully fund your 401k and your Roth IRA. OK, so right now I want you to go in there and match it Max, out to whatever your company is matching you and your wife.


OK, and then from there, what I want to do is go open up a Roth IRA and max out out of the sixty five hundred dollars a year. OK, then from there, if that's still not fifteen percent, then I am OK. Maybe looking into an S&P if you want to or going back and just going ahead and just upping some more in your 401k. But you with your kind of income, I would highly recommend for you to sit down with a smart Vesterbro because here's why you're not just also investing into your and your wife's future, but I also want to invest into your child's future as well.


How old is your child again?


She's going to be three. OK, so three years old right now is a great time to go ahead and drop some money into a 529 plan. So that way, when she gets ready to go off to college, you sit with anything between 70 to 100 thousand dollars, send her off to school.


And so that's one thing I really, really want you to do is slow down a little bit on going after and paying off the mortgage, sit down with your wife and say, okay, let's start dreaming about our future, because right now I'm so concerned about our present. But I want to think about our future. I want to think about our child's future. I want to think about our retirement accounts. I want to think about what is it that when do we want to retire?


You know what age? Because our good friend Chris Hogan said this one thing which is so good is said retirement is not age, but it's a retirement. No, it's a financial no. How much money do you want to make a month to retire when you two have that number? That's what you're working towards. Then when you get to that number, you retire. So once you step back, sit down, smart Vesterbro go to Smart a pro dotcom, sit down with them and tell them, hey, here, here's our goals.


Here's what we currently have. Here's my income. And I promise you right now they are going to help you really be good. But what you need to do right now is going ahead and start investing into your 401k. If they match and brother five percent, you give them five percent.


Then you go over tomorrow and you open up an account with Smart Vesterbro and you get a Roth IRA. And then if you still got some money there, Axum, can you look into it, S&P maybe or some other retirement accounts so we could be investing into for our 15 percent? And also, how do we open up a 529, set my child up to win?


I love it. Boy, oh, boy, I just got excited, I just got excited. A young man, 35 years old, with some money in a camp, he's way ahead of the game.


So listen here, man.


This in here, man. This is what this is why I'm here. I don't know why you hear people like you. This is why I'm here for young people like that. What? Oh, listen, man, this is the Dave Ramsey Show. Give us a call at eight eight two five five two two five. Listen, there are some basic things that you should be doing to take care of your family, a roof over their head, food to eat, a car to get you from A to B and term life insurance, term life insurance is an immediate need no matter where you are in the baby steps, since your family is at no greater risk than when you're in debt.


The only place I send you for this is to Zander Insurance. They shop all the top insurance companies and they're committed to serving you. That's why I use them and have recommended them for over 20 years. Go to Zanda dot com are called eight hundred three, five, six, 42, 82.


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Don't let an emergency sneak up on you. Protect your family now. And let's go, Anthony, to Blind's dotcom. Find out for yourself why Blonde's Dotcom is the number one retailer of custom window covering. You get free samples, free shipping with the new promos they run every month, you'll save even more. Use promo code Ramsey to get the best deal. Rules and restrictions apply. Today's question comes from Holly in California. She visits Dave Ramsey Dotcom to ask.


My husband and I were both married for over 15 years to other people and we've been married to each other for four years. I was on baby step four before we married. He had 10000 dollars in debt from the previous marriage. And of course, I have enough in the bank to pay our debts. So for the last four years I've been, well, nagging. His mom says the first words were me. Do it.


He he's especially sour right now, having been laid off and doing covid jobs he doesn't like for much less. He could much of me, but he doesn't. He says he has no pipe dreams for if he had money, he can't imagine having me enough. How do I nag less and address this in a way that preserves this great man's dignity?


Who? It sounds like you're a a questionnaire out the day.


Go ahead and let me know. What do you think, Anthony?


I think she has to have a conversation. The definition of nag. I don't know what what she means by nagging, but I definitely do believe that they need to have a serious conversation.


Yeah, I, I think they've got a pronoun problem. I think she's got a pronoun problem and he's got a pronoun problem. Yep. They've been married for four years so there's not I've got money in my account to pay off our debts. Yep. Yep it is. We are married. There you go. That is our money. Mm hmm. And I think the way you can preserve this man's dignity and I love your heart in this absolute love your heart.


Holly from California, how do you nag less? You get somebody on the same team. Yeah. You speak positive, you become connected. And it's not a how do I get him to do what I want him to do? It's, hey, let's us get together and so we can do.


Yes, we want to do. Yes, right. Yes. And when you're connected on a team, people pull their weight and you don't have to resort to nagging. Nagging has never solved any problem in the history of the universe. Absolutely.


That's never solved and it will not solve anything. Now, honestly, it would just make things actually a little bit worse.


So it just brings gasoline to a fire. Nagging, complaining, whining. Yes. Men and women, it accomplishes nothing, nothing, like I said, men and women there, John, every everybody being in, everybody nags and whines to complains. It does nothing. Sit down and have a conversation that involves the right pronouns.


US, we our. Where are we going? Yes. How can I love and support you? And here is how you can love and support me on our journey.


Yes. Great question, Holly. Such a great question. It sounds complex, but it's easy. Yeah. Go get it. Go love them. All right, let's go to the phones.


Let's go to Zach in Phoenix, Arizona. Brother Zach, how are we doing?


Gentlemen, it's good to talk to you again. I've got a quick question for you. Yeah, my amazing wife in Maine has just become one hundred percent debt free.


All right. Way to go, Zach. We paid off our house.


We're almost to the million mark. We're fully invested in Ross or One's HSA. We hooked up with one of your amazing smart the pros. What do we do with this surplus of money?


Well, let's talk about this, brother. I love these kind of phone calls. Surplus money. OK, so you all are fully invested already, OK? And you have a paid for home because you're own baby number seven, correct? Yep. All right.


Talk to me. What do you want to do, man? Do you have any investment properties out there? Do you have any business ideas out there? Do you have any dream vacations? Are you even in your dream home? Like what? Right now, baby number seven is to build wealth and give.


So where where do you to see yourself going?


So we started the remodel on the house 12 years ago and we're just about done. So it's really our home. OK, so man, I feel kind of guilty right now spending the money I'm spending on the house because I'm having to bring in contractors for health reasons. But the house is 100 percent and we love it. Well, why do you feel guilty? But there's a lot of money, I mean, but but but but but you're making good money and you're debt free and you worked hard.


The main reason that's so guilty is my wife is the breadwinner. So I feel like I'm spending her money. I know that. No. Yeah. Yeah.


That's the pride in their Zachery. That's the pride in you, because I'm pretty sure of your wife was there. She was saying, my husband is every bit of a man and he's every bit of a leader. And this is our money. Yes, she makes the money, but it's YouTube's money and that you have to get that out of your head, that you're spending her money.


No, you're spending your money as long as you to sit down and you all have a clear budget, which I'm pretty sure by baby step seven, you two have a budget. You know, Anzac's spend that money proudly because it's not just you're not spending her money for yourself gain. You two are spending money for the both of you. So enjoy that season. But let me ask you this question. Outside of the house, outside of, you know, making things better for you, how are you all being a giver?


Like what's making you all feel joyful and proud and and smile? Or do you all have any of that in your life right now?


Come around the holidays, we do. My wife, yeah, she sat on the board for a local charity company. Yeah. And she actually not only donate money, she donated her time to that. Yeah. So we did stuff like that.


Zach and I want you to make giving a regular part of your life nice. Not a not a holiday seasonal thing. I want you and your wife to once a month go on a date at 11 o'clock at night to a local diner. And I want you to tip that waitress a thousand bucks. I want you to change her year and you're going to find out, man, that date is going to change your heart, her heart.


It's going to it's got to change her. Her monthly future is going to change her grocery bill, but it's going to give you some peace. And I want you and your wife to begin investing in giving in ways that you guys have never done before.


Is that just go before eleven o'clock at night, brother?


Well, here's why I say that is when I say that because nobody's working eleven o'clock shifts at a local diner because they want to.


But I don't think there are any restaurants open at 11 o'clock bro.


In Arizona there is there Zach. Yeah. Restaurants. But I'll be honest with you, that's how we got this far as I make my lunch every day we eat dinner at home. Good for you. Literally, when the washer breaks, I fix it. We don't go buy new washers and refrigerators. So I couldn't tell you if there's restaurants open or not.


I want you to find ways you can blast people that you normally couldn't bless. Yeah, you will be a light and you're going to find that you thought getting to that seven figure mark was fun. Wait till you start watching people light up like a Christmas tree because you've put groceries in the refrigerator.


You fed their kids, you've helped them get new clothes. You've become a little gift and a light to them. You're going to find a an opening in your heart and mind and soul that you didn't know existed.


Yeah. So so the principle here is that is to, number one, go ahead and find a way to be a blessing, to be a generous giver and to find a way where you can invest this money, maybe into a business, maybe into a rental property. How do you build more wealth now so you can leave some money to, you know, your grandkids or to your families and give more away. So figure out a way to to to feel that giving me and also how do we continue to building wealth so we can continue building our homes and building our communities.


And. This is the Dave Ramsey Show, we're taking your calls, intraplate eight two five five two two five. John Delaney with my good friend Anthony O'Neal. Hey, John. Taking your calls on life and money. What's the number eight eight two five five two two five. That's eight eight two 552 25. Hey, man.


So your show has been booming right now.


Yeah. I mean, why? I mean why.


I don't know, man. I don't know. I don't I'm still figuring out how radio works. You know why? Because people are calling with authentic hard questions, real issues.


And you are an authentic, real brother who's going to answer the questions.


You don't have the political or the the safe answers. You're just real.


I'm not good on radio. I stumble my words, too, but I don't have good entrances and exits. But here's the deal. We're going to sit and we're going to get through the bottom. We're going to talk through solutions.


We're going to help people find the next crooked wobbly step. Yes, sir. Yes. And we're doing it together. But, yeah, it's it surprised me. I think it surprised everybody. It's taken off and taken its own little universe spin around the spin around the galaxy for a minute.


Man. I love it, man. So we're having fun, but I appreciate that.


Yeah. Just I just want the world to know, like, man, they need to honestly go check out your YouTube channel, you know, and just really listen to your show and listen to me, America or wherever you are, if you're dealing with any issues around anxiety, around depression, around a relationship, questions, you need help. And I believe Dr. D, the first person that can tell you where to go, how to start the conversation, how to start healing and where to go for follow ups after the conversation.


And so I encourage you, I want to encourage you this guy has some great stuff coming up. Check out his YouTube show, check out his podcast, check out his social media. And I don't say this about everybody, but I definitely I like real, authentic people because I'm really authentic. I'm flawed. You're flawed. And so America, check them out. Yo, check them out. I had to give my brother some. Thank you.


I appreciate the game. I appreciate it.


Let's go to Sue in Seattle. Sue, how in the world are you doing?


Hi guys. Thank you so much for everything. You guys are doing everything. And thank you so much for taking my call. Thank you for calling. How can we help? So my story on personal finance, we have tickets expecting a baby number three in next February, we started our journey feedstuff journey back in August 2019, became debt free in January 2012. We just finished our thirty K emergency plans in July and started baby steps for three six last month.


And we have an appointment with this month Asako on Friday to talk about investments and whatnot. However, hold on, hold on before you go. So before you go. Yes. Can we pause for a second and just celebrate that you just blew through that you've got a beautiful new baby coming in February. You just reached some major financial and relational milestones. Can we just clap for you for a second? That's incredible, Sue. I know it's so it's all because of your help.


No, no, no, no, no. We put a plan up on a bulletin board somewhere. You're the one that actually ground it out and did the hard work. Now, that's facts. You are the rock star. Yeah. And it's I know when you get in it and you were Gizelle intense and you were sprinting through the jungle trying to, you know, through the savanna, trying to trying to get safe. It's easy just to go to the next thing and the next thing and the next thing.


I want to stop for a second and pause and congratulate me to go.


All right. So now that we're we've laid the foundation, what's your question?


So now that's on a personal side. No, I am a small business owner, OK? I turn around and see my 64000 dollar SBA loan process. OK, yeah. So I don't know if we're supposed to apply the same baby stuff to my small business or whatnot. I'm not sure what they should do about my small business.


Well, the key thing here is we want to go ahead and get that loan taking care of. All right. What do you generating profit a year with your business right now. As far as. I mean, like the income that I will get from a small business, our business is about 140000, OK?


About what is your business profiting? Because I'm pretty sure that your business has to be. Well, it may not be. Is your business profiting anything and keeping it in the savings for their business? For your business?


It's close to three hundred. OK, so close to 300000. Yes. I'm betting I'll go ahead and just cut that. I mean that. Do you have any savings in your right now for your business.


I have a little over 10 grand. OK, little over 10 grand.


So this is what I'm going to do. I will go on ahead and start paying off that SBA. I'm going to attack that A.S.A.P., OK? That's the very first thing I'm going to do. I don't have a problem with you keeping that money in a savings account for your business right now, because that is important. I do believe that is important. But I was definitely sit down and going ahead and map out how am I going to take this loan?


And if you're profiting 300000 dollars in a 12 month time frame, this technically means you should be able to knock this out within a matter of three to four months if you really strategically do this thing correctly. So going into Q1 of next year or going out of Q1 of next year, your company should be debt free.


Now, how about innit? Like I said, I have a study came from that personal account, I shouldn't apply that towards the business.


No, no, no, absolutely not, because that's your personal. All right. That's a personal. We need your personal life. We need we need you all to have a solid foundation. I do not want you to rob from your personal and put your family at jeopardy for the sake of your business. All right. Your business is producing income. So let's go ahead and leave that over here to decide. Let's go ahead and just sit down and start allocating funds that you're from.


You're from what your business is making to go towards paying off that loan. But it is so much today. No problem at all. Thank you so much for calling in. Fantastic question. So let's go to Jonathan in Atlanta. Jonathan, what's going on, brother?


Thank you so much for taking my call. I want to thank you all for being such a good spiritual source of strength for me as a man of God. I have gotten a lot out of watching all my questions, not finance related, but what I'm struggling with is the social skills in the workplace because you have to have good social skills in order to thrive in the workplace.


That's true. So tell me what you're struggling with. I'm struggling with the with a gentleman who has a heart of gold.


I'm a paramedic working 96 hours a week. I do show up for work early, 30 minutes early. You know, I'm doing I'm a competent employee, competent paramedic. My partner is as well. I'm struggling with I guess I'm either frustrated with him or it seems like he is. I guess the term would be upstaging me while I'm doing my patient assessments and constantly interrupting me or it feels it like he's mad dog at me. If you are familiar with that term.


And I can't control his actions, but I can control mine, I can control my mindset and I'm just looking for a way to I've already explained it to him that he can't do that.


It's had that conversation well, had that conversation go.


It was it was fine. And he said he would stop doing it, doing it. But last night it did.


He did not stop. So I don't know how I'm not going to escalate it because we're men. We should handle it between each other. I respect that.


So let me give you a couple of thoughts here, Jonathan. One is MS is hard work. And when I say hard work, not in the brick and mortar sense, even though it is, but it's hard in the trauma sense. Right. You'll see some stuff that people aren't supposed to see. You guys experience things that most people would never in a million years imagine. You go see, I've been on the side of the road with y'all.


I've been in homes with you guys. Y'all are the the heroes in the darkest hours of the night. And people respond to trauma in different ways. And sometimes folks respond to trauma by puff on their chest out and trying to breathe deeply and trying to show how big and tough they are in a scary moment. So it may be that your partner isn't as much of a jerk as much as he's struggling.


And if he if you had a conversation with him, number one, two and a half, five you for not throwing a temper tantrum on the side of the road, but you were able to have a conversation with him.


He heard you respected you. So I want you to follow up with him again. And I want you to say we're going to come up with a code, with a word that when I hear you mad dogging me, I'm going to say, hey, brother, and then he's going to catch himself and he's going to have to learn new ways to respond to trauma. I love your heart, man, and I appreciate you trying to do it respectfully and also in a way that that retains your character, his dignity.


That's awesome. This has been the Dave Ramsey Show.


This is James Childs, producer of The Dave Ramsey Show. On your smart speaker, you can add our skill by saying, Alexa, open the Ramsey network skill. From there, you can listen to all our shows. Ask Dave money questions like how do I invest my money or what is the debt snowball? Find out more at Dave Ramsey, Dotcom Smart Speaker.


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Hey, it's James, producer of The Dave Ramsey Show. This episode is over, but check the episode notes for links to products and services you've heard about during this episode. Thanks for listening.