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Live from the headquarters of Ramsey Solutions, broadcasting from the Daily Car Rental Studio, this is the number one show in America, the Dave Ramsey Show, where America hangs out to have a conversation about your life, your money, your relationships, your mental health. My name is Antonio, host of the popular YouTube show The Table with Anthony O'Neal and cohosting today with me is one of my favorites, Dr. John Deloney, host of the YouTube and podcast show The Dr.


John Deloney show the number here, eight 8255 two two five eight eight two five five two two five. And America. Listen, some of you all I know right now are frustrated. I know some of you right now are saying, what am I going to do different this year to change what happened last year? I do not want to experience the financial letdowns I had in 2020. I want a new life. I want to reset my goals, my vision, my life.


They said, oh, we did that. We did it. How do we do it? We did it.


January one. We had this Kumbaya moment with ourselves in our little journals, in our day planners with all those frickin ribbons in them.


We did it. Yeah. And then twenty, twenty one. Yeah. Shot out of the cannon and backwards and hit us in the mouth. Yes.


And here we are again. Here we are again.


And we got to reset again gay guys. And so tonight our good friends, Dave Ramsey, Chris Hogan, Rachel Cruz and Craig wasHow are hosting a free can I say this one more time, free f r e free reset livestream event to kick start your money goals for twenty twenty one. They're going to give you the motivation and guidance you need to hit the reset button and say goodbye to money stress for good. So I want you to text the word reset our reset to three three seven eight nine.


So somebody on that you're not texting to work. And let me tell you right now, your wife is going to thank you for texting the word reset. Your husband is going to thank you for text. In a word, reset your children, your great grandchildren, your family are going to thank you down the road at the end of this year for texting the word reset to three three seven, eight, nine. You know why? Because your life is going to change tonight.


And what else are you going to be doing? Nothing. Yeah, we are. Do we're going to be. You're not. You're not. You know, you're really not.


And here's the thing for me. You know, everyone needs a reset in life. You can't reach your money goes if your mind is not in a healthy play place. One of the key things, John, I'm teaching specifically millennials, because that's that's my target audience, is that your mind is a business. And when I say your mind is a business, I tell young people, mind your business because your mind is a business. What you put into your mind will come out of you.


And what I love about this event tonight, we're going to put some solid information into your mind to help you reset and recalibrate your mind so you can go into twenty, twenty one with clear vision, with with the process, with the plan to not just reach your money goals, but just to reach your life goals.


And that's key there, because it's not just going to be pompoms and and fireworks tonight. And cotton candy. Yeah, it's going to be a plan. Yep. They're going to challenge you to not live into the nonsense in the hate and the frustration and everybody yelling at each other is going on in this country.


They're going to tell you to look in the mirror. They're going to give you a plan. So you and your family, you and your friends, you and your church group, you and you. Yeah.


Could start walking a plan to never have this nonsense happen again. And when you take care of you, you take care of your family, you take care of your street, take care of your neighborhood, and you take your city and you take care of all of us because we're all in this together.


Yeah, we're all in it together. And we want to see you in. And there's 200000 plus people have already signed up. I've already signed up. But you know what? There's there are millions of us in America. And so I would encourage you to join us tonight, my friends, my mentor, really helping all of us just reset. We're going to jump over to Cleveland, Ohio, and talk to Jordan. Jordan, good afternoon. How can doubt today and I hope.


Hey, Mr. O'Neill. Hey, Dr. Drew. Thanks for taking my call. Hey, man. Thank you so much for calling it. Call me. Oh, you can call me Mr. O'Neil, man. I'm the young. Call Dr. G. Mr. Dolerite.


So basically, I am going to be receiving a pretty significant amount of money, about two thousand dollars a month for a very clean OK. And that is for the rest of my life. We've been my wife and I are young. We're twenty six, OK? We've been good stewards of the money up to this point. We've got about seventy five thousand in the bank. Well, no doubt, yes. Both of us have our undergrads paid for and completed.


And she's currently in a master's program on a scholarship. So we are extremely gless in every way, and now we just found out about this payment that we're going to be getting every month and feel a little guilty, feel a little overwhelmed.


What's the what's the claim for Jordan for for disability from the military?


OK. So I want you to take all that guilt you have and I want you to to look at it like it's a brick that you're holding your hands. I want you to put that down, OK? OK. The VA does not write checks for fun. They don't write checks for people to feel good. You gave your time, your service. You put it in, your wife put hers in. And whatever settlement y'all came up to with the VA, I want you to look in the mirror as though it's it's earned, it's yours, it is what it is.


And feeling guilty about it is not going to help you be a steward of that money is not going to be a steward of your mind every month when that check comes in, it's not going to help you be a steward of your grandkids. OK, so put that that guilt down and then take that money and follow the baby steps plan. Be a good steward of it, give it as you're able to in the right places and have a joyful rock and roll life.


Man Yeah. Jordan, you're already being a good steward of not just your financial resources, but not to get too spiritual on the show, but you just being a good steward all the way around. OK, so I want you to celebrate that, you know, God is trusting you. And I believe because he can trust you with a few, he's just elevating you with more. And so continue that heart, continue having that heart, continue doing what you're doing.


But let's talk practical, man. What are some of you and your wife's goals? Are you as currently homeowners right now?


We are not homeowners right now. We have a five year plan. We want to own three rental homes within the next five years and paid for in cash. Boyan, this right here kind of puts the nail in the coffin. Sure that's going to happen. Or incomes about one hundred combined. So we're on track to knock that out now. There we go. Pretty easily. I think we, I just, I just wanted to talk so I appreciate you guys so I just wanted to talk to somebody about it, make sure me and my wife want to send a feedback loop.


But we kind of ran through the same motions already with each other. But it's good to hear somebody else say that it's were you a combat veteran?


Do you go overseas now? OK, so, man, it's common just and you may know this, but let's put out there for everybody listening. It is common to be a veteran. He's not a combat veteran to be in a better financial situation than your community, some of your other fellow vets, and think that you're scamming the system. You got something they don't and I can't. And he said, you're being a good steward. You worked your butt off, you worked hard.


You left something on the table for the rest of us. And I'm grateful for you. Follow your plan and man, walk with your head held high, brother. Yeah, y'all are doing it right. Right. This is amazing. I'm so I'm so happy for you, too, man. Congrats. This is the day Ravicher. Everyone wants to keep their home and family safe, whether it's from a break in, a fire flooding or a medical emergency, simply safe security delivers award winning 24/7 protection was simply safe.


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Triple eight eight two five five two two five. This is a day show. My name is Anthony O'Neal, host of the popular YouTube show of the Table. With Anthony O'Neal coming soon to podcast will be announcing that you're actually within the next couple of weeks. I'm really excited about that. And my good friend, dear friend, the doctor, John Delany, who is the host of the podcast and YouTube show, the Dr. John Deloney stuff.


You know, one of the greatest things I love about your show is, man, you talk about some of the real estate and hardest thing on your show. You want to know? Yeah, here's here's the thing I got to cut. People are struggling. We're looking at the data. Man marriages are in trouble. People have been calm. They've become great partners. Yeah, they've become great business operators as we've had the work from home run families, from home shuttle kids back and forth, figure out meals and deliveries and scrap and claw and man intimacy has gone out the window.


Marriages are struggling. Relationships and dating relationships are struggling. People are putting off this and putting on that a tough, tough season, not to mention just the acute psychology of being in debt, the acute psychology of getting laid off or maybe going to get laid off or all this political trash that's going on. Yeah, people are mad. They're just spun out and so on.


Yeah, we are getting into the hard stuff USA, but I wouldn't say that you guys there are some stuff that we all battle and I think Dr. John will be safe in the political way of saying things. But he talks about some things that are embarrassing with, you know, that I think a lot of us in this in America have Seattle.


You're embarrassing. I think we don't talk about it to our detriment. Right. Yeah, but I mean, what are you shows? To be honest, here in the Dave Ramsey Show we talked about yesterday, you talk about the battle of pornography and how that's messing up some marriages.


You're helping marriages get through that, individuals trying to figure out what's cool, what's not cool, what's happening in my brain, what's not all that stuff.


Right. So we don't give those kind of questions on a day. Randy, sell the truck. Sell the truck. Right.


But what I want to tell America is, listen, if you're struggling, if there are some things that you're going through and you really just want to get some sound counsel, some sound advice about anything when it comes to your mental health, when it comes to your marriage, when it comes to your relationship. This man has an amazing team. Kelly, who's his phone screener for today. Randy shows his phone screener. And I'm telling you right now, they're setting him up to win and to help you.


And I really I mean, I watch his show every day and I'm like, man, this dude is talking about some real heavy stuff, but you're saving so many lives and marriages. Well, I appreciate that. You know, and so, America, I want try to go over and check my man out on YouTube. It is the Doctor Janjalani show, download the podcast. I wanted to podcast.


Come out where it show 67, I think 65. So this Monday was a Friday. Yeah. Yeah, it comes up.


Yeah. Thank you, James. His producer, James, he didn't know it was schedule scary also. Yeah. Monday we said Friday is when his show comes out. So listen, check him out, America. I'm telling you right now it will bless you. And if you really want some help, give Kelly his phone screen or call it. She'll get you on air. Hopefully, you know how she rolls, but she'll let you know. We're going out to Austin, Texas, and we're going to have a conversation with Sam.


Sam, good afternoon. How conducted.


And I hope you guys. So my husband and I are the team ladies. That's three and four. And we've kind of been paused here for about a year. OK, we have fifteen thousand dollars in savings above our emergency fund. You are wondering for trying to buy a house or save for retirement? We don't really feel like we have the funds to give those. What should we focus on and how should we how long is it OK for us to pause the baby steps?


I guess.


OK, ok. Talk to me sir. Fifteen thousand dollars above your three to six months already. Right. How old are you and your husband.


We are twenty eight. We actually put our baby up to make the fund because we have an eight month old.


All right, congratulations.


I just literally learned about Storck yesterday with day for the first time and I was like stunned the world. He was like, yeah, their story money is set in money, you know, to pause babies, etc.. I say, OK, cool, great, I want to work.


So, yes, I can tell I'm hearing it today and I wasn't confused. So cool.


Actually heard it earlier on the show and I love it.


So here's the thing, Sam.


How much house are you trying to purchase for us? We feel like somewhere between two hundred and fifty and three hundred thousand. OK, so we know that twenty percent down payment and fifteen year fixed mortgage. So to get there, you know, we really need like sixty thousand and maybe even a little bit more just to have four clients that we don't want that getting to our mortgage for you.


Right. Yeah exactly. And that's love it. And so here's the thing.


I don't have a problem with you pausing at your age right now, pausing baby sit before, which is investing fifteen percent of your income into a 401k or Roth IRA or any type of retirement account. And here's why. Because. You are making an investment by purchasing a home. Now, here's what we also teach you want to do the minimum of 10 percent to put down in your home. So if you did the minimum of 10 percent on a two hundred thousand dollar home, you're looking at 20000.


If you're doing a minimum of 10 percent on a two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, how do you like that? About, you know, 25 to 30 thousand. So you all are close to that 10 percent number. So we always say the minimum. Yes. We want you to put down 20 percent to help you avoid the PMI. Absolutely. If you can. But if you and your husband are in a great place of life to where you guys are OK with, you know, putting down 10, 10 percent to get into the home, that's OK.


We just set a minimum of 10 percent to get into a home as long as you finance it for 15 years with the fixed rate.


But you guys are not in a rush, though, correct? No, we're not. Yeah, so we actually need to wait a little bit longer. My husband just changed jobs and he works for a home builder and one of their benefits is you can get a great deal on a brand new home. It's a discount because it's an employee benefit. So to take advantage of that, he has to work there for a year.


So my other question, I guess all is, should we at least be heading towards his 401k, what the employer matches?


So here's thing, perhaps three beers before Bob says four or five, six and seven. So you do all a four through seven all at the same time now because you do have a fully funded emergency fund. I don't mind you investing and saving at the same time. So if you're in a comfortable position and you feel as if you can go ahead and invest a 15 percent, because I don't want you to I want you to invest a little bit.


I want you to invest all the 15 percent, invest and save a little for your house or put all into your house and then start investing into it. You see what I'm saying? So it's like if you're going to start investing or you're either or so aggressively save so you can get into the house quicker and you can start investing a lot more, which is a 15 percent or invest of 15 percent and start saving is setting aside money and also anticipating the huge discount you all get from building a house with your husband being a part of the company that builds homes.


That's what I thought. Right. OK. All right. All right, well, thank you so much. Oh, man, thank you. Thank you. Graduation's on that little that little eight month old. Yeah, man it's it's amazing how a man I just love the fact of hearing young people in their 20s starting to call in to the show and ask questions like, hey, how do I do this? We want to do it right.


We want to avoid debt. We want to build wealth. We want to be home owners. We want to travel.


This is this is starting to become new and we want to do it the right way. That's the thing.


We watched our parents grind. We got these student loan payments and we went, whoa. And we Googled what I do now. And Dave Ramsey, we don't know this guy. Yeah, well, yeah. You said on the Internet you could help.


What do we do now? And it's not some get rich scheme and not some fairy dust. Man, you've got to put in the hard grinding work.


I have to you really do have to. And so young people listening right now. I mean, I'm proud of you all. I don't care what no one says about our generation. We got this and we will be better than our parents. We will provide for our families. We will build true wealth, put the hard work in. Right. We're going to put the hard work in and we're going to be all right. And I'm so excited for the next generation after my children, they're going to be some wealthy generation people.


I'm excited. This is today. Eight, eight to five, five to five. This is the Dave Ramsey Show. My name is Anthony O'Neal, host of The Table with Anthony O'Neal. Joining me is Dr. John Delaney, host of the Dr. John Deloney Show. And Dr. Dean, we got a Bly's dotcom question today. Talked to his brother. That's right.


Find out for yourself why Blind's Dotcom is the number one online retailer of custom window covering. You get free samples, free shipping, and with the new promos they run every month, you'll save even more. Use promo code Ramsey to get the best deal. Rules and restrictions apply. Today's question comes from Michelle in Texas. Michelle writes, My father recently passed and left 50 percent of his house to his four kids. Oh, jeez. Can I tell you?


And 50 percent to our mom in his living trust. My mom married two years after his death. Her and her new husband lived in the house for five years. And then those folks sold the house and moved across the country when she sold the house, which netted them over 400000 dollars. I asked about the inheritance for us, for girls. She said she created a new living trust with her new husband and we would be getting the inheritance from my dad upon her death.


I was shocked and very sad as I feel like my dad's gift is not getting the honor that it should. Thanks for the help.


Who is messy, Anthony? Very, very messy. My mom married two years after his death. My father recently passed on that 50 percent of the house to his four kids and five percent to our mom in his living trust. Yeah, you need to get an attorney.


Yeah, well, you got to make a decision here. Number one, do you want to get an attorney go after mom? Essentially.


Two hundred thousand dollars. That should have been hers. Yes. And then there was four kids that were going to divide up the other two hundred thousand bucks, which would have been 50 grand apiece.




And because her living, Tricia, only cover her 200000, not what was automatically given to you from your father. And so I would definitely just call your mom, say, hey, mom, listen, legally, you really don't have the grounds to stand on here. And we're asking if we can resolve this respectfully. You know, with love, this is family. We shouldn't have to include an attorney and actually go before that.


I get all four kids and get them on the same phone call or Simsim call and say, here's the reality of our situation. We want to have this conversation. Do we want to do this with mom? We want to. Are we all ready to go to war with mom or do one of us want to write a letter to mom and just say, hey, we don't feel this was the right way to do this? Right.


And it may be that mom got some bad advice, maybe that mom I think the best of mom right now.


But, yeah, it looks pretty shifty, right?


Once you sell that house, once that house is sold, then that money needs to be divvied up in the right way. Absolutely. Absolutely. Praying for you. Ken is with us in Los Angeles, California. Good afternoon. How can dot today and I hope.


Hey, how are you guys doing, the great man about yourself? I'm all right, my head above water, so I can't really complain, but I'm still such an excellent brother. That's good attitude. Love it. How can we help me? So I got a little bit of an issue here. I've been thinking about for a while. I'm losing my job here by the end of the month, a couple of days, a couple of guys are I've been given another job offer, but without a pay increase at a different location, it's a lot further away.


My only issue is I no longer want to live in California anymore. I've been thinking about moving out since last year. Had it really took that dive. So I just wonder if I should do that or not. I got a little bit money in savings and I got some more money in a checking account. So, yeah, I'm just running into a little bit of issue here.


Our friend Ken Coleman says don't jump off the dock until you've got a boat there to jump into.


And this one is very powerful. Yeah, you and you don't know this kid, but you're the only one that we've talked to in the last six months who wants to leave California, by the way.


And I know I'm being sarcastic, brother.


Every person we talked to, like, I'm getting out here, I'm get out of here, man. I get the sentiment. I would if I'm you, I would take that second job and begin really putting in the work to see what it's going to look like to get another job.


Right. Like where you would you actually live? Where would you go? Just I mean, you can man, you can hop on a train and pack it up. Old school.


How old are you? OK, kids, married, anything like that? No, kid, I'm single, OK? No, there's no doubt. You know, Ken, where were they?


What's the other job offer? Where's that?


So where is it? Well, it's almost like, OK, so we're still in California. Yeah.


OK, so right now your priority is finding you another job, another source of income. All right. And so if you know you're going to lose his job within the next month or so, what I'm doing is if your goal is to leave California, start applying for other jobs outside of California. If you do not land something by the time you lose your job and by the time you get rid of your emergency fund, then, yes, you need to take that job that is still there in California.


Now, if you can land something inside of outside of California, then absolutely. I would definitely I would leave California. I love California. I'm from California. My family still lives in California. But right now it's not beneficial as far as an income money and just the way the state is being run right now. That's just my personal pain, as Dave says, not Jesus. That's my personal opinion. I would leave, but if I can't find another job, I'm not leaving California without some source of income and without a job and without stability.


I'm going to stay there. And why are you working this other job? If you have to go this route, continue looking, I would encourage you to jump on a Kinko's dotcom website and use his website Pneumonitis website to use his a resume builder from his website. He'll teach you how to build a strong resume and start shipping that stuff around and outside of California. But I will start the process, make sure you take care of priority, get a job, get some source of income in right now so you could be a stable young man.


Make sense. Yeah. All right, man. Predicative calling in. Elaina is in Washington. Seattle, good afternoon, L.A.. How can I help? Oh, good afternoon.


Thank you for talking with me. Yeah. So my husband, I just paid off our home home mortgage in December. That's awesome. Yeah, so we're excited about that. So at this point, you know, at home it's fairly old. We we live on 15 acres and desperately need a renovation, remodel, electrical, all kinds of stuff. Plus, we have an old barn that we'd like to fix up as well. And so the cost of that probably is going to be approximately three hundred thousand dollars.


So I guess the question is, you know, we are both forty six years old and we plan to retire when we're 60. We have about four hundred thousand in retirement as of right now. So do we save and pay for our remodel cash or do we refinance and get a loan for that.


I mean I guess you just you just worked so hard to unshackle yourself from the from from the machine. You'll put in so much time. You ground you, Claude, you scratched. Don't hook yourself, but don't chain yourself up voluntarily. Back to another three hundred thousand dollar loan against the place you finally paid off. OK, please, please don't do that. I know you want that kitchen in that barn in the Pinterest is killing you right now.


It's killing you.


Don't. Yeah, OK.


Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't. You're free. You are free. You are free. Don't voluntarily get your husband in an iPad with Pinterest on it and go back into another cage and smiling and hug each other and slam that door shut behind. You don't do that.


Yeah. And here's why. Ilina, you're getting close to the end of the time you want to work. So these next few years you need to be very intentional with every decision that you made the issue close to your goal. And your end goal right now is to retire inspired in the words of Chris Hogan, your Engle's to retire a millionaire. Your end goal is to retire in a healthy financial place. You do not want to be sixty years old getting ready to retire and you're still paying for renovations.


You did fifty years ago because you're not going to be cool in fifteen years. Yeah, yeah. So focus on the ankle. You're close to it. Come down, pay cash. I promise you you'll think yourself that you called into the show. Talk to this crazy guy named John Giannone, this cool guy named Anthony O'Neill. And we talked you out of don't do it, don't do it. This is Dave Ramsey Show. Tonight is the night, you guys.


January 12, it 12th at 7:00 p.m. that you can reset your future, you can reset the direction you are going with our free reset livestream event to kick start your money goals for the year twenty. Dave Ramsey, Chris Hogan, Rachel Crews and one of my favorite preachers of the gospel, Craig Rochelle, will give you the motivation and guidance you need to reset your life for this year. Now, a lot of this will be around money because you have three money experts on the stage.


And Craig Rochelle is that I call him like the life expert. You know, he just he just has a lot of wisdom when it comes to really having a a good life. And I want to encourage you to stop what you're doing right now. I want you to pause what you're doing right now. I want you to get off social media right now. I want you to go to a text messaging app on your cell phone, and I want you to text the word reset our reset to three three seven, eight, nine right now.


Get them say that one more time. Text reset are reset to three three, seven, eight, nine. And what you're going to do is you're going to sign up and you will take the first step towards lasting, lasting financial peace. Or you can go to Dave Ramsey dot com for slash reset. And here's what I love. And we've been talking about this this entire hour. And the reason why we are just hammering this in on news, because I remember meeting a young lady, John, and she was telling me about the year 2020 and she said, I need this year to be different because I cannot afford for this year, year 20, 21, to be the same as 2020.


And she says it has to be different. And I told her one thing. It will be different. If you're different, choose. That's right. I said it will be different if you become different. And the first way in the first ingredient to becoming different is to reset your mind, is to reset how you think of things, how you process things, how you evaluate things. And that's what's going to happen tonight with Dave, with Chris, with Rachel and with Craig and with the hundreds of thousands of people who will be watching.


We are all going to get a reset. And when we reset and we start off fresh. Now, here's what we're saying. Here's what we're not saying. We're not saying this is going to be easier, but you can approach this year better with a fresh perspective on life and moms and dads.


Here's your big moment. We said all the time the kids. Don't listen to you, they watch you and they watch you and they watch you. So tonight, if you've been thinking I've got to start doing this a little bit differently, my kids are driving me crazy. But now's the time that you can step up. You can set an example. You can tell all the kids, hey, everybody, cell phones going in the bin tonight. All of them, mine included.


We're turning them off or put them in a basket. We're going to turn on the TV. We're going to get some nonsense food. We're all doing this as a family. Everybody from little Josephine, who's five to my eighteen year old kids who are planning on going to college, we're all going to have notes.


And we're going to sit down and we're going to get some not only some, some good pep talk, some good wisdom and some good excitement, we're going to get our plan, do this and do this and do this. And as a family, we're going to reset as an individual. We're going to reset as communities. We're going to reset literally hundreds of thousands of people have RSVP for this free event. I'll tell you what. When they told me what the goal was behind closed doors, I smiled and I was like, ain't no way.


No way.


And more and more and more people are saying, we're coming. We thought we thought the calendar is just going to roll over and everyone's going to exhale. The universe is going to be like, all right, y'all had enough. 20, 20 was enough. Oh, man. 28 having started Anthony. I love it. Not the wildness hasn't started. Well, it started let's be honest this well, this has started. But, man, you're not going to do anything else.


Do this, do this. Do this. Yeah.


Texas reset are two three three seven, eight, nine. I go to Dave Ramsey dot com this reset and I promise you you will be happy. John, where are we going next?


Where we are going to go to Blaine in Greensboro, North Carolina. Yes. What's up, Blaine?


How are we doing? Doing great. How are you doing, guys? Outstanding. What can we do to help brother?


Hey, my wife and I own a rental house and wanted to get some guidance on whether to go or go ahead. So I purchased it out of college. It's been a great house for the last twelve or so years. Turns a profit every month. We no longer live in that city. I'm acting as a property manager. We only go about seventeen thousand dollars left on the house schedule to pay it off in the next three months. But if we if we do sell it, we can basically pay off our primary home and sell, you know, free to sell it.


OK. If going to disagree, I'll tell you why, and I'm not going out of my saying I disagree, but I want to hear the bit more information because seventeen thousand dollars to pay off a house and then you have another extra set of cash flow coming in and you focus on just paying off your mortgage. That might be a good decision down the road.


Yeah, I don't know if you want to be a landlord in another town. Oh, this is in another town. Yes, correct. I missed that.


So I am so sorry. I am with John Deloney here. Only sell the house now 20 20. Turn around Anthony and Aloni on the same page.


It's going to happen now, but talk to me a little bit more. How much is the house worth. Because you 017 on I there. But how much is a house worth.


It's worth about 275. So it's a really good location and we would go very fast.


Yeah. OK, and how much do you own your current mortgage.


We are about to sixty to sixty.


OK now any other debt. No other deaths, OK? How much do you have a fully funded emergency fund? We are working on that. We've got about 600000 retirement. We just need to put some into the emergency fund.


So you have six hundred thousand dollars in retirement right now and then you have 275 coming in from this equity. So you have fifteen thousand dollars left on left over from what you pay off your home. You can't put that. How much do you need for three months back? For emergency fund? Yeah, I would say, you know, twenty thousand dollars would be nice.


20000 will put you at a good comfortable three months. What's your income right now? One thirty, one thirty, yeah, pay off the house, take that fifteen thousand dollars, put it into the bank very next month. You're putting five thousand dollars into the bank so you can have your immediate three months of three months of emergency because it sounds like you gave yourself some cushion in the twenty thousand. So I'm OK with that. And then from there, here's what I would suggest.


Now you in a comfortable place. I am a huge fan of real estate. Dave is a huge fan of real estate. So now the next move is how do you save back up to get back into the real estate business inside of North Carolina? You know, that's that's the next move, because I want you to start thinking about what are some other streams of income you can start generating in to start building your net worth. As long as you're fully funded your emergency fund loans, you have 15 percent going into your Roth IRA, your 401k retirement plans.


From there, I would definitely look into, all right, set aside some money so we can start by some cash property and we can start generating some other streams of income for us.


So, hey, Blaine, before we hang up, I have a quick question for you. What do you make every month? What do you net off of your rental property?


We thousands of dollars. And it's just been going right back to paying down the principal.


So what is your mortgage every month? About a thousand dollars. Merry Christmas. Yeah, merry Christmas. You go pay your house off, you're going to get 500 dollars, you're going to double your money every month. Does that make sense?


And you think about it down the road. I'm not really worried about the monthly payment down the road. I look at the equity of the home. And so you're in a good place, right? Airplane. I'm really, really, really excited for you. Thank you so much for calling in.


Congratulations. Hey, thank you. I love that conversation. You know, I love I love that man. I'm telling you right now, that's what I'm doing at my house right now. The town home that I'm in, that's going to be a Airbnb or rental property.


So you're racing to pay it off as fast as possible. It will be paid off soon.


It's four bedroom, four baths, nice, tall, overlooking the city with a rooftop on it. And I literally bought that place. I don't want to live there forever. I don't like it like that. But I bought it so I can think about the future. Guch, I want my kids to have that when I get older. You know, I'm saying and so I love talking about it, but we got to do it the right way, man.


I do it the right way. I got to do it the right way. Instead of saying, be smart, be smart. That's right. This is the Dave Ramsey Show. I have a friend or family member that needs a daily dose of Ramsay advice in their life. Let them know about the Ramsey Call of the Day podcast. It's a quick bit of advice about life and money. In under ten minutes, check out the Ramsey Call of the Day podcast wherever you listen to podcast.


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Hey, it's James, producer of The Dave Ramsey Show. This episode is over, but check the episode notes for links to products and services you've heard about during this episode. Thanks for listening.