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Hello. New season. Who this? Yes. This is Ex-Mile, host of The Dough, where Cash is Queen. I hardly know that bitch, but we're going to figure her out together. Yes, baby. So we're coming back for season two? And this time we got double the episodes. Oh, that means double the money advice from the next generation of financial experts. Yes.


I just turned 18. How the fuck am I supposed to pay my taxes? Money doesn't grow on trees, but it can grow in your bank account.


Double the insights on starting a business.


I think people know. I think we all know somewhere deep inside of us what we need to be doing. I think a lot of us get distracted by what other people are doing. I think this business was the first time that I just went for it.


And double the advice from celebrities on whether you should leave your day job.


Just bachelorette. I made triple, if not more, than what I would make in one year teaching.


So, yeah, you heard it here first. The Dough is back. Join me, X-Mio, every week for conversations with reality stars, entrepreneurs, and financial experts. We going to drive it like we stole it, baby. Season 2 of The Dough is out March 21st. Follow wherever you get your podcast.