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Get ready for an outstanding entertainment program, The Jimmy Doors show a world renowned linguist, philosopher, historian, social critic, cognitive scientist and political activist Noam Chomsky is on the line.


How we do a No. Hi, Jeremy. So now the real buzz I caught last night after hardbacks single opened my car, both my lungs need a break.


So I'm switching to edibles for the air and you are fine. So why did you call today, Noam Chomsky? Yeah, yeah.


I remember before the election when I said you should vote for Joe Biden and he wins the election. That's when you should push him to the left.


Yes, I remember that. I do. Well, now might be a good time to start doing that. Yeah, now. OK. More like four years ago, four years ago. Oh, OK. More like forty seven years ago. Yes, 47 years ago, but how could anybody do that now, Noam? Well, it's really very simple, all you need is access to a functional time machine or even a used one, where could anyone get a used time machine now in the future?


But in the future, there is going to be a big surplus of vintage time machines that people use to trade and for the newer models.


Yeah, but a functional time machine, I didn't know such things were possible. Oh, of course.


Time travel is theoretically possible in certain general relativity space time geometries that permit travelling faster than the speed of light.


Yeah, well, what are the space type geometries you're talking about wormholes or rotating black holes?


Keep in mind that so far, travelling to an arbitrary point in space, time has very limited support in quantum mechanical physics. Currently, there are more than seven hundred sixty four thousand manmade objects larger than a centimeter orbiting the Earth right now. So before we can travel back in time to change Joe Biden's behavior, we have to find a solution to the vast amount of accumulated space trash that could endanger a manned shuttle hurtling around the solar system at the speed of light.


Why do we even have the technology to take advantage of wormhole theory only if we travel to the future to take advantage of society's scientific advancement.


From what I've read, time travel into the future is much easier than time travel into the past.


Why is that? Oh, man, I am so fucking starved, so totally fucked up right now. No, this isn't helpful at all.


You know that, don't you? I know many things David Hume told us powers that is in the hands of the government, the master's rule only by consent, and if consent is withdrawn, then maybe that maybe Democrats shouldn't have pledged their votes to Joe Biden without any concessions.


First to. Oh, no, no, no, you're just being ridiculous. It's much easier to travel under the future by a newer model, a time machine, and travel into the past to kill Joe Biden's barber. What good would that do?


Why, it's very simple, if my dad had gotten better hair advice 50 years ago, he wouldn't be such a huge dickhead today. The selection was a clear choice between the lesser of two ferrets sitting on two or guys heads. So now is the time for real politics. Go back in time and kill Joe Biden. Kabur. That's all I got. No, I'm going to crash now. Later, Gator.


I like Stone Chomsky. I like.


I like St. Chomsky. I really do his words at. Establishment gaslighting, so full of bullshit they can't afford to miss. Oh. Golf, the medium speeds and jumps the medium and some head on the chin to show.


Everybody, welcome to this week's Jimmy Dawesville. Let's get to the joke before we get to the joke, shall we? Hey, I know most of you follow me for the ride parallels that I draw between ancient Greek hegemonic and modern day American colonial politics. But what about my abs?


Hey, 10 years ago today, after the Democrats used their super majority to pass the Obamacare, Blue Shield raised its premiums 60 percent. Let's build on that. Here are some promising economic news. Manufacturing jobs are up. Unfortunately, it's mostly in tazers, snugged, blankets and coffins.


You know, I know I'm powerless to change the verdict of history, but I still get incensed whenever Seth Rogen gets a romantic lead.


I relate. Hey, what's coming up on today's show? Why is the hashtag fraud squad trending? The answer just may surprise you. Or will it? All the progressives in Congress refuse to force the vote for Medicare for all, and they all voted for Nancy Pelosi. Hey, Democrats win back the Senate. Will they now start fighting for the people? The answer just may surprise you. Or will it pay? The UK won't let Julian Assange be extradited by the United States, but they won't let him out on bail either.


Hey, Genk, Ugur of the Young Turks smears Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, saying that Julian Assange is working for the people trying to prosecute him. Sounds ridiculous. Yes, it is. Plus, we have phone calls from Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Al Pacino and No Child Nagorski. That's today. Plus a lot, lot more today. Jimmy Dorsey. OK, everybody, so what happened yesterday, what happened with the hashtag forced to vote? Well, it started out AOC, Cory Bush and Barbara Lee for Congress all did not vote for Nancy Pelosi as speaker.


They didn't say anything. And so we all thought that they were withholding their vote. And it turns out they weren't because boom. And now they all voted for it. So every member of the squad voted for Nancy Pelosi.


The only people who didn't vote for Nancy Pelosi were corporate Democrats, Blue Dogs and people like that, though they were able to withhold their vote from Nancy Pelosi, the squad who ran on withholding their vote from Nancy Pelosi and forcing a floor vote on Hastert and Medicare for all they ran on this. The time came. They could do it. They didn't do it. They were the only ones who didn't do it. Corporate Democrats voted against her. So.


Pelosi re-elected speaker despite a narrow majority. That is then there's the ending to your shitty movie. There it is right there. I said, shame on the house progressives for not fighting for force to vote in Medicare for all, what is the point of voting for progressives inside the Democratic Party? Again, they won't fight. They are selling you out and abandoning you. Shame we are a failed state, as is the progressive movement. Kyle Kolinsky is right when he says, I'm sorry, but there's no excuse for the left not to have organized in the last few years to mount a challenge to Nancy Pelosi, you know, she's hostile to you and your goals and she has a 28 percent approval rating.


She's less popular than Trump by far. What the F were you doing this entire time? I'll tell you what they were doing, Kyle. Nothing. They weren't doing anything. It was obvious they weren't doing anything, they weren't doing anything until a pothead comedian decided to bring it up a month before the speakership election. They weren't doing anything. They're still not doing anything. They weren't doing anything. This idea that they were negotiating behind the scenes. Now, who's being naive, Kay?


Are you kidding me? They negotiated behind the scenes and got nothing, because if they got something, they would tell you, they told us we got Pego and we all know Pego is 100 percent bullshit. Hundred percent, no matter what anybody else tells you. I know a lot of people well, that's important because we have to bullshit. Don't listen to those people who tell you Bago is important. It's not fucking important. That's a self-imposed rule by Nancy Pelosi and they could have told her, get rid of that.


And that could have been they did all of it. What is the point of getting rid of PAYGO if you're not going to have a floor vote on Medicare for all? There is no point.


There's no point. And guess what, Nancy Pelosi loses the speakership, the Democrats lose the speakership in twenty two because Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are the face of this party, two of the most hated politicians in the country, they're going to get wiped out in the House and PAYGO rules go there, get lost. Anyway, the Republicans rewrite all the rules. This is ridiculous. Anybody telling you that PAYGO is a win? That is ridiculous. That is a diversion.


We got we got Pego, so this will enable Medicare for all. Are you going to do the Medicare for all? No. Then there's no point. You're bullshitting us when Ryan Grim came out, he was running interference for the squad, just like the intercept does all the time. That's their role. That's their access journalism. That's what The Intercept does. That's what Ryan Grimm does. And everybody knew immediately that that was ridiculous. Dave Danda, it was ridiculous.


Justin Jackson ratio fucking come on.


Everybody knows that's ridiculous. Anybody who trying to tell you that means something is not being candid. They have they have another reason for telling you that. They were doing nothing where the F were you, they were doing nothing, they were to doing Rolling Stone in Vanity Fair screenshot cover shots with Nancy Pelosi, impeachment. They were they were doing impeachment. They were calling Trump an MFA in public. That's what they were doing. They weren't doing anything we asked them to do.


They're pushing Russia gate. That's what they've been doing. Ryan Knight says progressives in Congress shouldn't even be voting for Nancy Pelosi for speaker in the first place, but to vote for her without demanding any concessions shows a complete lack of courage to stand up for the corrupt Democratic establishment hashtag forced to vote. Some people think they need to go. They were negotiating behind the scenes and we just haven't found out what they got yet.


Oh, my God, I've heard that. Oh, my God. So they got something. But they're keeping it a secret, huh? Does anyone believe this shit they got they got something and it's great. But they're keeping it a secret. What? Here's a guy I'm on my way to admitting patients this afternoon, this is a reminder that many physicians, nurses and other health care workers think Medicare for all is needed now more than ever, forced to vote for crying out loud.


This physician can't say it enough. So, Genk, you can tell that guy he doesn't understand how politics works, this doctor I'm from a town hall around the corner from Mark Spokane's house right now with some other activists from the People's Party and our Wisconsin revolution speaking out about leveraging progressive power when we actually have it. It's cold, but worth it. Right on, that's activism. Politicians like Representative Mark Pocan may see Medicare for all as a campaign slogan to run on and then discard at the first opportunity.


But for my friend, it has always been a deeply personal issue, as it should be when 70000 people die a year from lack of insurance. Read her sign her sign, says Representative Mark Pocan. My father died from lack of health care. Will you fight for me? That's what her sign says her dad died from lack of health care, will you fight for her? I'm sorry, Genk Yuga in the Justice. Democrats will tell you now is not the time.


That's what the Justice Democrats just told you and Genk, Ugur. Now is not the time. That's what every one of them did. They told her now is not the time to fight for your father. They canceled her, they're canceling us, they're being hostile to the movement that got them elected. They are committing violence against the people of America by denying them health care on purpose. They did that on purpose for their own careers. And if you can't if you can't look at a camera and say that, then you're not being candid.


There's going to be another time when the squad's going to push for a Medicare for all vote, you know, they're not and I know they're not. He'll tell that to this lady, we got to pay go exemption, go tell her I'm. Go show her the video of AOC saying we got to cause a ruckus, we got to be willing, we can do this, all it takes is courage and then choke AOC saying we have to uphold the rule of law.


She she she went from she went from MLK to Nixon in 30 days. And you're not going to call that out.


The way you put pressure on politicians is to scare them. The only reason this happened is because I scared them, because I raised my voice and I was screaming outwardly the way everybody who lacks health care has been screaming inwardly, this woman is screaming inwardly, the way I've been screaming outwardly, and that's why it got traction. That's how you fucking do a pressure campaign, not by sending them chocolates. We got to be nice to the people to get them to do what they fucking ran on.


Are you out of your fucking mind? That we have to be nicer to them to get them to do what they fucking Brennan. You're a cock if you don't fucking hold their feet to the fire. They ran on it. The DSA, it's in their goddamn fucking manifesto that this is the centerpiece and they won't get on it, shame them. That's what fucking works. You think this happened because I was fucking nice to them? No, it's because I finally started holding the the Justice Democrats to account for their bullshit.


That's why this happened, not because I was fucking nice. And that's what's wrong with the left. There are a bunch of fucking mealy mouthed, spineless pricks who don't do a fucking thing. The moment came and they did nothing. And they sold you out for their careers. I don't care if they don't take corporate money. They are they are brand, they are a celebrity fucking brand, they sold you out for their own careers, their own celebrity brand and their own fucking protection.


That's what they did. What is the point of voting for people who don't take corporate money if they fucking go along with the people who do? There's no point. This is a failed experiment. This is a failed experiment if you don't recognize that the progressive movement is unbelievably fucking decimated. And that they won't even fight a little. And you don't see this as an existential crisis. The squad agrees with us, our policy positions, but when they won't do anything to implement them, it doesn't fucking matter.


When Rohana comes on my show and says, I think we should force a vote for Medicare for all, and then a chance comes up to do it and he doesn't do it, it doesn't matter that he says it or agrees with my position, does it? No.


In politics, the only thing that matters is the outcome, it doesn't matter how the sausage gets made, the outcome is what matters. I don't care. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. And if you're not willing to threaten the justice Democrats and scare the shit out of them, they're going to do exactly what they just did yesterday, sell you out for their own celebrity and career, which is what happened. The vast majority of Democratic voters want Medicare for all progressive independents want it, even a majority of Republicans polled, yet the Progressive Caucus squandered their squandered their golden opportunity.


We still came out to advocate for force to vote. God bless those people. Dr. McGowan, God bless you. The socialist alternative jumped on board, they endorsed our hashtag, forced to vote socialist alternatives, endorsed the DSA, didn't. Even though it's in their manifesto, but I guess we shouldn't you know, we shouldn't shame them. I jump on board their idea and they come and attack me. I jump on board the Justice Democrats idea and they come and attack me, that's what they're fucking doing.


AOC tried to stick neoliberals on me by saying I was causing violence when all I was doing was what your sport was, exactly what AOC told me to do, which was stop using polite language. She said it stop using polite language. Until you make people uncomfortable, nothing will happen, she got uncomfortable, didn't she, didn't Mark Pocan? Yes, they did. It's so fucking uncomfortable. Every one of his interns wrote him a letter, and today he came out with fucking bullshit about how we could get Medicare for all, which is complete bullshit.


That's how uncomfortable he is. They're all scrambling, not because we were fucking nice, but because they know we're all watching and we're going to hold their feet to the fire now. So hold their feet to the fire. Quit making fucking excuses for them. Unbelievable. I'm not making this up. This is the existential crisis we're living in. And if you don't want to hold the justice Democrats feet to the fire, it's probably because you have fucking health care.


Socialist alternative endorses forced to vote. If we can win a floor vote on Medicare for all, we can use that vote as a focal point for building our movement, we can focus the public eye of this life or death demand. We can work within our unions to win support. We can organize our forces to mount public pressure on Congress to concede this massively popular demand. But we don't have the votes, some say the corporate Democrats will block us, then let them block us.


AOC and other progressives should not be afraid to expose corporate Democrats in front of millions for what they are servants of the status quo and enemies of working people. That's from the socialist alternative that to want. Yeah, she's a member of that. Stone, what jumped on board with hashtag forced votes? It's weird she didn't take 20 million dollars from Clinton donors or right wingers. Isn't that weird? Our revolution. This is right from Seattle, the whole state, our revolution, this is Bernie's organization.


They endorsed it the whole our revolution, Washington. Members of Congress, we respectfully inform you that our Revolution Washington coalition supports force the vote if there has ever been a time that has magnified the failure of the American health care system, it is now with 40 years of failed corporate health care.


Our our revolution, Wisconsin was on board with us. We are calling on Representative Mark Pocan, our revolution, Bernie's organization, Jenko Against Bernie, your organization, the Young Turks, now against Bernie, now against everybody. We are calling on you, Representative Mark Pocan, as our elected representative, to stand and fight for us by leveraging this critical moment to hashtag forced to vote for Medicare for all, we elected you because you promised to fight. And we expect you to make good on that promise.


If not now, when that's the question no one will answer.


OK, you're against doing this right now for absolutely no reason, there's not a reason to not do it. Every reason is ridiculous. Yet they didn't do it anyway. And I'm supposed to not shame them. Not only do I want to shame them, I want to find a way to make sure that they that that we can primary them now, not only that, should we shame them, we should scare the shit out of them that they're going to lose their seat because that's exactly where we need them to be.


Or else they do that. They don't fucking do what they havent campaigned on. If you can't hold their feet to the fire to do the shit they campaigned on, you're out. You already lost. If you're going to nice them into doing what they campaigned on, that doesn't make any sense. That doesn't make any sense. You got to be nice to them to get them to do what they campaigned on, and if you're not nice enough, they're not going to do it because you were rude.


What the fuck? Can you imagine LBJ saying if Martin Luther King, if he's rude to me, I'm not going to do the civil rights? Can you imagine if I was around in the late 60s and LBJ saying I'd like to do Medicare for old people, but Jimmy Door was a jerk. What the fuck? Whole Washington universal health care, they're on board for all Washington health care, they're on board statewide health care organization request. Members of Congress to force the vote.


There it is. Health care, L.A. was on board. And shame on anybody who wasn't shame on the DSA. Shame on the anybody who wasn't on board. Justice Democrats twit. They just revealed themselves as a clarifying moment, they all revealed themselves they'll never fucking fight when the moment comes. They're not doing it. They're not doing it. And so now if we don't accept that they're not doing this now, it's our fault. Fool me once. Shame on you.


They already did that with the Kazaks. That's how I felt about the act. Fool me once. Shame on you. Fool me twice. Shame on me. So now they're going to fool you again. So now now it's your fault. If you don't do anything, they'll hold their feet to the fire right now and make them pay a political price for fucking not doing this this thing that they ran on.


Shame on you now it's your fault. Brianna, Joy, great, agrees with this is fundamentally in this country. The reason that we don't have Medicare for all is because the people in leadership are willing to say who is responsible for us not having Medicare for all.


She's Bernie Sanders, Bernie Sanders press secretary that's was giving the speech.


Eighty eight percent of Democrats support this policy and nearly 50 percent of Republicans do as well. And yet barely 50 percent of House Democratic leaders membership supports Medicare for all that. Golf is not there because the people don't want it. It's because no one is holding leadership accountable to their constituents. We have a media apparatus that's completely unwilling to play. We have a liberal lefty media apparatus that's largely silent on this issue as well. And what we do have opportunities.


No one is willing to name names and call out members of Congress, including people who are civil rights heroes. Right. You know, including people like Jim Clyburn, who happens to take more money from the pharmaceutical industry than anybody else in Congress would be afraid to say those kinds of things at the end of the day, without accountability, we're not going to make any progress in this. Without accountability, we are not going to make any progress in this area, so the people who are making excuses for the squad, I want you to tell me how are you going to hold them accountable?


Because that's the question I asked to everybody. Ben Speed Spielberg and everybody on Katee help resume call. What how do we hold them accountable when they don't do hashtag forced to vote, which everybody on that zoom agreed should be done?


How do we hold them accountable? And you know what they said back silence. No one has any idea how to hold them accountable. I do.


We tell them that you're a fraud, you're working for your own celebrity and interest, and you're not working for our interests, and we're going to let everybody know whether public pressure campaign, that's what they should have been doing before this vote. That's what they should be doing now. They should be scrambling to figure out what, because, by the way, there's nothing they can do.


This was the moment. Just like with the Kahrizak, you know, I was screaming so loud at the because that was the moment. And now it's over and you see they're never getting a stimulus, they didn't get one for a whole year. And that's why I was screaming then, because I knew that was it, that was the one time we had leverage, that was it, the Kahrizak that was our leverage. They all voted for the largest upward transfer of wealth in history and then lied to us about what they got us.


So that's why I was yelling so loud this time. Because this was the one chance we had to get this because now it's over and then in 20, 22 Democrats lose the freaking House, the Republicans come in, rewrite the rules all over. Then in twenty twenty four, Joe Biden loses to a worse right winger, will never get it. And it's going to be uncomfortable and they're going to be people that we all have liked and supported and admired and fought for and donated to and marched for, they're going to be uncomfortable that are going to be targets of this kind of criticism.


Targets. They're supposed to be targets, the people who we've all worked for, like the Justice Democrats, we've all helped get elected like Corey Bush and see this show has helped get elected.


Now we have to make them uncomfortable, not send them chocolates or be nicer. What does that got in you?


It got you fucking nothing. Nothing. People who agree with you, it's gotten nothing from them, nothing people who agree with you won't do anything. As they should be. They took this job because they wanted to be public servants, not because they wanted to be celebrity public figures. Yes, and it's going to be hard because they are blunt and you are going to be vilified and called every name in the book. You're going to be burning to death.


I just happened to me. See, Bernie brought me to death. She said how she was worried that my words were violence and I was too violent with her on. That's crazy. That's what they said about Bernie supporters and Bernie. That's that's what they did and she's saying that's what that's what the squad is doing to me. And all I'm doing is doing exactly what he said to do. Stop using polite language and make people uncomfortable. That's what she's saying, that she's saying to make AOC uncomfortable.


That's who she's talking about. She's talking about the squad people we've all donated to and marched for. That's what she's talking about, that there has to be a mechanism to hold them accountable. The mechanism I used was public shaming. And and a grassroots effort to force them to do what they campaigned on. But here's the thing, we've been through it before. We're battle tested and thick skinned and most importantly, we know we all have each other's back.


And that sense of solidarity is the most important and precious thing to me. Right.


We have to have each other's back in the activist community pressuring politicians. We can't have the politicians back. You got to stop fucking doing that. You got to stop giving them the benefit of the doubt. How about you start with stop giving them the benefit of the doubt? That's what you just because you know them personally. Stop giving them the benefit of the doubt. They should be worried that people are going to not give them the benefit of the doubt.


If they know you're going to, then they're going to keep being shitty. We lost it. We're not getting fucking Medicare for all. I hope you're happy we lost it. It's not happening. It's not going to happen now for some people, say 15 years. You know, I'll be 70 years old. I already be on Medicare in 15 years. I'll be on Medicare in 10 years. And I got to say, just on a personal note, it is meant so much to me to know that there is so much real grassroots support for all of these issues that is bigger and bolder and stronger than any of the commitment that was given to any singular candidate or political campaign.


The squad had no intentions of going against Mama Bear Pelosi showing once again that you don't change the Democrats, the Democrats change you once the party of war criminals and corporate politicians, always a party of war criminals and corporate politicians. That goes for the fraud squad. That's Danny Haiphong from the Black Agenda Report.


To the Black Agenda report said a box of chocolates to the squad to ask them to do what they campaigned on.


You think that'll work or do you think this is the kind of shit that works when the Black Agenda report comes out and fucking everybody else is doing this shit, that would work. But right now, they know they can count on half of the progressive community, at least half giving them cover and excusing them and not holding their feet to the fire. And that's why they're acting like this. What they need to be is worried that people who are normally calm and collected are going to start acting like me.


That's what we need to make them afraid of. OK. This isn't a fucking Rubik's Cube. This is politics one on one. Show me example where you nice a politician into doing something, show me an example of when you were nicer and they came around showbag show me where's that example? Where fuck is it? Because I can show you a million examples where pressure works. There's no fucking reason to not do hastag forced to vote. Everybody knows that, yet they didn't.


Don't fucking make excuses for them. Now, we will go back to the regularly scheduled tweets from the squad pretending like they give a shit while they support the oligarchy and that's already happened. The Ministry of Appeasement is already fucking working their magic. Graham Ellwood says good thing those strong tweets can be used for medical debt and rent hashtag fraud squad. I was lucky enough to have lived in Aoki's district to vote her into Congress. I donated what little money I could.


I volunteered for her as much as I could. I paid thirty dollars for a poster that I could that I put on my apartment door when I could have gotten it for free. Feeling betrayed.


So if you so if if they betrayed us, you should start talking like it, because that's what this person knows, that's a regular person who fucking put their heart and soul into AOSIS campaign and she's betrayed because she is betrayed.


And when you fucking give them a pass for doing this, you're betraying her to. You're betraying her to you're betraying all those people who believed in AOC when she campaigned and when they did, you're betraying them, you're fucking smearing them when you protect the squad. You're smearing them. These are the people you are fucking hanging out to dry when you protect those people who just hung them out to dry. You're doing it to. Shame on you, fucking shame on you, how you can look yourself in the mirror bompard you when these people are out there saying this and you're going to fucking give them the benefit of the fucking doubt, shame.


How can you look yourself? How do you sleep at night? How do you sleep at night knowing this woman out there, how the fuck do you do that? And you're going to go run interference for them. And you wonder why we live in a failed state when you won't do the fucking bare minimum to pressure politicians. When they won't do the bare minimum, the bare minimum was a fucking floor vote. That was the bare minimum we were asking for.


They should have got everything else, they should have got everything David Sirota said in that in on our show, they should have got everything right. And they say they weren't even shooting for anything. Hey, let's do this. They all took a picture, they all took a picture before they went in and sold you out. They all went in and took a picture. Let's do this, Rashied, to leave. Let's do this. They're all posers.


They're all celebrity posers who love the celebrity of who they are. That's their brand, and if you don't see that fucking wake up champ. Do what, says this guy, let's do this, do what? Go vote for Nancy Pelosi. Wow, looks like selling out to people is really fun. Today, the fraud squad showed us all why people don't fucking vote. That's this is what fucking suppresses the vote. If they had if they had fought, even the little people you are, you see what the turnout would be in the next allow you kidding me?


This is why half the country doesn't vote.


You want to hear what Marianne Williamson has to say about the justice Democrats on the squad fucking selling us out for their own celebrity and career position, wanna hear what she says about it? She's not going to fuck. She's going to tell you the truth.


So you have to ask me what I thought about today. Right. And my answer is that I think today was a terrible day. Terrible. It was a really terrible day, really historically terrible day. I think that the next two years in the United States are going to be very significant in American history. And what happened today was. Such a cave. And even the people that we have been hoping they're going to go in there, how many times a day do we read their tweets?


They're going there to fight for us and we see their tweets of their new office door and they're going to fight for us. And today was a fold. It wasn't a fight. I don't know what day what day does the fight begin?


Mm hmm. How many days are you there before you start this fight?


Because the first fight is with the corporatist Democratic establishment. And this is nothing personal about Nancy Pelosi.


She's the first woman speaker. I have great respect for much she's done in the past. But what happened today was grievous. And I don't think that the Democratic Party has two years to prove to the American people that they will present a genuine alternative to the Trump type forces. They have, I think, 100 days. Hmm.


And what was voted for today is same old, same old, the same old, same old that lost US seats in the House. No company would thrive in this country that rewarded failed leadership the way the Democratic Party does.


So I feel politically homeless today. I think a lot of people do.


Mm hmm. Politically homeless to justice Democrats, the squad, they left us all politically homeless. That's where we are right now, politically homeless. We have enough good tweeters, we need people who are actually going to fight for what they say they're going to fight for.


Hey, the senator from Utah, Mitt Romney, is on the phone.


Hello. Oh, hello, Jimmy, you may know me as senator met Willard Minton's Mitt Romney, but I am also husband, father, son, grandfather, former governor, father, US senator again, father, husband, dog, lover, father, father, father and son of a father who was also a husband, father and senator and lover of all things.


Bain mean did he Bain Bain to you, my friend, uh, and father again.


Happy New Year, Mitt. I also love America, Arcaro and God, our blessed father, who was not a husband, even though he was a father.


Oh oh oh.


OK, but why are you telling me all this?


To make sure that all Americans know I am more than just the father of Romneycare. I am also a man of many virtues. For instance, I once had a hamster named Peanut. Peanut was a real character, stayed up all night, running, running, running on that hamster wheel of his 3:00 a.m. metal, scraping against metal, wearing down his teeth on the bars of his cage, constantly rearranging his little seed stash in the corner. Fucking peanut.


What an asshole. But I kept him anyway. Right.


Hey, what are you getting at, Mitt? They'll come out and just say it. I am so sick of all the shame Donald Trump and the GOP have strayed from our party's core values.


What are those core values, Mitt, shitting all over everyone and everything people want? Kind of like a sick elephant projectile pooping all over a circus audience. But that's different from what Trump is doing, Jimmy. You see, Trump is eroding the public's faith in our sacred Pluto ocracy. What is a plutocracy accuracy, a plutocracy democracy? It's a lot like Clamato juice, only with more dried clam powder and sugar. I love that dry powder, don't you?


Who doesn't? Elections are tough, but you can never let on. That is all a farce. Once you do that, people lose faith in losing faith. 100 million people staying home is just enough for the remaining population to use as an excuse for voting for garbage. Hey, I'm surprised to hear you admit that.


All that was it me, Jimmy, that was my alter ego, pure, delectable. He's a real troublemaker and quite the strutting peacock with his elaborately knotted cravats. Aren't you pure? Why, yes, I am, Willard. I am devoted to style, nonchalance and leisurely hobbies.


Who am I talking to now? Metropia. Oh, that's for you to find out, Jimmy. Just keep in mind, we're both concerned about our homeland being overrun by riffraff defacing the homes of rich people in Pacific Heights. That's where my virtue signals come in, vertue signals.


Don't forget, I won Iowa's crucial trapped in a corn maze voting bloc in 2012 with the help of my beautiful wife, my sons. My father hired my dog, my Salamander's peanut and hot dog, my favorite meat. Now I'm just laying in wait for my grand return in 2024 by being by completely abstaining from fluids and eating nothing but saltines and powdered boscoe tarty Jimmy. Be forewarned Bearder Lacto and I shall return and pull up your damn pantalones.


Hey, you know, we no longer have an Amazon link because we're not doing that. We're not playing that game. But here's another great way you can help support the show. If you become a premium member, we give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week. And it's a great way to help support the show. You could do it by going to your company. Dot com click. It got join premium. It's the most affordable premium program in the business and it's a great way to help put the thumb back in the eye of the bastards.


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So guess what? Breaking news, Democrats, Georgia's success reshapes U.S. political landscape, so like the Democrats are going to take over the Senate, says the Senate. Breaking Democrat sycophants already back at brunch. Unless you're viewing the landscape from Wall Street, so Democrats, Georgia's success reshapes the U.S. political landscape, projected election victories will give Biden a majority in the Senate and were built on a revamped strategy and organizational effort.


So Democrats move closer to Senate control as counting could know they've got it well. One positive outcome of the Democrats controlling the White House and both houses of Congress is it will provide a lot more clarity about who they really are. They'll use excuses like they did from 2008 to 2010. Manchin will be the new Lieberman, et cetera, but the light will still be bright.


So. What they're so what he's saying is the Democrats love to have a divided government. They both parties do because they can blame the other party. So Joe Biden go, well, I can't get anything done because that damn Republican Senate. Right. But if it's all Democrat like we have here in California, they got nobody else to blame.


So we have all supermajority Democrat in California and a Democratic governor. And we're still we've got homeless people living under every bridge. We still don't have health care. We still have do that. We still have fracking. We still have all this shit. It doesn't matter. We're just like Texas. We might as well be. So that just goes to show you a super majority Democratic legislature, gets you right wing policies, just so you know.


And so right now, Glenn, saying that's going to happen again because now you're going to be able to blame the Democrats. They have complete control of government. And when you don't have something, it's their fault. And they're going to go, no, it's Joe Manchin. He's he's part of the Democrats, but he's so conservative, we can't get anything done because of him. They love having Joe Manchin, so now they don't have to fucking cross their donors and they go, well, Joe Manchin.


That's exactly. And and. What's going to happen is a more competent Trump is going to take over after this. And then we'll be told we just need to get rid of that person first and then we can have actual change and the cycle keeps continuing. So you see, we got to get rid of troub first, then we can do so. They got rid of Trump now. They got complete control. They're going to completely abandon everybody like they have.


We're going to get a worse Trump and then they're going to say we got to get rid of that Trump again. We can't have a third party, we can't have a thing we can't push for, blah, we got to get rid of that guy. Over and over and over, here's what Marianne Williamson says, she says, Tomorrow, progressives will say, look at all the power we have and all the wonderful things we can do for people.


Now, then corporatist Dems will whine. Yeah, but we didn't get a mandate. And there's another election in two years.


So we better be really careful and go-slow do not let them. She knows the game. With with unified democratic control of government, there should be no excuses for bad or inadequate policy. Don't let them spin some narrative that they can't get this or that done. They can get whatever they want done. If they don't, it's because at least some of them don't want to. And maybe if they're not pushing for votes on things. It's because they don't want you to realize that.


If they're not pushing for votes on stuff, maybe it's because they don't want you to realize that they can get done whatever they want to get done. Now the Republican shields are down, but Mitch and the only reason for Dems not taking rapid, massive action on climate would be their own choice. Push hard for we are out of time, says Peter Kalmus. The filibuster can be abolished with 51 votes if the Democrats choose to allow the Republicans to block legislative initiatives.


Then that is their fault. That is correct. This is a great clarifying moment, there's going to be more hashtag foresta votes moment coming up. So the squad already showed you who they are. They're capitulations to power. Cory Bush, Jamal Bowmen. Their first act was an act of cowardice and capitulation to the establishment. Nancy Pelosi, a war criminal. And there's going to be more moments coming up. So it's going to be very revealing and I'm predicting the squad will continue to sell you out now, some other people don't think that's going to happen.


Other people think that if we pressure them, they will do the right thing.


We already did pressure them and they wouldn't even come to a town hall with one hundred thousand people. They wouldn't they wouldn't even come to a town hall with Cornel West. We already did pressure them and they gave us the finger and anybody else telling you that they're naive or they just go, oh, they just have.


As a cosio, Cortez is a grown up, smart person who knows exactly what she's doing along with the rest of them, they are grown up smart, capable people capable of winning a frickin congressional race. They know what they're doing. They know it better than we do.


So anybody telling you that they're naive and they're good people, they're just making bad decisions, that person is gaslighting you. That is not fucking true and everybody knows that's not true.


That's why Fraud Squad is trending. That's why Fraud Squad trended organically. I didn't push that that wasn't me. I didn't make that up. And now if they don't get rid of the filibuster, there's no point. Again, there is no point to the Democratic Party except to fake you out and to take all the progressive energy and squash it. That's what the Democratic Party that's what Bernie Sanders is there for. And that's what the justice Democrats are there for, there to take all that revolutionary energy and squash it and kill it inside the Democratic Party.


And that's what they're doing. I don't know if you noticed the justice. Democrats are not fighting against the establishment Democrats. They're always fighting against Republicans. That's what they're doing. They're just Democrats. The justice Democrats are a failed experiment. 100 percent. What Chavez to watch said is true, the road inside the Democratic Party for progressives leads to a graveyard and we just witnessed it. So they got to get rid of the filibuster, which they won't, because if they get rid of it, that means they'll have to do stuff.


And so with the filibuster, all they have to do is get a Republican to filibuster and say, oh, we can't help you. We can't get you a two thousand dollar check. We can't get you health care. We can't get you climate change legislation. We can't end a war. We can't blah, blah, blah. We can't help you. We can't solve your student debt. We can't do it infrastructure because there's a guy filibustering. We want to get rid of the filibuster.


That would be rude.


Breaking Biden announced his creation of a Department of Excuses, which aims to tirelessly fabricate reasons as to why Democrats are unable to pass any policy despite having control of both the House and the Senate. That's a great tweet. That is a great tweet. Loffler and produ centered their campaign on fear mongering and division. In the end, the message that one was will bring you relief to your families, will bring relief to you and your families. If the Democrats fail to follow through, they lose the House in twenty twenty two.


They're losing the House in twenty twenty two. You know, it's funny, when they campaigned on not being Medicare for all the polls weren't really looking so good, then they came campaigned on actually helping people and it worked out.


Isn't it weird when you campaign on actually helping people and having government do things for people? People vote for you when you campaign on Medicare for all will never come that part. You don't win. Donald Trump ran out. I'm going to give everybody health care. He didn't. How about if you run on helping people in and actually do it? Boy, I bet you could have a super Democratic majority forever. The only thing standing between us and Medicare for all is the Democrats now remember that, remember that the only thing standing between us and Medicare for all are the Democrats.


And remember that when they try to convince you otherwise. Remember that when when somebody from the Justice Democrats, when Mark Pocan or when Broken or AOC or Linamar or Ayanna Pressley, they try to tell you that the Republicans are blocking Medicare for all.


You tell them it's you. It's your party and when are you going to call them out? It's your party, it's Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, it's your party that's blocking Medicare for all. It's the Democrats.


This is an unbelievable tweet, Alexander Cosio quote, What do you see what's different about this tweet than her normal tweets? Hello, it's a new day who's ready to push, ready to push for retroactive covid relief and push for student loan cancellation for climate justice, not a green new deal.


You see how she switched from a green new deal to climate justice. So she went from a friend from Green New Deal to Climate Justice gets better voting rights ending the death penalty. What, Pop? Health care. So she switches green new deal to climate justice and Medicare for all to health care. She's just naive, she doesn't know how it works, except she's a fuck and she knows exactly how it works.


That is a sly fox and somebody's trying to tell you they're and they're just eight innocent pussy cat is lying to you. She's a craven, conniving, scheming politician like fucking everyone. And if anybody tells you otherwise, say now who's being naive, Kay? Now, who's being naive, Kay? She is a conniving, calculating, cold politician who was willing to try to get our YouTube channel taken down, which is what she was doing when she accused up of violence.


And every YouTube or should be calling her out for that and shame on the ones who aren't. I really feel that way. And so and you see anyway. So there it is, what policies do you most want to push for? How about Medicare for all the thing you ran on? Oh, you changed it to health care. Why, because she is a fraud. I don't know, Jimmy, the line that says who's ready to push?


Do you see those images? It has diversity. It has to has white people, black people, brown people. Jimmy, she's on the right page. Does that word push interesting, not force, not force push, isn't it funny and you don't feel like a cock, you don't feel like a chump. If you if you are an AOC supporter, you don't feel like a chump. She just fucking she's played you. Be candid with yourself, she's playing you.


On purpose, that's calculated, that's conniving. She knows exactly what she's doing. She's not naive. She's not a child. Don't infantilize AOC. She's a grown up, one of the most powerful people in the world. And she is fucking you. That is her fucking you health care. Wait a minute, we have Democrats control government and and you switched from Medicare to health care because she's selling you out. She's not your ally. She gives lip service to the same things that you like and then does nothing.


There's a lot of people on the left who don't understand this. There's a lot of people on the left who totally understand this and the people who don't grew up in cul de sacs. And have no idea how to fight because they've never had to in their whole life. Never. Jack, Ugur grew up in a cul de sac. He went to private schools. He's been coddled his whole life. He never got hit by his fucking parents. I'll tell you that.


He doesn't know how to fight fair. He knows how to fight ugly. Doesn't know how to fight because the moment came to fight and he didn't, he bent the need to his corporate donors and he fucking abandoned you. That's what you guarantee it did. And everybody saw it. And he's protecting her. The Young Turks, Twitty, are protecting her and the justice Democrats and everyone sees it, it's disgusting. Oh, we're supposed to treat them differently than we treat other politicians when they sell us out.


Why? Because I know him, because I know them personally, because I'm at my ego is invested in the justice Democrats. When when she sells you out, you're supposed to call her out even louder. Not not you're not supposed to be softer, you're supposed to be harder. You've got to absolutely fucking backwards. Go back to your cul de sac. I'll show you how to fight. Jimal says the AOC translation 10 years ago today, after the Democrats use their supermajority to pass the ACA ACA, which is Obamacare, Blue Shield raised its premiums 60 percent.


Let's build on that. Let me know when you are ready to fight for Medicare for all. Not push for health care. Two thousand dollars recurring checks until the pandemic is over. That's what Ellen Ohmar tweeted out on January 2nd. That's great, Alan, why don't you try telling your other colleagues and stop telling Twitter? Because all y'all know how to do is tweet, that's all they know how to do the justice Democrats don't do shit, they're a brand and they're into their own celebrity.


And I don't care that they don't take corporate money. They're selling you out for their own celebrity and their own comfort and position. And they did it right in fucking your face. So that's a regular person who read tweets or El-Hai Omar's bullshit fucking virtue signalling and says all you all y'all do is tweet. Two hundred fifteen thousand likes, that's not a blue check, that's just a regular person. Do you see the only people who don't think this are Genk younger, the founder of the Justice Democrats, the only people who don't feel like this about the justice Democrats who just sold you out?


In the most blatant way possible. Would be Jack yoga, I think. So there you go, and they're selling you out the justice. Democrats are not doing what they said they would do and you should stop giving them money. He should stop giving justice Democrats money. You should make them do what they what they said they were going to do. And when they do, you'll start giving them money again, but stop, stop giving them stop giving the justice Democrats money.


Stop. I can't say that hard enough, stop giving them money. The president elect is calling me again hello. Hey, man, happy new year, Fred. Hey, happy New Year, Joe, but why can't you support Medicare for all we need the most? All right, look, firstly, I want to be clear, I'm not going nuts. My wife is a doctor.


Hey, thanks for reassuring the nation on that bell. Furthermore, and however, I promise all of America, not just Bermuda, 1968 is going to be the best year ever. Look, folks, it's not going to sugarcoat the bad day here. So let me be very, very clear, Maska, you're all going to die, simple as that. And he said money for the inauguration ceremony pony up, said check, what's your plan to fix our health care system, Joe?


Fix fixing, but it just needs to be reimagined. I imagine Amazonian fulfillments, senser in everybody's town, big and small drones to deliver vaccines, a little robot administers the dose. His name will be Tommy Tommy, the little robot, articulate and bright and clean, nice looking guy. He's going to cure cancer. Kamis about the size of a baby, but he won't wear a diaper. Robots in the future will be potty trained and only Rowsey springs and Broken Gears ejecta springs and gears down to the local Montgomery wards for recycling and get a discount on Amazon Prime has a future.


I swear I have no idea what you're talking about. What, what. What, what. But what about now Joe. My dad, my dad was a big fella. Yeah. Externalise I was Schaller's where. In Mississippi. Uh huh. I remember the first civil rights march to ah I fell out of my stroller. Yeah. I'm was like, baby, what do you want. And I just looked at her, I said freedom and I said freedom.




Wow. That's so touching. Freedom. You were so young you couldn't even pronounce freedom correctly, but you knew that's what you wanted. Freedom. What the fuck are you talking about? No, it's a for you and crazy, but is it that from an anecdote Martin Luther King told in 1965.


Oh come on now.


Give me that. My vice president. What's her name? She told me I did that. Now, let me tell you, another story happened to me, okay? My mother used to have an espresso. She said bravery resides in every heart. Someday I'll be summonsed.


Bravery, bravery resides in everyone's heart and someday will be summoned, not summonsed.


Shut up, man.


Shake my hand. You say about Cisco. We built this city on sausage rolls.


No, no. We built this city on rock and roll, even though we won the Senate. I promise to work. With both parties to get things done. Especially the ones who want to kill us and use us as our food source. So now you're you're backing the 2000 dollar check thing. It's not just about it's about real wives. Hardworking Americans that are desperately in need of help. He was begging for help and he needs it now. I'm here to tell you, help is on the way, restoring hope, honor and dysentery to dishonest Americans all over this country's country.


And if Republicans fight the recovery, two thousand dollar checks. What that and you won't get diddly squat. You all get jack squat, zilch. Not a bogus tax everywhere you dig in Chillagoe. I won't even lift a finger for you. Popcorn heads, you could take that to the pokey, put it through the mop wringer and set it out to dry on my hat. Rack your pocket mouth, mudfish.


Well, thanks for calling Joe Biden. Well, am I right? So this is happening right now. This is some good news for us. The UK judge refuses US extradition of WikiLeaks founder Assange. That is great news. It is. That is great news.


We've you know, we hosted the town hall for Julian Assange here at the show. We've done it. We've always been on board with Julian Assange. And this is what the story is. A British judge on Monday rejected the United States request to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to face espionage charges over the publication of secret U.S. documents a decade ago, saying suicide was likely if, if held under harsh U.S. prison conditions. Now, let's remember what they're prosecuting Julian Assange or they're trying to prosecute him for.


Is that not anything to do with Trump or Russia or Wiki or the Clinton campaign or any of that or the server? It's to do with them exposing war crimes of the Bush administration through Chelsea Manning from 2010. That's what this is about. And people don't know that. People think it's about always working with Putin. And no, first of all, he never was. But second of all, this is about him exposing war crimes 10 years ago.


Barack Obama's administration already tried to prosecute him for this and they dropped it because they realized they couldn't. In a mixed ruling for Assange and his supporters, the judge rejected defense arguments that the 49 year old Australian faces a politically motivated American prosecution that rides roughshod over free speech protections. It does all that stuff. It is politically motivated. And it does ride roughshod on free speech, of course, that judges are corrupt. But the judge did still give him a denied the extradition.


But she said it. Why? She said because Assange's precarious mental health would likely deteriorate further under the conditions of near total isolation he would face in a U.S. prison. Lawyers for. So it's like a humanitarian thing she's doing. She's like, yeah, he's he should be prosecuted, but he'll probably die if they do.


That's what she's saying.


Lawyers for the U.S. government said they would appeal the decision and the U.S. Department of Justice said it would continue to seek Assange's extradition. Those people are evil. The lawyers for the US government are evildoers.


While we are extremely disappointed in the court's ultimate decision. We are gratified that the United States prevailed on every point of law raised, it said in a statement. In particular, the court rejected all of Mr Assange's arguments regarding political motivation, political offence, fair trial and freedom of speech. In other words, the court still upholds our bullshit charges. They just acknowledge we're complete lunatics trying to kill a guy for publishing stuff we didn't want published.


That's really what that says, the court still upholds our bullshit charges. They just acknowledge we're complete lunatics trying to kill a guy for publishing stuff that we didn't want people to see.


We hope that after consideration of the UK's courts ruling, the United States will decide not to pursue the case further, Assange's lawyer said. Yeah, you've tortured a guy long enough.


The U.S. is a bully that hasn't even been portrayed in the movies yet. When does that happen? Amnesty International tweeted this out, We welcome the fact that Julian Assange will not be sent to the United States of America, but this does not absolve the UK from having engaged in this politically motivated process at the behest of the United States and putting media freedom and freedom of expression on trial. Julian Assange, his partner, Stella Morris, she gave a speech here in London.


I ask you all to shout louder, lobby harder until he is free. I call on everyone else to come together to defend Julian's rights, not just for women's rights, they're your rights to. Julian's freedom is coupled to all our freedoms. I 100 percent support what she's saying, she's saying it correctly, Jelena's said. Julians freedom is tied to all our freedoms, and that's exactly right. That is 100 percent right.


How do you how do people. Not what? I don't get it. And here's Glenn Greenwald says Mexico's President Almelo announces that Mexico is offering potential asylum to Julian Assange, citing not only Mexico's tradition of protecting people from political persecution, but also its responsibility to do so.


Wow, that's amazing. So good news for Julian Assange. Well, they're going to appeal it now, but another good news is he might be able to get out on bail. So he might be able to get out on bail now while the United States appeals the decision, so that's fantastic. So hopefully he'll be able to get out on bail and he'll be able to get back into good health. And be with his family and be with his family.


It's amazing what's being allowed to happen in the West and the fact that Australia is in screaming about this, the government I mean, it's Australia again, shameful.


Again, the biggest crimes are committed right out in the public. And this is one of them. Right out in the public, they're doing this to a journalist. And look at all the worthless journalists in the United States not screaming about this. Hello, this is Jimmy.


Who's this? Jimmy, this is our Patiño, I'm confused. What are you confused about our. OK, why? Why, Jimmy, why is there another election happening?


I turn on the TV and it says, Election night in America, the focus going on we just did this is just like, you know, like a sequel.


No, no. It was the Georgia runoff election that you saw. Runoff, I thought the guy's name was ass off.


It appears that John USCIRF defeated David Perdue. I saw won the runoff. OK, what is a run off? It sounds like some wireless carrier we should take.


Well, when these contests were held previously, the results were too close to call. So they had to redo the election. I feel like a democracy mulligan right over here. Yeah, so why why is this so important? It's just one state.


Well, the results of the election determines who will control the Senate. The senators controlled the Senate, no, no, no. Which party? All right. I don't know which party. No, no. The election determines which political Republican or Democrat will have the most seats in the Senate.


Why is that important to the parties? Yes, it's very important, quite frankly, to the American people, probably won't matter much. Oh, that's too bad, I was getting all worked up about it, but it looks like the Democrats have won the Senate, so there are more Democratic senators than Republicans.


Actually, there will be the same amount. More than 150 at a time, well, under our current system, in the case of a tie in the Senate, the tie is broken by the vice president, who will be Kamala Harris, who is a Democrat. Carmen Hairi, Kamala Harris. Oh, God, sorry. I know her. I saw that video of her dancing around in the rain in front of her supporters, just such wide TV, you know, such powerful feminine energy.




Shortly after she stood up for fracking, literal fracking in the vice presidential debate, she danced around and people got very excited.


Yeah, they call her a queen. That's what they say, Jimmy. She's a queen.


Yeah, that's how serious people talk now, apparently. OK, Jimmy, this is the part of the sketch when I was writing it, that there was a violent crude overthrow our government.


And so, you know, I thought to myself, why the fuck am I writing this sketch about the George election with this shit fucking going on? So, yeah, I've been distracted, OK. Hey, we don't have time to get the rest of that phone call in today's radio show.


How do you hear the whole phone call? You got to get a podcast of today's Jimmy Lúcio and you can get a podcast at the Gym Radioshow for Free and iTunes Stitcher or a Jimmy Door comedy from today's show was written by Ron Polakov, Mark Van Landuyt Steve Zambrano, Jim Earl, Mike McCray and Roger Rittenhouse.


All the voices performed today by the one in the only the inevitable Mike McCurry, who can be found at Mike McCurry dot com.


That's it for this week. You'll be the best you can be and I'll keep being me.


Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't freak out. Don't freak out.