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Get ready for an outstanding entertainment program, The Jimmy Doors show.


Hey, this is Jimmy. Who's this? Jamie. Each mayor, temporary judge. Oh, hi, Mayor Pete, it's good to hear from you, buddy. It's good to be heard from Jamie. I'm glad that I have a legitimate reason to call you on the floor.


Yes, the rumor is that Joe Biden's going to pick you to be the ambassador to China. Jesus, that is indeed the rumor, really. You know, Jimmy, when I left my campaign for president of the United States of America, I envisioned the second best thing to be commander in chief.


And what's that? Getting as far away as humanly possible from the United States of America. And as ambassador to China, I would get to do just that.


This comes at a time when the US Chinese relations are kind of fraught. Do you think you're up to the challenge? Yes, I do. Jimmy, the Chinese are an extremely proud people, which is something I've gleaned over the years from movies and television.


They need to know that the United States takes them and their needs seriously. The choice of me for ambassador would do just that.


Oh, really? How do you figure that, Pete? Because the only public service experience I have is that I was the mayor of a city whose Chinese equivalent in terms of population would be a small fishing village. I also served in the US military, which China views as an imperialist war machine. My appointment to the ambassadorship could only be viewed by them as a carefully crafted insult, one so pointed and meticulous that they would have to regard it with begrudging respect.


And that would be a good thing. They. And also, I have the honor and opportunity to press President Biden's vision and agenda overseas.


What exactly is President Biden's vision and agenda, Mayor Pete? Strength's. Firmness, fairness, a sense of decency.


Yes, squirrelled dealing it is he is he a regional bank now? Hope, change, freedom for all Americans sandwiches.


Oh, yeah, right. That's the sandwich thing.


Compassion, unity, American values, strength.


Oh, OK. You already said strength. Mayor Pete, are you saying that spewing meaningless platitudes is really all there is to Joe Biden's vision? Yes, I am. Well, if in order to spread his agenda, Bidi need someone who's good at talking a lot but saying nothing of substance. You are definitely the guy for that job.


Try to thank you, Jeremy, I truly appreciate that. What are you going to do to prepare for your sojourn to China? Well, Jimmy, I'm happy to inform you that in South Bend, Indiana, we have our very own P.F. Chang's and Chaston and I will be going there for sure.


Yes. And we won't be returning there for dinner until we have tried every single item on the menu cheeses. That is my pledge to you, the American citizen.


Impressive. And of course, I have always been thorough in my research. We will then do The Cheesecake Factory and try all of the Asian offerings on that movie.


Oh, hey, Jesus Christ.


Hey, get the bag. Bang, chicken and shrimp. It's delicious. You'll thank me later, Pete. Bang, bang, chicken and shrimp. Interesting, Jim, you are clearly a very educated and cultured man. That's why it's always a pleasure to talk to you. I must return to my duties, but until next day. Jimmy Ni hao.


That means hello. Yes, it does.


Establishment media organs like and love bullshit, they can't afford to this. Golf, the median speeds and jumps, the media hits them head on the chin to show.


Hey, everybody, welcome to this week's Jimmy Dorje show. Let's get to the jokes before we get to the jokes. Hey, the Democratic controlled House, that Democratic controlled House just passed Trump's war budget by a veto proof margin. I guess that's what Biden meant when he pledged 100 million shots in 100 days of rewriting the Pentagon. This is true, the Pentagon revealed, the Pentagon revealed it's all set to administer the first 40000 doses of covid vaccines as soon as they can figure out how to deliver something without killing a nearby wedding party.


Hey, I swear, if I have to listen to one more time to Donald Trump complain that the 2020 election was rigged, I'm going to have to do the same for all the times Hillary Clinton said 2016 was rigged, Universal just bought Bob Dylan's catalog of songs for 300 million dollars. But the singer says he's still going to keep his leopardskin pillbox hat. I don't know why that's funny, but it just saddens me to hear that Bob Dylan sold all his songs.


Now we get to hear those songs, you know, in like IBM commercials. Oh, he already did. One, we get to hear those songs tell and sell in Chevy trucks. A hard rain is going to fall. It's kind of back.


We're going to be for Chevy trucks. Yeah. Hey, whatever.


Life gives you 100 reasons to cry. Just remember, you can also give you a hundred reasons to smile, thereby proving life is a non-stop exercise in pointless futility. Hey, what's coming up on today's Jimmy Dawes show? America closes down again, but regular working people are abandoned by their government. How long before the pitchforks and guillotines the answer just might surprise you. Plus, there's no stimulus in the Congress new stimulus plan, but there's always money for war.


Plus, shocking scientific data. Wealthy people are climate change accelerators. And Joe Biden's conflict of interest cabinet just got more conflict of interests. Plus, we got phone calls from Pete Budig, Joe Biden and Matthew McConaughey. That's today. Jimmy Dorotea. Just so you know that they've given you twelve hundred dollars while they gave five trillion dollars to the richest people and they don't care and other countries aren't doing this, OK. And I'm going to show you what CNN, their business guy, has to say about this.


But first, I want to show you this. This is what other countries are doing during this coronavirus. When they tell you to shut down your business, they pay your payroll for your company. So nobody there isn't stress. Nobody gets screwed. And there isn't going to be social unrest in Japan. They're paying 100 percent, 100 percent of the businesses, 80 percent for large firms, Netherlands, Norway, Germany, France, Italy, U.K., Canada, the United States paying zero percent.


All these other countries, seventy five, eighty eighty five, eighty seven, ninety ninety 100 percent of their paying people's payroll's, United States zero. Zero. And they're not giving you a stimulus, and 14 million people lost their health care. 40 million people lost their jobs. 60 percent of the businesses that close are permanent. And 90 million people are on the brink of eviction December 31st. And here is what the CNN business guy said about stimulus.


Levee protection, a huge priority for McConnell. I want to ask you about Bernie Sanders and other progressives that are not happy with the stimulus package because it does not include stimulus checks. The same actually goes for Republican Josh Holly of Missouri. But with that idea, have enough impact on the economy that would lead to ultimately spiking this bill altogether, do you think? Well, I think the criticism is right in the sense that this nine hundred and eight billion dollar package is not enough to get the economy through the whole pandemic.


And what's interesting is, as you mentioned, it's not just from the left. We heard Senator Josh Hollings say that he told President Trump, Trump or if stimulus checks are not included. But, you know, the economist that I'm talking to, they say, listen, you know, we don't know that stimulus checks are really needed right now.


The economists he's talking to, who are you talking to? Larry Kudlow. Who are you talking to, Ebenezer Scrooge, the economist you're talking to right now, the economists you're talking to right now.


Who are they? Who are the economists you're talking to? The economists he's talking to say we don't need a stimulus check right now. You know, Americans can't afford groceries right now, there's 90 million people on the brink of being evicted. You have a five thousand dollar suit and a two hundred thousand dollar consulting job at CNN. And you're saying we don't need a stimulus check. I wonder why. Just imagine the culture, just imagine the culture at CNN where you're allowed to go on TV and say something like that, that he knows he won't be a get in trouble for, but, B, he'll get rewarded.


This is nothing but propaganda. This is worse than that then, provided this is worse than state run media. This is unbelievable. You want to hear him again, I'll play it for you. They say, listen, you know, we don't know the stimulus checks are really needed right now. Americans would probably just save that money rather than spend it.


Why would they save Americans would save that? There are 19 million people on the brink of being evicted right now, they'd probably just save it. Fourteen, fifteen million people lost their health care, they'd probably just save it. This is the kind of. And nothing will happen to his career, he'll get a raise after this, he's going to fail up. I wouldn't be surprised if he's not a member of Biden's camp right in. And there's a lot of really good stuff in this package, including extending the unemployment benefits that I was talking about earlier, forgivable loans for small businesses, state and local aid from the federal government.


And so you don't want to just kill the whole bill because of that single issue. I mean, it's like if your house was on fire, you wouldn't turn away the one fire truck that comes up just because you think you're needed. You would take the help and hope to get some more.


Yeah, like if a fire truck shows up to your house when it's on fire and it shows up with nothing but gasoline in it to spray on your house, you take it. Because it's wet, I guess. You can't yeah, you can't you can't let the perfect get in the way of the useless. So the media is part of the ruling class, you do you see the problem here? Do you see why we have a show? Do you see why we have a show, why I don't have an MSNBC contract or a CNN contract, why they don't even allow me on CNN, they don't even allow me on MSNBC.


You see why they don't allow anybody on like this ever. They'll never let a progressive on MSNBC talk about the war. CNN will never let you think they'd have No. Who's who's our favorite economist, Dr. Stephanie Kelton, no, the guy. Oh, Mark Lith. Richard Wolffe of. Are you talking to Richard Wolffe, the economist you're talking about? I guess that's not one of the economists you talked to. This is this is their lead business guy.


Saying that we don't need we don't need stimulus checks. Yeah, yeah, that's the idea. Kind of like perfect get in the way of helpful or just good Matt Egan.


Yeah. Or shit you can't let perfect get in the way of absolutely useless. They're all in agreement of every pedal is like that. They're all in agreement on some horrible idea. The last time I showed you a three person panel on CNN, they were all in agreement that pulling troops out of Afghanistan was a bad idea, that CNN. More right wing than Fox. And by the way, is that the male face of that's the male, Karen, if there ever was one, am I right?


Oh, well, that's totally the face of smugness, right? If can I ask to speak to the manager was a face. There it is. Let's see what it says, let's see what his bio says. Matt Egan is the lead writer for CNN Business. He provides analysis on the day's biggest business stories, covering everything from Wall Street and the stock market to energy. Egin also tweets throughout the day at the latest market moves and corporate news.


So not that he has no accomplishments, none. He was just handed this job. He has no accomplishments.


Well, if you notice, he's only covering concepts, not people. He doesn't understand the needs of people. He only understands capitalism and the market. Not one accomplishment. You think they would list something he did? I note I'm relieved he didn't include happy father. Nothing. Yeah. Yeah, proud that. Proud father and husband. Hey, fuckface, what's this guy's name, Matt. Hey, fuckface Matt Egan, nearly 19 million Americans are going to lose their home in December 31st.


That the economists you talk to not tell you that.


Hey, Matt, thousands are in cars, form lines to collect foods, did the economists you talk to, they didn't tell you that that part. You know why you know why they're in car in their cars. Thousands in lines that get food because it's all that money they're saving, Matt, because they're probably just saving their money.


They need to talk to an expert, can I just tell you that the by the way, the name of his shampoo, Pure Evil, just so you know, pure evil.


Oh, that's what this guy calls it, pure evil.


Apparently, we should be grateful we're getting nothing because maybe they'll throw us a crumb in a couple of months. Twelve hundred dollars or less was sent out over six months ago. Do these people think we're all sitting on piles of money and pretending to be poor? Yes, I guess Maddigan. That's what he thinks people in America are pretending to be poor. This is their business. That's their lead business guy. That's that's that's the kind of info you get at CNN, but CNN.


Says YouTube is dangerous. You've got to stop advertising on YouTube, but so we could do this. Record high unemployment, widespread food insecurity, small business shut down. And CNN has on an expert whose opinion on stimulus checks is that the economists I'm talking to are saying people would rather save that money than spend it and it wouldn't help the economy. It's unreal. Another stimulus check is critical. This is from fucking Newsweek. Newsweek, could you be more mainstream corporate than Newsweek, and their headline is that a stimulus check is critical.


More than one hundred and twenty five, economists say, but the jagoff from CNN not. And you ever get a chance to go on CNN and you don't rip them a new asshole? Look at that, another stimulus check is critical to economic recovery, more than one hundred twenty five economists say that's from November 24th. CNN, no, we're good. Another stimulus check. Wow, so this pandemic is 100 percent proof that capitalism not only requires human misery and oppression to work, but in fact, it thrives on it.


And then it tries to sell it back to you. Hey, the stock market is at thirty thousand billionaires have increased their wealth by almost a trillion dollars already. Everything is for them. The system isn't meant for us. The United States isn't meant for us.


We have a special guest with us, everybody is a stand up comedian, commentor, activist, he's the host of REDACTED Tonight on A.R.T.. He's the author of the new book Bullet Points and Punch Lines. And he's now co-host with Graham L Word what Graham Elwood of Government Secrets, which can be seen on YouTube. Please welcome Lee Camp highly. Hey, guys, it's good to be back with you. Good to be back with one of the some of the few remaining truth tellers out there.


I feel like we're like one of those zombie movies in the end times, but there's eight humans left.


It certainly does feel that way as far as I can see. A little bit worse, actually.


Yeah, actually, we're we're out of bullets. So it's just we're using things like staple guns and stuff. So let's. I just want to get into this real quick, I'm just glad you're here and thanks for. I just want to go through a couple of stories with you. So I don't know if you've heard about this, but Biden's in trouble again. And I'll I'll lay it out for you. This is from the Biden Harry's transition team.


They released this for immediate release. It says this is a statement by Hunter Biden. He said, I learned yesterday for the first time that the U.S. attorney's office in Delaware advised my legal counsel also yesterday that they are investigating my tax affairs.


I take this matter very seriously, but I am confident that a professional and objective review of these matters will demonstrate that I handled my affairs legally and appropriately, including with the benefit of professional tax advisors. That he I think he wrote that in a bathtub with a cigarette butt, do you do you think he actually wrote that, Lee, or do you think he stole it from somebody else? Just saying it might run in the family? That's all I'm saying.


Oh, God. You're saying that the corruption of the corrupt guy who's represented the tax haven state of the United States for 40 years is having tax issues.


I mean, that's that's why Delaware exists, is for this shit. That's exactly why you're right.


That's exactly why they were invented. Well, at the bottom, the Biden Harris transition team has a statement. I'll read it to you. It says, President elect Joe Biden is deeply proud of his son, who has thought through difficult challenges, including the vicious personal attacks of recent months, only to emerge stronger. Wow. Should the opportunity presented itself. One can do nothing and get paid for it. He'll be back out of his other opportunities where he's getting paid to do nothing.


What a guy. That's. So anyway, that's that's their statement. Their statement is here.


They're really proud of them.


Is it that no matter how bad, how many times he gets investigated or how much corruption he's involved in, Joe Biden just could not be prouder of his son.


Isn't that amazing?


I'm glad I'm not in a job where your father has to cosign the bottom of every statement. Just how proud he was found in a glory hole in the bottom. Dad, still proud. Still proud.


Still proud.


Well, it's fucking hilarious.


It is great that we would it be horrible to have a job where your dad is in August and still poor Joe Biden is like the hold up is like the wrong son died.


His son died.


No kidding. Wow. The only the good die young lady. You know that. So Hunter Biden to step down from bored of Chinese bagpipes. Just just so you know what the problem is with this guy. So he's getting all this money from people. And I'm going to guess he wasn't paying the proper taxes. That's what he looks like.


So here be our partners. Behi Harvest's RSG, Shanghai Equity Investment Fund Management Company Ltd, who.


That's a lot. That's a mouthful.


So B.H. Partners, that's a private investment fund founded in 2013 by Chinese and American partners to make investments outside of China. B.H. ARE was founded in 2013 by two Chinese registered asset managers, Bohai Industrial Investment Fund and Harvest Fund Management and two U.S. organization, one of which is Rosemont Seneca Partners.


So the company, that company, according to The Wall Street Journal, planned to raise one point five billion, taking advantage of Shanghais free enterprise zone to convert to dollars to be invested in foreign companies. Business registration filings in China list Hunter Biden among the key officials at Bohai Harvest.


Boy, you know, who has always been a small business guy.


I don't know if you know that.


So here it is, Biden. So then so I don't know why there. Why do you think they're allowing us to talk about this when they didn't allow us to talk about that? Right. Remember, because here it is, Twitter. Facebook clamped down on New York Post. So there it is, Ellerslie thinking about Twitter and Facebook applying these standards to The New York Times reporting of The Washington Post anonymously. So they I'm just showing you that the last time he was in the news, they suppressed the reporting of it and that he's making the point that Washington Post always everybody was unsourced stories all the time.


Joe Biden, Obama aides defend banks pay to Biden's son.


Well, he did.


It's basically now that the elections happened, you're allowed to talk about these things because it's it's already over. He's already won. So you can they can cover it. But, you know, in Joe Biden's defense, it's tough to know which forms of corruption are the wrong kind and which are they cool kind. Because like Biden has been, Joe Biden has been funded by the banks and the credit companies in Delaware his entire career. I mean, they have just completely basically bought him out.


They own him. And that's his whole career. And apparently that kind of corruption totally cool. But then you put your name on a oil interest in Ukraine, and apparently that's wrong. It's not enough.


So it is tough to know. Can I can I use Air Force Two for a private business gig in China? Is that OK? I don't know what people get upset about.


So so this actually lead this article to The New York Times from August 24th, 2008. And the headline is Obama Aides Defend Banks Paid to Biden. So now let's look at this article from 2008. It said, During the years that Joe Biden was helping the credit card industry win passage of a law of the law, making it harder for consumers to file for bankruptcy protection, Joe Biden's son had a consulting agreement that lasted five years with one of the largest companies pushing for the changes.


Aides to Barack Obama's presidential campaign acknowledged on Sunday, yeah, he did a hell of a job just sitting around depositing checks. He just had a way about him. He just had a way about him.


Hunter Biden, who works as both a lawyer and a lobbyist in Washington, a company official, described him as having a hundred thousand dollar a year retainer.


These are all wonderful euphemisms for paying people off your retainer, your consultant, any time someone's a consultant. What is Hunter Biden know that they need to consult with him about?


You tell me. Exactly right. He knows his father's he has access to his father's phone book.


I think that they need they needed a little advice on how to get a foot job from a prostitute. So that kept him on the consulting board.


Now, this is from 2008 when they still report this stuff. Mr Biden's son, Hunter, received consulting fees from the MBNA Corporation from 2001 to 2005 for work on online banking issues.


Hey, what was that work you think? Hey, Hunter, is mobile deposit working? It is. Oh, OK, cool. Here's a bunch of money you don't deserve.


Hey, hey. You weren't you kicked out of the Navy for doing drugs? You can help us with this. And by the way, I am all for people getting kicked out of the Navy for doing drugs. I support that. I just don't support getting paid crazy amounts of money to be a consultant afterwards.


I'm with you. I agree. The financial services industry began seeking relief from Congress in the mid 1990s from an increase in bankruptcies that was cutting into its profits. Excuse me, Congress were trying to exploit these powers and it's getting more difficult because they have nothing. Do you have our back? Of course we do, says Joe Biden. You know that. So Biden was one of the first Democratic leaders to support the bankruptcy bill, and he voted for it four times nineteen ninety eight, 2000, 2001, and again in March 2005, when its final version passed the Senate with Biden's vote.


Biden's always Biden's always been there when people need to be crushed, you know, when it's bankruptcy, locking them up, he's always there. Front and center.


Biden helped defeat amendments aimed at strengthening protections for people forced into bankruptcy who have large medical debts or are in the military. This is the guy you just elected, just so you know, Barder was one of the four Democrats who sided with Republicans to defeat an effort to protect debtors from the predatory lenders who helped push them into bankruptcy. Hey, and we've got to we've got a eviction crisis coming up, folks.


So buckle up. So there you go.


I mean, Lee, there is Joe Biden and Hunter Biden. They've been corrupt since the day he got out of college. One hundred percent corrupt. And we're not supposed to be allowed to report on it anymore. And I just I think it's weird that they're allowing us to report on the the tax scandal. I guess they feel like it can't do too much damage. Joe Biden's already elected.


Is that what it is you think? Yeah, I guess I mean that they have to stop suppressing some things, but but yeah, that last that last one you just talked about with Joe Biden, it perfectly shows how it's both sides of the coin. Right. He's he's elected. He gets his office by getting funded by credit card companies. And then what happens with credit card companies? They put people deep into debt, but those people can get out of that debt by declaring bankruptcy can not owe them that money.


So then Joe Biden helps pass bills. That doesn't allow that. So it's you know, that is the that is the definition of corruption. It is a giant circle jerk. You're getting paid by the people that are benefiting from the bill.


It's called crony capitalism. Right. Yeah, which is also just capitalism was. Hey, you know, we no longer have an Amazon link because we're not doing that, we're not playing that game, but here's another great way you can help support the show is you become a premium member. We give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week. And it's a great way to help support the show. You could do it by going to gibi your company dot com click AGOT Joint Premium.


It's the most affordable premium program in the business and it's a great way to help put the thumb back in the eye of the bastards, thanks to everybody who was already a premium member. And if you haven't, you're missing out. We give you lots of bonus content. Thanks for your support.


Hey, President elect Joe Biden is on the line. Hello.


And furthermore, hello.


Hey, this Joe Biden returning your nice message. And yes, Joe Biden is concerned about his extended car warranty. Do I give you my Social Security number now? Our two minutes from now, please call me back in my secret number. Magnolia's seven five seven.


Joe, you called the wrong person. I'll get off it, man. There's no wrong person at all in this together. This folks looking for a better break. I grew up in the land of cattle farms and brutal country justice, and I promised to fight for the breaks, which unites us all in a bigger break. I'm moving out of bed to the side. Yeah, I'm sorry. Yes, I fucking don't. What matters is this one.


What matters. I'm not going to go there, Jack. Why for? Because Biden Harris is going to pay us ten thousand dollars of your student loan. I know what you're thinking, but 10 grand does even pay up a fraction of what I owe in interest. But what's the point? The point is, this man dare to dream. So, look, here's the thing. I have no plans to step down. Secondly, five point batur. I know times are tough.


The challenges are daunting. But I know we can do this. I'll do what, Joe?


It we've done it before and we will do it again. That's great, but what specifically are you talking about?


I'm talking about this is the American man. Or the United States of Americans in the halls of Montezuma to the shores of New Jersey, and my dad used to say, Son, I understand you're dying from poverty and lack of health care, but don't expect me to solve it.


But were the richest nation in the world, Joe, my dad used to say to me, Joey Sturr, prune juice with marmalade for five minutes. You'll thank me later. And I did. Simple as that.


But what does that mean for the average person, Joe?


Let me tell you something my dad used to say, Joey, you got to sing to that groundhog if you want him to give back your lunch money. Now, go fetch my anti-gravity machine because we have lots of chloro and we did. Simple as that.


What's your plan to help 12 million Americans who are 1800 dollars in back rent? Joe. Look, first of all, this malarkey that they are fifteen hundred dollars and back rent is malarky. Because it's mostly interest and like my dad used to say, get that muffin out of your nose shut. And I did simple as that, we're all Americans, man, like my dad used to say, son, we always live in a town where you can find a dead whale in the river.


And he was right.


Can you tell people why you picked Raytheon board member Lloyd Austin for secretary of war? Oh, come on, man.


It's called the Secretariat of War anymore, so stop it. You know, so I was going to pick Florida, Virginia. I didn't I chose someone equally fucked up, Franco.


He's only been retired for the military for four years. Is it his nomination, a violation of the National Security Act of 1947?


Oh, come on, man. If you don't like Austin anyway, black, you know, it's like my dad used to say, son, you and I are going to blow up Wilford Brimley Donut Tower. And you know what?


He was right. Came straight out, clear fact Curry went right through me. Keep the faith with the, you know, the thing.


We got some climate change news. Turns out, guess what? I knew you. I knew you knew the rich were contributing to climate change way more than their numbers disproportionately. But wait to find out how much more disproportionately they're there contributing to climate change. Where do you find this out? So this is from the BBC News. Climate change global elite will need to slash high carbon lifestyles.


How dare you tread on my right to take a private helicopter to the grocery store? I got to go get some some groceries and I live in the Hamptons. What am I supposed to do?


Driving a car like a commoner, like a poor. The study compiled by the U.N. Environment Program underlines the chasm between the level of emissions consistent with keeping temperatures down and what's happening in the real world.


The get this, here it is, here's the big here's the big part of the story, the global top 10 percent of income earners use around 45 percent of all the energy consumed for land transport and around 75 percent of all the energy for aviation, compared with just 10 percent and five percent, respectively, for the poorest 50 percent of households.


The report says. Hey, rich people are wrecking the environment. Who would have guessed that us who would have guessed it? You know what the best part is? They're the ones who can afford the electric cars the easiest.


That's the irony. That's the irony there, Brownie. The study finds that the global covid-19 shutdown will have little long term impact on the climate. Hey, there's another silver lining gone. If the world wants to keep on track to restrict the rise in temperatures this century to one point five degrees Celsius, then these high carbon footprints will need to be significantly curved to around two point five tons of CO2 per capita by 2030. For the richest one percent, it would mean a dramatic reduction.


The wealthy bear the greatest responsibility in this area, you snap, executive director Ingar Anderson wrote in a forward to the report. The wealthy bear the greatest responsibility in this area, unfortunately, they also give the little shit they do bear the most responsibility while at the same simultaneously caring the least.


The Euterpe report shows that the overconsumption of wealthy minority is fueling the climate crisis, yet it is poor communities and young people who are paying the price, said the head of the climate policy at Oxfam.


Because rich people are just going to go to space if countries invest in climate action, this could reduce expected emissions in 2030 by around 25 percent, enough to give the world a 66 percent chance of holding temperatures below two degrees Celsius. Can I just say there are way too many ifs in that paragraph? We got to knock back a few of these ifs folks, if countries invest in climate change, if if. It predicts that while carbon production will have tumbled by around seven percent this year because of the pandemic, this would only reduce warming by about 0.01 Celsius by 2050.




Wow. So in other words, we can't just go back to normal and we can't afford for nothing to fundamentally change, but guess what? We're going to do both those things. Failed planet were a failed planet. How billionaire saw their net worth increased by half a trillion dollars during the pandemic, that's from October 30th. Forty million Americans filed for unemployment during the pandemic, 40 million Americans, but billionaires saw their net worth increased by half a trillion dollars.


This isn't the first time billionaires have seen gains while others dealt with loss. And it tends to tie back to two things. First, the government disproportionately gives more aid to larger companies. Then when the stock market bounces back, the unequal bailout means that the wealthy still have money on hand to invest and thus profit while the middle and lower classes do not. Wealth friendly tax laws and loopholes then keep those billionaires at the top. Knowing all of this, some are advocating for policies to help level the playing field and create change.


So there you go, now you know how the wealthy disproportionately. Contribute to climate change, just in case you didn't have enough bad news. So Joe Biden has some new appointees to his cabinet. Joe Biden has some more appointees to his cabinet. I bet they're real winners. I thought they could they be the dregs of society. Could they be directly from the swamp? Could they be? Well, let's see. Biden plans to tap Lloyd Austin, former Iraq commander as defense secretary, that the retired four star Army general would make history as the first African-American to lead the Pentagon into illegal wars, murdering and slaughtering innocent people all around the world for corporate profit.


That's great.


Now we have a black guy doing it. What's that joke, there's a joke, you know, the Democrats would brag if the Democrats were out in 1860, they would be bragging about their first transgendered slaveowner.


That's what this is, look, we got a black guy, he's going to go kill everybody everywhere. It's going to do illegal wars, he's going to push imperialism in that fantastic.


Suri, give me something that's wrong with American liberalism in one headline. There it is. But where did this guy work at, though? I mean, I see his four stars, so he's got to be a super duper decent human being. I'm sure he got all those medals for saving lives, not terrorizing the fuck out of people. Let's see where he did work. Oh, my God. He got a job at Raytheon. They make money off of killing poor black and brown people.


Isn't that weird? He used to work for them and now he's going to go use all in the. It's so great to see diversity among our warmongers. Yeah. Now, if you ever don't want to approve a bloated Pentagon budget, you'll be called a racist. Isn't that nice? So if so, if I go against the Pentagon budget, they could call me a racist now because they got a black guy doing it.


See how neoliberalism works. That's just liberalism.


That's just straight up liberalism. So he he was the general in Iraq and that went swimmingly. I've got a I've got high hopes for this guy.


Let's see. Lloyd Johnson, the third is a member of the Raytheon Technologies board of directors, he brings expertise and government, senior leadership and international affairs. General Austin has been a member of the Raytheon Technologies board. Oh, he has he is a retired four star U.S. Army general with nearly forty one years of military service, including three years as the head of U.S. Central Command. He also was the combined forces commander in Iraq and Syria, and he has the extensive operational experience, having commanded troops in combat throughout his command.


In other words, he has all the qualifications to be a war mongering psychopath. Just what we need. Today, he serves on the board of directors of Nucor, Nucor Corporation, Tenet Health Care Corporation and Gas Services Inc and on the board of trustees of the Carnegie Corporation of New York and Auburn University. Because if there's one thing higher education needs more of its, it's Raytheon, we're looking for the bomb makers of the future.


So if you get good at killing people and terrorizing other countries in an imperialistic illegal wars, look at all how capitalism rewards you look how neoliberalism rewards you. Is that amazing? The guy is a professional killer, he's on a health board, that's that's the irony there, right? He's a professional murderer and he's not a health company board, Tenet Health Care Corporation. You kill them and then we'll fix him up. Wow, he works for Raytheon. He works for the government, the army, right, the Pentagon, so Raytheon makes the bombs.


He then goes uses them and then he works for Tenet, who fixes up the bill. It's amazing what quite a scam they've got going. Here's some more people from Biden's cabinet already, more people from Biden's cabinet. Here's some more people from Biden's cabinet. Are you ready? Bragan Biden's Health and Human Services pick backed Medicare for all and pressed Obama to take action against pharmaceutical companies. Now he will be in position to grant states Medicare for all waivers and to take the action against Big Pharma that he said he supports.


Now. I'm just going to David Sirota, I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt here and say he's just reporting that he doesn't believe any of that, does he? Because that's bullshit. I've been in California, I covered California politics, I never heard that guy advocate for Medicare for all. Well, let's take a look, shall we? Does he advocate for Medicare for all? Let's take a look. So here, House Resolution Bill 676 expand improve Medicare for all co-sponsors.


This was from 2011. There he is. There he is, he's cosponsoring it on May 13th, 2011. There he is. Huh, maybe he really is for Medicare for all, David Sirota. Maybe he really is.


Except. Here's that same bill for 2013 where his name it's not their. Where his name? Not there, is it that weird? Oh, here it is from twenty fourteen, twenty fifteen, where's this name? It's not there. Xavier Becerra co-sponsored Medicare for all legislation in the House of Representatives in 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2011 after he became chair of the House Democratic Caucus. He stopped doing that. So he's just like Anthony Rendon here in California, who's this who's the speaker of the Assembly here in California, we have super majority Democrats.


Democrats could do whatever they want. California, we have Democratic governor, super majority in the House and the Senate. They can do whatever they want. And the guy who runs the House, the assembly is a guy named Anthony Rendon, who's been running on Medicare for all since 2007. He became the most second most powerful guy in the whole fucking legislature. And now he does. I don't know how to do it. Now he just doesn't know how to do it, same thing with our friend is Xavier.


Does it? Oh, my God, no, I'm the co-chair of the Democratic I don't have I don't know how to do this. Which is exactly what's happening today with the co-chair in the house, Mark Pocan, he's pretending he doesn't know how to withhold the vote for Nancy Pelosi as speaker to get us to vote on Medicare for all. As soon as they get power, they all run on Medicare for all and they vertue signal. But as soon as they can get you Medicare for all, they took their Taylor like, I don't know how to do this.


We can't do this. So what so what so what happened after 2011? Breaking Hillary Clinton supports universal health care in the early 90s. So there's your two new appointments, enjoy them, I hope you're happy that you voted for Joe Biden. I did not. I will never vote for another corporatist warmongering maniac who's an enemy of workers and wants to expand the police state and the prison. Population not doing it, I'm not voting for my enemy anymore, you can and you can feel good about it.


I'm not doing it and you're never going to make me feel bad about it. I feel great voting my conscience. You can participate in the destruction of your own society. Go right the fuck ahead. Joe Biden is going to be more destructive than Donald Trump was. He's going to start at least two new wars. Mark my words, he's not even president yet. He's going to start two new wars. At least. At least and let's see what he does when 19 million people get kicked out of their house, because you know what he did last time we were in a similar financial downturn, he kicked those people out of their fucking house and made the banks bigger.


And they're going to shut your business down and then he's going to put you in prison. If you try to go against it. I just want to say, at least he's got an accent in his name. It is the sexiest name, the sexiest letter in the whole alphabet, only second to Z.


You don't. I know it don't. I know. Jimi calls me Steph Zambrano.


He calls me the wrong name all the time. You think after all these years that he'd get it right? You would think. You would think, wouldn't you?


So as a joke, I refer to step by step Zambrano. I like to I like to mispronounce words. I like to mispronounce names. It's fun. Makes life fun for me. So I.


There used to be a baseball player, I think, on the Chicago Cubs named Zambrano, and so I'm at one time my friend, a comedian friend, referred to Steph Zambrano. Trying to remember her name, but couldn't, and then Subrata was a baseball player anyway, and so we all had a laugh.


And so for the rest of my life, I always refer to as Zambrano, and I'm sure I do it on air and I do it in real life.


And so I was on Ted Alexandro Alexandro show and he referred to Steph Sambrano. And I was like, oh, that's my fault.


That's that's not his side. Recorrect him. I just let it go.


So I just want to remind you that even after denying you money for help, the Democrats, Nancy Pelosi, they won't do anything to help you. They won't give you a cash payment of stimulus. Nancy Pelosi denied you a stimulus before the election to try to screw Donald Trump. And now she's getting half of what Trump offered before.


And this is the result of that. This is the result of the Democrats voting for the Carers Act while giving five trillion dollars to the richest people in the country. They get you twelve hundred bucks. That's it. This is the result of that. This was predicted. What's going to happen on our show? And here it is happening.


There's thousands of people in lines all over the country to get food. 19 million Americans are going to lose their homes at that. They're going to be kicked out of their house. Nancy Pelosi now backs the stimulus deal that's half the size of what the White House offered before the election. So you aren't getting help, but guess who is? Congress is deadlocked, uncovered relief, but came together to fund the Pentagon for seven hundred and forty billion dollars. Wow.


Now, that's more than the next 10 countries combined, China, Russia, France, the U.K., India, whoever count up the next biggest 10 countries. Put them together. That's more than them. And we don't have a god damn enemy, no one's trying to invade the United States, nobody. Still haven't run out of money in the United States. The United States is to bombs with a gambling addict to a casino. They. Under President Trump, when the Democratic leadership claims to have struck more confrontational posture, those same leaders have repeatedly handed him bloated military budgets.


As we saw Wednesday with Congress bicameral approval of roughly seven hundred and forty billion dollars in military budget for twenty twenty one. I like the use of bicameral, that's nice, bicameral. I didn't know that your mouth. I know by. Did you ever have did you ever see Bicameral Toe?


That's that's pretty bicameral.


AMARILDO So look at that. Seven hundred and forty billion dollars they gave to the war budget. They didn't cut it. I didn't hear anybody screaming about it in the Democratic Party either, did you? I did not even know what happened. Did you know what happened to watch the show? It's only Trump's threats to veto the National Defense Authorization Act, that's the NDAA, the National Defense Authorization Act. It is only Trump's threat to veto it over his objections to some liability protections for social media companies that cut through the noise.


So he's vowing to veto it because they're going to give liability protections to Twitter and Facebook. And Trump is at war with those people. And so he's vowing to he's going to threaten to veto it because of that. Trump's veto threat, a must pass defense bill and must pass defense bill meets GOP resistance. Because the National Defense Authorization Act includes a pay raise for military troops.


So now if you're against it. They're going to say you're against giving a pay raise to our troops, do you see how cynical this is? As Congress races to pass the NDAA for twenty twenty one, it does so in a country that is hurtling toward months that could be among the most difficult in the public health history of this nation. According to the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But come on, there's bombs we got to drop, yeah, we're heading into the most difficult public health history of our nation, but man.


We got some bombs we got to drop, sure, the economy, the United States is an economy of death, both abroad and domestically, more so than ever before.


That's it. I don't have anything else. Along with this health crisis comes economic devastation lines for food banks are stretching for miles, and one in six people is food insecure. As of September, one in six adults say they live in a house that's behind on rent, this is in the United States. Tell me more about how great capitalism is. Go ahead, tell me more about how great capitalism is. At this rate. I think we're good.


I think we're going to get one in six adults say they're behind a. Nearly three trillion in stimulus spending so far has come from bills passed in March, including the Keres Act, which together combined corporate bailouts and tax breaks for the wealthy with measures that, while insufficient, provided expanded unemployment insurance and twelve hundred dollars in checks to Americans. As the pandemic was raging, Congress had no problem passing legislation to continue U.S. military violence. The Senate version of the NDAA passed in July 2013 in a vote of 86 to 14, while the House version was approved July 21st by a vote of two hundred ninety five to one hundred and twenty five.


This defense bill was approved December 2nd by both chambers of Congress.


But you couldn't get more than a one time twelve hundred dollar fuckup payment to the people. Nope. You know, the government works really slowly, you know, unless it's for the war machine or Wall Street. Ajumma Baraka says, did you see the news coverage of the legislation passed in Congress yesterday that authorized seven hundred and forty billion for the Pentagon? No, you are not supposed to be considered with that.


The ruling class bill is passed, but there is no agreement on money for the people. That's right. I can't believe you mean CNN and FOX and MSNBC, they weren't all over this. I didn't see anybody even on the the floor of the House going, shame.


I didn't hear I didn't hear anybody waving, waving their arms, saying, shame.


I didn't. And so here's what we do spend money on the Yemen war, we're spending money on the Yemen war. This person says heartbreaking. I never imagined that one day I will see children like this in Yemen. This child is from Georgia, a government. He is suffering from severe acute malnutrition. That's a person. And we're helping do that, that's the money that we have money to do that. That's your country, bunch of fucking maniac terrorists.


Oh, hey, Matthew McConaughey is calling me. I hope he doesn't use his status as a celebrity to lecture me on centrism.


Allo, hello. Hello, bandito, bandito, bandito.


All right, all right, all right, see, you know what that means, cowboy. Think about it. No, I.


What? It means we all got to be aggressively centrists, so that's what I'm talking about. Hello on the extreme left and hello on the extreme right and even on the damn pavement anymore. You got to be the change you want to be, but do it for the middle of the road because why? That's where the yellow line is. Do you get my band?


No. No, I don't.


When you run into an old pal and go Bandido Bandido Party, to which band, Vito, do they remember the middle where my work is to define science behind the valuable, the science behind the disparate and elements of society, the science of why they work? I mean, literally. Right. I guess, yes, I see the supply, understand the demand. I see the credit sheet. I see the numbers and the numbers work out, Jimmy, and that's why I drive a Lincoln Bandito.


Hey, you know, there's a lot more to that phone call. We don't have time on today's podcast. How do you hear the entire phone call? You got to become a premium member. Go to Jimmy Dorje, comedy dotcom, sign up.


It's the most affordable premium program in the business. Don't, don't, don't, don't freak out. Don't freak.


Today's show was written by Ron Placoderm, Mark Van Landward, Steve Zambrano, Jim Earl, Mike McCray and Roger Rittenhouse. All the voices performed today by the one in the only the inevitable Mike McCurry, who can be found at Mike McCready. That's it for this week.


You be the best you can be and I'll keep being me.


Don't, don't, don't, don't. Right now. No, no, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't freak out. Don't freak out. I'm not kidding. Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't freak out. I'm not freak. Not great to not freak out.