Transcribe your podcast

What? I'm ready. The floor is. Come.


Oh, okay. Okay, okay.


Be careful. Giddy up!


Oh, shoot.


Yes, yes. Oh, boy. Your boss. I'll get you. Ha ha ha ha! Ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Oh, did you get that?


Ooh ah. Ah ah.


Hey, Michael. You know how your dad feels when you're walking. I'm.


Afraid of it. Really? Mhm. Touch your knees to the ground.


Oh my God. Oh. Did you get a picture?


Right. You're going faster than I thought. Earlier. Oh. No no no. No no no no. Let it go. How?


Oh. I. Don't even. Ah, honey. Just go.


Well come up. Ha ha! Ha!


Are you okay?


Yeah, I just posted on Facebook and.


I don't think he's making it.


So much. I told you I'd take your shoes. Are. Can you fit? Oh. It's nice. Oh. Thank God. Yeah, I'm. To. Amanda one. Go down.


Oh it's raining. Oh. You smell. Is it raining? No.


Yeah. Ah. Ah! Ah!


Oh my gosh! See?


Oh my God.


Oh, yeah. Put it right here.


Get down! Where is it? Oh! Oh, my.


Oh my God!


Well, what they did. Well.


Ha ha ha ha!


How scared for me, huh? Yeah. You got it? Yeah.


Ha ha ha. Oh, yeah.




It's like a dress up. Oh. Okay.


Go. Get in your bed. Go get in your bed. Good man.


Good grief. What are you trying to do? Climb that tree? Below are. Boy.




Go! Ooh!


Get it. Zoya. Hey, mom. Oh! Stay there, stay there. Stay! Freeze! Okay. Are. Actually. Hello. Oh. Soccer games are us. Go! Soccer teams! Go! Whoa, whoa! Let's go, let's go! Let's.


Bunny! Up in the cut! Yeah yeah yeah! Ah! God! No no no!


Ah ah ah ah ah!


Ah, geez!


Oh my God, I don't want blood. Ah! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh! Yeah.


Good try. And he lost his glove. Oh! Are you okay? Are you all right? Are you okay? Am I? He's still here. My awake. What's my name? There you go. Nailed it. Oh, whoa whoa whoa.


The guys. Guys are. Hello.


Oh, go!


180. Oh, I got him. Whoa! Three. Two.


Yeah. Ah ah.


Ah. A few days. Logan who? Ho ho ho. Are. You going? Are.




Who are. Yay, yay! Oh. Sorry about that.




Oh. Come on. Yeah. Up. Ready? Ready? Ready? Are you ready? Yes. Now. We know who? This guy.


Oh my God! Mom!


What's that? That's it right there. Let's go home.


Oh, you did good. I'll send it to the NBA. Oh, sorry. Come on. Mondo. Oh! Oh.


Huh? That one didn't look good.


Oh, oh. Oh. Oh. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Just go go go go. Oh!


Look at that. You're doing it. Oh. You're missing for the booty. Oh, no! Ricky! Ricky!


Oh! Come on. I can't. Oh.


No, you gotta, you gotta run and jump, baby.


Let's go. Oh. Oh, no. Look at that. Look at.


The mountain. Yeah. Okay. You okay? I'll see you later. Yeah. Logan, you. Yeah. Yes.


Very calm.


Are you okay? Yeah. We.


Do you, Tony, take Randy to be your lawfully wedded husband?


I think right now, yes I do. I do, I do, I do. I thought there was more, I do, I do. Do you.


Randy, take Tony to be your lawfully wedded wife? I do. Okay.


Jim is worthless to me. Are you okay? I'm fine. Come on. It's a. So, on a more serious note. Go for it. Who? Do I get to? Stay. Oh. Yeah, definitely not when you are. Definitely not. Where? This is where you win now. What? Do you. Oh.


Ooh! Wow. I. That is the funniest thing. And it's all on video.


What? Marriage. Marriage is what brings us together today. I told you I would leave.


What is.


Uh, that beautiful?


Oh. Uh.


Oh, God. Now you. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride. Oh, no! Oh, no.


Do you take this toothless bride to be your wife for now and forever?


I'm so sorry.


Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah.


Y'all go to the stairs. Oh. You got.


To. One, two, three. Oh.


Marriage isn't easy, but I trust these two. I trust in their love, their friendship, and their commitment to one another.


Now, I'm.


But it may. You know. Are they?


A little bit.




Cuz it's gonna break the glass.


Oh my gosh.


It was all things. These? Are these. Oh, no no no no. We're.


Oh. Oh my God. Dad throwing Skittles at Lisa in Greece. Hip hip. Hooray! Are. Oh. Okay. Are you okay? Are you okay?


Right here.


The very last piece of the sandcastle. Wait. We are ready.


Just hanging out at the swings in the Bahamas. No biggie.


Oh. Oh, man, I.


Wish. All right. I. I got it. All right. Go, babe. Hi, daddy. Bro is awesome. Okay, this is scary. Oh, no.


Oh my God.


What happened to you? Oh. Hahahahahahaha! Look at him. I go back. You got.


Wings. There. There you go. That's for him. Get up there.


Get up there! We're back here. I'm trying to go. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! They got one of the.


First lake banks to land, and then you dump on the other person. Oh, that sounded good. Ha ha ha ha.


And. Here comes.


Hey! Go! Go! It's hard to keep your balance inside that thing.


What can you make of it?


It's awesome, but it's hard to pick it up. It's hard to walk. Looking. At her. He got sick. You. Know. Hey hey hey.


Just be careful, cause you might hit your head up here. Oh, hey. I'm shorter than you. Don't worry. This is fun. I'm loving.


It. Oh, God. Are. Oh.


No no, no. She likes it. Oh. There you go. Whoa! Oh! Oh!


Oh. Oh. Oh.


So they're racing. See who gets to the bottom first. Oh my God. Oh. Yo! Yo, Marley!


Ow! Ow ow ow ow ow ow! Ow ow! Ow! Ow ow ow.




Ow ow! Ow! Wow. Man. Okay. Oh my God.


Hi. Who's your partner there, baby? I see him. Oh. I love him.


Oh, I get it.


Where's the thing to cut it?


Oh. Yes. Yes. Oh, come.


They are scared. Huh?


Step aside. Chumps.


Huh? Spire are. I. Whatever.


Why am I doing all the work there?


Hey. Guess what? Oh, wow. Oh.


All. There used to be the cat door.


Oh. Oh. Oh my God.


Take both hands and wrap them around the trash can. It's impossible to do. Try and. No foot are you always start with your right. Why? I'm left handed. Oh, no. It was. Oh! What? Oh my.


God. Oh. Little. Roll over. You roll over.


What? What's the problem? There you are.


Stop it! Stop it! Get away from me! Where are you? You put that there. Get out of here! I'm gonna kick you in the nuts. I. Don't. Know.




Sandra? Yeah. So Georgie thinks he has to help me bring in the groceries. Georgie, that's not helping. Out of the car. Out of the car now! Some. Are.


Even. What are you doing? Oh.


Then we knocked the pan down. Now keep your head straight like that, okay? And I'm going to hold a string. Now you pull it. Did you hit me?


Hey, you did that trick. You okay? Mama, what are you.


Doing? You open. And he had to make a. I live with it.


Are. That's not what we're trying to say about. Hey. Oh! Ha! Ha ha ha ha! I think we might. Mila.


Did you do this?


Did you do it? Huh?


Ha ha.


Ha! Ha ha! Oh, why are you eating me? What are you doing, my little friend?


Don't eat me. I'm just trying to be your friend.


She said. A cheese in July.


Okay, that's a cheese enchilada dinner. In this video.


Oh, there it goes. Oh, boy. Gotta go faster. Ha ha ha! Ha ha! Right. Are. Hey, guys.


Hey! Hey!


Hey! Oh! Are. Right. What's happening.


To video, but I can't see it. Yeah. Hold on baby.


Here we go. Here we go. We're starting. We go. Oh, dad. You don't have it? No.


You can't have it.


Oh. You get that?


Go back here. Oh!


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!




Oh, gosh! Ah! Don't forget the candy. Oh! Oh my God. Shh shh shh shh shh. Shh. Whoa!




Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Hi, Gary.


Oh! Oh! All right. Look.


Look. Yeah, right. Ha ha! Ha!


I've gotta keep low. Gotta keep low. There it is. Oh! Oh my God. Oh!


My God! Oh. Oh my God. Oh my turkey. I can do that.


Oh my God. He's holding the ball. I am pretending to throw.


Do the journey you want. You want it?


Go get it. Oh, what is this do? I. No, no. Ah! I tried it.


Are. Come to join the party.


So this is what you do when the machine is too big to work out.




Came first? Ow ow ow ow! Ow! Ow ow! Ow! Jump on it! We can't go. Out! There you go, daddy. Oh, go! Whoa whoa whoa! Brian! Bye. Bye bye. See if she gets this move.


Give yourself a shower.


O r body painting my clothes in my closet. Hey, Debbie.


I'm using this. You.


I think she thinks my shirt is real.


Oh! Shit. Oh, God.


He's on right now.


000. Got it.


It's still in the water.


Go ahead. Grab the top. Grab the top.


Are you taking a photo? Hurry up! He's waiting.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Ha ha ha ha! Thank you. Watch it.


Watch it. Got it. Oh my God. Come on. I don't know what I'm doing. Hi.


Oh my God. Oh my God.


Hey. It's okay. It's okay. I know they like falling apart. I got. Are. I don't know what this spider does. Okay. So you did that for.


Ah! Ah! Ah.


Just punch your mom.


Oh, no. It's not hurting you. Get away from.


Me! Get them off my face! Okay. Don't move so far, because. I was attacked. Stop going forward. You're gonna run into the couch. You got to get to him. I want to see you. How was it? Come on. Rebecca. Smile.


Oh my God. Ooh! Joe! You're back.


You almost hurt yourself.


Come here. Whoa! Hey! Hey! Give me a.


Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, no! Your mother is gonna kill me! Whoa! Ah! Honey, honey, wait, wait. I'm okay. Okay.


Oh. What? Okay.


Get it done, son. 460 bucks. Like a beach towel.


Yeah. Oh! Oh my God! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Are. Not so.


Oh oh.


Are you tired? How heavy is she? How are you? Oh, you're the best dude.


Oh, yeah. We are. Oh, hey, head up here. Let me get a picture. Huh? You should have.


Brought your horse.


Out on the field. Hank.


Get out of the mud! This is the one mud spot in the entire yard. Green. Green. Green. Brown. Green. Get up! Why are you laying in this spot? Hey! Come on! Get up! Let's get this out of your head.


He's shoving his whole face in this marble. No.


Pull down on it. Don't pull in on it. Okay, you're gonna get that boot out.


Who? Ha ha ha ha! My legs.


It's caught. It's feathers. It's fake. Give me a. Oh, no! Oh, no. She did.


All right. Oh!


Oh. Someone can't move the grass mower.


Ha! Hello. I smell like chicken poop. Ha ha ha ha! Ah.


But don't worry. She brought it in the house.


Oh. I don't.


Expect that thing will.


Last more than a week. Ask for coffee.


All right, open the door. I mean, they got stuck so bad that this is what my truck looks like now.


Yeah. Ali. Ali.


What is on your head? Where were you? Oh, no no no no. Ha ha ha!


Ha ha! Ah, yeah.


Must I kick the bad back?


Did Papa say that was okay?


Uh, no. Yay! From head. Chloe!


Oh, my goodness, you're a little piglet. Doug. Hey, I know a joke, I dirty joke. A white horse fell in the mud. Now, what are the little doggies are gonna want to play with you. You clo are. Here comes the tow truck. 000!


Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


I got it on video. Oh, you got girl. Oh! Come on. Oh! What are you doing, Chloe? Are you gardening? She's gardening with grandma. Gardening with grandma. Oh, my God, what a nut you make. I don't know what you.


Oh my God. Oh, God. What are you doing? You're getting mud.


Everywhere. You're digging for gold. Dude, I need to tell you something. Come here. Come this close. All right. Listen. Oh, perfect. You are a disaster. Hi there. Hi. Can you even see?


You know, the funny part is, there's no way that I not know it's you. Because she's behind the glass. You did this. Look at this.


That was awesome.


I want to do that again. But this time I'm getting. I'll try some hot tea. Go ahead. How's it going? Oh.




Know what to do. Hey guys. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.


Oh no. Oh God. It's. Maisie?


Maisie? What are you doing, sweetie? Are there? Any chance?


Roxie, what did you.




What did you do? Roxy. Oh, cool. And cool.


What are you doing?


It's on the back foot and it's on the other foot. Attacks on all four feet.


Do you think you're guilty?




Do you think you're guilty? Look at the toilet paper. I think you're guilty.


So Mike had decided to groom herself on my bed.


Are you eating it?


He's a git has the full cake in his lap. There's frosting everywhere. All over my.


Happy birthday to. Oh.


Okay, so here, this is what I got. It's okay. The ground is keeping the T in the thing. It's in there.


I go into my home office and it's almost destroyed. Look at all this.


Pens, ink all over the place.


Wait a minute, Winnie. Ink all over the place. Wendy, what's the blue stuff that you have on your chest? Yeah. Ah. You deny? Oh, okay. But how did this happen? Pubs.


It's a big one. Oh. Oh.


Look, he ain't gonna try to climb up the wall, y'all. I cannot deal.


We need it.


I'll do it better. Just a second. I'm getting warmed up. Oh. I'm okay. Okay.


It's stuck to her.


It's a good thing no one's got that on video.


Come on, buddy, you want to go?


Are you ready to go? Come on, buddy, are you ready to go?


Okay. I wish you, all of you, a very merry Christmas. All right.


Yes, I'd like to believe that. We gotta roll. No. Turn off that second turn. No more saliva.


Ah ah ah ah ah ah. Ah. Ah. Um.


Bed by eight for sure.


Ah! Oh my God. What?


Okay, okay, okay.


Take the exam.


Thank you. Oh, God. You hit me in the face. Oh!


Come on.


Oh. Here we go. 000000. The students go on their daily vlogs most often.


Oh! Ah! Pull up!


Thank you. For. Everything. I'm okay. Okay.


I'll call you.


Oh, why don't you get. It for me? Yeah.


Stuff over here.


Oh. Good boy. I found this. Watch out! So I got to learn how to talk. Oh, it's a message of unity. Watch out! We got this. We got this. Here we go.


Ha ha ha ha ha! Yep. Ho ho ho ho! Ha ha ha! Do it, do it! Do you? Excuse me. Oh. Oh! Oh.


Third time today? Yes. What are you. What?


Are. So. Oh.


Wait wait wait wait. Wait. Alarm go. It's the oysters. Okay. Okay. But you guys.


See. I want you to. Ah. That's why I didn't want it to happen to me. Oh.


Are you okay? Scared, scared. We're gonna do a little warm up. I would like warm up. You bend your knee. Hit the ball and throw. Oh! Ah! You son of. But. Thank. I see us.


Cracks. I see the pushup challenge.


Oh! 000. You're gonna break it. I don't know how these things are. It's like a catapult. No, it's not supposed to do it like that. None of the videos look like that. Go back to.


That's not. Hi. Did you go down? Are. Yeah, it's freaking awesome. Oh!


I don't think I ever got it, but I. I'm okay. Okay.


How's it going there, Cal?


Oh, God.


Well. We're gonna cut that. Cut that.


Off. Wow. Wow. Oh my God. Oh!


Oh. Oh. Oh.


I gotta get back to working.


Sorry. So.


Yeah, well.


Your mind, not your feet to move. Mr.. Different day. My life can change. Often. Takes a while to get to me.


She almost.


He said he's doing all right. No, sir. Hey.


Whoa, whoa. That's what I'm talking about. I'm falling forward. Don't attack me with a gun. Oh, sorry. Are. Go! Okay.


Are you? Stop!


I don't know. Oh.


You fellow who's attempting to get on a magical unicorn.


Coffee? We. Learned a lot from. You right. I was laying out the way.


Okay, I got it, I got it, I got. I got.


Forward and backward. Oh! Whoa! What happened? How do you got it? Yes, sir. Ready? But. Honestly. Barbie's always.


What kind of spaghetti? Are. You surprised? Oh, yeah. Are you saying that I'll put you on Facebook? Go ahead.


Ha ha! No! Surprise! Guys. Boom.


He and mama will give him. Oh. 230. Okay. Ready? Go! Jump! Now!


Ha ha! Ha ha! Oh my gosh!


It's feathers. It's feathers. Whoa! Morgan, I'm sorry. I can't do that. Oh. Are you okay? Oh. Oh, I got that. I got it. You get that? Did you get it? Okay. We got. Ready? One. Two. Three. Yes. Yeah. She's running. No she's not. Yes she is. Oh, no. Are you okay? Okay.


Woof woof woof. Woof! Oh. No, ma'am. No no no. Come on. Mama. Oh, are you sure? Oh, boy. Here we go. I think I can do this.


She was trying to take a selfie. Oh. No. Oh, there. Come on, Sisi. We're going home. That's a really far. Oh, it's kind of steep. Mommy! Mommy! Oh!


Drumroll, please.


This is why he gets hurt. Go! Grab a handle.


Grab a handle. Throw your leg over.


Get ready to go. Oh!


You gotta start squatting.


Oh my God.


Did I tell you?


That. Cody got. Up off? Not so much.


Ah, that's one way for way. All the way.


What happened?


Oh! My back! Oh!


I. Don't. It's quick.




Hey. Ha ha! We are. Ha ha ha ha! We were actually pretty pumped. Wait, wait. Bitch.


Paddle backwards now.


Oh! I knew it.


Oh, there he goes. 0000000, no.


Are. You all right? Oh.


I told you.


I just.


Yeah, baby. Tune. Ooh! Oh! Oh my God! I'm not for sure, but go for.


Don't forget your heart. I told. Oh oh. Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!


That's why you wait. Wait wait wait.


Aim sucks. I. Always end up. Oh! Dang it. Oh, you missed it. Oh, great. Sunset. Oh! Whoa, whoa! Yes! All right.


I show you by my. Ha! Ha ha ha ha!


I haven't.


What? Was the.


Bring palm to the shore. Katie. Hold on to Katie Freeman.


To the shore.


Are you gonna do it?


Ha ha ha ha! Oh my God! Are you okay? Are you. Ha ha ha! You only live once, guys. Yeah. Oh. All right. How? Can we break it? Definitely not.


Are you doing good?


And yes, I'm trying to get this whole thing on video this time.


Ha ha ha.


So you got this. Oh, are you serious?


O o o o o. All right, you get that video. Oh. Oh. Oh.


He can't he can't he get him. He get him.


Okay. So he can't get the horses. Right. Oh my God.


Don't do that.


Yes. So now. Now. That's what he's telling her to go.


So he can do it.


It's. So. You got the wind, right? Right in the. Are. Are. Throw me. O. O o o o o. Oh, yes, I know. Whoa! Are you all right? Oh! Stop. Up. Fine, I think. Oh my God. He. You know what? I'm ready. The floor is. Come.


Oh, okay. Okay, okay.


Be careful. Giddy up!


Oh, shoot.


Yes. Yes. Oh, boy. There.


You go. I'll catch you.


Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Oh, did you get that? Ah! Ah! Hey, Michael. You know how your dad feels when you're walking. Afraid of it? Really? Mhm. Touch your knees to the ground. Oh. Oh my God. Oh. Did you get a picture right. You're going faster than I.


Did. Oh. No no no no no no no. Let it go. Ha ha ha ha! Oh! Oh.


So. Don't even.


Ah! Ah! Honey! Go go go. Go!


Are you okay? Yeah. Just post on Facebook.


I don't think he's making it.


So much. I told you, I think you're. Oh my God.


Are you fit?


Oh my God! Oh! My God! Yeah, I'm. Yeah. Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Amanda one. Down.


It's raining. I just felt heavy. Is it raining? No.


Ah. Ah! Ah! Oh my gosh!


See. You guys. Oh, yeah. Right here. Oh! My. Oh my God.


Well what they did. Well.


Ha ha ha ha ha!


How scared for me.


Huh? Ah ha!


Got it. Yeah.


Ha ha ha. Oh, yeah. Through. It's like a drop from. Oh. Okay.


Go. Get in your bed. Go get your bed. Good man.


Good grief. What, are you trying to climb that tree?


Ah! Ha ha ha ha! Oh.


Boy. Oh!


Go! Whoa!


Oh. Oh. Get it. Zoya. Hey, mom. Oh! Stay there, stay there. Stay! Freeze! Okay. I can. Soccer games are at school. Soccer teams go. Let's go, let's go. Let's.


Bunny. Up in the cut. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.


Ah! Oh my God! No.


That's my dad. Ah! Oh! Oh, jeez. Oh my God!


I don't want blood. Good try.


And he lost his glove. Hey! Oh! Are you okay? Are you all right? Are you okay? Am I?


He's still here. My awake. What's my name?


There you go. Nailed it.


Oh. Whoa whoa whoa.


Whoa whoa whoa whoa.


The guys. Guys that are work. Hello. 001 80. Oh, I got him. Whoa! 32.




A shoelace? Yeah! Logan! Whoo! Oh ho ho ho! Yeah! No.




Woo! Ah! Yeah! Yay! Oh! Sorry about that.


Oh. Yeah.




You. Ready? Ready? Ready? Are you ready? Yes. Now. We know.


Who? This guy. Oh my God! Mom!


Well, that's it right there. Let's go home.


You did good. I'll send it to the NBA. It's sorry. Hey. Come on. Mando. Oh! Oh.


Wow. That one didn't look good. Oh, oh. Oh. Oh. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Are. Just go go go go.


Look at that. You're doing it. You're missing for the booty. Oh, no! Ricky! Ricky!


Oh! Come on. I can't.


Now you gotta. You gotta run and jump, baby.


Let's go. Down! Oh. Oh, no. Look at that.


Sound. Yeah. You okay? It's too late. Yeah. Logan. Ha! Ha ha! Yes.


There he comes.


Are you ready?


Yeah. We. Yeah.


Do you, Tony, take Randy to be your lawfully wedded husband?


I do right now. Yes I do, I do, I do, I do I thought there was more, I do, I do.


Do you Randy, take Toni to be your lawfully wedded wife? I do.


Worthless to be absurd. Are you fed? Come on. But the bottom line. So I'm more serious. Go for it. Oh! Do I get the. Three. Ho ho ho! Ho! Please stop when you are definitely not. Way. This way you wind up. Good luck. To you guys. There are no trees.




Wow. It's her.


That is the funniest thing. And it's all on video.


What? Marriage. Marriage is what brings us together today.


I told you I would leave.


Yes. Oh! The beautiful.


Oh. Uh.


Oh, God. Now you. I now pronounce you husband and wife.


You may kiss the bride.


Oh, no! Oh, no!


Do you take this toothless bride to be your wife for now and forever?


I'm so sorry.


Oh. Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah.


Y'all go to the stairs. Oh. You got to. One, two, three. Marriage isn't easy, but I trust these two. I have trust in their love, their friendship, and their commitment to one another.




You know. Are they?


He was just gonna break some glass. Oh my gosh.


I. If there's all things. Believes. That this. Was just a.


Oh. Oh my God. Now. What? Dad throwing Skittles at Lisa in Greece. Hey! Hip hip! Hooray! Are. Okay. Are you okay? Are you okay?


Are right here.


Very last piece in the sand castle. Wait. We are ready.


Just hanging out at the swings in the Bahamas. No biggie.


Oh. Oh, man, I.


Wish. Oh, yeah. All right. Oh.


I got.


It. All right. Go, babe. It. Was awful scary. Oh, no.


Oh my God.


What happened to you? No. Hahahahahahaha! Okay. If you go back in time, you. Leave.


Windsor. There you go. That's where I get up there, though.


Get up there. I'm trying to get when I go. How? Do you spell? Maybe we. Ha ha ha. They got one of the first few faded like.


Fake things laying, and then you dump on the other person. Oh, that sounded good.




Here comes.


Hey! Go! Go!


It's hard to keep your balance inside that thing. What do you make of it?


It's awesome, but it's hard to pick it up. It's hard to walk. I heard. I got scared, you. Know? Hey hey hey.


Just be careful, cause you might get your hand up here. Oh, hey. I'm shorter than you. Don't worry.


This is fun. I'm loving it. Oh, God. Ah! What? Oh.


No no, no. She likes it. Oh. There you go. Oh! Oh! Oh!


Oh. Oh. Oh.


Oh! Oh. So they are racing to see who gets to the bottom first. Oh my God.


Oh. Oh, yeah.




00000000. Straight up. Go. Trouble. Ow ow ow.




Ow ow ow! Ow! Wow. Oh, man. Hey! Oh my God.


Hey. Who's your partner there, baby? I'm Sam. Oh. I love you, Michael.


Oh, I get it. Yeah.


Where's the thing to cut it? Oh!


God! Oh, come.


I'm scared. He'll.


Step aside. Chumps.


Spire are. Whatever.


Why am I doing all the work there?


Hey. Guess what? Oh, wow. Oh.


Well, there used to be the cat door.


Oh oh. Oh my God.


Take both hands and wrap them around the trash can. It's impossible to do so. No wrong foot. Ah, you always start with your right. Why? I'm left handed. Sorry. Oh, no. It was. Oh. You have to move. Oh my.


God. Oh. Little. Roll over. Rory, you roll over.


Well, what's the problem there?


Stop it! Stop it! Get away from me! Where are you? You put that there. Get out of here! I'm gonna kick you in the nuts. Now. I. Don't. Know.


Hiya. Tundra. So Georgie thinks he has to help me bring in the groceries. Georgie, that's not helping. Out of the car! Out of the car now!


Away from what you. Are. Why would you do it? Oh.


That's how you knock the pan down. Now keep your head straight like that, okay? And I'm going to hold a string. Now you pull it. Did you hit me?


Hey, you get that grip. You okay? Mama, what are you.


Doing? There you go. Yeah. Make it. Oh! I live with it.


Wow. That's not what's kept him out. Hey. Oh! Ha! Ha ha! Ha ha ha! I think we might need them.




Did you do this? Did you do it? Huh? Ha ha ha! Ha ha! Oh, why are you eating me? What are you doing, my little friend?


Don't eat me. I'm just trying to be your friend.


Look. A central line.


Okay, that's a cheese enchilada dinner today.


Oh, there it goes. Oh, boy. Gotta go faster. Ha ha ha! Ha ha! Right. Are.


Hey hey.


Hey. Okay. Are. Right. I'm attempting.


To video, but I can't.


See it. Yeah.


Hold on baby.


There we go. Here we go. We're starting. We go. Oh! No.


You can't have it.


Oh. You get that?


Oh, Becky. Oh! Ah. Yep. Oh, gosh. Oh, I don't get the key. Oh! Oh my God. Shh!


Shh. Shh! Whoa!




Ha ha ha ha! Hi, Gary.


Oh! Oh! All right. Look.


Look. Yeah, right. Ha ha! Ha!


I've gotta keep low. Gotta keep low. There it is. Oh! Oh my God. Oh!


My God! Oh! Oh my God. Oh my turkey! I could do that.




Oh my God! He's holding the ball. I am pretending to throw.


Do it again. Do you want it? Do you want it?


Go get it. Oh, what is this?


Do you. I was good.


No. I tried it.


Oh, no. Are. Just to come to join the party. I.


So this is what you do when the machine is too big to work out.


Ho ho ho.


Ho! Thursday. Ow ow ow! Ow! Ow ow ow ow! Jump on it. We can't. Go out. There you go, daddy. All the time. Go! Whoa whoa whoa! Brian!


It's this move.


That you give yourself a shower.


O r r body painting my clothes and my cloth dirty my.


I'm using this.


I think she thinks my shirt is real.


Ha ha ha! Ha! Ha ha! Ha! Oh, God!


He's on right now.


000. Got it.


It's still in the water.


Go ahead. Whoa. Whoa whoa whoa. Whoa!


Grab the top.


Grab the top. Are you taking a photo? Hurry up!


He's. Not. Making. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! Thank you. Watch it.


Watch it. Gotta. Oh my God. Smart all the time. I don't know what to do. Hi. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh!


Hey. It's okay. It's okay. Who are they? Like falling apart.


I got. Are.


I don't know what the spider does. So you can.


Say that you wrote that song. Ah. Ah.


Just punch your mom.


Oh, no. It's not hurting you. Get away from.


Me! Get away with mom! Punch me! Please. Okay. Don't move so far, because you're not. Knocked! Stop going forward. You're gonna run into the couch. You got to get to him. I want to see how it was.


Hit it hard. Come on. Oh! My God!


Rebecca. Smile.


Oh my God. Ooh! Joe! You're back.


You almost hurt yourself.


Gotta go. Whoa! Okay.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, no! Your mother's gonna kill me! Ah! Honey, honey, wait, wait. I'm okay. Okay. Oh. Okay. Get her done, son. 460 bucks. Like a beach towel. Yeah.


Oh my God. Up in the air. Are. Not so.


Oh oh.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Are you tired? How heavy is she? Heavy. Oh, you're the best.


Oh, yeah. You're not getting. We are. Hey, head up here. Let me get a picture. The.


You should have brought your horse.


Out on his. Tank.


Get out of the mud! This is the one mud spot in the entire yard. Green. Green. Green. Brown. Green. Get up! Why are you laying in this spot?


Hey! Come on, get up.


Let's do this. We are headed. Hence shoving his whole face.


In this small puddle. No.


Pull down on it. Don't pull in on it.




Here. You're gonna get that boot out.


Woo woo! Oh! Ha ha ha ha! Miley!


It's cut!


It's feathers. It's. Give me a. Oh, no. Oh, no. She did all right. Oh! Oh. Someone can't move the grass mower.


Ha! I smell like chicken poop. Ha ha ha ha! Ah.


But don't worry. She brought it in the house.


Oh. I don't expect that thing will last more than a week. But. Super comfy.


All right, open the door. I mean, it got stuck so bad that this is what my truck looks like now.


Yeah. Ali. Ali.


What is on your head? Where were you? Oh, no no no no. Oh.


I you must.


I took the medicine.


Did Papa say that was okay?


Oh, no way for med. Chloe.


Oh my goodness. You're a little piglet. Doug. Hey, I know a joke, I dirty joke. A white horse fell in the mud. Now what are the little doggies are gonna want to play with you, you clown. Are. It becomes the tow truck. 000!


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!


I got it on video. Oh, you go girl. Oh! Come on. Oh! What are you doing, Chloe? Are you gardening? She's gardening with grandma. Gardening with grandma. Oh my God. And none of you make. Oh, no.


Oh! No! Oh, God. Hey! What are you doing?


You're getting mud everywhere. You're digging for gold. Dude, I need to tell you something.


Come here. Come this close.


All right. Listen. Oh, perfect. You are. Hyper. Hyper. Can you even see?


You know, the.


Funny part is, there's no way that I not know it's you. Because she's behind the glass. You did this. Look at this.


That was awesome.


I want to do that again. But this time I will get the. I'll try some hot tea. Go ahead. How's it going? Oh.




Know what they do. They go. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.


Oh no. Oh, God. It's.


Brother. Baby. Maisie. Smith. Maisie! No! Maisie! What are you doing, sweetie? Are. You. All. Right. I'm sure.




What did you do? What did you do? Roxy.


Oh, God.


What are you doing?


It's on the back foot.


And it's on the other foot. It's actually on all four feet.


Do you think you're guilty?




Do you think you're guilty? Look at the toilet paper. I think you're guilty.


So Mike had decided to groom herself on my bed. Are you eating? He's a git, has a full take in his life. There's frosting everywhere. All over my chin. Happy birthday to. Happy. Okay. So here, this is what I got. It's okay. The ground is keeping the T in the thing. It's in there.


I go into my home office and it's almost destroyed. Look at all this. Pens, ink all over the place. Wait a minute, Winnie. Ink all over the place. When he wants the blue stuff that you have on your chest. Yeah. Are you denied? Okay, but how did this happen? Hobbs.


It's a big one. One minute. Jerry. Oh. Oh, look, he's gonna try to climb up the wall, y'all. I cannot deal.


I'll do it better. Just a second. I'm getting warmed up. Oh. I'm okay. Okay.


It's stuck to her.


It's a good thing no one's got that on video.


Come on, buddy, you want to go? Are you ready to go? Come on, buddy, are you ready to go?


Okay. Okay. I wish you, all of you, a very merry Christmas. Oh. All right.


Yes. I'd like to believe that I got a role. No turning off the second I got. No more saliva.


Ha ha ha ha ha! Ah ah ah ah! Ooh, ooh. Um.


Bed by eight for sure.


Bop bop bop. Oh my God. What? And.


Okay, okay, okay. Take the exam. Thank you. Oh, God. You hit me in the face. Oh!


Come on.


Here we go. Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow. Computers going down. Daily vlogs. What's the.


Fun? The girl in the middle. Oh! Huh?


Huh? Pull up!


Pack it up.


I'm okay. Okay. Oh. Oh. Why don't.


You tell me.


Something. Yeah.


Stuff over here.


Sorry for the paper. It is a funny moment and I fell this year, this time coming. So I got to learn how to talk a message of unity. Watch out! We got this, we got this. Here we go.


Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Yep. Ho ho ho ho! Ha ha! Do I do it? Do you? Oh. Oh.


Third time today? Yes. Oh, you.


Are. Oh oh. So.


Yeah. Well, I.


Alarm go. Are.


It's like this. Okay? But you guys.


See. I want you to. Ah. Ah! I didn't want it to happen to me. Oh!


Are you okay? Skin, skin. We're gonna do a little warm up. Low light warm up. You bend your knee. Hit the ball and throw. Oh! Ah! You son of.


But. See. I slept cracks gives you the push up challenge.


Huh? You're gonna break it. I don't know how these things are. It's like a catapult. No, it's not supposed to do it like that. None of the videos look like that. Let's go.


Back. And. Be careful. What? That's nice. I. Would you go down? Are. Yeah, it's freaking awesome. Oh.


Dude. I don't think I even got it, bro.


I'm okay. Okay. How's it going there? How?


Oh, God.


Well. We're gonna cut that.


Cut that off.


Whoa! Oh, God. Oh!


Oh. Oh. Oh. I gotta get back to working.


Sorry. And.


Yeah, well.


Give me your mind, not your feet, to move Mr.. Different things my mind can say. Jump and taste. Wild getaway.


She almost got one.


He said he's doing all right. No, sir.


That's what I'm talking about. I'm falling forward. Don't attack me this summer. Oh. All right. Hey. That's it. Go! Okay.


Are you? Stop!


I don't know. Oh. I know.


You fellow who's attempting to get on a magical unicorn. Coffee?


Learn to wander off. You're right. I was laying out the way.


Okay, I got it, I got it, I got. I got it.


Forward and backward. Whoa! Whoa! What happened? You got it? Yes, sir. To be. Honest.


Barbie's always up. Oh. What kind of spaghetti? Are you surprised? Oh, man. Yeah. I'll put you on Facebook.


Go ahead. Ha ha ha. No! Surprise! Eggs. Are. Mom.


And mama will give him. Oh! Two. Three. Oh! Okay. Ready? Go! Jump now!


Are you. Oh. I got.


It's feathers.


It's fake feathers. Whoa!




I'm sorry. I can't do that.


Are you okay? Oh. Oh, I got that. I got it. You get that? Did you get it? Okay.


We got it.


Ready? One. Two.


Three. Yeah. Yeah.


She's running. No she's not. Yes she is. Oh, no. Are you okay?


Okay. What's. No more. No no no. Come on. Who are you? Oh, boy. Here we go. I think I can do this.


She didn't try to take a selfie. No. Oh, dear. Come on. Sissy! I'm going home. That's a really far. Oh, it's kind of steep. Mommy! Mommy! Oh!


Drumroll, please.


This is why he gets hurt. Go! Handle.


Grab a handle. Throw your leg over.


Are you ready to go? Are. Oh.


You gotta start squatting.


Oh my God.


Did I tell you?


That. Tony got. Up. Not so much.


Ah, that's one way. That way. You're on your way. Whoa! Dang, I wish I was. Oh, my. Get back!


Nobody. It's quick.






Well. Ha ha ha ha! We were actually pretty. Come! Ha ha ha ha ha! Wait, wait! Let me get out, bitch!


Paddle backwards now! Oh! I knew it! Oh, there he goes. Ow ow ow ow ow ow! Oh, no!


Are you all right? Oh.


Boy. I told you.


I'll just. Are. Yeah, baby. Tune. Ooh! Oh! Oh my God! I'm not for sure. But. Go.


Don't forget your heart. I told. Oh oh. Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!


Ho ho ho ho! That's why you wait. Where we. Aim sucks are always games. Oh.


Great. Oh, you missed it. Oh, great. Sunset. Oh! Whoa, whoa! Oh, yes! Yes, yes! You're right.


Do you got my phone? Yeah. Ah. Ah! Ah!


I have it.


I got it. What? Was the.


Springboard to the shore, Katie.


Hold on to Katie. Bring back to the shore.


Are you gonna do it?


Netflix. Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh my God! Are you okay? Are you. Ha ha ha! You only live once, guys. Yolo! All right. Oh!


Oh! Can we break it?


Definitely not. Are you doing good?


And yes, I'm trying to get this whole thing on video this time.


Ha ha ha! Ha!


So you got this. Oh, are you serious?


Oh, no. Oh. Video. Awesome. Hey! Oh.


He can't. He can. He get him? He get him. Okay. So he can't.


Get the horses. Oh, my God.


Don't do that.


So now that's what he's.


So he can do it.


So. Got the wind back. Right in the middle there. Are. Oh, you jump in. Oh. Ha ha ha! Yes I know. Whoa! Are you all right? Oh, yeah. Ha ha ha ha!


Fine, I think. 000.


Oh. That's it.


He's going. 80. Year old. What? Okay. Ready? The floor is. Ah.


Oh, okay. Okay, okay. No. Be careful. Come on, giddy up! Oh, shoot!


Yes. Yes. Oh, boy. Yo, boss. I'll catch you. Oh ho ho ho ho ho!


Did you get.


That? Oh. Are.


Hey, Michael. You know how your dad feels when walking. I'm. Just afraid of it. Really? Mhm. Touch your knees to the ground. Oh. Oh my God. Oh. Did you get a picture right. You're getting faster than I did.


Earlier. Oh. Oh. No no no. Oh no. Where'd it go? Oh my God. Ha ha ha ha! Oh! Oh.


Oh. Don't even.


Ah, honey. Go, go! Just go. Come on.


Are you okay?


Yeah, just posting on Facebook.


I don't think he's making it. So much. I told her I think her story.


Oh my God.


Can you fit?


Oh. It's white. Oh! It's stuck. Yeah. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I'm here to warn. Down.


It's raining. I just felt it raining. Oh.


Ah. Ah! Ah! Oh my gosh!


See. We're good. Oh, yeah. We're right here.


Where is it? Oh. Oh, hi.


Oh my God.


Well, what are they doing? What?


Are. Ha ha ha ha ha!


I'm scared for me. Ha ha!


Got it. Yeah.


Ha ha ha!




It's like a drop from. Ah ha ha ha! Hey.


Go. Get in your bed. Go get your bed. Good man.


Good grief. What, are you trying to climb that tree? And, you know. Ah! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!




Go! Oh.


Oh oh.


Get it to your mom. Oh. Stay there, stay there. Stay! Freeze! Okay. Action. Soccer games are. Soccer teams. Go! Whoa, whoa! Let's go, let's go! Let's.


Bunny. Up in the cut. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ah! Oh my God! No, that's my dad. Ah! Oh! Oh, jeez. Oh my God.


I don't want blood. Oh. Good try. And he lost his blood.


Hey! Oh! Are you okay? Are you all right? Huh? Are you okay? Am I still here? My awake. What's my name? There you go. Nailed it. Oh, whoa whoa whoa whoa.


Guys. Guys that are part. 001 80. Oh, I got him. Whoa!


Pick him up.


Number 32.


Oh. I see. Yeah. Logan who? What's going? Are.


Oh. Who are you? Oh.


Sorry about that. He.


Ho ho ho.


Ho ho ho. Yeah. You.




Ready? Ready? Ready? Are you ready? Yes. Out there jumping up. Oh my God! Mom! What's that? That's it right there. Let's go home.


You did good. I'll send it to the NBA. Sorry. Come on. Mondo. Oh! Oh.


That one didn't look good.


Oh, oh. Oh. Oh. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Just go go go go.


Look at that. You're doing it. What are. You missing for the booty? Porno. Ricky. Ricky.


Oh! Come on. I can't. Ha ha.


Now you gotta. You gotta run and jump, baby.


Let's go. Oh. Oh, man.


Oh, no. Look at that one.


Yeah. You okay? I. I'll see you later. Yeah. Logan, you. Yeah. Yeah. Oh.


There he comes.


Yeah. We. Do you, Tony, take Randy to be your lawfully wedded husband?


I do right now. Yes I do, I do, I do, I do. I thought there was more I do, I do. Do you, Randy.


Take Tony to be your lawfully wedded wife? I do.




Worthless to me. Are you okay? Come on. The bottom. So, on a more serious note. Go for it. Oh! Do I. Hey. Oh, yeah. Definitely. You are definitely someone who. Wait. This is where you win now. What's in to you guys? Wow. There are no trees.




Wow. Who? Gets hurt.


Thank you. That is the funniest thing. And it's all on video.


What? Marriage. Marriage is what brings us together today. I told you I would leave.




Oh. That. Beautiful.


Oh. Uh.


Oh, God. Oh, there you go. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride. Oh.


Do you take this toothless bride to be your wife for now and forever?


I'm so sorry.


Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah.


Y'all go to the stairs. Oh. You got.


To. One. Two. Three. Oh. Oh.


Marriage isn't easy.


But I trust these two. I have trust in their love, their friendship.


And their commitment to one another.


Now, I'm. Oh.




A little. Ah. Ah ah.


It's gonna break your glass.


Oh my gosh. Are.


Voices. And there's all things. These? Are these. Oh, no no no no. We're just.


Whoa! Oh my God! Oh, wow. What? Dad throwing Skittles at Lisa in Greece. Hey! Hip hip! Hooray! Are. Okay. Are you okay? Are you okay?


Right here.


I don't mean very last piece in the sand castle. Wait. We are ready.


Just hanging out at.


The swings in the Bahamas. No biggie. Oh. Oh, man, I.


Wish. Oh. Oh, yeah. All right.


Ah! I got it. All right. Go, babe. Ha! Ha ha ha! That was awesome. This is scary. Oh!


Oh my God! What happened to you?


Oh. Hahahahahahahaha. Okay. Hang on. Don't go back. Over.


Windsor. There you go. That's for him. Get up there.


Get up there! Back up here! I'm trying to go. Fight. Foul! Maybe we. Ha ha ha! Ha! They got one of the.


First we invaded. Like. Land and then jump on the other person. Oh, that sounded good.


All right, let's see. She's up. Here it comes.


Hey! Go!


Go! It's hard to keep your balance.


What do you think of it?


It's awesome, but it's hard to pick it up. It's hard to walk. I heard. You. Got you you. Hey hey hey.


Just be careful, cause you might hit your head up here. Okay? I'm shorter than you. Don't worry. This is fun. I'm loving.


It. Oh, God. Are. Oh. No no.


No. She likes it. Oh. There you go. Whoa oh oh.


For. Oh. Oh.


Oh. So they are racing. See who gets to the bottom first. Oh my God.


Oh. Yeah, yeah.


Mali. Oh. 00000. Oh. Oh. 0000.


Oh oh. Oh. Go. Out! Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha! Hey! Oh my God!


Hi. Who's your partner there, baby? I'm Sam. Oh. Love your mug.


Oh, I get it. Yeah.


Where's the thing to cut it?


Oh. Yes, yes. Oh! Hey! Excuse. Me?


Step aside. Chumps.


Spire are. Whatever.


Why am I doing all the work there?


I. Get it? What? Oh, wow. Oh.


Although it used to be the cat door.


Ah. Ah. Oh my God.


Take both hands and wrap them around the trash can. It's impossible to do so. No. Are you always start with your right. Why? I'm left handed. Sorry. Oh, no. It was. Oh. You have to move. Oh my.


God. Oh! Little. Roll over. Roll. You roll over.


What? What's the problem? There you are.


Stop it! Stop it! Get away from me! Where are you? You put that there. Get out of here! I'm gonna kick you in the nuts. You. Know.


Hiya. Sandra. So Georgie thinks he has to help me bring in the groceries. Georgie, that's not helping. Out of the car! Out of the car now!


Come. What? Are. You doing? What are you doing? Oh!


That's how you knock the pan down. Now keep your head straight like that, okay? And I'm going to hold a string. Now you pull it. Did you hit me?


Hey, let me get that for. You okay? Mama, what do you do.


When you walk in? Take it off. Yeah. Make it. Oh! I live with it.


Wow. That's not what I'm trying to say about. Hey. Oh! Ha! Ha ha ha ha ha! I think we might need something. Mila. Did you do this? Did you do it? Huh? Ha ha! Ha ha! Oh, why are you eating me? What are you doing, my little friend?


Don't eat me. I'm just trying to be your friend.


Say a cheese enchilada.


Okay, that's a cheese enchilada dinner. It's not a.


Oh, there it goes. Oh, boy. Gotta go faster. Right.




Mayday. Oh! Ah! She's. Right. What's happening to.


Video, but I can't see it. Yeah. Hold on baby.


Here we go. Here we go. We're starting. We go. Oh, dad. You can have it. No!


You can't have it.


Oh. You get that?


Go back here. Oh!


Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Yep.


Oh, gosh. Oh, I don't get the key.


Oh! Oh my God!


Shit! Whoa! Run!


Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha! Hi, Gary.


Oh! Oh! All right. Look.


Look. Yeah! Ha ha! Ha!


I've gotta keep low. Gotta keep low. There it is. Oh! Oh my God. Oh!


My God! Oh! Oh my God! Oh my turkey! I can do that.


Oh my.


God. He's holding the ball. I am pretending to throw. Do it again.


Do you want it? You want it? Go get it. Oh, what is this do?


No. I was good. No.


No. Ah! I tried it.


There are. To come to the party.


So this is what you do when the machine is too big to work out.




Is that? Ah. Ah. How do I go first? Oh! Jump on it. Oh! We came to a free trial. Hey, there you go, Danny. Oh. Uh, go!


Whoa whoa whoa!


Brian! Take it away. Yeah. Let's. See if she.


Gets this move. Give yourself a.




Oh! Ah! Ah! Bobby's eating my clothes and he's eating my claw. Hey, daddy!


I'm using this.


I think she thinks my shirt is real.


Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha! Oh, God! I.


Think he's on break now.


000. Got it. It's still in the water. Go ahead. Oh. Grab the top, grab the top. Are you taking a photo?


Hurry up! He's gonna find me. There is some.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.


Ha ha ha ha.


Ha! Thank you. Watch for it.


Watch it. Got it. Are. Oh my God. I don't know what to do with Andrew. Hey. Oh my God.


Oh my God. Oh! Hey. It's okay. It's okay. Who are they? Like falling apart?


I guess. Are.


I don't know what this spider does. So you can say that you. Ah. Ah. Just punch your mouth. Oh, no. It's not hurting you. Get away from me! Get away in the mouth! Punch the face! Okay. Don't move so far, because. That's the next step. Going forward, you're gonna run into the couch. You got to get to him. I wanna see how it was.


Come on. Come.


Right back a smile.


Oh my God. So you're back.


You almost hurt yourself.


What a game! Whoa! You. Give me a. Okay.


Ha ha ha ha! Oh, no. Your mother is gonna kill me. Whoa! Whoa! Honey, honey, wait, wait. I'm okay. Okay.


Oh, God. Okay.


Get her done, son. 460 bucks. Like a beach towel. Yeah.


Ha ha! Oh my God. I've been thinking. Ha ha ha ha ha! Are. I.


Oh oh.


Are you tired? How heavy is she? That heavy? Oh, you're the best.


We're. In a very. We are. Oh, hey, head up here. Let me get a picture.


You should have brought your horse.


Out on his knees. Hank.


Get out of the mud. This is the one mud spot in the entire yard. Green. Green. Green. Brown. Green. Get up! Why are you laying in this spot? Hey! Come on, get up. This game is so hard headed.


He's shoveling his whole face and there's no color. No.


Pull down on it. Don't pull in on it.




You're gonna get that boot out.


Woo woo! Oh! Ha ha ha ha! My leg.


It's caught.


It's feathers. It's.


Give me a room. Oh, no. Oh, no. She did.


All right. Oh! Yeah.


Oh. Someone can't move the grass mower.


Huh? I know I smell like chicken poop. Ha ha ha ha. Ah.


But don't worry. She brought it in the house.


Oh. I don't expect that thing will last more than a week. Oh, thanks.


All right, open the door. I mean, they got stuck so bad that this is what my truck looks like now.


Yeah. Ali. Ali.


What is on your head? Where were you? Oh, no no no no.


Oh, good. Ah, yeah.


Must I take them back?


Did Papa say that was okay?


Ah! No way. Remember? Chloe.


Oh, my goodness, you're a little piglet.


Doug. Hey, I know a joke, I dirty joke. A white horse fell in the mud.


Now, what are the little doggies are gonna want to play with you, you clown.


Are. All right.


Here comes the tow truck. 000!


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


I got it on video. Ha ha! Oh, you go, girl. Oh! Oh! What are you doing, Chloe?


Are you gardening?


She's gardening with grandma. Gardening with grandma. Oh my God. Enough of you, man. I don't know what you are. Whoa.


Whoa. Oh, God. Oh, God. Hey! What are you doing? You're getting mud.


Everywhere. You're digging for gold.


Dude, I need to tell you something. Come here. Come this close.


All right. Listen.


Oh, perfect. You are a disaster. Hi. Hi. Hi. Can you even.




You know, the.


Funny part is, there's no way that I not know it's you. Because she's behind the glass. You did this. Look at this. That was awesome. I want to do that again. But this time I'm getting.


I'll try some hot tea.


Go ahead. How's it going? Oh.




Don't want to do. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.


Oh no. Oh, God.


Rapper. Baby. Maisie. Smith. Maisie. No! Maisie, what are you doing, sweetie? Oh! Baby. Oh! Jesus.




What did you do? What did you do? Roxy?


Oh, cool. And cool.


What are you doing?


It's on the back foot.


And it's on the other foot. Attacks on all four feet.


Do you think you're guilty?




Do you think you're guilty? Look at the toilet paper. I think you're guilty.


So Mike had decided to groom herself on my bed.


Are you eating it?


He has the full hate in his life. There's frosting everywhere. All over my. Happy birthday to. Happy. Oh. Okay, so here, this is what I got. It's okay. The ground is keeping the T in the thing. It's in there.


I go into my home office and it's almost destroyed. Look at all this. Pens, ink all over the place. Wait a minute, Winnie. Ink all over the place. When he wants the blue stuff that you have on your chest. Yeah. Are you denied? Okay, but how did this happen?


One minute. Security. Oh my gosh. Oh, look, he gonna try to climb up the wall, y'all. I cannot deal.


We did it.


I'll do it better. Just a second. I'm getting warmed up. Oh. I'm okay. Okay.


It's stuck to her.


It's a good thing no one's got that on video.


Come on, buddy, you want to go?


Are you ready to go? Come on, buddy, are you ready to go?


Okay. Okay. Wishing all of you a very merry Christmas. Oh. Oh! All right.


Yes, I'd like to believe that. We gotta roll. Oh, hang on a second. I got. No more saliva.


Ha ha ha ha ha! Ah ah ah ah! Ooh, ooh. Um.


Bed by eight for sure.


But. Oh my God. What? Maybe. Okay, okay, okay. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Take the exam.


Thank you. Oh, God. You hit me in the face. Oh!


Come on.


Here we go. 0000002. Students go now. Daily vlogs will start.


In the middle. Oh. Pull up.


Thank you.




Everything. I'm okay. Okay. Oh.


Oh, why don't you get.


It for me? Give it.


To me. Yeah.


Stuff over there.


You ready for the paper? It is a funny moment. I failed to watch out, so I got to learn how to talk. A message of unity. What's all good, James? We got this, we got this. Here we go.


Ha ha ha! Ha ha! Yep. Ho ho ho! Are you enjoying? You. Oh. Oh.


Third time today? Yes. Why are you.


Ah! Oh. So.


When I. Alarm! Go! Are. It's okay. But you guys up, you see?


I want you to. Ah. That's why I didn't want it to happen to me. So.


Are you okay? Skin, skin. We're gonna do a little warm up. Low light warm up. You bend your knee.


Hit the ball and throw. Oh.


Are you tired of. But. I love.


To see the push up challenge.




Ho ho ho!


You're gonna break it. I don't know how these things are. It's like a catapult. No, it's not supposed to do it like that. None of the videos look like that.


Go back. Be careful. What? Hi.


Go down.


Are. Yeah, it's freaking insane. Oh.


Dude. I don't think I even got it, bro. I'm okay. Okay.


How's it going there? How?


Oh, God. Oh! Now. We're gonna cut that. Cut that off.


Whoa, whoa. Oh my God. Oh!


Oh. Oh! Oh.


I gotta get back to working.




And. So.


Yeah, well.


Keep your mind on your feet to move. Mr.. Different day. My wife can take it up and take it while you wait.


She almost got.


He said he's doing the right. No, sir. Hey!


Whoa! That's what I'm talking about. I'm falling forward. You. Know. Come on.


Don't attack me!


Oh, I. Hey. Sit. Go.


Are you? Stop!


I don't know. Oh. I don't know. What?


You fellow is attempting to get on a magical unicorn.


There's a waterfall.


You're right. It was laying out the way. Okay, I got it, I got it, I got. I got.


Look forward. Whoa!


What happened? He's got it.


Yes, sir. Ready? Honestly, Barbie's always on. Oh. What kind of spaghetti? Are you surprised? Oh, yeah. Are you saying that I'll put you on Facebook? Go ahead.


Ha ha ha. No. Several. Is. This. How?


He and mama will give in.


Oh! Two. Three. Oh!


Okay. Ready? Go! Jump! Now!


Ha ha! Ha ha! Oh my gosh.


It's feathers.


It's fake feathers. Whoa!


Morgan, I'm sorry. I can't do that. Are you okay?


Oh. Oh, I got that. I got it.


Oh, you get that? Did you get it? Oh.


We got. Ready?


One. Two. Three. Yes. Yeah. She's running. No she's not. Yes she is. Oh, no. Are you okay?


Okay. Oh. No, ma'am. No no, no. Come on. Oh, are you sure? Oh, boy. Here we go. I don't think I can do this.


She do? Try to take a selfie. Oh! No. Oh! Come on. Sissy! I'm going home. That's a really far. Oh, it's kind of steep. Mommy! Mommy! Oh!


Drumroll, please.


This is why he gets hurt.


Grab a handle. Throw your leg over.


Are. You ready to go? Oh.


You gotta start squatting.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh my God!


Did they die yet?


Cody got. Up off. Not so much.


Ah! What? One way. That way. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Whoa! How did that.




Dang, I wish I was. Oh, my. Have. I. Don't want to. It's quick. It's. Hey. Ha! Ha! We are. Ha ha ha ha! We were actually pretty. Come! Ha ha ha ha ha! Wait. Wait until we get up tomorrow. We're gonna dig a bitch.


Paddle backwards now.


Oh! I knew it.


Oh, there he goes. 0000000, no.


Are you all right? Oh.


No. I told you.


I'll just.


Yeah, baby. Tune. Ooh! Oh! Oh my God. I'm not for sure. But. Go.


Don't forget your heart. I told. Oh. Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!


That's why you wait. White's aim sucks are games. Oh.


Great. Oh, you missed it. Great. Sunset. Whoa, whoa. Can you stand? Yes. All right.


You want my phone? Yeah.


Ah! Ah! Ah! I have it.


I got it. What? Was the.


Springboard to the shore, Katie.


Hold on to Katie.


To the shore.


Are you gonna do it?


With us. Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh my God! Are you okay? Are you. Ha ha! You only live once, guys.


Yolo. All right.


Oh, oh. Oh! Can we break it? Oh! Definitely not your footage.


What are you doing? Good.


And yes, I'm trying to get this whole thing on video this time.


Ha ha ha! Ha ha!


So you got this. Oh, are you serious?


000. You're right. You get that video. Awesome. Oh.


Oh he can't, he can. He get him. He get him.


Okay. So he can't get the horses. Oh my God.


Don't do that.


Yes, it's all down now. That's what he's telling her.


So he can do it.


So. Got the wind? Right in the. Oh! Oh! Jump in. Oh! Yes, I know. Whoa! Are you all right? Oh! Ha ha ha ha! Are. I think. 000.


Oh, God.


What? I'm ready. The floor is.


Oh, okay. Okay, okay.


Oh, no. Be careful. Oh ho ho ho ho! Giddy up!


Oh, shit!


Yes. Yes. Oh, boy. Yo, boss. I'll catch you. Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Oh, did you get that? Oh. Are. Hey, Michael. I know how your dad feels when you walk. Oh, she's afraid of it. Really? Mhm. Touch your knees to the ground. Oh my God. Oh. Did you get a picture? Right.


You're going faster than I. Did. Oh. Oh no no no no no no. Oh no. Where'd it go? Oh my God. Oh.


Oh. Don't even.


Huh? Ah, honey. Go go go. Just go. About.


Are you okay? Yeah. Just post.


On Facebook. I.


I don't think he's making it.


So much. I told her, I think she's. Oh my God. Can you fit? Oh it's quite. So. Ha ha ha. Ha ha. I mean one. Go down. Oh.


It's raining. Can you smell it? Is it raining?


No. Ah. Ah! Ah! Oh my gosh!




Oh my God.


Oh, yeah. I'm right here. Get down!


Where is it? Oh! Oh, hi.


Oh my God!


What a day. Huh? How scared for me.


Huh? Ha! Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh.


You got it. Yeah.


Ha ha ha. Oh, yeah.




It's like a jump from. You are. Okay.


Go. Get in your bed. Go get your bed. Good man.


Good grief. What are you trying to do? Climb that tree? Though. Are. Ha ha ha! Oh.


Boy. Oh!


Go! Oh.




Get it. Zoya. Hey, mom. Oh! Stay there, stay there. Stay! Freeze! Okay. Actually. Hey! Oh, Jesus. Go! Go! Whoa! Let's go! Let's go! Let's.


Bunny up in the cut. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ah! Oh my God. No, that's my dad. Oh! Oh! Oh, jeez. Oh my God.


I don't want that.


Good try. And he lost his club. Hey. Oh. Are you okay? Are you all right? Are you okay? Am I? He's still here. My awake. What's my name? There you go. Nailed it. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa.


Guys. Guys love. Hello.


Oh, go!


180. Oh, I got him. Whoa! Speaking. 32.




Oh. I see. Yeah. Logan, you. Hold on. Yeah. No. Oh.




Woo! Ah! Yeah! Yay! Oh! Sorry about that.


Oh. Yeah.


Ready? Ready? Ready? Are you ready? Yes. Now. We know who this guy. Oh my God! Mom! What's that? That's it right there. Let's go home.


Oh, you did good. I'll send it to the NBA. Oh, sorry. Hey. Come on. Mondo. Oh. I. Wish. Oh.


I'm. Oh. That one didn't look good. Oh, oh. Oh. Oh. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Are. Just go go go go go.


Look at that. You're doing it. Oh. What you're missing for the booty. Oh, no! Ricky! Ricky!


Oh! Come on. I can't.


Now you gotta. You gotta run and jump, baby.


Let's go. Down! Oh.


Oh, no.


Look at that.


Mountain. Yeah. You okay? I'll see you later. Yeah. Logan, you. Yeah. Well.


There he comes.


It's. Are you crazy? Yeah, we don't want to do that.


Do you, Tony, take Randy to be your lawfully wedded husband?


I do right now. Yes I do, I do, I do, I do I thought there was more, I do, I do.


Do you Randy, take Toni to be your lawfully wedded wife I do okay.


Are you okay? Go on. What? Up? Up. So, on a more serious note. Go for it. Oh! Do I get the. Three. Oh. Yeah. Dad! Please stop. You are definitely not. Well, this is where you win now. Luck. To you guys. Wow. Yeah. There are no trees.


Ooh! Wow. That is the funniest thing. And it's all on video.


What? Marriage. Marriage is what brings us together today.


I told you I would leave.


Okay. Oh. They're beautiful.


Oh. Uh.


Come on, dog. Oh, there you go. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride. Oh, no. Oh!


Do you take this toothless bride to be your wife for now and forever?


I'm so sorry.


Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah.


Y'all go to the stairs.


Oh. You got to. One.


Two, three. Oh. Marriage isn't easy, but I trust these two. I trust them, their love.


Their friendship.


And their commitment to one another.


Now, where do you live on that?


You. Know. They.


Oh oh.


Yes. It's gonna break the glass.


Oh my gosh!


I. It was all. Beliefs on. Happiness. Oh, no no no no. No. Let me know. Yeah. Oh. Oh my God. One. Oh, wow.


Dad throwing Skittles at Lisa in Greece.


Hey! Hip hip! Hooray! Are. Okay. Are you okay? Are you okay?


Right here.


Very last piece in the sand castle. Wait. We are ready.


Just hanging out at the swings in the Bahamas.


No biggie.


Oh. Oh, man, I.


Wish. All right.




I got.


It. All right. Go, babe. Okay. This is scary. Oh, no.


Oh my God. What happened to you?


Oh. Hahahahahahaha! Okay. Hang on. Don't go back. Oh, leave. Leave.


Windsor. There you go. That's where he'll get up there, though.


Get up there. I'm trying to go. Fight! What are you talking about? Ha ha ha! They got one of the.


First few faded like fake things to lay on. And then you dump on the other person. Oh, that's sounded good.


Here comes.


Hey! Go! Go! It's hard to keep your balance inside.


What can you make of it?


It's awesome, but it's hard to keep it. I heard. He got sick. You. Know. Hey hey hey.


Just be careful, cause you might hit your head up here. Oh, hey. I'm shorter than you. Don't worry. This is fun. I'm loving.


It. Oh, God. Are. Oh. No, no.


Lonnie. Lonnie. She likes it. Oh. There you go. Oh! Oh!


Oh. Oh. Great.


Thank you. Oh. So they are racing. See who gets to the bottom first. Oh! Oh my God!


Oh. And. Yeah.


Mali 00000000.


Trouble. Ow ow.




Ow ow ow ow! Ow! Go! Out! Ha ha ha ha! Oh, man. Hey! Oh my God.


Hi. Who's your partner there, baby? I see him. Oh. I love him.


Oh, I get it. Yeah.


Where's the thing to cut it? Off.


You. Know. How scared. Step aside. Chumps. It's fire. Whatever. Why am I doing all the work there?


Hey. Guess what? Oh, wow. Oh.


All. There used to be the cat door.


Oh my God. Oh my God.


Take both hands and wrap them around the trash can. It's impossible to do so. No. Oh, you always thought me, right?


Why? I'm left handed.


Mode was. Oh my God.


Oh! You. Roll over.


You roll over. What? What's the problem? There you are.


Stop it! Stop it! Get away from me! Where are you? You put that there. Get out of here! I'm gonna kick you in the nuts. You. Don't. Know.


Hiya. Sandra. So Georgie thinks he has to help me bring in the groceries. Georgie, that's not helping. Out of the car! Out of the car now!


Are. There any. When you do it. Oh.


This time you knock.


The pan down. Now keep your head straight like that, okay? And I'm going to hold a string. Now, you pull it till you hit me.


Okay? You get that grip. You okay? Mama, what are you.


Doing? You've all been. There you go. He doesn't make it. Oh! I live with it.


Are. That's not what I'm trying to say about. Hey. Oh! Ha! Ha ha ha ha! I think we might need them. Mila, did you do this? Did you do it? Huh? Ha ha! Ha ha! And. I said, oh, why are you eating me? What are you doing, my little friend?


Don't eat me. I'm just trying to.


Be your friend. Gary. Let's. Say a cheese and tomato.


Okay. That's a cheese enchilada dinner, not a.


Oh, there it goes. Oh, boy. Gotta go faster. Ha ha ha! Right. Are.


Hey! Hey!


Hey! Oh! Ah! She's. Right. I'm attempting.


To video, but I can't.


See it. Oh. Yeah.


Hold on baby.


Here we go. Here we go. We're starting. We go. Oh. You know.


You can't have it.


Oh. You get that?


Go back. Oh!


Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Yep, I got it. Oh, gosh.


Oh! Don't forget the camera. Oh! Oh my God. Shh shh shh shh. Shh. Whoa!




Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Hi, Gary. Oh! Oh!


All right. Look.


Look. Yeah, right. Hey! Are. I.


I've gotta keep low.


Gotta keep low. There it is. Oh! Oh my God. Oh!


My God! Oh! Oh my God. Oh my turkey! I can do that.


Oh my.


God. He's holding the ball. I am pretending to throw.


Do the journey. You want it? You want it.


Go get it. Oh, what is this do?


That's good. I was good. No, no.


Are my trident.


Are. Your sister comes to join the party.


So this is what you do when the machine is too big to work out.




Ow ow ow! Ow! Ow ow ow ow! Jump on it. It's a free trial. Oh. No. Here you go, daddy. Oh! Go! Whoa whoa whoa! Brian! Let's. See if she gets this move.


Give yourself a shower.


Oh! Ah! Ah! He's eating my clothes. He's in my closet. Hey, Danny. Oh. Oh, oh.


I'm using this.


I think she thinks my shirt is real.


Ha ha ha! Ha! Ha! Oh, God.


I think he's on right now.


000. Got it.


It's still in the water. It's.


What? Go ahead. Grab the top. Grab the top. Ah! Ah!


Ah! Are you taking a photo? Hurry up! He's waiting.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.


Ha ha ha ha!


Thank you. Watch for it. Watch it!


Got it. Oh my God. It's hard all the time. Come on. I don't know what this means. Do any.


Oh my God. Oh my God.


Up up up.


Hey. It's okay. It's okay. Who are they? Like falling apart. I got.


Are you not?


I don't know what the spider does. So you came. Ah. Ah. Just punch your mom.


Oh, no. It's not hurting you. Get away from.


Me! Get it right in the mouth. Punched in the face. Okay. Don't move so far because you feel so stacked. Stop going forward. You're gonna run into the couch. You got to get to him. I want to see it. Come on. Rebecca. Smile.


Oh my God. Ooh! Joe! You're back.


You almost hurt yourself.


What a game. Whoa! Okay.


Ha ha ha ha! Oh, no! Your mother's gonna kill me! Careful! Whoa! Whoa! Ah! Honey, honey, wait, wait. I'm okay. Okay.


What? Go back. Okay.


Better done, son. 460 bucks. Like a beach towel. Yeah.


Ah! Ah! Oh my God! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Are. Not so. Oh oh.


Are you tired? How heavy is she? Heavy. Oh, you're the best, dude.


Yeah. We are. Hey, get up here. Let me get a picture.


You should have brought your horse.


Out on his knees. Oh! Hank.


Get out of the mud. This is the one mud spot in the entire yard. Green. Green. Green. Brown. Green. Get up! Why are you laying in this spot?


Hey! Come on, get up.


Let's do this over your head.


He's shoving his whole face in the small hole. No!


Pull down on it. Don't pull in on it. Okay, you're gonna get that boot out.


Who? Ha ha ha! My legs.


It's cut.


It's feathers. It's fake.


Give me a broom. Oh, no! Oh, no! She did.


All right. Oh!


Oh. Someone can't move the grass mower.


Ha! I smell like chicken poop. Ha ha ha! Ah.


But don't worry. She brought it in the house.


Oh. I don't expect that thing will last more than a week. I think most of us were comfy.


All right, open the door. I mean, they got stuck so bad that this is what my truck looks like now.


Yeah. Ali. Ali.


What is on your head? Where were you? Oh, no no no no. Ha ha ha ha ha!


Ha ha ha! Ah, yeah, I.


Started to read that.


Did Papa say that was okay?


Uh, no. Yay! From head. Chloe.


Oh my goodness. Your little piglet.


Dog. Hey, I know a joke, I dirty joke. A white horse fell in the mud.


Now what are the little doggies are gonna want to play with you, you clown. Are. Here comes the tow truck. 000!


Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


I got it on video.


Oh, you go girl.


Oh! Come on. Oh, what are you doing, Chloe?


Are you gardening?


She's gardening with grandma. Gardening with grandma. Oh my God. Enough of you, man. I don't know what you.


Are. That's good. Oh, God. What are you doing?


You're getting mud everywhere. You're digging for gold. Did I need to tell you something?


Come here. Come this close.


All right. Listen. Oh, perfect. You are. Hyper. Hyper. Can you even see?


You know, the funny part is, there's no way that I not know it's you. Because she's behind the glass. You did this. Look at this. That was awesome. I want to do that again. But this time I'll take it. I'll try some hot tea. Go ahead. How's it going? Oh.




But. Know what to do. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.


Oh, no. Oh, God.


Rapper. Baby. Maisie. Smith.




Maisie! What are you doing, sweetie? Are. You going?


Roxie, what did you do? What did you do? Roxy.


Oh, God.


What are you doing?


It's on the back foot.


And it's on the other foot. It's actually on all four feet.


Do you think you're guilty?


Romeo? Do you think you're guilty?


Look at the toilet paper. I think you're guilty.


So Mike had decided to groom herself on my bed. Are you eating it? He's a jerk. Has the whole cake in his lap. There's frosting everywhere. All over my chair.


Happy birthday. Happy. Oh.


Okay, so here, this is what I got. It's okay. The ground is keeping the T in the thing. It's in there.


I go into my home office and it's almost destroyed. Look at all this. Pens, ink all over the place. Wait a minute, Winnie. Ink all over the place. When he wants the blue stuff that you have on your chest. Yeah. Are you denied? Okay, but how did this happen? What's.


The big one. One minute. Already. Oh. Oh, look, he's gonna try to climb up the wall, y'all. I cannot deal.


I'll do it better. Just a second. I'm getting warmed up. I'm okay. Okay.


It's stuck to her.


It's a good thing no one's got that on video.


Come on, buddy, you want to go?


Are you ready to go? Come on, buddy, are you ready to go?


Okay. Okay. Wishing all of you.


A very merry Christmas. All right.


Yes. I'd like to believe that I've got a role. Oh, turn it off. Hang on a second. No more saliva.


Ah ah ah ah ah ah. Are. Um.


Bed by eight for sure.


But. What? Did you?


Okay, okay, okay.


Take the exam.


Thank you. Oh, God. Grant me the phone. Oh.


Come on.


Here we go. 0000002 students go now. Daily vlogs. What's the.


Fun? Little. Oh!


Ha ha ha ha!


Ha ha! Hold up!


Back it up! Come.


I'm okay. Okay. Oh, why don't you get.


It for me?


So. Yeah.


Stuff over here.


Sorry for the paper. It is a funny boy and I feel sorry for me. Watch out! Okay, so I gotta learn how to talk. A message of unity. Watch out! Cook! James! We got this. We got this. Here we go.


Ha ha ha ha! Yep. Ho ho! Ho ho! Ah! Do I do it? Do you? Oh. Oh.


Third time today? Yes. Oh, you. Are. Oh. So. Yeah, well. Alarm go. Let's do this. Okay. Okay. But you guys up.


You see? I want you to. Ah. Ah! I didn't want to have to meet. Oh.


Are you okay? Scared, scared. We're gonna do a little warm up, a little light warm up. You bend your knee, hit the ball and throw. Oh, are you son of. But. I see a.


Crack. I see the push up challenge. Oh! Huh?


You're gonna.


Break it.


I don't know how these things are. It's like a catapult. No, it's not supposed to do it like that. None of the videos look like that.


Can. You go.




And. I. Did you go down? Are. Yeah, it's freaking massive. Oh.


Dude. I don't think I even got it, bro.


I. I'm okay. Okay. How's it going there? How?


Oh, God.


Well. We're gonna cut that. Cut that off.


Whoa whoa whoa. Oh my God. Oh!




Oh. I got to get back to working.




Yeah, well.


Give me your mind, not your feet to move. Mr.. Different day, my wife can.


Say jump in takes while he gets away.


She almost had one.


He said he's doing all right. No, sir. Hey!


Woo woo! That's what I'm talking about. I'm falling forward. Yeah.


Don't attack me!


Hi. Are. Go!


Just. Are you? Stop!


I don't know. Oh. Here I go. Do you follow.


Me? Attempting to get on a magical unicorn?


There's a waterfall.


You're right. It was laying out the way. Okay, I got it, I got it, I got it. I got.


Oh, he's got it.


Yes, sir. Honestly. Barbies always. Oh. What kind of spaghetti are. You surprised? Oh.


Yeah. Are you okay?


David, I'll put you on Facebook. Go ahead.


Ha, ha! No! Surprise! Eggs. Are. Boom.


He's taller, and mama will get him. Oh. Two three. Oh! My God! Okay, ready? Go! Jump! Now!


Ha ha! Ha! Oh! My gosh.


It's feathers.


It's freaking feathers. Whoa!


Morgan, I'm sorry. I can't do that. Are you okay? Oh, I got that.


I got it.


You get that? Did you get it? Okay.


We got this.


Ready? One. Two.


Three. Yes. Yeah.


She's running. No she's not. Yes she is. Oh, no. Are you okay?


Okay. What's. Oh. No, ma'am. No no, no. Come on. Oh, are you sure? Oh, boy. Here we go. I think I can do this.


She was trying to take a selfie. Oh. Yeah. Oh, there. Come on, sissy. I'm going home. That's a really far. Oh, it's kind of steep. Mommy! Mommy! Oh!


Drumroll, please.


There. Oh, shoot. This is why he gets hurt. Go! Grab the handle.


Grab a handle. Throw your leg over.


Get ready to go. Oh!


You gotta start squatting.


Oh my God.


Did I tell you?


That. Cody. Got. Up off. Not so much.


Ah, that's one way. That way. The only one. Whoa! How did that.




Dang, I wish I was. Oh, my God, you're back.


Nobody. It's quick.




No. Are. We are. Ha ha ha ha! We were actually pretty calm. Wait, wait. Get out the water! Dig a ditch.


Paddle backwards now!


Oh! I knew it!


Oh, there he goes. 0000000, no! Are you all right? Oh. I told you.


I'll just. Are. Yeah, baby. Tune. Ooh! Oh! Oh my God. Sure. But go.


Don't forget your heart. I told. Oh oh. Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!


That's why you wait. Wait wait wait.


Aim sucks. I have.




Oh, great. Oh, you missed it. Great sunset. Oh, God. Yes. Yes, yes. All right.


I show you by my. Ah. Ah! Ah!


Ah! Damn it!


What? What the.


Great pop to the.


Shore, Katie. Hold on to Katie. I bring my to the shore.


Are you gonna do it?


Oh my gosh. Ha ha ha ha! Oh my God! Are you okay? Are you. Ha ha ha! You only live once, guys. Yeah. Oh. All right. Oh, oh. Oh!


Can we break it? Oh!


Definitely not. What are you doing? Good.


And yes, I'm trying to get this whole thing on video this time.


Ha ha ha.


So you got this. Oh, are you serious?


000. But you get that video. Awesome. Are. Oh oh.


He can't, he can't. He get him. He get him.


Okay. So he can't get the horses. Oh my God.


Don't do that.


Yes, he's going down now. That's what he's telling her to go.


So he can do it.


So. We've. Got the women back. Right in the. Are. Oh, you jump in. Oh. Yes, I know. Whoa! Are you all right? Oh! Up. Fine, I think. Oh oh.




He's got. Whoa! Whoa, whoa. Whoa. You know what? I'm ready. The floor is. Ah.


Oh, okay. Okay, okay.


No. Be careful.


Somewhere. Giddy up! Oh, shoot.


Yes. Yes. Oh, boy. There. You go. I'll catch you. Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! Oh! Ha ha ha ha!


Oh, did you get that? Oh!


Hey, Michael. You know how.


Your dad feels when you walk. I'm. Afraid of it. Really? Mhm. Touch your knees to the ground. Oh. Oh my God. Oh. Did you get a picture?


Right. You're going faster than I. Think. Oh. Oh. No no no. Oh no. Where'd it go? They. So.


Oh. Don't even.


Huh? Ah, honey. Are.


Just go. Come off! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


What? Are you okay? Yeah, just posting on Facebook. Yeah.


I don't think he's making it.


So much. I told you to take your shit. Oh! My God. Are you. All right, darling. Oh, thank. God. Yeah. Are. Ha ha ha ha! I mean, the one. Down.


It's raining. I just felt heavy. Is it raining? No.


Ah. Ah! Ah! Oh my gosh! See?


Oh, yeah. Put it right here.


Get down! Worship. Oh! Oh, my.


Oh my God!


Well, whoop! It did. Oh! Huh? How scared for me are.


You got it? Yeah.


Ha ha ha. Oh, yeah.


Throw them.


It's like a drop off. Ah ha ha! Okay.


Go get your bed. Go get your bed. Damn. Good man.


Good grief. What are you trying to do? Climb that tree? And these people are. Oh, boy. Oh!






Are. Get it? Zoya! Hey, mom! Oh! Stay there. Stay there. Stay. Freeze! Okay. I can. Hey! Let's go. Let's go, let's go, let's.


Bunny. Up in the cut. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ah! Oh my God! No, that's my dad. Oh! Oh! Oh, jeez. Oh, my.


I don't want blood. Oh. Yeah.


Good try. And he lost his glove. Hey! Oh! Are you okay? Are you all right? Are you okay? Am I still here? My awake. What's my name? There you go. Nailed it. Whoa whoa whoa.


Guys. Guys that are work. Hello. 001 80. Oh, I got him. Whoa.






Thank you. I'll see you later. Yeah. Logan. Who? Oh, yeah. Are.




Who are you? Sorry about that.


Oh. Yeah.




Ready? Ready? Ready? Are you ready? Yes. Out there jumping up.


To the sky. Oh my God!


Mom! Well, that's it right there. Let's go home.


You did good. I'll send it to the NBA.


Oh, sorry. Hey. Come on. Mondo. Oh!


Oh. Huh? Ooh! That one didn't look good, huh? Oh, oh. Oh. Oh. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Just go go go go.


Look at that. You're doing it. Are. You missing for the booty?


Oh, no! Ricky!


Ricky! Oh!


Come on. I can't. You.


Know you gotta. You gotta run and jump, baby.


Let's go. Down! Back. Oh. What? Oh, no. Look at that. Look at.


You okay? A shoelace? Yeah. Logan. Yeah.


Here he comes. Yeah. We.


Do you, Tony, take Randy to be your lawfully wedded husband?


I do right now. Yes I do. I do, I do, I do. I thought there was more, I do, I do.


Do you, Randy, take Tony to be your lawfully wedded wife? I do.


It is worthless to be absurd. Are you okay? Come on. Of. So I'm more serious. Go for it. Oh. Do I get the. Three. You definitely stop when you are definitely not. Wait. This is where you wind up. Luck. To you guys. Wow. Yeah. There are no trees.


Oo. Oo. Oo. That is the funniest thing. And it's all on video.


What? Marriage. Marriage is what brings us together today.


I told you I would leave.


Okay. Uh. Uh.


Oh. Uh.


Oh, God. Are you? I now pronounce you husband and wife.


You may kiss the bride.


Oh, no. Oh, no.


Do you take this toothless bride to be your wife for now and forever?


I'm so sorry.


Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah.


Y'all go to the stairs. Oh. You got.


To. One, two, three.


Marriage isn't easy.


But I trust these two. I have trust in their love, their friendship.


And their commitment to one another.


Now I'm.


You. Know. They.


A little bit.


He was just gonna break some glass.


Oh my gosh.


I. It is all. Police. Officers. Go go go go! Go!


Oh! My God. Oh, wow. All the. Dad throwing Skittles.


At Lisa in Greece.


Hip, hip. Hooray! Ah! Oh. Okay. Are you okay? Are you okay?


Right here.


I mean.


I don't mean. Very last piece in the sand castle.


We are ready.


Just hanging out at.


The swings in the Bahamas.


No biggie.


Oh. Oh, man, I.


Wish. Rolling. All right. I. I got it. All right. Go, babe. That was awful. Scary. Oh, no.


Oh my God.


What happened to you? Oh.


Okay. Hang on. Don't pull back. You just leave?




There you.




That's where he'll get up there, though.


Way up there. Back up here. I'm trying to go. Ha! Ha ha! Maybe we. Hey, they got one of the first few.


And then you dump on the other person.


Oh, that sounded.




Up! Here comes. I.


Hey! Go! Go!


It's hard to keep you balanced inside that thing. What can you make of it?


It's awesome, but it's hard to pick it up. It's hard to walk. I heard. I got you. Hey hey hey.


Just be careful, cause you might hit your head up here. Oh, hey. I'm shorter than you. Don't worry. This is fun. I'm loving.


It. Ah! Ah! What? Oh. No.


No. Lonnie. Lonnie. She likes it. Oh. There you go. Oh. Oh. Oh.


Oh. Oh. Oh.


So they are racing. See who gets to the bottom first. Oh my God.


Oh. Yeah, yeah.




Oh. 00000. Straight up. Let's go. Ow ow ow.




Ow ow ow! Ow! Wow. Hey! Oh my God.


Hi. Who's your partner there, baby? I see him. Oh. I love him.


Oh, I get.


Where's the thing to cut it? Off.


Oh! Come on.


Hey. Are you scared? Are you. Kidding me?


Step aside. Chumps.


Spire are. Whatever.


Why am I doing.


All the work there?


I. Get it? What? Oh, wow. Oh.


All. There used to be the cat door.


Ah. Ah. Oh my God.


They both hands and wrap them around the trash can. It's impossible to do. Try. No doubt. Are you always thought with your right?


Why, I'm left handed.


3010. Oh. You have to move. Oh my.


God. Oh. Little. Roll over. You roll over.


But what's the problem there? Well. Stop it. Stop it! Get away from me! Where are you?


You put that there. Get out of here! I'm gonna kick you in the nuts. It's. No. No.


No. No. I. Tundra. So Georgie thinks he has to help me bring in the groceries. Georgie, that's not helping. Out of the car! Out of the car now! Some. Are.


You. That's what you do. Oh.


That's how you knock.


The pan.


Down. Now keep your head straight like that, okay? And I'm going to hold a string. Now, you pull it till you hit me.


Hey, you did that trick. You okay? Mama? What you doing?


You open. There you go. Yeah. Make it. Oh! I live with it.


Wow. That's not what we're trying to tell him out. Hey. Oh! Ha! Ha ha ha ha ha! I think we might need something.


Mila. Did you do this?


Did you do it? Huh? Ha ha! Ha ha! Huh? Oh. Why are you eating me? What are you doing, my little friend?


Don't eat me. I'm just trying to.


Be your friend. I should say a cheese in July.


Okay, that's a cheese enchilada dinner. It's a 15 year.


Oh, there he goes. Oh, boy. Gotta go faster. Ha ha ha! Ha ha! Right. Are.




Yay! Oh! Ah! Right.


What's happening to video, but I can't see it. Yeah. Hold on baby.


There we go. Here we go. We're starting. We go. Oh, dad. You can have it. No!


You can't have it.


Oh! Look at that.


Oh, Becky! Oh, right.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Yeah, I got it. Oh, gosh. Oh, I don't get the key. Oh! Oh my God! Shit! Oh! Run!


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Hi, Gary. Yeah.


Oh. All right. Look. Look.


Yeah, right. Ha ha! Ha! The.


I've gotta keep low. Gotta keep low. There it is. Oh! Oh my God. Oh!


My God! Oh! Oh my God! Oh my turkey! I can do that.


I'm crazy. Oh my God.


He's holding the ball. I am pretending to throw it.


It's dirty. You want it? You want it? Go get it. Oh, what is this do?


Oh. That's good.






Ah! I tried it.


Oh, no. Are. I ask this to come to join the party. All.


Right. So this is what you do when the machine is too big to work out.




Ow ow ow! Ow! Ow ow ow ow! Jump on it. There you go, daddy. You can go. Whoa whoa whoa! Brian! Bye. Bye bye. Let's see if she gets this move.


Give yourself a shower.


Oh, are these eating my clothes? This is my club. Hey, everyone! Oh.


It's our first time using this.


I think she thinks my shirt is real.


Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! Oh, God!


Thank you. Coming right now.


000. Got it. It's still in the water.


Shush shush shush shush.


Shush shush shush. Go ahead. Oh, wait. Grab the top. Grab the top. Are you taking a photo?


Hurry up! He's waiting. Terry, stop! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha.


Ha! Thank you. Watch it, watch it!


Got it. Oh my God. What? I don't know what to do. Oh my God.


Oh my God. Oh! Hey. It's okay. It's okay. Who are they? Like falling apart.


I got. Are you not?


I don't know what this spider does. So you came.


Ah! Ah! Ah!


Just punch your mom. Oh, no. It's not hurting you. Get away from me! Get away! Punch me! Please! Okay. Don't move so far, because you got. Knocked. Stop going forward. You're gonna run into the couch. You got to get to him. I want to see how it was. Come on. Right back a smile.


Oh my God. All right. So you're back.


You almost hurt yourself. Whoa! You. Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, no! Your mother is gonna kill me! Honey, honey, wait, wait. I'm okay. Okay. What? Okay. Get her done, son. 460 bucks. Like a beach towel? Yeah.


Oh. Oh, my. On. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Are. Not so. Oh oh.


Are you tired? How heavy is she?


How are you? Oh, you're the best.


Yeah. We are. Hey, get up here. Let me get a picture.


You should have brought your horse.


Out on his knees. Hank.


Get out of the mud. This is the one mud spot in the entire yard. Green. Green. Green. Brown. Green. Get up! Why are you laying in this spot?


Hey! Come on, get up.


This game is so hard headed.


He's shoving his whole face. And this is my home. No.


Pull down on it. Don't pull in on it. Okay, you're gonna get that boot out.


Who? Ha ha ha ha! My leg!


It's caught.


It's feathers. It's fake.


Give me a broom.


Oh, no! Oh, no! She did.


All right. Oh!


Oh. Someone can't move the grass mower.


Ha! I know I smell like chicken poop. Ha ha ha. Ah.


But don't worry. She brought it in the house.


Oh. Oh. I don't expect that thing will last one a week. Nothing's supposed to last for coffee.


All right, open the door.


I mean, they got stuck so bad that this is what my truck looks like now.


Yeah. Ali. Ali.


What is on your head? Where were you? Oh, no no no no. Oh.


Oh, good. Ah, yeah.


Must I take the bed back?


Did Papa say that was okay?


Uh, no. Yay for med. Chloe.


Oh, my goodness, you're a little piglet.


Doug. Hey, I know a joke, I dirty joke. A white horse fell in the mud.


Now what are the little doggies are gonna want to play with you, you clown. Are. Here comes the tow truck. 000!


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


I got it on video. Oh, you got a girl. Oh! Come on. Oh! What are you doing, Chloe?


Are you gardening?


She's gardening with grandma.


Gardening with grandma?


Oh my God. It's not from you, man. I don't know what you are.


Oh! God! Oh, God. What are you doing?


You're getting mud everywhere. You're digging for gold. Dude, I need to tell you something.


Come here.


Come as close.


I listen.


Some. Are perfect.


You are. Hyper. Hyper. Can you even see?


You know, the funny part is, there's no way that I not know it's you. Because she's behind the glass. You did this. Look at this.


That was awesome.


I want to do that again. But this time I'll get it. I'll try some hot tea. Go ahead. How's it going? Oh.




What to do. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.


Oh, no.


Oh, God.




Rather hazy. Hazy? No! Maisie. What are you doing, sweetie? Are you. All. Right.


Roxie, what did you do? What did you do? Roxy.


Oh, God. And for three.


What are you doing?


It's on the back foot.


And it's on the other foot. It's actually on all four feet.


Do you think you're guilty?


Romeo? Do you think you're guilty?


Look at the total paper. I think you're guilty.


So Mike had decided to groom herself on my bed.


Are you eating it?


He's a jerk. Pasta for eight. And his wife? There's frosting everywhere. All over my. Happy birthday to. Oh. Okay, so here, this is what I got. It's okay. The ground is keeping the T in the thing. It's in there.


I go into my home office and it's almost destroyed. Look at all this. Pens, ink all over the place. Wait a minute, Winnie. Ink all over the place. Wendy, what's the blue stuff that you have on your chest? Yeah. Are you denied? Okay, but how did this happen?


It's a big one. One minute. You're ready. Oh. Oh, look, he gonna try to climb up the wall, y'all. I cannot.




I'll do it better. Just a second. I'm getting warmed up. I'm okay. Okay.


It's stuck to her.


It's a good thing no one's got that on video.


Come on, buddy, you want to go?


Are you ready to go? Come on buddy. Are you ready to go?


Okay. Okay. I wish you, all of you, a very merry Christmas. Oh. All right.


Yes. I'd like to believe that. You got a. Second chance. I got. No more saliva.


Ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha! Are. Um.


Bed by eight for sure.


But. Oh my God. Oh, I see what. And I'm. Okay, okay, okay. Take the exam.


Thank you. Oh, God. You hit me in the face. Oh!


Come on.


Here we go. Ow ow ow ow ow ow. Computers going down. Daily vlogs with stuff on.


A little. Oh! Ah!




Ah! Pull up!


Pack it up.


I'm okay. Okay. Oh, why don't you get.


It for me?


So. Yeah.


Stop over here.


Sorry for the paper. It is a funny moment and I failed to watch out. So I got to learn how to talk a message of unity. Watch out!


We got this.


We got this. Here we go.


Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Yep. Ho ho ho! Ho! Are you enjoying? Oh.


Third time today. Yes, I. Are. So. Wait, wait a minute. Wait. Alarm go. If you like this. Okay. Okay. But you guys.


See. I want you to. Ah. Ah! I didn't want it to happen to me. Oh!


Are you okay? Scared, scared. We're gonna do a little warm up, a little light warm up. You bend your knee.


Hit the ball and throw. Oh!


Ah! You son.


Of. But. Since. I slept.


Craig's gonna do the pushup challenge.


Oh. Huh? You're gonna.


Break it.


I don't know how these things are. It's like a catapult. No, it's not supposed to do it like that. None of the videos look like that. Go back.


Be careful. What? You. That's nice. I. Just go down. Are. Yeah, it's freaking massive. Oh.


Dude. I don't think I even got it, bro.


I'm okay. Okay. How's it going there? How?


Oh, God. Oh! Now.


We're gonna cut that. Cut that off.


Wow. Wow. Oh my God! Oh!


Ho ho ho ho! Ho! Oh.


I gotta get back to working.


Sorry. No. So.


Yeah, well.


Give me your mind, not your feet to move. Mr.. Different day, my wife can say this one gets me.


So you almost have.


He said he's doing all right. No, sir. Hey.


Whew! Well. In advance. I'm falling forward.


Don't attack.


Me! Oh. All right. Are. Sit. Go. Okay.


I used to.


I don't know. Oh. I know.


You fellow who's attempting to get on a magical unicorn.


Coffee on. The water. All. Right. We'll clean out the way.


Okay, I got it, I got it, I got. I got it.


Forward and backward. What? Happened? You got it? Yes, sir. But.


Honestly, Barbie's always happy. Oh. What kind of spaghetti? Are you surprised? Oh.


Yeah. Are you okay?


I'll put you on Facebook.


Go ahead. Ha ha ha. Now. Surprise! Eggs. Are.


He's taller, and mama.


Will get him. Oh. 1230.


Okay. Ready? Go! Jump now!


Are you. I got.


It's feathers.


It's freaking feathers. Whoa!


Morgan, I'm sorry. I can't do that. Are you okay?


Oh, I got that.


I got it.


You get that? Did you get it? Okay. We got. Ready? One. Two. Three. Yeah. Yeah. She's running. No she's not. Yes she is. No. Are you okay? I'm okay.


Ha! Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha! Oh. No, ma'am. No no, no. Come on. Oh! Are you sure? Oh, boy. Here we go. I think I can do this.


She didn't try to take a selfie. Oh. No. Oh, there. Come on, sissy. I'm going home. That's a really far. Oh, it's kind of steep.


Mommy! Mommy! Oh!


Drumroll, please.


Oh. This is why he gets hurt. Go! Grab a handle.


Grab a handle.


Throw your leg over.


Get ready to go. Oh. For.


You gotta start squatting.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh my God!


Did I tell you?


That? Huh? Cody got. Up. Huh? Not so much.


Ah, that's one way. That way, the only way.


What happened?


I wish I was. Oh, my. Go back. Oh. Nobody. It's quick.




Hey. That. Ha ha! Oh, yeah. Ha ha ha ha! We were actually pretty. Come. Wait, wait! Get out! Bitch!


Paddle backwards now!


Oh! I knew it!


Oh, there he goes. Ow ow ow ow ow ow! Oh, no!


Are you all right? Oh. I told you. I just. Are. Oh, baby. Tune. Ooh! Oh! Oh my God! Can we? Sure. But go.


Don't forget your heart. I don't. Oh oh. Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho.


Ho ho ho! That's why you wait. Wait wait wait.




Aim sucks. Are always games. Oh.


Great. Oh, you missed it. Great. Sunset. Whoa, whoa. Can you stand? Yes. All right.


Who are you? You got my phone? Yeah. Ha! Ha ha ha ha!


I have it.


What? What the.


Great pomp to the shore, Katie. Hold on to Katie.


To the shore.


Are you gonna do it?


Ha ha ha ha! Oh my God! Are you okay? How are you? Ha ha ha! You always live once, guys. Yeah.




How? Can we break it? Definitely not.


Are you doing good?


And yes, I'm trying to get this whole thing on video this time.


Ha ha ha.


So you got this. Oh, are you serious?


Oh, no. Oh oh. Right. You get that video. Awesome. Hey! Oh oh.


He can't, he can't. He get him. He get him.


Okay. So he can't get that. Oh my God.


Don't do that.


Yes. I'm going down now. That's what he's telling her to move so he can do it. So. Got the wind back. Right in the middle there. Are. Are. Oh, no! Jump in. Oh! Yes, I know. Whoa! Are you all right? Oh, yeah. Ha ha ha ha! Are. Fine, I think.


Oh. He's gone.


Be. What? Get ready. The floor is.


Oh, okay. Okay, okay.


Be careful. Tell her.


Giddy up! Oh, shoot.


Yes. Yes. Oh, boy. There. You go. I'll get you. Ha ha ha! Oh! Ha ha ha!


Oh, did you get that?


Oh ah. Ah ah ah.


Hey, Michael. I know how.


Your dad feels when. She's afraid of it. Really? Mhm. Touch your knees to the ground. Oh! Oh my God. Oh. Did you get a picture?


Right. You're going faster than I did. Earlier. Oh. Oh. No no no. Oh, no. Where'd it go? Oh my God. So.


Oh. Don't even.


Huh? Ah, honey. Go go go. Go! Ha ha.




Ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Are you okay?


Yeah, just posted on Facebook and.


I don't think he's making it.


So much. I told you, I think. Ah.


Ah ah ah.


Ah. Ah. Oh my God!


Can you fit.


Oh it's white. Oh! It's stuck. Yeah, I'm. Ha ha ha. Ha ha. I mean, the one. Down!


It's raining. I just felt it raining. Oh.


Ah. Ah. Ah! Ah!


Oh my gosh! See? Okay. Oh, yeah. Right here.


Where is it? Oh! My.


Oh my.


God! For? Some. Well, what they did.


Oh. Ha ha ha ha ha!


How scared for me.


Got it. Yeah. Ha ha ha. Oh, yeah.




It's like a jump rope. Ha ha ha. Hey.


Go. Get in your bed.


Go get your bed.


Good man.


Good grief. What, are you trying to climb that tree? Though. Ah. Ah. Ah.


Boy. Oh.


Go! Oh.


Get it. Zoya. Hey, mom.




Stay there, stay there. Street. Freeze! Okay. I can. Ho ho ho! Ho! Socrates asked Socrates. Go. Let's go. Let's.


Buddy up in the cut. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Ah! Oh my God. No, that's my dad. Ah! Oh! Oh, jeez. Oh my God.


I don't want blood. Oh! Good try. And he lost his club.


Hey! Oh! Are you okay? Are you all right? Huh? Are you okay?


Am I still.


Here? My awake. What's my name?


There you go. Nailed it.


Whoa whoa whoa whoa.


Guys. Guys that are work. Oh. 001 80. Oh, I got him. Whoa!


Come on.


Tell him. 32.




Oh. I see. Yeah. Logan who? I.


Oh. Woo! Ah! Yeah! Yay!


Oh! Sorry about that. He. Oh. Yeah. Open. It up. Ready? Ready? Ready? Are you ready? Yes. There's just enough to discourage. Oh my God! Mom! Well, that's it right there. Let's go. Hold.


Oh, you did good. I'll send it to the NBA.


It is hungry.


Hey! Come on. Mando. Oh! Oh.


Ooh! That one didn't look good.


Oh, oh. Oh. Oh. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Just go go go go.


And. Look at that. You're doing it. You're missing for the booty.


Porno. Ricky. Ricky.


Oh! Come on. I can't.


Now you gotta. You gotta run and jump, baby.


Let's go. Down!


Oh, no.


Look at that one. Yeah. Oh!


You okay?


I'll see you later. Yeah. Logan. Yeah. Yes.


There he comes. Yeah, we don't want.


To do that. Yeah.


Do you, Tony, take Randy to be your lawfully wedded husband?


I do right now, yes, I do. I do, I do, I do. I thought there was more, I do, I do. Do you, Randy.


Take Tony to be your lawfully wedded wife? I do. Okay.


Worthless to. Sir.


Are you okay? I'm fine.


Come on. What about? So I'm more serious. Go for it. Oh! Do I get the. Three. Oh ho ho ho ho! Please stop when you are definitely not. This is where you win now. What is your. Wow. Yeah. There are no trees.




Wow. It's hard.


You think that is the funniest thing? And it's all on video.


What? Marriage. Marriage is what brings us together today. I told you I would leave.


Who cares?


Oh that. Beautiful.


Oh. Uh. Oh, God. You can. Now you. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride. Oh.


Do you take this toothless bride to be your wife for now and forever?


I'm so sorry.


Who? Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah. Are.


Y'all go to the stairs. Oh.


You got to go to.


One, two, three.


Marriage isn't easy.


But I trust these two.


I have trust in their love.


Their friendship.


And their commitment to one another.


Now we're on that.


You know. Are they?


Yes. It's gonna break the glass.


Oh my gosh.


If there's all things. Police on. I don't even know where I go. Hey.


Whoa! Oh my God! Oh, wow. Dad throwing Skittles at Lisa in Greece. Hey! Hip hip! Hooray! Are. Oh. Okay. Are you okay? Are you okay?


Right here.




Ha ha ha. I don't mean very last piece in the sand castle. I didn't think it. Was. We are ready.


Just hanging out at.


The swings in the Bahamas.


No biggie.


Oh. Oh, man, I.


Wish. Well. I.


Ah! I got it. All right. Go, babe. What was also scary? Oh.


Oh my God!


What happened to you? Hahahahahahahaha. Okay. I don't go back. You got?


Wings. There.


There you.


Go. That's for him. Get up there.


Get up there! Back up here! I'm trying to go. Do you spell? Ha ha ha! Hey, hey. You got one of the perks related, like badge things to.


Play on, and then you jump on the other person.


Oh, that sounded good.


Up! Here comes.


Hey! Go! Go! It's hard to keep your balance inside that thing. What do you think of it? It's awesome, but it's hard to pick it up. It's hard to want. Look. At her. Thank you.


Just be careful, cause you might hit your head up here. Oh, hey. I'm shorter than you. Don't worry. This is fun. I'm loving.


It. Oh, God. Ah! What? Oh. No.


No, Lonnie. No. She likes it. There you go. Whoa oh oh.


Oh! Oh! Oh.


Oh. So they're racing. They'll get to the bottom first. Oh my God.


Oh. Yeah, yeah.


Mali. Oh! 00000.


Oh. Oh. Trouble. 000. Oh oh. Oh. Go. Out! Hey. Hey! Oh my God.


Hi. Who's your partner there, baby? I'm Sam. Oh. Love you. Mark.


Oh, I get it. Yeah.


Where's the thing to cut it?


Oh! God! Oh my.




Oh! Oh, scare. Me? Are you. Kidding me?


Step aside. Chumps.


Spire are. Whatever.


Why am I doing all the work there?


And. Guess what? Oh, wow. Oh.


All. There used to be the cat door.


Ah. Ah. Oh my God.


Take both hands and wrap them around the trash can. It's impossible to do so. No. Are you always taught me to write? Why? I'm left handed. Sorry. Oh, no. It was. Oh. You have to move. Oh my.


God. Oh. Who? Little. Roll over. You roll over.


Well, what's the problem? There you are.


Stop it! Stop it! Get away from me! Where are you? You put that there. Get out of here! I'm gonna kick you in the nuts. I. Don't. Know.


Hiya. Tundra. So Georgie thinks he has to help me bring in the groceries. Georgie, that's not helping. Out of the car! Out of the car now!


What? Are. What are you doing? Oh.


Does that mean, like.


The pan down?


Now keep your head straight like that, okay. And I'm going to hold a string. Now, you pull it till you hit me.


Okay? Okay. That trick. You okay? Mama? What do you do?


You open? There you go. Yeah. Make it. Oh!


I live with it.


Oh. That's not what I'm trying to say about. Oh. Ha! Ha ha ha ha! I think we might need something. Mila. Did you do this? Did you do it? Huh? Oh! Ah! Ah!


Oh! Why are you eating me? What are you doing, my little friend? Don't eat me. I'm just trying to be your friend.


Look. A Jesus Christ.


Okay, that's a cheese enchilada dinner today? Yes.


Oh, there he goes. Oh, boy. Right.




Mayday. Are. Right.


Attempting to video, but I can't see it. Oh. Yeah. Hold on baby.


Here we go. Here we go. We're starting. To go. Oh. You can have it. No.


You can't have it.


Oh. You get that?


Go back here. Oh!


Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Yep, I got it.


Oh, gosh. Oh, I don't get the key.


Oh! Oh my God! Shit! Whoa!




Ah! Hi, Gary.


Oh! Oh! All right. Look.


Look. Yeah! Ha ha! Ha! Ha!


I've gotta keep low. Gotta keep low. There it is. Oh! Oh my God. Oh!


My God! Oh! Oh my God. Oh my turkey! I can do that.


Oh my.


God. He's holding the ball. I am pretending to throw it.


Jeremy. You want it? You want it? Go get it. Oh, what is this do?


No. I was good. No.




Ah! I tried it. Oh, no!




Ah! To come to join the party.


So this is what you do when the machine is too big to work out.


Who? Ho ho ho ho ho ho!


Ah. Ah! Ah! I told you I must. Jump on it. We can't. Hey, there you go, daddy. You can go.


Whoa whoa whoa!


Brian! Let's. See if she gets this move.


Give yourself a shower.


Oh! Ah! Ah! He's eating my clothes. He's at my club. Hey, everybody! Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh.


I'm using this.


I think she thinks my shirt is real.


Ha ha ha! Ha! Ha ha! Oh, God.


He's on right now.


000. Got it.


It's still in the water. It's.


Go ahead. So. Grab the top. Grab the top. Are you taking a photo?


Hurry up! He's waiting. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Thank you. Watch it, watch it!


Got it. Ah! Oh my God! It all the time. I don't know what I'm doing. Hi. Oh my God. Oh my God. Up!


Hey. It's okay. It's okay. Who are they? Like falling apart, I guess. Are.


I don't know what this spider does.


So, Eugene.


You wrote that song. Ah. Ah.


Just punch your mom.


Oh, no. It's not hurting you. Get away from me! Get away with mom! Punch me! Please. Okay. Don't move so far, because. I was knocked. Stop going forward. You're gonna run into the couch. You can't get to him. I want to see who it was.


Come on. When?


You're back a.




Oh my God. Ooh! Joe! You're back.


You almost hurt yourself.


What a drink. Whoa! You.


Ha ha ha ha! Oh, no! Your mother is gonna kill me. Whoa! Whoa! Honey, honey, wait, wait. I'm okay. Okay.


Oh. What? I thought that was. Okay.


Get it done, son.


460 bucks.


Like a beach towel.




Ha ha ha! Oh my God! Ha!


Are. Not so. Oh oh.