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So much to learn about.


It'll make you want to shout, Blippy.


Hey, everyone. It's me, Blippy, and I'm with my best friend, Mika.


Hi, everyone. We're at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, California.


Yeah, and it's actually nighttime, and this place is closed. We got special permission to be here at night. Yeah. That gives me a Great idea. Let's have Night at the Aquarium. Yeah, let's go. Come on.


Hi, Boobie. Mika. Have fun. See you. Yeah. Thank you.


What is that?


Check it out. It looks like a spider crab. Yeah, it looks like a giant red spider, but it's a crab. Yeah. Check it out, Mika. Looks like it has some claws. Yeah, pictures.


It also looks like it's looking right at you, Blippy. Hello. Hi.


Hey, my name's Blippy.


What's your name?


Yeah. Okay, maybe it doesn't have a name. Have you ever seen a crab walk on the ocean floor?


Yeah, they walk sideways.


Yeah. Will you act like crab with us?


Yeah. Let's go.


I like being a crab.


Oh, me too. Check it out. That looks so pretty.


Yeah, do you know what they are?


Those are sea stars.


Yeah. And look, they're the shape of a star. That makes sense. Shall we count how many points it has?


Yeah, let's do it.


One, two, three, four, five. Wow. Looks like they're just stuck to the rock like this. Yeah.


They seem to really like it. They're all hugging this rock.


I like acting like a sea star.


I just like it, Lizzie.


That's silly. Well, shall we keep exploring? Yeah, let's go. Look at this big tank. Wow, you're right. So much water in Here we go. Let's go down here. Whoa. Whoa, check it out, Mika. Fish. Wow, they're all swimming together. Yeah. Here they go. These are yellow tails. Yeah.


Hello. You look really close, you see that their tails are yellow. Yeah.


Whoa, there's so many of them.


I think they like us. They kept coming over.


Do you know what a big group of fish is called?


Yeah, a school.


Cool. Hello. Hello. Mika, look way over here. Come on. Do you see what it is?


Oh my goodness. A really cute sea otter. Yeah. Hey.


Wow. Sea otters are so cool. They're in the water. Hey.


They can swim in the water and be on land.


Yeah. And their fur is really, really dense.




Oh, look. They're snuggling. Oh, they're snuggling.


They're so cute. I wonder if they're best friends. Like us.


Yeah. Their hair is so dense. Actually, it's fur. Yeah. There's about a million pieces of hair in about that big of size.


That's super duper furry.




That's equal to about all the hair on an average sized dog.


Wow, that's a lot of fur.


Yeah. Whoa.


They like to dive down and find their food, things like shellfish, crab. Clams, sea urchents. Yeah, and we'll bring it up out of the water onto a rock and hang out and eat their food.


Yum, yum, yum. And did you see how their front hands look like hands, but their back feet, they're actually flippers. Yeah. So then they swim with their back flipper feet.


Yeah, it's like flippers in the back and paws in the front. Yeah. Check them out. There it goes. Wow.


Check it out. They're so tiny. Yeah, tiny, tiny jellyfish. Yeah. Wow. Look at them go. They're just swimming like this.


Yeah. I I've never seen them this small before.


I know, they're so small. Oh, and look over here, Mika.


Oh, these are a little bit bigger. Yeah, we can call these medium-sized jellyfish.


That's right. Wow, look at their long tentacles. Hello. Hi. How's your day going? Mika, look. Wow. Big jellyfish.


Yeah. Wow. Look at that. Yeah. Jellyfish are so cool. They don't have hearts, they don't have brains, but they need to eat food to survive.


Yeah, they're living creatures. That's right. Wow. That is so cool. And if you ever see a jellyfish, you want to make sure not to touch it because they sting.






Oh, hello.


And do you see the brown tentacles?


It looks like hair. Yeah, that hair tentacle-looking type of thing, that's what actually stings you if you touch it. Good thing this is glass.


See you later, jellyfish. Wow, pretty. So we saw Small jellyfish, medium-sized jellyfish. And big jellyfish. Yeah. Look over here. Come on.


Wow. Look at that.


Hey. Hello. I'm Blippy.


I'm Nika.


And this is a puffin. Hi, buddy. Look at him just floating on top of the water. See you later.


Puffins are super cool because they can dive down to the water and catch a lot of fish.


Yeah. Ten fish is pretty normal for them to catch in one dive.




And do you see those rocks up there? Yeah, that's where they live. Yep, see?


All the way up top, they're just hanging out together on the rock. Yeah.


If there's a cliff next to water, you might find some puffins. Hey, puffin. Hey. Their beaks look so cool.


Yeah. Check it out.


It's so colorful in there.


Yeah, it's a coral reed.


Yeah. Do you see all those fish? They're so colorful.


Yeah, there's a lot in there.


Yeah, look at that one right there. It's just yellow. So yellow. It looks like the sun.


Yeah, it's so bright. Oh, Blippy, I bet you'd like that one over there because it's orange, one of your favorite colors. Oh, yeah, you're right. And there's white stripes on it and black. That one looks really cool. Yeah. Yeah.


That one right there, yeah, has a blue body and a yellow tail.




Do you see any other colorful ones, Mika?


I see a black and white one coming this way. Oh, yeah.


Black and white stripes.


Yeah, almost like a zebra. Yeah, that is so cool.


And look at that one right there. Yeah, a blue body with some black and a yellow tail. Wow.


There are so many colors in here.


Yeah, so colorful.


Look at this. These are some of the tiniest, tiniest frogs I've ever seen. These are poisonous dark frogs and can typically be found in the rainforest. Do you know what color that is? Yeah, it's like a red orange. Poisonous dart frogs come in so many different sorts of colors, and their bright colors tell animals and people to stay away because they're really poisonous. But they're so cute. I think there's some more over here. Come on. Wow. These have white stripes down their back. It looks so cool. They're poisonous because of the poison in the food that they eat. You have to stay away. But wow, they're just really adorable and fabulous.


Mika, look.


Check it out. More frogs. Oh, these are magnificent tree frogs. Oh, it's the color green. Yeah, that's called camouflage. It blends in with its environment. Yeah. Do you know what is green in here? Yeah. Leaves. So then other animals can't see those frogs.


So cool.


Look down here. These are Mexican salamanders. Yeah, also known as oxalotls.


What a silly name. Hello. Yeah.


They're typically darkish, greenish, brownish in the nature. Yeah. So then they blend in to their environment, just like those frogs. Yeah. See you later. Whoa, check it out.


Yeah, it's an octopus. Can you see it? Yeah. Whoa.


Octupuses have eight arms. Yeah. Whoa. We, together, have four. One, two, three, four. Whoa. Times that by two, and then you have eight.


Yeah, can you imagine having eight arms?


That is so cool.


Yeah, and octupuses have little suction cups on their arms so that they can taste wherever they go.


Yeah, and it sticks to things.




And octupuses can actually change color and texture. That's called camouflage.


Yeah, and they're also really, really smart.


Yeah. And did you know, octupuses, their mouths are actually beaks.


Oh, look. Oh. It looks really white now. Wow. It's hard to see back there.


Yeah, it's changing colors. Oh, hello, octupus. Hi.


Take a closer look.


Yeah. Cool. Wow. Yeah, nice. Thank you. Oh, cool.


Check it out.


Bunch of sharks.




Wow. But I actually heard that we can get in. What?


Yeah. That's so cool.


Shall we? Yeah. Okay. Whoa. You need to be very careful to not step on any of these sharks. Excuse us. Excuse us. It's a little cold and chilly.


Wow. Cool. Check it out.


Look at that teeth.


Yeah, these are sharp jaws. Look at all the teeth. There's so many teeth. Hello.


They look super sharp.


Are they sharp? Yeah, they are.


Look at this really big one.


Whoa, Mika. Cool.




And this shark jaw. Yeah, the teeth are really small. This jaw is actually the same type of sharks in here. Yeah. So cute.


They're smaller than something like this.


Yeah. And look at this. Bet you can't guess what shark this comes from, Mika.


A It's one tooth, and it comes from a shark that's really big.


It's a really great shark.


Oh, the great white shark, Fluffy?


Yeah. Whoa, look how big that tooth is.




Chomp, chomp, chomp, chomp. So silly. Wow. Yeah. So, Mika, we can actually touch these sharks. Whoa.


Yeah. I wonder what they feel like.


No, I'm so excited. Oh, hello, shark.


Hello. Hello, come here.


Are you ready to get pet?


These are a little giant. Oh, here's one.


Here one comes.


Oh, yeah, I did.


What are you feel like? It actually felt a little rough. The skin of these sharks feel like sandpaper. Oh, it's so rough. Oh, here's one. Oh, there he goes. Oh, here's one for you, Mika.


Here you go. Oh, it is rough. It's not smooth at all. No.


Hey, come check out over here.


Let's look at here.






Get out nice and safe. Then go right over here. Yeah. Check it out.


A bunch of rays.


Yeah. Whoa, look at him.


Hey, Ray. How are you? Hi. Whoa. A bunch of Ray's. Yeah. Whoa, look at him. Hey, Ray. How are you? Hi. Whoa. A Shall we get in? Yes, I can't wait.


Yeah. Here we go.


He's done. He's done.


So in here, you want to shuffle your feet so then you don't step on any of the rays.


Yeah, good idea. Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle.


Look right over there, Mika.


Is this food for the rays?


It is.


Special surprise. It's a bee day.


Yeah. Is there another one?


Yes, this is for you.


Thank you so much. And this is for me. All right. So how we feed them is we just toss it out.


Look at it. Some fish in here. Anybody hungry?


Looks like some shrimp.


Check it out. Want some food?


Looks pretty yummy if you were a ray, huh?


Whoa, here they are.


That's perfect.


I got a picture. I got a snack.


Yeah, here you go, Ray. Actually, we can touch them, too.


Really? What does it feel like?


Can you tell me? We're going to do two fingers along their back. Okay. Nice and soft. Where's one behind us? Oh, hey, Rays. Oh, here's one.


Hello. Hi.






It's like you give me a high five. Cool. It actually feels like... See here.


I don't know yet.Oh, here you go.Oh, here you go.


Time to clean.


Yeah, I found that one.


Yeah, I felt that one. Yeah, I Really rough.


Yeah, these are really smooth and slippery.


So silly. Wow, now they really want to eat.


Yeah, they look like diamonds. Yeah. And they flap their wings.


He's trying to eat my foot.


There you go.


Wow, that was so much fun. Yeah, what a great night at the aquarium. Yeah, we saw so many cool animals.


Yeah, like those adorable sea otters.


And those jellyfish.


And The octobre?


Whoa, with eight arms. Wow. And those crabs? Wow, that was so much fun.


Yeah, so many underwater creatures.


Yeah. Well, This is the end of this video. But if you want to watch more of my videos, all you have to do is search for my name. Will you spell my name with me? B-l-i-p-p-i. Blippy. Good Good job. Wait a second. Mika, how do you spell your name?


I'll show you. N-e-e-k-e-h. Mika. This is so cool.


See you later. See you soon. Bye-bye.


Have a great night, Blippy and Mika. Thank you. See you.


Hey, it's me, Blippy. And look at where I'm at. Yeah. Yeah, I'm at a marina. Yeah, marinas are a body of water where a bunch of boats live. It's so cool. But hey, check this out. Wow. Today, we're at the Marine Life Center in Fillingham, Washington, and you and I are going to learn a lot about some cool creatures and fish. Yeah, I love fish. Let's go. Hey, who are you? Hi. My name's Casey. Who are you? Nice to meet you, Casey. I'm Plippy. What are you doing?


I'm painting a picture of some of my ocean friends on the ceiling here.Wow..


Are those sharks right there?


They sure aren't. They're dog sharks.


Oh, that's cool. Well, it's a very good painting. But hey, do you mind if I go explore the Marine Life Center? Please do.


Wow. Check this place Wow.


Wow. This is going to be so much fun learning about marine life. Yeah, let's go. Whoa, check it out. Yeah, do you see that? That is a skate. Yeah, It's hard to see because it blends in so good with the rock surrounding it. Yeah, just like how I blend in with this creature right here because we're both the color orange, the skate blends in with the rocks, and that is It's called camouflage. Yeah, that helps keep it safe from its predators. Check out this tank. It looks like there's some cute fish in there. Hello. Hey. Wow. They're just swimming around and they look like they are having fun. Oh, what else is in here? Oh, looks like some seaweed and some rocks. Yeah, Casey says there's actually an eel in here. And She's going to come feed it.


Yeah. Hey, Blippy, did you find the wolf's eel? She's hiding inside of her den. Sometimes, if she's hungry, she'll come out and say hello. It looks like she has a grumpy face, but she's actually my friend. Sometimes she likes belly rubs and treats. Her favorite is shrimp. Let's see if we can get her to eat.




Wow, such cool animals in here. I love all these creatures. Check it out. Wow. Inside this tote, there is a kelp crab. Do you see him? Look at him. Here, let me move this piece of kelp. There he is. The cool thing about this kelp crab is its camouflage. Yeah, he camouflages by eating things. If he starts to eat If he eats things that are light brown, then he starts to turn light brown himself. Or if he eats things that are dark brown, like this piece of kelp, then he blends in to that dark brown piece of kelp. Whoa, so cool.


Oh, look, a shrimp.


Hello, shrimp. You are so cute. You want to be pet? Yeah, there you go. Oh, there you go. Oh, it is so cute. Hey, speaking of shrimp, check this out. Whoa, doesn't that look like a shrimp? Yeah, it looks like the shell of the shrimp. Wow. Yeah, shrimp and crab, they do what's called molt. Yeah, that's where the outside of them, their shell, comes off of them. And this, whoa. This is just a shrimp shell because it came off the shrimp. Oh, look at these critters. Crabes. Wow. These are both hermit crabs. Yeah, they're crabs that are inside shells. Check out what happens when I pick it up. It's going to go inside the shell. All right. Did you see that? Yeah, it used to be outside the shell, but now it's inside the shell to protect itself. Okay, I'm going to gently put it back right there. Whoa, look at this tank. Looks like there's some crab in here, some fish. There's a lot of cool things in here. A lot of seaweed. Oh, do you see All those fish down there? Hello, fish. Hey, are you hungry? Yeah. Hey, check it out. Looks like I have some yummy food for these fish.


Yeah, this is actually nutrient dense food for the fish. Yeah, it's just like you and I eating vegetables, basically. Really good for us. All right, here you go, fish. All right.


All right. Wow.


Look at all of these shells. They are so pretty. This one is so big. Look Look at it. It's almost as big as my hand.




Okay. This one is so shiny. Wow. And this one is so pokey. Wow. Here's another pokey one. But those are little teenypokes. That is so cool. Hey, what's this doing here? Look, It's a stuffed animal, and this stuffed animal is a stingray. Hey, I have an idea. Why don't we explore this area and see if we can find any more stuffed animals? Oh, check it out. A giant sea turtle. Whoa. Sea turtles are so cool. They're so graceful just swimming in the water. Flapping, flapping, flapping. That is so cute. Okay, there you go. Whoa, check it out. We have two salmon. Whoa, looks like one is spawning and the other one is not. Where could salmon go? Wow, salmon are some cool fish. They get so big. Yeah, these would be small salmon in the wild. Okay, let me set them right over here so they don't fall in there. Whoa, a giant sea lion. Well, this one would be really teamy, but sea lions get so big, and they make the sound... And it's so silly. It's so cute. Okay, let's put you back right there. You found another one. Wow, a giant clam.


Look, Look, it's like a hard shell. Yeah. Whoa, look, it opened up. Do you see what's inside? Yeah, we found a pearl. Whoa, that is so pretty. Whoa, so shiny. I actually heard pearls get created from irritation. I think that's true. Whoa, look down here. Whoa, another shell. Yeah, This is a hermit crab. Yeah, check it out. See a crab? And then it actually goes inside its shell for protection. See? Yeah, it goes like this on the ground. And then it opens up. And then it craws around. And then it goes inside. Okay, we'll keep you right there. Here you go. Whoa, another Yeah, this is a fish. And do you see how flat it is? Yeah, it lays down flat. Its two eyes are on top of its body. Yeah, and it just hangs out on the bottom of the sea floor. And this is a halibut. And halibuts can get so big. Yeah, this one would be a small one.


This is so cute.


Do you know what animal this is? No. Yay.


Yeah, that's a hint.


Yeah, this is a seahorse. Yeah, it looks like a horse, huh? Oh, cute swirly little tail. And look at what it has. A nice little pouch. Little baby sea horses. Hey. Oh, wow. You're so colorful. Okay. Okay, let's see. Whoa, a couple more. Yeah. Check this out. A killer whale. Yeah, an orca. Wow, they are so cute. Wow, an octopus. Octupuses are so Smart. Yeah, and they have eight long tentacles. With suckers on the bottom to hold on to things. Okay, there you go. Oh, looks like we have some whales right here. Whales can get so big. They get massive, and they breathe air. They go... And then suck in air, and they can go underwater and stay underwater for so long. Oh, hey, look. A Baluga Whale. Wow, it's so bright and white. Yeah, it looks like snow. Yeah, Baluga Whales I actually love to be in really cold, frigid water. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa. Check it out. Hey, what is this?


This is one of our crab pots, and by golly, we have a lot of crab in here today. Yeah, we do.


There are so many of them.


What crabs are these? These are called graceful or slender crabs, and they look a lot like a dungeness crab. Have you ever seen a dungeness before?


Yeah, aren't they a little bigger than that?


They sure are. These are almost fully grown.


Whoa. Can we take one out and see it a little closer?


Even better, we could probably take two and figure out which one's a boy and which one's a girl.


Okay, that sounds like fun.


Whoa, check it out.


We just got two crabs in here. All right. Okay, how do you tell if it's a boy or a girl on these?


Oh, that's a great question. I get that a lot. I like to start with the female crab, the girl crab. We look at her belly, we flip her over gently on her back. She calms down, and we look for a very wide triangle shape here compared to the boy. And that's because she's going to have eggs inside her tummy there, and she needs extra room. The boy doesn't need that much room.


Okay, so that one is a girl and that one is a boy?


You got it, Flippy.


Whoa, check it out.


Wow, that is really cool. And I like acting like a crab.


Wasn't that so much fun learning about marine life together?


Yeah, that was awesome.


Seeing those cute fish and all those creatures. Wow. It's crazy how they live under the water and you and I live on the land. Yeah, it's really important for you and I to help keep the water nice and clean. Yeah. Well, this is the end of this video. But if you want to watch more of my videos, all you have to do is search for my name. Will you spell my name with me? B-l-i P-P-I. Blippy. Good job. All right. Well, I'm going to keep learning. Oh, hey, it's me Blippy. And look where I'm at. Whoa. Today, I'm at Triple Play Family Fun Park in Hayden, Idaho. And this place has a lot of fun things. Shall we go have some fun? Yeah, come on.


Whoa, cool.


A dinosaur. Whoa. Whoa, cool. Yeah. Looks like a dinosaur. Hey, I heard about you. Are you Stanley? Whoa, nice to meet you, Stanley. I'm Blippy. I heard that you know a lot about the Family Fun Park here. Will you show me around? Yeah. Let's go. Whoa. What a cool place, Stanley. Is this Rafter Reef? Cool. Yeah, this is where everyone comes to swim. Do you like Rafter Reef? Yeah, I bet you do. You seem to have a lot of fun here. Hey, I have a couple of questions for you. Yeah. So are you a Velociraptor? Yeah. You are so cool. Do you love hanging out here? Yeah? Well, I love hanging out here, too. It's so cool and it's so colorful. Hey, I have an idea. Will you dance with me? Yeah. Here we go. This is so cool. Good dancing. Well, I'm going to keep exploring. Maybe I'll see you later. If not, thank you so much. All right, see you later. Check it out. Yeah, this is the wave pool. Cool. Yeah, there's some mechanical things back there that go up and down, up and down, and it makes them waves. Cool. What's this?


Looks like a bunch of random things. Looks like there's a shiny cup. A pale? Yeah, for making sand castles. Hello. Hey, it's Blippy. Cool. Look at this. A blue ball. One of my two favorite colors. Cool. It looks like there's a lot of other fun things in here. I have no idea why they're here, but pretty cool. Come on. Do you see those? Yeah, there's two Raptors up there. It looks like they're playing. Should we go say hi? Come on.


Whoa, look at this.


Wow, it looks like the end of a water slide. Yeah, a yellow water slide. So cool. Whoa, look, the raptors. Whoa, raptors are so cool. Yeah, do you see their claws? Whoa, they're so sharp. Whoa, Whoa, looks like they're playing. They're saying, Hey. Do you want to play? The other one's like, Yeah. Whoa, and check out the feet right here. Whoa. Yeah. Do you see the big claws on the feet? Yeah, come check it out. Whoa, cool. All right. Hey, I have an idea. Since we're at a pool and we saw all those items earlier, yeah, remember all those random items? Yeah. Yeah. Why don't we play sink or float? Yeah, this is going to be fun. Let's go. Yeah. This is going to be so much fun. But first, did you see how I was walking Walking? Yeah. Anytime you're next to a pool, you always want to walk. You never run. All right, now it's time for sink or float. Yeah. All right. Well, let's do the blue ball first. I bet you and I know what this is going to do. Yeah, it's really light. All right, here we go. Yeah, it floats.


All right. What about this pink pan? It's like I'm making some eggs for breakfast. All right, see you later, pan. Oh, yeah. It floats as well. All right, let's see. Whoa, cool. Look, a rhinoceros. Whoa, rhinoceros is so cool. Yeah, do you see that? It's like a horn on its nose. All right, rhinoceros. Let's see if it sinks or floats. Wee. That floats as well. All right, let's see here. Hey, look, a little spoon. Yeah, a spoon is a utensil. Then you can eat your food with utensil and not of your hands. Sink or float. Bye-bye. Yeah, it sinks. That was our first item that sinks. All right, let's see here. So many cool items. Whoa, look at this. I could have used this with that skillet. Yeah, that pan? Yeah, because this is a spatula. Then I could have grabbed the eggs and put it on a plate. But it's really heavy. I bet I know what this is going to do. Yeah, that also sinks. All right, let's see here. All right, check these out. These look like bath toys. Yeah, an orange one looks like an octopus. And it looks like a sea turtle.


Wow. Octupuses and sea turtles live in the ocean. All right, see you later, sea turtle. Yeah, it floats. And I bet you this is going to do the same because it's a bath toy. Yeah. It floats as well. All right, let's see here. Whoa. Another animal. Yeah, do you know what this is? Yeah, this is a Cheetah. Wow, Now, do you see how it's running? Yeah, Cheetahs are super duper fast. Cheetahs can run about 70 miles an hour. Now, that is fast. That's as fast as you drive on a freeway. All right, let's see you, Cheetah, go in the water super fast. That Cheetah toy floats. Yeah, some beach toys. Wow, have you ever been to the beach? Yeah, it's so fun just putting your feet in the sand, hearing the waves. Wow. Yeah, and seeing the surfers. Cool. Yeah, these are beach toys because you can put sand in here and then make sand castles out of them. All right, here we go. Sink or float. Yeah, all those toys float. All right. What else do we have in here? Oh, cool. Yeah, tennis balls. Looks like we have a green, blue, and orange tennis ball.


Well, should we see if they sink or float? Yeah. But first, yeah. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Oh, yeah. Those tennis balls float. Cool. Hey. All right. Let's see. Stanley? Is this Stanley? Oh, hello, Stanley. Yeah, looks like a Stanley toy. All right. Stanley is a velociraptor, as you know. Yeah, he's a very fierce dinosaur, but he's also very nice. All right, Stanley, we're going to see if you sink or float. Yeah. Stanley floats. Looks like we have a few things left. So shall I throw it all in? Yeah. Can't forget this and this. All right. Three, Two, one. Yeah. Wow. That was so much fun seeing what items sink and what items float. I sure do love having fun with you and learning with you. Well, this is the end of this video. But if you want to watch more of my videos, all you have to do is search for my name. Will you spell my name with me? Yeah. B-l-i-p-p-i. Blippy. Good job. All right. See you later. Bye-bye. Just kidding. Hey, it's me, Blippy, and look at where we're at. Yeah, today we're at Garish Swim Club in Pasadena, California. Wow, I love this place.


Yeah, it's a place where you can go swimming. Do you like to swim? Swimming is so much fun. What's this? Check it out. I wonder what's inside. Whoa, a heart. I wonder what it says. Oh, dear best friend, it's Valentine's Day. So come on, let's celebrate dance and play. Being your best friend is really cool. Come check out the surprise on the other side of the pool. Wow, that is awesome. I wonder what the surprise is.


Let's go. Oh, look.


Pretty hearts. Wow, there's so many of them. Wow. There's all these hearts here, probably because it's Valentine's Day. Okay, let's go find the surprise.


More hearts. Check it out.


Hello, heart. Wow.


Whoa, and look at this one.


Whoa, it's a heart made out of hearts. Whoa, this is awesome. I wonder where the surprise is. Who it is. Oh, look at this. Whoa, it's like I'm a lifeguard. Hello. Do you see who it is?


Yeah, it's Hey, Mika. Let's go say hi. Hey, Mika. Hey, Lindsay. Good to see you. Good to see you. What are you doing? Oh, I'm just relaxing.


Oh, that is so nice sounding. Wait a second. Was it you that left all those hearts there for me?


Yes, it was. Because you are my best friend, and today is Valentine's Day.


Oh, well, you are my best friend, and I love Valentine's Day. Me too.


It's a great day recognize and celebrate those that you love and really care about.


Oh, I love being your best friend, and I love that you are my best friend. Yeah, me too, and I love hanging out with you. Oh, thanks, Mika.


Hey, let's play a game right now. Really? Wait, what game? Let's play Heart and Seek.


Heart and Seek? Mm-hmm. Kind of sounds like Hide and Seek.


That's right. We have to find hearts all around, like these glasses right here. Cool. So fabulous. Oh, thank Fuck you. All right, let's go. All right, come on.


Yeah, a little game of heart and seek. This one was pretty easy to find because it's such a big heart. Well, I love Valentine's Day, and I bet you can guess if this is going to sink or float. Yeah. Okay, let's see. What else can we find here?


Check it out. Wow.


Whoa. Wow. Another heart. Yeah. Whoa, it's really heavy, but there is some air inside. I'm so excited to see if it's going to sink or float. This is not in the shape of a heart, but that's okay. Yeah, looks like a steering wheel.


Maybe it's a steering A running wheel for a tractor.


Or a sports car. All right, let's see if this will sink or float.


Look at this.


Look at all the items on the table. Maybe we can throw these in the pool and see if they'll sink or float. Okay, it looks like a mug. That's pretty heavy, but there is some air inside. Looks like some princess wands. Wow. Bing, bing, bing. Okay, let me put those right in there.


And a jump rope.


It's pretty It might. But it might also sink. I don't know. I'm so excited to find out. Oh, but look at this. Wow, a cute unicorn backpack. Wow. That's going to be fun to see if they'll sink or float. Cool, a playground. Wait a second. Can you see something right there? Yeah. Look at what we found.


Wow, a cute teddy bear.


Look at what it says. I love you. Wow. Yeah, on the lifeguard stand, we have some more things. We have... Some blue and orange rings. Also looks like we have a water bottle. And we have some water toys. All right. Okay, let's go see if these will sink or float. Yes.


I am so excited to find heart-shaped things for heart and seek. I see a really big heart right here. Check it out. I bet you can guess if this is going to seek or float. This is a heart-shaped float. It's so relaxing. Let's keep looking.


Oh, Look how cute.


A Teddy bear. But a Teddy bear is not shaped like a heart. Look, do you see? There are two adorable hearts right there. Oh, so cute. All right, come on. What else can we find?


Oh, my goodness.


It's a microphone. And what? Hey, here are some hearts. This looks like a really cute headband. What do you think? Hello, hello, hello. Happy Valentine's Day. Follow All of me will find some fun things for a sink or float, or with my best friend, but be. Hey. There's more things over here. Come look. Do you see any hearts on this? I see one, two hearts.


And what's inside? Look at the dancer. She's so beautiful. A music box.


More hearts. Oh, okay. You are coming with me and... A heart. Look at that. I wonder if there's anything inside. Nope. Maybe we could put something in it later. Okay. Microphone and our heart. There are more things over here. Hey, look at this heart box. See? I love hearts, and I love Valentine's Day. Wow, there are more hearts inside. They look like little heart erasers with really cute smiley faces on them. And look, purple, my favorite color.


Some Squishy balls here.


Those are not heart shape, but really fun. So we'll hang on to those. And do you know what shape these are? That's a star. We have pink, yellow, and green. It's not heart-shaped, but they could come with us, too, for our other game. Put everything in this basket and keep looking for things. I see another heart-shaped item.


Come here.


Oh, what's this? It looks like it's some bag or something. I don't know, but you're coming with us, too. Okay, is that it? Oh, hey. How did this get here? It's my toothbrush. See? The letter M for Mika. Well, this is not a heartshaped thing, but we're going to use it in our other game of sink or float. Okay, I don't... Oh, here is something else up here. Oh, look at these rings. Not heart-shaped. They are circles. Okay, we have a lot of something I can't wait to find Blippy and play our next game. Come on.


Whoa, Mika, you got so many items.


Yeah, so did you, Blippy. Look at all that.


I know. Hey, let's set this down. Okay. Whoa. Whoa. All right.


That was a lot. That was a lot of stuff.


I know. Check it out.


Did you find any hearts?


Yeah, I did. And it looks like we got some of the same things. Like our big floaty heart. That was such a fun game of heart and seek. But hey, since some of these are really heavy and some are light and some are big and small, I was actually thinking we could play a game. I was thinking the same thing. Really? What game?


I was thinking we could play...Sink or float.Sink.


Or float. Yeah. All right. Okay, so many items. Do you want to start or me?


You go ahead.


Okay. All right. I'm going to start with a big heart. Do you want to throw yours in at the same time? All right. Here we go. Sink or float. They're floating. Yeah, we knew that one was coming. Okay, let's see. Put this out. I found a orange and a blue ring.


Flippy, I have rings too. Whoa.


Whoa. Shall we throw them in at the same time? You're ready? All right. 3, 2, 1. Look, they're going down.


Oh, yeah.They're sinking.They're sinking.


Oh, those must be dive rings. You're right. So cool. You can throw them in the pool, hold your breath, dive down, and grab them.Yeah.


What a fun game.Yeah. I can't believe you found a steering wheel.


I know. It's so cool just grabbing hold of it. Now, acting like I'm racing the car.


You want to try?


Yeah. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.


That's so careful, Mika.


All right. Can I throw it in? Yeah, go for it. All right. Here we go.




It sinks. Yeah. That was so much fun throwing some of these items in to see if they sink or float.


Hey, I wonder if we can find another place to play sink or float because we have more items. Oh, yeah, that's a great idea.


Let's grab them and go. Let's do it. Oh, look at that.


Yeah, that looks so fun.


Yeah, this looks like a perfect place to finish sink or float.


Yeah, I agree. Let's see what we have here.


All right, remember this heart from earlier? Yeah. You want to see what's inside?




Yeah. Yeah, a rock. Yeah. I bet you'll know what will happen with this. It'll probably sink.


That's what I'm thinking. Oh.


All right, what about this box? Here we go. Oh, it flows. Yeah, it's really light wood. Yeah.


All right. Hey, what about this, friend?


Wow, yeah.


This is soft. Cuddly there. Ready to go for a swim?


Yeah. Okay. Woohoo. Oh. He loves swimming. All right. Oh, and look, the Snugly Bear I found. Oh, so cute. I love you. Here we go.


Woohoo. Oh, wow. Oh, too.


All right. Let's see. Oh, do you want to throw the backpack that I found in?


Sure. I love this backpack. It's so shiny. Yeah. Here we All right. It floats.


That one floats, too. Wow, so many of these things are floating right now. Let's see. Hey, you found two balls? Yeah. And I found one ball.


All right, here.


Let's just throw these two in. Okay. Here we go. They float, too.


Oh, here it is. Can we find anything that stinks?


I don't know. Let's see. Maybe we should do rapid fire.Oh.


Let's do it.All right.Okay. Ready? Here we go. Okay.








Sink. Oh, my brush. Oh.


Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Some of the wands you found.


Yeah, and some of those wands that you found. All right. Flob.




Oh, what a pretty necklace.


Wow. A heart? Whoa, did you look inside?


I did. And there's nothing.


That's silly. All right, here we go.Sinks..


And there's a really fun jump for. Float.


And last but not least, here we go.


Oh, and Flippy, I forgot. By a very special Heart Valentine headband. Oh, yeah. Can we see if it sinks or floats?


I would love that. All right.


It floats. Yeah.


That was so much fun playing Heart and Seek with you, Mika.


Yeah, and playing sink or float.


Yeah, I love sink or float. And it was such a fun Valentine's Day with you.


Yeah, I had so much time with you, Bibi. Oh, thanks.


I'm so curious if I sink or float.


Oh, that is a great idea. Well, good thing you're a really good swimmer.


Yeah, and there's a lifeguard. Oh, hello. All right, I'll be right back. Oh, I can't wait.


It's really not fun. Oh, I can't wait. Go, Flippy.


That was awesome. Good job, Blippy.


At first it looked like you were sinking and then you were floating.


Yeah, I love swimming and I love swimming. It's Valentine's Day. Me too.


I had so much fun playing with you. You're my best friend, Blippy. Oh, Mika, you're my best friend. Well, this is the end of this video.


But if you want to watch more of my videos, all you have to do is search for my name. Will you spell my name with me? Yeah. B-l-i-p-p-i. Blippy. Blippy. Good job.


And if you want to see videos with me and them, you can search for my name, too. Will you spell my name with me? Yeah. Okay.


It's M-E-E-K-A-H.




Yeah. All right.


Happy Valentine's Day. We'll see you soon.


Bye-bye. Come on, everyone.


Let's make learning fun.


So much to learn about.


It'll make you want to shout.

