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Much to learn about. It'll make you want to shout.




Hey, it's me, Blippie. I want to give you.


A gift.


No reason why. I just love giving. And you deserve it because you're special.


Giving to you.


Is the opposite of feeling.


Blue, blue, blue.


It makes me happy. When you're smiling.


And you say thank you, you, you. In this holiday season, there's one thing that is true. That's right. I don't need any reason to give a gift to you. Giving to you.


Giving to you. Look around. Tell me what do you see, see, see. Is there a friend? Someone that's in need? Well, in this holiday season, there's one thing that is true. That's right. I don't need any reason to give a gift to you. Giving to you.




You go, Fred.


Giving to you.




The best things in.




Are free. Like a hug to you from me.


Yeah. I won't ask anything of.


You because giving is what I love to do. Giving to you.


Giving is just something I love to do.


It's true. Giving to you.


Hey, here's your gift, an excavator. See you later.


Giving to you.


I don't need anything back. The pleasure is.


All mine. That's right, friend. Giving to you. That's what I like.


To do.


I just love giving to you. Giving to you.


That'swhat I like to do.


I just love giving to you. Giving to you is what I like to do.




Just love giving to you.


Giving to me. That's what I.


Like to do.


I just love giving to you. Giving to you.


Come on, everyone. Let's make.


Learning fun. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


So much to learn about. It'll make you want to shout.

