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Much to learn about, it'll make you want to shout, Flippy.


Let's learn about Kwanza.


Kwanza is a fun time. Kwanza is a fun time. To celebrate the rules of the bar. We light the candles, they shine. We light the candles, they shine. They come in three different colors. The candles are for Africa, red, black and green. So let's all sing about Fonza and learn what it means. Celebrate family.


Moussa Bub. Respect for you and me. Moussa Bub. Take care of our communities. Moussa Bub. That's what we call Kwanza. Celebrate family. Selovah. Respect for you and me. Moussa Bub. Take care of our communities. Moussa Bub. That's what we call Kwanza.


Every year we shine, shine. Every year we shine, shine. A light on creativity. We keep each other in mind. We keep each other in mind. And celebrate our history.


Be light candles for Africa.


Red, black and green. So let's all sing about Kwanda and learn what it means. Celebrate family.


Uzo saba. Respect for you and me. Uzo Zaba. Take care of our communities. Uzo Zaba. That's what we call Kwanda. Celebrate family. Uzo saba. Respect for you and me. Uzo saba. Take care of our communities. Uzo saba. That's what we call Kwanda.


Helping one another step for you.


Believin' in yourself is awesome too. Celebrating Kwanza.


Is so cool.


So let's.


All sing together. Me and you.


Celebrate family. So sa va. Respect for youme. So-so-va-v-i. Take care of our communities. So-so-va-v-i. That's what we call Kwanda. Celebrate families. So-so-va-v. Respect to you and me. Zotava. Zotava. Take care of our community. Zotava. That's what we call Kwanda. Celebrate families. Zotava. Respect for you and me. Kutong, Zotava. Zozawa. Zozava. Take care of our communities. Uzozava. That's what we call Kwanza. Celebrate family. So sa va. Respect for you and me. So sa va. Take care of our communities. So sa va. That's what we call Kwanda. Celebrate family. Ugozo sa va. Respect for you and me. Ugozo sa va. Take care of our communities. Ugozo sa va. That's what we call Kwanda. Celebrate family. Ugozo sa va. Respect for you and me. Ugozo sa va. Take care of our communities. Ugozo sa va. That's what we call Kwanda.


Come on, everyone. Let's make money fun. Ugo. Ugo. So much to learn about. It'll make you want to shout. Lippie.