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So much to learn about. It'll make you want to shout.


Blippi, ho. Aloha. It's me, Blippi. Look at where I'm at. Yeah. Today I'm at this beautiful pond, which is at Kualoa ranch, which is on Oahu, which is an island of Hawaii. Wow, what a beautiful place this is. And do you see this pond? Pond. They actually have a lot of oysters in here. Yeah, they farm oysters. Whoa. Oysters are really cool animals. Yeah, they're about this big, and then they have a shell, kind of like a turtle. Oh, look way out there. Looks like someone's working out there. Maybe we can go figure out how they farm oysters. A boat. Let's go. Cool. What a really radical boat. Whoa. And anytime that you get in a boat, make sure you're with a grown up as well as you have a life preserver. And this one, you actually put your arms through. Cool. All right, let me set that down. Whoa. This boat looks like so much fun. Whoa. This is the throttle, and this tells you what gear you're in. All right, I should probably untie myself from the dock. Then we can head out to the barge and find out how oysters are farmed.


All right, here we go. Look at that beautiful mountains. It is so tall. Whoa. And it's so nice being out on the water. Wow, what a beautiful day it is. Today's.


Floating down the river, sailing on the sea, cruising on the ocean. Boats are for me. I saw a boat pulling another. I didn't know the boat, so I asked my mother. She said, that's a tugboat, son. I saw a boat going faster and farther. I didn't know the boat, so I asked my father. He said, that's a speed boat, son. I saw a boat full of fishermen. I saw a boat full of businessmen. I saw a boat. You know what it was doing? Floating down the river, sailing on the sea, cruising on the ocean. Boats are for me. I saw a boat transporting cargo. I didn't know the boat, so I asked my friend Marco. He says, that's a cargo ship. I saw a boat with planes on top. I didn't know the boat, so I asked my friend Rob. He says, that's an aircraft carrier. I saw a boat that was firefighting. I saw a boat that was bright as lightning. I saw a boat. You know what it was doing? Floating down the river, sailing down.




Sea, cruising on the ocean. Boats are for me. Floating down the river, sailing on the sea, cruising on the ocean. Boats are for me.


Wow. This is so much fun. And I'm so excited to figure out how oysters are farmed. Oh, what are those? I wonder if that's where the oysters are. Oh, whoa. There's so many of them. Do you see those? Kind of looks like baskets or cages. I can't see any oysters, though. I wonder if they'll know what these are at the barge. Let's go find out. Whoa, cool. Hey, who are you?


My name is Anthony.


Nice to meet you. What do you do here?


I'm the coolor ranch oyster farm manager.


Oh, cool. Yeah, we knew these were here. We heard that you folks have oysters. What kind of oysters are these?


These are Pacific oysters.


Oh, really? Oh, they look so big. And those look so small. Can we check them out?


Absolutely. So these are the seed.


Okay. Ooh, seed. What does that mean?


These are just the baby oysters.


Okay. Baby oysters? Yeah. They're not actually seeds, but you call them seeds when they're a baby. Whoa, cool. Can I hold them?




Whoa, check it out. Whoa. Yeah, they are pretty small. Ooh, look at this one. This one is so small. Whoa. And how big do they get?


They get really big. So that's what the next basket is.


Yeah. Thank you. Cool. And how long does it take from them? Whoa. To grow from a seed size to these? Big size.


So these are five and a half months old, and these are ready to eat.


Wow. That grows so fast from that small. How does it grow so fast?


They get a lot of their phytoplankton from the waters here in Moli fish pond.


Oh, cool. Phytoplankton. So they suck in the water, which has phytoplankton in it.


Yeah, they're filter feeders, so they're filtering about 50 gallons a day.


Whoa, wait a second. So does that mean since they're a filter, it cleans the water while they grow?


Yes, and that's how we help to restore the quality of the fish pond.


Wow, that is amazing. And are these ready to eat?


Yes, these are ready to eat.


Whoa. Really? We can eat.


No, they're not. We actually skipped a step.


Oh, what do you mean?


We have to go check out our oyster cleaning station.


Oh, they're ready to eat for the sides, but we need to clean them. All right. Can we go clean them?




All right, let's go. Whoa, cool. I'm so excited. Whoa. What's this for?


This is our oyster cleaning tray.


Oh, oyster cleaning tray. And definitely know what this is. Yeah. Hose. All right, how do you get started?


Okay, so first we're going to unload the oysters into our cleaning tray.


Whoa. Now, this is a lot of oysters. And, yeah, I definitely can see how they're a little dirty. All right, what's the next step?


So, blippies, do you mind if you spray some of these?




We're going to clean them off of all the debris.


Okay, here we go. Whoa. Yeah, this is fun. All right, perfect. A little more, or is that good?


Maybe a little bit more.


Okay. All right. Whoa. All right, they definitely look a little cleaner.


All right, so now we're going to spread them out so they're evenly distributed on the tray.




So we're going to do it one at a time.


Okay. And usually we count two, three, four. Whoa, you're really fast. Here we go. There's so many of them. Wow. What do you think about when you do this part?


I think about how many oysters people are going to eat.


Whoa. Yeah, it must be cool to know that you raise these and then people are going to enjoy them as a meal. Yes.


That is the most satisfying part of being a farmer.




Okay, there we go. And since we washed our hands earlier and these are all lined up now, are they ready to eat?


One more step, we got to take them to their oyster cleaning bath.


Oh, that sounds like fun. I love baths. Rotate it. Okay. Right here? Yes. All right. Whoa, they're really heavy. Wow.


We'll place it down in the water gently.


Wow. Check it out. We just set these oysters down in their bath. Yeah, just like how you take a bath, these oysters are going to get nice and clean. So how does this bath work?


So we fill this with fresh filtered seawater, and it's going to be pumped through the system past a uv sterilizer. So we're killing all the pathogenic bacteria.


Wow. So this right here is the filter sterilizer. Oh, wow. And then it comes out right here. And it falls in the bath. Why does it come out right here?


So that allows us to aerate the water so the oysters are nice and happy.


You can breathe. So then they can breathe underwater. Whoa. And then they breathe in this clean water. And then they get rid of. What do they get rid of?


They're expelling all of the waste that they bring in during the filter feeding process.


Oh, like what kind of waste?


So we're looking at debris, like sand, dirt.


So then even the inside, not just the outside, but the inside of the oyster is nice and clean. Whoa. Cool. So how long do these oysters hang out in this nice cozy bath for? Yeah.


So they've been hanging out in this cozy bath for 48 hours.


Oh, and why do you even have them in this bath?


So we really want to make sure that you and your family are safe when you're eating shellfish. So this helps to get rid of any harmful bacteria.


Oh, all right. So do you have any that have been hanging out for 48 hours? So then they're nice and safe for maybe me to try one.


I think you're in luck.


Really? Yeah.


Let's go take a seat over here and we'll serve you some fresh oysters.


All right, let's do this. Whoa. I am so excited to try an oyster. I bet they're very. Oh, hey, this looks very yummy.


So here are your fresh Pacific oysters.


Wow, there's so many of them. Whoa, check it out.


Try one.


Yeah. Very clean. All right. Okay, how do you open it up?


Okay, so we're going to use a knife and pop the hinge.


Okay. Whoa. That looks like a special knife just for this?


Yeah, it's designed specially for opening up for a nice oyster.


Wow. And look. Looks like the top right there. Very cool. All right. And what did you do right there?


So I just flipped it and presented to you with the fat side up.


Oh, yeah, that definitely looks great.


So enjoy that. I got to get back to work with you. It's a pleasure.


All right. Fun hanging out. Thank you so much.


Bye bye.


See you. Wow. Wasn't that a fun day, learning how people farm oysters? I know. All right, here we go. Very yummy. And salty, too. Wow. I'll put this back and I'm going to save all these for later. I'm so excited to eat the rest of them. Well, this is the end of this video. But if you want to watch more of my videos, all you have to do is search for my name. Will you spell my name with me? Ready? B-L-I-P-P-I. Flippy. Good job. And I sure did have a lot of fun learning how to farm an oyster with you. Aloha. Bye bye.


Come on, everyone. Let's make learning fun.


Blippy. Blippy.


So much to learn about.


It'll make you want to shout Blippi. Close.