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Much to learn about. It'll make you want to shout. Blippe.


Hey, it's me, Blippe. And today I'm at Museu da Imaginessa. It's a fun museum where you can use your imagination. And here in Sao Paulo, Brazil, we have such great imaginations. Are you ready? Let's go.


What is this?


It looks like a bunch of colorful blocks. Look at this. It's a triangle. We'll set that right there. Oh, look at this. Looks like a blue square from this side, right? Yeah. We'll also set that right there.


Oh, look at this.


It's the color Orange. Let's set that right there. And look, the color Red. We'll put that right there. Oh, and some more red and some more purple. There we go. Wait a second. Those all fell. Oh, because you have to balance. If you put one right here. Yeah. Do you see how it bends down that way? Yeah. If you put another one, they fall off. Okay, so let's put some right over here. And then before it falls, we have to even it out. See, two pieces over there, two pieces right here. Here, and for these. We have to put one on that side. That's really heavy. These are heavier than those. So let's go like this. How about let's put four on this side. See? One, two, three, four. And then let's put these two heavy ones over here. Maybe we need three. There we go. That's pretty balanced. That's fun. Cool. Wow. Speaking of cool. Oh, look, it's a black chalkboard. I love chalkboards because you can draw anything and everything you want. And then it's attached. Then you can erase it. Okay, let's see. Where is the chalk? I think I found it.


Yeah, white chalk. Check this out. Yeah, it's a circle. Now we can use our imaginations and picture what it is. Oh, yeah. Oh, look. Yeah. Do you know what that is? Yeah, it's an eyeball. Cool. There we go. Okay, let's go back to a circle. There we go. And now I'm going to imagine a nice tasty fruit. There's a red one right here. Red with the stem and a leaf. There we go. An apple. Young. There we go. And what about this? A sport. Yeah, a sport with a ball that you throw in a hoop. Yeah, a basketball. There we go. Dribble, dribble, dribble. Slam, dunk. I love drawing and I love imagining things. Whoa, look at this. Looks like a bunch of ropes. Ropes that you can climb. Hey, before I climb, why don't we close our eyes and just imagine ourselves climbing to the top of a really tall mountain? Okay. I'm at the base of the mountain. Oh, maybe it's Mount Everest, the tallest mountain in the world. I'm getting to the top and it's getting really cold. The higher you go, the colder it gets. I made it to the summit.


Hey. Hello down there. I see you. Hey, meet me over here, okay? Check it out. Yeah, a slide. Will you count me down from three? Okay, ready? Three, two, one. That was a fast slide. What's this? A bunch of white circles on the end of wooden dowels. I know what this is. I have an idea. Check this out. There we go. If you push your body into it and then you walk away, check it out. Hey, look at me. Whoa, look at me. See my body right here? And then my arm and then my other arm and my two legs. Cool. This place is awesome. Yeah. Whoa, what's all this? A bunch of blue pieces of hard foam. Look at this. It's a circle with two circles in it. Hey, and look at this, a giant cylinder. Maybe you could imagine yourself with a hammer, a giant hammer. Wait a second. I'm a construction worker. I'm going to build a town with my giant hammer. Okay, let's see here. What could I use? Yeah, I can use this as the base of a building. We'll go like that. Oh, and look at this, a circle.


Let's put it right there. And look at this giant rectangle. It's almost as big as me. Okay, perfect. Okay. Another rectangle. But look, it has a hole on one side. Hello. Okay, there we go. And then if we put this right up top there, we made the tallest building ever. Well, with our imaginations, if you were the size of an ant. Now we can imagine this is wind. That was awesome. All right, let's keep exploring. See you later. What's this area? It looks like a bunch of blue rope. Okay, here we go. I know I'm going to imagine myself to be an animal that loves to climb. Yeah, a monkey. This is awesome. I love this place. A red tube. I wonder where this leads to. Let's find out. Oh, Oh, it's pretty dark in here. Hello? Hello? Where did you go? Oh, yeah, I found the end. Cool. Whoa, check it out. A construction site. I love construction sites. Whoa, look at this. It looks like we have some orange and yellow foam. Now it looks like a very old house. Hey, why don't we imagine ourselves being a wrecking ball? Then we can wreck this house so then we can build a new one.


Yeah. Whoa. Yeah. I love imagining being a wrecking ball. Whoa. Yeah. Construction is awesome. Yeah. Check it out, an excavator. I am an excavator. Yeah, look, I got an arm, a boom, and a bucket over there. Wow, and look down there. Whoa, my tracks. Yeah. Right here is my cab. It's nice and cozy in here. This is where the operator sits. Cool. All right, dirt. See you later. Whoa. Hey, there you are. I was just climbing another mountain. This is Mount Kilimanjaro. It is so tall. I should probably get down. That was awesome. It was so much fun imagining things today. Yeah, like climbing Mount Everest and Mount Kilimanjaro. And also imagining that we had a wrecking ball. That was so much fun. Well, this is the end of this video. But if you want to watch more of my videos, all you have to do is search for my name. Will you spell my name with me? Yeah. Ready? B-l-i- P-P-I. Blippie. Good job. All right, see you again.


Bye-bye. Come on, everyone. Let's make learning fun. So much to learn about. It'll make you want to shout. Blippie.