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So much to learn about. It'll make you want to shout. Blippy.


Hey, it's me Blippy. And look at where I'm at. Yeah. Today, I'm at Spokane Gymnastics in Spokane Valley, Washington. And today, you and I are going to learn about gymnastics.


Yeah, let's go.


Look at this place. This place looks like so much fun. Whoa. Look down here, a soft mat. Whoa. And what are these? Whoa. Colorful rings. Hello. Cool. Gymnastics looks like so much fun. Whoa. Look, an obstacle course. Cool. Hey, I have an idea. Why don't I start at the beginning and go all the way to the end? Come on.


All right, I'm ready.


Three, two, one. Look, I'm balancing. Green, yellow, green, yellow, green, yellow. What is this? Wait a second. Maybe I have to act like a kangoo and jump over it.


All right.


Let me crawl like a baby. Goo-goo, gaga, goo-goo, gaga. More balancing beams. Orange and blue. Cool. Hello. Look at me. I'm inside a circle. Wee. Oh, wait a second. This looks like a ramp. Yeah, it looks like it's for a summer salt. Do you know what a summer salt is? Yeah, it's where you take your body, you roll it up into a ball, and then you roll. But I don't know how to summer salt. Well, maybe I'll just stand and walk down it. Well, that was so much fun, though, doing that obstacle course. Too bad I don't know how to summer salt. Whoa, check it out. Yeah, a gray ball. I'm spinning the ball. But yeah, a summer salt takes a lot of balance and rolling technique. You know how when you take a ball and you push it? Yeah, that means it's rolling. See? It's rolling. If you dragged it like this, that would be sliding. But this That's rolling. And that's what I need to learn today. Check it out. Even this rolls. It does have some flat sides, but it still rolls. See? Wait a second. Looks like there's an instructor back there.


What if I learned how to summer sol? Maybe she knows how. Let's go say hi. Hey, Who are you? I'm Coach Kelsey. Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Blippy. What do you do here? I'm a coach. A coach? So you must be really good.


What are you doing? Well, making my feet roll on this mat so I can do my glides on the bar.


Cool. Wait a second. She just said roll. That reminds me. Hey, I'm actually trying to learn how to summer salt. Do you know how to summer salt?


I do know how to summer salt. Really? Do you mind teaching me? I love teaching summer salt.Let's.


Do it.Let's go. All right. How do we get started?


Well, you already warmed up on the obstacle, so now we just have to stretch your muscles so we feel good.


Okay. All right. Stretching it definitely is very important.Let's.


Do little circles.Okay, all right. Like, roll and then backward circles. All right. These are our hips. Can we roll our hips around?


Yeah, it feels real good.


Nice and nice. All right, let's reach up high.


All right. Sorry, but here we go. There we go.


There we go. Shake your hands out. All right, you feeling all stretched?


Yeah, my arms, my legs, my back. I'm ready.


All right, let's do our summer salt.


Okay, here we go. I'm so excited to learn how to summer salt.


All right, you saw that mat over here. This is another one, but smaller. We call it our cheese mat.


Oh, cheese. Because it looks like a slice of cheese. It does.


We want to get on top of it and turn into a little ball. And we got to remember to tuck our chin and try not to be on our head when we're rolling.


Oh, yeah, that definitely doesn't sound too good. Will you show me?


I will show you. I'm going to get on top. I'm going to get really small like a ball. My hands are placed on the mat. I tuck my chin, and I push my back up, and I roll, and I stand up big.


That was awesome. All right, so it looks like I stand right here. Yeah, I'm like a little ball. Tuck my chin.


And there we go.


You did it. Yeah.


That's pretty good, huh?


Now we're on to our next step. Okay. We're going to jump inside here and then learn to roll off.


Okay, that sounds like fun.


Start there, jump inside. We'll jump inside. We want our feet on top. Okay. Put our hands down again. And remember, no Okay, so we're going to tuck it in. Whee, and push.


All right, start right here. Jump in. And tuck my chin. Whoa, yeah. I did it. All right. I'm getting pretty good, huh? You're learning fast. Thank you.


All right, now we're going to go inside something. So it's like a wall.


Oh, so you don't go on the left or the right?


Sometimes we want to roll off and roll off to the the other side. So we're going to try to stay in a straight line without hitting the walls. All right, sounds good. All right, so same ball. We got a ball. There we go. Tuck, tuck, tuck. Roll.


You are so good. Maybe that's why she's an instructor. All right, so I don't want to hit the walls. I'm going to tuck my chin. Here we go. Yeah, I did it again. All right, what's this for?


Well, we did some rolls Let's do some balancing. We like to balance in gymnastics. We call these airplane wings. Any time I fall... Watch out. There we go. And we're going to just step on here just like that.


Okay. If we fall off, it's okay. You skip right back on.


Okay, and that makes sense.


Balancing does sound important for summer results. Yeah. Then you don't go left or right. All right, act like an airplane. Whoa. Now on these.


Sleepy Alligator. Don't wake them up.


Sleeping Alligators. Yeah, I did it.


All right, our last one on here is like a little rocky boat. So we're going to put our feet up here, and this is called our hollow shape. And we rock back and forth, and this is so good for our tummy muscles.




Look at us rock.


So get your core strength nice and up there because summer solsts, you need some core strength. You have to use your tummies.


All right. You want to try? Yeah.


All right. All right. Whoa. Yeah. This is fun. Whoa. Yeah. So this is called the half circle?


It is. Wee. And a hollow shape, too.


Oh, cool. Well, I definitely know how to do a summer sol a little bit better now, huh? Yeah, you're learning lots.


I'm having so much fun. Me too. I think you're going to really like this one. Can I show you this one? Yeah, let's go. Let's go. All right, look at all this soft foam. Oh, yeah, foam pit. I know what these are. All right, we're going to get down. Here's my knee. This is called a squat support. You look at your belly button, peekaboo, and you fall in.


All right, my turn. Yeah. This is awesome. All right. Cool. A trampoline. Pretty fancy. Yeah, that's fun. All right, what are we going to do next?


We're going to roll big now.


All right, I'm ready.


We're going to use this, folder, to help us roll. Oh, yeah.


I saw this earlier.


So it's bumpy, but we're going to lay our belly on it, and we're going to reach with our strong arms.


All right.


All right, I'm ready. I'm going to catch, tuck my head, and I roll.


Cool. All right. Did you see that?


That's a big summer salt.


Yeah, big summer salt. I need to catch, tuck, and roll. Three, two, one. Yeah, I did it. That was really fun. So that's called a big summer salt.


Big summer salt. All right. All right, we got this one. It's like a ring of fire.


The ring of fire. Can I see? Whoa, it's one of my two favorite colors. Yeah, orange. Cool. All right, how do we use this?


Well, I was thinking we can do a summer salt in it. So if you go back here, I can hold it. Do you mind going first? I'm a little scared. Of course, I can show you.


Okay, thank you so much.


All right, so just like we just learned, getting our hands out in front of us to catch. So I'm going to go through it, catch and roll.


Wow, that was amazing. You think you can do it now?


Yeah. So we'll start off low, and maybe go higher.


All right, here we go.


Yeah, that was fun.


That was a good one. All right. All right. A little bit higher?


Sure. All right. Here we go.




It's time for a walk. You did it. All right, a little higher.


Okay, here we go. Here we go.


Here we go. Yeah.


Oh, extra bath. That was awesome.


Thank you so much for teaching me how to summer salt. You're welcome. You're such a great instructor. We did learn a lot together.


We did learn a lot. I showed you how to stretch.


Oh, yeah. And then you showed me the basics of a summer salt.


Yeah, we used our core muscles. Oh, yeah.


And we even balanced like an airplane. You learned so much today. I'm super proud of you. Oh, thank You're such a great instructor. I really appreciate it.


Oh, you're welcome. I think you're ready for this obstacle, and you're going to nail that summer salt.




Thank you so much. It was nice meeting you, Blippy. I got to go coach a class now. All right, see you later. See you later. Bye-bye.


Wow. I think I got this obstacle course now. Let's see if I can summer salt. Yeah. Three, two, Come on. Kangoo. Yeah. Baby. Cool, cool, caca. Cool, cool, caca. Whoa, blue and orange. Yeah. Whoa. Yeah. And now for the summer salt. Here we go. I did it. Good job. That was so much fun. It was so cool how I didn't know how to do it, and I failed, but I didn't let that stop me. Yeah, I learned how to summer salt. There's a lot to it, but I did it. I had so much fun learning how to summer salt today. Well, this is the end of this video. But if you want to watch more of my videos, all you have to do is search for my name. Will you spell my name with me? B-l-i-p-p-i. Blippy. Good job. All right, see you again. Bye-bye. Yeah. It's me, Plippy.


And it's me, Mika. Today, we're here with our good friend, Sean Johnson.


Yeah. Sean is a really healthy and strong Olympic gold medal gymnast. Hi, friends.


You know how you stay healthy and fit, right?


By moving your body around.


And by exercising.


Yes, by moving around and having fun. And did you know you have over 600 muscles and 200 bones in your body?


That's a whole lot of muscle. That's a lot of bones.


I know. I thought we could try to move as many of them as possible today, and I had an idea for a game. Oh, What's that, Shon? I thought we could do a story stretch.


A story stretch? So we're stretching and telling a story at the same time?


Yes. So we're going to come up with a story. I'll go first, okay? Okay. So once upon a time, there is a jam pack worn by Mika, and there's a bow tie worn by Blippy.


And a gold medal worn by Sean Johnson.


And a big storm came and it got washed away in the wind.


Oh, I get it.


It's my jam pack blowing in the wind. Oh, and I get it. It's my bow tie blowing through the wind. And it's your gold medal, too.


Don't forget that medal.


Mika, do you want to try?


Oh, sure. Let's see. Oh, and when the storm cleared, the sun came out, shining big and bright. Oh, okay.


And I'll go. And then after the sun came out, a rainbow appeared. Here we go.


Oh, Blippy, Mika and Sean realized they had to take a journey through the forest to find the lost items.


Here we go.


Whoa, there are so many trees.


I love this path. I think we should follow it. Okay. And check it out.


Then the forest got really, really thick with branches and tree trunks, so they had to brush it out of the way. Whoa. Whoa.


Yeah. Whoah. Flippy. Sean. What is it? I see a big rocky mountain up ahead.


Should we climb up it?


Yes, we have to use the muscles in our arms to make it to the top.


Whoa, yeah.


I certainly love exercise, but this is tricky. Here we go.


You're doing great, friend. But I don't see my gym pack, don't see a bow tie, and I don't see a gold medal.


Oh, no.


Hey, where'd Blippy go? I know it's pretty tough getting up that mountain. You can do it, friend. Yeah.


We better go over here.


You made it. Yay. There's a bridge. Oh, or a river.


Well, we should probably go across it. But, Sean, maybe you can show us because that looks like it takes a lot of balance.


A lot of balance. You have to be very careful. You look great. So one foot at a time.


You want to try, friend?


Be careful.


Okay, I'll try next. You got this.


Here we go. You got it, Bussy? Oh, great balance, right?


Yeah. Oh, no, you're slashing everywhere. Okay, here I go. Oh, not so hard. Oh, yay, I'm going to the other side.


Oh, check out this tunnel.


I wonder where it leads.


Yeah, I wonder where it goes. Come on, Sean. Here we go.


Maybe it'll lead us to gold.


Oh, yeah. Or maybe it will lead us to a field of strawberries.


It looks like a rabbit's burrow. Oh, yeah.


Did you know that a burrow is what they call the hole that a rabbit lives in? Hey there, little rabbit. Oh, hey. Hello. I think the rabbit thinks we're following it. What's that?


You know where our things are?


Oh, yeah. The bow-tie and the jam pack and the gold metal.


Let's get hopping. Okay. Hop and along. Hop, hop, hop.


Whoa, so colorful. Check it out.


It's so pretty. Yeah. It looks like there are Some little lilypads here. The rabbit led us to the pond.


Rave it. Rave it.


It's fun to be a frog on these lilypads. Maybe we can stretch like a frog. Oh, great idea. Frogs have really long legs that are good for jumping, so we should stretch. Hey, John, do you have any good stretches, for your legs?


Yes. Okay, so straighten your legs out and try to reach your fingertips all the way to your toes. Okay.


That's not so far for me.


That's a good stretch.


You can also bring your legs together and try to put both your hands around your feet. Reach really, really hard.


This feels nice in my back. Yes.


This is a hard stretch.


You got it, dude.


You can also bring your feet in just like a frog and try to bring your nose all the way down to the ground. I feel like a butterfly. Flop those wings.


That feels good. I feel it in my legs.


I love stretching, but wait a minute. There's not a gold medal, there's not a jam pack, and there certainly isn't a bow tie around here.


Let's keep looking. Oh, yeah.


What's that? The frog's said to go that way. Ribbit. Ribbit. Ribbit. Ribbit. Ribbit. Ribbit. Ribbit. Ribbit. Whoa, Sean Beaker, look.


Whoa, look at this It looks like a balance beam, too.


Oh, wait. You think you could show us how to walk across the balance beam?


I can try.




Make sure when you walk, you don't look down. Okay.


Don't look down. Whoa, because Sean is a gymnast. Gymnast, an Olympic medalist gymnast. She's really good at doing the balance beam.


You look amazing. Okay, don't look down.


Don't look down.




Good job.


I want to cross, too, but I haven't tried the balance beam before. I'm a little bit nervous, but that's okay. When you try something for the first time, it's okay to get nervous. I'm going to be brave. Okay, remember what Sean said. Don't look down. Just keep looking ahead. Come on. Here we go. Okay. Look, I'm doing it.


He did it.


Come on. Come on, Blippy.


A colorful rainbow.


Wow. Do you think our gold metal and the bow tie and the jam packs at the bottom?


Only one way to find out. Then Blippy, Mika and Sean went down the big colorful rainbow slide. And perhaps they found their items. Mm-hmm.


Woohoo. Okay, I'll go next.


And now it's my turn. Come on. Here we go.


Almost to the bottom. Yay.


Okay. I see something at the bottom.Me too.Me too. Me too. I Jinks. Here we go.


Oh, look, my jam pack.Oh.


My medal. And my bow tie. Yeah, we did it. This calls for a 10-second dance party.


We did it. We did it. We never, ever quit it.


We did it. We did it. Wait a minute. I have an idea. We had so much fun doing all of that. Why don't we try doing a relay race?


Okay. A relay race is when you're all on the same team.


We're all going to go one at a time. Okay. Tag on for the next person. Who wants to go first?


I'll go first.


Okay. Okay, here we go. On your mark. Get set.


Go. Go, flippy, go. Go, flippy, go, flippy, go, go, go. Here we go. You can do it.




That's my best friend.


Doing great. Here we go. Go, Bloopy. Go, Bloopy. That's my bestie. Down the green slide.


Yeah. On road. Ready? Go, Sean.


Go. Go, Sean. Go.


You can do it. All right.


You're getting closer.


You're getting closer.


Down by the bridge.


Go, Sean. Go.


Yeah. That's what we got.


That's what we got. Go, Sean. Spider-web.


Now for the cruiser. Go, go, go, go, Mika, go.Woohoo..


Here I go. Here I come.


Oh, Oh, oh, oh. Go, Mika. Go, Mika. Woohoo. Woohoo. Woohoo. Mika.


Oh, she's almost on the bottom. Here I go. Yeah.




Nice job. That was some good sliding. We did it. We finished the relay race and we found all of our things.


Yeah, I found my Jail bag.


And my bow tie.


And my medal. That was awesome.


Yeah, and we learned so much today.


Yeah. We learned all about exercising.


And we learned that the body has over 600 muscles.


And remember, Sean said 200 bones, too.


I feel like we used so many muscles today. I feel tired.


I feel pretty tired, too.


Me, too.


But I still had a really fun time. Oh, yeah. Well, that's the end of this video. But if you want to watch more of our videos, all you have to do is search for my name. Hey, can you spell my name with us? Okay, here we go. Ready?


B-l-i-p-p-i. Blippy. Good job. Will you spell my name with us? Oh, lovely.






And can you spell my name with us?


Yeah. S-h-a-w-n.






That was so awesome. And we'll see you soon.


Bye, babe. Bye. See you.


Come on, everyone. Let's make money fun. So much to learn about. It'll make you want to shout. Blippi.