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So much to learn about.


It'll make you want to shout.




Hey, it's me, Flippy. And today we're here at Digit in Torrance, California. This place is really cool because it's all about construction. Yeah, and construction vehicles. Hello. This tractor. Yeah, it also has all kinds of vehicles like cement mixers, excavators, and even a front loader. Let's go see how many we can find. Come on. Whoa, check it out. Do you see what this is? It's a cement mixer. Whoa. Let's go.




One is really good at mixing and spinning all the cement. Cement is what a construction worker uses to build bridges and buildings and sidewalks and a wheel like this called a drum. Yeah, these help to mix up all that cement. Right now, I am certainly being some pretty mixed-up cement. It's important that a cement mixer keeps on spinning because if the cement stops moving, then it hardens. Yeah, this isn't good. I'm a little bit stuck because I was cement, and now I'm frozen cement. So silly. Hey, I wonder what other vehicles we can see today. Wait a minute. I think I see one right over here. Come on. Whoa, check it out. Can you see what I see? Take a look. It's an excavator. Whoa. This excavator looks so fun because it's not digging in the dirt. It's digging in a ball pit. Okay, time to try it out. This is so much fun playing with the excavator. Yeah. And look, I have three controls: a red control, a blue control, and a yellow control. Yeah, the red one controls the boom. The blue one controls the bucket, and the yellow one controls the arm.


When you use all three, you can scoop up everything you want. Okay, time to do some digging. Yeah, I'm trying to get all the ball pit balls into the crates. Let's see how many I can get. Okay. Whoa! Do you see that? We got so many of the ball pit balls. Let's see if we can dump them in the basket. Check it out. We got so many. Yeah, we got one, two, three, gray ones. We got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, white ones, and we got 10, blue ones. Cool. Whoa. I think we better keep on digging. It's so much fun to dig in the dirt. Yeah, if you're digging with your hand, you might get a little bit of dirt, but if you have an excavator arm, you can get all the dirt or all the bony balls. It looks like we got a lot of the ball pitfalls in those crates. We did it. Great job excavating. We saw cement mixer and we played with an excavator, but I think there's even more to explore. Come on. Whoa, check it out. It's another construction vehicle. Wait a minute. This is yellow, just like an excavator. It has a bucket and a cab, just like an excavator, but it does not have tracks.


Cool. Whoa, look, it has big wheels and tires. Yeah, that's because this is a front loader. They are really big, powerful construction vehicles that help to scoop both all kinds of things. An excavator might scoop some dirt, but our front loader will scoop up tools, bricks, or even snow on a really cold and chilly day. Whoa, it's snowing. Well, we better get inside and start picking up some bricks and some snow and all kinds of things. Come on. Well, here we go. Time to start the engine. Time to start the engine. Huh, doesn't look like the front loader's working. We better check the engine. Quick. Come on. Uh-oh, it looks like the engine's broken. That's okay, though. Looks like a job for Mechanics Flippy. Supermechanic powers go. That was some hard mechanic work, but it looks like the engine's better. Let's go see if it works. Come on. Okay, here we go.


Do you.


Hear that? Yeah, it's the engine. I just love honking the horn of the front loader. A front loader can pick up tools and bricks and snow from the street. But do you know what else it can pick up? Walks. Come on. There are so many different shapes here, like a cylinder or a rombus. Do you know the name of this shape? Yeah, that's right. It's a triangle because it has one, two, three sides. Hey, look at this shape. It's a really big bow tie. I think this shape might be hard to dance around with. It's a pretty big bow tie for me. Well, we have all these fun shapes. Maybe we can build something with them. Come on. But before we start building, we want to make sure our construction zone is safe. Okay, here we go. Okay, time to build. Do you see what I made? A beautiful flower. It's a very blue flower. Whoa. Yeah. Whoa. Whoa. That, oh-oh, fell apart. But I think we can build something even better. Yeah. Let's use this piece and a circle and this hexagon and this fun noodle. Time to put it all together. Here we go.


Whoa, check it out.


It looks like a person. But our construction, experiment, building, creative art project thingy seems like it's missing something. Wait a minute. Do you see what's behind me? I know what this person's missing? Some cool, rad-looking shades. Well, this is going to make them look a lot better. Okay, we need some shades and a couple of other things. Here we go.




Ta-da. It's finished. Everyone, I would like to introduce you to my very good friend, Blocky. Hi, Blocky. How are you today? I'm feeling a little bit blue. Oh, I'm so sorry, Blocky. Don't be sad. We can have lots of fun together here at Digit. Yeah, we're going to dig things and learn about some more construction things. Well, don't feel blue. I'll see you soon. Bye-bye.


Oh, there are so many bricks here.


This definitely feels like a construction site. A construction site for dinosaur, Blippy.




It looks like we made a mess, but that's okay. We're going to use these bricks to build something awesome. Yeah, it's always important to remember, when you make a mess, just clean up after yourself. Yeah, we have a lot of bricks here to make a really awesome building. Let's count all the bricks that we have. Are you ready? Can you count with me? Here we go. One, two, three, four. 1,133, 1,134, 1,135. That was a lot of counting. Good job. Well, how are we going to move all of these bricks up to the top so we can build our building. Check it out. It's a conveyor belt. Yeah. Well, this will be perfect for moving all these bricks. Yeah. A conveyor belt moves heavy objects from one place to another place. At an airport, conveyor belt moves all the luggage around. Yeah. All you do is you put a brick on the belt and turn this wheel. See you later, brick. See you later. Oh, yeah. Look at it go. It does all the heavy lifting, so you don't get too tired. Okay, time to move these bricks to the top. Then we can build our building.


Here we go. We did it. We got a bunch of bricks up top. I think that'll be enough. I'll see you up at the top.




At all the bricks. They made it to the end of the conveyor belt. We have so many, we can build so many things. Maybe we should just make a little house. Okay, here we go. What a luck. We did it. We made a little house. I love bricks. Oh, so cute. Well, this was fun. But you know what I want to do now? It's fun to go up the conveyor belt, but even more fun to go down the slide. Come on. See you at the bottom. Did you see how fast I went? Yeah. Whoa, check it out. Do you know what else goes really fast? Race cars. Wait a minute. These have wheels like race cars, but these are more construction vehicles. Check it out. It's a truck. Whoa, and look, an excavator arm and an excavator track. An excavator. Whoa, and it even looks like we could build a backhoe. Okay. Hey, let's see how many construction vehicles we can build, and then let's race. Okay, here we go. First, let's race the trucks. Okay, let's send them down to the bottom. Are you ready? Okay, drivers, start your engines. On your mark, get set, go.


Can you see how fast those race trucks went? That was so fast. And it looks like truck number two was the winner. Let's race it again. Fun. Well, who should we race truck number two at this time? Maybe the excavator. Okay, this is going to be some bumpy racing. Okey-doke. Here we go. On your mark, get set, and go. Oh-oh! The excavator lost its bucket. Looks like we need a little more practice building. Yeah, it's so cool. You can build all kinds of vehicles to race. And whether they're heavy or light, they could go faster or slower. Okay, for this next time, let's race the biggest, best vehicle ever. And I have the perfect idea.




It out. It's a backhoe excavator, garbage truck. Cool. Okay, let's see how fast this can go. Okay, start your engine, drivers. Here we go. Yeah. Did you see that? It all broke apart. Well, that was one silly race. Whoa. Today was so much fun. Yeah, I had so much fun being a construction worker and learning about cement mixers. Yeah, it's really good that this keeps turning so all that cement doesn't hardened into one shape. Whoa. I'm a little bit dizzy. Wait a minute. Blocky? What are you doing here? Oh, are you still feeling a little bit blue? Well, that's okay. I know just how to cheer you up. With a blippie dance party.


Dance along with us.


All better. Well, that's the end of this video, but if you want to watch more of our videos, all you have to do is search for my name. Hey, can you spell my name with us? Great. Here we go. Ready? B-l-i- P-P-I. Blippie. Good job. Oh, and good job, Blockie. We'll see you soon. Bye-bye.




Hey, it's me, Blippie. Can you guess where I am today? Yeah, that's right. We're here in Diggerland in Kent, England. Whoa. Can you see what I'm writing in? Yeah. This right here is a telehandler. Yeah, they're really big vehicles that lift really big, heavy things. But they are not lifting a big, heavy thing. It's lifting me. Here we go.




Is awesome, and I wonder what construction vehicles we'll see today. Wait a minute. Do you hear something? I think I hear a vehicle. Do you see a construction vehicle behind me? Whoa, check it out. It's an excavator. Yeah. I love excavators. Oh, I have an idea. Let's pretend to be excavators and dig in the dirt together. Okay, I'll teach you how. Just bring up your arm to be the arm, the boom, and the bucket and start to scoop. Whoa, look at the scoop. That was so much dirt. Good job. Hey, wait a minute. I think I see someone in the cab. Maybe they can teach us how to operate the excavator. Let's take a closer look. Come on.


It's so muddy here. Good thing I brought my rainboots. Oh, hey, there's a person. Come on, let's go say hi. Okay. Hello. Hi. Hi, I'm Blimpie. What's your name? My name's Brad. Oh, Brad. It's nice to meet you. Can you teach us how to operate the excavator?


Of course, I can.


Okay, cool. Brad, can I climb up in there? Yes. Okay, here we go. Let's get into the cab.


Seatbelt first for me.


Oh, yeah, safety first.


That stick over there, I want you to pull it backwards for me, and that's going to go all the way up.


Okay, here we go.


If you push forwards for me, it should go all the way down for you. Now, if you go side to side on that one, it's going to open and close your bucket for you to do big scoops.


Whoa, check it out.


Now, on this one here, if you go forwards and backwards for me, that's going to go in and out.


Okay. Whoa. This is controlling the arm? Yes. Then the last bit.


If you go side to side on it, that would turn the whole thing for you.


Okay, here.


We go. Awesome. Watch out. Whoa. Whoa. Check it out.


Whoa. Yeah, I can control the arm right here and the film over here. Here we go. Whoa. This is awesome. Whoa, let's scoop some more dirt. Here we go.




Whoa, look at all the dirt we got. Here we go. Did you see that? Whoa, excavators are awesome. Whoa, it's so bumpy. That was so much fun learning how to operate the excavator. Huh, but excavators are really cool, but I bet there are some pretty amazing construction vehicles we can go find. Come on.


This place is so much fun. Whoa. And do you see what it says? It says, Stack attack. Wait a minute. I think think this is a game we can play together. Well, let's go inside and play.




Place is awesome. Whoa, check it out. Yeah, so muddy and dirty here. I bet this game is definitely going to be messy. Whoa, and look at what it is. They're giant tires. Whoa. Look at all the tires here. It looks like there are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, six. Six tires. Well, I bet the game is we need to stack all the tires up. Stack attack, stack the tires. Okay, we can do it. We just need to get a tire and stack it on another and we can make a tower of tires. Okay, here we go. Whoa, that tire is way too heavy to pick up. But I wonder how we're going to stack all of those tires.




Way. Look at what it is. It's a compact loader. Whoa. This is going to be perfect for stacking those tires. Yeah. Do you see in the front? This is a hydraulic claw. Look at it. And it uses these little claws here to grab the tires and stack them up. I think we should get inside and try to stack up those tires. This is pretty fun. Hey, it's like any other vehicle. Safety first. You need your seatbelt. Okay, we'll buckle up. We also need to know how to drive it. First, we have pedals. One pedal goes forward and the other pedal, it goes backwards. It has a key just like a car, so we can turn it on and a steering wheel, so we can change direction. And do you see what this is? Yeah, this right here, this is the control for the hydraulic claw. Yeah, when we move this, it will move the claw so we can stack up those tires and have lots of fun and win the game. Okay, I think it's time to stack those tires. Here we go. Look at a go. What did you do? Whoa. Whoa, look at a go.


Whoa, look at a go. Okay, here we go. One tire.




We stacked three tires, but we need a stack for the rest. We only have one more tire. Yeah. Whoa. This is so fun. Let's do it. Okay, let's do it. Whoa. Did you see that? We stacked all six tires, but they fell over. That was pretty fun and a little bit silly. Come on. Let's go. Whoa. Hi. Hello. Check it out. Do you know what I was just driving? Yeah, that is a backhoe. Yeah, it's a little bumpy to drive, but so fun. I thought we could go on a ride together. But first, I wanted to show you this. Yeah, do you know what this is called? It's called the front bucket. Yeah, and on a backhoe, it helps to dig up all the dirt so you can make a really big hole and help to build something if you're on a construction site. Whoa, and check it out. A backhoe has really big wheels and tires. Look, it has medium-sized front wheels and tires and really big back wheels and tires. It's a little bit muddy. Yeah. Look, big treads help to get all the mud so it can go really fast and so that it doesn't get stuck.


Whoa. And do you see what this is? Yeah, it's an excavator arm. Wait a minute. A backhoe like this has an excavator arm attachment, just like the blippemobile has an excavator arm attachment. Yeah, it has an arm, a boom, and a bucket. So it can dig all the dirt in the back or the front bucket can dig in the front. Well, it's really cool showing you the exterior of the back hub. Now it's time to get inside and go for a ride. Come on. Here we go. Watch your step. Whoa, I am so excited to go on a ride with you. But first things first, you need to buckle your seatbelt. I'm going to buckle up to safety first. Okay, and now we get to start the back hub and like a car it has a key right over here. Okay, here we go. Whoa. Yeah, check it out. We're inside the back hub. It has a wheel just like a car. And look, a windshield wiper. Hello. Okay, but it's not raining right now, so we don't need that. And it has a gear shifter. So we'll put that into the right gear and take the break away.


Okay, we're all ready to drive. Oh, but I forgot another important thing. Yeah, if we want to move the front bucket, you just move this knob right over here. Here we go. Let's check it out. Whoa. Up, down, up. Okay, I think we're ready to drive. Here we go. Do you see what it is? Yeah, there's a bunch of tires. Maybe we can try to pick one up. Okay, here we go.


Whoa, do you see it?


Look, we grabbed a tire with the front bucket. I have an idea. Let's take it with us on a journey. Here we go.




That was a big bump. Yeah, but it's so fun driving in a backhoe because the tires and treads are so big that even if we drive over a couple of bumps, it's okay. Yeah, can't hurt us. Here we go. We're going to make a big turn. And through a big puddle. Whoa. Whoa. Good thing we have our seatbelt on. Wait a minute. Look up ahead. It looks like there are two really big hills. One, two. One of them looks really, really steep and really big. Do you think we can make it over it? Good. Me, too. Okay, we're going to go really fast and go over the big hill. Let's do it. Here we go. Here we go. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Yeah. Yeah. That's pretty fun. It's really raining now, which means we get to have lots of fun in the rain and the mud. And look at what it is. It's an excavator. Look, there's the cab where workers sit to control the boom, the arm, and the bucket. Wait a minute. That's not the bucket. Those are seats. You know what? I bet we can ride this excavator. Yeah, this isn't any ordinary excavator.


This is SpinDizzy, and it's a ride. Yeah, it's called SpinDizzy because you spin and get really dizzy. Okay, let's get on it. Here we go. Here we go. That


was so fun. Did you see that? That was so much fun spinning in the excavator. I got a little bit dizzy. That was so much fun today at Diggerland. We saw so many construction vehicles and we got to operate them. We even got to see an excavator. Well, that's the end of this video, but if you want to watch more of my videos, all you have to do is search for my name. Hey, can you spell my name with me? Okay, get ready. B-l-i-p-i, Flippy, good job. Well, I'll see you soon. Bye-bye.


Come on, everyone.


Let's make.


Money fun. So much to learn about. It'll make.


You want to shout.

