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I thought I would show you guys something pretty cool. I'm out here just at the practice facility for Trackman. Up on my TV, I actually have a capture card connected to my DSLR. I cranked up the shutter speed, and I'm only doing 60 frames per second. That's all that this capture card can do. And yet look how well it freezes the club. I mean, you can get a really good image. And then, of course, right over to the right, just for comparison, I have the impact image. And so you can just have a separate monitor and you can look at your impact image and then having your swing replay over on the side. I just think this is a pretty cool way. Of course, you can put up different data and everything up here, but if you were looking to connect just an iPhone or maybe a DSLR like I have, you can get a pretty good swing image using the Trackman software.