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What's going on, buddy? Good to see you. It's fun to see you last night, too.


Wait, are we on yet?




Oh, that's great that we opened up.


Right on, right on you puffin. Last night was fun.


Oh, my God.


Funny was a tell, dude.


I was remembering today that he said that deliverance was his barbie.


He said so many asides like that. There was so many like, you know, Tony said something really funny. He said, you watch him, you die laughing, and then afterwards you can't remember anything.


He said, no, that's right. And then I start to have recall. It's like I got abducted and then the memories come back. So when I woke up, I was laughing because I remembered. He said, he said, he goes, I need to get a root canal. But I couldn't get it, guys. I couldn't get a root canal because I was in Oklahoma. You know, every life is sacred. Did you ever have a back alley root canal?


He was just. Everything about him was just so silly and so casual. It was very, very. And when he pulls out the recorder and starts playing that little flute thing.


Yeah, he learned to do that over the pandemic. He learned to play recorder.


The fact that he uses a flip phone for real. I guess he has. You want some coffee? Yeah, I guess he should have a iPhone that he uses for social media. When he.


I was. I was one of send him shit and I can't cuz he's a. I guess he's taking the calls on the flip phone.


Yeah, yeah, he, he prefers to be out.


Does he work from Assad?


I think he prefers to be with the flip phone, but I think he's right. I think he's right. I think if you have a cell phone that's connected to the Internet. Smartphone, but you don't use it that often. Every now and then you check it. That's probably the way to go, you know?


Of course he's right.




Everybody has North Korea in their pocket at all times. Yes.


Yeah. You really do. Our government, their government, everybody's government.


You better hope it's multiple governments. So there's at least some competition for your data. And it's not just one monopoly has all your data. Right.


How much have you paid attention to the TikTok thing where they're trying to do this ban on TikTok too much?


Because we covered it and it's because, well, here's what it's besides controlling and being able to take shit down whenever they want and doing. We're trying to.


Real problem.


Yeah. We are China, by the way. I don't know if people think we're not China, but we are China. But now the real push was coming because of Israel, not because of, you know, the. All the Hamas videos or whatever, but Israelis post shit tick tock. Censors people. Tick tock's not like a free speech something platform, right? So the shit israeli soldiers are posting themselves is getting out. And what happens is the kids are on tick tock. And, you know, it hasn't been 1944 forever. It's been pretty woke here. So now that's clashing seeing, seeing this shit that, you know. Remember Osama bin Laden made a huge comeback, like about a I don't know how many months ago.


Oh, right, right.


People just discovered his letters.


God, he makes sense.


I think he's an industry plant.


Yeah. So what are these israeli soldiers putting up on TikTok?


Well, all the war crimes that they do, it. No, look, I want to make this clear to everyone. I would never listen to an Arabic, okay? So I want you to understand that I would never believe a Muslim about nothing. You don't have to ever do that. Look at not America, what they tell you. Israeli news, israeli politicians, their ambassadors, when they come here and talk, listen to what they say, because that's what I unfortunately did. And it was quite disturbing. And what's even more disturbing is when I tell my friends here in America, they go, yeah, no, they get to war. Nagasaki Hiroshima. Right? You've heard the old Nagasaki Hiroshima.


Yeah. Kid rock combo.


Yeah. Dress. Okay. This is like, how naive I am. Jimmy was putting up because I could see the stories ready, loading up for the. Whatever. The next segment I see israeli ambassador in UK, Dresden. So what I think it's going to be is she's going, how dare you compare what we're doing to Dresden. We're defending ourselves, okay? That's what I think. You know, what a normal human would do is go, I would never want to say, dresden is okay. Did you ever read slaughterhouse? Kurt Vonnegut we'd read the book in school because he was at Dresden. Kurt Vonnegut. And it was a deliberate terror attack that we did with. This is just established history. It's a crime. But, you know, we were fighting the Nazis, et cetera, so. And we won. So, okay. That's how I thought we looked at it, like it was a terrible crime. But she goes, yeah, you know, Dresden, we gotta do Dresden.


Explain Dresden. What. What took place at Dresden for people that might not know?


I don't remember what city it was. We firebombed them.


Firebombed the entire city. Yeah. Indiscriminately. Killed everybody.


No, no, not indiscriminately. On purpose. Targeted civilians to break their spirit. But keep in mind, Dresden as much of a. It's a crime. But that was like the wars going on and on. So then they started doing shit like Dresden.


Evil shit.


We didn't do Hiroshima, week two of the war.


Right, right. Was Dresden. Why was Dresden so heavily bombed?


This is all. No.


Three day allied bombing attack intended to force a german surrender, leveled the city and left tens of thousands dead.


And probably more than that, by the way. Look, I thought everybody knew it was a war crime. And actually everybody did know up until, like, you know, people thought natural immunity was a thing until a couple of years ago. Yeah, that's. This is one of those. So I'm disturbed by that.


So she was essentially saying, we have to commit a war crime or we're doing a war crime, because in her.


Brain it's 1944 all day. Noam from the cello pointed out this mindset. And it's very insightful because not 1948 when you got Israel established, it's 44. Right after this shit happened. And you're real mad. They live in 1940, but we lived in wokey times. So the clash between the cultures. Every time I hear an israeli official or military person or fucking bb speak, it sounds like someone's embarrassing immigrant parent that doesn't know not to say gay slurs here in America every time. So again, I do not support Hamas or any Arab or Muslim. I hope I make it clear I'm one of the good people. And like the good people, I yearn for us to go back and fight them. You remember back when that was already me? When we knew what was what, before we went to all this cuckoo ca k. I hope we go back to those days. In fact, I was liberal. I'd also hope that the Obama times. That was so great.


Yeah. The times of conservative, either. Less confusing enemy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was. It was more clearly established what was going on.


This whole Dave Smith knows shit, by the way, when you have. You probably had him recently, right?


Yeah. No, Dave's the best.


Dave knows. I'm very proud of Dave consistently. Cause he really knows his shit.


Like, he doesn't talk about things unless he knows his things. And he goes very, very deep into subjects. He doesn't talk out of his ass at all?


No, not at all, dude. Not all.


Very, very deep into subjects. Really gets an understanding of them and then fucking debates people and really knows what he's talking about. Like, he actually contributes to these conversations in a very, very meaningful way.


I know him a long time. I'm very impressed with him right now.


He's very impressive. He's very impressive. He's, and he's hilarious too. It's like he's both things. Hilarious, comic. Very impressive.


You see on Piers Morgan.


Yeah, I did see that.


So my buddy Gary from neurotic went on Piers Morgan with, I can't remember the other guy, the critical drinker, and then these two chicks from what was English. And it was on Piers Morgan. Piers Morgan is getting, like, the YouTube talent pool of whatever to come on and debate these topics. Like, he discovered all this. It's like, are the Oscars over, bro? The Oscars irrelevant? And I cannot wait to ask Gary about it when I, because the question he like, how come Barbie didn't win an oscar was actually, like, a topic. And, like, just imagine, like, an international news show to figure out why Barbie is incredible.


Imagine being upset.


How come Oppenheimer got it? Yeah, listen, even if it was, like, really good, it's a Barbie movie. You know, Batman, dark knight, Heath Ledger. He's the reason that one. Just his performance, right? Maybe. Maybe you could say that for Barbie.


That's a pretty fucking good movie. That's a different kind of movie, though. That's a dystopian movie about, you know, crime ridden city.




Barbie's fun.


Oh, I thought you were talking about Barbie was crime ridden City. Oh, is it good?


But how could you compare the two movies? Well, Oppenheimer is a movie that people will be watching decades from now.


You. How you check the algorithms and you see what topics are trending and you put them together like you're a fucking AI, and you make a tv program out of that horseshit, and you discuss it as if it's a thing. Can you imagine? You must be doing so well in life if, like, that's one of your, your issues about, like, who got, first of all, who got subbed at the Oscars at all? I looked at him and how did.


Barbie not get it?


Yeah. If you were just like, that's your big thought. If you're just passionate about the Oscars, I think you're an idiot.




But if Barbie got it, I did. Are you gonna be this?


No. It was on until I saw John Cena naked on the Internet.


I didn't even know it wasn't a movie called Barbenheimer. I didn't know they mashed those together to save the theater industry that got killed after COVID. And also all the movies sucking.


The theater industry did get killed, though. Everybody knows they can stream things at home now. So they just started giving it to you at home and then they don't have to pay as much.


Yeah, a lot of great reasons to stay home forever. God, I don't know if, you know, piling up. Oh, boy. Don't even go out no more, man.


Boy, the COVID really did end the streaming thing.


It did in all the thing.


Hey, it really did in rather the theater thing because streaming movies at home is so much. If you've got a nice tv and, boy, you get a big ass tv cheap. Now, like, what's a 65 inch Samsung tv cost right now? When I remember when they first came out with plasma screens, you get cheaper.


Than insulin, I'll tell you.


Like, a 24 or 28 inch plastic screen, and it was like $20,000. $20,000 for a tv? That's crazy.




Now, a tv like that is free. They just give, technically as low as $400.




But, I mean, that's the. Oh, my God, that's insane stuff, but, yeah, whatever.




That's what I'm saying. It's still 4k. Yeah.


Hey, you know what?


Let me see what that looks like for four. $397 from Walmart Best Buy. It's 399.


You sound like you're doing an ad for them.


But no, but that's insane.




65 inches, 4k. Look how thin it is. $400. Those fucking things were so expensive at one point in time. So now watching movies at home is awesome.


Do you buy any? Like, I always thought, and I'm not smart with money in any way, but, like, top of the line technology such as that. Like, when $20,000 when it first comes out. Never in my life, even if I would have the disposable income for a $20,000 plus, I go, of course, another thing is coming out tomorrow. And this was gonna. That's how it's always been for this stuff.


But it wasn't when those $20,000 tvs came out. It was a long time before anything.


Was like, oh, well, it is when they first got the technology from Roswell. So it's gonna be more.


This is, I think we're talking about, like, the nineties. So, like, see if you can find an ad for a 28 inch plasma tee. Cause they were plasma. And let's say. Let's just say, like 90 619 97.


I was selling. I was working at the whiz selling cell phones and PCs. Like, pre built, like a dell. Like, not Dell. Sony had a. Had a penty. Or pentiums.


Mm hmm.


And very little markup on it. It was not the good department.


I used to make my own.


Well, that's what a smarter person would do. An idiot would come to our store and buy it there.


Well, I bought that too. I did. I bought, like, they were always getting better. But you could do a lot with your. You could buy motherboards and you. You know, you learn how to put, like, the little. The jumpers in place with tweezers and, you know, it's interesting. The tweezers.


Yeah, you.


The jumpers were, like master and slave.


Oh, my God. Yeah.


And I don't know what they call them now.


Can you edit this out, Jim?


Okay, so what year is this? It says 97 is the first fujitsu plasmid screen that was, like, 42 inches.




Oh, I think. Is that the first ones? God, I feel like it was more money than that. I feel it was still $9,000 as opposed to $400. Like, that. $400.01 is infinitely better than this fucking clunky hunk of shit with low resolution.


No, that's what I'm talking about. That's why buying it at the very beginning, I mean, it's, like, dumber than buying a fucking boat.


In 2003, plasma tv was $10,000. Oh, that was 70 inches. That's pretty big. The Black Friday line started getting so crazy because everyone's looking for good tv deals and whatnot. Yeah, right, right.


I killed three people.


Tried to get. When they get aggressive, those are the first. Those and laptops, like, the first big things. Black Friday sales are some of the darkest moments in humanity. You see those people fighting over, like, boxes of shit, like, what the fucking?


I'm looking at the greatest country on earth. Frankly, Joe, that's what I think. I'm looking at Friday competition on African American Friday. Excuse me, Joe.


When you say these guys are getting in trouble on tick tock, like, I don't. I'm not on tick tock.


So, like, what's not, you know, a pedophile.


Yeah. So what specifically are they putting up on tick tock?


That's getting, you know, showing off, like, blowing shit up into. I don't look at it. I don't want to go on TikTok for any reason. I don't care about anything on it, but we have the clan. Jimmy show. Jimmy show. We show clips, you know, like the clip of Wolf Blitzer. You ever see a clip of Wolf Blitzer where he has the. I don't know what rank the guy is. This is in the early part of the war. And the guy's English is not usually have pretty good English, but his isn't great, right? And Wolf, who used to work for AIPAC, okay, Wolf's not a pro on the side of everything, dude. Right? And he goes, so they just blew up some. Some refugee camp and to get this one guy. To get this one, Hamas. And Wolf's like, wait, you drop. Blew up. There's 400, 500 people at that camp and you. That's war. And like, wolf's face, he's just like, we gotta go to. Oh, wait, I forgot the best part. I don't wanna say best part, but on Wolf's face, and you could see Wolf is like, what in the fuck? This is what I'm talking about.


And he goes, uh, well, did you get the guy? He goes, oh, we can't confirm. They might have not even got the guy.


Well, if they can't confirm, they probably didn't get him, of course.


And Wolf, so Wolf knows that. So Wolf, he's like, we have to go to a break. That's the. That sticks.


I need to watch that.


I need to watch that. Yeah, I was trying to find it. I have the episode, the clip from.


So this one of those ones that's going to get us in trouble probably, right? Well, let's play it just for us.


Oh, yeah. This is it. This is it.


Okay, let me hear it back now.


To our breaking news here in the Middle East. A massive explosion at the largest refugee camp in Gaza. Joining us now is Lieutenant Colonel Richard Hecht. He's the international spokesperson for the Israel Defense Forces. Thanks so much for joining us. I want to ask you first about this massive blast that we all just saw. We saw the video at the Jabalya refugee camp in Gaza. Is there anything more you could, first of all, tell us about how this explosion happened? I will.


Thanks for having me. So we'll be coming out in the next, hopefully hour with more data, but I can update you now that.


Hold on pause. This is a scottish israeli dude. Like, what is this?




That accent's crazy.


Do you know australian Israeli?


I know, but the accent with the flag, I'm like, my brain is going, what's going on here? It's going to be.


I thought you had a cleft palate for a minute. We've got bombs there.


Okay, go ahead.


Hamas commander in that area, sadly, he was hiding again, as they do behind within civilians. And that's all I can see at this point. We're looking into it, and we'll be coming out with more. That's as we learn. What happened there?


Oh, it is scottish. So can you confirm it was an israeli attack that destroyed a big chunk of that Jabalya refugee camp?


Yes, I can. We went. We were focused on our target.


Here's where Wolf gets upset.


Yeah, Senior Commander Wolf. And we'll be updating you with more data as the hour moves ahead.


But even if that Hamas commander was there, amidst all those palestinian refugees who are in that Jabalia refugee camp, Israel still went ahead and dropped a bomb there, attempting to kill this Hamas, this Hamas commander, knowing that a lot of innocent civilians, men, women and children, presumably would be killed. Is that what I'm hearing?


That's not what you're hearing, Wolf. We again, were focused on this commander again, who. You'll get more data. Who this man was killed, many, many Israelis. We're doing everything we can.


These are.


It's a very complicated battle space. There could be infrastructure there. There could be tunnels there. We're still looking into it, and we'll give you more data as the hour moves ahead.


But you know that there are a lot of refugees, a lot of innocent civilians, men, women and children in that refugee camp as well, right?


This is the tragedy of Warwolf. I mean, we, as you know, we've been saying for days, move south. The villains are not involved with Hamas. Please move south.


Just trying to get a little bit more information. You knew there were civilians there, you knew there were refugees, all sorts of refugees, but you decided to still drop a bomb on that refugee camp, attempting to kill the Samas commander. By the way, was he killed?


I can't confirm yet. Updated. Yes, we know that he was killed.


He said he was killed.


About the civilians there. We're doing everything we can to minimize. I'll tell it. I'll say again, sadly, they are hiding themselves within civilian population.




And we are doing this stage.


It's okay to shoot through all the people. It's sad that there's people. That's normal, and that's just war. Putin, by the way, is the most evil man in the world for nothing. As fucked up as that.




So, look, hey, they do have to.


Do crazy, though, when you see the difference between people looking at things objectively versus people that look at things tribally.




If you're on the right side, you support Ukraine against Russia. Russia is the invader, and Russia is this horrible country.


And they won that thing.


This thing, like, just a disparity in death count.


I don't wanna hear about Uyghurs ever again. Don't tell me about the fucking Uighurs. Cause they got a lot better than Gaza. The Uyghurs are living like kings compared to that shit. So all I'm saying.


See, objectively, they got a nice job. What cot? Uighurs. They got a nice job at the factory and a cot.


They're getting work experience. They're learning a trade.


The thing about the Uyghurs is we don't even really know what happens to them. We don't know what they're doing to them.




Because they deny that they put them in cans.


It's a lot like Guantanamo. No. Well, when I know it's like Guantanamo. When I was there, I asked somebody about we. Because I. You know, most people, by the way, don't. Even if you bring it up, they go, oh, don't say that.


When you say, when I was there. You went to Guantanamo Bay or you went to China.


I went to China. Jesus Christ, Kurt.


Kurt's part of the deep state medicine out there. Article from February about what is your solar soldier videos revealed cheering, destruction and mocking God of social media videos found israeli soldiers filming themselves in Gaza and destroying what appears to be civilian property. The footage provides a rare and unsanctioned window into the war.


So that's why. Tick tocks. And so the guy from the ADL, we played the recording of him going, I can't remember the name of the. He goes, we need. We gotta get on this. We need the kind of genius that was behind Tallit or people didn't know what he was saying.


I'm like, force everybody to use a flip phone like a towel.


That's why I said, is it all.


Those soldiers should be.




No. You can't trust you assholes with TikTok. You're too wacky.


How am I gonna brag about what I'm doing? Yeah, how will I brag? Hey, if we could do shit like that, too bad we couldn't. We could have won those two wars we lost out there, huh? If we could just starve. Hey, you're all gonna be starved until the Taliban surrenders.




Why didn't we think of that?




We're not as good at fighting as them, I guess, is what it is.


Well, they're involved in fighting on their own shore every day.


Yeah. Against people that they hate. With, I would say, a racial thing. And I know it's real because I dated israeli girl for ten years and the whole top. Now, here's what I find. I think I'm. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think if I had converted. Cause that was, like, a big thing. Like, you know, you're gonna. And I think if I had, we could have moved to Israel and I could claim my birthright of land.


Yeah, well, you can move there.


Like, if you're gonna convert it. She has a dual citizenship. I could be wrong, but I'll bet you you can do that.


Have an american Jews gone over there to avoid prosecution.


Well, every country does that. I mean, that's.


But isn't that a thing, like, american Jews, if someone's coming after America?


I thought Mayor Lansky tried. Oh, am I thinking of the godfather, where the guy had. Yeah, yeah.


Right. No, Meyer Lansky. Did he do that? But I think there's a thing. Applicants must meet one of the following requirements. One, have at least one jewish birth parent, or two, have converted to Judaism. That's easy.


Well, my wife would have been.


That you don't need to be religious to qualify to fit in our trips. In fact, many of our participants.


Oh, you're talking about birthright.




So that's. So he goes. That's what I'm saying. The ADL guy goes, we need the people that came up with birthright to put their heads on this TikTok thing.


Well, the jewish thing is a wild thing. Because it's a race that you can join.


No, it's not, because people think of.


It as a race.


Well, you know why? Because Hitler thought of it that way. Sure. Also, a lot of Zionists think of it that way. Bunch of jewish people don't, you know, ultra orthodox Jews, which I always liked ultra, because that's like.


But you have to accept that some people feel that Jewish is a race.


I. Yeah. Called anti semites.


But it's like, people that feel like there's a bunch of different races and Jewish is one of them.


I don't feel jewish people.


But. But it is a thing, right? It's a thing that some people believe, right?


Well, yes.


Yeah, that's a thing. You can join. Imagine, like, imagine if you could join being asian.


Whoopi Goldberg did it successfully, and she's never looked back. She called the Holocaust white on white crime. And she said she's. You don't remember that. Oh, yeah, she did. It was insane. Basically, that's just some white people.


It was fucking. It wasn't about race. What?


Because she did the homework of anti racism that she was. You were supposed to read those dumb fuck books. But no one believes, by the way, anymore. It's done. You're supposed to learn that anti racism. Anti racism is that. It's impossible.


Is that done? Oh, it's done with anti racism.


No, no, there's still people embedded like ticks that are. But it's over because now a bunch of people have finally figured out to have a goddamn lawsuit because all this weird ass shit was never legal. And it's been rejected by you. Remember California, I think. What did they strike down here? Or they didn't vote for? Like. And I'm blanking out. But now there's lawsuits up and down and people are winning them. You must have talked this. Do you had James Lindsey on? He didn't bring up, like, any of this. Somebody from a college just got like 25 million. Oh, Starbucks. Remember the girl from Starbucks, the manager. And these guys wanted to use the bathroom. And it was during the BLM times. And it came out that the higher ups were like, she didn't really have any. They were like, we can't fire a blackbird, so just fire the white manager. So it looks like we fired. So their thinking is not about their racial feelings. They're like optics in this media time. So that's what's so gross about bringing these corporations into these moral things, because none of them are moral. It's like Mister Burn.


Mister Burns turned good on Simpsons and he made little Lisa Slurry. And she's like, jesus, you're worse when you're trying to be good. That's what it is.


Yeah, well, they're only about money. And if you attach money to a DEI score and say, well, this is how you get tax breaks. This is how you.


Perverse incentives.


Yeah, it's very perverse. And it's all just a control thing. And it's very ingenious. And it's. It's next door neighbors to a social credit score. Right? A DEI score is a corporate score that's not even as good. Similar to the way the real problem would be is we institute that nationwide.




We already have for individuals.


So we already have that. First of all, there's a whole bunch of people that are debanked, the people that I don't even like. Many of them, some that I do. And they've already once to the very concept of shadow banning, you know, Ian with, he was able to tell invite in, so he got his, I think, his account shadow banned. Because why would it be shadow banned? It's like he said, like, four things are definitely gonna get you shadow banned that are not offensive, even. But there are things that you shouldn't bring up, like, around, you know, COVID or, and even now on Zuckerberg's platforms, that you're not gonna. You're gonna be. But why is shadow banning a thing? How is that? How did anyone who isn't a piece of shit go along with the idea that we don't have to tell you what you did and we're not gonna tell you what we're doing to you, and that's all right to do that? Okay.


Well, not only that, but they're all agreeing that they're going to do something to throttle the opinions of people that have problematic opinions in their eyes. But it's not illegal.


How's it working out for you?


So it doesn't violate any of the customer, any of the agreements that you sign?


You signed away all your rights to everything already, so go fuck yourself. But. But how's that work? You could do all that goofy shit you want, but malice is right now, white bill thing. The shit collapses under its weight because you can only go so long telling people to ignore reality. You know how the Soviet Union collapsed from everybody. Like, we're getting the stage now with people go, we all know it's a scam. And the next stage after that is like, wait, why am I saying we all know it's a scam about all the things. It's not too far. Next lockdown, you lock people down, they got nothing to do but look into shit. That's why a lot of prisoners know, like, more current events than Bill Maher, like, people that have been down for 20 years, because there's nothing to do but read and learn things if you're smart. So they did all of society. So some people. And they said, don't do your own research, which is such a suspi. Don't go into daddy's forbidden closet of mystery. Oh, okay, I won't. Don't look into Hillary's email.


That's a hilarious one. To infantilize people to the point where you're telling them, don't research things. Yeah, we'll handle that. We're the professionals. Meanwhile, we lie all the time.


They're doing to us what they did to Haiti and the shit we do to other countries. They're gonna do to you. So they should have did to Haiti, which is never let them have their own leaders and coup them when they had one elected. One. That's us now. Now that's us. We're gonna pass the law so you can't vote for the guy you want. Why is he even being allowed to run at all if it's such a fascism is coming? I don't even understand any. The messages are so mixed, and the only way to believe them is to be highly frightened all the time.


New York Times has just started doing this new thing on Instagram where they take the actual writers and they have the writers talk about the issues.


I'm leaving.


And when you see, when you see the. They don't understand what they're doing. This is exactly who we thought was writing these things. It's like this very effeminate guy and this woman that. It's like the kind of woman that seems like you should have never done this at a party, like, like talk down to you and it's just who you thought. Yeah, exactly. The type of people that would, you know, these, like, these ultra liberal, out of touch people.




And these people are talking about, one of the guys was talking about Donald Trump's words being taken out of context, that it would be a bloodbath because he was talking about the auto industry and the economy. And then this guy starts bringing up other episodes of violent rhetoric. It's hilarious. But look, give me some.


Give me some. What?


I guess seized on those comments and said they were an example of him calling for political violence or predicting violent actions if he didn't win in November. His supporters said that those comments were taken out of context, like, to punch.


Him in the face. I'll tell you, Trump has a history.


Of using violent rhetoric dating back to his 2016 campaign. That language took on new significance after the January 6 attack on the Capitol in 2021. And throughout his third campaign for president. He's been getting a lot of attention for the way he talks about violence and retribution on the trail, he suggested. So this is the New York Times.


It's all false.


It's all these hard nosed reporters with a cup of coffee that are like, fucking chasing down lees and they're pulling their hair out and they're meeting people in back alleyways. This is Woodward and Bernstein. Do people think that's Watergate? No, but, I mean, they're essentially like ultra hard left activists that are masquerading as journalists and everything has their opinion on it.


They're also masquerading as activists. They're bourgeois twits. They have a lifestyle brand, which is I'm a sex in the city guy or gal and I work in the paper. They do the same amount of work as when you see those a day in the life of Google. First I go to the chair.


It's Twitter. Yeah. That video is amazing.


Yeah, and they don't, they don't even make that. Well, New York Times, that's the big time. So all the plum jobs, you know, like it's all, it's kind of similar to when people were mad that Seinfeld, they were like demanding, you know why riding in, get coffee with Seinfeld in cars isn't a diverse enough.




And he goes, cause at Seinfeld, every time they bring these things up to him. I love his fucking response to that. But at a place like the New York Times, they have to go, oh, we need to bring these. So all, like, how exactly you put it? You could guess what they look like. All of them have moved up from like the Gamergate, which at the time I was an adult and I was like, but I don't care about this. But they've all, we're moving up in the world of media. Cause where's the money coming from? You gotta hope you do well enough at making little smear articles on a shitty video game website to get picked for the big leagues. And some people did.




And they've been moving up. And then you like me. I like, oh my God, 20 years have passed and then I see like, that's that little twerp. Like if the one that got Shane fired actually went somewhere in life, if I find like, there's people like him that work with the DHS to about the terrorism of, you know, saying whatever, whatever the fuck this idiot's referring to.


Well, yeah, they've, there, they've become embedded in the intelligence community.


Well, they're all, it's all a thing of like your career, right? If you want your career, you can either say the truth about it about a thing, or you can worry, oh, you must not want to have a good career. Yeah, oh, your career. Go keep. All people have to do is not be a punk to their career. I'm not saying careers don't matter. I'm saying I will never be a bitch to a fucking career. Who would do that?


Yeah, but you don't have to see the difference between you and a guy working in government. It's very stark. Start con.


No, in government.


Yeah, yeah.


What? But even comedian incentives got perverse. Perverted. Like, I work in government at a certain point.


Did they, though? Yeah, well, they only did with people that suck. No, they didn't with good comics.


Okay. I don't mean, like, I'm not. I would never say that dumb shit. Be like, woke is killing comedy. No, comedy is a thing that's been around the whole time. What it'll kill is like your Disney fucking corporate figuring out how to sell it to people. Yeah, that's killing that.


Yeah, the movies, right?


But not stand ups. The lowest rung, dude. This is the one. Like, oh, I see it. That we were laughing last night. I was only telling you about. People go, he's a failed comic. What? I think they mean.


Who said that?


Oh, people. It's like an insult people throw around to who?


About who?


Well, the example I'm thinking of, why I say this is because I sidekick on Jimmy's show. There's a bunch of people that are, like, hardcore bloom, no matter who, that were, like, friends of his and mine that are like, fuck you. You're despicable. Like this. Unbelievable. It's your duty, you know? Like, it's your duty to vote for the lesser of two evils. Remember the 2016 shit of, like, the moral outrage? Right? And then. But your choices are, I didn't pick the right evil for you. That's. And you. You're judging me for that because you.


Didn'T take a stand in the right direction.


There's nobody who's not evil.


Way it's going to work out, they.


Don'T even say the right. They don't say the right direction. They go the less evil direction. Like, I'm supposed. My heart supposed to swell with emotion.


Also, you're not supposed to stand up and say, hey, both of these things suck, because if you do, then you're. You're on the wrong side.


But mine's better, though. Admit that. Mine things marginally better. And I cling to that like a child.


They always want to talk about that. If you talk about Biden, about Biden being corrupt, there was. Oh, my God. In comparison to Trump. Like, why are we comparing him to Trump? Let's pretend Trump was never born. If Trump was never born and it was Biden versus, you know, fill in the blanks.


How long was Trump in government?


RFK junior, how long was Trump in government? If you're. If you have just Trump, just Biden versus any politician, if they were just running and they get to pull up all this shit that he did while he's vice president, all this shit his son was involved in, all the stuff that they absolutely know, like unaccounted for, millions. Where did all that money go? How did the, how do these people get all this money?


Like, what would you do that?


How much would you getting paid? Why were you getting paid so much for this university where you had a job where you never showed up and.


Yeah, right.


Anybody else that was a Democrat, if Biden wasn't present, like, if Obama was running against Biden, imagine a world where he wouldn't get taken down.


It was like that. He ran like, that's who he was before he became vice president.


That's who he was in 1988.


His nickname was unclear. It'd be Uncle Joe. That's not. Cause you're good. They call you Uncle Joe.


Like, why? What is. He was creepy. Like, creepy uncle.


Remember Obama would go, oh, that's Uncle Joe. Because Biden was like, get a shotgun. You remember those clips will go around where he was like, you don't.


But that's all. That was when he was running for 2020, or wasn't it?


No, no, no. When he was, when he was Obama's vice president and you know, he's a gaffe machine. Biden would say goofy shit.


Yeah. He always says goofy shit.


This is when his brain worked.




And the way the white, and the white house was hugely embarrassed by it all the time. And the way they would do the pitch about it, like, that's Uncle Joe. That's how they would pitch him. And then he was a joke.


So you're saying uncle is like he's old or goofy or dumb.


Like how I'm an unmarried uncle of two.


I've never heard uncle uses a pejorative before. That's why I'm confused.


Like a crazy uncle.


Okay, crazy uncle. Cause you're more sure it's about Uncle Joe. No, like Uncle Joey. We call Joey Uncle Joey. Everybody calls Ted Nugent Uncle Ted.


But when they say, that's because, you see, you're thinking about it like a poor person right now from their standpoint. Their standpoint is a condescending, oh, that's a wacky uncle. That real upper, upper class view of calling. You're talking about it like the way someone from a normal place in neighborhood thinks about family. Yeah, that's not how they think about it. But I shouldn't even brought up uncle. First of all, if Trump's only been in government for how long? Biden's been there for 50 years and we can go easily look up all the damage he did to all the people. That's why there's so many undecideds and various things, because that's my point about it.


Let's pretend Trump doesn't exist. Pretend Trump doesn't exist.


I would like to.


And then tell me how come RFK junior can't get on the primary. Just tell me if this is a real democracy. You tell me why this guy who's a Kennedy, who's an environmental attorney, who's, you know, got, even though he's got this voice issue, he's extremely articulate.




Very good speaker, very good recall of controversial ideas. But who the fuck doesn't have controversial ideas? In the world of 2024, who doesn't have controversial ideas?


The guy knows what the fuck he's talking about when he talks. When he talks. You could hear a guy who knows what the fuck he's talking about.


That guy from the New York Times, in my world, has controversial ideas. I think what he's saying is controversial about, you know, taking things out of context, talking about violent rhetoric. By the way, Biden and Obama in 2020 were both talking about who could beat each other up. Why? Because they're sticking that to dumb old dudes.




But he's. When he's saying, I like to punch him in his mouth, that's what he's talking about. And when he's saying that people should be executed for treason, well, guess what?


Don't make me like him.


Hold on. That is actually the fucking. That's the. That's what happens to you if you get tried and convicted for treason. Yeah, that's the punishment. Yeah, the punishment is execution. It's kind of always been executed. So saying that, that's violent rhetoric with that guy, saying in my mind, is like, trying to. Look, he's says bad enough things as it is. Instead of distorting what he says, which now makes me not trust you. Just say what is actually going on.




And also talk about the evidence that shows that Biden is insanely corrupt, because both of those things are true, too. And if you don't want to talk about one because you think it props up the other, you're a part of the problem. You're infantilizing the whole country and treating us like we're children.


That's right.


We want to know, why didn't RFK, why couldn't he get in the primaries? Like, if this is real, if this. If democracy is real, you guys don't just get to decide who runs your party against the will of the entire United States.


But they're experts.


But isn't that insane that no one has a problem with that? But everyone thinks that if Trump gets into office, he's gonna become a dictator.


You've been talking to De Niro again.


I don't even listen when De Niro starts talking about Trump. I love him too much. I choose the channel.


Is he like, you saw, you ever see, ever see being there with Peter Sellers?


I think he and Trump hate each other. Personally, I think really? That is. Yeah, I think probably. What are the odds?


He seems mentally handicapped. I'm not kidding. He seems meant, like, I don't know. I have a feel he doesn't know about. He was on Bill Maher. Bill Maher has mon to ask him. I don't. It's crazy. A Bill Maher would ask him anything. You know, there's a national guard in this, in the fucking subways and shit.




So Bill asked him, what do you think about? He goes, I don't, I don't know. I don't know about that. If there's anything I can do to help.


All you be asking Robert De Niro about is two things. Awesome movies and divorce.




Divorce. Tell me what happened, if you want to talk about it, and tell me what happened, you with these awesome fucking movies. I don't need, I don't need to know jack shit about his politics.


Well, he, he doesn't. That's the thing. He just tells you he feels away. That's all he's got to say.


Yeah, but it's almost like, it's almost unfair to have a guy like that on a public show and talk to him about politics.


You know, it reminds me of when the beauty pageant contestant can't pick a thing on a map and they're making fun of her. Yes. Right. They mock her and I'm like, is that fair to do to her? That's not her area.


Well, they made her have a speech and she got stuck in a loop and she couldn't get out. Remember?




She didn't remember. She didn't know what to say. She's like. And then I think she's panicked.


Women need to do more better. She is, right. She's locked up. She's locked up.


But everybody was making it seem that she locked up because she's a complete and fucking total idiot. But that's not.


She's in a pretty contest.


Not only, but that's not just that, dude. Anybody could get locked up like that. You're on stage in front of people with tv cameras pointed at you. You've never experienced that in your life, and you have a panic attack. It doesn't mean you're an idiot. And that's also Robert De Niro.




It's like, why is he talking about this? Why is he talking about this publicly? If you're going to come out and say that you have a really deep seated hatred for one of the two people running for president, and you can't just be, he's a bully. He's a piece of shit. I hate him. I think you probably, if you're going to express yourself about it and alienate 50% of the country, which it seems like it is, you're gonna have to do better than that. You should have some specific things. Like, he did some real estate deals with people in New York. Let me tell you what he did to fuck people over. I would love to hear this and that. Let me tell you what he did. That was fraud. He did this and that. Like, if you're. If you're supporting what New York is doing to him right now, like, guess what? You're gonna shut down construction. You're gonna shut down all these real estate developers who all over value their homes. Kevin Leary was talking. Kevin Leary from Shark Tank was talking about that dude.


Kevin Leary was. We played the clip of this. CNN's like, yeah, but the girl wasn't dumb either. She knows he's right. They're playing a part on there. She's not that. She's stupid. She goes, but isn't it? He goes, no, we won't do business here. This is crazy.


Not say anything positive about Trump and they don't understand. But by doing that, it delegitimizes everything else they say. Because everyone knows they're coming at the fucking news with a slanted perspective. And there's no objective news. It doesn't exist. You have right wing Fox and you have left wing everything else. And you will be fucking confused as shit if you watch both of them back to back.


I would just not watch any news for a long while because of that. It's just I have a job where now I have to learn things.


Dude, it's been wild watching you, like, is all the years. All the years that I've known you to watch you, like, completely flip into full on conspiracy mode when we first met was probably like, what, 15 years ago or something like that.


Maybe more. And I would be, frankly smug. I remember making fun of what's her name, Jim Carrey's ex wife. Cause she thought you know, her kid shot, got autism.


Jenny McCarthy. Yeah.


And I had a joke. I'm like, just cause he's half canadian, it comes out like. But no, I was being glib. I was being glib. Just like Tom Cruise said to Matt Lauer, you're being glib. And he was right.


I don't think. That's not Jim Carrey's kid. That's someone else's kid.


And I was inaccurate in my mockery.


As well, I'm pretty sure. But. But either way, the. The connection between.


I should have looked into it a little.


The connection between vaccines and autism. If you just bring it up, people's hackles will get up and they'll start getting upset.


Don't even talk about it.


Yeah, they get very upset at you. And everybody feels complicit because they vaccinate their kids, and everybody feels like they don't want to be attacked by being anti science. And there's that pejorative that gets tossed around that they hit me with so many times during the pandemic. Anti violence.


You were right, dude.


But not only that, it's not technically a vaccine. It was an experimental medication that had never been widespread, distributed to the fucking world. It had never been done.


Yeah, right. Well, biological women have never had dicks before, but it's a world of miracles now. Now we live in a world where anything is possible, better, easier to clean women.


Did you see that? The bike rider say, well, I don't know why you could say, I'm not a biological woman. I'm a woman and I'm biological. So it's on my passport. It says I'm a female.


Oh, you know, you're. Touche, sir. I'm biological and I'm a woman. That's great.


It's so dumb. And then it's Trevor Noah lets him get away with it. But whoever the fuck it is, it's one of those guys, one of the late night guys. It might not have been Trevor Noah.


It could be any.


It might have been Jimmy Kimmel or. No, no, it wasn't Jimmy. It wasn't maybe Jimmy Fallon. Either way, no, Seth.


I think it.


Was Seth, I think it was. But either way, no, you're not. You can get a woman pregnant. This is so different. Don't say you're not a biological male, because now we're talking in terms of science. If you're getting me to say that you identify as a woman. So you're a woman. You want me to call you?


I'll do it.


I'll do it. But if you want to say you are now a biological woman, that's not true. And if it says on your passport now, female, someone's lying. Okay? You're lying. You could say you want to be identified as a woman. Who gives a shit? But if you want to say you're a biological woman, that's nonsense. Now you're making me deny the scientific understanding of the human body that took forever to achieve.


Is that too much to ask?


They had to figure out chromosomes. They had to figure out the x and the y's and figure out there's so much they had to work.




No. Look at him fucking pretending it makes sense. Look at the fucking guns on this savage. First of all, Trevor, listen to this. Listen to this. There's basically no published research on this question. However, there's good reason to think that there isn't, but I think it's irrelevant because we allow all kinds of competitive advantages within women's sport, because who gets singled out for scrutiny is based on, by the way, out, canadian. They're all goofy up there. It's Portland Times, 100.


Poor, these Canadians, man.


They lost it. We'll keep going with this. I want to hear the rest of it. The fragile, weak, cis white woman from the rest of us. The rest of us. You're a fucking dude.


You're fucking dude.


That's not the full clip. The full clip is she goes, well, I am biological, and I am a woman. Biological woman. To just sit there and let someone say that this is the problem with television.


Yeah. Someone as bright as him, too, to sit there and not say something.


He's playing a game. They're playing a game. You go, stay within the lines. Color within the lines, otherwise you're gonna get in trouble.


Well, look.


But obviously, like, nonsense. Fucking nonsense, dude.


I'll call you a woman just for dressing too nice. I got no problem with that.


I have no idea. If that's what you'd like me to do, I will do it. That's not the problem. The problem is when you try to get me to deny science, you start saying shit like, I'm a biological woman. I should be able to compete with women in women's sports, men with 80 to 100 times as much testosterone at no competitive disadvantage. And that fact has not been picked up by broader media. What was that fact? So what was that again? Back that up. Relationship between natural testosterone and performance. No relationship whatsoever between unaltered natural endogenous testosterone and sport performance. About 0.5% of elite male track and field athletes at the world championship level are below the women's average of testosterone, competing with men with 80 to 100 times as much testosterone at no competitive disadvantage. And that fact has not been picked up by the broader media landscape. Oh, go. First of all, stop, stop, stop. Hit the. Hit the brakes. Hit the brakes. So here's the problem with what she's saying. First of all, there's. There's many advantages of being biologically male. There's larger lungs, there's larger hearts. There's larger cardiovascular capacity. There's the more of an ability to generate force because you have larger, stronger guards.


This idea that because guys who are cycling, who, by the way, when they take their blood, let's try to understand when they're taking their blood. Cause if they're taking their blood and measuring it during a fucking race, they're destroyed. Their bodies are destroyed. It's actually been argued that the Tour de France is actually safer to do on the drugs that Lance Armstrong took.


I believe that.


Not on the drugs. Cause it's so insane.


Yeah, no, I fully believe that, dude. I believe that's why they all were doing it. Exactly.


Well, it's the only way to win. And if you took a. That was the thing about Lance Armstrong. Like, if you take away his titles, which they supposedly did, but nobody buys it now. And everybody knows. You take away his titles, you got to go to 18th place to find a guy who didn't get popped for steroids. It's a fucking.


Everyone knows now.


It's a dirty. Yeah, everyone knows. Everyone knows. No one gives a shit. Lance Armstrong can go anywhere in there. Nobody gives a shit.


Cause I always know. That was fucked the fuck up.


It's fucked. Okay? Males with the highest testosterone levels were significantly faster than the 20 meters and 30 meters sprint trials compared to males with lower testosterone levels.




Shut the fuck up. You're lying.


Well, you know. You know what makes me that?


But for them to, like, just sit there and let that person say that and broadcast it on television like, this isn't live, you can check that. You can.


Yeah. You could research. Yeah, you're.


You're making a point, a very important point, saying that there's no competitive advantage for testosterone, which we all know to not be true, which is why athletes get pop taken testosterone.


There's a guy from the UFC, because it doesn't work.


There's a guy from the UFC, Walt Harris, one of the UFC heavyweights. He just got popped. He gets suspended for four fucking years because they found non endogenous exogenous testosterone.


Exogenous human body producer.


They found it of. They actually get it from wild yams, which is kind of crazy. Yeah, it's like. Yeah, they make exogenous testosterone from wild yams.


I never heard that.


Yeah, it's like a wild. I believe it's a mexican yam.


Yeah, it is.


That's why Mexicans having so many kids eating those yams and fucking up a storm and starting cartels and doing fuck out. But, yeah. So when I had Novitsky on who was the head of USADA, who was the guy who busted Lance Armstrong, he was saying that conceivably they might be able to get around this by developing testosterone of animal origin, like extracting testosterone from animals, which could be possible, but right now that's theoretical. But we know that they can find out whether the testosterone that's in your system is exogenous or not or endogenous based entirely on the carbon isotope profile. So they do these carbon isotope tests, and then they can find out if it's from the wild yams or if it's from a. A human being with carbon.


You measure all kind of shit.


Well, look, I might have butchered that, obviously, because I'm a moron, but I'm.


Pretty much that chicken. That clip.


Yeah, well, that's. That chick is a guy, but okay. And a liar and who's trying to justify what they're doing dominating a woman's sport with their goofy fucking rainbow glasses on, that they're not just cheating. Cause what they're doing is cheating. And what he's doing is being a little fucking cheating supporter by letting this person say these lies, which he, as a fucking man knows isn't true.


Well, okay, this is what I find unbelievable. So all. So she has said some bullshit about. Well, there's no study that shows us net. So you know all this shit about testosterone. I saw the footage of how it works out in the thing. We don't have to talk about none of that.


You won. You beat everybody.


I'm watching you like Captain America running around. The black guy on the train. Are you like, whoa, how'd that guy beat that black guy? That bad? Like, what? Is everybody fucking crazy?


You're just.


We don't need to get into none of it.


You just happen to be a woman and be the best ever.


I go full force. The fun, the best move you can make is to be fully into it. And I say, the women plus community, it's about time. Leave those losers in your wake, dude. I find it hilarious. This is what? The most, like, thing that has made me snap, you know, over the last couple years.


This is the thing.


Well, no, this thing. This is the thing. Not this specific thing.


You. You've been snapping.


No, no, like, like you've had a.


Lot of things that made you snap. What I mean by you can narrow it down?


I mean, what? Snap? No, I can. I can pinpoint it. I can fucking pinpoint it.




Yeah. And by when I say snap, I mean I'm not on any side of left or right. And I'm not voting for president. I don't believe in any of it.




And I went back, my black friends in comedy in New York, although I. I haven't talked to God for yet, I apologize them personally for dismissing their conspiracy shit. Every black guy conspiracy that I was told that. I went like, I apologize to them.


Which one?


Oh, when I see Godfrey, I tell him. Cause Godfrey used to come on race wars with me and shot. And he'd go, yeah, they want to put black men in a dress. And I'll go, nobody twisted flip Wilson's arm. And little did I understand. Of course they do. They want to put everyone in a dress except women like that. I'll give an apology because they want everyone emasculated.


Very many white men. It's way more black men. If you think about the number over.


Scares you the most.


Right. Put them in address.


That's why the rock has to be in a two two at some point.


Put Brock Lesnar address right.


If he wants to be in the movies, he should do that.




Cuz you're scary. Oh, he's a nice midnight as scary.


Right, right. And especially these like, feminine men that sound like New York Times reporters are the ones who are putting together these films. You know, it'd be great. Put the rock in a tutu. Get his toes done. Get his toes done.


Get it.


Get a manny and a penny.


So much of that. Is that, by the way, no that up talk. Well, basically his. It was Violet.


Here's my, here's my basic advice. When anyone is talking about anything important and they talk like this, don't listen.


It means they're not sure what they're saying is real, so they're hedging their language.


Unless you're like, deep in tech, unless you're like a programmer and you just like, you're basically talking like, you know, people down here say, y'all. You know, like, if you're. You live in Boston, you got a Boston accent, you know, that's you like, okay, you're just trapped.


You know who that guy is on Twitter? He'll say y'all. Hey, y'all.


Right, di y'all.


But they're not. He's not from the south. They don't want to say guys, so.


They say guys can say y'all. Whereas, like, that one, a straight guy who's in a football, who lives in New York, they don't say y'all. Hey, y'all wanna go get a fucking pizza?


Do you just wanna get pizza? You say use.


Yeah, but you don't say y'all. If you're a straight guy in New York City who's, like, from long island, maybe for a joke, who wants to go get pizza? Y'all wanna get pizza? Like, what, y'all? Who the fuck are you? You don't say, is that appropriation gay guys allowed to appropriate southern culture? Well, I've yet to say y'all unironically. I've been here for four years.


Well, they're the fashion segment on our human centipede that is our country. So, of course they digest it and then shit it into your. Into your mouth.


All the ladies in my family have adopted y'all. I find it too preposterous at 56 years old to step in and change my vernacular.


This is exactly what I was complaining about, is what you just said right there. You're just gonna start saying y'all? Yeah, fuck you.


They like it. They like saying y'all. It's fun for them. They like being texan, so it's cool. I don't have a problem with it. But they're also not on television talking about Gaza.




Y'all need to understand that there are tunnels, and you're all of those hospitals. Y'all need to know.


Um. Y'all need to come up out of them tunnels, first of all.


Yeah. Like, how about you tell Hamas enough? Because if you don't. That was the thing that drives me the most crazy when people talk about, you know, well, Hamas is doing this and Hamas doing that. These people, they voted in Hamas. Like, these people are the poorest of poor, deprived of sanitation, education, proper hospital care, food. What the fuck are you talking about? How are they going to rise up, just run out and get shot en masse until the Hamas runs out of bullets, and then you bludgeon them to death with rocks? What are you saying?


The voting for Hamas, by the way, they forced a vote there. They're like, you have to have a democratic process. And then they voted for Hamas the same way. Fatah became a party so that they voted. Then they go, you voted wrong. We're putting you in a concentration camp. And so, okay, why did you have them have a vote? If there was a. It was like, voting for Trump. Is Hamas here for that? For, like, Keith Olbermann kind of people? Trump is voting. Voted for. Trump is voting for Hamas. It was in 2016. That's why they've been punishing us with shitty movies, because they're like, you're Hamas now. I want.


Punishing us with shitty movies.


Yeah. Everybody in 2016 when they were like, we need to destroy all masculinity on this planet. Oh, in all of media, because you are Hamas, frankly, all of you for voting.


I thank them for that because it really made my ratings go up because it was like a bottleneck, was like, there was none.




It's like, you couldn't be a guy. You can.


Hatred is.


Yeah, that's part of it.




It's foolish. It's so foolish.


It's threatening to people.


It's only threatening to morons.


That's right.


All different perspectives are only threatening to morons. Unless those people with that different perspective are trying to control your life or trying to fucking cheat and pretend that they're a girl and dominate girl sports.


It just takes rainbow glasses. All you got to do.


Yeah, rainbow glasses, and you're in.


I believe you because you have your jacked arm.


How much can that dude deadlift? That dude looks like a house. Does that dude still have a dick? That's what I want to know. Which is the most crazy one?


I hope so, because that is the.


Most crazy one that they can have sex with women. And woman. His girl dick is Sheena's. And then go into the locker rooms and.




And wave that dick around everybody's face and everybody.


What's the problem?


It's a woman. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


I'm more than fine with it, bro.


I had no idea this was even going down until I criticized that fighter, that Fallon Fox fighter that. That fought twice without telling women that she was trans.


It's like a dating twice. It's like how on a dating service, you're not supposed to say, like, can you tell me if.


Dude, it's the same. Yeah, I saw comics arguing that. Yeah, you shouldn't have to tell people. Like, what the fuck are you saying? You should have to tell people if you owe taxes. You should have to tell people everything. You should have to tell people everything. If you're getting involved with a woman and you're really into her, and she's really cool. And let's say you make 150 grand a year. You're doing great. You're out there, and you find out this lady is, like, $90,000 in debt to the IR's. You're like, what? And you think about getting married. You're like, now I take that on. Hey, why are you so in debt? What the fuck?


I feel like it's a scam. Like, I got played. If I found out some shit like that, I don't think I should have to tell a woman that I'm married.


But if you are a guy and you find out that this person, that you're falling in love, you're thinking about having a family with, and, God, she's so cool. And then you go, oh, you have a dick. That seems like you should tell people that.


Yeah, well, Jerry Springer tried to handle those disputes back in the day.


My favorite one is there's this trans guy with hijab on and says. People are saying, why are you cosplaying? I am not cosplaying. Cosplaying is when you're pretending to be something you are not. I am a muslim woman. That's why I am wearing the traditional muslim. And then there's this lady. This middle eastern lady goes, I will pay for a one trip round, first class ticket for you to go there. You won't need round trip because you're not coming back.


Yeah, yeah.


What are you talking about?


You know what it is? It's like, you should have gone with more burka.


Put a full burqa, cover the whole deal.


Cause that's like an elegant, wearable pronoun with no surgery, but the full deal. Yeah. And you're like, oh, that's a woman. And you're like, does she have a dick? I don't know. I'm not her husband.


Either way, at the end of the day, you're flying off a fucking roof like this thing. This is a game that you can only play in America. You try playing that in these countries that.




Suppose you support Hamas? Do you really? Okay. Yeah, we support Hamas. Go over there. Go over there with these fucking rainbow shirts on and watch what they do to you. Like, what are you fucking saying?


Go to. Most parts of you saw Bruno, right?




Okay. He almost got beaten to death for walking around all gay in that hasidic area. And he tried to go provoke in Syria like islamic terrorists by being Bruno. And he would show him gay porn, and they would go, oh, John Kiriakou tells a story. He was a consultant. And they would go, oh, that is no good. They put on their glasses these like old ass terrorists. He'll go extra mile to find the people for the thing, and they'll look and they would go, no, that does no good. When he went to Israel, that dude never breaks character. He had to break character to tell the yeshiva students, hey, no, I'm Sasha Cohen. So they didn't beat him to death. So, like, anybody trying to look the gay thing, attaching it to a cause is the same as if my friend's an animator and the animators union has declared a position on Gaza. That's to break their union. To attach it. That has nothing to do with you. If you're. We're queers for Palestine. I almost think it's an op or something. Because that's deliberately attaching something that is. Don't. Don't attach your cause. BLM.


We support Hamas. They were very forthcoming right in the beginning, and a bunch of dippy liberal jews gave them money. Didn't you? And they told you they were like, Hamas. But just now you're mad. You just now figured out, because you don't listen to people. So, like, every. Cause it's important. Oh, that is important. You're gay. Cause it should be its own thing. Don't try to attach it to a thing that's not local with you. That is a bunch of people dying. That's a really important thing on its own. Yeah, but that's how people think is you try to, like how we do laws. You know, you. You put earmarks. You don't try to earmark other people's fucking rights thing with your rights.


Supporting Hamas is insane.


Well, then why people do it?


Palestine. Yeah, right. That's the crazy thing that Dave Smith told me about, the fact it's not top secret. Not only has it not top secret that people were in the streets of Israel, they're about to protesting hundreds of thousands of people in the streets for months before October 7.


That's why I say read israeli news.


Like, how segmented all this shit is. Because it used to be that woke included, like, any form of anti semitism.


You're exactly fucking right.




October 7 was when the awoke ended was October 7. Yeah, because that's when a bunch of people found out that what whoopi said was right. What? White on white violence. All like, they're like, oh, I thought I. What? Jon Stewart's a classic. Like, oh, I'm like, but we should be together. We're like, no, no. And they told you in BLM times, by the way, if you paid attention, but you dismiss them because you're like, you don't let. I'm telling you, that was the end of it. Because now a bunch of all this woke shit, you know, people go, the left, and I don't believe we. I think it's a puppet show. I don't think we have any real thing besides the corporation. But they would push this shit like, we're all in this together. And then that's when you started seeing the instagrams of, like, I stood with immigrants because, blah, blah, blah, I stood with BLM and I stood with gays, and now I stand alone because I am a jew. Do you see that getting passed around?




And that's the moment when I knew right there, it was like, oh, you're like that adl piece of shit was shocked. But you're not going to back us up all the way on this thing. We followed you on all your crazy shit.


What Adl thing? With who?


The guy from the ADL was furious on October 7 when they went on warpath because the Wokies weren't supporting Israel. The ADL supported that. Like, that kind of bullshit we just watched. They supported that.




They supported BLM.




So now this is how you repay us, by not going along with everything we're doing. Yeah, so that's why I'm saying woke died on that day. It should have been dead a long time ago.


Yeah, it's. People understand that. It's just crazy. Now, the left is tribal. It's very tribal. And it's very. It's like, even in the right, like, look what's going on with Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro. Like, what did she say? I want to know what was. What she was fired for because. Was it criticism of Israel? Was it. I mean, did she show that Edward Snowden video that he put up on Twitter? That shows them maybe drone bombing those kids that are those men? I should say, unarmed people that were walking towards the rubble that clearly weren't causing any danger to anybody?


Yeah, right.


Bombed them.


Yeah, no, it's your duty. It's just, like, for Biden or whoever you, like, you're supposed to cover up.


For them because you think they were always saying they're only targeting Hamas and everybody else is a casualty. Well, if those guys are just unarmed civilians and they're walking alone, that's what.


They appear to be, Dresden.


And you just blast them from the sky with robots.


This is the tragedy of war. Yeah.


This is insane. And no one knows what to think now. Because if you can't talk about that, if you can't say that's real, then you're saying that genocide is okay as long as we're doing it.


And that is what we're saying.


And if you're saying that from a perspective of someone who literally went through the Holocaust or your people, your tribe went through the fucking Holocaust and now you're willing to do it, I hope.


The irony's not lost on you.


It's so nuts. It's so hard to imagine that someone where a culture, like a country, was officially founded in, what? 47, 48, 48. Okay. Officially founded. So that's so recent. And you guys are willing to do what was done to you that led you to believe that you needed to start your own country. You're willing to do that, at least on a small scale, in Gaza? Like, there's nothing left. If you see the videos. Let's see. Let's see some recent footage of Gaza because they have. They stopped bombing. I know people are calling for ceasefires. Well, you know. You know, I think it's gonna help. In San Francisco, the city council all got together with masks on and they voted on a ceasefire. And then they won. Yes, they won. The cease fire passed. The ceasefire passed, which is really important. And when it passed, there were all these fucking freaks with blue hair all dancing around with masks on. Please show that, because it's one of the most wonderful things on the Internet. These people are swimming in a sea of human shit with needles flying by like logs on a raging river with.


The wrong kind of mask on.


Everyone's in a tent. Robberies are out of control. The fucking stores have all moved out of your town. And would you vote on a ceasefire in Gaza? You got to see it, though. You got to see it. Watch. Okay. It's so preposterous. It must be readily available. Unless the Google is trying to hide the truth.


Speaker one. You know what it reminds me of? It reminds me of how our own government, instead of fixing any of this, just gave all our money to Ukraine. It's very similar. The concern for somewhere else that's not your immediate area. You should probably. You like, clean your room like Jordan Peterson says.




America, the Pentagon, they need. How about we clean our room?


How about you clean your fucking room, bitch?


There's people all over the fucking floor, like.


Well, how about when they. When Xi Jinping Ping came to San Francisco and they did.


Can he come?


They did clean it. Hey, can you get an apartment there. If Xi Jinping Big got a pet house in San Francisco, it would clean up the whole property.


Hey, buddy, when you coming back?


What a baller Xi Jinping ping is. He can force the enemy to clean up their horrible city.


He didn't have to force it. They wanted to.


Look at these freaks. Look at these freaks. Anti palestinian sentiments.


Islamophobia and xenophobia agrees with this resolution. But people are fighting.


But look at them all dancing around with a fucking. They all have masks on. Look at these fucking crack pots.


Those are the right masks.


Yeah, the fucking K. And these fucking people, they're literally insane. All of them mentally ill, wearing masks. But those liberals, they're fucking blue to the death. To the death. They're in a full on suicide cult. They've watched decay of their city, and they like it. They're happy until they get personally attacked, and then they wake up. But until they get personally attacked, they are all in on equity. And look at all these fucking freaks. They have the palestinian traditional scarves on and shit. God, look at all these people are such crackpots.


Look at all the dead eggs. And I'm.


Well, how many of those guys are guys? I mean, who knows what's going on with that?


We got three generations for. It's those big head, gray aliens. That's if we're wondering, what are they turning into?


I wonder how many trans men become conservative, they start juicing them up with testosterone. They go, you know what? These fucking guys are making point. You know, it is all about discipline and hard work. I wonder what. What, like the political leanings of trans men are? That comment on the video says they're covering their faces on purpose so they don't get identified. Oh, shut the fuck up. Those people wear those goddamn things everywhere. And why kill the fun, Jamie? Why even. Why even inform me of the truth?


People made a difference. Can we celebrate it?


I'm trying to have a biased worldview, like the New York Times, just in a different direction.


Should I cut my subscription off? I want the worldview I'm entitled to.


Listen, don't show up wearing scarves to be paid attention to and then want to cover your face, you fucking coward. That's part of the problem. It's part of the problem is everybody wants to be performative, but nobody wants to take the heat. Put your fucking face out there, goddamn it. I wish it was nonsense. And people should know that you're a nonsense person. But they do know, because they know that San Francisco is imploding. So you know, just by watching the.


City, that's why they move there. So they could fucking, like, be a nonsense person.


Well, they probably were there forever. There's a lot of people that have been there forever. But then there's also, like, benefits to living there. If you're a homeless person, they actually pay you money. They pay you money. There's a lot of services. Like, they're just. There's a giant goddamn industry that's involved in homeless. And that's one of the things Coleon noir uncovered on the show.


It's not Colin.


Well, his name is Collins. His real name is Collins. Yeah, Coleon. Coleon is his instagram.


Oh, I didn't know that.


So anyway, he went to San Francisco and he was like, what is it, a funding issue? Like, what's going on? He's like, this is crazy. And one of his, the people he's talking to was a lawyer, and he's a lawyer as well.




And so when the guy was talking to him, he was saying, no, no, you don't understand. It's a scam. Like, there's a giant industry and there's all these people that make hundreds of thousands a year working in the homeless department. They don't want to clean up homeless because then their jobs go away. And if they're the only people in charge of cleaning up the homeless, it's basically like those Boeing mechanics that get to sign off on their own work. Like, oh, yeah, it's great. I did a great job.


Oh, I didn't know that.


Yeah, that's why fucking blades are crashing.


Out of this guy, kid.


But when that's what the whistleblower thing was all about. No, I knew whistleblower was insinuating was that they have done a horrible disservice by not having safety inspectors, instead letting the mechanics sign off on their own work. They're trying to save money and cut corners. And by doing that, he's saying, this is super fucking dangerous. And he was saying all these problems that they found with planes. And then he decided that what he had done was so horrible that he needed to leave this earth because, yeah, he also disparaged a great company and definitely was.


My grandfather worked for them.


He definitely wasn't killed.


Uh, no. Well, people, a lot of suicide knows.


Sorry, I've been sniffling.


Yeah, that one was a fun one, that story.


Important suicide. Like, if you're going to commit suicide, definitely do it before you testify.


Well, you know, remember the guy that figured out how they were bringing crack into the hood? Just as the rapper said. And he shot himself twice in the head because he felt so guilty.


No, you're. You're conflating a few things. Things. You're. You're thinking about Gary Webb.




Oh, that's Gary Webb. I thought I was talking Michael Rupert. He was another one.


Oh, no.


Yeah, he was the guy that. But Gary Webb did that as well. But Michael Rupert was actually a Los.


Angeles narcotics investigator, and he's talking in the assembly. That's the guy who says. Right, right.


It was on C SPAN. Right.


Yeah. We bombed a Gary Webb because we had a quote from.


Right, right. Gary Webb is the guy shot himself in the head twice.


It happens.


Well, if you do it once, you probably. She'd finish the job. Hey, finish up. You blow the top of your head. Oh, my God. I'm still alive.


I do a starter shot to see if I like it.


Yeah. Because first of all, you know how hard you get knocked out if you shot yourself in the head? It's not like you're just gonna, like, be fine.


I don't know. I never do that. Well, he goes, here's a quote where he goes. I realized when he was reporting on that story, I had never reported anything important in my entire life until that. Because when that happens, when you shoot yourself placed in the head, that means you did report on a real thing, and sometimes you had. No, I. Over and over, I hear from people like Jay Bhattacharya, the doctor, where they find something wrong and they think everyone's going to be happy they found the problem, you know, because this is important and. No, it's bad for business. Just like the homeless thing you said. That's everything. Everything is incentivized to keep the thing going.


And it's all about money and that. That's the. The number one curse of our culture and humanity. But it's also, like, the thing that makes people want to fight against it, which makes good people rise up. So you got, like, a bunch of factors that are happening at the same time, and it probably forces more of these good people to be more good and more just because they realize, like, hey, there really is evil in the world for sure.




Yeah, there's real. What'd you say?


God's anvil to hammer you out on?


Yeah. Yeah. It's like. It's almost like you need something. I think there's always been something that people have been battling against. There's always been evil and good, at least in some sense of it. Gets so confusing when the good does evil to justify fighting the evil. It's like, okay, well, what are you. Are you in a rush to kill Hamas? Will you have to kill everybody else, too?


Tell the truth? Like, cause good and evil? I mean, I believe in those things abstractly, but it's such a vague thing to say.




And there's.


Depends on what side you're on.


There's apparently radically different views on what constitutes that. Like that poor woman who's being persecuted in sports that you attacked earlier because of your phobia.




That was evil.


That's evil.


You should feel ashamed that you said that. She can't look, like I said, right now it's gotten so crazy that all you gotta do is just not think about how will the. Am I being a loose cannon by just pointing at the thing that's in front of my fucking face?




Just do that. Everybody could just start by doing that, by not, you know, don't all my friends back when.


The thing is that all these dei scores that these corporations have, this is a giant percentage of the population that's under Sauron's eye all day long.


It's called slavery.


It is kind of a form of mental slavery. You could always quit.


It's the credit system.


But there's something about it that's so creepy. They're enforcing, for the first time in the history of our culture, they're enforcing an ideology on the masses, and they're changing our definitions of what's acceptable and what's not acceptable, including men competing against women. And they've dabbled in minor attracted persons. They're dabbling in people who are two spirit or elf, kin or fucking. They're dabbling in the most extreme, weird stuff just to sort of, like, prime you and get you ready for furries. Furries are fine.


I will never accept them. Never.


Furries are having a good time, and they're dressing up like chipmunks. I'll tell you what, when Duncan and I did a podcast as furries, I got my respect for the furry community because it's hard to keep those things on. I can't imagine fucking with those things on. It gets hot, and this is a cool studio. You know, the temperatures controlled this.


Who grows?


You put that thing on, dude. And you know what?


A diaper.


Furry is phobic. Yeah, they shit.


That's the lowest form of furry.


Oh, the what? The regular ones shit in litter boxes?


No, I hunt them. So I'm going to tell you what to look for. You'll smell them coming now, Joe, I have a job, as you know, turning off people's smart houses for being racist. So the way. The way I see it, it's a good thing.


Wanna hear a first story?




So this is a two parter?


No, but yes.


So one. I will tell you. I know one. We were in Pittsburgh for UFC, and we just randomly happened to get there on the day there's a furry convention. So as we are driving the odds. Okay, crazy odds. As we're driving from the airport, I'm in a rental car going, what the fuck is going on, dude? Why are there so many mascots? No.


You didn't know what furries were?


No fucking idea. No idea. So finally, we get to the hotel, the hotel bar. The manager guy explains to us there's a furry convention. Lucky. Quite a few years ago.


What a way to find out, at least.


I mean, it's probably in the neighborhood of 20 years ago.


Oh, my God.


Yeah. And you just know the UFC popped in 2005, is probably after that.


Any diaper, maybe?


No, I think I might be off maybe 15 years ago or 14. Anyway, quite a while. At least a decade ago. A long time ago. So I'm not that hip on furries.


I should understand.


You get there and the guy tells me that he had a request for someone to put a litter box in the. He goes, first of all, he goes, you're really lucky you guys made reservations in advance. Cause everything is sold out because of the furry convention. And I'm like, what? So he explains, they all want their food delivered in bowls on the floor. And these people are all furries together in this one hotel. So they're acting out. They're in the lobby together. They're all furries. Everywhere we go, there's furries.


They're sicker than Cosby.


It was fun. And, I mean, they were nice. I don't care if you dress like a fucking squirrel.


The bowl thing is, you gotta participate in my weird act.


Well, it's a request, you know, you put the food in the bowl. I'm paying money, you know, I'm a freak.


I'll do it.


I put it on the ground. 20.




So. But he told me that they wanted to put a litter box. One of the guys requested a litter box in the lobby so that they could piss in it as. He's like, no, you can't have a fucking litter box. And a lot. There's, like, sanitation issues. But he's like, dude, it's so crazy. So anyway, years go by, and I'm hanging out with a friend of mine in Utah, in the mountains. Elk hunting. And he tells me that his wife is a teacher at this school and that one of the parents had requested putting a litter box in the girl's bathroom because the girl identifies as a furry. So. Or a cat or whatever. So I go, what? Are you fucking serious? So I talk about that on the podcast, and then people call bullshit. They say, there's no evidence.


You will believe it.


Yeah, there's no evidence. But the attack, the amount of people that were calling bullshit was crazy, and they were angry, and it got connected to trans stuff. So somehow or another, me telling a story. My friend told me that his wife told him about this public school that she worked at, where they were in Utah, where they were saying that a mother was requesting a litter box.


Stochastic terrorism.


So I go back to him and I say, okay, listen, man, I need to know, like, what? Ask your wife what is. What actually happened? So the wife didn't work at that school anymore. Cause it was, like, a year or so ago, or maybe even more so. Anyway, the wife says, what I recall was that a mother had requested that a litter box be installed in the girls room. And I said, was the litter box ever installed? I don't think so.




I don't know. Okay, well, that's it. But the idea that people wouldn't want to shit in a litter box if you're dressing up like a furry does. Why is that so far fetched that everyone's so angry and saying that I'm pumping out misinformation when I talk to a fucking manager of a hotel who told me personally he got a request to put a litter box in the lobby during a first.


True. That's why.


But why are they so aggressive about that one? That seems so weird. I don't care if you want to wear a fucking chipmunk outfit and have sex with each other. Have a good time. If that's what you're both into, who cares?


For the same reason.


Why is it weird if you. Are you saying that there's kids. There's no kids out there that are so mentally ill that they want to use a litter box? Cause I don't.


No, I'm saying shut up about it. That's what I'm saying. Don't talk about it.




I'm transferring them to another parish.


But I don't think you're right. And I don't think anybody would be willing to say that there's no one out there who's not mentally ill enough to want to use a litter box? Cause of course there is. There's a spectrum of mental illness.


Well, I'm saying it's not mentally ill. It's fine. Do you understand the depth of what.


Yes. That's what gets really weird about the whole minor attracted persons thing. They're trying to slip that in as an identity. And people say, why are you talking about this? This is not real. No, it is real. You have to understand. It seems so crazy. It seems crazy to me. I don't want to bring it up. I don't want to talk about it because it makes you look like a fucking loon.


That's a good point.


But it is real. And there's recordings. There's video of politicians expressing how we have to recognize their identity as minor, attractive persons.


I won't look at it.


I've seen it. It's infuriating. And it's the same kind of people that you expect to be using those New York Times Instagram videos. They're talking about the story they're covering. It's the same kind of people. It's cult members.


When you said you could imagine what they look like, it reminded me of, like, back when. Remember, like, all those famous nudes came out on fucking. The fappening, it was called.


Yes, yes.


And so I was watching some video came on my stream on YouTube about it, and I'm looking and they're talking about, you know, they hacked and got their stuff and their. Their communications, and then immediately, the guy, like, the one guy that got arrested, he looked so much like what I imagined he looked like. He looked like an AI. Read my mind and drew him on this. Amazing. And they're all. The big thing is autism is apparently the biggest is huge. And so shit. Like furries. And there's all these malleable people that are like. They're real smart about making lists and iceberg lists of shit, right? But they're, like two dimensional, like Sailor Moon Brain. That's why I asked you. This is old, this reference. But Chris Chan do not have you not. There's Ken Burns documentaries about it. That guy or his woman now. But look, dude, what are you talking about?


You went in 30 different directions. What is Chris chan? What?


It's the most documented human ever. Ever. Never heard of him. Right. And then this is such an old ass reference. Like, if somebody is younger, like, yeah, I know about Christian, but when I first.


You know about Chris Chan. Jamie, I'm looking at. Okay, so what is the story?


It's too long to get into but this just. I'm gonna say he is, or you should look it up yourself on. There's. There's like a genius. Gino, Samuel, this guy. Jibby, great documentaries. He's the singularity. The thing that Ray Kurzweil would talk about of the. In the future when our technology and we merge and whatever, right? That guy or woman, he's the fucking singularity. That's where it goes. And so all the things you're talking about, singularity of woke singularity of technology and humanity. It's like this weird autistic, always online fusion that shapes your. But you got to begin with the right clay, which is someone autistic not being raised.


Right, right.


And so every phase of it, you can watch. And at some point, someone told him that you can't. Like, dude, I don't believe. I know, I know, exactly. It sounds crazy. Somebody convinced him you can't be held responsible for your personal actions if you transition. Because he's doing wild shit over, like, sonic's arm color being changed, like, really out of control. I can't even. You gotta just see yourself. And so now I'm just gonna cut. Cut. The end. He ended up raping his senile mother and going to jail. Here's what the story ends. It's like an inverse Jesus. Like, instead of coming out of a virgin, he rapes his senile mother. He's the singularity. That's what it is. So they remember how they promised, oh, it's gonna be amazing. You're not gonna die. Even in black mirror, you'll be stored in a hard drive and live a great, your best lesbian life. No, that's not what's going to happen. It's going to be this slow. Like, just a person who is not. They're not all there, and they can be conditioned into anything by outside influences.


Right. And here's the question, like, what contributing factors are leading to an increase in the amount of people that are autistic?






I got one word. Anime Starbucks.


Like, what is it? What are the factors? How much of it is environmental? How much of it is that people having kids at an older age, do.


You think it's, like, contribute to it? The Michael Keaton Batman, when the Joker talks in, you know, people would. Would die laughing. And then Batman figured out it's not the makeup or the shampoo or the something. It's when you use combinations of them.


Yeah, probably a combination.


So I guess it's like that.


Yeah, it's probably.


I'm not a doctor.


It's definitely probably a common, but it seems like some medications seem to cause it, and no one wants to say that. And it's fucking bananas to watch people do mental gymnastics for pharmaceutical drug companies just to sort of substantiate and validate their own decisions that they've made, Joe.


I know.


Instead of just looking at it.


In New York, I met three people, three adults that all told me they were the first kid ever to be prescribed Prozac. Three of them. It could be any of them. Yes. They all look like Woody Allen. Even the chick.


You know, told me who's on Prozac for the time. He's a little kid. Henry Rollins.




Yeah. He was just fucking. They had him on Prozac when he was real young, and they. I think they kind of cooked him. Oh, that's right.


Oh, Rital.


What's the difference in Ritalin? Ritalin is more of a speed.


You're right.


Thank you.




Ritalin is basically Adderall.


It. It's. It's. Yeah.


Prozac is. You're depressed, right?


That's a SSRI or something.


I don't think it's an SSR is.


It's the one before Paxil, which is not the look, apparently, to your kid, they can't.


Princess Leah loved Prozac so much that she wanted to be. She wanted to be cremated and then put into an urn that shaped like a Prozac pill.


She's being funny. That is kind of funny.




That's very funny.


So, selective serotonin reuptake.


Oh, so it is. Yeah.


So that's Prozac. That's the term. Flux flu o x. Floxetine. Floxetine. So that is Prozac. So it is an SSRI. Why is the Prozac one make people more silly, though? It seems to make people more speedy.


It does.


Yeah. I know people. A few people that have been on that one. That one makes you a little speedy. Like, where you're like, whoa, what's going on? I don't want to mention names. They get a little speedy. But the Ritalin one is, like, straight up speed. That's what Rollins was on?


Yeah, dude, the kids on it. My friend. I got a friend that is from Georgia. They put it. What? He's a little kid, okay. He was put on 60 milligrams Adderall a day as, like, an eight year old.


Oh, my God.


Do you know? I mean, that is, like, so high.


That seems so crazy.


The panic attacks I've had from very small amounts of Adderall, kid, that must. And he, like, you know, he's a real aversion to any of that kind of shit. Because. Of course. Cause he's like, who's the guy? Johnny Depp played the whitey. He's like, whitey bulgur. They tried out drugs on him, and now he hates all drugs.


Part of the Harvard LSD studies.


Yeah. Isn't that weird how all these things.


I forgot about that. Whitey Bulger was a part of that?


Yeah. All these major people were. It's. You know. You know, they say extraordinary claims.




Need extraordinary evidence. Okay, I agree with you. At this point, it would be extraordinary to claim that they're not lying to you all the time. And that thing you talking about where people don't even want to talk. No, don't even talk about that. Someone asked for a litter box. Don't. You know, we're at war, and there's a war on us.


We got to look before the war stuff. This is quiet. But they were just saying I was a liar. Like, look, I didn't lie. I told the story that my friend told me that his wife told him. I did never suspect that it was gonna get the reaction that it got, though. And then it got connected to trans stuff. I think they look like New York Times reporters, but it's not. It's. The thing is, it's like that it got connected with. So, like, what are we saying here? We're talking about a person that thinks they're a cat. Are you allowed to do that now? Like, what do you. What do you. What are we sneaking the door in on?


James Lindsay? You know, he's got good videos about. Cause I didn't go to school to learn these important concepts. Uh huh. And so queer theory.


Oh, I've seen these.


So he has a great thing that explains it, the whole point of it. And you could kind of tell what the deal was. The point of queer theory was not. It's against being gay or trans. The point of queer theory is to destroy the concept of normal expressly in it. We're oppositional to normality. So that's why you hear, like, that's heteronormative. That's why they're saying gynephiles instead of your straight.


What a downgrade it is right out of the Orwell playbook to change the definitions, change the words. It's right out of the book.


You didn't write it as a playbook.


Everyone is, but everyone's following it. But everyone is just completely pretending that that doesn't exist.


Well, just important people with good jobs. Guy files. Men's health files. There's a men's health article. There's an. But gynephile. Second of files. Wait, there's two.


The majority of the population is mental illness.


Oh, that didn't take long. That didn't take long. Didn't. Oh, gynosexual. Gynosexual and gyno file.




And there's gyno.


Are you gynophile? Are you fascist?


You're crazy. Oh, yeah, he's a gynephile. See, there's file on it.


Imagine if you got to a point where you weren't supposed to tell someone if you're a guy or girl, you're supposed to figure it out in the bedroom. And it was like a surprise. Like, oh, a dick.


I hate this. Yeah, this is what a pussy is.




Looks like someone put an m 80 in a cat's asshole.


Oh, that too. The fake ones. But you wouldn't have to do that if you just keep your dick. If you could keep your dick and still be 100% a woman, I think we'd have less of those surgeries. That might be the best way to stop those surgeries because they stop you from orgasming.


So I have two friends that have transitioned. But back in the day, my friend in or institute. Cause they'll be, oh, what, are you gonna cut your dick off? And my friend was like, no, most trans do not do that. Because exactly what you just said. Yeah, it's new. This is new. Where you get the bottom surgery, which I gotta warn everybody, they haven't perfected it yet. If you. If you want to not know some shit, you think cat litter box at schools are disturbing requests to know about, look up the maintenance of that shit. And maybe just think about keeping the dick. Like the classic trans way. This is an autistic thing.




You've had people on explaining it.




And so that. And it's the pharma, dude. Never mind people's sexuality. Besides that queer theory bullshit, it's for. It's surgery. And like, the ethics of plastic surgeons. Like what they did to Michael Jackson, Madonna's faces. Yeah, imagine that on your kid's dick.




Or their tits.


Then they're not going to think your kids any differently than they think of some lady who's getting their 6th nose job.




They don't.


Yes. And they improv. Yes. And we need that.


We're not gonna wait. We're not gonna wait until you go to puberty.


They got the ethics of veterinarians.


You go puberty like we don't want.


There's no fuck.


Do you know, you don't even know this kid.


We'll find out.


The whole thing is so insane. And when the lawsuits start rolling in, that's like one of the things is interesting is like, New York Times started writing articles about detransitioners.


That's right.


And that's when it's getting serious. When these people feel like they have to step up and make articles about.


Running a sinking ship. That's the rats fleeing the sinking ship. I never said you should do that.


Someone online, I forgot who it was, commented on Twitter. This is because the trial lawyers are now getting involved finally. Yeah, but that's probably the only thing that's gonna take.


Also, their kids got, you know, like that one shift from New York Times. Her kids developmentally slowed from masking. And she was a big time. Shut up, shut up. She was a big Xi Jinping about Lena Wen.


So you're talking about.


Yeah. And then she goes, oh, it affected you. Like when Dick Cheney realized that lesbianism's cool cuz he had a lesbian daughter.


Oh, but not only that. Then she started talking about how there's real evidence that most of the people that died and that they were called COVID deaths are not from COVID Yeah.


Yeah, we knew that a long time ago.


But she was talking about it on CNN. They were like, what are you saying? She goes, I estimate the death to be about 30% of what the reported.


Death rate is like you're supposed to have had at this point. If you're following the science and not doing ten shots by now.


Is it ten?


It's up. It was eight when I was making fun of this months ago, and now it's ten.


Imagine if you're really updated, how many people are actually updated? I actually bring them in here. They're probably. Teeth are falling out, eyes are glowing. How much time do you have?


Do you have track marks from vaccine?


You have, like, literal pink eye. You're fucking hemorrhaging inside your eyeballs. How many shots, if you're current with your COVID vaccine, how many shots would you have received if you started getting them in? What was it, July of 2020? Good luck with that search whatever fucking year it was. Was it 2021 when they start rolling them out?


Not soon enough.


Wasn't 2020.


You didn't need to take all that time with the testing. We said we'll try it.


Well, the best one was the ones that they released, the bivalent ones where they didn't have any human testing.


Well, I guess they actually did, didn't.


They, in the law, turns out, doesn't work at all. Not only does it not work at all, it actually works worse.


Well, good thing you can't sue.




Hey, good thing you can't sue the one drug. They're probably more honest because you can't sue.


Isn't that weird? Well, weird that you can just, like, lie to people and you could force people to take things and you could hide the side effects and you can't sue them. That seems. I don't want to say it seems corrupt because that seems like that would be wrong.


You'd be way the fuck out of line. Yeah, that's like saying there's somebody asked for a litter box at their kids school.


Yeah, that's out of line.


Shut up.


It's out of line. There's no way they would do that to you over and over and over and over and over and over and over again and you keep falling for it. Like fucking Charlie Brown going for that football with Lucy.


I'm not smart. I'm that Charlie Brown. Stupid. How do you. Still good. Take the kick.


Now, at this point, God damn it, you tackle Lucy like I don't take her out.


What are you gonna do? What Allah commanded us to do.


Allah does not allow Lucy to play games with you. You're supposed to be able to beat her.


You look at her with her uncovered hair, pulling a man's football away.


Allah is a sign of the fucking feminism rise. Or rather, Lucy is a sign of the feminism rise. Allah does not want that. Well, if Lucy's, like, dominating Charlie Brown, a lot would not.


Speaker two. I think a lot just wants balance for sure.


But he definitely wouldn't want Lucy kicking Charlie Brown's ass.


I mean, that would be.


Get the fuck out of here with that. This bitch needs to be put in their place.


What was Charlie Brown's crimes, though? Had he depends what he had done.


Point. Charlie Brown was an infidel.


So that might be, like, the worst punishment we have for you.


Yeah, maybe it's perfect.


A woman's gonna laugh at your dick.


Maybe it's perfect. It's just. I just. I'm concerned that it seems like all this stuff is accelerating to some sort of a boiling point. Do you love it?


You wanna know why?




Cause my girlfriend's like ten or twelve years younger than me, so she has, like, hopes and shit, like. But now that the ball when the bombs hit, like, I did drugs and drank and smoked for all these healthy motherfuckers, like, you're gonna die right with me. Oh, did you try to extend your life? We're all going together. I barely wore a condom.


That's what you're happy about, that you fucked your life up, so it's fine.


It's, uh. In fact, if it doesn't end, I'll be like, oh, shit, I should have handled my life better.


Well, there's a lot of people that live like that, right? If the pocket list never comes, like, shit, all these preppers, like, I spend all my time cannon peaches and shit.


No, that's. They're gonna be the. Be nice of them because pretty soon.


Yeah, they're gonna be the only ones. They're gonna be the people that have, like, the ability to generate power with the sun.


Yeah, they figured out, like, zero point energy in their backyard. While you're string theory.


People don't understand, like, powers only do so good if society goes down because there'll be no more communication.




That's the. That's the great, like, what we're are now is we're electronically connected to everybody. So you know how to get places, you know what's going on, you know the news, you know the weather, you know the fucking highways. You got a map?


I think I do, yes.


You're just. If you're. If you have a cell phone that works and you're in a car and you are traveling in this country, you have an incredible resource, and then all sudden, that's gone, and you don't know where the fuck you are. And no one has a map, and no one knows how to read a map, even if you fucking had it. And now all of a sudden, the world is a mystery again, just like it was in the 18 hundreds. The world's a mystery. Everything over that hill is. Who knows? It could be hostile Indians.


I feel like it's like. I feel like it's like that with all of the stuff.


I don't.


What in the fuck can you trust? Every time I find out a new thing, I'm like, I have to have, like, a period of ptsd time, right? To digest it.


There's a possibility of finding out. My point is, if all that shit goes down, it's not gonna matter if you have power, because you're not gonna have any communication. It's gonna be gone. Everyone within one generation is gonna be a fucking moron again. No one's gonna have any idea of what they're gonna have stories about what society used to be like. And then, look, we have stories now from my generation of what it was like growing up with an answering machine. We had an answering machine. People would call and they'd leave a message. It was crazy. And you could call your own house and listen to the message.


Pager. What is it, the old west?


I had a pager.


Yeah, yeah.


Joey Diaz had a pager forever. Like, before, like, he got a phone later than anybody, dude, do you play.


A. I play Jimmy had a show in Palm Springs, but it was at, like, a movie theater. You know? Movie theaters will have.


Yeah, yeah. Like comedy nights.


And I'm in there and I'm like, wow, this is like, what, after the apocalypse? This is what this will be used for. The movie. The place. Movies will just be a guy. Yeah.


With a solar powered.


It felt like I was at the end, like, oh, we had the apocalypse, and this is how we're getting by, dude.


You got to realize, like, before Google, before Internet searching, you had to take people's word for shit. You know, you people would just tell you things. You, like, what happened. Like, imagine you with your conspiracies, but existing pre Internet. Like, you don't even know what happened to Haiti. Do you know what we did in Haiti? Like, everybody, like, what? This fucking Kurt's crazy.


You know, it's fucking sad, dude. Like, first of all, we haven't even gotten to my conspiracies. Like, my conspiracies.


What's the big one that.


My biggest one. Yeah, believe Eric, the dude for the. The Raytheon thing, that whistleblower that came out during the little titty peak of UFO's we had over the lat over the summer when they were like, you know, that they announced UFO's are real.




Which is fucking crazy, by the way.




I mean, yeah, I know you would give a shit or, like, friends would. It's not enough information. It's really annoying, the amount of teasing of it. But meanwhile, the Titanic submarine imploded around the same time. Everybody knew that. You'll be like, oh, it's a distraction. No, that's horseshit. For nerds. A distraction is the Titanic submarine story or putting a butter dick on the Bud light can. That's a quality America distraction. Okay. Like this stuff they got you just like, Haiti. The Haiti and UFO's program going all over the place.


Raytheon, UFO. That's what I asked you about. What are you talking about? Raytheon, I was texting you about which one?


Eric Hecker, the guy that came out in the Raytheon with that said in Antarctica. Right.


You got to tell people what the fuck you're talking about. People that are listening have no idea what you're talking about.


I thought this is just that we're hanging out, not doing a show.


It's okay, I'm just trying to get. So this guy is the. This is the guy that was on the Sean Ryan show, right? Yes, yes, yes. So he's talking about how he was a. I guess he was a fireman out there and.


Yeah, yeah, he lives in Alaska.


And he was saying there's direct energy weapons, you know about.


So. Oh, you have a lot of physicists on the show, so I follow a lot of that. And so I already knew about the ice cube neutrino detector just from following science channels. Because without any of this.


Let's listen to what he says because it sounds so kooky. Are we allowed to the whole podcast? I gotta find the problem. Looking for the clip, I think. Oh, that was a whole podcast? Yeah, I think. Okay, but any. Anyway, it's interesting because I'm listening to the guy talk. There's a TikTok video. Well, this is still four minutes, minutes long. Okay, but just give us a little something.


Third party contractor for the National Science Foundation. I function in a dual role capacity as tradesmen and a firefighter. My responsibilities required me to be more informed than most of my crew and offered me complete access to the facilities. What I learned from this unique experience needs to be shared with the entire world. The technology at the south pole station certainly can do what it is presented as its primary purposes, and unfortunately, much more. The ice cube neutrino detector is presented as a passive listening device for the purposes of the science as presented. But I'm going to skip right through the chase, folks. I have provided documentation that proves that the 5160, what they call doms, that are embedded in the ice, can actually transmit at 2040 7 volts each. That gives us a long list of things to consider. It is effectively a multifaceted directed energy weapons platform that I will list rapidly a few things that it can do. Vehicle detection. We're learning that these off world craft, on world craft, ours or other nations, are also emitting neutrinos. So this makes the South Pole station effectively an air traffic control station for this new level of equipment that nobody's discussing.


In addition to the ability to detect neutrinos and the exotic vehicles, I provided documentation that shows that this is also a system for faster than light communications. In the past, Gary McKinnon has hacked NASA, found the offworld fleet, the list of captains, and it's apparent that if we have faster than light vehicles moving throughout the system, we're going to need faster than light communications. This is that facility. Unfortunately, I have other bad news. The season that I was there, 2010 to 2011, we converted from construction to operations and maintenance in both the elevated station and the detector array. Unfortunately, when they first fired it up, that was when we had the earthquakes in Christchurch, New Zealand. There's two incidental shots before they were able to target it correctly. This is an earthquake generating device as well. This is the weapons of war that we have to deal with now. And what Raytheon's hiding.




Member Havana syndrome.


But don't, don't neutrino. So if it's a neutrino detector and a neutrino projector, don't neutrinos.


They're not projecting them.


No. What is it projecting then?


If it's going extreme for frequencies. So like elf and all that shit.


Okay, so it detects neutrinos and then it projects something else. So it does has a different thing. It does.


It can be used for many applications.


So the detector detects neutrinos. That kind of makes sense. Like, why would you give, yeah, but here's a question, like, why would you give a fuck spend so much money to detect neutrinos in space? But if you say, oh, but these UFO's emit neutrinos, like, oh, and you could eventually use them because otherwise you have to be able to track something that instantaneously appears and disappears. Air traffic controller for UFO's makes sense.


The legit. When I watch about ice cube, when it first came out, nothing with this, the reason it caught my interest was, but for some reason there's neutrinos that are coming out of the earth and not from space. So then, so I'll remember these old details and every day is like, goddamn Kaiser soze. I figured out, I'm just sitting there.


Neutrinos just go right through everything.


That's right. But look, I don't know how that.


When the neutrino interacts with the antarctic ice, it creates other particles. In this event, graphic a muon was created that traveled through the detector almost at the speed of light. The pattern, the amount of light recorded by the ice cube sensors indicate the particles direction and energy. Wow. Wow. So I get how you'd be interested in like, finding out, like the rays from space and what's going on, but also if they're got a dual purpose and you actually know that this can detect whatever the fuck these things are, what do you think those things are? And what do you think that. No. Uaps, UFO's. Do you think that a lot of them are ours? Yeah, a lot of them, right?


I'm sure a lot of them are.


Ours, but maybe some of them are.


Where will we get that technology from, right? Where would we get that?




Because the. That, you know, but the Tic tac is thing is so boring. But it's a fascinating topic. Those things appearing back in the fifties, that we didn't invent that in the fucking whatever. If they first saw him, we didn't know.


The thing is, like, when you have that guy that first started calling them flying saucers, because they were skipping across the sky, like, no one had that technology back then. No one had the technology to fly something at insane rates of speed, incredible maneuverability that's shaped like a disk that didn't exist. So at some point in time it wasn't ours because we had propeller planes. The idea that we had these weapons of war, and our weapons of war were propeller planes that we would open up the bottom of it. It's basically like a reverse convertible and just drop a bomb out of it. That's what they could look down. You could literally, you go, you would just, like, figure out, drop it now.


Yeah, we.




We just save a bunch of Nazis just to figure out how to get beyond that, you know? But let's say it's no, they didn't find, like, let's say they did find something that wasn't us. What do you think they'd tell you about it? Or do you think they'd hide it for, I don't know, 80 years, like the JFK files. That are 60 years.


Trump said about the JFK files, he was talking to. What's that guy's name? Napolitano.


Oh, yeah.


And he said, he goes, why did you break that promise?


Yeah, why?


He goes, if they showed you what they showed me, you wouldn't tell anybody either.


I didn't see that. Trump said, yeah, I didn't see that.


Yeah, yeah. That's what Trump said to that judge. If I think there's only one reason to hide it, the CIA killed Kennedy.


You know, shit.


There's only one reason, and probably not just the CIA. Probably the mob, probably a bunch of people. Probably motive. A lot of motive. A lot of people wanted him gone. They were, they did not like him in Dallas. When he came to Dallas, like, Dallas was a red state in a red city in a red state. And they did not like him. He wasn't liked by everybody. This idea that he's liked by everybody that's. Now that he's murdered.


Yeah. Right. Everybody loves you after you get murdered.


Right? And if. Can you imagine if Obama got murdered, how much they would love him now? Oh, my God. We looking back, we were looking at Trump, and then Biden is fucking bumbling old dead man. We'd look back at the days when our president was like, well spoken and we'd be so pumped. This is a silly place.


We live in a silly place.


The silliest place.


Yeah, well, I didn't. That's a crazy thing. I didn't know he said that. Like, I'm gonna go find that clip.


That's what he said. And that, doesn't that read. Doesn't that register? Like, it has to be something that's so egregious that you would realize, like, this would throw the whole country into disarray. We would completely lose trust in what I think is ness. I think the CIA is necessary. I just think they're out of control. I think the FBI is necessary. I just think you're not supposed to fucking do. How many people did you have in the fucking ground on January 6? Tell us that? But I think for legitimate crimes and, like, dangerous fucking terrorists, that shit's important because sleeper cells are fucking real. Like, they knew that something was going down in Russia, and they tried to tell them. They tried to warn them, stay away from any mass gatherings. The United States. The United States intelligence agencies were aware that something was going down in Russia.


Yeah, I'm sure they warned.


I'm sure they warned them. They did.


I'm sure that's what that was.


Listen, the point is that can serve a function. You do need some sort, like, like this guy from the CIA was on Schultz's podcast.


Yeah. I don't like that guy with his hair.


What is it? He's the cool CIA guy for?




All right. Away I'm like, what are you doing?


Yeah, he looks like he's from old school. He's the. He's the dominican kid from old school. The young one with that same hair when the fuck it. But I'm watching him on Lec, I think was Lex.


Lex Friedman. Yeah, it was Lex first. Yeah.


And he goes, yeah, you know, they all tell you this great story of how they look for people who are sociopaths and he goes, they don't like me to say this, but I feel more comfortable around gangsters and something. And I'm like, so here's. I'm naive, as I said. And I go, well, I know why they don't want you to say that, because it sounds like you're a criminal. Like a gangster. But that's not why. It's so he looks cool for the kids. Cause they're recruiting. It's recruiting season all the time. It's the, ooh, I'm a cool grand theft auto. And look at my dumb fucking hair. That's what the fuck that is. I don't know what you got mad.


Look at you.


Because that thing of warning them, dude, the spin of that story.


Let me get to what I'm saying.




So what he was saying was there's sleeper cells in, like, chinese communities. And one of the guys, I forget which guy on Schultz's show brought that up, and he asked him, and then he was like, yes, it's true. And they're like, what? He's right. This is real. And that chinese nationals will embed themselves in these, like, expat cultures. They're not expats. It's a Chinese. What is it called when you have a. He explained it on the podcast. What is it called when you have a culture that is essentially, they only speak Chinese. They hang out with only chinese people. They're in a chinese village that's inside of a city.




There's a term for it, but there's a term for that. And he was saying that in that, like, we would do that if there was something like that that existed in a foreign country. Of course we would do that. We embed our intelligence agents into that country. It's a responsibility. That's the only way you find out what the fuck is going on. So, of course China's doing that.


Oh, you don't think they're coming at us with a balloons?


They're doing that, too.


I don't believe for 2 seconds.


I think they're doing that, too. I think they're doing that right. Well, the crazy one, I don't believe it at all. Drones. Did you hear about the drones at the bases that were happening for weeks?




Did I send it to you the other day? Jamie, do you have it? Do you want me to send it to you again? This is something Melissa Chen sent me. There is apparently a fucking shit ton of drones that were hanging around this base for weeks and they didn't know who was. Look at this. Mysterious drones. Swarmed Langley Air force base for weeks. Dude, weeks. The unidentified drones were such an issue that assets were called in from around the government, including a NASA WB 57 high altitude jet. So they're trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. If we're at some weird stage where they start implementing these things that we've been calling UFO's, that maybe at least some of them are controlled by someone that's a human being.


I think many of them are, yeah.


But if they're that level where they can just, like, buzz around air force bases and no one can catch them and no one can stop them and no one knows what the fuck they.


Are, first of all, you know, Raytheon is a weapons company that's in Antarctica. They're just concerned for science.


Yes, they're just concerned for science. Listen, this is a neutrino detector, which is really important. As someone who loves science and talking to scientists, I support Raytheon's desire to not just create weapons, but also do well for humanity.


Touche, sir. Yeah, yeah. And I support. They're getting young women into stem fields.




I support that.


Trans women.


And I caught Rachel Maddow's speaking engagement there about how we need to shovel money into Ukraine. And I accept and believe it. And that's right. Ukraine. What a conspiracy to say that wasn't going to work out. What a crazy conspiracy to say they haven't been winning. They would be better off. They would have more if we didn't do fucking anything. They'd be way better off than they are now, which is fucked.


Dude, I want to do a reality show with Conor McGregor and Zelinsky just doing coke together in a mansion.


Zealous. He's trying to fuck Connor. It's going to not work out. So this is going to try to suck his dick. It's going to be, oh, he'll kill him. Just one little thing. Like, the Haiti shit. Like, is like a lot of people say if you bring up anything with, hey, like, oh, this conspiracy. That's the saddest fucking shit in the world, dude. There's no conspiracy about. It's all shit. It's fucking crazy. That's. Again, don't tell me how bad Putin is after what you guys did to fucking Haiti the whole time.


Well, they were so mad at Tucker for going and talking to Putin and making him a human. People were so mad.


Okay, we.


Shouldn't you at least, if you want to decipher what they're saying, shouldn't you at least listen to what the enemy, supposed enemy, whatever it is, the leader of this country that's invading Ukraine has to say, shouldn't you want to listen to what he has to say, even if what he's saying is a lie? You should be able to have experts analyze what he's saying and say, this is not factual. This is the true reason why he attacked the. The NATO intrusion into specified areas that they had forbidden. That's not true. And here's how we can show that. Yeah, but they don't want to hear what he has to say.


Okay, so here, I'll be the fucking dipshit from CNN or whatever. Yeah, but a quote, a qualified person should middleman this information and do like, you know how we want Twitter to censor more? Not some jerk like Tucker Carlson. It should be Christian Amanpour and then it gets filtered. Oh, that's a great point.




I'm sorry, that's a number. Don Lemon should be the one talking to him, and then they should go over it before you see what Putin had to say. Don't give him a platform speaker one. Don't platform him.


You imagine sending Don Lemon to talk to Putin?


I was thinking about it, that I'm into it. Be wonderful if Elon's listening.


Eli, you imagine if Don Lemon could talk to Putin in Russian so he could badger him the way badger Elon.


I can't imagine Russian. I can imagine him doing the same interview he did with Elon Musk. Yes, to Putin.




And I. I would love to see that.


Well, if they did it over Google translate so that they could do it, like, with them Samsung phones, so they could translate it. You know, have you seen those Samsung phones that translated instantaneously. The Samsung Galaxy S 24 Ultra is this fucking amazing new phone that has AI built into it that allows you to translate things in real time. So if you have Galaxy earbuds in and you're listening to someone talk in German, it will translate it into English in your fucking ear in real time. And it also translates on an app where one side of the screen. The screen's cut in half. One side of the screen is facing you, the other side's facing me. You speak to me in Farsi. It translates it to English and in writing, and then I speak in English and it translates it into Farsi.


Question, is it better than Google Translate's job of translating other languages?


I think it's a little more sophisticated because it's built into the phone and it's built. It's an AI feature that's built into the operating system. They're the first company. Samsung, in this phone in particular, was the first company to not just use AI for photos, because it uses AI for photos as well, but it also uses AI to make, like, a synopsis of a website. So if you go to a website and you say, give me a summary of what this website is saying, it'll break it down in bullet points for, you know, do that with your notes. So if you have notes. So you write a bunch of crazy shit in Samsung notes.


My manifesto.


Exactly. Or your set list, and you say, hey, summarize this. It'll summarize it. It'll break it into paragraphs, parts that fit together and things that make sense.


Oh, I'll try it now.


My point is, they're getting to a point where Don Lemon really could have a fucking conversation with Putin in real time if they could do that. Russian to English, English to Russian. And as long as there's someone there that stops World War three. As long as there's someone there that, like. No, they misinterpreted that word. That word means this, which means the opposite of that. It's a. You know, it fucked up. The AI didn't catch it. Right.


The last translation I tried to read was trans. The way I bring it up is, of course. Now, here's my number one conspiracy I'm emotionally attached to is President McCrone's wife is a trans woman.


My favorite. I have to pee. Let's come back and talk about that.


I got pee, too.


That's my favorite. We'll be right back. Maybe he can become white. Sammy Sosa is becoming white. No one cares.


I thought he achieved it.


He's basically more white than I am.


That's. I used to have the whole bit about penis whitening about Sammy, so. So, yeah, they do. By laser.


Do they really?




It was like, they lighten your penis.


I hope it's not as big as it used to. Yeah, move over, asshole. Whitening.


Jesus Christ.


Yeah, that seems. They heard. That's the best part of being white. The dick of it. And they were like. They wanted by laser, dude.


Everybody wants a Moby dick. A great white witch.


Oh, um. That's not it.


White yeti dick. Imagine if, like, one of the blackest dick porn stars with those giant 14 inch dicks, one of those guys just decided to just whiten it up. Whiten up the whole dick.


You know what that would be like?


14 inch dick. White would be crazy if he did that.


Okay. It. Yes, it would be. Who's that singer that she lost weight and everybody got really mad at her. Like, she betrayed. It would be like the turning of turning on Adele. Like, you whiten a 14 inch dick on black history month. How dare you.


Dare you? How dare you?


That would be like a cry, I bet. Should be a lot of backlash if I'm like, no, I just think it looks better.


Sammy Sosa thing is wild. He just looks so good when he's. His skin was darker. Like, I don't understand. He looks so weird now.


Yeah. Um, hey, you know who looks good? Macron's wife.


Yes, that's what we're talking about. So. So this story, even if McCrone's wife.


This is why Candace Owens was fired.


Candace Owens alleges that McCrone's wife is somehow or another a biological man who transitioned at age 30 to become a woman. Even if that's not true, McCrone's wife was 39, no older, when he was 15. I think that's the age.


And he was probably 14, not 15, by the way. Yeah, so remember Mary Kayla Turno and the hawaiian kid? Or the samoan kid? Yeah, I found a picture of them. Like, so imagine that story, right? When she went to prison, you know, for rape, right? And then came out and married him, and they had three kids and got a divorce. Imagine if instead of that, they ruled France. That's where it ended up, right?


And that's the less crazy of the story.


Well, it's not, but yes, somehow.


But it's the less crazy because the crazy version of story is that it's actually a man.


That's the unacceptable part. That's the part where they're gonna shoe. How dare you say that? Our underage fucking rape marriage. That is the president and first lady of France, right? Don't. Don't add crazy shit to this.


Yeah, don't make. Don't make her trans, you asshole.


This is the part that I love about the clown world. Armageddon happening is the priorities are so cocked up in everyone's head because of changing markets, I guess I don't know what the fuck it is. And the Antarctica beam. The clown beam in Antarctica. That has clearly been turned on as Eric, that dude, that's the first thing when I heard. I'm like, wait, that's. That's the least batshit part of the story, is that there's a transverse lady is the most bet.


But it's crazy because it's been hidden for so long. But the most bat shit part is evidently true, which is. Yeah, she was 39. And he was 15. If it's. If we're being fair, the age changes. Look at this. Okay, here it goes. 40. The after school drama club of La C. How do you say? La C? La provence that she and Emmanuel Macron first met. She was in charge of the after school theater club that he attended when he was 15, alongside her daughter Lawrence, who is in his class.




Their relationship has attracted controversy as she is his senior by close to 25 years. And Macron described her as a love, often clandestine, often hidden, misunderstood by many before imposing itself.


Oh, that's a very french way to talk about it.


Well, well, go back to that. Don't go away. Look how crazy that statement is. A love often clandestine, often hidden, misunderstood by many before imposing itself. You were getting molested in 89. That's exactly what that is.


He's Dennis Reynolds. Yeah.


This is so crazy. In 89, Bridgette Macron, then with her. How did we say her maiden name? Unsuccessfully ran for a seat in the city council of Truckersheim. It was the only time she ran for office. In 2017, Bridget Macron played an active role in her husband's presidential campaign. A top advisor was quoted as saying that her presence is essential for him. During this campaign, Emmanuel Macron stated upon his winning of the french presidency, his wife would have the role that she always had with him. She will not be hidden.


Not good translating.


Why would you hide your wife? Creating an official first lady title as the spouse of the french president currently holds no official title. Coming with her own staff office and a personally allocated budget for their activities. Following Macron's election as president and his previously outspoken stance against nepotism, a petition against his proposal was gathered. More than 275,000 signatures. And the french government announced that Brigitte Macron would not hold the office title of first lady and would not be allocated an official budget. So they pushed back. So just the real facts of 30 915. Often clandestine, often hidden, but eventually imposing itself. Like what?


She's married with three kids and raped a student.


Yeah. And now here's the thing. Did the three kids come from her penis or did the three kids come from her vagina? This is what. So if they didn't come from her penis, that means that she gave birth to them. Which makes sense. But if they came from her penis, if this is what Candace is saying, who gave birth to those kids? If those are her kids.


She was the father of the kids. I know the woman. I don't even know that.


Where's the mom? So that should be easiest. Like this is the actual mom. This is the person that you were married to and you had kids with before you became a woman. That should be a person you could find. I.




I have not heard that though.




So if you're saying that she's definitely a man. No, I'm not saying you are, but if someone is saying that. I'm not saying you. I know you don't have a dog in this fight, but if someone is saying that Macron is actually a man.




That you have to. Like who? If she has kids and these are her kids. So you have to find who had the fucking kids with her.


That's right.


Saying she's a man.


That's a big question.


Where'd that woman go? She vanished. She should still be alive. If Macron's alive, the woman she had kids with, probably also alive. The kids know that that's not their mom. What are we doing?


Okay, no, look, those are all valid questions, but. So I can't find the video anymore on YouTube. She had a link to the. This is how we got on this topic was that there's a link to all the compiled evidence over the years.


Okay, where's the woman that made the babies?


Well, they were like, where's the husband that she had? Like, they can't. There's one picture got released. They sued about it. But there were no pictures of her for the first 30 years. Except she's 70.


There's not a lot of pictures of me. And I'm 56.


From your 1st 30 years of life?


There's a few. But until cellphones came, well, I was also on television.




So I was also a comedian. So there's more pictures and photos and videos of me than would be normally with most people. Like, but the pictures of me from the time I was young, there's only like a fucking handful.


You know what? I guess wealthy french people didn't take pictures.


But also it's like a different time. She's 70 years old. Like, they had to do a photograph. Like, we gotta stand there.


I see what you're saying.


Yeah. I mean, it's like, there's not a lot of photos. They weren't digitally. If they weren't. Like, people say, where's the photos of Michelle Obama pregnant? Like probably in her fucking photo album.


What is.


What it. Why would she put them online?


That's a crazy one to bring up.


But that's another one.




That one was like the first ridiculous one, the big Mike one, which led to this Macron one which seems to have.


Yes, yes. The McCrone's older one.


Okay. I should say in this country. I haven't heard about it. I haven't heard in France. They've been talking about since. How long? Long time. Quite a few years. How many years? At least three. There's been lawsuits. There's been all sorts.


Yeah, it's.


It's didn't just start, like. Well, then Big Mike was going on a long time ago, too, though. I didn't say it wasn't whether you said this was going on before Big Mike.


I said it.


You said, this is new.


I did the misinformation.


I think Big Mike was probably first, though. No, wasn't that, like. Didn't like. Listen, I'd never. Joan Rivers said that Michelle Obama was a man before she.


Was that a joke? I thought it was a joke.


I thought it was a joke, too, but the way she said it wasn't, like, jokey. She was like, walk. Oh, come on. Everybody knows Michelle Obama's the man. Remember that?


Yeah. Like, would Big Mike kill you for that?


Well, I think she died because she had a thousand plastic surgery, but she.


Was going under just these big, black arms coming over her face. Big Mike, bro. Oh, no.


Whoever did Madonna's face was working on Joan Rivers first, perfecting the craft, the face killer.




Go to see if you can find Joan Rivers saying, michelle Obama's a man. The video. No, I don't.


My darling. Just hold it, mister. I was given a boarding pass with the wrong name on it. I went through five different security passes, and then a woman at the gate, who will not look at my passport, who will not call Continental, who will.


Not call for help, who will not recheck into their records, says to me.


You cannot go on. No, she is a moron.


What? Nothing to do with that. Jamie, look what the title says. I know, but that's not it. If you go to it, that's the wrong video. It's absolutely the wrong video.


Why would they.


Hold on. Jamie, Jamie. There's a video of her, and she's walking into her apartment building right here, just playing the one. That's it. This is the one.


Or the first woman president. Got it. Transgender.


We all know.


Pretty funny how she said it.


Okay. We all know it. So what year was that, Jamie, that she said that? I have no idea. Well, let's see if we can find that.


Okay, well, how soon before she died did you say it? Well, and Boeing is a terrible airline. Zelensky. Just coke.


And Israel's committing genocide.


Well, all the. All the, you know, all the questions you said right at the top about like, so where's the woman? There's a lot of math of, like, for this to work out.


Well, let's ask.


But they make it look.


This is how we can find out. When. When did she die? 2014. Okay, so it was 2014. So it was 2014 that she did that? 2014. So it had to be before 2014. Cause she was dead in 2014. So 2014 or before she said, michelle Obama is a man. So this is like ten years.


Have you ever heard that before her?


I never heard it, no. I didn't even hear her say that until years later, after she was dead.


The Obama being gay thing was really shocked me because you know that that's because back in the day, he was a Muslim and not from America. So the idea that like, he was secretly gay is so, like what? Like. But you saw, I got that Muslims.


Particularly, like in Afghanistan, there's like those clean shaven boys that they pass around.


Boys in Afghanistan, the bells, they do gay stuff.


So what does that mean?


He's a hardcore Muslim.


But that guy that Tucker had on his show was. That was so fucking bananas that he decided to do that. Have the taliban. The guy that said he sucked Obama's.


Dick on Tucker show that I did.


I took Obama, I took the crack money from him, then I sucked his dick and I sucked his. Like what?


Yeah, it was.


What are you doing?


Pretty hot. He was a young Obama. He gets it sounds like a hot, like porn of like I was in town.




I go, you know a guy, they go, yeah, that is a college student. Hi, I'm a young Obama. I'll do whatever, man.


Wasn't he like a senator at the time or something like that? What was this guy claiming? Was he a law student? What was he claiming?


It was something less, something funny to laugh at. The only thing that's like a real undisputed thing was that news that came out because Mike McRae, who lives down here and does a good Obama impression, he called in and it come out in his biography. This is by some liberal college professor. There's like a paperback of it or something where it's letters to his girlfriend he used to be with. He used to be like this white girl in college, I guess. Yeah, it was always like, I have sex all the time with men in my mind, cuz I'm trying not. You didn't see that news?


Yeah, I did see that.


So there's a funny joke McCray had is doing him. He goes, hey, look, I was trying to bang her old pink hair to the art suit. That's what you gotta tell him.




You want bang girl nose ring. Gotta say, think about gay sex in your head. So I laughed at the time, but I think about Mike. I would. Who the fuck would write that? Was he trying to break up with her? And this is how he tried to let her down before.


I'm really into guys in my head.


Like, take the hint. Yeah, that's a crazy. And then. So here's what happens. Because the thing becomes hard to find. So the stiff. You're saying what I was saying was. Yeah, it's all crazy thing they're saying. But they've done such crazy things to counteract it. And it makes you go, wait. Is something that you didn't think anything was there. Right. But then the way they react, you're like, wait, did you do something like.


Right, right.


You could make it Tom Cruise. Remember when he sued because people said he was gay? Did he sue? You don't remember that? It made him really. He's not gay, by the way. It made him look really gay. Like what? Hulk Hogan, when his wife said he was gay with Brutus, the bar of beefcake. Hulk said, if I was gay, I'd celebrate it. And he was dressed like he's clearly gay. And he goes, I would celebrate it. And. Okay, so, like, if you react to it in a way like that. And, you know, there's always, like, old, rich, old money rich families that are unaccustomed to, like, anything less than full pbs respect. Like, and so they. They don't know how to react. And they're from. It's like the old school way of dealing with problems. That thing you said about being 70, I didn't even consider that. Dude, that's a great point. How does 70 year olds deal with scandal compared to now? How you would deal with it?




And it's like the same techniques of covering up a UFO, like they have to use to cover up their weird thing.


Well, this candlestick, first of all, it's real simple. No matter what, even if you're just a woman. You're a pedophile. Even if you're just a woman. Well, so that's one. Number two is very easy to find out if you're a woman. We do a chromosome test.


I think that, like in Crocodile Dundee, he just grabbed the chest.


Who knows what's going on down there? But very easy. We can extract some DNA and we can find out if you're a man or a woman. Yeah, that's very easy.




Now, if you have. I take less evidence, even xy chromosome, you're a fucking guy.


Here we go with the conspiracies. Oh, this is your conspiracy talk. Now, if you.


If you could prove that, that would be the wildest thing, like what Candace Owens tried to do. Do you think that's what got her fired?


No, I say that as a joke, but it was.


Something has to be a pile on of multiple sort of offenses.


Yes, I think that's. I think that's what it is. But, uh. So pedophiles, just for the record, they.


I shouldn't say it has to be because that's not true.


Do you remember when they tried to put pedophilia in the psychology book as an orientation?




And so at the time, I had no idea what, like. Well, it was like, you're gay for kids, right? That's what I was thinking. And, uh, Neil Brennan told me this, who's dating some psychologist says no, because gay would be. You would marry. You want to get married and be with the person, probably. You know what I mean? Like, the thing of gay, an orient orientation. Not gay. Excuse me. Orientation is you want to have your, like, toothbrush with their toothbrush, ultimately. And with pedophiles, once you get older, you. They don't want you no more. So if they're still together all this time, that's true love and not pedophilia. But it is rape. Well, I don't even know if it is. It's.


It's not pedophilia anymore.


People go, it's France, my girlfriend. Well, it's France. Have you ever heard that? Yeah, it's France. What? We should examine France. Is that why they give kids wine?


Well, that's where fucking what's his face went over when there was wanted for rape. The director, Roman Polanski. That's from. Yeah, he went over there and they're like, no, we keep him. Here's when the virus is, because they get it. This is normal. This is normal.


The home of post modernism.


This is normal. 13 is normal.


Yeah. You are so uptight.


With you USA with it problem. Yeah. It's just like, even if at the end of the day, he did marry his teacher, who was a woman, it's still bonkers.


That's more bonkers than.


The whole thing's bonkers. But the really bonkers thing is, like, if this person has kids and they're a man, actually, and they had kids before they transitioned, where the fuck is the woman that had the babies?


Dude, I was laughing before. Cause I thought you were saying the kids might have came out of his dick hole. I swear to God, I misunderstood what you were saying. I was like, it's hilarious.


But there has to be a woman, there has to be a mom. And then there's the kids.


The kids.


You have to pull the kids out. Who's your mom? Where'd your mom go? What happened? Okay, that's your mom. Definitely.


Are we there in the beginning?


Okay, we're good.


We're all Michael Jackson now. Yeah, it's a mystery who the mom.


Where cheek swab from you, ma'am. I just would like to find out for sure because I'm rooting for you to be a man because it just makes.


I would support this more.


So crazy and so bonkers. I'm rooting for it.


France, do you know, you ever see the old interview like Brian Volke is comic told me about I never in the night. What is that stuff?


It's a CBD bomb. I got a tight muscle. You ever use this shit?


No. I thought you had a rash.


I was like, no, no, this is CBD MD. This is, it's really good stuff, CBD that you put on your muscles and it like significantly relaxes your muscles and it's a roll on so you can kind of like dig it into the muscle. It loosens things up.


Yeah, you were. I was like, should I hit that?


It's not gonna do anything for you.


I don't think you should share those.


No, no, the McCrone thing. What we saying?


I forgot cuz I was thinking about that.


That roll on that roll. Yeah. The. Even if it's just what it is. But when Candace Owens had that whole show about it, I was like you.


She said, I will stake my reputation in my.


Yeah, um, my professional reputation.


Oh, Gerard Depardieu.


Oh, that guy. Yeah.


So Brian reminds me, I remember in the nineties in an interview in like, I want to say Vanity Fair, he just said when he was younger, he raped away. And he's like really young, like nine or something goes, yeah, it's when I did my first rape. What dude put it. Okay, so that's how I reacted. I was like, come on. And I looked up and sure enough, I don't remember. I think he was in a movie called my father the Hero, which was a Disney movie at that point.




Yeah, yeah.


That movie is a whole weird movie.


Oh, it resurfaced is what happened in 1978.


Interview Depardot reportedly confirmed a story that he first participated in a rape when he was nine years old, and he had participated in more rape since then.


It was France. We had too much wine.


What is France? Just like, super rapey rapier. What the fuck, man?


Yeah, it's just like, such a. By the way, France is the country that Haiti had to pay reparations to for not being slaves until 1985. Yeah, through Chase bank.


Yeah. What?


Yeah, chase is. The media is that great, but the eighties rolled around.


They go, this, I think, of the computer. I think we should get out now.


You wouldn't let him.


This is going to be ugly for us. Okay, let's pull out of this reparation.


Well, France couldn't take that to arbitration.


Because, yeah, seems like they're getting fucked.


But there's no that makes back dues, dude. That's the crazy thing in the world that. Cause you always hear, like, it comes up, like, in LA. Gavin american psycho hair here, he's like, well, we're gonna do slave reparations just in California for, like, some crazy. And people get mad.


Have you seen what they've done in Boston today? Another no white party of these black churches want $15 billion in reparations from the white churches to the black churches.




And they're out there. Yes. And it should be paid as follows. Like, $5 billion at first, an upfront payment, and then another 5 billion. And, like, they've got it mapped out that they're actually demanding $15 billion from these white churches.


What's the angle? Hey, what's the angle, guys?


What are you talking about?


But it's all, like, nonsense money.


It's so crazy.


It's to get you to fucking give a shit. Every petty stupid. So the reparations, I would say to people, fight about that. Not. Not that. That's absolutely batshit. We just told me. Yeah, but when people. When people talk about slave reparations, they talk about, like, first of all, do you think that that would be the real tragedy of our government spending would be on that? We gave, like, $300 billion, probably to Ukraine. So for that amount of money, not only could you pay slave reparations to the wrong people, they could be half people that just got here, nothing to do with it. You'd have enough leftover to pay all the white people that feel bad about reparations. They could have a reparations, and you have plenty of money for other shit. And, like, so then every time somebody argues about, oh, what is the morals? Like, yo, dude, we give all our money to go kill other people. You. We could have a candy land of moron shit here for years if they didn't do that. Yeah, I feel like an idiot even like. But we can't do it. But I don't know.


That money came out of nowhere. Like, where was they have a magic.


Machine, do you not get out the world? Antarctica. Cloud beam, dude, I'm telling.


Yeah, yeah. We're talking about the UFO thing. Oh, you had sent me a video of a UFO thing that I sent to Jeremy Corbell. And he says it's bullshit.


Which one?


The one where the plane gets circled by the drones.


Oh, okay. So, like, I know that video went around, but I was listening to that autistic man talking about the ins and outs of how they looked at it.




So, you know, if you go on the, like, rabbit hole shit of all this stuff, you know, like, you know.


I do.


So, you know how. Who's the guy? Jack Parsons. That was the father of rocketry in America or something they call him. And he's the guy that blew up from fulminated mercury. L. Ron Hubbard stayed at his house and he was like, they're trying to bring about Babylon rising. Babylon spelled wrong, by the way, which is that Aleister Crowley Felima kind of bullshit. And dude makes me laugh so much every time I think about it. All the history of rockets, these dick shaped objects that we shoot up. Okay, one part of rocket science is all the stuff I can't do, right. The other part of it is going in the desert and jerking off and looking into L. Ron Hubbard's eyes.


Like, the key component, rocketry in this country is connected to two things that are evil. Nazis and Satanism.


Yeah, well, if you think it's evil, jerk off and look in the eyes. All right, Hubbard, are you an ingrate for. But it makes me laugh. So it's all this weird magical shit.


Yeah, yeah.


So it's all this weird magical shit and it's so closely. So now when you. They talk about the. They don't go, you just weird debate. Like, I don't think it's ets. It's extra dimensional something. And there's a lot of religious kind of channels that are like, obviously these are the nephilim from the Bible, all that bullshit. And I don't think.


See, that thing that boom is actually.


From a video game.


That's from a video game.


No, it's not. It doesn't match up.


But it does match up. It does match up, except for some parts of it where it looks like it's partially altered. But obviously, if you're going like, there's a video that breaks it down, how it matches that, not only does it match up the edges, like, match up precisely at certain points of it, it looks like an altered version of that image. That's like a stock footage of some kind of explosion. And you're doing it through filters, and you're adjusting the way the image looks. But a visual effects guy went over it, and he explained multiple reasons why he thinks it's fake.


Well, that's a good point.


Someone who's actual expert.


But you should know that a visual effects guy expert also went over if CNN discolored your face and he said, they did it.


Come on. Did they really? CNN hired guy who.


That's. Here's the point. Yeah, like, you can't trust that now. Like, they're gonna do you personally, and then you're gonna go, well, this expert, like, I won't say I know or don't know on a thing, but the.


Way I look at videos. Bullshit. It could be because there's a lot of those videos that are bullshit. That's the point.


As soon as the questions around a thing that's not solved, we're like, well, wait, what is this?


Mm hmm.


And there's some weirdness. Hey, maybe someone put that out as disinformation.


There's that.


Why are, like, if. If there's nothing and they've been doing this, it's just they want to make us think they have UFO's. Okay, that's possible. Totally. That is crazier than if they just found something. The government to create a George Lucas level lore of aliens in the popular consciousness for no reason other than to, like, hide what you have nicer shit that flies. That's insane. That's fucking like hiding that your wife is a man and you're the president of France. It's that level insane.


Sort of.


Why would you trust your. Anything about your country ever again if they did that to you?


Well, because it's military secrets. And they've always hidden military secrets. Yeah, they hid all the military secrets about the stealth bombers. They hit a bunch of military.


And you know what? A lot of good has come out of that.


They hid the actual existence of. Of area 51.


No, I know.




Why would I. So now that I know, they're lying every fucking time. And then if I'm lucky, in 20 years, I'll be allowed to know, or the president will. Will go, I looked it over, and you wouldn't put it out there either. I think I would put it out there, but, you know, I probably should be president. But that's the thing. Like, who said this? I can't remember who. It's on my quote. But the nation is as sick as its secrets. And that's how whatever's in there is. How sick. Sick fuck of a country it is, right?


If it. If it's so sick that it's actual aliens that are visiting us and they're using human beings as, like, vessels for souls.


And I don't buy any of the stories of, like, do you remember men in black? The great Will Smith?


The great Will Smith.


And slappy. You're mean when, uh. Okay, so the slappy Smith, the nick, the narration with, uh, Tomlin. We're them. We're the ones that handle the things. You can live your stupid, fucking moron peasant life.




Thanks, guys. Thanks. It takes a great see to handle the information. Only someone that we tested as great as Will Smith could even handle the knowledge of knowing the truth. And he's doing helping you out by keeping the movie.




But what's the message of the fucking move? All the movies? The message is, yeah, we need to have these people that lie because it's too big of a truth.


Yeah, that's what they say.


You need to lie, motherfucker. You need to. For your power thing to work. You need to. Not you. So that. No, they don't have to lie. It's all. It's always bullshit. They don't have to lie. The only thing they have to lie about is they want to keep the business going. And it's never been for your good that they lied. It's for the good of the people who fucked up before so they don't get in trouble.




And they sell it to you like it's your fucking problem.


Damn, Kurt, you sound like an old man on a porch.


That was my goal in life. I embrace it.


Mad about the government? Yeah.


No, I'm not mad about it. I'm mad about people not being. Knowing about it.


One of two things is real. Either it is ours, and they are awesome at keeping secrets, much to our dismay, or it's someone else from another planet, and they're also awesome at keeping secrets, which is even kind of crazier. Both things are pretty crazy if they can really keep under wraps the fact that we have been visited forever by extraterrestrial beings. That's pretty nuts. And if it's not, and it's just a con story, that they're running to try to mask some sort of a secret propulsions program that's been going on since the 1980s. That's pretty crazy.


Let me ask you this. Think of this stunning amount of time they've been able to keep this secret that maybe women don't have dicks. The things that they keep secret are so insane. Like, of course they can keep a secret. You know how you keep a secret? Roy Cohn, the great Roy Cohn showed us how to keep his, you know, two can keep us, three can keep a secret if two are dead. The old. The old saying, no, three can keep a secret if each of the three guys agrees to stick his dick into something he shouldn't, stick it in on camera, and they each have that blackmail on each other. And then you can keep all kinds of secrets for a very long time.


Now you're talking. So what do we do to make sure that people keep secrets? We have them suck a dick with a skull mask on Friday.


Yeah, yeah.


Film it. Right?


Dude, why do frats, the things you've heard about of, like, ookie cookie or all that shit. Big J knew all the names of all, and you're like, wait, why did you have to do that to join? I went to an art school. They didn't have frats, but. Oh, I know why. It's trickled down from the upper classes of weird shit to your ass to Oxford.


That's how you pick a president.


Yeah, no shit.


You don't want a president that doesn't have any fucking footage of him sucking a dick with a clown mask on.


I won't accept it.


Then you're never going to be able to trust that guy. What if he goes rogue? What if he goes JFK?


What if he crumbles under the weight of the hideous things he knows and gets the bright idea? Snitching. I won't encourage snitching on. What's great about right now is the other reason I'm not, like, unhappy. Even though I'm continuously like, are you kidding? About every. Every single new thing. I'm like, oh, so nothing I've ever heard was right. I'm like, okay, right, sounds great. I love watching at every level. It's collapsing, and you don't have to do anything except be a disgruntled enough employee to be like, fuck it, I'm saying it. I don't care. So now the p. Diddy thing, which, like, for two years I would tell people, is hilarious. I mean, it's horrific, but it's also hilarious that it was like the big secret that P. Diddy had. Make a bunch of these guys suck his dick and do weird shit. Oh, do you think the government does it? Well, P. Diddy does it.


Homes in LA and Miami raided by federal agents.


The conspiracies of P. Diddy are like, you know that as above, so below. That, like, magical shit the rocket scientists say when they jerk off and look in each other's eyes what Duncan will know. As above. Hey, ask Duncan. But as above, so below. You've heard that saying. Yes, I want to write a hermetic magic book called as the carpet. So the drapes by Kermus metroginos. With all my occult knowledge that I picked up from looking into UFO's. Like, these things are like reflections all the way up. So, like, at every level of society, there's something collateral. Like Vince McMahon went down his empire, somebody. Yeah, I've given out canadian top hats and chicks.


At every level.


There's something. I want to joke about it on stage, but people like, you know, nobody follows all the same things anymore. So it's hard to. The things I want to make references about. There's like, no common culture anymore of like, we all saw this. So you gotta just burn time explaining the first part of the story. And with Vince McMahon, dude, I'll ask, does anybody know, like, people that know know what he did, right? Or what it's claimed that he did? It only came out because he didn't want to pay her the full money. If he were paid 3 million to do all horrific things, and you're like, yeah, I'll do that. Then I'd be like, well, that's not assault. But this fucker didn't want to pay because he has a history of fucking people on shit. And all he had to do was pay what he agreed to. And she's a disgruntled employee and good for her because that guy shit on her. They're having a three way thing. They don't say what position, I don't think. I hope it's Eiffel Tower and not a blowjob. He did this during two on one with, I'm guessing, Johnny Leonidas, I don't know, another executive.


So they're both. They're both having sex with this girl. This man gets up, shits on her head, and then he goes, I'm gonna go get you guys. Finish up. I'm gonna get a shower. This is what's written in the legal. He defecates. He defecates. Okay. Yeah, you're good. We'll finish up. I think we're all. I think well done here, Vince. Should. We're done.


Should we steal man his position? And should we say he's an elderly gentleman involved in rigorous activities and oftentimes they lose control of their bowels? Is the reason why? Depends is with old people.


Well, that's fair.


If I was his lawyer, I would say Vince is a wonderful man who respects women. But he's got bad vowels.


Well, Jim Joe, that's a great steel man. And. But I would just say, respectfully, the part where he goes, I'm in a shower. You guys finish up. Right there is where I break with the idea that he just lost control.


Well, he didn't want the party to be over just because he can't control his bowers. It seems very considerate of him. You guys finish up. I'm going to shower. I'm sorry? Yeah, you get a shower in the party.


You go get a 30 minutes shower, Vince. I'll sit here with this chick.


Imagine having sex with someone, with someone else's shit on their hair while you're having sex.




This guy's shit. Like, literally where your face is.


But I'll finish up. Oh, well, hey, miss, you want to finish up? You with the.


That's so insane.


You with the stone cold steamer that you got. Oh, maybe we'll just chat about nicknames. There's nothing for this depraved act that.


You just did and the depravity of shitting on people with feces. Okay, this is it. One example. Man's extreme depravity. May 9, 2020. He defecated on Miss Grant during a threesome and then commanded her to continue pleasuring his friend with feces in her hair running down her back. All. McMahon went to the bathroom.


I didn't see this part. Wait, wait. I didn't see this part. Upon his return from the bathroom, McMahon and his friend actively resumed the three. She didn't get in and hose off. You showered and went back and started the girl who's heading back, you shit on. Why get a shower? Oh, my God.


So she didn't shower.


He got showered and she stayed.


Oh, my God.


With a bob. It's closer.


I also like how they just described it as his filth. His filth? I mean, is that, like. Is this, like, a legal document? It's not a legal term. Like his filth.


He gave her a polish car wash, and he goes and cleans himself.


What the fuck, man?


Yeah, well, that's that. So the p. Diddy thing.




The disgruntled employees have been coming out years ago on the whole. Mafia has a podcast now, by the way. You might have seen everybody has sneak and. And you people will get in invested in it. It's so much better.


The mob has podcasts now all.


And they have rivalries. And there. There's, like, people that are like, why? Heard he's a snitch. Like, they're now like, do you have Stockholm syndrome? Good. There's. That's why we have this great show. The fucking. I hope everyone snitches. What the fuck are you talking about? So I get criminals? He has a right to say as a fucking criminal, don't snitch. You the citizen of the good country. You're supposed. Edward Snow is not supposed to be hiding out in Russia with the bad man.




He's the guy that did the right thing, right? No. Some of us, we kill snitches. Like, what is it? But it's all falling apart. So. The p. Diddy quote is my. It's a jaguar. Wright said this ex employee of him, he goes, if you can get a man to suck your dick, you can do anything. As in a man that just does not want to do that. Yeah, that's a real. It's like a affirmation. It's like a real affirmative power affirmation for someone.


But we know that people can get depraved enough to shit on people. That's real.


I mean, that's all Dubai Porta potty. And that's what Instagram models do for 50 grand a pop.


We know people are depraved enough to try to get straight guys to suck their dick. We've all heard of it.


That's pretty light. I thought you guys gonna ask me if I want to suck your dicks. Just such a straight stuff, dude.


Normal shit hanging around, being bros. No, I'm not.


People really laugh this joke, but I was like, in the future, you know, like, you know, gay conversion therapy they used to do.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. With hard ons, like hugging you from behind.


Yeah. For like, your parents pay, like 30 grand to go to some weird. You know, in the future, you're gonna pay that money, the conversion. You're gonna. You're gonna send your kid to a camp so they can talk him down to just being gay.




Hey, he's a. He told me he's a diaper. He has a fursona. Could just tell him he's gay and he's a cat. And he wants a litter box.


He thinks he's a cat.


They wanted a litter. Oh, the covering up of the litter box thing. Do you see that principle? A play of, like, don't even talk about it? Yeah, because it's the same principle as if you talk about Jon Stewart putting a medal on a Nazi or Canada applauding a real Nazi. It helps Putin the bad man. So cover up the fact that the Canadian House of Commons gave a standing ovation to a real world war two Nazi. By the way, why is he hiding out in Canada? That's been allowed.


Oh, isn't it funny? Like, the way people realized what he was saying when he was saying that he fought Russia. Yeah.


My girlfriend went to Jacksonville public schools, and she picked it out. She's the one who said something first. Just wait. Would that mean that with the Nazis, we all learned that just like it from Call of Duty games just a few years, like, not that long ago.


Isn't that insane, that fighting against the Russians, you can say it as a positive thing now, even if you did it while you were a Nazi, you.


Could say it like they're communists still. They act like they're the Soviets. He want, dude, if you say this, anyone who's. If you see him on tv and they go, Putin wants to rebuild the soviet empire. Now, if you just some Joe schmo saying that to me, okay, you just a. No nothing. That's. You're right. As an American, people in charge, saying that stupid fucking shit, that he wants to rebuild it, you are a fucking. Either a liar or you're a fucking chump. You're probably like a, you know, an innocent chump like Chris Cuomo or some shit, but that's domino theory. You're still selling domino theory to people. The Vietnam. Vietnam, that thing that we lost, and they're doing great. Communism has never worked. Well, Vietnam won, and also, it's a great vacation spot. What the fuck are you talking about? I don't believe in communism, okay? I thought, it doesn't work. So why are you spending everybody's money to go make a thing that doesn't work? Not work. That seems like a waste to me. That's our entire first half. Now it's Russia. We want to weaken Russia. A friend of mine said this to me, who's a comic.


He goes, but isn't it good? We're weakening Russia. Oh, the guy with the hair that you brought up, that CIA guy, he was listening to reasons is great. We get to, we have old weapons. We weren't using. We get to use those on the battlefield and see how it'll be for our coming war with China. Of course they want to fight Lindsey Graham. Miss Lindsey Graham's like, they want to fight the last man. Oh, my.


That's a great impression.


Yeah, it's easy. Little. Oh, they wanna. This is the best money we ever spent.


There's something really crazy about watching that guy Roy Kong beat the drums of war.


He's been doing it my. Like, my whole life.


But when he says it, like, in an aggressive way, there's that. When he makes statements in an aggressive way, it's like. It's very bizarre. Good actor, but it's very bizarre. It's very bizarre to, like, listen to it in the. His voice.


Yeah, well, that's a different. We're just a gentleman down here. It's not any. Doesn't mean any. You don't have to do a conspiracy theory about me.


We are going to make them pay. Like, what?


Down. They will fight to the last man.


Okay, so here's that inspiring joke.


You just said the thing. What? So they're saying this like, the CIA, he's going like, there's a great idea. So we want Russia. They're our enemy. So we got these crash test dummies that we're going to just grind them into hamburger. Isn't that good? And use our old weapons we weren't using in creating jobs. Is that good? No. That's despicable. That's lower than any shit I've ever heard about. Another country that we want to have a war with. Another country. We're not a secret, openly bragging about it. We're going to get these other people who can't win, and they're not winning, by the way, and just kill off most of their pop. All their able bodied people. Average age 50. Their soldiers. The average age of the soldiers, 50.


Away that in Ukraine.




How many soldiers have died?


I don't know. I don't know for sure. But it's at least half a million if you include people that can never do anything again, that are just injured. You know, the wounded and shit. The numbers they tell you are always lie. They're the same shit they did with Iraq and Afghanistan. No, it's. It's working. We just got to keep putting a little more money into, like, a drunk. We just got to keep putting more money into it.


Ukraine has lost a half of a million people.


Able bought it. Yeah, well, they. The deaths are probably that hot. You know, you had a. You got to do Carlito's way method with the numbers they give you, right? So this tells you it's 50,000 is probably 100,000, right? Sasso? You got to look at it like that because they're. Everything's a fucking lie that the people that you're supposed to believe say. So now.


What the fuck, man?


Yeah, so now. Now, you know, our first wife, our main wife. Israel needs us. So our side. Our side piece, Ukraine. Hey, Zelenskyy. It was great while it lasted, man. It's time to. You know, it's getting weird now.




Like, he's gonna say he's pregnant. That's his last move. But, America, I'm pregnant. Yours. That's all he's got left. I'm pregnant with a war. Here's the order of nations that I care about.


Age is 50.


You haven't heard this.


I have heard this.


Did you see a video? The sad old men that look older.


Than me, I'm realizing now that I did hear something about it. And it was also they were talking about how they stopped people from trying to escape to make them fight.


There's a $300 rubber mask that looks like from the movie drive that you can get to look old so they don't grab you and put you in a fucking van. Oh, they're. Oh, they're taking everybody, by the way, women, they're putting in forcible. So they've lost. So. So they lost. That's the truth. Why don't we just kill another fucking amount of them? Until, by the way, Russia's not weak. They're. They're doing better. I feel like Wolf Blitzer. But. But you made Russia weak, right? Like, we can't confirm that. In fact, we didn't when Tucker went there and showed the subway. This is where Jon Stewart, where he says something great, like on a Colbert. Colbert show about, clearly, who came from a lab. We work with them again, by the way, for the record. And then he's fucking does this. He goes, well, that's the price of freedom. You have the National Guard in your subway, and it looks like shit. And you're saying, oh, we're so free here. That's why our subway. That's why nothing is running correctly, that he's smarter than that. That, dude, that's fucking shitty.


Well, it's also. It's echo chamber thinking, you know? And you find ways to support what the echo chamber has sort of establish.


Stop doing that narrative.


Yeah, stop doing.


You don't have to fight nobody. You have to march just stop doing that, everybody, at once. It'll. It'll end the whole thing.


Yeah, yeah, it's a problem. It's a real problem. And it's also a problem that's being used to manipulate people to think one way or another. You know, they'll. They'll use that.




And manipulate you with that just comment.


You know, a lot of times I'll look at something like a kooky conspiracy thing. Like I was reading about, um. What is it, monarch? The one that's, like, after ultra. And it was making me laugh because the thing they're saying is, like these. The scientists have kids in these cages, and they. They shock one cage, and they go, I love you. And they don't shock one, they go, I love you, not, and shock the other one to make them afraid. It's like a mind control conspiracy. But while I'm reading it, I was laughing because it just sounded like a metaphor for our actual entire society. Like, I don't know if that shit's real. I'm sure it could be, but I don't know. But when you read it, it sounds like a metaphor for all of society. The I loves you. Remember you, cat Williams, talking about the homeless people, seeing all these illegals getting cards. Money. Cards with money. Yeah, that's a great point he made. Like, homeless people, you lay on the ground watching people that aren't from here getting. That's. That sums it up right there. You know, it really is. Like, at every level, there's this fucking.


Just like a scam. And you're supposed to buy into every.


Well, every level. Every level. The homeless people thing is a great example. Just the poor people in America realizing that these people are getting $10,000 a month. That whole fucking thing that they were trying to do. And with Eric Adams and in New York, that, oh, you know, you'd get an ATM card and a certain amount of money.


Can I just debunk that real quick? Yeah, the debunkings are worse than the. They go, no, you guys, it's not. Listen, I know you're an alt right conservative guy, Joe, and you're making it, but you have to understand, it's actually cheaper. See, they were actually giving them. They're spending more giving them money before this. The card is just to streamline it, and it'll actually be cheaper. You were giving them more money before this and that you're debunking.


How much do they get?


No, no, it's only enough when you add up all the family members, Joe now, see, you're getting conspiratorial again. Just enough to buy food and diapers and things that, you know, people from here need.


If they all get $10,000, is that real? That seems so insane. Did I move to people from got $700 a one time? The people in Hawaii in.


How many kids are missing still? Did they ever find those missing kids, the thousands of them? Or did Oprah find a buyer?


I don't know.


Yeah, they didn't do nothing for them people.


But these people, they're going to be baffled.


They don't vote for Biden. They're going to be baffled.


Imagine if these people are literally getting $10,000 checks and the people in Maui got $700.


You don't have to imagine. That's what happened.


Right? That's what I'm getting to like. This is the world that we're living in. This is how upside down everything is. And people that want to pretend that anything makes sense, whether it's on the left or the right, people that want to pretend that any of this makes sense, you're all out of your fucking mind. A family of four is expected to receive up to $350 per week under the program, which lasts six weeks. City officials said the program would begin with ten families on Monday, expanding to about 115 families, or roughly 450 people, over the next week. Wasn't there something about keeping $10,000 in an account on an ATM card? See what that was about? Bet you the numbers he was connected somehow. The mayor was supposedly connected somehow to it.


It's New York. Of course. All the. Everything's corrupt at every level. It's not a little bit. It's the whole thing. Well, I like that. Oh, yeah.


One more time. One more thing.


Yeah. It's about Haiti. No, Danny Shaw, you should look up if you want to know. It's. It's like really upsetting and. Because now the people, what I'm seeing on the channels that I like to, you know, where they're. I'm more conservative. The great. Now these Haitians are gonna come in. It's like the reason all these people are rushing in. And it's intentional. It's 100% intentional. All these NGO's and shit, they and the corporations want to flood with immigrants. It lowers wages. They need. The military needs soldiers. We've done this many times throughout history. You saw gangs in New York, right? The Irish?




Okay. They wanna. It's all military age men being brought in to completely like, fuck, what's the word? I'm looking for. I'm so glad.


Well, you eliminate legitimate patriotism because if you got people that come from other countries, then you arm them and have them go against the people that were here originally.


Dick Durbin saying on C SPaN that that's what we're doing.


This is the 10,000 number, but I don't know where they get the.


Oh, it's just as up to.


It will give migrants up to $10,000 each in taxpayer money with no id check, no restrictions, and no fraud control. So that means they get $10,000. I don't know where they got that. Maybe that is like the limit for the $350. Like when it gets to here, that it's a $1000, up to a $1,000 each month. So maybe it's like at the end of $10,000, they cut you off. But also the, what I've heard, maybe it's not true that debit card can only be used at particular places.


Yeah. For the things that cost the most in society now.


Like, for people that have a business connection to the company that's issuing the money, that way they can get all the money. Yeah. Yeah, that's.


Fuck. So look, so that's crazy. That's 100% crazy. So that's your Democrat side. But the people doing that flooding in, besides the ones that the government and these companies put it on purpose, we fucked their country up. And the people on top know that we. That's how we got, like, remember cocaine cowboys? Like the Cuban, the Marielle boat lift and all there's waves of this. And it's because we went somewhere and we. They have shit that we want and we take it, you know, like Hitler did. Okay. And we go, hey, Haiti, it's pretty fucked up that you're not slaves. I hope first you're paying France back, number one.




You're paying them back into the eighties for. They're not being slaves. And we're. And they have lots of natural resources. All those iridium like, rare earth minerals we need for our electric ev initiatives around the world. Their sweatshops. You thought it was all Uighurs. No, we make Haitians do. We've invaded for them, wanting like $0.37 more to make Levi's. We've invaded them like four times. We're about to have Kenya invade them for us. Howard, do it. Ukraine, the crash dummy method, because it doesn't look good for us to invade while we're yelling at all these invasions. Putin did. We're doing worse to Haiti than anything he did to Ukraine. On any level, that's a fucking fact. But Danny Shaw, if you want a good source, that's the guy.


Okay, let's wrap this up. Kurt, you're the man, dude.


That too. I laugh. So send me down a road, though, dude. Well, I have to deal with this, so why should you? I'm a woman. By the way.


You started going to Jimmy Dor show. Like, you. You immediately, like, became.


Once you see it.


Yeah. Once you see, you can unsee.


It's horrible. I don't recommend, um.


I recommend the end. All right, thank you. Bye, everybody. Thanks, brother. That was fun.


Thanks, man.