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Welcome to today's episode of the Mind Set Mentor podcast, I'm your host, Rob Dial, and if you have not yet done so, hit that subscribe. And since you never, ever miss another podcast episode, and if you want to get motivational text messages for me, motivational videos directly to your cell phone, text me right now, one five one two five eight zero nine three zero five. Once again, one five one two five eight zero nine three zero five.


Today we're going to be talking about everybody's favorite pastime, worrying because for some reason, that's something that we all do.


So flipping well, isn't it? So we're going to talk about that fun thing that everybody does a little bit too much that holds them back from a life that they want the dreams, they want the money that they want, the success they want the the the cars, the clothes, the the relationships, the happiness, the joy that they want. And that thing is worry. That thing sucks. And we're going to talk about what to replace your worrying with.


One of the things that I've come to find is that worry is hereditary. Usually people learn to worry from their parents. And that's one thing that's really crazy. Like I see people whose grandmother worries like crazy. Then their mom worries like crazy and they worry like crazy and they can see how it's been passed down from one generation to the next, because that's just what they learn to do. They learn to worry. So it's going to be talking about worry.


And I want to ask you a question. You may have heard me ask this before in some point in time, and maybe you've even thought of it yourself at some point in time.


When was the last time that worrying did anything positive for you? Don't worry, I'll wait. Go ahead and find as many as you possibly can. When was the last time that worrying you went man up so frickin excited?


I'm so I'm so grateful that I worried all yesterday. When does it ever done something for you? And here's the thing. I understand we're raised sometimes to worry, sometimes we learn to worry all of these things, but it's about one of the thing about personal that is so amazing is that in order to grow personally, you have to develop one thing. Self-awareness and self-awareness is not something that we're all born with. It's kind of like a muscle, something that gets better.


So you have to become very self-aware in notice when you start worrying, notice when you start to feel the feelings of worry, feel the feelings of anxiety, of worrying too much about the future.


And here's what you're going to replace your worry with.


You ready action.


Whatever it is that you're worrying about, I don't even want you to think about anymore. I don't give a damn about what it is. And you shouldn't care about what it is anyways, because there's a statistic that found the study that found in the statistic was that 85 percent of the things that people worry about never even actually happen. Right.


So whenever you start worry, I want you to become very self-aware and go, you know what? I'm going to take some action. I don't even care what the action is. You can get up and do jumping jacks. You can do push ups, you can do burps, you can do breath work. You can chug a coffee, whatever it is, get your ass off the couch and do something. Because usually when you're worrying, you're not doing anything, you're just sitting around.


And that's the interesting thing about it. Worrying tends to die down when you are making progress towards some sort of destination.


So if you find yourself sitting around worrying, maybe on Instagram, oh my gosh, I don't have enough money or I you know, I'm worrying about what this is going on. Am I going to get fired from my job? Am I going to be able to do this?


Am I going to be able to this stop just stop and go. You know what? I'm going to do 50 push ups and see how getting your blood pumping, getting your body moving changes the way that you think.


Because you've heard me say before I say said all the time, inaction creates more inaction. Action creates more action. So if you're sitting around worrying, I guarantee you're not worrying as your you know, in the middle of an amazing workout. You're not worrying when you're in the middle of an amazing sales phone call. You're not worrying when you're in the middle of making an amazing video that's going to impact people on Facebook. You're worrying when you're sitting on the couch or you're on Instagram or you're doing nothing.


Inaction causes more inaction. So what do you need to do to break it? Get up, do something, take some action. Worrying dies down when progress is made. The question that I have for you is how much progress is being made? It's kind of like a sliding scale, right? The more that you worry, the less you're probably progressing. The more that you're progressing, the less you're probably worrying.


Let me give you an example of exactly what I mean. Let's say you're in sales and you have to make a thousand dollars this month, I'm sorry, this week to pay your mortgage.


Right. You have to make that money in order to pay your mortgage. If you sit around and worry about paying your mortgage, are you going to make the money that you need to to pay that mortgage?


No, they're not going to the worry is not going to pay the bills, what's going to pay the bills going, you know what? I need to get myself out of this crappy state. I need to do some push ups and I need to get on the phone.


So what if people say no? Some people are going to say no. So what if some people don't answer the phone? Why would you worry about something that might happen versus actually finding out what will happen? What good is it doing for you? What good is it ever done for you? Worrying does nothing. The only thing actually it does one thing. You know what it does?


It takes energy because it takes a lot of energy.


And to put your body through that stress, to have your body go through that stress, it pulls energy from you. So not only are you not feeling good, it's also stripping away the energy that you could be used towards taking action, towards working out, towards, you know, being around and being around people that you love and doing something for other people. So it's taking away one of the only things that's non-renewable for you. Money non-renewable. You can always make more money.


Can you get more energy throughout the day? More time throughout the day? No. So it's wasting your time. It's wasting your energy. You're not going to get it back if you're worrying about how to pay your bills, if you're worrying about how to pay your mortgage. Well, I realize I've been there before. I've been five months behind on my car payment before back in 2010.


That worry can feel crippling. But ask yourself by me sitting here right now in worrying about this, is this getting me closer to or further from my goals of making a thousand dollars so I can pay the bills?


Is this getting me closer to or further from my goals of making a hundred thousand dollars a year is just getting me closer to or further from my goals of whatever your goals are.


Here's the thing. You don't have to believe in yourself in order to take action. That's the beautiful thing about action. Action just takes willpower, action takes the self-awareness to go, I'm not feeling the way that I want to feel, I have too much worry, I have too much anxiety. I need to replace this with getting off my friggin ass and getting something done. I'm going to go and I'm going to do some pushups. I'm going to make some phone calls.


I'm going to go for a run. I'm going to do some burgers. I'm going to do some pushups. I'm going to do some breastwork. I'm going to get my body physically moving because when physical movement happens, you get the momentum on your side. You get a little bit more men to begin the momentum, a little momentum. And I understand it's hard to get off the couch because there's no momentum there. That's when it's the hardest to create momentum is when you have none.


But once you start to have someone on your side, it becomes very easy to keep it going. You can sit around and you can feel sorry for yourself. You can sit around and you can worry.


But I guarantee you, none of those things are going to make in the money that you want, the life that you want, the dreams that you want, the relationships you want, the peace that you want, the joy that you want, any of those things that you want. You can feel sorry for yourself. You can worry about yourself. But none of those things are going to do anything for you. So you've got to do something. You've got to do literally anything that requires you to get up and move small movement towards your goal is better than standing still.


Crawling towards your goal is better than standing still. That's what you have to realize.


And there's a quote that I have that's in Dale Carnegie's book. Dale Carnegie wrote an amazing book. And, you know, it's called Stop Worrying and Start Living in It.


He says The secret to being miserable is to have the leisure to bother about whether you're happy or not. The secret to being miserable is to have the leisure, have the opportunity to sit around and worry about whether you're happy or not, this is before Instagram came around, before people could sit on Instagram and not only worry about whether they're happy or not, but also compare themselves to other people.


And so what he says is, don't bother to think about it, spit on your hands and get busy.


Your blood will start circulating, your mind will start ticking. And pretty soon this whole new positive upsurge of life in your body will drive worry from your mind, get busy, keep busy. The cheapest kind of medicine there is on Earth is getting busy. It's one of the best, right? So he's saying the same thing that I'm saying. And the fact that you just have to get moving in action creates more an action. Action creates more action.


So when you feel it's at once again, it's about being self-aware. Self-Aware is the biggest key here. When you feel that you don't want to be the way that you're feeling right now.


You ask yourself, become very self-aware, OK, I'm not feeling good right now. What am I doing? I'm sitting on the couch on Instagram worrying about how I'm going to pay my mortgage. OK, there's Instagram.


I'm going to pay your mortgage unless you're an influencer. Probably not. So what do I need to do? I need to get up and do something, get my blood moving so that more blood continues to keep going in my body.


You have to realize the successful person in your life is not the person who doesn't worry, the successful person in life is the person who still feels the worry but takes action anyways.


They do what they need to do, regardless of how they are feeling.


One of the things that's really interesting, people think that the way that they feel should dictate the way that they act.


You can feel like shit and still decide to get up and take action, you can. That's the beautiful thing about it, it doesn't mean that the people that are successful don't feel worry, don't feel fears like one of the things I hate when people say hey, and now coming to the stage, our fearless leader, John Smith. You think your leader is fearless? No, nobody is fearless. The difference between somebody who's successful and unsuccessful is that a successful person feels all of the same things that the unsuccessful person does.


They just don't listen. They take action anyway. They do what needs to be done in spite of the worry, in spite of their fears.


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They do it whether they're worried or whether they're sad or whether they're sick, they do what needs to be done. They follow through on what needs to be done. They follow through and what they say they're going to be doing. They take action no matter how they feel.


They know that confidence comes from working towards their goals.


As Tony Robbins says, progress equals happiness when you're progressing towards your goal, when you feel like you're getting closer and closer and closer toward your goals, that's when you start to build the confidence. Confidence comes from getting the results and getting a little bit further along the path than you were yesterday.


That's where confidence comes from. Those born with this confidence thing, it comes from being a little bit better than you were yesterday.


And then a month down the road, you look back and go, holy crap, I'm so much better than I was in six months.


In a year down the road you go, holy crap, look at how far I've come.


That's where confidence goes from. That's where it comes from. The confident person knows that the motion creates emotion, motion creates emotion, get up and move, do something. So instead of sitting around and worrying about what might happen, even though statistically it's proven that 85 percent of the stuff that you worry about never actually happens in the first place. So it's a waste, your freaking time.


They get off their butts, they get the blood moving and they make things happen. You know, if I'm standing here, right here right now and I'm recording this and I look at my my my computer and I can see right now it's 47 percent. It's not plugged in. But what if it said seven percent?


Would it would it be beneficial for me to be like, oh, my God, my computer is seven percent. My computers have become like this. Oh, my God, my computer, my computer and seven percent.


Oh, God, I'm worrying so much about my computers at seven percent.


If you saw me doing that, you would be like, Rob, plug in your freaking computer. Right? Why? Because there's something that's wrong. We've got a solution. The solution is plugging it in. So if you're worrying about something and the solution is right in front of you, why worry about this thing instead of actually taking action? The thing that's holding my computer back from being charged is me getting the charger plugged into a wall plug into my computer.


The thing that's holding you back from worry is actually taking the action that you need to. You know, the the people who who don't get to where they want to go, they see the blocks and the barriers in front of them and they make them bigger than they actually are.


They look at them. They go, oh, my God, they're so big. I don't know if I'm going to be able to to get past this barrier that I have this mental barrier. And then they start worrying about the barrier versus actually just coming in contact with it and figure out what they need to do.


So what is it that you've been worrying about too much? Think about that for a second. What is it that you've been worrying about too much? What mental barriers do you put in front of yourself? Just be a really good time to write these questions out it, to make yourself answer them.


What action can you take right now to overcome those barriers that are in front of you and stop worrying? So let me give an example, instead of worrying about money or how you don't have enough money. Ask yourself, what can I do right now to make more money? What can I do right now?


You might say, oh, well, I work full time jobs. There's nothing I can do right now. No, that's B.S. There are a million ways to make a million dollars on the Internet. That's the beautiful thing about this Internet thing.


If you're listening to my voice, you have access to the old World Wide Web. And there's a million ways to make money in the World Wide Web. But are you doing what you need to do to figure out how to make that money? Are you researching?


Are you finding what courses are you going on to YouTube and see how other people are making money? There's ways to do it.


So ask yourself, instead of worrying about money, how can you take action right now to make more money instead of worrying about your health?


Ask yourself, what can I do right now? Notice I keep saying right now, not tomorrow. What can I do right now to improve my health?


Think about that, if you worry about the bad that will happen, you will have more bad happen to you. That's just the way it's going to work. But if you replace your worry with taking action, you will combat that and get a different outcome.


You know, you'll come back that thing that you're worrying about and you'll have a different outcome than the thing that you're worrying about. Then what happens?


You get a better result. You start to feel better about yourself, you start working towards and you go, oh my gosh, I, I actually this wasn't as bad as I thought, no shit. So it is for everybody, but you're like, oh man, this wasn't as bad as I thought.


I was making a mountain out of a out of an inhale. OK. Yeah. I think I can do this but it doesn't matter for you if you don't actually go. You know what, I'm going to stop worrying. You know what, I'm going to screw it, I'm going to keep working, but I'm just going to keep taking action no matter what. No matter how I feel, I'm going to do it, you know, and that's the thing that you have to realize is that if you're broke and you're always worrying about being broke, you will get what you think about most.


The crazy thing about humans is that we focus on what we don't want more than we focus on what we want. Huh. That's interesting. Maybe I should say that again and see if it hits home with anybody.


The problem is that we focus on what we don't want more than we focus on what we want. We focus on the things to worry about. We focus. And things were fearing a focus on things that we don't want to happen.


And then we're trying to figure out why we're not getting what we want in life.


The reason why is because you're taking all of your energy, your physical and mental energy and putting it towards what you don't want.


How could you possibly get something that you want when you're not putting any energy into it, when you are putting any focus into it, or when you're putting a whole hell of a lot into it, whole hell of a lot less into it than you are about things that you don't want.


If you're sitting there going, oh, my God, I don't I don't want to be broke. I don't want to be broke. I want to be broke. I don't want to be kicked out of my house. I don't want to be I don't want to be kicked out. I mean, I start to lose my car to one of these, but I don't know. I don't want my wife to think less of me because the fact that I can't pay the bills, if you're thinking those things in your head, are those going to help you pay the bills?


No, of course not.


So you got to become very self-aware and go, what am I thinking about? What am I worrying about?


I'm putting all of my mental energy into what I don't want into not being able to pay the bills, into worrying about what my wife is going to think about me if I don't pay it.


I was worrying about losing my car and putting all of my energy into those things.


Instead, what I should do is go OK, if I'm worrying about pay the bills, worrying about paying the bills instead of worrying about that, what if I just go, OK, what do I need to do right now to take action to make the money they need to to make sure that there is no way on God's green earth that I won't be able to pay my bills.


I will not have that conversation in my life with my wife. I will not lose my car. I will not lose my house.


I will figure out a way to get it done. And what you do as you put your energy into the solution versus putting your energy into worrying about the problem or perceived problem that you have in front of you, which might not even be real, because once again, 85 percent of the stuff that you worry about doesn't ever happen.


Let me give you another statistic in case you guys need to hear it, 85 percent of what you worry about never happens. Why are you spending so much time worrying about the things that never even happen in the first place? Why don't you spend more time actually focusing on what could happen versus what probably will never happen? And that's creating the life that you want, creating the business you want, making one hundred thousand. I'd rather focus and put all of my energy into making, you know, one hundred thousand dollars a year if I've never made that versus how am I going to pay my bills?


Think about that, because when you start to take action, interesting thing happens.


I don't know what it is. I know if it's got to know if it's the universe, it's like the universe tends to conspire and be on your side and reward you much more quickly than if you didn't take the actions you need to.


So ask yourself, what am I worrying about that's taking away from my happiness and what action can I take right now to overcome that thing that I'm worried about? Whenever you're worried, replace your worry with action.


So that's what I got for you for today's episode. If you love this app. So please do me a favor. Please take a screenshot of it. Please take a video of you watching it, listening to it, whatever it is, and share it on your Instagram story right now and tag me in it. Rob Dial Junior RBD ALJ are the way that we grow the way this podcast has become. One of the top podcasts in the world is literally through grassroots.


That's the amazing thing about it. I don't have any big broadcast company behind me. I'm literally sitting in front of my computer right now with a microphone. That's it.


I don't have any producers, I don't have any lights. I don't have anything else going on. It's me, a mic and a computer and we only grow when you guys shirt. So if you would share it, I would greatly, greatly appreciate it.


And I love you for it as well. And with that, I believe the same way every single episode making your mission make someone else's day better. I appreciate you and I hope that you have an amazing day.