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If covid-19 has impacted your business's finances and you have difficulties accessing credit, the government's covid-19 credit guarantee scheme could help. The scheme is designed to provide SMEs, primary producers and small midcaps access to low cost liquidity to keep their businesses operating.


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The covid-19 credit guarantee scheme facilitates your bank and providing liquidity and working capital to your business with an initial focus on term loans and working capital loans. Loans of up to 250000 euro are unsecured. The scheme will be available until the end of December 2020.


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What you're about to hear is a teaser for our new bonus episodes we are doing for subscribers to Beest inside the Daily Beast membership program. We have a very special debate season preview tonight with former senior adviser to Hillary Clinton, the guy who played Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton's debate preparation, Phillipe Brittas and Lincoln Project member and Republican strategist Mike Madrid. Again, this is for a beast inside members only to hear this, along with the rest of our upcoming bonus episodes, had two new abnormal dot, the Daily Beast dot com.


That's new abnormal dot, the Daily Beast dot com. I have a question for Mike Madrid and Rick Wilson here. Do you think Trump has done a debate prep?


I concur. I second that motion for Rick Wilson. No, clearly he has. And I'm sure they'll probably try to schedule it, run a few things by him. He will pay attention and he'll move on. But look, here's what I think Trump's biggest weakness is going into the debates. The fact that you're not going to have an audience is really what is going to destabilize him. And Trump doesn't need a big one. He just needs a handful of people that will get some sort of group cackling or some sort of group group response.


But without that is that is where Trump is at his worst. You'll recall in the past month or two when he did this one on one interviews with journalists, he has literally no gauge when he's not getting some sort of feedback from others as to when he's going off the rails and whether what he's saying is smart or stupid or incoherent or whatever it is, he literally needs the feedback. And the larger the crowd, the more comfortable he is. And as you know, P.T. Barnum persona, he needs that stagecraft.


And without that, I think he's going to be wandering around like, you know, like a go out in the wilderness, just look, you know, looking like prey with vultures circling around him because he's going to have literally no gauge on which way he's going and where he's heading.


I mean, I think that's true. And you see that with remember that interview he did with Laura Ingraham where he was like comparing. Right. He was talking about show. Remember that when he was talking about what it's like to shoot someone and how it was like golf? And she kept saying, no, no, you don't want to say that. And he still didn't get it and he kept saying it or the cognitive test. He just keeps going.


He doesn't realize what he's saying is just asinine because there's literally no feedback. And he his personality requires that external reaction in order to give him a guidepost as to where he's heading. And barring that, he's just listless. He's fucked with Chris Wallace. Exactly. Oh, yes.


Imagine the conversation we'd be having if Steve Scully, who I love and respect, but God bless him. The reason I love and respect him is because he'd be and will be probably a terrible debate moderator because he's not used to Trump. He's not used to really anything that's not human. It would be very different. Chris Wallace isn't going to fact check every 30 seconds, but he's not going to let the duties go by. And more importantly to Molly's point, to make his usual Trump's usual safeword, you know, that he can say on Fox it's a fake and everyone stops with the BDM or whatever it is that they're that they're doing.


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