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New Amsterdam Vaka. I was just talking with your agent, Kevin, about one thing that he and I have in common, and that is an unbridled love and passion for New Amsterdam Vaka. He came to our studio and he had New Amsterdam for the first time in a while, and he was gushing about it. I don't know if it's the fact that it's distilled so many times. I don't know if it's the rating that it has. But New Amsterdam is the premier vodka in all of our liquor cabinets. Anytime we're going out to order some vodka, we're saying, Hey, how about some New Amsterdam? Because they're making Cosmos, they're making Mules, they're making Martinis, and anything else that you can fantasize about in the entire vodka world. That's why everybody out here is finding their wins with New Amsterdam vodka. You're drinking it. He's drinking it. I'm drinking it. And if you're at home listening to the PatBev pod, you should be finding your wins today.