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Let's talk about our good friends over there at New Amsterdam Vodka. New Amsterdam Vodka. Oh, yeah. You could taste the refreshingness of New Amsterdam Vodka because New Amsterdam Vodka, born from an uncompromising passion for great Vodka. We want everybody to be able to enjoy and take part in some delicious, fantastic New Amsterdam Vodka. I keep some of the tuck at all times just so I can- I need to pull that right out of the pocket. Yeah, I got it on the pocket, dude. While making great vodka is a passion, New Amsterdam and the Pat-Bev potter are most inspired by those who stay true to who they are and share an unbridled passion for everything that they do, from pursuing their dreams to celebrating with friends to having an epic night out. I know after a long road trip, you want to kick back with a little bit of New Amsterdam vodka, and that's why New Amsterdam vodka is the official vodka of Barstool Sports. Find your wins today with New Amsterdam vodka.