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So Violent. I flex with no trying. Whoever you consider the best, I don't like him. Saw Joe Biden hitchhiking. I drove by him. I'm ghost riding in a plane with no pilot. No smiling. Quit your little hole crying. Sent Jeff Epstein to get fucked on his own island. Hey, chill. Put a little bitch on the river's sticks with closed eyelid.


Please, a dog, I'm a Greek God like Poseidium.


Hey, chill. They stay hatin. I pay bills like Gabe Davis from Philly, but I'm so NY like PlayStation.


You're not a killer chill. You're a middle-aged Jason who's not prepped, but you're built like an AIDS patient. I took a vacation to a Russian space station. Just to shit on you from 10 miles away, so stay patient because the shit's about to come out as choppy as claymation. But when that shit hits, I'll be up on the plane waiting. Bro, let me chill.


No. Let me chill. You stop. Let me chill. You stop. Let me fucking chill.


Oh, my God. I'll put anything on my man wrong against anybody, anybody.