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You got to think. So I leave these organizations and you got to think I leave the Rockets. They got Chris Paul, right? Traffic cone. I leave the Clippers. Where I go, Clippers, too. Where the fuck I go out to Clippers? Minnesota? Clippers, Minnesota, right? I think so. Fucking got Rudy Gober. You know what I'm saying? Out the Minnesota trade. So not only are these teams, they know my value because they're trading other assets according to my value. You know what I'm saying? But I don't get the money as-Campaign is an awesome player. Yeah, but the 14-year-old guy-We don't know. He could be the best. I'm going to put a bet on whoever that guy is to win MVP at some point in his future. You might be coaching him. Imagine. Imagine. Holy shit. I'm going to look up the year of that pick.