Pat Bev GOES OFF In Sixers’ Tough Loss To Boston Celtics - Pat Bev Podcast with Rone: Ep. 61
The Pad Bev Podcast- 749 views
- 6 Dec 2023
TIMESTAMPS: 00:00:00 - Start 00:00:53 - Intro 00:04:22 - Pat Bev and Wounded Sixers vs Boston Celtics 00:10:27 - Joe Mazzulla ...
I know my duke straight, but I didn't think I was getting to a fight. I come down, Bob, Bob, Bob, hit game with him. Yeah, bitch ass thing all the cord, knock me out. Straight up instantly, right? I get up. But that's another story is like, you don't use the bitch word, right? You never use that word. That word can turn ties real fast. And that was my first, okay, you learned a valuable lesson, son.
A grown man hitting someone underage. Who does he think he is?
Josh Goudie? Hey, JJ. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.
The Pat, Beth, pod with Ron. We're Ron.
Subscribe to the pod.
Stop and drop everything. We're at 186.
Hey, Ron, something broke with my mic.
But if you're not subscribing, you're going to be the 186, all right? You need to take.
Care of this. No, relax, man.
Relax. That's how we're doing people who don't subscribe to.
The pod. It's so simple. No 186, man.
Relax. Or 187 then.
However, we have to.
Do it. Hey, you all got to first show you love, Ron. You dropped everything you did, had plans tonight, and you came up here and shot the pod. I appreciate that.
Well, this is my main focus.
I appreciate that.
I'm focused. I appreciate you making time during the NBA season to do a podcast. No one else is.
Doing that. Yeah, it's cool, but fuck that all that before we even get to the pod. I heard what happened to granny.
Oh, yeah. She actually loves the pod. So yeah. She got to listen a lot, and anytime that we would talk about any memories or anything, everybody would alert her. 97 years old. Great life. She had a great life, man. Rip to grandma, Susie. Straight up. She had a great life. Bulls fan. So when you were on the Bulls, she was pretty excited, but she just was a fan of sports in general. Intelligent woman. Rest in peace to her sweettold me. Thank you for bringing.
That up. No, you told me. You called me. You remember that call?
Which one?
You called me. You told me like, man, found out my grandma.
You called me. Oh, yeah, that sucked. That sucked.
That shit sucked. It's true. I know that pain real well. That shit's weak as fuck.
You've been able to talk about your grandma on the show a decent amount. Rest in peace her sweet toll. Always great to have a story about grandma.
And- 97 is tough. That's a great fucking.
Life, though, Rob. I know, dude. Hopefully I can make it to 97. But still it's weird. It just still doesn't feel like enough. You know what I mean? No matter what, it's never enough. Right, that's true. It doesn't feel like that. Are you right? If you get to 97, you're.
Like, Fuck. That's it? I should hit 100 and seven. Yeah. When do you think you're going to go?
I'm thinking like 117.
117? I'm going to be on some adrenal crown, dude. I'm going to need them to blend up the stem cells and have me drink that shit as a potion, dude. I'm not trying to check out, dude.
No, I ain't going. I'm like.
I'm going to go to California.
Yeah, I ain't going. I ain't going.
I'd never want to leave. But it's 97. You can't.
Think that. That's 97. She was.
On for the record, though. I think the record is 122. It was this French lady. She was close. -and she said she never had a wrinkle. She said the only crease on her was her ass crack.
You know what? I'm done. I'm not about this for wrong.
Shout out to my man, Ron. He drove down here. You all are.
Very wrong. Anytime. This... I mean, this is Philly. You know what I mean? This is Philly, and what a week.
It was. We're not going to sit here and be like, You just drive out here all the time to hang out. You just only drive down here for work. Yeah, exactly. You said Philly like it was.
Like, Oh, yeah. Yeah, but this is the hub of the pod. You came to Philadelphia.
Okay, I was just.
Making sure. You know what I mean? You came to Philadelphia. I appreciate it. The least I could do is come to Philadelphia. Love, love, love. You know what I mean?
I like how you use that. What do you mean? Say that.
Yeah. The 76ers had the pleasure of the Pat Beb experience against the Boston Celtics. Which one? I think we should talk about that one first because even though the Celtics lost, I think that it's appropriate that we give you a platform. You're... You're trying to get you a platform to pop your shit.
No, man, we lost.
I mean- We lost, man. But you did all you could to make you guys not lose tighter career high in points.
I know, but.
I didn't- Eight, seven, I know. Was it 75 % from the field? Yeah. Or just something disgusting. Just a beautiful stat line where people are like, Holy fuck. Maybe Pat Beck's best basketball is ahead.
Of him. Yeah, I play well. I play really well. But I got two fouls over there to free throws at the end. The foul on Drew, the foul on Jayle and Brown. I thought that was an offensive foul, actually. So that's four points I gave away. You know.
What I'm saying? Plus the missed free throws.
Missed free throws.
You know what I'm saying? If we're being critical.
Well, fuck that. You want to be great. I feel like I could have played better. Yeah? Yeah, I feel like I could have played better.
So Embiid was out, Maxie was out. But regardless, they gave the start and the reins to.
Pat Beck.
Honestly, you're a pound on the rock.
No, that's just the system, though.
What do you mean.
The system? We run our offense the time. We work on the offense every single day in practice. I was just going to shit that we literally work on. It wasn't anything special. I came out, Picking Roe, got a switch, made a quick decision. Other than that, I was coming off hitting the man that was popping. All the fives were in the deep drop. Our fives though they had three-point opportunities at night. I was just trying to make the right play. All that shit came within the system.
Your fives had an opportunity to shoot a little bit to that free stuff up because it seemed like you were driving a lot. You were getting to the cup pretty-.
Because of space, there's five out with no end. It was good. My reads were cool. I could have some better ones, some lazy tongue. It was cool. It was a good.
Vibe, though. But the confidence is there.
Yeah, it was a good one.
Yeah. I mean, it was just exciting. I ruined dinner again because my wife's trying to enjoy a nice dinner and I'm glued to my phone. Yeah, I.
Got all you all text messages that at half time.
You checked it at half time?
Yeah, I would say these motherfuckers crazy.
I'm in the text- Girl for 30, man, I don't.
Know why. Mike's in the text. We're like, That's fucking gajordas at the text. Everybody's like, Let's fucking go. Tyler, silent in the text. I don't know why. Because you're.
Cooking the Celtics? Oh, yeah. My boy. Say less.
He texted. He texted.
But no, it was a vibe in the chat. Vibes in the chat. You all going crazy. Every play during the game, I'm reading that shit. Dying, laughing in my head.
Yeah, it was fun. Hopefully we're giving you just the confidence or just the gas you need just to let you know, Hey, we're locked in, watching the same way that you're locked in playing.
No, no, I'm fucked. You all are some real friends.
You all are solid as fuck. How many of us?
Half done, friends. I got a couple of new ones. I like that.
Yeah. You were distributing the ball a lot as well. Rebounding, I think people have seen the rebounding. I think that that comes because that's an effort thing, and the effort has never not been there. Excuse the double negative. But you were distributing the ball, dishing that thing. Where does that come from? Within the system as well.
Or what? Just the right reason. Just make the right reason. Good things happen, you make the right... If you pass it to the open player, good things happen.
What was the dialog with your teammates throughout the game? Let's start with that.
I don't know. It was just more like everybody was locked in. You got to think, I don't know. I'm starting to like 30 on the clock. You feel me? I don't know, I'm so locked in. I don't know, Maxie not playing. I'm not on my phone or anything. I'm watching film. I look over the scout, make sure, okay, cool. I'm cool. I'm cool. I understand. Okay, cool. I see PB. Oh, shit. I ain't got time to think. I got to get right to it. I can't go out here later on. We're not the boss on TV? The whole world watching. And I love playing the Boston, though.
I don't know, man. It's just the history behind it. I love fucking playing the Boston. The fans will fucking hate you if you're not in Boston. The basketball is always going to be great bump. Obviously, they're the boss of Celtics. It's a vibe playing there.
It really is. Especially as a Sixer, I think that there's a elevated rivalry between the.
Two squads. Yeah, that's why it was even... Oh, that shit was lit, bro. That bitch was lit. Fuck, I wouldn't have won. Man, that bitch was lit. It was lit there.
Yeah. Because the fans, Las Vegas, they probably see Embiid is out, Maxie is out, Oh, we're just going to give the win to the Celtics. It wasn'tthat easy?
No, I don't know nothing about that begging stuff, but...
I was just keeping an eye on it.
And it's like... We weren't going.
No, not quietly into that good night. But then I want to know what your conversation with the Celtic Starters during the game was. Any back and forth with the fellows over there?
We're talking crazy. Hey, I'm busting your ass tonight. Good for you, Pat. I ain't going to say the names. You know me, but yeah. Hit a big one, barking in somebody's face.
Must have felt like a.
Holiday out there. You would step your ass up. I was having a good time, but none of that matters because we lost. Damn. You know what I'm saying? You can only pop it so much. When you took L, you really can't really even pop it.
Who's the best shit talker on their team?
I don't know.
Jason Tatum talked his way out of the game.
Hey, man, what's wrong with you, man? You're great.
Nothing. I just love ball, dude. I just love watching ball, and I'm ruining dinners, dude. They didn't have the fucking Sea Breem. I was already pissed. I had to get the.
Salmon, bro. You give me Jim Carey vibes.
Damn. I'm different when I put on that.
Mask, too, bro. I don't sound like how big you going to be, for real. Yeah?
Yeah, I'm a big. You think I'm an ace like that?
No, like legit. I'm happy for you and your success.
Thank you. Likewise, man. I think that there's so much success that lies ahead of you. But I know one person that doesn't think that, and that's fucking Joe Missoula.
Ghost in the handshake, dude. That shit pissed me off.
Who is that handshake for? Settle it once and for all. Was it for Payton Preacher or was it for Joe Missoula?
No, definitely one for Preacher to ask. Yeah. You feel me? Because he's seen my hand out there. He, he felt he could have backed up. I understand it. I wouldn't have shook a shit either. But then Coach Sam and Kasella, he cleaned it up. Shout to Sam O'Casell, shout to Joe too. But Joe, it was cool. It was cool. No. It wasn't like that. No. Say what happened. He texted me. What did he say? He said, Oh, man. Come on, man. I know you didn't miss me on purpose. Come on, man. I'm a grown ass man.
It looked like he missed.
You on purpose. Hang on, man. Joe was great. We literally talked about the game. He's great.
He took a hard right turn. He saw.
Your hand and then ducked away.
It was dangling.
In his face. Imagine, though, if he really did that.
I think.
He did.
No, no, no. I seriously think that he did.
That was mean. No, don't say that.
Don't say that. I mean, people broke down the tape like it was John Kennedy getting assassinated.
Chill, how are you going to bring somebody? Come on, can't speak about that.
But I'm saying that that tape has been looked over more than any other tape in the history, breaking everything down. I think that as soon as Missoula saw your hand, it looked like he took a beeline for the locker room when you had full extension, it's not like you were on a cool little dap. You were like, Man to man, shake my hand like the dude on the airplane. I don't understand it, and I think that you're giving him a pass.
No, I'm not giving nobody a pass. I'll just honestly tell you the truth. I don't think he missed me at all.
Then why didn't Preacher come and clean.
It up? It's a friendly battle. You're the other team.
But the game was over and you lost and you were extending your hand to shake it to the winning team. They look bad.
It's okay.
Not with me.
What happened? Would you... In your mind, you think, Joe missed my hand on purpose?
I think that he saw it, was pissed off that the game was closer than he thought it should have been. Thought that you were being too Joe with the handshake, and then he just took it to the hills, just high tailed it out of there.
That's a lot.
It was.
That's a lot. That's a lot for you to even try to think about it.
That's a lot. I told you I broke.
Down the- I know, I heard you the first time you did the tape, the film.
I mean.
That's really- You compared it to assassination. Yeah, I heard you.
That's that's what it looked like to me. But if you think otherwise, I'm forced to take your word for it. But I also want to talk about your interactions with your own coach during the game because the camera always seems to catch you and nick Nurse having a one on one conversation, whether it be free throws or breaking the action. It's almost like you guys are hitting a mine melt. You guys are just locking in together. Can you give me the nature of some of those conversations, what you guys were.
Talking about? No, it was more like we just be vibing. I see some shit like, Hey, man, we should stand the double high pick a row with the five dropping so much. Well, he'll say shit like, I turned the ball over early. Jayden Brown got his hand up. They watched the pass, they getting their hands on the eye. You're right, I'm going to just throw behind thepasses tonight, he was a coach, I don't know if I feel comfortable. But that was my reaction because it's a quick way to get there. I got one-off, you know what I'm saying? But it would be a quicker way to play. But we'd be locked in. He let me in. I see some shit he let me in. You got some pat out. I got something, or I need some. You can feel me like, it's Coach point shit, normal shit.
I don't know if this is a fair question, but do you think you have the highest basketball IQ on the team?
Everybody know the game different. I don't know the game the way Joe knows the game, double teams and all that. I can see it from a defender's standpoint, but to actually be in it, I don't know it. You know what I'm saying? Right. Consistently every night. He might see things about how defense has changed that I might not see. Or I've never been in a role like Maxie, hoop-free, you're able to make mistakes. I've never been in a role like that. Different types of intelligence. But two roles is different. He got good knowledge. Marcus Morris' role is different because he has knowledge from a game. He's been the third star on a team where it's been two stars. Sobut his perspective, it would be different than mine. Everyone's role is different, though. But I know basketball. Don't get it fucked up.
I won't.
Yeah, I know ball. I know it because I played it a ton of places. A ton of places. Places that people never played also.
Different experiences will probably give you more well-rounded knowledge of the game.
I have some great coaches, too. I have really good coaching. Not even in the NBA. In the NBA, like Dan Tony, Kevin McHill, my Doc, T-Lu. I have up and coming new coaches. Number one in the NBA right now in Minnesota. I had Coach Finchie. I got a nurse. I have some good fucking coaches. I started with the Heat, Sposho and Pat Riley. I have some good fucking coaches in the NBA too, which comes with good assistants and good organization. So mix that with my knowledge, all the shit from overseas.
So you're soaking.
Up knowledge. I should know basketballs. Yeah, honestly.
I don't think it's hubris for you to say that.
You have- Hubris. You are on a fucking roll today. You're going to look into the camera.
You're an asshole. I don't think it's hubris for you to say that you have the best knowledge on the team. I don't think that that's inappropriate. I think that that's the shit that you should be able to pop. You've been in the NBA for this long. You've been playing professional basketball for this long. You should have pretty good.
Basketball knowledge. But I got enough knowledge. I got enough to get by.
You were scoring the game before as well, though.
Not like this was a.
20-no turnovers. No turnover.
Turnover. We lost, man. You know what I'm saying? All this should have been good. You win. You feel me? You want to play well and win. You don't want to just play well. That's the bittersweet part of it. It's fucked up. What to me?
I think that an underrated... Obviously, Bids missed some time. Maxie's missed some time. I think that Kelly Ubre missing the amount of time that he did was very unfortunate and almost overlooked because the things that he added to the team in the first 10 games or so it was really maybe understated, but his scoring ability really changes what the Sixers can do.
Well, no, because he's just different. He can go get 20 on his own without really doing too much. It's just different.
I feel like he's a misunderstood guy, and I almost have empathy for him as he goes through the situation with the biking. People don't even know he's a mountain biker. That's interesting in and of itself. People wouldn't probably expect an NBA player to be a mountain biker. But secondly, the fact that so many people doubted him, and he said he had a quote where he's like, I wish my life wasn't like the Truman Show where everybody is watching me and every little thing I do is so scrutinized. Do you empathize with that? And do you think a lot of NBA players have that feeling? They pine for a little bit more privacy?
I think that once you get the NBA brand on your back, that it's not you represent in some way bigger than you, right? Even if you want to do some chill shit, or if you want to do some nut ass shit, it's going to get some type of response to it, you know what I'm saying? Good or bad. You got to just got to watch how and what you put out there.
But I think mountain biking is some of the most chill shit you can do. That's the opposite of nut ass shit.
I know, but it's still like... I wouldn't get on no bike because I'm scared of motherfuckers around me. I don't know if I'd be saying people try to out. I'd be afraid to get on the bike. I just fear I got to get over it, but I know.
Especially these narrow ass Philly streets.
Man, they'd be fly, too.
Hot holes everywhere.
You know what I mean? It ain't that bad. It ain't that bad. It ain't that bad.
I ain't-Callow Hill Street? That street's terrible.
There's some nasty streets. I know, I'd have seen, my dad was going, Oh, damn.
I ride a bike every day in to Manhattan from Brooklyn.
Yeah, Utah. Like beefjerk in Utah.
Yeah, like Overcook, Salisbury, bro. But there's wider bike lanes in New York, though. It's like Philadelphia.
But it's expected in New York. You know what I'm saying? You expect to see somebody riding their bike in New York.
In New York is.
So congested. You see somebody flying down. I don't feel you. Hold on, is that personal bike or a person running or a person?
Was that a pair of peanut butter, brown, honey eyes?
Relax. But I'm excited to have Kelly Ubre back in the mix. I'm excited to get the Sixers back at full strength because I think we saw early on in the season how fucking dangerous this.
Team is. Yeah, we tough. We tough. We tough than that beef jerk you all were talking about earlier. I know.
I love it too, and the cohesiveness of the team, everything that everybody can bring to the table when everyone's at full strength, everybody.
Playing into it. We would all practice be lit.
What is practice like.
These days? I'm talking about we'd be getting after it.
Yeah? What does that mean? A lot of drill wise.
Or scribages. Drill wise or competition shit. Like yeah, white against blue. Let's go.
Who's which team?
The Star of the Zersda, Beckho. But they always train my players away to the other team.
Like who?
Today Marcus Morris was with us. I looked over, he was with another group. I had Robb come into it over there for a little bit. I walked, looked over, he's switching jerseys. A lot of trays going down to practice, man. It's just getting wild. I'm really out of here.
Yeah, they're trying to see what you could do with a bear covered over there.
No, but no, I've been having a good group, man. We've been competitive, so it's been fun. It's been fun to see them.
How does it work? Are you playing to... Is it a number that you're playing to? A certain amount of time? How does it work?
Stops. Yeah? How many stops you can get.
And what's a number of stops that you.
Look for? Four or five stops. Yeah. Whoever first of four or five stops will win. So I fucked up. I all fucked up. We got to sit down and play some D.
That's very interesting. So what.
- And I ain't going to lie, Joe, he tough in practice.
Really? He's not loafing?
He going right at shit. He blocking shit, yeah. Practice be lit. Practice be lit. Max be, yeah. We'd be talking shit. Yeah, that should be fun as hell.
So you're guard to Max.
I'm guard to Kelly. I like to switch on Tobias. We talk some shit a little bit. You know what I'm saying? It's a whole vibe. It's cool. It's cool. It's real good.
It sounds like a fun time. I think it's interesting that you're playing by stops because that.
Just-you lose. You got to run.
How much.
Running have you been doing? I'll give you the sauce. Not too much of.
The sauce. All right, fair enough.
Fair enough. But you should be getting lit. 17s. Yeah, it can be competitive. That's a good one.
I'm over here learning. I'm trying to learn.
Then we wake up, we get to free throw line. One, seven minutes on the clock, one on one basketball. Oh, yeah. Practice be lit. Oh, yeah. Practice be lit. Yeah. Practice be lit. Practice is like that shit was lit.
In a fun way?
Fun way. Put on some music. Checkball, both sides. Then you get to look at me, Who down there? I'm about to go on the side. I'm cool. I'm going to upgrade over here. Max needs to the Byers, Marcus Moore, Joel, and B, Kelly, Frank Horse, my son, we in that motherfucker.
I know that nick Nurse is a DJ. He's probably putting on NBA young boy.
We and that motherfucker gettingcrazy. We don't talk about we catching the vibe, though. We're having fun. We have a lot of fun, man. It's the reason why he's been successful in the NBA. For real, he got his shit down pat.
He locked the fuck in. I think people see the glasses and the Clark can't hair cut, and they're like, nick Nurse might be square. But then you see how he dresses, talks, and acts.
I'm talking about the man writing play one time early in the season. You feel me? Man, writing play one time. He got on this black little shirt. He lift arm up. Rowley on that bitch dancing. I damn, Nurse.
I damn, Nurse. You ain't wrong. You is not wrong. But he ain't flashing it, though. He's really trying to hide it, but like- It just slipped out? No, that just slipped out out. I stopped looking at that play. I damn, Nurse, that bitch dancing on you. He struck me, nick. I love it. I love it. That's awesome. Give me slack. You're a good dude. You're a good dude, too, man. You're a real good dude. I think.
People are really seeing the effects of what he's doing. Pat, wait for a second. I want to talk for a second about Body Armor.
Yes, Body Armor. It's the best drink. I've been drinking Body Armor forever, so yeah, I'm here.
For it. I mean, it's the official water of our podcast, the official hydration partner of our podcast. Something about the electrolytes in there gives that extra alkaline, hydration boost that's really.
Drinking out the plastic isn't bad because you drink some drinks out the plastic and you taste the plastic, not them. Water or the juice, body armor has been great. For years too.
Yeah, they have all the flavors. The hydration from the flavors.
I feel more hydrated when I drink it.
There's something about it. Strawberry banana, motherfucker.
Yeah, oh, yes. Are that berry? Oh. We're like. Absolutely magnificent. The barstow offices are stocked with Body.
Armor water. No, for real, they were. They were. I walked in there the other day the last time I was there. Everybody's at their.
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Up. There's other people out here who are on the New Anshidane. It's like the secret's out. Secret's out of.
The box. Is it because of us?
Honestly, I don't know if it's because of us, if we're because of them. But I'm just happy because the more people in the world that are enjoying New Anshidane vodka, the more that I'm going to enjoy my life. Because New Amsterdam vodka is the key to a good time. It is. The portal that you step through to enhance any evening, any afternoon, any kickback with the fellows, or if you're going to a club with the ladies, you're going to want to make sure that you're having some New Amsterdam vodka. I'm a martini man myself.
Oh, olive. Dirty. Okay, chicken not stirred. Well, James.
Bonds is me. Exactly. I bet if James Bond were alive today, he would be enjoying some of this new Amsterdam.
He probably was drinking. That's probably how he got away all the time.
Honestly, just skating out the back door. I think it was the new Amsterdam vodka, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I think that's why I admired James Bond so much. I think he'd admire me back, honestly, if it really came down to that.
Shout out to New.
Amsterdam Vacca. Stock up for your holiday parties today and find your wins with New Amsterdam Vacca. Another thing that everybody saw was you had a super fan out there that maybe put the, I don't know if he put battery in back, but he definitely charged you up a little bit. I saw you sign in the 15 jerseys. This kid was pulling up fucking high school, grade school, practice jersey.
I'm trying to think. Hey, shout out to him.
You got super fans out there.
We got to get him a Sixers jersey.
We have to get him a Sixers jersey.
Because you know me, I run out, go warm up, Pat can't sign. I'll sign when I'm done. Let me put this work in first. Work comes first. I'm leaving and it's a past sign. I try to make sure I sign everybody. I try to make sure I sign everything. Kid come over. I see him from far. I look at him, I was going to tell him, Hey, you sign my jersey. You flip one eye. Made my way in the stand. Come here. Because he was four rows behind. I come here, man. We got to meet up. We got to link up. You a real one. Real ones got to link up.
No, he's more.
Than a real one. He pull out Jersey, boom. Pull out other Jersey, boom. Pull out Lakers Jersey, boom. Put out Chicago Jersey, boom. Put out Minnesota Jersey, boom. Put out Rockets Jersey, boom. Put out I love Pat Bell's shirt. I promise you. They go back. Man, that shit was... Somebody in the locker room told me. I just sent that kid there, that's dope as hell. I said, I really want to bring his ass back here to just show him some other shit.
For real. Support begets support.
Yeah, that was love.
It was beyond love. If he wasn't so cool, I'd be like, damn, restranding order of-I'm just.
Trying to relax.
I'm joking because.
That's literally the coolest thing. Not too much on the little homie.
Yeah, no, that's the coolest thing possible. There are super fans of Pat Bev out here, and people are like, Oh, he doesn't have 15 All-Star Game appearances. But then I saw another TikTok of a guy. He has framed Pat Bev Jersey, and they're like, Why do you have this jersey? And it's a clip of you throwing jersey into the crowd or something like that. He catches it or something. Maybe he was already wearing your jersey. Youjersey to him, and he framed it up there. I think your style of play and your attitude really resonates with people, and it makes people fans. If someone cares about something, that shit is palpable. You can tell when someone gives a fuck and that makes you give a fuck. You being passionate about the game of basketball, you wearing your heart on the sleeve, you leaving it all on the court every night, I think that really resonates with people. People fuck with that. That's why you have these random white kids, Latino kids, black kids, everybody. There's a class of kids that really fuck.
With you. I know I'm wrong. First off, before I even answer that, thank you.
No problem, bro.
I felt that. I felt that motherfucker come out your chest. I felt it literally come out your chest. I'm like, you feel me? Like, there you go, boy. Yeah. I like that. That was gangster as well.
It's the truth, though.
No, I appreciate that too. And I appreciate you.
Noticing that too. But I think it's universal. I think that it's not even unique to basketball. It's passion is a real palpable thing.
I care about what I fucking do, bro. I really do, man. I care about what I do. I do this podcast. I don't rush and do this shit. If I'm supposed to do a job, I want to do it. It the best way in every way. Obviously, I do something that I love, but at the same time, this is my job. My name is on literally the back of this. No, I got to represent. I got to represent Will. I got... Yeah, I got goals. I got shit that I still want to do in life. I got to come correct. I got to.
Other NBA players aren't really doing it like this. Even guys who have podcasts- I don't know. -they're not coming in the studio every week like this. That's a lot of reserve for guys who are out of the league who have hung it up and they're like, What else can I do to fill my time? I'm almost like they're bored.
No, I wouldn't say bored. You on some shit today. I would. But no, but I don't know. I just feel like I don't like the opportunities. I like to take advantage of them. I do. For me, I ain't out here capping or telling lies. I'm just speaking my truth. A lot of people resonate with my truth, but a lot of people don't. You see... I've seen something that Matt Barnes say he's a celebrity. He fight. He want to fight me. And then I see some... Why? Cammy. I don't know. Then I see Cam-.
Matt Barnes.
Wants to fight you? I don't know, man. That's weird. I see Cam and Mace talking about they on their little platform, on their little show. I guess I'm entertaining some people.
Yeah, they did have... I saw those teeth go.
On those. I think some of Mace say he'd choke me out. I think that's how it started. What? Yeah, I think that's how it started. Why? That's why I'm trying to see why my brother much more choke me out. You feel me? Damn. Yeah. But no, we ain't going for that shit.
Damn, everybody wants to...
If you want to wrestle you. What the fuck? Pause. What are you.
Talking about? But yeah, was funny. Because it was funny during that clip. They're like, What's Pat Beb going to do? Really try hard and play defense. Then you went out and got a career high on points. I think maybe you used that as fuel for the fire in.
A certain ways. Yeah, I don't have to because it's already happened. You know what I'm like? We'll be on the choking door. What are you talking about?
Yeah, what?
Come on. Draymond?
No. What? Who? Ever? Choke. Me. Ever.
Yeah, why are they.
Saying that? Well, books say less. Are we going to bump into each other. You feel like... I work on this shit though. I like this shit. They shit fired up.
Yeah, it's a.
Good show. I want to go on.
This shit. Well, they were dying to get a show at Barstool.
I know that.
Oh, my God. They're in Erica's office wringing their hat in the hands. Please, Erica.
Yeah. That's the show.
But I think that their success is great. It's just great for media in general to have opinionated and funny people being able to talk their shit and... But I.
Like us. People are.
Trying to entrain them.
I like us. People want to fight me, though. What the fuck? Like, damn, when are we getting into that? Damn. That's enough to boo me. It's enough to not like... Speaking of booing, OKC ain't boo the shit out of me.
Yeah, but they didn't boo Josh Getty. Just a minor inconvenience. No, they.
Didn't boo. They didn't boo Josh Getty.
All right, let's get serious. That shit is... So that's an interesting situation because allegedly, Josh Getty had relations with an underage- I.
Don't want to talk about it. I've got a daughter.
Yeah, that shit sucks.
I don't even want to think about it. I have a daughter.
Yeah, that shit sucks. And it seems like the Thunder organization knew about it.
I don't know. I just know I have a daughter. I have two daughters.
You feel me?
So like-Yeah. How would you react if he was your teammate?
I don't know. I have a daughter and I've been fortunate enough to be in situations like that. But I have a daughter, so I just know how I get about not only my children, but my daughters too.
Yeah, it seems like you'd be protective.
I think protective is a subtle word, but necessary.
Yeah. Yeah, that's an unfortunate situation and.
It seems-Yeah, next subject.
Okay, next subject. What do you think that the actual transcript between Emea, Udoka, and LeBron.
James was? What's to that? I don't know. I ain't never think that with you all. Was that personal? I think- I ain't never seen the.
Coach talk like that. I saw one transcript where he was like, Stop bitching. Then LeBron was like, Hey, we don't use the B word around here, buddy.
Yeah, you don't.
You don't?
Hell, no, you don't.
Not even bitching? Like, bitching is like complaining. It's not like you're being a bitch.
Check it out. No lie. True story, right? I told the story to a lot of people, but I ain't never really told the story to public, but I feel like the.
Public- Be careful with your cuticles.
Sorry, I need them right now. But I think people need to hear this. Okay. A pivotal moment changed my life. It really made me like, Okay, life comes at you fast. How to adapt? I'm playing basketball. I'm having my way. But I'm not I'm so fucked up in school, right? For real, listen to me. True story. Crazy ass story. I'm so fucked up in school. I'm getting bad grades. We're living way out in and the birds for protection. A guy who was raising me, he died, he gets smoked. It's a lot going on in the household. You feel me? All the money that we had come in, didn't come in no more. We let me and Mom living in Motel, wild story. I'm talking about some wild ass shit. Some shit that should be like, Man, hell no. I'm sneaking in cabs, going to school, hopping out before I get to school. You know what I'm saying? Bringing two book bags, leaving a book bag in the car. It looks like I left something. If I tell them I'll go out and go get some money, runningout of school. Some wild shit happened during that time.
I'm hooping. I'm hooping. It's a crazy thing about that bitch work. I'm hooping at a YMCA, a grown man and shit right out to schools and shit. I'm hooping I'm killing. I'm literally having my way. I'm in Prime, Pat Beard form. I'm a fucking freshman sophomore high school. Yeah, man. Hit shot. Yeah, bitch. Grown ass man. I don't know anybody had to be like, I don't know. I was young. So I was 15. You had to be 28, 29. But yeah, young father watch out for that bitch word. You know me, whatever. I can fight, though. I got real dukes. I got a train with Boxes at the Golden Dome, trained at the Golden Dome. I know my duke straight, but I didn't think I was getting into a fight. I come down, Bob, Bob, Bob, hit game with him. Yeah, bitch ass think it off the court. Knock me out. Straight up instantly, right? I get that. But the lesson of the story is you don't use the bitch word. You never use that word. That word can turn ties real fast. That was my first, Okay, you learned a valuable lesson, son.
A grown man hitting someone underage. Who does he think he is?
Josh Goudie? Hey, JJ. No, knock me out, bro. I'm talking about like, Fuck me up, bro. I'm sitting there. I learned so many lessons in life, though. I learned eight lessons in that one incident. Don't talk before you fight. Everything's on go. Okay, the age is just a number. Don't matter in the streets. You know what I'm saying? I learned so much so fast. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, that bitch word is I don't even know how that's accepted. That shouldn't even come out. Youdo you feel me? We fighting. Really? Hence my story I just gave.
Do you think that LeBron took it to the appropriate level?
Yeah, it's the only way you could take, obviously, because he's LeBron. He was fucked up, though, but you feel me? That's just a lie. You don't do that.
Lebron is the guy who's held to it.
Why is the word used so loosely? You feel me?
Why is it so offensive?
I don't know. It just sounds offensive. I can't even give you a good enough answer, man. You feel me? You can break it down to feed me a dog. I love dogs.
Right. It's not about that. It's more like, You're my bitch.
I don't know. It just seems like it got more power behind it than any other word. You feel me? You think so? Yeah. I mean, obviously not that one word that-.
Right, of course.
You think, where does the word start with? I forget. Okay, great answer. That's another word, that word for bad.
What about when M-G-K is like, Yeah, bitch, call me Steve-O, and shit like that.
Okay, I mean, again, it's used loosely and it's coming from a different place. You're a white man. Imagine a white coach say that.
That doesn't sound great.
Well, yeah, that's fucked up. That's the word you don't use.
Yeah, interesting situation.
I wouldn't use.
Yeah, because people were like, What could it have been that got to that level of relevance or that type of conversation? And it's crazy.
The camera angles on them off, but it show every word. They had the dialog at the bottom. I had to have this media motherfucker. They'll break it down. I'm talking about you. You can't even do a crime nowadays. You're going to get caught. I've seen him off a motherfucker run down the street. Yeah, a whole bunch of.
Money flying out. This camera there. This camera there.
This motherfucker who picking up dog shit recording to see your first steps go all type.
Of wild shit. It's crazy. But the people in the front row were.
Like, Oh, they were it. I know, but they were still holding cameras up. They went to. They went to.
We'll call them Coker. Well, there were some people behind them that were just absolutely shocked. It was very, I mean, entertaining, but it seems like they took it personally. I wonder if Udoko will learn his lesson and stop saying that nasty B-word.
Loving that, dude. Matt, I want to stop for a second and talk to you about Tableau TV. Put me on. This podcast is sponsored by Tableau TV, and we're introducing Tableau, a new way to watch and record live TV for free.
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Okay, I just.
Trying to make sure- You make sure that something- You make sure I'm on point and I'll keep it straight with you, my friend. Straighttalk Wireless is available at Walmart, and they're available at Walmart. Com. Yeah. I got a hypothetical question-.
Okay, here we go. About the League. Hey, you know what? You've been on some shit today.
I just love.
Life, bro.
What a blessing to have a job like this.
You must have been really driving up here. He coming right at me today. Hey, I like this role. What? I want to talk to him. What do you want to do? Get off your chest. Go ahead. Make me pay. Make me pay for having you drive up here.
Five players.
Five players who.
Are going to be the new face of the league.
Some players that you can't put up there.
What do you mean?
Like Shay, Luca.
They've already gotten these all NBA accolades.
Yeah. You know?
But like Halliburton. Okay. Anthony Edwards.
Tires Maxey.
Love that?
I like San Goon.
San Goon is getting a lot of love down in the Goon pit. People are going crazy for San Goudon. I like San Goon. -for San Goon? All right, give me one more.
You're going to go like no one's going to like my last one.
The kid from Detroit, Durant. Really? Yeah.
What about him?
You can't put the women of the yans in there yet. You can't put the Chels. Too early. You're too early. This league, you know.
That's interesting that you have somebody from Detroit when they can't win a game.
I know, and that's why I'm saying. But I don't know if the numbers he have is like some Dwight Howard numbers back in the day. Interesting. He's not really being featured like that. You know what I'm saying? Sometimes he starts, sometimes he doesn't. I don't know. I don't know. I like basketball. I like basketball a lot and I see different shit. I like.
That answer. That wasn't a very cookie-cutter answer, but you did bring up the Detroit situation, so I'd be remiss if I didn't ask you about it. What the fuck is wrong with Detroit?
I don't know. I don't watch them enough.
It seems like they're having a mutiny against their coach like 25 games into the season.
I don't even... I didn't even read anything about Detroit. I'm just saying they just... It's hard to get up during the season like other people's because you're so busy every day with your guys and focus on your shit. I don't know that I just know I played Detroit. They almost beat our ass. They play hard as fuck. That's my only experience with Detroit, so I couldn't tell you anything else.
Just L after L up there. It seems like they're frustrated with the way that the rotations are manifesting themselves. Seems like they can't get a win. Seems like they're aware. It must just not be fun at all to be playing that type of basketball.
I don't know. You go out there, you try. They're young enough, though, so everything is fun right now. But they got a good coach, and Monty, and he's won places with really good players. That's when coaching comes in. But he knew that taking the job, he had a tough task ahead of him, but.
That's what comes with it. They're not going to fire him, are they?
I don't know.
I doubt it. He just got a.
Fucking bag. I doubt. I think you got to coach like that sometime, at least.
That shit is all guaranteed, right? If they fire him, he just gets to walk with that. What did he get? Like $70 million or something like that?
I don't know.
Something like that. I know he got a fucking ton of... I don't know. I know it was groundbreaking. Very interesting situation up there. Bro, what do you think about Ozenpik?
You like it? What are you against?
At first, we're going to be honest about this. You asked me this question when the cameras was off, and I didn't know what the fuck that was. Then you informed me about getting a shot in your belly button that what is it? Stops you from eating or.
Have an appetite? It curbs your appetite, but it's also said to curb any type of inclination or craving that you might have, whether it be an inclination.
Towards-what a question.
-gambling or drugs, or something like that. It just curbs the things that you want, makes you want a little bit less. But I saw that 15 % of Americans are on Ozempic, and 47 % of Americans know someone who's tried Ozempic, a drug that seems like it's a breakthrough drug in weight loss. People are shedding pounds. You want to get skinny for the holidays, get on the zempies.
Okay, that's a lot you gave me.
Right there. What do you think about it?
I mean, not that I'm just actually knowing what it is. I think everyone's body types are different. Sometimes you have people that got thicker bone than other people. It's hard for people to work out every day and shed and shed and shed. Everyone body type is different. That's the only thing I can think of. I think so. I don't know the health. It has to be something that fast. I don't know what's, you... I don't even know what it is. I didn't even know what it is until, I don't know, 45 minutes ago, but it's different body types. I do know that. It is hard for people to lose weight, who even work out and do diet and all that. I understand that.
There's other health concerns that come with being overweight in some ways, so it could be helpful to lose the weight. But like you're saying, it seems like whenever there's some massive good that comes from something, there has to be some type of side effect.
Yeah, I'm not any type of guy who's making any type of shots or anything like that. My word is, you know.
I feel like you're doing lemon grass shots. You know what I mean? Like you're doing turmeric shots.
You got to. Those type of shots, not like shots like... Yeah.
Say less. What do you think about it?
I think it's sweeping the nation. I can't believe 15 % of people are on this.
Would you try it?
Would I? Yeah.
No, bro. All right, cool. Your girl walking and she, Hey, babe, how do I look? You hit it with you. You look great, babe. She hits you with a, Babe, I look fat. She going depression stage. You don't know what's going on. Household is on fire. I'm trying to literally, in flames. She's every day picking on you, something's wrong. All because she wants to get the shot. She doesn't need the shot, but she wants to get it. Do you allow her to get the shot because of the turmoil that's going on at home? Or do you stick with your guns and be honest?
I think that first off, I wouldn't allow. I think that everybody has their own agency and autonomy to do what they want to do. But at the same time though, I think you got to get to the root of the problem, as opposed to doing something superficial to paper over the problem.
What would be a root? What would be something that people have for doing it? Insecurity or.
What do you think? Yeah, well, I think that there are people who... You legitimately, there are people who can lose a ton of weight doing it. I think that there are people who want to get skinny, want to be in the best shape of their life. They want to look hot for the summer, look hot for the winter, whatever they want to do. But I think that you're probably right. There's people who don't necessarily need it and are using it. But I've heard that it doles people's ambitions and personalities in general. If you're an outgoing, gregarious person, there might be something about your personality that's shrunk down by your lack of desires. Is it.
For man, too, or just women?
I think there's... Guys, you know Joey, for the guy from the out and about podcast, I think he's on it. I think that he's been pretty vocal about it. I think maybe Dana Bears. I think some guys at the Barcelal office are on it. I mean, 47% of Americans know somebody that's.
On it. When you say know somebody that's on it, do you actually know how many shots they take a week or a month? That type of know?
I don't know. I think that there might be a couple of different syringe sizes or something, but I'm not sure exactly what the dosage is. But even just somebody sticking themselves with their own needle, I think that's tough. Leave that to steroid users and diabetics.
I got my boy Negro Robertae on the cut.
I'm sorry?
I got my boy Negro Robertae on the cut.
How do you know Robertae?
Robertae. One of my really good friends is from Chicago. From Chicago? He came up to visit me.
How fun is it to have one of your friends around? And do you feel like it's your obligation to be their entertainment when they're in town?
No, hell no. He know me. I leave his ass in the middle of a motherfucker restaurant. We just laugh about shit without using words. You feel me? It's always good to have that. Roberto. Roberto. My boy in the cut. Shout out to.
Negro, my birthday. Shout out to him. Shout out to Mark Cuban guest on.
This show. Hey, man, he just got a big bag. Big bag. Subscribe to the pod.
Damn. That sound is fucking nice. We need to drop that as a drop.
Let me say it, you can just say it.
Subscribe to the pod.
Pod. P-p-p-p-p. Subscribe to the pod.
You're sounding a little bit nicer. I don't know. Your voice is a little bit more malefluous than mine. I did. You like that?
Very nice. I just got some type of magazine offer... I don't know. I don't want to be too... They want to put me on top of it. I ain't going to say the name.
I thought.
You meant another magazine. I'm chilling.
Okay, so a magazine is trying to get you on which kind?
I don't know, man. These things are still early.
Is it a local magazine or national?
Cigar, aficionado? No, they're trying to disrespect me now.
That's a good magazine. Michael Jordan used to always be on the cover of that one.
That's cool, but I'm not talking about that. I'm a fashion guy, so yeah.
Wow, that'd be fantastic. Well, I hope everything works out, but I think that you've had a good head on your shoulders as you have been navigating the media space throughout this year. We're in the midst of the mid-season tournament. We had them turn it off over here so it wasn't distracting and put on some calming ducks in a pond, five hours of ducks. But that doesn't mean that we're ducking the big question. Who do you think or who do you want to win the NBA mid-season tournament? Who are you rooting for?
Who you can't root against? I'm going to say it was LeBron James.
I don't know. Imagine, though. Imagine, Bron, winning the end-season tournament. It's still going to be like, It's not enough. It's not enough. What do you want you to do?
I mean, Jordan never won one.
You also said that. You also.
Said that. Bill Russell, I mean, he's got all the rings, but no in-season tournament.
Imagine, though. Imagine, Bronon. That should be fun. But it's one game too. That would be awesome. Yeah, one game, elimination and stuff. Anything can have.
One game, we know that. I know. It has a very mixed bag as far as the feel. Some teams that you'd expect, but some teams where it's like, Oh, that's interesting. Maybe they have a.
Little bit of juice. But then you can't get mad at them right there, too.
Well, I think that Yokach is so fucking good at basketball that it's almost boring for people to.
Talk about it. But it's the team, though. The team have a great system. We got a great coaching also. Obviously, it's Yokich, obviously. But that's a round of pieces. They got rid of Bruce Brown and Reggie Jackson and been filling it up. I mean, he've been cooking. He's been playing his ass off. So you're in a system like that. You know your shots will come. You know your minutes will come from. You just thrive and a bunch of confidence.
Soalso a cool-ass coach over there. They got a cool-ass coach.
Yeah, Mike. Well, he'd be popping his shit, don't he?
I know.
He don't get no fun. But he takes so much pressure off the players. Yeah, I beat a Bullseye. Some shit go wrong. Yeah, cool. Just don't point at my players. Respect the coach like that.
Yeah, that's nice.
Respect the coach like that.
I think that it would just... I like when people get really pissed off about stuff. So if LeBron won, I'd be like, Okay, that's fucking awesome.
Yeah, that'd be dope. It would be very cool. It'd be dope. It'd be dope as fuck.
Just in general, though, I love it.
Who are you going for?
I mean, this will be out tomorrow, but I'm rooting for the Pacers just because people will be like, What the fuck? Or this won't be out tomorrow. They might be out of it by then.
Were you rooting for the Pacers before they beat us or after?
After. Because they played- Because they beat? Okay. You know what I mean? Because then it's like, Oh, Six or second best.
Right. Okay, cool. I understand now.
But yeah, I wasn't rooting for them beforehand. It's just like a left field team. Because I have animosity towards the Bucks, animosity towards the Celtics, animosity towards the Nicks. There's a lot of teams where I naturally dislike them. I have the least baked in animosity. It's like, Oh, great. Indiana, they'll win one. What was the last time they were Rick Smiths? It's been a while.
They're playing Boston Auto, right?
Yeah, they're playing Boston. This segment of the podcast, The Winddown, is brought to you by Pi-Wine. Pi-wine, Peace's new sidekick. Pi-wine. Every one of these bad boys is packed.
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And this one- Yeah, I like how they make it like that.
Oh, yeah. You're getting a.
Bang for your buck. You can hit the socks all over the place. I love that part, though. Yeah. 13 %. And it's chilled. You can drink it. Chilled or not chilled.
It's perfect. You got to drink it chilled.
Yeah, but sometimes, because I've used a pie wine before. When you don't chill it, it tastes real good.
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Absolute- We should do that. We should invest in it.
I would. I'd say that. 100 % I would. I think the easiest way to do that, they're allowing us to invest. You join the pie wine team, you get a slice of the $46 billion pizza industry. Love that. All you have to do is go to pawine. Com. That's pawine.
Com. That's piewine. Com. Oh, got it.
Pawine. Com. Pawine, pizza's new side piece. Let's talk about our Spotify-rapped. You might not be a Spotify guy, but...
I'm an Apple guy. Yeah? Yeah.
It doesn't fall far from the tree. I'm an Apple guy. But does that mean that you know or don't know who your most listen to artists of the year are?
I listen to the same people.
I know who my number one was.
Jersey? Yeah. Mine too.
Yeah, I listen to.
Drake the most. Is there a female in there for you?
Of course. Who? My second one. You'll never guess it. Lizzie McAlpin. Wow. She's a Philly area galem. She's a singer-songwriter, though. Brilliant, brilliant songwriter. She's very inspiring to listen to High Upside.
I like that.
Who else is on there? Alchemist. I like to just throw on some Alchemist beats. Blp Kosher was on there for me. I was listening to a lot.
Of BLP Kosher. You can get wild. And then Jid, dude.
I was listening to a lot of Jid.
Okay, you like that? I don't know who none of these people are. None of them? None of them. Damn.
Got to put me on.
Put me on. Alchemist, one of the best producers that's just that good ass. If you like Benny the Butcher, Conway, or guys who are just writers, rappers, Alchemist has a lot of production for a lot of those guys.
This should sound like Spanish.
No, no.
And then Jid, he's just the fucking sick rapper. Where is he from? Yeah, I was going to say, yeah, he's like a J. Cole, but I was going to say the Carolinas, but I think he signed to Cole and them. And then Be Up. Yeah, Hotest Trend. He's got that. But even before that trend, I mean, he was my most listened to artist in January, February. Then BLP Cocher is like a Jewish kid with wicks from Florida. He's like a...
With my feet out.
I'm all around here with my.
Feet out. But yeah, those are my top artists of the year. I don't know if people give a fuck, but I'm curious to know who your top artists of the year are because I feel like people would be interested.
Comment, comment, comment, comment. Subscribe, subscribe. Sure. Subscribe to the pod.
But yeah, who are yours, though? I'm asking you, Pat Beb. I'd like to know the listeners.
I don't know. I don't listen to music. I don't feel.
Like-what do you listen to?
Podcasts? No, podcast. I'd just be, man, I'd be locked in. Be, I don't know, the same old shit come on in the gym and on the locker room and other teams locker room, the same old rap.
Yeah, that's interesting that Apple doesn't give you the same type of feature that they're not.
Like-yeah, that's why I'm saying you got to put me on the Spotify link.
Yeah, I definitely will. It's nice to interface.
And they give you new music, right? Something pop up Spotify and shows what's new, right?
Spotify does a great job of... Their Discover Weekly will give you a lot of songs that they're like, You might like this. And a lot of the time.
They're like-Is it based on your algorithm? I think it's based.
On your algorithm, yeah. I'll listen to a bunch of Jersey Club music for this week. And then my next week in Discovery is going to be a bunch of fucking Jersey Club.
Hopefully we can find out who Pepe have listened to next year. But we'll give you the Spotify link and we have to have you track some of the guys that you can listen to.
Yeah, I'm interested in that. I'm interested in that. Yeah. Because DMX might be on my type of weather now. Oh, really? Yeah, it's the DMX type of weather now.
Really? So when it gets cold out? Yeah.
I look through the 11th floor window, I take that one last puff of the end door, look through the scope and just tingo. Yeah. Rest in peace X, man. Rest in peace X, man.
Rest in peace, DMX. He had.
That funeral-That was my mom's favorite rapper. So growing up, I only listened to X in the car. I took.
In like-That makes so much sense.
This is my favorite rapper. He's my mom's favorite rapper. But you got to think X got me through whole Ukraine. I'm in Ukraine every game listening to X. That shit got me to the NBA. But it was my mom's favorite. She, listen to this song. Listen to this song. One more world to cross. One more. Yeah. Yeah. Damn. This is my song, listen to this. I'm with mom, just an X like this. I inherited X. Yeah, that's- I'm talking about DMX, not X to C.
Right, or Xzibit. Your ride is pimped out. I've seen it. But I... Yeah, that makes a.
Ton of sense. You tough. Hey, man. You're probably one of those kids. You're probably supposed to get your ass beat, but you got out of it.
There was this picture that- You.
Were just getting your ass beat? Oh, God, no. How many weapons you think you got? Actually, somebody put hand on your ass as punishment.
That didn't happen. My parents didn't do that.
I was getting my ass thrown out of windows for talking back. I'm not sure what I'm talking about. It got to a point in my granite career. A kid might say some shit bad you and you'll frange up because you knew something was on the way over there. A book, a motherfucker.
Through a window, like broken.
Glass everywhere? Or throw shit. They can't get to you. They ain't going to throw shit at you. Some... Chancletas? I'd be with my cubs here saying some smart shit and I'd turn to hurry up and turn around and look and see how long. Make sure that buffer don't hit me. Yeah, bro. Relax. Well, that's how you got to be hit.
This was me as a kid, bro. I had that shit on, dude. Let me see.
Yeah, this you wrong.
Yeah, this you. You got that shit on, my boy. Yeah, bro. I was fucking- You throwing up the fan too.
I know. I was dressing.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I knew I liked you from the beginning.
Yeah, bro, that's.
How I had it. Yeah. Shout out to the militia.
Shout out to.
The militia. Yeah, I like.
Yeah, bro. Sick look, sick fit. I don't know if I'll screenshot it.
Show them, yeah. I need to see.
Screenshot it, send it to.
The gang. My boy throwing up the fire. You wild. You've been wild since you was a kid.
Yeah, I really was, bro. I was fucking little as ex couldn't.
Pull off this thing. With no weapons, though?
No, sir.
What did you do for discipline?
My parents were strict as fuck.
Okay, so what did you have to do for discipline?
I was just getting the most trouble ever. Or just like I wasn't allowed to do shit.
What does that mean? You couldn't go outside?
You couldn't- Yeah, I wasn't really outside.
They were telling me I had to go outside. Yeah. What? Then when you take away outside, it's like you took away everything.
On the weekends, my parents, when I was in grade school, they'd be like, You're doing six hours of homework this weekend. I was like, They didn't give us six hours of homework. What the fuck am I going to do for six hours? I love that. They had me fucking locked in, dude. It fucking.
It sucked. But I'm like that.
But I'm too. -sick to love it now.
I'm like that with my kids too. Extra homework and all that, but you feel me like, Yeah, my son say some sick shit. Yeah, my phone come right across.
Six hours of homework is fucking crazy. I know that your son is not saying any.
Slick shit, though. No, he will. Yeah? I live by this method. We call it Schlafi. Schlafi? Yeah, sometimes you got Schlafi.
He's a- Because it's not about now. It's about later on when they think of something that they want to do. Like, man, you know what I did that shit a couple of years ago? I'm up for a slap shit out of me. I ain't going to do that.
No more. I'm not saying bitch anymore, Daddy.
You feel me? It's like... It's nowadays, some adults need their ass slapped five too. You feel me?
A dog could be careful.
The world will be a little better place.
Yeah, you could tell that your son, he just knows the right answers to give.
He was on there. He should know that, and that's the issue. Yeah. Why why do you know that you should know the right answers all the time? Why do you know that you should know that? That's a problem for me. That's a problem for me. You're too clever.
Yeah, but that's a good problem to have. That or that tend to be too much the other way.
I know, but you hope you steer it the right way. You feel me?
Well, you've been steering the ship the right way on the Pat, Beth, Pop with Rowen. Appreciate everybody for listening.
Love, love, love.
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I think I'm going to call our shit a show. I thought I said one of the rappers from Chicago hit me, Pat, man, I need to get on the show, man.
It is a show.
Damn, this is a show. It's a way of life now.
Wow. Love gang.