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Where are you in Milwaukee right now? Fear the Deer. How's it having a new home in Wisconsin? Get the call, absorb feelings, understand it's a business. I might have to leave tomorrow. No, I have to leave today. No, I have to leave in two hours. Damn, I got to pack eight suitcases. I got to get ready for a game. They play tomorrow, going from heart and soul from a team to now your new kid in school. You got on fresh kicks, but everybody got on fresh kicks. They're looking at you, you're looking at them. This is a nice school, too. It's elite school. They breed champions. You have to walk a rope of, okay, being yourself, but especially me. I'm a polarizing figure. It's like either you love me, you hate me, unfortunately, but that's how it is. So it's understanding what are the buttons to push, what are the things to say, from a place of trying to win. I don't know. Sometimes maybe my delivery can be loud, but I always tell people, Don't look at the delivery, listen to the message. Yeah, I'm a new kid in school, and I'm just finding out what my locker is.