Transcribe your podcast

Pat, what's it like having a tiny little guy like Dan Cartier? Who? Pat, Ben. Do you talk to people in the Denver Nuggets locker? The Denver Nuggets show, I fucking love. I don't know how to answer it. It's like, I've seen Pat before. I don't know how to answer. Wait, bro, you guys just get ass naked in front of reporters like that? I don't. Then I also asked Michael Porter. You're in the media world in some ways yourself. Are there any podcast, really, that you respect as far as the rest of the NBA? I've never got to watch it. I haven't really watched it. That meant he listened to it. Then I talked to DeAndre Jordan, too. Shut up, man. He didn't say anything. You guys are staying the night, right? You guys are staying the night. What are you doing on the night? Come on, Pat. Come on, Pat, man. Let's go to the night. After we got to be out to beat our ass. It's a lot of them, aren't it? They let you in the locker room. It's fire. Next time I'm going in there like a 1970s reporter, I'd like to talk to you about the basketball game.


Fucking on some old-timey shit.