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The only person that gets to win every year is Wallo because he's going to switch up. He's a loser. He picks his team when? Playoffs? He switched every week.


I don't keep up with basketball. Got too many games for me to watch it. Once finals come, I'll see who looking good by the round game three. Whoever looking the best, that's my squad.


I'm rocking with them. But what about when someone blows a three-nothing lead or something like that? You know what I mean? Then you wind up looking- Listen, one thing about me, I keep a backup journey.


I'm going to that celebration. I don't get fucked with nobody talking about it. I'm thinking it's some loser shit to be holding on for a team for years. Oh, are we going to do it next year? Egles, I'm from Philly. I was at the last parade. That was a long time ago. I was in the Tampa Bay parade.


Tampa Bay is our rival.


No, that's not your rival. My rival is the team that I'm on when they win. That's not my team. Egles is not my team no more, bro. A couple of games back, I said, You know what? I'm going to change my ways. I'm going to be an Egles fan. Beg Philadelphia, let me be an Egles fan. And then they lose two games. It was because of me. Yeah, it was. We get together for that. All right, bye. Bye. Baltimore right down the street. I ain't got time for this.