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Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to The Toast. Happy Wednesday. That yesterday, I would have really appreciated, but right now it feels like it should be Thursday.


Yeah, I won't argue with that.


Yeah, I feel angry, and I feel misled, and I feel hoodwinked, actually.


So you're feeling like it should be a Thursday? Maybe what if we just pretended it was Thursday?


I'm all about actually living in delusional fairyland. I think people... I'm actually jealous when I see really dumb, delusional people because they frustrate me, but I'm jealous that they're probably happier than I am.


What if we just told ourselves it's Thursday? Bear with me. Told ourselves it's Thursday. Then tomorrow, it will be Thursday, and then we're like, Hey, it's Thursday. We get to do it all over again.


No, but But if today, all day, I thought it was Thursday, I would expect tomorrow to be Friday. If it wasn't, I'd be fucking pissed.




I didn't mean to start out the show on such a negative note. I just felt like yesterday when we sat here, I had a realization that the next time I'd be doing the show, it was Wednesday, and I'd be halfway through. I did you busy day. Yesterday felt like two days, and today... Two days. Sound out for the comments. Should today be Thursday?


Yes or no? You know why? It's because we did a podcast episode last night, so that felt like Wednesday, thus making today Thursday. But speaking of which, we did a Patreon episode last night for our Patreon. And it was an episode of The Toast because we felt like there were so many stories this week that some of the stories that would have been chosen weren't chosen, like the JV Squad. So we did another episode of Toast, and that's available for you to listen to on the Patreon right now. But that's why we feel like yesterday was two days.


We picked those stories up off the cutting room floor, and let me tell you, they needed to be spoken about.


They did. They needed to be broken down.


I feel like actually, after yesterday's episode on The Toast, I learned... It's this thread that's been happening to me. On yesterday's episode, we talked extensively about Taylor and Travis's trip to the Bahamas, and I was telling Jackie that there's this hilarious and cute video. Somebody took on the property of Taylor and Travis getting on this swing. It's like hanging from a tree, and it's above the ocean, and they get on it, and they fall, and it's so cute. The video went viral, and apparently, it's not them. I really can't live anymore in this age of misinformation. I'm a really smart internet user. I'm not an idiot. I see people, literally, there was this clearly AI fake TMZ article being shared, not even from TMZ, saying, Josh Peck's wife is leaving him because she found out he took hush money from Dan Schneider. So absurdly stupid. Somebody had the nerve to send it to me and be like, Is this real? Are you real? You're actually dumb. I'm not dumb. I'm actually really smart, and I feel like I'm a jaded internet user, and I constantly find myself being hoodwinked online. It makes me think for the people who aren't as smart and internet friendly as me, I'm getting hoodwinked every day.


Yeah, I shatter for them, but I also think you are online a lot. Okay, I didn't- You didn't expect this to be a referendum.


I did not intend for this conversation to become a referendum on my internet usage, yes.


But I think that you see everything that's online, and you've cycled through so much, they start showing you fake shit.


So you say, I'm too good at my job. My job is to know what's going on.


No, but now you're muddying. Now you're reporting fake news.


No, I know. It happens to me a lot. People are always like, Terni, that's not real. And thankfully, it's nothing monumental with Taylor and Travis in the Bahamas.


Now I want to see the It was a video, so it was other people?


It was a very cute video of two people.


Well, I'm happy for those people that they had a cute, sweet time.


I think, honestly, the AI. I get hoodwinked all the time, and I'm not stupid. It's these things, the... Okay, I always use this example, and it's meaningless, but the Pope wearing the Puffer jacket, remember? That was the first AI piece of content that was created by AI that went super viral, and it was so funny. These things go viral, like the Taylor and Travis video. Then the fact that they're not true, Don't go viral as much as the video did.


Yeah, but also at the moment, all those things are pretty harmless.




But one day it will be harmful, full of harm.


I mean, we were even saying this yesterday about the P. Diddy situation. When I was on Twitter, there were so many random things being said. I'm like, That's actually harmful. It's serious.


Yeah, but that's different. Theories are different than manipulation of asset and passing something off as true. That's not. Someone saying, I think this, you're allowed to think whatever you want.


Yes, but Like, fake headlines and stuff. I can't do it anymore. I am feeling dumb, and I'm not. I went to college, which means nothing, but I did.


I think you're not going to like what I have to say, so I'm not going to say it. What are you going to say? But I already said it. But I've already said a version of it.


I need to touch grass.


Scale back. Yeah. Touch grass.


I agree.


I like that phrase.


I love that phrase because nothing will humble a mentally ill internet user than telling them to seriously go to sleep. Go to sleep. Step outside.


Touch grass.




Okay, so that's one lesson today. Hopefully, today's episode will be full of life lessons.


Oh, but it's important that you touch grass after you finish listening to the episode of The Test.


Oh, yeah. It'll stay online to listen to our podcast and follow our social media accounts.


Follow our social... What are you, 90? Don't forget to like us on Facebook.


And subscribe wherever you listen. Then touch This protein shake that I love.


But it's got a hole in the bottom. There's protein shake all over my sweater.


There's a song for that. There's a hole in the bottom. Drinking all this wine. It's hole in the bottle.


Still applies.


Still applies.


I've been getting a lot of outreach, a lot of community outreach, people wanting updates on my Weight Watchers journey. Yeah, I lost a pound. I talked a lot about it on our Patreon episode last night, so I'm not going to double dip. If you're interested, it's in that episode. It's all there. All said to say, I'm loving life on... Sorry, WW.


Do you see last night... It's funny that WW is meant to be a shortened version of Weight Watchers, yet it's actually more syllabus.


I do think as a company, they WW, Weight Watchers. I do think as a company, they also backtracked on that rebrand. I think they're okay being called Weight Watchers now.


Wait, that's so funny. Ww is six syllabus, and Weight Watchers is 2-3.


It's impossible. Ww never caught on because it's literally a tongue twister.


Then, of course, you want to add the third W.


No. Something about Weight Watchers, it's so like... You know, it's like...


Www dot. All of a sudden, you got the dot.


What were you going to say?


I was going to say that last night I sent you a W-W creator. I was very inspired. That shared W-W tips for WW girls.


See, it's a tongue twister. It's giving world juror.


I send you a Weight Watchers creator who posts Weight Watchers tips for Weight Watchers girls.


Yeah, I appreciate it. I need to dive deep. I said I feel like I don't have a community. The Toaster's group for Weight Watchers, which has 5,000 people in it, is inactive. Nobody posts in it. Can we bring that group back?


Maybe that you need to post.


I need tips and tricks from the girlies. I'm just loving it. I'm just to call out? I just did. That was me. Bring the group back. That was me calling it out.


Oh, no, no. Post in the group. Get that algorithm moving.


Because there is a open to the public group. I think Weight Watchers started it. There's millions of people in there. It's a bunch of grandmas, and I love them, but their problems are not my problems.




I need the girlies to be like, How are we cocktailing? I need...


Yeah. Well, I saw this creator was having some apples sauce with cinnamon for zero points. Does that sound of interest to you?


I happen to love apples sauce. I have good tracks.


It's baby food.


Yeah. Motts, right? I don't have to go get organic.


I think motz counts. She didn't say.


Because I had some crap organic shit, I think, at your house. It was not the same.


When did you have apples sauce at my house?


Maybe it was like Roshishana or no, Chanaka.


I make my own apples sauce.


Exactly. It's just apples. That's why it's zero points. I want the chemicals for motz.


Might not be zero points if it has added sugar.


Right. That's why I asked. Motz is so good. To me, Motz, Muckers, those kid-like, I love those brands.




They're delicious.


Who doesn't? They're filled with good stuff.


Oh, my God. Do we have any food news today?




Okay. There's big food news. I don't know if people are really upset at Chick-fil-A.


I didn't see, but I'm already at 6 stories whittling down to five during the ad break. So feel free to share it now.


Yeah. Well, I was going to say, they made a pledge in 2014 that all of their chicken, which is like their number one sold item, is going to be Antibiotic-free. As of yesterday, they're like, Nvm, antibiotics in.


Yeah, they're bringing back antibiotics. Did they say why?


Big pharma. I don't know. I have to assume it has something to do with their business model. Maybe they can't get access.


Or the chicken's They're sick.


Maybe they can't get access to that much antibiotic-free chicken anymore. I don't know. It's giving supply chain.


It's poisoning the food is what it's giving. Yeah.


No, they want to...


It's giving poisoning the food and then yelling at us for being fat.


The food in America is disgusting. Everybody knows that. That's why people go to Europe and eat pasta for a week and end up losing weight because their food is real and ours is fraudulent. This is just another part of that. Yeah, fraudulent food. That's why no wonder why people are growing their own Like, veggies and chickens. For real.


She's seen the light.


No, I get it. I'm too lazy, but I get it. I just love- She saw the light inside so shine bright. I do want to say I know the light, and I want to eat the light. I love all of our chemically disgusting foods. I really do.


Just wait, you guys. On turdy's, the Wheel of Turdy.


She's on her- By the way, the wheels of turdy move slow. What's that thing about Justin?


They move slow, but they grind just fine. Literally. Yeah, no. She's here on the journey. She's on her health journey, too. She's a hop, skipping a jump from chickens. Don't worry.


Yeah. I'll keep them on my terrace.


For itching for chickens.


Totally. Romeo would love chickens.


You're going to have one of those lettuce growers soon. Let us grow, I think it's called.


That's so funny. Ben was actually just talking about starting some growing his own herbs because he's been cooking so much on our balcony that we don't know what we're to do with yet. I was like, No, you're not. But you can get one of those white, tall tower things. Is that Let us grow?


Yeah, something like that.


Yeah. I'm like, You can do that. Even though I know it's another thing he'll start and not finish. I'm not in the mood to pick up the pieces, honestly.


It's so true. I know Shannon just got one. We were supposed to be sisters in gardening, but then she went that route. That's not the route I see for myself.


Oh, you're calling her out for being a fraudulent gardener, and you want to be real hands in the dirt.


First of all, I can't call her out for being a fraudulent gardener. I've not done shit for gardening. Olivia She has. At least she's taking steps and making change, and she thoroughly research it. I support her, but I just don't want that. That's not what I see for myself.


There is a perfect part of your backyard that's made for a garden. Ready to be a garden. It's just like, secluded patch of dirt.


That I have set aside and not done anything with because I know that one day it will be something, and it will be a garden, a cold plunge. Every day I'm getting closer to breaking ground on that, honestly.


I love that for you.


Yeah, so I- That's so Huber Meister approved. Oh, my God. Speaking of Huberman.


What you said yesterday- I would literally love to, speaking of Huberman.


You said yesterday that Huber Tip was to wait 10 minutes after you woke up to drink your coffee, which I said made no fucking sense. But then someone in the comments clarified to wait 90 minutes is what he's saying.


I saw somebody in the comments say an hour. People keep lying.


Okay. They said, Because it messes with your hormone, so don't tell me twice.




This morning, I woke up, and usually, I have a million things to do before I can get to my coffee. But this morning, I was trying to be intentional about waiting 90 minutes. I couldn't do it.


90 is long. I think an hour is fine. I saw an hour.


I think they made it to an hour before I was like, Fuck this.


Also, yesterday's episode was truly one of my favorites. This Huberman story, I couldn't listen to us recap it enough. I think I watched it twice. Once while I was on the treadmill, it got me through my 5K training. I didn't even listen to any music. I was It's just cackling. Honestly, I need to thank the writer of this article. It has brought me such joy. People's takes on it, the recap of it, our recap. It is truly... Then there was a couple of people who were taking it seriously, being like, as a woman, I was like, Okay, stop.


You lost me.


Yeah. Just stop. Don't listen to this podcast anymore if you're so offended. We don't care. This isn't an airport. You don't have to announce your departure. But I have just been giggling nonstop. I want to thank Andrew, I want to thank the writer of the article. I'd like to thank Sarah, even though I have found my... I sent you an email- I saw what you sent me, you guys, Sarah's credibility. Wait, now, I don't want to be slanderous because I didn't do any- Don't say who or what. I'm not. I just got this random email, some girl being like, Listen, I have information on Sarah. They're like, She told me Sarah's name, and apparently, Sarah was the founder of some well company, a company about wellness. I don't know if it was food or medicine. I don't care. It turned out to be a total scam. She was lying to all of her customers. She herself has a questionable past.


She has a credibility issue.


That was obviously left out of the article.


If Sarah is who this person said she is.


Nobody came forward with any information on Eve, which I would have been more into.


I need to know who Eve is. Also, people were saying the article is, John Tucker Must Die. Yes, of course. She should have called it Andrew Huberman Must Die.


I mean, in the Andrew... It tracks, honestly, I could see Jessie Metcalf playing Andrew Huberman in the biopic of his life.


Yeah. Actually, Jessie Metcalf was just making headlines today about John Tucker Must Die, talking about how he wasn't eating for the role.


Oh, my God.


Yeah, because he was getting like, John Tucker-ified. He's It was giving Huberman, honestly.


It was giving Huberman. I have to say there are few people who had more of an impact on me as a young woman than Jessie Metcalf. John Tucker must die, and then more importantly, his role as the gardener, whose name is escaping me. John. I was even John and both, yeah. In Desperate Housewives. There was a time where I seriously was so in love with Jesse Metcalf, and he still is hot. I want to thank him for aging respectfully and not being creepy making TikToks about his former youth. He's really aging nicely.


Taking his talents to the Hallmark channel.


That's where he should go. Okay, thank you.


Yeah. Handsome leading man.


That's what he has been and what he always will be on the Hallmark Network.




Handsome leading man. Honestly, he should play Bruce Springsteen in Bruce Springsteen's biopic, which is a story we rekept on the Patreon yesterday. You guys, the person in talks to play Bruce Springsteen. I don't want to spoil it for the episode, is so perfect, and I'm just excited about it. I can't believe that's a true testament to how good the story has been this week, because biopic casting news is some of our favorite news.


We wouldn't miss it. For the world. But just so you know, nothing's signed yet, so you haven't missed anything. But this is what's percolating. Rumors. Yeah, rumors.


I'm tired of rumors started. I'm sick of being followed. Literally me after a successful episode of The Toast.


I'm tired of people started saying...


That's literally you after telling people you want them to think you're on Ozempic. Has that been sufficiently? Because now, I know you don't have TikTok, but all the comments are like, Oh, my God, is Shaki on Ozempic? They're trying to help you. How do you feel? We successfully started a rumor about ourselves.


Yeah. No, I feel good because it was so funny. That's what I feel good about. Totally. I feel good about the funny content that was made. As you should. Based on a joke I made.


Yeah, based on an original thought of yours.


#proudpodcast. Hester. #jobwelldone. #employeeofthemoth.


Okay, calm down. I think there's literally two employees here. Oh, my God.


We should do a segment at the end of every month. I love it. Employee of the month where who shined.


Yeah, we have to quote the other. Actually, I don't think we should be competing every month because that will create resentment.


Okay, that's right. I think we should be nominating the other and explaining why you were an employee of the month. Every month, we have two employees of the month, so it's me and you.


Yeah, of course. Okay, we need to just be conscious of the last day. By the way, it's literally coming up.


It's coming up.


Okay. Can we write this down?


It's a Sunday, so maybe we'll do it on Monday.


No, it has to be the last Last episode of the month, so it would be Friday.


Okay, fine. Oh, fuck.


But Friday is. But it won't always be Friday.


Okay, fine.


Or the first of the month, which is more- Well, the first of the month is April full, so we've got to be on guard. So true, because I would be jokingly nominating you.


Right, mean. You wouldn't know.


We need to map out the next couple of months and set reminders for the segment. Yeah. I'm obsessed. Are we calling it Employee of the Month? That's just so regular.


No, I love it.


Okay. I literally would die for a segment. Segments are my favorite things.


And we've been slaying the segment department.


Yeah, there was a lull, Unburden yourselves, but...




By the way, I just want to say, we didn't like it. There's a very small niche Stan hood for Unburden.


No, Unburden yourselves found a new home. On Patreon. Unburden yourselves has been rehomed to Patreon, and that's where it I love, love, love, love. Patreon is a home for a lot of segments that have gone out to Pasture, like- To Pasture. Things Our Husband Do That Annoy Us.


To Pasture. Sixth Man Award. What did you say?


Things Our Husband- We got crossed over. Things Our Husbands Do That Annoy Us.


Yes, yes. Maggie Bitchwise.


But that's perfect for Patreon in a good way. That doesn't make sense for this show because we do pop culture. Yeah, we're pop culture experts.


Oh, my God. Are you on crack? Oh, my God, by the way, your hormones. Is there anything more- That's what I'm seeing right I'm cringed than calling yourself a pop culture expert? No. I mean, what do you mean? I feel like we say that we are.


No, I know. Is that bad? We are. In earnest, we are, but cringe.


No, I mean, as your job title, it's like, Yeah, get in line for unemployment.


But we actually are. We're the four most pop culture podcast, but still, cringe.


I hear what you're saying. If someone's on TV and it says Jada Smith, I don't know why she came to my I don't know why I said Jane Doe. Okay, Jane Doe. It said instead of whatever their title was, it said pop culture expert. I agree. It's giving sadness. But we technically could do that, but I would never. It would say author, entrepreneur, podcaster, comedian. There would be so many things before pop culture expert.


For sure. But at the end of the day, you're all of those things because you are a pop culture expert.


I think as stated earlier on in the I'm not even a pop culture expert because half the things I think are fake.




Because AI.


No, but you're an expert. You're an expert because eventually you learn. Then you share your wisdom with others. As experts, too.


Very Huberman of me.


Huberman. What's Huberman doing today?


Do you think he's freaking?


Let me check his podcast. If he has episodes due, if he's taking a break.


I feel like taking a break would be a huge mistake. This It was a big nothing burger and taking a bow of silence.


It would be a huge mistake.


It would be a huge mistake. Is that what you said?


Yet two days ago, he posted an episode, so he has a few days off. So I think he'll come back. Is he weekly? He'll be like, Huber what? Huber who?


Huber you. Does he do once a week or he does more than that?


Here's one from five days ago that says bonus, whatever the fuck that means. Then March 18th, March 11th, March fourth. Okay, it's giving weekly plus a bonus. And then February 29th, bonus.


So I don't know. I just look at people with weekly podcasts, and I think to myself, get a job.


But not Huberman because he has his lab, and he has his girlfriends, and he has his dog. He's very busy.


All he cares about is his friends His mom. His friends, and his teammates, and his mom.


His lab, and his dog. Yesterday, I was looking at myself, zoomed out every time I was talking to Bruno, and thinking of how someone could spin it in an article to make me look and sound crazy. Yeah, and it's so easy to do. I actually have a lot of grace for Huberman in that department.


Huber Grace.


I'm giving Huberman grace at the moment as it pertains to treating his dog like a human being, a child. Correct. That's what I was doing yesterday.


That's why today should be Thursday to bring him back around.


Yeah, but it's not.


How are the stories today? We have Dear Toaster, which is our weekly advice segment, which I'm just juiced for.


Same on opposite day.


You guys know Jackie hates Dear Toaster, but I want the community to know. I will never let Dear Toaster die. Dear Toaster is the best. Everybody loves it. I don't know why you hate it so much. You have to do nothing except listen.


Here's why. Not why, but let me just explain where I'm coming from. To me, Deer Toaster, it's like games. The idea of games. It's like, I don't like the idea of it. I find the idea very overwhelming. However, when I'm in it, I am in it to win it. I don't half-ask. When I play a game, once I get into a game, I'm like, Oh, I'm winning.


There It was one time, literally one time in recent memory, where Jackie really got into a game. I'm not talking about quip-lash. I'm talking about board games and such. Do you remember that game of Monopoly?


Oh, and I was cracking you up.


Now, it's important for context. I did smoke pot, which I never do. Then we played Monopoly, and Jackie was the banker, and she was literally robbing everyone, including herself. She was living below the poverty line. She was being so funny. I swear to God, there are a few moments in my life I would love to relive or watch. If I could watch a tape, not even... I don't want to be a tape. I want to be an invisible woman in the corner just watching us so happy. We were on vacation. It was just the four of us, right? The sisters?


The boys weren't playing with us?


No, it was literally just sister.


It was just a sister's game of Monopoly?


I'm so glad I brought this up because I often wondered if anybody remembers that game of Monopoly as a core memory as much as I do. It was probably not to be a loser. The happiest I've ever been. We We're not going to get on vacation anymore. Do you think it was the drugs? Everyone's kids are crying and screaming and throwing up. We only had one kid at that time. It was Mikaela. She was sleeping really good, and Shapiro was watching her. We had everyone's full attention. It was seriously the happiest I've ever been.


Oh, that's a It's a wonderful memory. I know the time that you're talking, but no, I don't think of it like you do.


Because when we go on vacation, my dream is for us to play a game together. It's like, even if I can convince everyone, which is the hardest thing to do, even if we make a plan, some kids starting a tantrum, sick, cough, sleep, breast, there's something. I just want the attention of my full sisters on Monopoly, and I haven't gotten it since that very day.


Well, all said to say, that's how I feel about dear toosters. But when I'm in it, you have my full attention. When you're good, you're good. A hundred %, I'm going to win. I'm going to give you the best advice. But the idea of it is overwhelming to me, and I think that's a fair assessment.


It might be a fair assessment, but I think I speak for the entire community when I say, get over it.


Like, grow up. No, I'm I'm over it. I'm not actively resisting Deer Toaster's, except when I try and make you forget about it or try and push it for one reason or another.


Police arrest her. She's resisting.


Resistance. Another word that's been...


Meaningless. Yeah. So speaking to your toaster...That's.


How to see where it's go.


That means we have a lot to do today, so perhaps we should dive in.


Perhaps. Okay. Without further a do, do, do, here are the fast-time stories that you need to know.


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Thank you, Claudia.


You fall asleep?


No, sorry. I was reading. I was running through my stories. I told you I had to get from 6:00 to 5:00.


We're so blessed.


Yes, but we made it to 5:00. Our first story, Rebel Wilson's book, Excerpt has come out.


Oh, this is such good PR for her book.


Yes, she's describing the onset Humiliation by Sasha Baron Cohen in a Shocking Memoir Excerpt. Let's hear it. So Rebe Wilson describes feeling scared of her Grimsby co-star Sasha Baron Cohen in a Shocking Excerpt from her forthcoming memoir. She said in the book, It felt like every time I'd speak to SBC, he'd mention that he wanted me to go naked in a future scene. I was like, Ha, I don't do nudity, Sasha. She goes on to recall that he subsequently summoned her, quote, via a production assistant to say she needed to film an additional scene for their A 2016 movie. Again, that was Grimsby. Grimsby. She said, Then he pulls his pants down. Sbc says, Very matter of factly, okay, now I want you to stick your finger up my ass. I'm like, What? No. She says she finally compromised by slapping his backside and improvising a few lines so she could, quote, get out of there. However, she later needed to film an intimate scene with the comedian. She said, I still had to simulate having sex with this guy. I still had to kiss him repeatedly. Months later, it really sank in that all this wasn't something that could be laughed off.


I relayed to the producers that I would not be doing any promotion for the film.


After calling the film- No wonder. I never heard of it.


Well, she called the film's Lack of Box Office Success, Karma Enough. She insists she was not about canceling anybody by sharing her story. She said, I'm sharing now because the more women talk about things like this, hopefully, the less it happens.


Oh, my God. That's not what I thought her allegations were going to be. I thought it was just him being a dick, not him, like whipping out his dick. Disgusting if true. Yeah, because she did say asshole. Yeah, this is more than asshole.


This is different than what you would expect asshole behavior to be.


That's why I thought he was just running around, yelling at everybody.


Yeah. Well, he, as we know, is not taking these allegations, lying down. I'm sure he will in some way respond to these charges because he had put out that really strong statement the other day when she called him and named him as the asshole.


Yeah. Yeah. Not only did his rep vehemently deny, he said he had proof.


Yeah, I'll say the statement again.


So I don't know how you- He said his rep told Page 6, The claims are demonstrably false and directly contradicted by extensive detailed evidence, including contemporaneous documents, film footage, and eyewitness accounts from those present before, during, after the production.


Well, not the contemporaneous documents.


Yeah. It sounds like he has evidentiary support, as Elwoods would say, and he's taken the dog. So I I don't know. These are such specific... I do believe Rebelle Wilson. This is really-For sure.


I didn't see Grimsby, but the movies that I did see a finger up the butt, it seems like-Very-classic SBC content.


But I assumed in movies, you're not actually putting your finger up someone's, but I thought the way you could stage it and prosthetic. Prosthetic finger. Yeah, like something. Of course, you don't have to go all the way up. You could just curl your finger and it looks. I don't know.




I don't know.


Maybe a sleight of the hand.


Yeah, like giving that magician. I really didn't think that.


Well, maybe he'll come back with the prosthetic finger he wanted to wear.


Yeah, we'll hear his side.


The receipt for the prosthetic finger on the props department.


This is really atrocious behavior.






Yeah, I have a feeling this story will be coming back.


Oh, for sure. It'll be a developing story.


It's a developing story. Are you ready for our next story? I am. Also a developing story that had been developing, and I think will develop further.


And will continue to develop?


The developing nature of this story will develop, according to me. Christine Quinn's husband files for a restraining order against her and denies hitting their son.


Okay. Giving victim.


Christine Quinn's husband, Christian Richard, filed for a restraining order against the former Reality Star after he was arrested for domestic violence last week. According to court documents obtained by Page 6, he requested that the settling Sunset Alumbi order to stay at least 100 yards from his LA home, which he also asked her to move out of. He also requested that she not travel with their two-year-old son, Christian, outside of LA without his permission. He claims in the documents that she is capable of abducting their child. He further claims that she has a history of threatening to take away or hide their son from him and has not been cooperative in co-parenting.


No, I would object my child, too, if you threw a glass bottle at him. Obviously, she's abducting him for a reason. Obviously, she's threatened to keep the kid away from him for a reason.


Take him away or hide him from- From you.


It's giving victim energy when you're not the victim. #istandwithchristinequinn. It's as simple and as complicated as Yeah. Just who would have thought? The way this whole marriage happened, she just showed up to season 2 with a fiancé, ended season 2 with her funeral-themed wedding, which was all-black. Then they just lived quietly. When they first started dating, I think everybody was like, Okay, this is weird. The way it happened was weird, and she was so much more attractive than him, but he was very wealthy, so the scales were tipped. Then they just They moved in silence. They had a baby. They were married for a while, and you were like, Okay, maybe this isn't weird. Maybe this is the real deal. Now I just have more questions than ever.


Yeah, me too.




Really sad.


Always sad when it's a child. But I fully support the abduction and abdication of this child and bring him across state lines. Love that for you.


Yeah. He thinks that she's going to take him to Texas because that's where her parents are, and she's close them.


How nice to be with their grandparents. It's so funny how you can manipulate the law to be like, She's abducting my child, when the reality is the child is taken to his grandparents. She's going to take it to her mom because she was just got in a fight. Because the father is a domestic abuser. Don't manipulate. That's not what the law is for, sir. No.


Our next story is some more domestic violence news. This is just a heavy morning.


Oh, no. I know this story.


But it's really disturbing. Shas of Sunset alum, Mike Shoehead's ex-fiance is suing him for vicious and brutal domestic violence attacks. What's more shocking is there are images of- Yes, I probably had to provide some proof. Well, also she had it. She has cameras in every room. From the baby cameras. No, in every room in her house. There's living room, there's this nursery, and there looks to be his closet. They just have cameras in every room in the house.


No, and the photos are jarring, but the one of him literally trying to suffocate her in the nursery is particularly upsetting.


Yes. Mike Shuhet from Sows of Sun He said that his ex-fiance Paulina Ben Cohen reveals for the first time the alleged horrifying abuse she experienced at the hands of the disgraced Bravo Star in a bombshell lawsuit obtained by Page 6. The influencer claims in the complaint filed on Friday that she and Mike got into a heated argument over a hooka on March 27, 2022, which ultimately led to his domestic violence arrest. She says the alleged abuse reportedly began in verbal form with her then-fiance yelling that she was a horrible mother, a fucking whore, and a piece of shit.


Oh my God.


When she asked him to They leave their home, which they reportedly shared with her children from a previous relationship, and began to pack his things. He allegedly became physically violent. She claims in the suit that Mike ran into the room, forcefully grabbed her hair and shoulder and violently threw her to the ground. The complaint includes screenshots of security footage that appears to substantiate all of her claims. Page 6 has reached out to him for comment but did not immediately hear back. Mike allegedly told her that he would never leave their California property until she paid him for half of it. He then allegedly continued to physically abuse her by putting his hand over her face and trying to suffocate her several times as she struggled to breathe.


Oh my God, that's so scary.


Yeah, there's a lot of details here. There are still images that corroborate exactly what she's saying, but I imagine these are part of larger videos that also have sound, and what he's saying is probably recorded.


Oh, my God. I have such a pit. I didn't even know these two were still together because Shaz of Sunset has been off the air. When the show was ending, she was this great girl in his life, and he was just this douchebag LA guy who wouldn't settle down. She loved him so much, and he loved her, but not enough to stop being a prick. She also was very mature. She has kids from a previous relationship. She's looking to settle down. She's not looking to run around LA and be a reality star. The fact that they were still together, I didn't know that. I don't even know if I knew that they got engaged. I can't remember if that was on the show. This was just a reminder to me that these two people were still together. I loved Paulina in the show. She was really tough.


Well, I don't know if they were together past this incident, which was two years ago.




Because that's when he was arrested for domestic violence.


Oh, but now it's making news because the proof is public information. Yeah. Got it. Okay, so they're not together.


I don't think so. No.


Yeah. I mean, I hope not.


Ex-fiance, it says. Yeah.


Got it. Okay, now everything's making more sense to me. Thank you so much. Horrifying. The thing is, I was reading a lot of commentary on this, and people were like, Oh, I always knew I did not. He was a dick loser, reality star douchebag.


La douchebag, but that's a far cry.


And really room to the girls he dated. But he was so family-oriented, and he loved his mom so much. You know what? It's always the assholes who love their mom. They use that as some shield. I love my mom. I won't hurt women. It's shield. Now, I'm like, Maybe I think you like your mom too much. No, I hate that. Don't blame the mothers. No, I don't blame the mothers. I don't. I I do not. I do not. But something went seriously wrong if you're suffocating your fiancé.


I agree with that.


I don't blame the mom, but I have questions. I blame the man. Every grown man is responsible for their own behavior. But where are we picking up on that behavior? Yeah. Very upsetting footage.


Very upsetting. Very upsetting story.


Yeah. Exactly.


I hope for swift justice for her.


Me too. I feel like the fact that this case has gone on for two years, how long must she live in this misery and keep reliving it every time the lawyer calls? Yeah. Just get it done.


Yeah. Are you ready for our next story?




Quiet On Set will launch a fifth episode called Breaking the Silence with a new Drake Bell interview and more. So a surprise fifth episode of the docuseries Quiet On Set, The Dark Side of Kids TV, will air on April seventh on ID and then stream on max. The new episode of the unscripted series detailing the alleged on set treatment of child actors will include interviews from earlier subjects, including Drake Bell All That cast members, Giovanni Samuels and Brian Hearn, Brian Hearn's mother, Tracey Brown, as well as- I loved her. As well as a new interviewee, All That cast member, Shane Lyons, who will be interviewed by journalist Soledad O'Brien for an important discussion about the industry then and now. Episode 5 will be building off revelations explored in the first four episodes and include a conversation led by O'Brien on where the industry can go from here. What's also just interesting factoid is that according to ID, the first four episodes of Quiet On Set have been watched by 16 million viewers across cable network ID and streamers, Max and Discovery Plus, since the episodes premiered. The show has reached the largest audience of an unscripted series since the launch of Max in May.


Oh, so this was huge Huge for Max.


Huge for Max. A lot of people are watching this. I think a lot of people needed to watch this, so I'm glad to hear that. But I also felt, I don't know if I said this on the show or just to you, but when the documentary ended, I was like, I feel like more people now after seeing this and seeing we're busting it open, I feel like more people might share their story.


I had felt like by the middle of the fourth episode, they should have really ended it at the third. I thought the fourth episode was really... Especially the last 20 minutes, they just had a hard time landing the I felt like it was too long, honestly. A fifth episode makes no sense to me unless people's response to like, Drake Bell speaking out and being so brave inspired someone else to then share their story. If they're just going to have this referendum on the industry, I felt like they beat the horse dead in the first four episodes. But if there's new information, and I think maybe the success of the documentary could inspire somebody, too, and how everybody treated Drake after other words, with real love and care, maybe that inspired somebody else to share their story. But if not, I feel like they're just milking it.


I'm not getting milking it. I feel like there's more stories out there and the huge The hugueness of this documentary and how everyone is running scared, all of these criminals and just bad faith actors and bad faith producers and bad faith creators. I feel like people might feel It's safe to come and share more.


I think that would be great. Yeah.


That will air, what did I say? April seventh.


April seventh. Yeah, I agree if new information is coming to light Soledad.


Bringing the big guns.


Bringing the big guns, yeah.


Yeah. So stay tuned for that. And are you ready for our fifth and final story?


I think I'm not.


She thinks She's not.


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Thank you, Claudia.


You're welcome.


Our fifth and final story is a little more content legal news. I think that really sums up the episode.


Content legal news, I love.


Netflix has lost a bid to dismiss the inventing Anna defamation lawsuit. A former friend of con artist, Anna Sorkin, was allowed on Tuesday to proceed with a defamation lawsuit against Netflix over the Shonda Rimes miniseries, Inventing Anna. Netflix had argued that Rimes and the other show creators have a literary license to give their interpretation of events. In rejecting that argument, the judge found that at least some of the characterizations in the show could cross the line into defamation.


That's so crazy. Yeah.


The plaintiff, Rachel, you would think that they would be concerned of these things as they're making a show.


Right. I feel like a million real-life scenarios are made into movies and TV shows. I can't recall one where I know people have sued over whatever, where defamation was found.


Defamation hasn't been found here. It was Rachel Deloach-Williams, who was depicted as abandoning Anna in Morocco and ultimately betraying her to the- Wait, Rachel is the defendant? Rachel.


Not Anna?


Not Anna.


She said- I will say, after watching the documentary, I thought Rachel was a big old loser.


Right. Well, she claimed that 16 separate sets of statements in the series falsely portray her as snobbish, unethical, and Katie. She's suing for defamation.


No, I didn't think she was any of those. I thought she was the biggest loser on the planet and who could so easily be manipulated by this obvious con woman. That's what I got from the show.


Well, she's suing for defamation. Netflix tried to dismiss the suit, and the judge said, no, the suit goes forward. There could be definition here.


I'm in shock that it's Rachel.


It's Rachel. Ms. Rachel.


No, to me, that's so shocking. I thought it was Anna Delvey looking to have a moment. Yeah, she wasn't a con woman because she's delusional. She still maintains her innocence. I thought it was going to be that. I didn't think she was unethical at all. What's her face in Morocco? She had to go.




Oh, my goodness. I don't think she'll win, but you're right. Them not dismissing it is pretty major. She does have somewhat of a case.


Yeah. Tbd, that would set precedent.


It would. I think it might scare Netflix and other production companies and streamers into how they document real-life events or recreate real-life events.


Yeah, but don't they usually say in the beginning, This is based- Things have been changed. Yeah, and that covers them.


Legally. But now I'm thinking, was there that with Anna? I feel like they always say, these conversations, how with the Crown?




These conversations weren't had, but overall, it's based on events.


Yeah, but the Crown is always like, we're fiction, even though-Yeah, they need to stop, even though they're real everything. Real everything.


Fiction. The Crown is real.


It's just a coincidence. The Queen is Elizabeth, and the King is Philip, and the son is Charles.


Stop it.


They Live at Buckingham Palace.


No, literally. It's so stupid. Diana died. It's real. It's real.


So it's one of your best-size stories. You needed to know them. You did.


And next up is Dear Toaster, our weekly The Advice segment, The Check-in, I love to do. It's every Wednesday. And if you ever want to write in, you need advice from your squirrel friends, you can do so in one of two ways. You can email us, deartoosters@gmail. Com, or you can head over to our website, thetoastpodcast. Com. Scroll down, there's a little submission box. Both are totally anonymous. We're never going to share your information or anything. We can help you with anything from workplace drama, relationship drama. Are you being cheated on? We can help you. We might not if your prompt is boring, but we can. First up, Dear Jackson Claude, my fiancé and I travel often, and I always take the middle seat on plane so that he can have the aisle due to his height and his back problems. He is 6'1, and I'm 5'5, for reference. He recently got airline status, and when we were talking about an upcoming trip, he said he hoped he gets upgraded to business class. I was immediately mad and asked if he thought it was okay to leave me in the economy middle seat between two strangers if he gets upgraded, and he didn't see any issue with it.


Am I crazy for being angry? If I was flying alone, I would never choose the middle seat. But is it similar to any other seat? And am I overreacting? Thanks for your guidance.


You're not overreacting. That's too far. It's like, if one of you can get upgraded, then you go to business and he takes the aisle. He doesn't leave you in the dust, especially while you've been in the middle for him all these years.


Which is generous. Can we talk about that? Me and Ben, because Ben is really tall and I'm really short, and you're really short, too. When we fly, we will literally never take a middle seat. We will always do two aisles. We'd rather be further Then back in two aisles than close, even down to comfort, with a middle seat.


Oh, that's insane. I've never heard of that. If Zack and I were both, if we were flying together, or when we used to fly the two of us, if we were in a- Three and three. Three and three. Yeah, no, I would be in the middle and he would get the window.


Oh, that's so crazy. I'm so against middles. I think middles are the most devious, disgusting places. What's wrong with sitting on two aisles? I think that's so nice.


Or I would get the window and he would get the middle. But if it was an aisle, he would get the aisle, I would get the middle. But yeah, no, I definitely took one for the team a couple of times. But we never thought to do I'll, I'll. I don't love the aisle.


Oh, but I think I'll, I'll, and I shouldn't have even said that because I feel like I'm giving people a hack that me and Ben love and it's protected. We always do I'll, I'll.


Interesting. Anyways, all that to say, your man is so wrong for this.


That he would leave you. By the way, he shouldn't be, first of all, giving you the upgraded seat. Of course. I like how that wasn't even a part of the conversation. She's just mad that he's He's leaving her in the middle seat.


Honestly, then he shouldn't upgrade if you have to stay in the middle seat. If he can't move that seat to an aisle or a window, he can't leave you. I'm sorry, that's so wrong. He can't.


But I think you have to take the upgrade. That's how you build status. That's just a part of having status. First of all, you need to start building up your status, too. Go to thepointsky. Com and figure it out, bitch. He can't be the only one. But my husband is 6'1, and maybe I'm just exposing myself as a bitch here, but if I get upgraded, bye.


No, but the problem is there's an upgraded A seated seat and a middle seat. Middle. He won't sit in the middle because of his back.


Well, he needs to. All of a sudden, he went- Because there's a chance.


From having an aisle. He has a ticket out. You went from having an aisle and business class to the middle?


Because he has the middle with a chance of business class. So he might leave you, and that's fine because you're in the aisle.


No. What she's saying is he was in the aisle and she was in the middle. Ileman got upgraded to business. They lost the seat.


No, I get it. I'm saying in the future.


Oh, in the future. But in this instance, they- By the way, now that he gets a 50% chance of getting upgraded, he no longer has the privilege of sitting in the aisle.


You get the aisle, and you're allowed to be mad about this.


Book his seat as the middle. Book your seat as the aisle. If one of you gets upgraded, then if he gets upgraded, then you take business and he can keep his aisle.


But I think a conversation needs to be had about the fact that if me and Ben were in coach and he got upgraded, that seat is mine. I'm a woman.


You're not going to leave me in the dust. Yeah.


Like, bye.




Thank you. Also, it's so funny because Ben and I have different quirks about certain things, and I feel like you have quirks, too. You're very particular about hotel rooms. Me, I don't really give a fuck. Ben will move a hotel room 45 times. Ben will sit on the last seat next to the toilet and not give a flying fuck. Whereas if I'm not in the first row, I can't go. Everybody has their own travel quirks. If there is one first class seat, we're taking it and I'm taking it. But if we get to the hotel and the room is not sufficient, Oh, yes. I'll follow Ben around the hotel room moving until we find the right one. Everybody has their own travel quirks. Some people don't mind middle seats at all.


Not everything can be important to you. In a relationship, you need to know what's for the other person.


Yeah. Okay, our next one is a little legal news. I'm in need of major advice. My fiancé and I are planning on signing a prenup. I requested that we have one as I have family money and properties. Okay, queen. He is totally fine with it. Here's the issue. I am a lawyer, so I'm going to be the one drafting the document. My fiancé wants to have his parents look it over. They're both lawyers. Something about that doesn't sit right with me. I don't want it to be my in-law's knowing the intimate details of my family's financial situation. Am I being a wenge? Would you guys be okay with your in-laws reading your prenup?


I would expect that they would know some version of it. I don't think that's so I don't know.


I agree with the weirdness.


Yeah, it is a little weird, but you're not paying legal fees, so now he doesn't have to pay legal fees. His parents are lawyers. What else does he even know another lawyer then?


I think if you're really uncomfortable with it, you then have to bring in your own counsel and ask your husband be like, Honestly, this feels a little intimate. Why don't we both just get separate lawyers to make things less weird? If you want to request that they take a step back, you do, too.


I think that's fair. But then you're paying through the nose for lawyers.


Well, she's got properties, and his parents are lawyers. It doesn't sound like money is an issue here. Love.




But I agree with the weirdness.


Yeah, no, that's weird.


I don't- Post that, clean up, those types of documents. Separation of church and state. They have really, I think, a lot of information about you in those documents. Yeah, no, but- You have every right.


Depending on how close he is with them, everything that's in there, he would probably be sharing with them anyway. But it's a little close for comfort.


And you're entitled to feel weird. And if you're going to ask that they not be involved, you also can't be involved. Yeah. I think that's a good solve.


I think so.


Yeah. Our third and final is really light and funny and stupid. Hey, girly swirleys, love and adore you. Thank you for the years of entertainment. I started talking this guy for three weeks. We're all green flags across the board, Pjom potential. But I have a really big ick. He keeps using the catchphrase, Booyah. Booyah. He uses it daily. I haven't heard it used in real life, but over text constantly. Some examples would be, Yeah, my interview went well. Thanks for asking. Booyah. Yeah, plane landed safely. Booyah. He uses the phrase so often, I cannot tell if it's a joke or if he's completely serious. Is this enough of an ick to never speak to this man again, or should I bring up the conversation of putting a halt to this shit?


Health. Okay, I have so many things to say. First of all, I do not find the word Booyah icky at all. I think it's hysterical and an underused term. I agree. Second of all.


But by the way, we can't help what gives someone the ick.


No, here's the thing. You guys have gotten crazy about your icks, and TikTok has made you feel validated. That's icky. It was funny when it started, but a man who's green flags across the board, he's excited that he's playing land.


Is that his positive?


He's that booyah, and you want to say, I never speak to him again? What are you, just drowning in eligible men?


Oh my God, Jackie's dragging this generation to filth. You're right, by the way. Ick culture has gotten too out of control, where we're actually writing people off for being human. Having a personality.


It is funny at first, these small niche things that give you the ick. But you seriously are going to end things with an otherwise perfectly great man because he uses A word that you don't like. And by the way, there's nothing wrong with that word. Yeah, maybe if he was using the C word all the time, I'd say, That's icky.


By the way, she's not saying that she's going to leave him. She said, should I say something?


Claudia, she said, never speak to him again.


Read it. Oh, really? Yeah. No. Oh, yeah. Is this a big enough ick to never speak to this man again, or should I bring up the conversation? You should do neither. If you bring up the conversation, you will look so nitpicky crazy.


You've been dating for three weeks. C-word.


Controlling. No, but controlling. He'll be like, God, this woman's a. I can't just be happy.


No. Also, if he's anything like me, I get attached to words for a period of time, and then I move on.




I move on to the next word nefarious, even though that one is here to stay. Forever. But low key. It's a forever word. There was a time, Claudia was saying hello all the time.


No, we both really become obsessed with the words. Not everyone's like that. This might be a permanent thing. If it is, his biggest crime, he's happy.


He says, yeah, which is hysterical.


It's also a celebratory word, which means this man has a lot to celebrate in his life, and we should be happy and grateful.


You got to flip it on a 10.


Jackie O just gave these bitches perspective. You're right, by the way, about the ick thing.


Yeah, it's gotten too far. I was like, funny. It's not meant to be something that you break up with someone over. It's just like, you can just clench your butt cheeks and pretend you didn't see it and move on.


And by the way, you're right, it aren't supposed to be deal breakers because I love my husband so much, and he is icks. He does something. Not to be like, sorry, he got a haircut this morning? Ick. He came back and he was like, it's a little short. I was like, no, it's totally fine. And the good thing he never listens to this podcast, it is so short. I have to see a picture. It looks like he's about to join the Stop.


I said, You have a buzzcut.


Which Ben, you know, like Ben never goes short. He loves his long curly hair.


Oh, damn. It's not on his story. He must really not like it.


That's how bad it is. I'll take a picture and send it to you. He has a full-blown buzzcut. I'm like, it's an ick, but what should I do? Divorce him?


No, you just got to close your eyes until it grows back.


Exactly. Thank God, it'll be back by the weekend. Ben boys hair grows so fast. Right.


Zack always sometimes gets a super short hair cut. I'm like, Okay, tomorrow, it will be back.


I'm not worrying. I'm like, Take a prenatal. You'll be fine.


Icks are not red flags. I don't know when they became those, but you don't have to run for an ick. You just have to cringe and clench your butt cheeks and move on.


Yeah, you don't run, you clench.


Yeah. Boo-ya.


See, Jackie, I know you hate your tosters, but the generation, they need you.


I know they do. Like I said, I get in it. I don't half ask my advice. I don't say, Oh, yeah, break up with your boyfriend. I will take the time. But it's emotionally texting on me. It is. Yeah.


Well, thank you to everyone who who are vulnerable with us and who wrote in. If you've written in to us and we've read your prompts on air and you have an update for us, did things go bad? Did things go well? Did you take our advice? Did you not take our advice? Send us an update. We would love to hear from you. Don't leave us hanging. Don't use and abuse. Don't use and abuse. Don't use and abuse. The Toast podcast. Com for Deer Toaster. Thank you so much to everybody for listening to today's show. Thank you, Jacks, for being here and just coming in as your authentic best self.


And thank you, Claudia, for holding space for multiple true things at the same time.


It was an honor and a privilege.


Love you. Booyah.


Wait, I didn't do my... Wait.


Oh, wait. I was excited about my sign off. I jumped the gun.


Wait, okay. Thank you so much for listening to The Toast on Monday Morning Show, where we deliver the past five stories that you need to know every Monday through Friday on YouTube. So if you're watching this on YouTube, subscribe, please, and give us video a thumbs up. We are also available as a podcast wherever you get your podcast. And if you listen to us every day, it would actually be really helpful if you were to follow us, subscribe to our show, and also leave a five-star review about how beautiful, stunning, wickedly talented we are. Thank you so much. We love you dearly, and we'll see you on the next one.


Love you. Boo-ya. Bye.