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Good morning, millennials.


Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to The Toast and happy Tuesday. That feels like a Monday for you, our girl, because I wasn't on yesterday. But I'm back, baby. Back. Back in the toasty groove. Yeah, I'm back. Hey, Jacks.


Is there a question there?


How you doing?


Doing good, thank you. Welcome back, La Tour de Lou.


Oh, my God. Thank you so much. Not only am I back on the toes, I feel like I'm back to life. I've just been... I've not left my house in eight days. I have not showered. I look like a disgusting rat. And so today, my hair is done, my makeup is on. I feel... I don't know, I'm just feeling like myself again.


I love that for you. How is, Do the question on everyone's mind?


Let me say this has been a horrible week. Like, maybe one of the worst of my life. Top five, for sure. Depends when you ask. Theo is okay. He's totally fine.


He's stable.


He's stable. He's feeling good. He's eating. He's cuddling with his parents, all signs. He's on med, so I don't believe he's in pain. That's one of my number one concerns, because I don't want to be doing this selfishly. I want to be doing it for Theo, not for me. If you haven't been following my stories, I'll just give a quick update. The last time I was on the toast, Theo was in the hospital. He had these two tumors. They are cancerous. They have spread quite aggressively. Surgery is not an option. We can't remove the tumors because it's everywhere. It's in his bones. Chemotherapy is really not an option. They don't think it'll work. It's terminal. It's a very bad diagnosis. So yesterday, we started radiation, which was really our only treatment option for him. It's once a week for the next couple of weeks. He did very well yesterday. It's palliative radiation, so it's not curative. We're never going to cure this. But in the ideal scenario, this radiation would significantly decrease the size of his tumors, and he could go back to living a somewhat normal life, but with cancer. Ideally, his pain would decrease, his discomfort would decrease, and this would extend his life.


Now, there's no guarantee that this works. We'll probably know by next week for the second appointment if the first one made any headway with decreasing the tumor. If it doesn't work-.


Cross that bridge?






Yeah, it's been really hard. It's like, I think when you're like, Sorry. I'm sure everyone can attest to this, including you. When you're a pet owner, you always think about this. It pops into your mind once a week and you're like, That day will never come. And it's just like always something you're constantly afraid of. So now having confronted it with my first dog that I own, we had a dog growing up. But as an adult, it's so much harder than I could have really ever imagined. I also think this is a particular tough situation. I don't know how most dogs and their life, but ideally, it's like old age. With Theo's breed, we've always been prepared for later in life, him having a heart condition. It's genetic for their breed, so we're always super on top of what they eat, making sure they don't get overweight, always keeping heart health in mind.


Yeah, and this breed doesn't have the longest of years, and we've always known that, but this is much shorter than anything else.


Yeah. With the Cavalier, if you get to like 12, you're really lucky. But most of them start developing heart issues around nine or 10. So I was prepared for that. I was not prepared for this. Out of nowhere, left field, aggressive cancer, spreading really quick at the age of six. It doesn't make me feel better, but every doctor we talk to is like, shook. This should not be happening. It feels really unfair.


Yeah. No, it is. It is. And I'm so sorry. And you're doing everything. You're doing so amazing. You're being so amazing for Theo. He has the best care. He has the best parents.


I just don't... I'm afraid that I'm being selfish. We were told at the emergency room that on Wednesday, once they did the full biopsy and everything, we were strongly encouraged to put him down. But we didn't. And I think that we were told that most people who go to the hospital who were in the situation, we did a CT scan, which showed really the amount that it had spread, and it was $1,800. And she was like, most people can't even do the CAT scan. So I feel torn because I'm so grateful that I was able to do all this and provide everyone on my Christmas list is getting cold. I'm literally giving everything that I've got. And I know.


If I was in a - So much for Secret Santa.


Yeah, I know that if I was in a different situation, my options would be more limited. And I'm really grateful that I have these options. But I just don't... I'm so afraid of doing this just for me.


No, but you've been thinking about that every step of the way. You know when he's in pain. You know right now that he's on medication, and he's not in pain. He's actually been quite happy at home. He's eating cookies. He's homesick from school. He's getting the perks. I don't think that he's in pain right now, and I know that when the time comes that you'll make the right decision for him.


I just really, really hope that this radiation makes some dent, just a little. I mean, it would be like she had seen a similar dog situation who had over a year. And she was like, I was shook. There's no way to know. Like cancer is just so mysterious. Everyone's different. So there's a chance it's one month, and there's a chance it's three years. There's just no way to know. I know for a fact that so many people have messaged me that they're praying for Theo from all different denominations. I know that works. I know it does. It has to. I'm really appreciative. And honestly, me and Ben were talking about... So when we picked him up from the hospital on Wednesday, the timing could not have been worse, going into Thanksgiving weekend. So we had been doing all this research on clinical trials, and we were calling all these different clinics, and no one was in. So our goal was just to keep him stable and comfortable from Wednesday to Monday. We just had to make it to Monday because we could not get a single individual on the phone via email, anything until Monday.


So we did that. And I felt really optimistic on Sunday night. I was like, Oh, my God, we did it. And then on Monday, I was just like, Okay, I did it, but we have no plan or no hope. And so taking him to radiation yesterday felt good. It was the first time I've been able to be proactive instead of just keeping him stable. Now I feel like we're actually fighting. So in that sense, I feel good, but it's just so unknown if it's going to do anything. I'm trying really hard to be positive, but it does... I keep saying this to Ben, I feel like I'm being punished. What did I do? It's so unfair. So it's okay. He's going to be okay.


Well, the big first step, you made it to Monday, and honestly, there were points last week where who knew that that was even going to be accomplished. So step one, check. You just keep doing the next right thing, and you'll know what's right. You'll know what in your gut.


I feel so also so grateful for the community that we've made. Seriously, there are so many people who have helped me in the last week that I know personally from the Toast, like the hospital that Theo was at, the head of oncology, sister is a toaster. And so we were able to connect with her over the holiday when really not a lot of other oncologists were working. Her name is Nicole Leamon. She was amazing. I've had just so many people helping me from the Cavalier Alliance. Her name is Tanya. She's amazing. She's just been helping me with medical stuff, but also just talking me through, literally being so upset. There's just so many people, and I want to thank everyone. But really what I'm praying for, everyone just send the most positive love and light to Dr. Carrie Rosen in Yonkers. Theo's fate is in her hands. She's amazing. So I was like, going through my messages because people have just been so helpful. And this girl was like, I have had two dogs with cancer. You have to go see this specialist in Yonkers. I'm like, Wait, is it Carrie Rosen? She was like, Yeah.


She told me her whole story. She sent me all of her medical records. Just everyone has been so helpful and so wonderful, and I'm so grateful. So I have to just really focus on the positive. One that I'm able to provide this level of care for Theo. I'm very blessed to that there are so many people in my personal life, so many people have been texting me, sending flowers, cookies, so many of the brands that we work with that sponsor the show. Theo touches everyone.


He does.


I have to focus on that. I'm very blessed in my life for the platform that we have.


The- The resources that you are able to-.


The resources, the access-.


-information, yeah.


Information, like Theo is on a bunch of herbal. So many people were like, I know, it sounds crazy, but holistic. Holistic and herbal pet care is legit. And at first I was like, Okay, sure. But everybody kept saying the same couple of herbs. They're like, I swear to God, turkey tail. I swear to God, unambia. I'm going to the holistic pet store today. Access to that information from people who have experience is an enormous privilege, and I'm very, very grateful. So I really need to focus on the good that I've been able to do and hopefully will continue to do. But honestly, this has been one of the hardest things I've really ever dealt with in my life. And honestly, what's so weird is this obviously isn't my first experience with grief, but it is my first experience with, hopefully not, but potentially losing someone over time. I feel like any time I've lost someone, it's been so sudden. Like with Daddy, we just found out one day he wasn't sick, he just had a heart attack. And people always compare, like would you rather know? Would you rather be able to say goodbye? Or would you rather not?


And honestly, this is so much harder. This is so much worse, like for real.




And I knew it would be difficult. I thought 500 years down the line, it is much, much harder than... It's one of the most challenging things I've ever dealt with in my adult life, for real.


That makes sense. And you're not wrong for feeling that way. It's heartbreaking. But you're doing like, we have to focus on the positive. The OTA, he's doing well.


He's eating.


He's eating. He's got his diaper on.


Yeah, his diapers have.


Been- He's ready to.


Take on the world. -the first few days. And I don't want to compare because I know it's rude, and I'm not a mother. I know that. But this is, I think, the closest I'll really ever get to a newborn phase. We are up throughout the night. We are changing diapers. We are putting him back to sleep. We are giving him medication. We are taking him out a couple of times a night. And then, of course, all throughout the day. Yeah. Wow. I will say, like Ben will be the best dad. I'm doing 40 %. He would probably argue that I'm doing less. He's doing so much. So I'm trying to pick out positive things. Ben will be a wonderful father. We'll be great parents, I know it. I'm trying to... I feel like there's a lesson to be learned here. What is the message I'm being sent from God?


It's not for you to have to parse out the message while you're going through it.


It would make me feel better. Or to like, no.


You'll get there.


I've been thinking a lot about maybe getting another puppy because I've heard that young spirits can really reinvigorate. They say, like senior dogs or sick dogs. Ben's not into it. He's like, Why are we replacing Theo? I'm like, We're not. We're helping him. Then I also think when the time comes in 100 years where Theo's time is up, I think it would be easier on us. So I'm just thinking through a lot of things.


Well, I love the idea of Baby Do. Me too. Baby Do. Baby Do. Thea would love it. All the nibblings would love and welcome with open arms.


So it's just been such a crazy week. I'm so excited to be back doing mindless shit. It's been just eight days of heaviness, and I want to just talk shit. I want to just think about anything else but this. But I wanted to get everyone an update, obviously.


Great. Well, thank you for the update. Thank you for being here.


Of course. Oh, my God. I really wanted to be here yesterday. Yesterday was such a busy day. I will say, I'm taking any appointment I can get for the radiology, but the next couple of ones has 10:30. I'm like, No, it's great. Thank you so much. We'll just have to work around them.


That's fine. It's that time of year anyway. It's a holiday. It's true. Things come up. We've got to do early. We've got to do late. Things happen.


So when we dropped Theo off at radiology yesterday, it was two hours, and they were like, You can go. You can't even be here. So you can either sit in the waiting room or go do stuff. So we explored the Anchors. Beautiful. Absolutely stunning. We went mini golfing. It was actually so much fun. And we just really felt like when we walked into that place, the animal hospital where Dr. Queen Kari Rosen will hopefully bring my boy back to life, we were like, it's such positive energy. We really felt like Kari was some witch in a good way. Like she has some powers. I'm telling you, I have a good feeling about it.


That's good. Positive vibes only.


It's so hard. For me, especially, but I think for anyone in the situation, but given the fact that I'm the most negative bitch on the planet, it's been really hard.


I feel like you are being very positive and mentally healthy about this as much as you can be, while also experiencing the emotions of it.


Every time when me and Ben are in the house alone for a really long time and we don't talk to anyone, it gets really dark. And only one of us is allowed to be weak at one time. If I'm crying, Ben is not allowed to cry. He has to be the positive one. And when Ben cries, I'm like, Ben, it's fine. We have been ping-ponging. But when we don't see other people, it gets really hard. But we had family coming over all weekend. Ben's parents came, my family came. And every time they come like, I do feel better. And Theo always like, he can't really move around a lot, but when people walk in the room, his head perks up, people he knows and loves, his camping school friends and his tailwags. So every time people come over, I do feel so much better. Every time I FaceTime you, I feel better. But it's.


Really hard. You need Bowies.


I need Bowies.


I was wondering this morning, does the dog walk in crew know what's going on?


Yeah, that's been honestly one of the hardest parts, is telling people in my life who see Theo all the time, who love him so much.


I didn't mean to make.


You upset. No, it's okay. But you and I, when you lived here, we shared a housekeeper, and she loves Bruno and Theo so much.


Loves. They love her.


So she had come on Wednesday when Theo was still at the hospital, and I hadn't told her. She was like, Where's Theo? And I just started crying, and she started crying. And shes been praying for Theo. And then I spoke to a lot of the old doormat in my building yesterday because I had some packages, and they called me. They're like, You want to pick it up? And I wanted to tell them because they love Theo. Of course, his dog, Walker Jonathan, who loves him so much, has been texting me, his groomer. So he touches so many people. And that's been.


Really hard. He has his community and his friends.


That's been one of the hardest parts.




You're like a ray of light, everyone you shine on feels-.


They feel the darkness when- When you're not there.


It's so true.


Shine on, Theo. Shine on. Well, I have my Theo pillow here with me. Bruno and I thinking of Theo all day, every day. And we'll get through this.


We will get through this. I'm just like, I need it to be over, you know? But in a good way.




I'll keep everyone updated. I'll keep everyone updated.


I know. Okay, well, I'm going to do my best to boo you today. That's my job.


How are you?


I mean, after that, I don't know. I'm good, I think. Yeah, no, I'm good. Just busy, busy time of year, as I was saying with Liv on the toes yesterday, we had a very fun time, jolly good fun on the show yesterday. And yeah, just enjoying. This is the greatest time of year. I know you're having a hard time, but we have to acknowledge the space that we're in between Thanksgiving and Christmas, tirty Lou.


I know. I feel like it's like passing me by. When we were driving up to Yonkers last night, I was looking around, all the trees were bare. And I was like, What the fuck happened to fall? I missed the whole...


The whole thing. You didn't miss the whole thing.


I did.


I'm missing everything. It's not too late. I'm missing everything. You're still going to see the snow by Christmas?




Take the O to see the lights?


Yeah. I got to get him a stroller. I'm one of those people now. My dog has a stroller and a diaper.


By the way, get your dog a stroller. I'm about to get one for Brew. He just loves to be strolled.


I got to go to the pet store today.


Thank you for reminding me. And you need to get your holistic pets.


Yeah, no, he needs his. It's like a Chinese herb, everybody is like-.


I'm here for it. I'm here for it, too. What's the downside to that stuff? Hope?


Jaggy, I don't even know who I am anymore. I made an appointment with a pet psychic. Okay?


And what are you hoping to glean?


That she can just tell me what is going on in Theo's mind.




Like, Mom, keep fighting. Mom, I'm okay.


Yeah, okay. That would be good information to have.


Yeah, I'm just so desperate. I'm trying things like I probably would have made fun of someone for her, and that's why I'm a bitch, and I'm the worst.


No, it's just you neveryou have to learn.


You have to walk in someone's shoes.


You're learning. So are you going to see a pet psychic? Yeah. When?


I don't know. I must see an appointment on Friday. I forgot. I was so busy.


Is it like Zoom?




That's a crock.


I know.


You have to go in person.


No, but she came really highly recommended.


Oh, for Zoom?


She came really highly recommended.




No, I know.


Find them in person. They have to get their hands on pause.


No, I know. Pause for pause.


Pause for pause.


Yeah. Okay, back.


To booing. I know everything's just going to come back to Theo, but.


How can I know? I know, I'm going to try not to. I'm really going to try. I really want to escape. The show needs to do for me what it does for.


Other people. Great, and that's on me today. I'm going to take that on. Okay. So let me just steward this ship. Without further ado, let's get into some mindless news that's going to take Claudia's mind off of tings, even though I just brought it up again. Here are the Fast Five stories that you need to know.


And the Fast Five stories that you need to know are brought to you by State Farm. The State Farm personal price plan helps you create an affordable price just for you. The plan is all about being personal to you and your needs. So that means you get the coverage you want, a policy that helps cover what's important to you, and most importantly, an affordable price just for you. Because after all, life is just better when you can personalize your experiences. So think about it like this. From your go to coffee orders to your favorite pair of sweatpants, we know that you love to personalize your entire day just like we do. So Jackson and I, two girls, so similar. We regurgitate the same thoughts. We finish each other's sandwiches. But we are so different from what we wear to what we eat to what we drink. Our favorite mid-afternoon snack, our favorite ways to relax. And then, of course, our insurance needs. I mean, Jackson is a homeowner. She lives out of state. She's got a lot going on. She's got dependents, okay? That requires a totally personalized insurance plan, and so does mine, even though my life has a lot less meaning.


So personalization just makes everything that much better. And State Farm believes that insurance should work the same way. It's your plan, it's your coverage, selections, and it can all be personalized to you. And that's the way it should be because nothing is more personal than insurance, not even comedy, not even food, not even poetry. So like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. Price is varied by state. Options selected by customer availability and eligibility may vary. Let me just try that one more time. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. Not my best, but it'll do. Thank you, State Farm. Today's episode is also brought to you by Storyworth. This holiday season, I want to give a gift to all of our loved ones that makes them feel special and unique, just like the relationship that we share. And that's why we're giving everyone we care about Storyworth, an online service that helps you and your loved ones preserve precious memories and stories for years to come. It is a thoughtful and meaningful gift that connects you to those who matter most. So every week, Storyworth emails your relative or friend a thought provoking question of your choice from their vast pool of possible options.


Each unique prompt asks questions you've never thought to ask. Like, What's the bravest thing you've ever done in your life? Or if you could see into the future, what would you want to find out? Jackie, what's the bravest thing you've ever done in your life?


Going on a wellness retreat by myself.


That's a good one. I would say mine would be pursuing stand-up.


Oh, for sure.


That's one out. But I.


Think that's- It pales.


In comparison. No, by the way, yours is beyond frightening. So after a year of questions like that, Storyworth will compile all your loved one stories, including photos, into a beautiful keepsake book that you'll be able to share and revisit for generations to come. So it's like a year's worth of fun and thought provoking moments, but then you also get to memorialize it all. It's really so thoughtful and so different. Reading the weekly stories will help you connect with loved ones no matter how near or far apart you are. With Storyworth, we are giving those that we love the most thoughtful, personal gift from the heart and preserving their memories and stories for years to come. Go to storyworth. Com/toast and save $10 on your first purchase. That's storyworth, W-O-R-T-H. Com/toast to save $10 on your first purchase. I love this gift. Today's episode is also brought to you by The Farmer's Dog. The results of switching your dog's food from cable to fresh can seem like magic. When a senior dog starts acting like a puppy again and the pickiest of eaters can't wait for dinner time, you might think that some spells were cast.


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Thank you, La.


You're welcome.


Our first story, Linda Evangelisa is making news by saying that she's not interested in dating right now. She said, quote, I don't want to hear somebody breathing. So Linda Evangelisa is really one of the most quotable people.


She's going viral again. Her first moment was, I won't get out of bed for less than $10,000, right?


Right. And now she did an interview with The Sunday Times when she was asked about dating. She said, I'm not interested. I don't want to sleep with anybody anymore. I don't want to hear somebody breathing.


I think that's a really important point she brought up about breathing. Yes.


And I know that this is something that you can relate to.


No, we literally, last night, Theo came up to lay between us, and we were like, Oh, my God. We were just laying on him. And it was such a nice moment. Ben was breathing so loud, and so I just couldn't help it. I'm like, breathe louder. He had the absolute audacity to blame Theo.


How did he work that one?


He said it was Theo.


Oh, he said Theo was breathing like that.


Wow. I'm like, trust me. I know both of you in my bones, and I know that breath anywhere.


That was you, bitch. Of course. Your husband is the breather.


He's actually really more so the cougher. But yes, he is also the breather.


Even in his Instagram stories, you hear him breathing in the background.


Oh, good.


So I'm not crazy. No, he just breathes. My husband and I, we don't breathe.


You definitely don't breathe.


I don't breathe. Zach really doesn't breathe. Honestly, I can't relate to this.


Oh, my God. Ben breathes, and he breathes, and then he breathes again. It is so unacceptable. And I know it sounds crazy, but I'm like, I just need you to stop breathing. I'm not saying I want you to die, but you do need to.


Stop breathing. You need to stop taking breaths.


In a manner in which you are breathing currently.


Right. I feel like maybe, Linda, Evangelina says, past lovers and husbands were bend breathers because that's why she must enjoy sleeping alone so much at this point, and she's. And that's why.


I love making... Because when I say something, Ben's just like, You're critical. You're crazy. You're oversensitive. That's why I love making content with Ben, because all the things that he does, I get validated. Even we did a patron episode over the weekend, and me, Ben and Theo, we couldn't leave the room. So Ben and Theo just had to listen to the podcast. How many times did he cough in.


The background? Oh, I didn't hear it. I was busy pumping, so...


Okay, like a thousand. I just love that there's documented examples.


Right, and now he has his own podcast. Do you think that he is secretly taking out some of his bodily functions?


I know that Josh edits a lot of the episode for continuity. When they're on Zoom, they remove delays and stuff. I have to imagine Josh is removing... I should ask him, like 5-10 cops an episode.


I'm going to ask him. And throat clears.


Right. No, those are all the same to me. Right, that.


I've been clearing my throat a lot because it's like phase 12 of my sickness. Right. And it's so weird. I'll do it, there's other people in the room. It feels like I'm about to say something, but I'm not. I'm just.


Like- When you edit good guys, episodes, comma, how many times does Ben clear his throat? Did I say.


That right? And do you edit it out?


Okay, I think that makes sense. I'll wait for him to respond. I was on L. A. Time, so we'll see if he's awake. I look forward to hearing back.


Yeah. So anyways, Linda Van Jalisa has attorney-like situation.


I saw a funny tweet because this thing went so viral and there were random headlines, and he was like, This is joining the Headline Hall of Fame. And the others in there were so classic. Hold on, I need to find it. It was so funny.


Please do.


I'm like a grandma trying to... Headline Hall of Fame. I should have saved.


It or something. I know. I always save the things I never need, and I don't save the ones that I'm constantly looking for.


No, I don't even know who said it.


Was it on Instagram or Twitter?


Twitter, which is just so hard to find.


But if the text was Headline Hall of Fame-.


I don't know if they said Hall of Fame. Fuck. There were some classics in there. Damn. Josh responded. Yeah. Ha ha ha. Who knows? Okay, thanks for nothing. Literally useless.


You didn't know he was being put on the spot.


Yeah, I know. I like that we're conducting research. I'm always.


Doing that. We're conducting research.


No, I'm always doing that on the show. We're trying to prove a point and so sending text to people, and either they respond to me and they totally negate my point, or I forget. And then after the show ends, I'm like, Oh, why did Josh Pet text me?


No, totally. You need to send a disclaimer at the top. This is for research purposes. We are live recording The Toast. Your answer will be live broadcast, and it does have implications.


No, at the beginning of most podcasts on Deer Media, it's like, This is a Deer Media production. I should just send that little voice memo so people know on air.


Yeah. We are on air. And you know what? Give us a little something.


Right. Do a flip. Stir the pot. Do a flip.


Yeah. Anyways, Linn, Evangelista.


Quote Queen- If anybody finds that tweet.


Just send it to me. She needs to be on Brainy quotes. Do you remember Brainy quotes?


Remember? I mean, I used it yesterday. Actually, I actually did.




Because I wrote a speech. I spoke at United Hutsella event, and they wanted me to speak. And I was trying to find a particular quote, and I went on brainyquote.


Com. What was the quote? And did you find it?


I was trying to find the quote that you always quote from Game of Thrones, but I wanted to get the exact wording. Okay. And they had it on there. We've been saying it a little wrong, but I liked our version better, so I kept it.


What's the brainy quotes one?


It's not the Brainy Quotes one. It's the Game of Thrones. Hold on.


I remember one time in college.


By the way, do you know who said it?


I had to think of the accent. Someone not like this. It's not like Tyrian.


Yeah, no, I was surprised when I was doing my research. It was Varis. The Unic?


That makes sense.




That feels right. Who said that?


You said that.


In midable words.


Who? No, wait.


Who uttered those words? Mortal words. Margo Ashray, I'm the Redheads.


Oh, did she start that? Oh, did she start that?


Yeah, every time we do a rating for the book and we do the average in every single episode, accidentally, it's not even on purpose, she goes, That feels right.


That's so cute. That's just her not listening.


No, it's just it feeling right because that's what the average rating is. It's a representation of how we all feel about the book, and it feels right.


Wait, it should feel right.




I can't find the thing I was looking for, but you know what I mean? I stand by. I use Brainy quote.


You use Brainy quote.


Cool. Honestly, Brainy quote is the same as rimezone.


Com. Yeah, but just for a different purpose. Yes.


Yeah, no, a different journey.


A different journey. Are you ready for our next story?




That Claudia sent my way.


Oh, good. I meant to ask you if you.


Chose this as a story. Of course, turtle-loom. Mark Cuban announced this is plan to exit Shark Tank after Season 16. It's time, he said. Mark Cuban believes his time on Shark Tank is coming to an end. The billionaire businessman revealed that he will not be returning to ABC series after Season 16. He said, This is our 15th year, and next year, our 16th year, is going to be last year. So I got one more to go, he said on All the Smoke podcast. He said he feels it's time to leave the series after first appearing as a guest in season two and joining full-time in the third season. I didn't realize he wasn't an original Shark.


I did, because when they play those really old, grady episodes where there's Vaseline on the lens on CNBC. There's that guy, Jeff Foxworthy. It's so random. The guy who always started to be smarter than a fifth grader. Wait, actually, I don't think that's the same guy. Hold on. Hold on.


Meanwhile, Mark said that he is grateful for the impact of the series. I love it because it sends the message of the American dream is alive and well. I feel like in doing Shark Tank all these years, we've trained multiple generations of entrepreneurs that if somebody can come from Iowa or Sacramento or wherever and show up on the carpet of Shark Tank and show their business and get a deal, it's going to inspire generations of kids. That's what happens, right? Now we've got people coming on saying, I watched you when I was 10 years old. I'm like, Fuck, but we're helping them, right? I'm invested in I don't know how many hundreds of companies.


Yes, by the way, Jeff Foxworthy. Isn't that weird? The same guy? Are you smarter than a fifth grader?


That is weird.


I was shocked by this news. I never thought much about Shark Tank ending or any of them leaving. It's just one of those things. It's stagnant. It's always there.


But it's also the way the formula is, it could go on forever because it's a revolving door. We don't need Mark on every episode.


But for him to- And Mark isn't on every episode. There's six-.


But for him to permanently exit feels like the beginning of something.


Yeah. That. And I was just shocked by this because Sharktake is almost like a soap opera. It just goes on and people love it, and it's not going to change the world. But it's just like, it's something that I've come to rely on almost. And I was really shocked by this. I never thought much. If you had asked me before this, who would be the first to leave? I would have never had that thought on.


My own. I agree. But now in thinking about it, he makes sense to be the first to leave.




Agree. Because a lot of the other sharks are known sharks, and being a shark is such a big part of their brand and such a big part of who they are. And I feel like for Mark, maybe not that you could really outgrow the tank, but he doesn't want to be in the tank.


He is famous outside of the tank.


Yeah, the most famous outside the tank.


Now the show will and can go on with the other sharks. There are enough sharks. But I was really shook by this.


Yeah, but it's not like he wants a future in TV. It's not like you don't bite like leave a good thing. It's not like Bethany leaving Howes Wives to.


Do his.


Own show. Yeah, he was famous before.


He was famous and rich before.


Yeah, and maybe in some ways, being a shark is a little limiting.


I mean, they're on ABC, so your contract is with Disney. It's definitely limiting in what other opportunities you can do.


But also just like, Oh, here comes the Shark Tank guy. When he's in a room of VCs and all these big investors, and it's like maybe Shark Tank seems like... I don't feel this way. I don't feel... Shark Tank to me is the biggest name in business, okay? Yeah, of course. I'm just speaking what maybe a snob wouldsay. Yeah. That maybe Shark Tank is a little pedestrian.


By the way, fancy business people could see Shark Tank as pedestrian, but I think Mark's business and success speaks.


For itself. Right. Is that maybe he wants to take that one pedestrian thing out of his portfolio while he continues onto big, glamorous things.


Who do you think would be the last person to leave Shark Tank? And why would it be Robert Herjavec?


I actually think it would be Mr. Wonderful because he is the show.


He is. He's the.


Heart of the show. Without Wonderful, the show is not the same. I think without Mark, the show will be very much the same.


I think without Wonderful, it would be Nunderful.


You know what it would be? It would be not Wonderful.


That's actually a really good point.


I don't think they've considered that.


Definitely not. But do you think that all the other sharks are shook?


No, no.


Or do you think there's behind the scenes, drama?


I don't think there's really drama because they're all so established. Normal people. And they're all grown adults who aren't like... And as we said- Their parents. -the tank isn't all they have in this world, and they're going to fight tooth and nail to stay in it. True. They have so much going on. I think they're just like, Hey. Hey. Hey.


So there are six sharks, right? One of them is always revolving. So now I guess all of them will be, or someone who's been a fan favorite guest might now become a full-time.


Shark, like A-rod. Yeah, or someone who's guested a lot.


Yeah, like that guy-.


But it's like there's always... It's never all the sharks there together.


No, right. That's what I'm saying. So it's five sharks at a time, but there are six sharks.


I don't know what the lineup is, honestly, because I feel like Barbara's only in half the episodes. There's no Barbara, there's no...


Yeah, Barbara, Damon are always interchangeable. I feel like Laurie is always there. Robert is sometimes not there, but I feel like Laurie, Mr. Wonderful... And Laurie and Mr. Wonderful are always there. Okay, so I want to say there's six. It's Damon, Robert, Mark, Wonderful, Barbara, Laurie, right? Yeah. I don't forget anyone?


No, I'm looking at a picture about them.


So yeah. Now I guess either it'll be all five all the time, or it might be exciting to add someone new.


Yeah, or to give someone a promotion that's been a guest.


Right. Who's currently a famous businessman? Elon Musk, but he's too rich and famous for that. But who's someone like that?




Feel like there's always a random businessman running for President, one of those people.


Vivek, I'm sure.


If it doesn't work out, he can join the tank.


I was thinking, Vivek. But is he a business man? Yeah. Right, like someone like that.




Everybody loves that guy, Chris. He wears a bolo tie. Gopro. Yeah, the.


Gopro guy. He could get the promotion. Also, the kind bar guy.


I was just going.


To say that. He could get full-time.


But I do.


Think- Or like Sarah Blakeley, if she wants it.


That's what I was going to say. Having a woman who's also famous, like Sarah Blakeley is really famous. I knew who she was before she came on The Tank, the other two, I didn't know them. And she owns a basketball team, so it would be similar to Mark.


Yeah, I don't need it to be a famous person. I need it to be someone who's going to make good deals and that has the money to make deals and has the power to make business successful. I want it to be a shark.


Yeah, someone who's actually powerful.


Yeah. I don't need to know their name. I want maybe a new name. Yeah. What if we throw a new name into the mix? Maybe like a single businessman who goes on to be a businessman for someone.


Love. Love.


Love. So that's what's going on in the tank.


The tank has been shaken up.


Shake it up, Shark Tank. I have to tell Zach. I wonder if he knows. He never misses an episode, and he loves Mark.


But also the news wasn't big. I saw it in a random tweet, and I was like, Is this real? And then I had to search. So it hasn't been... Because there wasn't an official statement or anything. He just said it on a podcast.


He said it on a podcast, but that's what he was feeling. I don't think he realized it was going to be as big of a- -official. -thing that it is. But he's still on this season, and he's going to do next season. We have time. Our next story, Kylea Jenner says her and Jordan never fully cut each other off after the Tristan scandal. So Kylea Jenner did an interview with Jennifer Lawrence for Interview Magazine, and she talks about how her relationship with Jordan has transpired over the years. She said, Jordan and I, we always stayed in touch throughout the years, and we would meet up at my house and catch up and just talk through everything. We never fully cut each other off, and one day, naturally, we were like, We want to get sushi, and we don't want to hide anymore. The sushi outing occurred in July 2023 when they stepped out for a fun girls night. The outing sent the-.


Sushi Park.


The outing sent the internet into a frenzy, but it appeared the pair had been on good terms for some time. However, that doesn't mean the scandal didn't impact their friendship at all. Kylee noted that she and Jordan, who were once inseparable, decided they needed a slight break from each other following the incident. She said, There's a learning lesson in everything, and I think that in a weird way, everything happens how it's supposed to happen. We were so attached to the hip that we needed space to grow into the people that we were supposed to be. I needed that independence and that confidence because she was like my security blanket for so long.


Yeah, their relationship was unhealthy for grown girls, like having sleepovers every night.


They live together.


Right. So I agree with Kylee. I do want to say, when celebrities get interviewed by other celebrities, to me, it's such an eye roll. Just give the journalist her job back. But I happen to love... I read this Jennifer Lawrence one. Jennifer Lawrence was so excited asking such funny questions like snide, commentary, obsessed.


I was hoping there was going to be a but at the end of your statement because typically, like-.


No, it's Kim Kardashian by Jennifer Lopez. Like, why?


Right? No, it's like, Scorsese on Swift.


Yeah, why?


Igo make a movie. That's something I.


Happen to just dislike. It just gives pretentious, eye roll vibes like I don't like it.


But I think also because it's not typically done in a way that's really fun or necessary. Organic, yeah. And this was, those things, this is just like a conversation. And Jennifer Lawrence did a great job. What can she do?


Yeah, and Jennifer Lawrence clearly just watches the show and is a fan girl, but is also friends with them, and she can't get over that she's friends with them. It was so relatable and she's so funny, and I thought she did an excellent job. So this is my exception to.


My rule. I agree. Does Jennifer Lawrence have a movie coming out? Because she's been out and about a lot.


That's true, she is. But not that I know of. I mean, she's not in hunger Games, right?


No. It's crazy that she didn't go to the premiere.


I don't know. It's like a new generation.


Let them know. No, but she is hunger games.


She is hunger games. That's true. Actually, at this very moment, I am hunger games.


I'm starving. What are you going to have for lunch?


I don't know. It's so hard. I've just also... Another reason I'm excited to be out of my house, I have been just a slob. I have reverted to my old self these last eight days. I have not worked out. I worked out once. I have just been eating crap. I literally ate a meatball sub. I'm just living my life. It was so good. But I'm excited. If I want to feel good, I have to put good things in my body. I walk to work.


It's better.


Reset. I need to have a good, healthy lunch.


Okay. What does that entail?


Like a wrap. Is that healthy? I don't even know.


Wheat wrap?


Yeah. By the way, they only offer wheat wraps now. Can we talk about that? Anytime I get a wrap, they always say you want whole wheat or spinach. I'm like, what about white?


You're just talking about 40 carrots, which is.


The only place. No, I'm not. I'm not. I also get wraps from chopped and Lenwich. Actually, Lenwich has white. Maybe I'll get Lenwich today.


Yeah, invite Dana. That's her favorite restaurant in the city.


Is it? Yes.


It would be. She loves their tuna.


You know how we're always talking about on the toast, how there's a warm bowl place right by our studio that I'm... Oh, wait, not me literally dreaming last night about the warm bowl place. I've been out of work for too long.


Because I haven't had it. Do you think that was your entrepreneurial side, dreaming about opening up Turdy's warm-balls?


Turdy's Bolero? What do we... What did we say we were going to call it?


Turdy's warm-bowl.


Yeah, but.


Then we- Bowls change to something.


Yeah, whatever. I've heard that Mark was leaving, and I saw an opportunity to be a shark.


Or you have to get on the tank before he leaves.


That's a dream job, but I would have to be doing it with someone else's money. Even if I imagine I had all that money, I don't think I'd commit to a job where I have to pay people, you know?


No, but you technically would make money.


I would love to see a statistic of every shark, how much they've put out and what they've gotten back. I'm sure it's all net positive, because for all of them, at least one has hit really big to negate all the other investments. Yeah. Like Laurie will be in the green an eternity because of scrub Daddy.




Now I know Mr. Wonderful likes to claim that he's got the biggest deal because the guys who came on for Plated didn't get a deal, but then he ran into them at a conference later, invested, and they sold to for, I think, $3 billion. No, it wasn't.


$3 billion. I don't count it. It wasn't in.


The billions. It was in the Bs. Yes, it was.


They did Albertson's deal. I don't think it was in the Bs. I thought it was in the 100 millions. $175,000,000 in cash. Oh, is.


That what Mr. Wonderful got?


Or that's the whole deal? That's the whole deal. Okay. But someone else says 300 million. Okay, but still, not billions.


Yeah. I think he likes to consider himself one of the biggest deals because of that. But I love Mr. Wonderful with my whole heart.


It doesn't count. That's like saying Ring is the biggest product to come off of Shark Tank.


Well, that's different because they didn't end up getting a deal from any Shark.


Right. So it's not a Shark Tank product.


But Platte did, but the deal wasn't done on air. It doesn't count.


So neither does Ring. No, I would never consider Ring. I'm sure to take credit for Ring? No. It's crazy that none of them gave him a deal.


Yeah, maybe I was getting confused because that one sold to Amazon for a billion dollars.


Amazon owns Ring? Yes. But Amazon has their own cameras.


Amazon has their own everything.


Who owns Ring?






Wow. That's a dream. If we could sell to any company, it would obviously be Amazon.


Well, yeah. Right?


Or LVMH. I think LVMH needs a podcast in their portfolio.


I'd have to think about it.


Because you have to think about the other companies in their portfolio, like-.


Who you're going to be having.




With. -you can get stuff from Louis Vuitton. Right.


Lvmh is so fancy.


I don't think LVMH.


Speaking of fancy, I wanted to tell you something. I fell down to TikTok, Rabbit Hole, which was just perfect timing.


I thought.


You fell down. Me and Ben... I'm sure I did. And it was perfect timing because me and Ben have been watching... We watch Classic World all weekend. We're halfway through the season three. And there was a couple of episodes about Cutillian and Dead Ball. And then I ended up on this TikTok, Rabbit Hole. Apparently, this weekend was, I want to get the exact wording because you will love it. In, I think, Paris, the actual debutons of the world all had their coming out debutant gala. And there were so many TikToks made about it. So it's like princesses, heiresses from all over the world. There was one girl from America. She was so cute. She's a descendant of Henry Ford. Gerald Ford. What's his name?


Ford? Ford Motors. Henry.


Was he also President?


Gerald Ford was the Vice President or President?




Motor queen. Motor Henry Ford. She was so cute. Anti-semite.


Henry Ford?


Oh, my God. I hate to see it. They've been.




Everything. They've been ruining everything. A big fat anti-Semite.


Was he fat? No. Oh, just the anti-Semitism was.


Yes, yes. I don't think if he was fat, I would have called him fat. No, that would be crazy. He could be anti-Semitic, but I can't be fat-phobic.


No, right. It's so true. And so they all wore haute couture, like attelier, custom, and they were all just beautiful. And the gowns, and they're all just like models. Honestly, I'll send you a TikTok of all the looks, and somebody did like, Here's who each of them are. Here are their.


Parents, heiress- Send me the assets. -royale.


Oh, my God. What a fabulous place to.


Have been. That's so fabulous. Please send me the assets. I hope some love matches were made. What is the point?


It's like them... These are aristocratic, girly, so there is actual society there. So these type of events are archaic for us, but for them, they still exist in those types of, You're coming out, you're eligible.


For- Yeah, I guess they still do that in America too, like a dead ball where you're coming out.


Yeah, but that one's a little pointless.


No, that's what I'm saying.


But this one's not. Now we know about all these girls. They're being brought to the world for dating, for- We.


Didn't know before.




Right. Okay, that's really cool. Please send it to me. Also, speaking of Atelier, gorgeous, royal fashion, did you see Black Pink at Buckingham Palace?


I didn't. I heard about it on The Toast.


You have to see their looks, Claude. Google it.


Did you see some news that came out? Was that Taylor Swift? Of course, I think we had assumed that she had been offered coronation, and she said no for King Charles. No.


Why did she say no?


She's busy and or disinterested. But she could get up there and sing, You know I love a London boy. I enjoy nights in Brixton, shortage in the afternoon. He likes my American smile like a child when our eyes meet dull enough, fancy you. Took me back to Hyatt, met all of his best mates, so I guess all the rumors are true. You know I love a London boy.




I fancy you.


She could sing King of my Heart. Oh, my God.


She could sing King of my Heart. I have an eye twitch. Sorry, I just need to hold my eye open. There's so many songs she.


Could sing. I wish she performed. And was she still dating Joe then? Yeah.


By the way, this dumb question, did he already have his coronation?


No, it wasn't a coronation.


You were thinking.


Of Jubilee. No, but there was something that people didn't perform at.


Or did it already happen and we missed it?


Maybe I just- Was it the coronation?


No. Was it not memorable?


No, there was like... Yeah, he had... Jubilee was one thing, which was amazing. But there was another thing.


His coronation... Yeah, it was in May.


Yeah. And like-.


That's so crazy. I don't even remember it. Irrelevant.


No, but we had so many conversations about, where's Harry Stiles? Where's Ed Sheeran?


Where's Adele? Adele. Yeah. But I felt like we had those conversations also about the Jubilee.


Oh, yeah, but the Jubilee was amazing. Amazing. It's how I felt about it. And also, something else about Taylor that I forgot what I was going to say, but I've really been enjoying the 1989 vault tracks. Me too. Would you say they're the best vault tracks?


It's really hard to beat Red.


Well, take out all two outside Man and version.


Okay, we still got Better Man. We still got Babe, which were songs we already knew. We still got message in a bottle. It's really hard. But also, I've had way more time to ruminate with Red.


Ask me in a year. Okay, I think the 1989 ones are my favorite, but I also didn't listen to Speak Now ones. Not even all the Fearless. Definitely all of Red, though.


Yeah, the Fearless and the Speak Now ones, in my opinion, don't compete. They're really good ones from each. When Emma falls in love is so good. But as a whole, they don't compete with Red or 1989. Okay, cool.


You didn't send me that TikTok I was looking for.


I know I forgot. Sorry, I've been a little busy.


It's okay. I'm sure you'll find the time. By the.


Way, the breakout star from that Debbie Tompall I just found on my TikTok. Her name is Laura Kosima.


Where is she from? Now let.


Me tell you exactly who she is. But she's viral now. Laura Kosima, Hankyl Van Donnersmark.


Does she have a TikTok of her own?


She does. That's how I found her whole name. She has 83,000 followers. Oh, no, that's on Instagram. But I just want to know who she is. Yeah, and she has almost 300K on TikTok. Oh, here. Yeah, Hello magazine, best at the debut ball 23. Lara Kosima was on there, but they'll tell me who she is. Hold on. Oh, yeah. Princess Lissy Celassie. So many good people. Yeah, Lara Conner, looks good. Is she American? No. She wore Carolina Herrera. I think she is American.


Send me the link. Drop a link.


Oh, my God. Wait, I'm just reading about all the girls. This girl, Lara Conner, she's stunning. So Lara danced into the La Balle des debutes in a colorful tool gown by Carolina Herrera. The 19-year-old fashionista is currently pursuing a degree in government at Georgetown University, and her mother is a contributor at Vogue. Lara's best friend, Patrick Bennett, is her Cavalier.


King Charles?


Okay, so Countess... Laura Kusima. She's a Countess, this girl who's the breakout star. She wore Jean-Paul Gautier. Her gown embodies the signature silhouette of Gautier's Ochkachur. Countess, Laura Kusima is the daughter of Oscar-winning film director Florian Henkel von Donner's Mark, best known for writing and directing The Lives of Others, which gained an Academy Award in 2007. The 20-year-old, she's German. German star has built her own TikTok Empire, gaining 40 million views. Okay, she has 300,000 followers. Let's just calm down. Over two months. Oh, I'm sorry, over two months. Oh, she got popular on TikTok because she was doing a day in my life while she was interning for big fashion brands. Cool. And she's a Countess.


Where does the Countess Miss come from? From the Oscar winner?


I don't know. Also the Arch Duchess of Austria and the Royal Princess of Hungary. That's both the same girl. That's her title. Her name is Ildiko Habsburg. She's a Habsburg. Luthringen. She's an Imperial and Royal Princess, embodies regal beauty in a petrol blue Alex Mabil gown. She stepped into the spotlight wearing the Orlions tiara. Oh, wait. They keep saying Cavalier. Oh, I feel like... Oh, I feel like Cavaliers... We're thinking Dog. I think Cavaliers who escorted them. Because the other one said Patrick Bennett. I was like, Wait, her dog is a first and last name? So her Cavalier is HRH Prince Constantine de Orleans. So Cavalier is obviously your date.


Or your dog.


No, no.


No, no, no, no. Can you tell me this link, please?


Yeah, it's so interesting now. Yes. Wait, I'm texting it to you.


I also feel like looking at the descendants of Royals, not that we have that many, it's a good way to know what the old Royals used to look like, because we don't have photos. But I'm sure some of them look like their grandparents or great grandparents. And then that's a way to know what Cici looked like.


So Jasmine Yen of China, she wore an haute couture gown. She's a musician. She studied at the Berklee College of Music. It's just so interesting. Oh, and there was a Jew. She was my favorite.


Talitha Stern. What color is her dress? Black.


British debutant, Telethe Stern, hails from banking royalty. Her ancestors can trace their roots back to 17th century merchant bankers in Frankford and have been founders and shareholders in leading banks. God, this just reads like an anti-Semitism propaganda. She's 17 years old. She wore Christian Dior. She's an avid ski racer. Her proudest achievement to date is being named the Anglo-Scottish winner of both the giant Slalom events in 2023, and she made it to the top 20 in the French National Skiing Championship.




She's so cute. She looks like a girl I went to camp with who's a billionaire.


Isn't this interesting? It is.


I guess there was more than one American. The American I saw was Ellie McGaw.


Okay, who's she?


She, I believe, is the Ford. She hailed her proudest achievements as winning the Under-25 racing cars Grand Prix in Canada. Her Cavalier is from Scotland. He's a Marquis of Lord, who wore his family kilt to.


The ball. Okay, so a Cavalier is a human?


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, no, I'm sorry, that wasn't Ford. There's actually quite a few Americans. Olivia Ford-Uzzieli. She wore Oscar de la Renta. Her status is defined by her beloved grandmother, Anne Ford, a direct descendant of American inventor and industrialist, Henry Ford, whose achievements are seen by many as the epitome of the American dream. She was raised in Beverly Hills with her sister and her best friend, Eleanor, who took part in the Ball last year, and she now lives in New York City, where she is a student at NYU.




No, this is just... I won't read all of them, but you should go down the rabbit hole.


It's extremely interesting. I will. I will. And I want to see TikToks. So let's consider that our fourth story, shall we?


No, let's not, because I have something to do.


What do you have to do, my dear friend?


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Welcome. Our next story, a little update on the movements of one tailored, Swift. She has flown back to Kansas City to visit Travis after finishing her Brazil Ears tour shows. So after a rough round of Ears tour shows in Brazil, the singer landed in Missouri on Monday to visit her boyfriend, Travis Kelsey. She touched down at the private airport after taking off from Florida two hours earlier. Florida? Yeah, she must have flown from Brazil to Florida.


Maybe she needs to refuel? Perhaps. Well, you know what? She doesn't have shows for a while, and I think she needs to relax. She needs to just lay with her boyfriend, be in love, go out to romantic dinners in a small town. It's literally a novel. It writes itself. While she recharges for the next couple of shows, I feel like it's been all about Taylor. So now let it be about Travis. This is important. We're almost coming to the playoffs. She can be supportive girlfriend. I feel like the timing is actually working out nicely, and I don't think she has shows until the Super Bowl.


Yeah, that's what I think too. Certainly not until next year, so she's able to spend the holidays how she pleases.


Oh, where are they going to spend the holidays? By the way, Christmas Day football is a thing, or is.


It basketball? Football.




So- Should we check his schedule?


Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm so hungry. Wow. Just felt like sharing. Okay. Do you think other people talk about how hungry they are on their podcast?


Yes, certainly on Smartness, all they talked about was food.


Oh, and.


Men with guys. And a good guy. Okay. Okay, here. December 18th, Chiefs Patriots.




Patriots? I feel like... It doesn't say, but I feel like-.


Whoever goes second, I feel like is.


The home game. Oh, really? I think it was whoever goes first.


No, because you say it like... How does it go? Chiefs then Patriots? You would say Chiefs at Patriots.


Okay, hold on. When they played the Eagles, where did they play? Philly.




And Philly was first in the... It says Eagle's Chiefs, so first places where they play. Look at this detective reasoning.


I don't know if I believe that, honestly. That doesn't make any sense. It's the opposite. It's the opposite? So it's what? Whose home? Kansas at Patriots.


So you were right. Yeah, I was right. So then the Eagles played the Chiefs in Kansas then? City. Kansas City, Missouri. Okay.


Maybe I was wrong about that. I don't know.


So Chiefs at Patriots. Oh, my God. New England, December 18th, like that's-.


Oh, they could go to.


Rhode Island. They could go to Rhode Island.


Oh, that's a perfect place.


To spend holidays. Yeah. Then, December 25th, they have a Christmas game, but it's at Kansas City.


Okay, so the week before, his.


And hers.


Wait, that's what's so nice about having such a robust real estate portfolio while dating an NFL player. Like, Oh, are we playing the Tennessee Titans? Off to my mansion. Oh, the Rams or the Churchers, or maybe even the 49ers? Off to my pilache in Los Angeles.


All the New York teams, Bills, jets, giants.


I don't know about Bulls.


It's a little far. She has a plane.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bulls, giants, jets.


I would even put New England, Boston, Philly in the New York area.


Philly, for sure.


Christmas game at Kansas City, so they could be in Kansas City for Christmas, and then New Year's Eve game at Kansas City also.




Year's Eve. December 31st.


Who the fuck watches football at New Year's Eve? If it's a Sunday- It's literally going to be us. -if it's a Sunday.


It's going to be us. Oh, my God. Yeah, we'll all be together watching football. We haven't watched football together, and so long. The boys are going to be so annoyed with us.


Okay, but you know what? Ben was trying to explain something to me last night because we were watching this honestly terrible game, Vikings versus Cincinnati- Bangles. -bangles, yeah. One of the teams was down by three or whatever, but the losing team had three timeouts. So they used the timeouts. Ben was trying to explain it to me. I don't understand timeouts. Are they not just a chance to get water and sit down? No, they're strategic. You use them to run the clock.




So don't understand it. Ben was trying to explain it to me. He made it so confusing. Jackie, he might as well have been speaking Chinese. I seriously did not understand one word he was talking about. I think I should ask Shapiro. Maybe Shapiro could explain it better. So I'll ask him when we're all together. Okay, cool. If somebody wants to explain it in the comments, I could not understand it for the.


Life of me. One thing at a time, tidy.


One thing at a time. Wait, so that's such a fun end of year for Taylor.


Hopefully those are her plans. She can relax. Holiday house, Kansas City. Maybe Travis is.


In- They picked out a home.


His new house already, maybe.


For sure. Rich people move quickly.


Yeah, but they also do work to the house.


Yeah, but Travis is not that guy like, Oh, somebody built a nice mansion with a pool and a waterfall. I'm moving in.


Totally. He's the type who literally brings a pillow.


And a toothbrush. Yeah, let me pack my things and his Louis Vuitton duffel.


Yeah, and Taylor is so in love, she wouldn't care.


Yeah, but she's also like, she's not going to add too much commentary at this point in the relationship.


She doesn't want to see.


My maintenance. She's just going to go with the flow. Oh, Tav.


I love your house. I love it. What a cute stripper ball. You're a round comforter. Yeah, no headboard? Not a problem. Black sheets?




I love black. Very reputation era of you, Travis.


Are you ready for our fifth and final story? Some publishing drama. You probably haven't heard of it. I thought it was so funny. Sports illustrated is accused of publishing AI-generated copy and using headshots created by AI and publishing fake writer profiles. So Sports illustrated has been accused of publishing AI-generated writing while using headshots of fake authors and creating bogus profiles. The legacy magazine was called out for the content, which was allegedly written by non-existent authors. Sports illustrated said that the work came from a third party who was sure their articles were written by humans. An investigation conducted found that multiple authors with biography pages on Sports illustrated website were fake, including made up interests, hobbies, and even an AI created headshot. As well as the authors, some of the writing on the website's review page was accused of sounding like it was written by an alien with bizarre descriptions and formatting discrepancies. So some of the things that were found, Drew O'Tis, an alleged writer, had on his profile that he has spent much of his life outdoors, and is excited to guide you through his never ending list of the best products to keep you from falling to the perils of nature.


It's so funny when you read stuff and you realize it's AI generated and it's no sense. What were we reading recently?


When we were designing our merch website, is that what you're thinking of?


There were just some blurbs that were placeholders that were clearly written by AI. They made.


No sense. No sense. In the footer where you would normally put your return policy, they just put some words from it. It was so funny.


Oh, my God. Wait. I think I must have screenshots.


They wrote something about war.


Did they?


Hold on, wait.


Sign up to get updates on new releases and things toast. That's not a.


Full sentence. And things toast. No, by the way, I just want to say I know AI is the devil, yada, yada.


Doing collections, doing fashion is like a nonstop dialog. War taught me. War taught me that not everything is glamorous. Luxury will always be around no matter what happens in the world. I don't care about money. I really don't care. I just want to do what I do.


Facts. I'd love.


To design things that people can actually buy. I'm staggered what a... I'm staggered by what a boot costs today.




I'm obsessed. And we thought AI couldn't write comedy.


Wait, I just want to say I know AI is like the devil, whatever. A company like sports illustrated spending any money on writing is just a waste. No one's going to sports illustrated for the thought provoking articles. They're going to look at pictures of beautiful women and sports stuff.


I think it's fun. Well, it's an illustrated swimsuit issue only happens once a year, though. The rest of it is about sports. So what's - Are you there? The article is about sports, yeah. I didn't feel like that's not true. No, no, no. It's shockingly true, I think.


I think. Go to sportsillustrated. Com.


What's the big headline? Is it Bikini models or is it sportsillustrated. Com? Nfl power rankings, Eagles 49ers headed for top two showdown.


I'm shocked.


Yeah, it's all... It looks like ESPN. Com. Okay, I take back what I said.


Oh, my God. I'm literally shocked. How irrelevant are they in that regard?


They had people writing articles. I guess if it's a recap of a game, like... Okay.


It's like, yeah.


But they got caught. So it obviously wasn't very good. It was like our merch blurbs.


Yeah, it was staggering how much a boot cost today. Yeah. By the way, it is staggering how much it would.


Cost today. It's staggering how much everything costs. 100 %. Anyways, so that's a little embarrassed for sports illustrated.


That is embarrassing, but I think this might be something we see a lot. But other publications will learn from this. They will proofread it and have a copywriter make it look normal.


But AI is also getting smarter. Give them time. Also, did you see the most recent AI drama? We talked about this on the patron of Thanksgiving Day topics about ChatGPT, Sam Maltman. But then did you see this letter that came out about Sam?


Oh, no. What? Is he not the good guy?


I don't know. It was like an anonymous- What did he say? No one tied their name to the letter because they're all so scared of him, they say. But they said there's- But.


A hundredth of other employees wrote a letter begging the board to put him back on. They love him.


You just should read the other letter.


I'm just saying there's- Okay, for sure. But I'm more inclined to trust a letter that's positive, that's signed by so many people. Nobody forced him to sign this letter than one anonymous troll.


No, it wasn't one. What did it say? It wasn't one. It was just another side. I just said that we said on the page, I'm like, Her husband is more to this story. What did Sam- So what did they say about him? Toxic work environment, so scary, threatening employees, blah, blah, blah, all that.


Okay, toxic workplace has just become one of those words that lost its meaning, because there are workplaces that are incredibly toxic to be at. But I feel like.




Scared of speaking out. -somebody got reprimanded once on Slack, and they were like, This is a toxic workplace. Grow up a little bit. So I need to know if it's a workplace that is toxic or a toxic workplace.


I don't know, fear of speaking out, retribution, yada yada.


I'll have to read both letters.


Everyone has a letter to write, and everyone has a letter to read.


But don't touch the Morgan Letters.


That's the first rule of letters.


Then the first rule of letters is don't touch.


The Morgan Letters. And if you can live by that, you'll be okay. You'll be safe. You'll be okay. You'll make it through.


Well, we made it through a great episode. So good to be back with you. We're back tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that. Only a couple more weeks before our end of season.


So- Soak it up.


-our last episode for the year of season six? Is it six?


I don't know.


I think it is.




Let me check, right?


Maybe. That's crazy.


That's so crazy we'd be going to our seventh season. And we don't make up seasons. People do two months of podcasts. That's season one.


No, season is a whole year. It's like a 10-episode season, they do.


It's so crazy because I remember when we started this season, because every time I wrote the episode, I had to change from season five to six. And I was like, Damn, it's going to be taking me so long to remember to do this.


Were you able to find it?


I don't know.


We're doing a lot of looking on our phones today.


We're finally doing what people want us to do? Whatever. So our last episode of the year is December 16th. It's slowly approaching. So just prepare yourself because we ain't back till the new year. So they'll be patron, of course.


Oh, yeah. This is a business now. And we'll all be together.


Yeah, lots of content. Everyone's getting in my TikToks. I don't care.


I have to drag them by their hair. I'll work on my moves, The Renegade.


Oh, yeah. It's giving 2019.


It's giving TikTok. Thank you guys so.


Much for listening to the Toste's Millennial Morning Show where we deliver the best stories you need to know every Monday to Friday. And you to be watching on YouTube. Please be able to subscribe and the thumbs up are also available at the podcast. We're a podcast where podcast will be found on Spotify through on Spotify. Find us at Toste. We're a toast, our view about a beautiful, signing of Wickedly talented we are. Have a great day, everyone. We'll see you tomorrow. Love you.

