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Good morning, millennialss. And welcome back to the Toast. Happy Thursday.


Now this week is just flying by.


You know what they say, time flies when you're with the ones you love.


It's so true. And as much as I'm glad that it's Thursday, it just doesn't feel that joyful as a Thursday usually does because our week is winding down.


Our week is winding down. I am here next week, but I will be leaving next week. This is the week that I'm here.


Yeah, this was the week. Yeah. Next week is the leaving week.


Right. Unclear when, but she will be leaving. I am leaving, which is so devastating.


But we have so much fun to have before that. I didn't want to start on a negative. I'm just like, wow, usually on a Thursday, could we be more joyous? Friday Eve, era Friday.


It's true.


But today, Maybe today's a somber day for a number of reasons.


So let's dive into, we have a lot to talk about. The first, being the most important, I am wearing jeans, which we're going to get into later in the show. But really, what we need to talk about is we went through as a family, like something somewhat traumatic Last night, you might have noticed we weren't very active on socials. We were dealing with a crisis, a medical emergency.


Yeah. So we went to dinner at Trout's last night, our favorite restaurant down here.


She put together such a fabulous Valentine's Day dinner. We each had little chocolates. We were just, while this crisis was going on at your house, we were unknowingly just like... We were just so happy.


We were just enjoying ourselves, hanging in no rush. She made such a good dinner. She made such a good dinner. We finally came home. Bruno greets us at the door.


Totally normal.


Totally normal. Yeah, he was waiting by the door as he always does. And then as everyone started to carry on with their evening, we noticed that there were many, many chocolate candy bar wrappers.


Not just chocolate, dark chocolate.


Dark chocolate, zero sugar candy bar wrappers on the floor.


We counted about 21 wrappers.


He got into a bulk bag of these mini, miniature candy. Each one is the teeny tiny ones.


The ones you get on Halloween.


Yeah. Well, some people give out big candy.


Oh, no. I mean, fun size.


Fun size. There was over 20 wrappers.


And as a dog parent, dark chocolate is if you don't have a dog, that's the most toxic. It's the worst thing a dog can eat.


Everyone knows dogs can have chocolate. Dark chocolate is worse than milk chocolate because it is more of a pure chocolate because it's the cacao that is harmful for the dogs because of the caffeine. So we counted the wrappers, see how much Bruno has eaten. So Zack immediately took him to the emergency room. We're all working the phones, trying to find doctor to talk to, to just get information on... We're adding up the amount of ounces per Bruno's weight, while Zack's also doing the same thing at the doctor. We just wanted answers. Yeah, we were just on a fact-finding journey, and we didn't know how to just sit by and wait. Zack took him to the pet hospital and he had induced vomiting. They induced him so that he would vomit up a lot of what he ate.


Bruno got his stomach pumped like a teenager.


I guess that's stomach pump?


Yeah, no, they categorized it as an overdose.


Yeah, it was a slightly toxic overdose. The amount that he ate was in the slightly toxic category. So it is good that they induced vomiting, wherein they found more wrappers. Fifteen more wrappers. Fifteen more wrappers, a pound and a half of chocolate.


Which they assume is only about 60%. They couldn't get all of it. They predicted it was about 60% of the chocolate. So 60% equaling 1.5. What's the total? Almost three pounds.


Almost three pounds of chocolate.


And would you ever now take a look at this boy, Loving on his mommy's lap? So spirit never broken.


So they stayed at the hospital until the ASPCA phone line deemed them safe to go home. Bruno came home because he needed a mother's love. It was hard for him to be going through all of this. And of course, Zack was amazing. Right to the rescue. Right to the rescue. But he need to come home, cuddle up with mommy, heating pad, skin to skin. Of course. That's what he got all night, last night. Honestly, he slept amazing.


I'm not going to lie. It was really freaky, especially because I have heard horror stories. The amazing thing is that it was like, hersheys. And one thing about herses, it ain't real chocolate. It ain't real cacao.


It's a pure chocolate.


But I have heard of dogs literally taking a bite of pure, pure cacao and dropping dead. So the fact that we had gotten home, and he obviously had laid on the couch after his big meal, he was still alive. That was promising. But it is really and truly the worst thing a dog can eat. Yeah. We are so blessed.


So blessed. And he seems to be recovering nicely this morning. He obviously needs more of his mommy, and he has come out of retirement. He wants to the show now. Yeah. And he added so much to yesterday's episode, visually, emotionally. Spiritually. I feel like I do a better job when I have my muffin here.


Yeah. I remember that.


Oh, you want your pillow yet?


No, no. That pillow, seriously, makes me want to kill myself. Something about the way Theo's looking, it just reminds me of his suffering. I can't explain it.


Oh, goodness me. Okay. No pillow. Maybe you want a little strice in your life?


No, he looks happy, and he's recovering.


He's recovering with his mommy. So that's what we were going through last Really, really crazy times. It was nuts. And they said the night between four and eight hours after he got home was when we really had to monitor him. So we're in the clear. So we're in the clear past that. I think everything is going...


How were his bell movements this morning?


I need to check in with Zack, but I know for a fact that if they were bad, he would have told me. So no news is good news. Bruno just needs mother's love by mother's side.


Oh, my goodness. What a whirlwind.


What a whirlwind, Bruno.


We are so glad. I was having not to make everything about me, a little PTSD. Were you? Just like, dog hospitals that could become really triggering for me. So glad Bruno is okay. Imagine if we lost both boys in the span of a month.


That would be crazy.


It would be crazy. But Bruno has a lot more living to do.


Yeah, he's a fighter.


Honestly, he came to me, waltzed through the door. I thought he was going to be medicated. Zack would be, he'd be tongue hanging out, ran through the door.


Trial wagging. He was really happy when he came home. Honestly, you wouldn't really You wouldn't know it.


You wouldn't know it.


He's a survivor.


Bruno will survive. Bruno has survived, and Bruno will continue to thrive.


Yeah. So we're proud of you, Brew.


Crisis averted. Let this be a lesson to all of our listeners. You have dark chocolate in the home. Put it on a higher shelf.


Yeah. No, it was honestly amateur. Just not good.


Listen, These are certain lessons. You have to learn the hard way. Yeah, it's true. I forget. Bruno really has such humanlike tendencies. He got into my fruit bowl the other day.


He gets into everything.


I forgot that because he's such a good boy.


He's really mischievous.


Theo used to be mischievous, but we would know. He was so obvious about it. Bruno is low-key subtle. I forgot that he's a dog who is going to eat my food.


And this week in particular, he's been getting... Maybe because I have more people here, but he was even doing it before you guys got here. He's just been getting into stuff. I can count three other things that he ate, the melons.


Yeah. Yeah.


Is that what you were talking about? Yeah. Yeah. He's nuts. Yeah. He's mischievous. We call him Brudini.


So maybe Bruno also learned a lesson. Don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong. I think if Bruno could talk, he would say, And I'd do it again.


Yeah. He said, I slayed you once, and I'd slay you again. Slay. Slay.


So before that traumatic evening, we had such a fabulous day yesterday that we logged for the entire Patreon community.


We just did our day yesterday. We did a couple of things. Things we did.


The damn thing.


Things we did. That.


We ran a 5K. You did. I did. I did. I don't really want to spoil the vlog, but I'm going to. Jackie inspired me. She was like, Listen, you have to see where you're at. You've never ran 3.1 miles. What are we working with? I was like, You know what? You're right. I'm not going to lie, you telling me your time being 42 minutes, I knew that was like, I needed to be... I couldn't be so far away from that. I knew that that was a normal time. Because if I didn't have that number, maybe I would have just walked and done it in 2 hours. But I did it in 43 minutes. So I'm only one minute behind Jack's. Now, having said that, it was one of the hardest things I've ever done, and I thought I was going to collapse.


And so you don't want to be that way when you're rubbing elbows with some of podcasting's elite. With Tom and Bert.


Bert and Tom. So I know I'm capable of it, but it was so challenging for me. I need to train.


Okay. Yeah, now we tighten it up. We clean it up.


We clean it up. So that's in the vlog. We went to the mall. I bought jeans. Something I've been wanting to do for a very long time is buy jeans in person. And so many people recommend Abercrombie, and Jackie knew a mall nearby that had an Abercrombie. So we spent the day at the mall. We were poisoned in the morning. We were poisoned in the evening.


Yeah. And then Bruno was poisoned. Oh, my God.


We said on the vlog that the theme of the vlog was poison.


And Bruno took it too- And we were foreshadowing. He took it too literally.


So that vlog, I finished editing this morning. It will be up today. So you have that to look forward to. I love Florida family content.


Yeah, I think we have some more Florida family content coming at you this week. In us. Yeah, in us for sure.


It's giving Mook bang.


It's giving Mook bang, Southern Edition.


Southern Edition.


Because we have to go to Florida-specific chains. Checkers.


When you think of Florida-specific chains, what do you think of? Miami Subs. Oh, that's a good one. I happen to love their French fries. I feel like it's not Miami-specific, but I only see them in Florida. It's Checkers.


That's because they have outdoor dining, and you can't do that everywhere year round. Sounds amazing. Al fresco Dining.


I think we should do an Al fresco blog at Checkers. We'll get out of the car.


I like that. Yeah.


That's cute. And then we'll hit, of course, the usual spots.


Of course. And the drive-through. I've not driven through a drive-through before.


It's low-key hard.


I'm a little nervous.


It's really actually... And I'm a pretty experienced driver, and I never pull up to the window the right amount. I'm so far away because I'm so afraid of even touching the building. It's an art.


Yeah. That's the part of driving right now that I'm mastering, which is just like- Knowing your size. Knowing my size, like navigating through the nooks and crannies of the parking lots and this and that. So I think the drive-through will be a good challenge for me and where I'm at in my education.


So I, again, don't want to spoil the vlog, but I was a passenger in Jackie's vehicle yesterday. I drove. And I have to say, I mean, look at me.


Not a scratch.


You crushed it. Not a scratch. You really crushed it. And the car, not a scratch. There was a scratch, but that's from a prior incident.


There's a prior incident. We'll talk about it in the vlog.


Yeah, so let's stop spoiling the vlog. It's annoying.


Yeah, but it's a really great fog.


It's a really great fog. Yeah. We have a great show. It's Thursday, which means absolutely nothing, which just means we can relax. We don't have a litany of things to do segments and Schmeggen. We can just relax and be ourselves.


And if we could decenter ourselves for a second.


Why would we do that?


For our listeners. It's Thursday for them. And even though we're having a particularly joyful week, they could have been having a treacherous one, but they've made it to Thursday.


Well, that upsets me to hear. Is someone having a bad week?


Someone out there is having a bad week, turdy.


No, it's so true. It happens to the best of us on whatever scale.


But no matter how your week is going, you've made it to Thursday. And for that, I'm happy for you.


And if you're having a bad week, let turdy give you a little bit of inspiration.


A motivational speech from La Turdia?


Listen, there's nothing you can't overcome. We all made it through the pandemic. Girl, whatever's going on this week, it's nothing. It's nothing. It's in your mind. You're matching it. You're crazy.


It'll It will soon be a distant memory. It will. This two shall pass. That's my favorite advice to get people.


It'll soon be a distant memory. I feel like when you're going through something really challenging, somebody telling you that, it's like, Seriously, shut the fuck up and eat my ass. But then you find yourself months, weeks, however much time passes later, and you're like, Wow, it really was just a moment in time. I got through it.


A better way to say it, this two shall pass.




I think that's comforting words. Not annoying words.


And when you're in something bad, you're like, Well, no, everything passes, but not this. This one's really It's not.


That's not how... When I think of this too shall pass, I'm like, yes, but I just have to get there. It's like the getting there that's hard. But just know that you will be there. Take solace in the fact that you will get there.


Nothing in life is guaranteed except the movement of time. So you will get there.


The passage of time.


The passage of time. That's much more smart.


Thank you. More smarter. Also, we had big plans last night, like Valentine's Day. We went to watch Van der Pump rules all together. And then, of course, Bruno did-We're going to make a fire. We were going to make a fire.


I don't think we were ever actually going to make a fire. The boys were like, Should we make a fire? And we're like, Honestly, no.


Yeah, we said, You guys can make a fire. Don't make it for us. We said, Don't expect it to come out, but we might drop by. That's literally what we said. But then Bruno went and spoiled it all by saying something stupid like dark chocolate. Yeah. So no fire, no romantic Valentines for us. Yeah. But that's okay.


That's okay. Bruno's health is paramount.


Yeah. The love was Bruno came home and got to sleep at home.


Yes, of course. I did want him to spend the night at the facility. Obviously, you want your angel home, but it's always better than to be under medical supervision. But they said he was fine, and you know what? They were right.


But sometimes, like TLC, Mother's Love heating pad, is the best medicine. Other times, no.


I feel like this would be an other time when they really need to monitor his stomach.


When he needed real medicine? Yeah. I don't know. I think he need Mother's Love.


Oh, my God.


So you know, I was- There's nothing Mother's Love can't cure.


I was sick a couple of weeks ago. You know that. And Ben is very into Eastern medicine and moronic things of that nature. And he was giving me turmeric and all these weird herbs. I was just taking them in addition to like, Nyquil and stuff. And after a couple of days, I finally went to the doctor and I'm like, Okay, let me just go to the professionals. Ben did come with me, and he prescribed me, of course, my amoxacillin and my prednison. I'm feeling so much better, by the way. Thanks for asking. Ben had the absolute gall to bring up his herbs to the doctor. I was, first of all, mortified, beyond words. Second of all, low-key curious what this doctor was going to say because Ben was giving me tumouric, which is good for… It's an anti-inflammatory. My sinuses were inflamed. I had sinusitis. I was waiting to see what the doctor was going to say. He could not have rolled his eyes more further into the back of his head. I was like, Okay, honestly, thank you. I don't know what... I let Ben get to me. I'm like, What am I taking tumouric for?


But what's the downside?


Also a good question. I don't know. I'm feeling a little jittery. My coffee is starting to kick in. I'm shaking my shoulders.


Yeah, and just let me know the downside.


Right. I don't know. I thought, imagine going to a doctor and be like, Well, I read on... That tumouric is a great That's very inflammatory.


But aside from Eastern herbs and whatnot, that's always the thing, right? You go to the doctor and you're like- And I googled it. Yeah, and I have my own information. You just keep that shit to yourself. Just nod and say, Thank you so much. Of course.


I would never ever, ever bring up my research to the doctor. No, you can't. First of all, it's so disrespectful. It is. This person went to school for eight years.


But I also think you should do your own research. I'm big on that.


Of course. Yes.


And advocating- I'm also big on Hannah Montana and then Miley stewarding it and being one way with the doctor and one way at home.


Oh, I feel that way, too. Yeah. Especially what I'll do, which is not the best- You smile and nod. When I go to Mexico and stuff, I get prednazone. I'll prescribe myself a moxacillin and prednazone, and I'll get it in really shady ways. And then I won't tell the doctor that I did that.


Oh, yeah.


Which is also not good.


Yeah. Smile and nod. That's like when we were talking about the pediatrician and the co-sleeping. Yeah, no. Right, right, right. Smile and nod. Safe sleep, baby on back. I got it. I got it, Doc.


Yeah, no, you need to have a front stage and a backstage personality when it comes to the doctors.


Yeah, I think all doctors. Clearly, Ben has his own things that he needs to conceal.


No, but Ben was just being himself.


That's a crazy thing to do.


Which I just thought was interesting.


When I So many people do that, I'm like, Oh, so you're crazy.


Oh, so you're confident.


No, so you're confident in your craziness. But I do think it's important to be a little crazy. It's your body. If you're not doing your own research, what are you doing?


I guess it's so true. Maybe it's not crazy.


Not everything is one size fits all all the time. You need to do your own research, but then also don't pretend to no more than the doctor. They don't like that?


Yeah, no, it is rude.


Yeah, and they don't like it. You don't want to piss off the doctor. No. It's enlightening.


So we've got a great show today. We've got stories that are what?


Solid as a rock.


Oh, I love that. So do you feel comfortable at this current juncture?


Thank you for caring about my comfort, and I do feel extremely comfortable.


Okay, you sound like a distress millennial. I feel like. Yeah, like on a college campus.


This is a safe space for us to enter into the Fast Five stories.


Oh, my God. Okay. Thank heavens for that. Yeah.


So without further ado, do, do, do, There are the fast five stories that you need to know.


Jax, do you have something you'd like to share with the class?


I do, Claudia, and I'm so glad that you're giving me the space to do that. I feel very comfortable to let you know that today's episode is also brought to you by TeenyLux. I was speaking recently on the pod about not wearing earrings because I hate how aware I am when they're on. I just feel them. The founder of TeenieLux is a toaster. She reached out saying, Can I send you some earrings? I promise these will be the most comfortable earrings you've ever tried. You won't even notice them.


She didn't lie.


For the first time ever, I honestly forgot I was wearing earrings. I don't even feel them. Their founder started this brand because she also had super sensitive ears and nothing was working for her. They make all of their earrings with pure titanium. They use titanium because it's non-allergic metal that's safer the body and super lightweight. If you've ever had problems wearing earrings, you need to try these. I I always had problems wearing earrings, and I'm not even the most sensitive swirly, but the ears are a sensitive place. So you need the best in the biz. And the teeny lux earrings are so cute also. The ones that I got, they're perfect for me. I like a little subtle earring, but they They have all different types of earrings. So visit teenilux. Com and use code Toast at checkout for 20% off your first purchase. That's Tinylux spelled T-I-N-I-L-U-X. Com. Use code Toast for 20% off of your first order.


I feel like this is also a great gift for somebody who either recently just got their ears pierced, or remember, when I was younger, my earrings used to bother me so much for a teenager.


No, they have kids' earrings, too. So if your little has pierced ears and we want to make sure they get the safest earrings. Tiny, lux. They have so many styles. You can shower with them. They won't tarnish or change color. T-i-n-i-l-u-x.


Fabulous. And the fast five stories that you need to know are brought to you by Hinge, the dating app that's designed to be deleted. Hinge makes the profile creation process less daunting by making it easy to get your friends involved. So with the voice prompt, My best friend's take on why you should date me, you can lean on your friends to hype you up on potential matches. I love that. I feel like Hinge is always getting really creative with their profiles because profiles can be really just rigid sometimes. I like that they don't take it so seriously. They add that voice memo feature where somebody could answer with their voice, which I think is cute. Also, nice to hear someone's voice before you meet them. It's not always easy to see your own green flags, but what makes you a great person to date, it's easy for a friend to do so on your behalf. So asking your friend to answer this voice prompt for you can be such a great way to bring encouragement and levity to your dating profile. So as you know, we're sitting with a hinge success story right now. Jackie and her husband met via hybrid.


They were working in the workplace, but they also met on hinge, and it was just a perfect reason to talk to someone.


Yeah, it was the perfect catalyst for us getting to know each other because it was a great way to see, Oh, you're single, and you're interested in me because we both wanted to match with one another. So I advocate everyone who's looking for a serious relationship to get on Hinge. I think it is the serious dating app for serious people.


And if I were to do your voice prompt, and I would say, You guys should date Jackie. Here's what I would say. She's so gorgeous. You wish, you wish, get in line. That's what I would say.


You would say get in line? Yeah, I would. They're technically in a queue.


Download Hinge and try the voice prompts today. Then find someone worth deleting the app for. That is the Hinge app, H-I-N-G-E. Today's episode is also brought to you by Skims. We wax poetic about the issues with bras. They can be uncomfortable, they can be constricting, and we just rip them off when we get home. But Skims has really changed that. You know in love, Skims Underwear, we recently, not so recently not recently, actually, maybe a year ago, tried their bras, and they really have delivered again. Skims bras are truly worth the hype. I bought them before they were a sponsor on TikTok. This girl was raving about it. She had lost, I think 200 pounds, and her boobs were a little different. And I resonated with that. I have enormous breasts. And when she showed me how they literally took her boobs from her belly button to her neck, I was shook. And I was sold the T-shirt bra is one of my favorites. I love their bra-lets. I think Skims bras really, truly speak for themselves. The Fits Everybody T-shirt bra. It's probably the bra I wear the most. It's like an everyday bra.


It gives really good coverage, really good lift. It's very comfortable. The straps are adjustable. And the material for the Fits Everybody collection is obviously, I think, the best for all day comfort. But also don't sleep on their bra lets. Their bra lets, I wear around the house. They give me good support. I can't walk around the house without a bra, so I need something in the middle because I don't want to wear a full bra. And the bra lets are so comfortable. The best material, I like the racer back on one. It gives me a little bit more support. So shop Skims bras at skims. Com. What is so fabulous about Skims is they're super size inclusive. So they have 62 sizes. They go from 38 to 46H. Plus, you're going to get free shipping on orders over $75. So if you haven't yet, head to skims. Com and be sure to let them know that we sent you. After you place your order, select podcast in the survey and select Our Show, The Toast, in the drop down menu that follows. That's skims. Com, S-K-I-M-S.


Thank you, Claudine.


You're welcome.


Yeah. Our first story is very sad news. Oh, yeah. The Super Bowl Chief's win ended in heartbreak yesterday. As at least one person was killed and 22 were injured as the Kansas City fans gathered to celebrate the Chief Super Bowl win at the parade. There was a shooting. Three persons were detained and are under investigation for the incident, and many are wounded, including many children.


Oh, my God. Yeah. I didn't see that. So horrible. I was watching the footage come out of the parade before, and it was like, just those parades are like a real... They said there were like a million people in downtown Kansas City. It's a real celebration of community and and just your hometown. It's like hometown pride. They're really these joyous fest celebrations. And so for it to end that way is so horrible. And so I was watching the footage and all the players were drunk, and everybody was taking pictures, and it was just fun. And for it to end that way, and I saw the footage of a lot of the local people were the ones to take down.


Yeah, there was this couple. They took down one of the shooters. The husband tackled him to the ground. And the woman grabbed the gun. The woman moved the gun away.


It was amazing. It's really just a terrible- There should be a parade for them. For them. It's such a horrible story. We can't have anything nice.


Yeah, it's so upsetting.


I saw a picture of these ugly, ugly, really disgusting-looking person. I only saw a picture of one of them, really one of the ugliest people inside, but also outside that I've ever seen in my life.


They're all ugly. There's pictures of all of them.


Really just ugly.


There's three. There's three.


Ugly beings.




Hate, obviously.


I think probably they were still counting victims. I saw they identified one of the people who was killed. She was a local radio DJ. Just so horrible.


I saw 10 people were injured.


Now it's up to 22.


Oh, no.




And then what was their problem?


What's their motive? What was the issue? That hasn't been come out yet.


What could truly...


I saw a quote from the police chief that it wasn't a targeted shooting, but I'm sorry, if three people are acting in coordination, it's a target.


By the way, is there such thing as a not targeted shooting?


You bring a machine then to a parade. To parade with kids. You're not targeting anyone.


No, it's giving bureaucracy. Like, please. Yeah.


Also, a lot of the players and the wives, everyone's been posting. Travis posted a statement.


I saw on Twitter.


People are upset also with Travis because that night he went out because there's pictures of him hosing with a police officer, just taking a selfie, and he's holding a beer and continuing. It's a weird space to be in. How do you continue with the festivities when it's ended in such a terrible manner?


A horrible way. Honestly, I can't critique anyone, but I can't imagine what it's like for people to show up at a parade for you and then for it to end that way, the guilt. I'm not going to critique how anyone responds to it, but it's definitely weird.


I know. I'm not going to critique it either, also because in all the parade footage, he's so drunk. Even though there's a shooting, you're still wasted. You're not making good decisions. I think it's just a lot to process. I'm sure it's a lot for him to process today, and I'm not going to judge how someone deals with it, even though it's on his face, it's like partying or what happened. Who could?


On its face, it's weird. But again, we don't really know what that's like. And also receiving that news, blackout drunk.


He was wasted. Can you even receive the news when you're blackout drunk? I don't know.


A very... That's a weird part of the story. I didn't consider what everyone else was doing.


And what they did afterwards.




Because also the players had to run off stage and hide I think some of them were hiding in closets. Oh, my. To do that, and also you're super drunk.


It's just...


It's weird. A weird experience. Yeah.


But I don't know what I would do in that situation. So I'm certainly not going to reprimand Travis for what he did. Yeah. Even though on its face, yes, it's bizarre.


Yeah. So just some sad news to start the day.


Yeah, that's terrible.


Switching gears, shall we? Yes. Prince Harry and Megan Markle are giving their children the Sussex title as their last name amid their website backlash.




Also- Have you seen this?


No, but I did because earlier on the show, when we reported on their website, we were asking each other, and we didn't know the answer, what are the rules royally? Are they allowed to use Duke and Duchess? And somebody explained it. So Can you read the story, and I'm going to find the explanation.


Okay, so Prince Harry and Megan Markel have given their children the Sussex title as their last name amid backlash over their new website. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex decided to use their title as their surname for their son, Prince Archie, and daughter, Princess Lillibet, instead of being known as the Mount Baton, Windsor, in order to unify the family, according to the Times of London. A source told the British newspaper that the kids have been known as the Sussexes since King Charles's coronation in May 2023. The insider noted that the kids taking on the Sussex moniker is no different from Harry being called Captain Whales when he served in the military.


I literally don't get it.


Yeah. Because when Harry and William were kids, they were the Wailses, remember?


I thought they were the Windsors.


No, but in the Crown, when he's at school, someone wrote him a note and It's like Willy Whales.




Actually, I don't think it was Willy Whales.


I like Willy Whales.


He was called Whales.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


So these kids being called Sussex is akin to Harry and William being called Whales. However, Harry's no longer Whales because he's Sussex.


Right. So Harry and Megan, this is somebody explained. Harry and Megan never gave up their Duke and Duchess title. They are still free to use them. They gave up HRH, in her Royal Highness, which is the highest royal title that can be given by the sovereign. So the Queen gave it to Harry at birth and Megan on their wedding day, then stripped them of it when they left.


And what about Prince?


So they were previously styled H-R-H, the Duke and Duchess, and now are just the Duke and Duchess. Harry is still a Prince and still keeps his place in the line of succession, which is the fifth.


Still keeps his place in the line of succession.


Diana was also stripped of HRH after divorcing Charles, but kept being the Princess of Wales, not HRH, the Princess of Wales.


Got it.


In addition to giving up the HRH, they also no longer do any work on behalf of the Crown, thus giving up being, quote, working royals. They cannot represent the Crown in events, and Harry gave up his military titles, too. But they are still officially and legally Duke and Duchess. Thank you to Katie Brown for posting that in the Facebook group.


That makes sense that they're Duke and Duchess because plenty of Duke and Duchesses aren't related to the Crown. But he can't represent the Crown at Royal Events, but he's still in the line of succession.




That would be representing the Crown in a major way.


I think that they left him in the line of succession because it's so not going to happen ever.


It's just less complicated to leave him.




Got it.


As it comes to their kids, But you want to have the same last name as your kids. And so they've obviously branded themselves as the Duchess, the Sussexes. And you want to have the same last name as your kids. And it's clear that with the website, they're putting all this information out there. Might be backlash. You're doing it all at once, and then we'll move on, and they will be the Sussexes, here to for.


They did need not a rebranding, but a clarity of branding, because there's a lot of names thrown around. Also, there was so much drama with Archie and Lillibet being Prince or Princess, but actually now they are Prince and Princess because their grandpa is King. When Elizabeth was Queen, They weren't yet. And then they were sad that he was going to be the Earl of Dumberton. And it was always like, if you just wait till Charles is King, then they become prince and princess. But I think Harry and Megan, they say in their documentary, why wouldn't Archie B. Prince. And it's misleading because it's like, he would have been. It's just- You have to wait. You have to wait. Yeah. But Prince George and them don't have to wait because they're in the line.


Well, they're not the same.


But when they- They were mad. It's like they They need a third sibling just to show Harry and Megan, they're not being treated differently because they're them.


So my favorite rabbit hole to go down, because there is a very widespread conspiracy theory that Prince Charles is actually not Harry's father. Diana had a very well-known affair with this guy named James Hewitt, who's this redhead who looks a lot like Harry. There's there, there. People aren't just talking for no reason. And if you go down that rabbit hole, it's really interesting how that affects Megan and the kids, because then there really is no relation right now because Charles wouldn't be his father. And there's really no connection to the royal family. But that's if the theory is true. Which I'm not saying I believe. I'm just saying I should know that it's out there. What do you think about that theory?


I think that- It is odd there's not another redhead in the entire family.


Do you agree with that as a redhead?


No, there's not a redhead in our family.


Our grandfather had red hair.


So they say.


We have a cousin with red hair.


So No, it's not so they say.


It's actual.


I don't know. I feel like the girls growing up, did Eugenie have a little red?


Let me look it up. A young Eugenie.


Or Beatrice, one of them.


I'll look up young Eugenie and Beatrice. That's fair. Well, she was related by marriage. Fergie had red hair. Okay, good call. No, and the kids didn't.


Good call. Okay, so you're saying- Actually, no.


The girls, the older one, I don't know when this picture is from, but the older one definitely had a twinge of red, but her mother had red hair.


Okay, so null and void. Null and void. No, I need to... It's actually... They're the easiest people to trace their lineage throughout history. Like all the Kings and Queens, were there any red heads?


Okay, let's say, British royals with red hair.


Oh, my God. That would be so crazy. It's so obvious then.


It's a little known fact that three of Princess Diana's siblings. That would count. Okay, so that would- Lady Jane, Lady Sarah, and Charles, the ninth Earl of Spencer, have naturally red hair.


Okay, so that covers that.


That covers Harry. Yeah. And Fergie, which doesn't apply here. Right.


I never thought about that, though.


Kawara. Com. Where does Prince Harry get his red hair?


Because I don't even believe the theory because he has red hair, but because he looks like that guy and Diana had an affair with him. Right. Okay. The timing.


So this is from Kawara. This is the most popular answer, and this person obviously did their research. He gets his red hair in the same way that all redheads get it from both sides of the family. Red hair is recessive and can be, quote, covered up by dominant genes while still being passed along. I don't have red hair, but it turns out my grandfather, whom I never met, did. So my son's dad has black hair. We don't care about you.


I will never understand the recessive gene. We were just talking about this. I don't understand it now. I know that red hair is a recessive gene that I clearly possess, but I do not understand how it works.


Okay, here's her answer. Diana had strawberries Harry blonde hair when she was much younger. All three of her siblings, which we were just saying, had red hair when younger before it changed, as hair does later in life. Charles had dark Auburn hair when young, which you can see in older pictures when he's outdoors. Mary, who's Harry's great, great grandmother, had red hair and pearls like Harry does. Her pearls are actually very similar. Beatrice had red hair, but we know that from Fergie. Yeah, right, right, right. And since it comes from both sides, that means Andrew carries the jeans as well. But the flaw in this statement is she's saying, Because Beatrice has it, that means Harry has it from mother and father, but Beatrice has it from his mother.


But he has to have it from both sides. Beatrice has to have it from both sides, which means she has it from Andrew's side, so it's there.


Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,Theory?


Does Zack have it in his family? I don't know. Not anyone that I know, but maybe Aunt Mary, like Queen Mary. Right, right, right.


Aunt Mary. Yeah.


That is so interesting. So this doesn't nullify the theory, though. It just explains Harry. It's a counter argument to the theory. But the theory could still be- It's the hair, but also the face. And the timing.


Yeah, yeah. Right. Just something to think about.


Yeah. I've always taken the theory, looked at it seriously because they look alike, not even because of the hair color. By the way, same.


Because if you see a side by side of these two people now that Harry's all grown, they look so similar.


But those things, that could happen.


Yeah, human beings.


It's just two handsome British men.


But the coincidence that it would be a British man that slept with his mother is just a little crazy, no? Just a little.


I can't tell if it's so obvious or we're being crazy.


Sound off in the comments. Do you think James Hewitt is Harry's father? I love a good paternity's conspiracy theory.


And the thing is, whatever the truth is, Charles knows.


Yeah. And maybe that's why he's okay with not having a relationship with this rando. You know?


Yeah. Something to think about. Something to think about. Okay, well.


And so when we have these conversations about the kids, I'm like, These kids ain't even related to Charles. Who cares?


So you believe the theory?


No, no, no, I don't. No, no, no. But sometimes I do think, I'm like, We're going on and on about this. And there's a chance these kids literally are just commoners.


Right. But if print and Harry, not that he would ever be the king, but he's still in the line of succession. He could be a rando. Yeah.


Even though if they knew that Harry wasn't... When they stripped Harry and Megan of certain things, they would have taken him out of the line of succession because he is this mudblood.


They would have stripped him further.


Yeah, they would have... Obviously, that would have been a great way to get him out of the line, get this rando out. You know? Yeah. So I'm going to think about.


Harry addresses the It's the theory in his memoir, I think. Oh, you're lying. I'm pretty sure he does.


Oh, well, that changes everything, because if that's the case, you would never... I don't know. I keep saying that.


Prince Harry finally brings silence over the rumor that James Hewitt is his real father. Wait, that's crazy. The rumor going around at the time that my real father was one of my mother's ex-lovers, Major James Hewitt. One cause of the rumor was Major Hewitt's red hair, but another was sadism. Tabloid readers- What's sadism? Just people being- Rude. Yeah, that's a nice way to put it. Tabloid readers love the idea that Prince Charles's youngest son was not Prince Charles's son. They never got tired of that joke for some reason.


I can't lie. I'm one of those people. I never tired of that.


He wonders whether this rumor was used to paint him as a laughing stock, noting that it didn't seem to matter that his mother hadn't met Major Hewitt until long after he was born. Oh. Over the course of his life, the rumors have been rehashed in various forms with some seriousness, he notes, Harry claims that the same- I feel like he's talking to me. Harry claims that sections of the media went as far as hunting my DNA to verify it, remarking that he believed after torturing Princess Diana into hiding that soon that they would come for him. Retired British Army Captain Hewitt penn two books about his affair with Diana during her marriage to Charles.


Oh, that's a thirsty thing to do.


Further attempting to sell the love letters he exchanged with the princess.


Oh, I bet.


The pair met at a party in 1986, and he went on to help Diana overcome her fear of horse riding. What year was Harry born?


When did they meet?


1986. He said in an interview that there really was no possibility that he's Harry's father. Harry was already walking by the time with my relationship with Diana began.


1984, he was born.


Oh, okay. Also, I just want to say I'm looking at a picture of Major James Hewitt, and he also looks like Charles.


Oh, okay. So the picture that I've seen, the picture they love to use that they put side by side.


That's how we always do this. If you put a picture side by side with really anyone- No, if you choose the certain photo that they choose, it's this one. Maybe it's just a photo. It's from the side, right? Oh, I've not seen. I've seen one from the side.


Later in life... Oh, this photo. Yes, by the way. It's whatever photo you end up using. You can make the case. And that's with anything.


Choosing- That's what people do with JonBenét all the time.


Yeah, it just depends on the photo of JonBenét. You're choosing the photo of the other person.


When you put them side by side, you're telling the person, Hey, these people look alike, right?


Yeah, except the James Hewman really does look alike.


We did one with you and John Manet.


We did one with Hannah Brown and Whitney Rose's husband. They look alike. Or was it just the collage?


Yeah, I think there's also something to be said about putting the two things- There's a psychological element of the collage, the side by side.


I agree.


Okay, but has what we just said been enough for you to move on from the room?


No, no.


Because maybe they reunited in 1986. No, of course.


And by the way, the royals are notoriously private. We don't know who's coming and going. I bet there's proof. I feel like they knew each other. It's only two years.


Yeah, they could have reunited.


Maybe they stayed away from each other because she got pregnant.




Just something to think about.


Yeah. Okay. Well, from here to forward, they'll be known as the Family Sussex.


They'll be known as the Hewitz.


So that's good to have clarity.


Yes, it is. Stop.


Okay. Our next story is, again, What is in a Name? Oh, okay. It's about one of your favorite people to walk this Earth. Who? Think about what's in a name.


What does that mean?


Someone putting on a name that is not theirs.


Kelly Brianna? No. Remember Kelly Clark said legally changed her name? That was the most confusing thing.


First of all, it's one of your favorite women of our generation who did something so crazy. Crazy. She's not a celebrity except for what she did. That was crazy. It's a story of what's in a name.


I have literally no idea what you're talking about.


Rachel D'Aulazal.


Oh, I saw this story. And by the way, I saw a picture of Rachel D'Aulazal, and I believe it was from her, DAs as a Black woman. And I can't believe anybody believed her. She literally looked like she was doing blackface. It was so obvious.


The woman formerly She's really known as Rachel D'Alazal.


Are you telling me Rachel Doulasal wasn't even her name?


Was not even her name.


What is her name? But it's like Amber.


Right now, she goes by Nikichi Diallo. But I also believe that's a changed name.


It sounds like she's appropriating another culture. Yeah.


I do not know what her original name is. I was trying to find it in the-In the docs. In the docs. But she's constantly changing her name. I'm obsessed with her.


She's making waves because she was...


Okay, so she was working at a school.


That's really unbelievable.


Unbelievable. She lost her school job over her OnlyFans account. Nikichi Diallo, formerly known as Rachel Dolezal. Her name is Rachel Dolezal. Okay, cool. She was fired by a news on Arizona School district after administrators learned of her OnlyFans account. They said, We only learned of Ms. Nikichi Diallo's OnlyFans social. Ms.




But this is their quote.




Onlyfans social media post yesterday afternoon. Her posts are contrary to our district's use of social media by district employees' policy and her staff ethics policy. She is no longer employed by the Catalina Fothill School district. On Tuesday, the embassy affiliate reported that Diallo was an employee of the Catalina Fothill School district and was linked to an OnlyFans account. The outlet noted that explicit images appearing to be Diallo were being shared on Reddit.


Okay, so they probably were shared on Reddit because somebody discovered this random OnlyFans. It was like, Wait, I think this is Rachel Dolezal. So her past is coming to haunt her present. And Do you think that the school district knew that this Echidi Dialla woman was a formerly- Was a formerly Mrs. Dola-was Rachel Dolezal?


I don't think so.


That's really crazy because she's like, Her name is so famous. Yeah. Her face isn't.


No, because she was also in costume.


In costume. That's so true. She was in dressing, right?


If she just changed her makeup and her hair, then she's not Rachel Dola-zal anymore.


Right. Is she living life as a teacher? Was she pretending to be a Black teacher? Or she's over that?


No, I think she now... Mrs. Diallo, a teacher.


And is Diallo a Black woman?


Oh, is she doing it again? Right.


That's what I'm saying. Is she still saying, No, I am Black.


Oh, I don't know.


She obviously has a mental illness.


Here's the thing. In November 2015, she admitted that she was biologically born to born white to white parents, but she identifies as black and said she began identifying as black in 2006.


You are ready to stand in the way of her identity.


And she also published a memoir called In Full Color, Finding My Place in a Black and White World. Wait, In Full Color?


She's really committed.


She's committed to the bit. I don't know that the exposé on her would stop her from being who she thinks she is.


Because her explanation is Congress with her exposé. She's like, Yeah, no, I'm not biologically Black, but you're going to tell me how I feel?


How I identify.


That is so interesting.


And so the embarrassed- You should read her book for the Redheads. I honestly should read her book because it's such a crazy story.


I know, but she's really sticking with it. Honestly, I can't read a book by a mentally ill person like that. It would frustrate me.


It would be frustrating.


Yeah, right. I live in reality where your DNA says you're not Black. That equals you not being Black. I couldn't sit down and read the book of somebody who inherently disagreed with that statement.




The fact that Rachel Doulasal was teaching at a school when she's clearly a crazy person is really... It's actually frightening For real, for the kids.


She was an after-school instructor.


Oh, okay. But she's still in charge of kids, actually.


She's in charge of children.


That's inappropriate, I think. She shouldn't be able to do that. Also, I do often wonder because there are a lot of famous TikTokers who are teachers. They just talk about... Some of them dance in their classrooms. They never have kids in it. But they're just social media stars who are also teachers, which I think is great because you don't make a lot of money as a teacher and you have supplemental income. But I do wonder what the school board says about that.


They clearly have policies, by the way.


Onlyfans is not TikTok, by the way.


No, but they have a policy called use of social media by district employees. So there are rules in place. And I would imagine that the rules have to do with the content that's there. Or if it's wholesome- And, of course, including the kids.


I mean, no. Can I see that picture of her while you're explaining?


No, I'm not explaining because I'm just guessing that if the content is congruous with what a teacher should be posting, then you're in the clear. Because teachers have social media, even if it's a personal private account. But if the content is nefarious and inappropriate, then it's giving you a window into the person that's being around the children.


Mentally ill.


Yeah. No, but even if it's just like...


Oh, wait, sorry. I was not listening when you were just talking. I was talking about Rachel Tolles.


No, but even just say OnlyFans in general.


Say the teacher- Start the sentence again. I was not listening to anything you just said.


I was looking at Rachel Tolles.


Thanks for admitting it, finally. Because then I just said mentally ill, and I'm accusing a teacher of being mentally ill. Sorry, I wasn't listening.


Okay. I think all teachers would have social media in general, even if it's just a private family. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So they are allowed to be on social media. I think as long as the content is child friendly and appropriate and things that you wouldn't mind your teacher doing, it's totally fine. But I think if there's nefarious content, inappropriate, goodbye. Nsfw. Nsfw. But what if it's teachers on OnlyFans? That's- NSFW.


Yeah. Unless you're tutoring math on OnlyFans. Yeah. But when we say OnlyFans, we mean nude or pornographic content, correct?


Say it's sexy.


That's NSFW.


Yeah, but I wonder who had to write these bylaws.


No, it's a new problem. Yeah.


And I guess it is subject to subjectivity because we're not going to have to look at the pics.


We have a lot of teacher toaster, so sign off in the comments. I imagine when you're a teacher, you're extremely mindful of what you put on social media, whether your account is public or private, knowing that your students could find it.


Yeah, but what if you go out For a bachelorette party with the girls and you're taking shots on social media? I don't know.


Because teachers are humans, too.




That's a good question.


I feel like teachers have to behave different on social media because of the standard that they're held up to because of their job, which makes sense.


Which a lot of people, by the way, depending on your job. So true. Yeah. You don't want your work finding this, so you would say, Please don't put that. So true. Yeah. But teachers, I just feel Because I remember, I grew up in high school, we all had Facebook, and there was teachers with Facebook pages, and we would find it, and they were totally private. But it was the craziest thing because it was our thing. It's like, get out of here. And now I imagine it's much more than just one teacher having on your Facebook page. That's private, and we couldn't even see a photo.


So if you have an influencer, teacher, TikTokeer, I think as long as everything that they're posting is something that the kids could see, it's totally kosher, then I think it's fine. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. Are you ready for our next story?


Which number is this? Four. No, I'm not.


She's not ready.


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It is.


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Our next story, The Bachelor is making news.


The more I hear about this guy- I love him. I'm in love. He's hysterical. He was the one who got Ruth Bader-Gainsberg and Jipsy Rose Blanchard confused, which honestly, I'm like, I'm surprised he was the first one to do it. When I was calling her GRB, when I met her, I almost said RGB.


R-b-g. Yeah. No. And now he's being dragged. Joey is his name. He's the new bachelor. He's being dragged for saying that a city built in 5,900 BC has, an old-school vibe.


And I didn't detect a lie in what he said. They're really trying to paint a picture. I know that he's dumb.


Yeah. So Joey Graziati made another unintentionally hilarious comment, The Current Bachelor, who mixed up GRB and RVG last week, has now described an ancient European city as having an old-school vibe. Viewers were a quick to drag the reality star who jetted to Malta during Monday's episode of the ABC Dating Series.


They went to Malta on The Bachelor? That's crazy. They're getting really creative.


Yeah. Where was the place they never left? Not the Quinta, the other one.


Oh, in Pennsylvania, that big-Nemacolen. Nemacolen. Which really sounds like a procedure in your ass. Stop. I can't eat today. I'm getting a Nemacolen tomorrow.


That hotel looks nice.


Gorgeous. Gorgeous. Would love to go.


I would love to go. For free. I'm a sponsored visit.


We're so tacky.


There are some places I want to go, and I don't want it to be a sponsored visit. I agree. I just want to go. I would love to go there on a sponsored visit.


It's the type of place it's really only worth going to on a sponsored visit.


No, and it's also a piece of pop culture history. So much bachelor was filmed there. I would show it. I couldn't help but show it off. Other places I want to be a little more private. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I want to go there on a sponsor tour.


Yeah, on a tourist visa.


On an influencer visa.


Yeah, Yeah.


So Joey landed in Malta and said, I'm excited to be in Malta. I can tell why people love to come here. It's absolutely beautiful. It has that old-school vibe to it. You can tell there's a lot of culture.


I just feel like when you're on The Bachelor, it's a lot of late nights. It's a lot of long days.


It's a lot of voiceovers describing a city.


He probably filmed this particular intro to Malta 60 times. So yeah, by the end, he sounded a little dumb. And I'm just not going to fault him because at the end of the day, we can make fun of him, but he's not wrong. I would say that a city built in 5,900 BC is giving old school vibes. I would say that's true.


Malta has been inhabited since 5,900 BC, and it's home to temples older than both Stonehenge and the Pyramids of Thesia.


And imagine if the people who built those temples knew that in 6,000 years, it was going to be on the bachelor. It was going to be on the bachelor. They're probably so proud of their handy work. And look, we're making fun of this man when we should really be talking about the beautiful Maltese architecture.


We should. That does have an old-school vibe.


One thousand %. It's giving Cheese Factory. Yeah. Cheese Factory has an old-school vibe.


Yeah, that is a factual sentence. Yes.


We're speaking only facts today.


This guy, this season is getting a lot of good, I don't want to say press, but like- Reception. Reception. I've been seeing a lot of funny moments, and people just really like Joey.


He looks like a really... I think he's like a mama's boy, Italian from Satin Island. That's the energy I get. I don't know that to be fact or not, but he seems so cute and sweet.


Yeah. People are like, he's funny. He makes the show very enjoyable. Someone said, he's so simple. I love him.


Yeah. Simple is really a great word.


But I don't know him to call him simple.


No, I'm just saying based on what I've seen in page 6, like R B. G. Grb, 5,900 BC.


What's also so funny is if I were watching The Bachelor and I heard this comment, I don't know that it would have struck me. I'm so glad it was plucked that we're analyzing it, but I feel like I might have just carried on. Well, one, if I was even paying attention to the voiceover.


What I do remember of The Bachelor was the whole episode was filled with sentences that meant nothing. So I don't know if I would have received this one in any particular way. I think this sentence is emblematic of all the conversations on The Bachelor. Like, dumb.


I think now if we go back and pick out sentences of things that people said, all of them could be fast dive stories ripe for father. It's true. It's true. So why now? Why this sentence? So I I appreciate it because it's funny and it's like, harmless.


Yeah, I agree.


Are you ready for our fifth and final story? A little more reality TV news.




nick Vile is teaming up with Patty Stanger for a CW matchmaking series.




nick Vial is teaming up with the ultimate matchmaker Patty Stanger. The pair will work together in the CW's upcoming unscripted series called Patty Stanger: The Matchmaker. Variety has exclusively learned. Vial, who got his start on The Bachelorette and now hosts The Vial Files podcast, is a relationship expert on the series he will offer his best tips and tricks in dating as the duo tackles their most challenging clients yet.


I feel like they've been trying to get Patty Stanger back on reality TV and recreate the magic they had with that series, Millionaire Matchmaker. And honestly, I think them bringing nick Vial is a smart move to reach a younger audience, and nick really kills it, and this podcast is really successful. And I feel like nick shouldn't have done this. Nick is He's the new Patty Stanger. Patty needs nick. Nick doesn't need Patty.


Interesting. But nick does really well with his podcast and everything. But you don't think then also doing a little bit of traditional TV crossover just helps his portfolio in general? It doesn't hurt. Also, I feel like for so long, everyone does advice on their podcast, and everyone does dating advice. But I do think that nick gives very good advice, and that's really been now his niche. What differentiates him. His niche, in addition to being the go-to place for reality TV stars. He's a dating advice expert. That's just what he's fallen into. And doing a show with Patty Stinger, where he is the-It solidifies a relationship expert. And from here on out, he can do more things, positioning himself as a relationship expert.


That's a good way of looking at it. I just look at it being like, this is like, I feel like the third or fourth time we're trying to recreate the Millionaire matchmaker, and it's beating a dead horse at this point.


Yeah, but maybe this injection of nick will bring new audience and make it more modern. Perhaps. For nick, he's getting his street cred in the matchmaking dating space. Maybe eventually, he gets his own dating advice. Right. That's fair. It actually makes sense to me. I think it was a pretty good call For everyone involved? For everyone involved. Yeah. Let's see how it goes. I'm just a hater.


I'm going to hate, hate, hate.


Yeah. Well, you know I have beef with Patty Stanger. You do? She doesn't like redheads.


Go on.


If you watch any episode, she literally won't set them up. She does not like Redheads.


Did she say that?


Yeah. It's weird. Yeah. No, it's really weird.


I wonder what she thinks of James Hewitt.


Oh, yeah. She wouldn't like this episode. A lot of talk about Redheads. It's very triggering for her. So I'm not feeling inclined to defend her or support her show. So it's just really how you feel. But taking my own bias out of it. I actually think, Sure, yeah, whatever. I thought she was a good matchmaker. She had funny stuff, except her beef with Redheads was weird.


Yeah. She's also the type of person who I think a lot of her content would not age well. She was very old school, very tough, very traditional.




But I think in general, we need some of that.


Yes. Some of the time.


And that type of content is profoundly more interesting than someone being like... You know? Yeah. I don't want to watch it. I don't want to watch it. I want to watch it. Somebody be insane. And she was great at that. Yeah.


That show- She was like Abby Lee.


Oh, my God. Patty Stanger is the Abby Lee of the matchmaking world. That's perfectly put. Thank you. Perfection. I don't even want to say another word.


We could end the episode, technically.


It was so good. I think we should. What are we going to do for lunch?


Oh, my gosh. When I was getting ready this morning, I was going to see if you wanted me to preemptively order wraps.


No. Okay, so Ben made taco meat on Sunday, and today's Thursday. Can I still eat it? I think I'm going to have that for lunch.


You know how I feel about taco meat. I think that you can, and I made you hardboiled eggs.


I know. That's what I'm going to have. I'm like, I'm going to run downstairs and eat that. Okay, great. So this was our fourth and final episode of the week, which is so devastating, but not really, because we're back tomorrow, and Bruno has his health.


Bruno has his health, and Bruno has his mommy, and he has his Auntie, and he's surrounded by love, which is really all he needs. Honestly, when he came home yesterday and everyone was sitting on the floor playing with him, the man was in heaven.


We were joking that Bruno- Did all this for attention. No overdose for attention. That's like very Marissa Cooper of him.


Stop. But I've said before, I love my muffin, but I know him. He's Tinkerville. Without attention, he will die. That's all he wants in this world.


And we all sat on the floor right outside the front door, and we're like, Bruno, and he's in heaven.


The way Bruno was like, Who me? Stop it.


No, I'm fine, you guys. I was just going through a dark time.


I'm good.


So thank you guys so much for listening to the Toast of the Milana Morning Show where we deliver the fast-fired stories. You need to know every Monday, Friday on YouTube. If you're watching this on YouTube, please give a video, subscribe, give us a video, thumbs up. We're all podcast. We're podcast. We found a podcast. We are.


Without further ado, we bid you adieu. Love you. Bye.