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You. Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to the toast and Happy Friday. Friday, gotta get down on Friday. Everybody's looking forward to the weekend weekend we're getting down on Friday and we're.


Looking forward to the weekend. I actually have a very big weekend planned and I'm excited to share when I'm done with my weekend because right now, not much to share, but I feel like at the end of the weekend, I'll have a lot to share. I feel like you don't even know what my weekend.


What the hell are you talking about?


Oh, we'll talk offline, but I have a big weekend.


Okay. What are you doing? Going camping.


No, but that's a good idea.


And honestly, take them camping in the backyard. They won't remember it, so don't go out of the trouble of like.


No. And that would actually be really cute to camp in the backyard.


Wait, what is Jackie doing this weekend? Have you told me?


I think so. But I mean, I've definitely told you, but maybe not in the last 48 hours.


No, I have no idea.


Well, we'll talk later. But I have an exciting weekend planned and I'm looking forward as you. So beautifully sung. Everybody's looking forward to the weekend weekend.


First of all, today's episode is audio only for a multitude of reasons. One, it is blizzarding in New York and my ass was not leaving the house like, no shot.


Got it?


Also woke up a little sick. Woke up a little sick.


I know we spoke too soon yesterday when I said you were sounding like regular roll.


Then most importantly, my delivery window for my nine to twelve Creighton barrel delivery, they were here at 840. We live for timely kings and queens.




Everything was delivered. It was like the crazy. I never saw three people move so fast in my entire life. It was like, where do you want this? And everything's here now.




Everything came so good. But there's so many other things that I'm waiting for. Like, I have another Creighton barrel delivery in like a few weeks. And then another cb two one. And now I just need those to come. I'm growing impatient.


It's a waiting game. You have to exert a lot of patience.


Ain't for the faint of heart.


And I feel like Creighton Barrel is pretty immediate. They have things in stock. It's not like order in stock items, right? But there are things that you order that take like six months.


No, I know one item of mine was custom, so that one will be a while. But I try to avoid, like, if it ain't in stock furniture wise, like any furniture store. That's not for me. I'm not one of those people. But then it makes you appreciate the.


Wayfares where it's like, you could have this in three days.


Yeah, but it looks like know.


Yeah. No, but you'll have furniture.


No, but then the last time that I was in a pickle like this, like, when me and Ben moved into our last apartment, we were furniture shopping, and we really wanted this couch in beige. But the gray one, I went through.


This exact same thing.


The gray one was available, like, tomorrow. The beige one was like seven to 14 weeks or something. Like, something really nuts. And we were like, no way. And we went with the gray one. And I loved the couch, but I always wished it was beige. And if my fat ass had just waited seven weeks, I had the couch.


For five years, literally. Same. When we got the couch, we could get it in gray or beige. But, like, the idea of custom ordering, I just know. Who do I think I am?


Yeah. No, it's like, what is this, Buckingham palace?


And it's like, the gray one wasn't even tomorrow. It was a few weeks, and then the other one was like, months.




So, no, thank you. We got the gray one. And what's so crazy is now, in this house, we needed to get a new couch, and we wound up getting the same couch in beige. Correcting the error, finally. And the wait wasn't even that long. We bought it on Black Friday, and it came in February.


No. The perils of buying furniture.


But the benefits.


But the benefits. Today I reaped the benefits. I have so much more furniture in my home. Still need more stuff, but it's starting to look like a home that feels like a home, like a real home. Right?


That's all you can hope for.


It's so true. And we can also hope for and celebrate the fact that it's Friday. We have a great show for you guys. We have Queenie and Weenie of the week. We will not forget. Did you write yours down?


I don't have them yet. I'm hoping they'll come to me. Over the course of the episode, I was thinking about the week at a glance and the stories, but nothing really stuck out yet.


Yeah, no, I heard read something on TikTok this morning. Actually, that is my weenie of the week.


Ooh, exciting.


So you guys don't even know it yet?


Oh, my gosh. We're in the dark.


So we've got a great show. If that's all, should we usher these kids into the weekend.


I think that we should usher them. They deserve to be ushered and to know what's going on and to embark on their weekend. I hope everyone has a great weekend know.


I think we all have great weekend plans.


Good. It's just like a nice, cozy.


It's a, by the way, especially in the northeast. I think it's snowing in a lot of places. It's like, so cozy.


It's like classic weekend. You know?


It's giving weekend, right?


Is there a dumber conversation? Is there a dumber conversation?


No, but let's try.


No, but you guys know what we mean, though.


That's what I giving weekend.


Yeah, it's giving weekend.


Come on.


So without further ado, here are the fast five stories that you need to know.


And the fast five stories that you need to know are brought to you by skims. We've been wearing skims for months. I love their bras. I think it is so worth the hype. I think it's actually underhyped. The fits everybody t shirt bra, which is a bra that I found on TikTok a while ago. It is the best t shirt bra I've ever owned. I suffered from a lot of back problems, and I actually went to physical therapy, and then I ended up getting a new bra, and I found most of my back problems to be fixed. And the bra was the fits everybody t shirt bra from skims. I love it. It's very full coverage. I like my boobs to be covered, lifted, and I got real boobs. Not, I don't have fashion boobs. That's what they call them. No, I need a forklift to keep these babies alive. And skims bras are made with innovative technology that give you the best shape and support. Plus, every bra is designed with the comfiest and softest materials, so you feel like you're wearing nothing at all. They offer a complete system of bra solutions at skims for every need and style.


And one of the many reasons people love them is they are super size inclusive, especially when it comes to bras. They are available in 62 sizes, so they start at 30 a, and they go all the way up to 46 h. Believe the hype. SKimS has over 100,005 star reviews for a reason. Skims bras are now available to Plus, you'll get free shipping on orders over for $75. If you haven't yet, be sure to let them know that we sent you. After you place your order, select podcast in the survey and select our show in the drop down menu that follows. And if you are looking for a gift for your valentine or for yourself, skims just launched their best Valentine's shop ever. Also And I believe that's a story today, right?


It is a story today. I was thinking that synergy vertical integration.


Today's episode is also brought to you by Hellofresh. Whether your resolution is to save money, eat better, stress less. Hellofresh is here to help you with all three say hello to your most delicious year yet, with fresh ingredients and chef crafted recipes at a price that you'll like delivered right to your door. So each hellofresh box is packed with farmfresh ingredients, and everything arrives pre portioned right to your doorstep for less hassle and less wasted food. So I'm new to the Hellofresh game, and I feel like you, Margo, and Olivia are always doing it. And I'm like, yeah, sure, whatever. I actually can't do it. Everyone knows I could mess up a bowl of like, I just cannot cook anything to completion if my life depended on it. I'm inept. However, I just made this, like, paprika chicken and rice from hellofresh, and I actually did it. I did it. Everything was chopped normally. I seasoned everything. It was so easy. It's pretty much idiot proof.


And it's great for novice chefs like you who need a step by step direction. But it's also great for experienced chefs. Like, I was thoroughly enjoying watching Ben's ad hello fresh? No, but it's so true. Fresh.


Also, I feel like a lot of people's resolutions is to, at least for me, I really want to stop ordering in so much. A lot of people want to save money, eat healthier, and hellofresh is just a great way to do that. They also have wholesome, health forward options, like their calorie smart options, their protein smart recipes each week. And they say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And hellofresh agrees. So they're giving all their subscribers free breakfast for life, which means you'll enjoy a totally free breakfast item with every single hellofresh delivery. And that's worth waking up for. So go to slash toastfree and use code toastfree for free breakfast for life. One breakfast item per box while subscription is active. That's free Slash toastfree with code toast free hellofresh, America's number one meal kit.


No. Ben came up with a better slogan for them.


Oh, he did in his video. What was it?


Hello, fresh.


That's funny.


It was making me chuckle.


I'm so glad.


Yeah. No, I could watch videos of Ben chopping, like, ASMr style. I find it so impressive.


Oh, wait, by the way, I know you don't have TikTok, but I don't know if you know that the queen of chopping and healthy chopping and salads is baked by Melissa the cupcake queen.


She's on reels.


She's on reels. And she just released a cookbook, by the way. And it's like all of her big salads.


I saw.


I feel like you should get it. I actually have a copy because Ben is moderating an event with her and I feel like it's so you and Olivia like big, big salads.


I love big salads. And I like her content and it's very aspirational. But I just feel like she makes it look easy. But when you break it down, it doesn't look easy.


No, it's a lot.


Very hard. But she's as skilled at it.


But it would take me, like, an amazing chopper.


Yeah. It would take me an hour to make what she calls a ten minute meal.


No. And then she always starts the video with a salad being done. And she's always eating salad off a chip. That is so unique.


That's something you would do if you ate salad, though.


Yeah. Like, instead of a fork, she uses, like a tostito.


You love eating off a chip.


I love, by the way, who doesn't?


No, everyone likes a chip. But you eat, like, rice off a chip. Taco meat, chili, like, everything.


Okay. I don't know if I eat rice off a chip.


You just, like, eat off a chip. Which is why it's so surprising that you don't, like confused.


You're getting confused.




What? You're thinking I do with chips. I do with rice.


No, you do both things.


I think I'm going to take up. Oh, I know I said I was going to go on a chili fast until the Super bowl, but it's such a chili day.


Treat yourself, turd.


But Ben's not here. I'm going to have to make it myself.


Goodness gracious.


I know. Like, help.


Yeah. No, don't do. Order in.


Okay. Okay.


Get chili from, like, PJ Clark's or something. Or Wendy's.


No. You know what has good kosher chili?




Mocha burger. Ben got it the other day.




Done. I think it was turkey, too.


Yeah. Okay, let's get into the stories. Our first know in light of the ads that you shared, Lana Del Rey stars in skims's new Valentine's Day campaign. So skims always on the pulse. And their Valentine's Day collection came out. Lana Del Rey is the face of it. Not only is she Lana Del Rey, but she was in the news this week because of. So it's. Everything's coming up. Lana Del Rey this week.


No, they really kill. Like, there's never been a campaign that isn't so on point. I feel like she's also, like. And the vibe of it, which was, like, very retro, like, heart shaped bed. It's so Lana Del Rey.


No, the images are truly stunning and beautiful and creative, artistic and makes you want to buy what she's selling.


And I think a lot of people are quaking about this because Lana's, like, low key, really close with Taylor Swift. They did snow on the beach, and they both are, like, connected through the beach. Jack Antonoff. And this is now the second collection, like, brittany Mahomes and Lana Del Rey, where it's, like, taylor's best friends modeling for skims. Now. I don't think Lana's her best friend. And with Brittany Mahomes, I do feel like she shot it before she ever even met Taylor. But it's still interesting.


I feel like the Brittany Mahomes was more of a smoking gun than this. And as we've stated, Kim has no problem reaching out to Taylor's friends. And being in Taylor's world, it's Taylor who will never. And she also. These are her friends, and they might not be, like, her bestest friends in the world, who you could, like, I could say to my bestest friend on earth, turdy, you can't talk to this person. You can't work with this person.




But my wider network of friends, you can't be so controlling. And I think Taylor is that way as well.


I agree.


Yeah. So beautiful stuff. Happy almost Valentine's day. That snuck up on us.


But wait, I'm sorry. Back to the Taylor and Kim thing, because that's my roman empire. It really. Kim, like, the last time she spoke about it was on watch droppings live. Andy was like, what's the status with Taylor Swift? And Kim was, like, over it. It's done. But she didn't say that they ever spoke. Kim was just like, I'm personally moving on from this. But it wasn't her thing to move on from.




She wasn't the one who needed to move on.


No. And Taylor is still here, still at.


The restaurant, still sitting in the corner. I haunt.


Yeah, that's her. And she'll always be there. There's no way out for them.


That's her roman empire, too.


Yeah. Like, that's her cancelation she was just talking about in her Time magazine thing. It's not true.


And by the way, I find this a lot with people who have gotten canceled. People are always like, get over it. It was so many years ago, whenever I see a clip on TikTok, when somebody asked Sophia Franklin about her thing, they're like, oh, my God, this girl's still talking about it. How can you not? We talk about ours all the time. And people are always like, get over it. Get over it. You. You literally. You have to experience it to understand you guys. You never get over, like, it's so crazy.


You never get over it. And there are some people whose. Theirs is just like, know, like, Sophia Franklin will never get over it. Should never get over it. And I never get over it.




Because what happened was so crazy. Crazy and huge. Not even just. It was everywhere. It was like, in the New York Times. But what happened from there, like, Spotify, $60 million.


Of course she's not over it.


Never going to get over it. But there are people who get canceled along the way. And I think it's always going to be, like, a part of them and a part of their story. But it's not at the level of, like, Sophia Franklin or even, like, Taylor Kim reputation that, like, a year off, a whole year of not working. Like, you're not fucking getting over that.


I'm just never going to be one of those people to be like, stop talking about it. Get over it. I get it. It's literally traumatizing.


No. Yeah. I guess anyone who's been through it would never think that way.


No. And all the girlies who get canceled, they do come to me for advice and such. And I always say, they're like, when will it go away? I'm like, girl, never. But you just learn to live with it. And eventually it becomes funny.


Yeah. No, it hardens you for sure. And you're really not anybody until you've been canceled.


No. It's so true. And then I always say, think of anybody you admire. If they have a scandal. You're fine. You're literally fine.




I kind of feel like this weekend I want to watch traders.


What's that?


It's the Peacock show, where they take, like, villains from different trade tours.


Sorry, I thought you meant, like, traders.


More of the stock exchange? Yeah.


I thought it was like a documentary about traders.


Apparently, this season has broken all sorts of records and ratings. It's, like, apparently amazing. And I think that's a good thing to watch while I'm sick. Super cute, but they're, like, waiting for episodes. That's not all out yet.






Annoying. Well, I just had a really great segue, so I'm going to go back to that moment.


I'm so sorry.


Because speaking of former scandals that you can't live down, Kelly Osborne has given an interview to Rolling Stone obsessed. And she's talking about a lot of things. So first of all, she's talking about being a Nepo baby, and she's beaming.


That's not what we care about.


She's beaming with pride. I liked her, what she had to say. She said, I'm a fucking nepo baby, and I'm proud to be a Nepo baby. I'm proud of my parents achievements. I think that what they have done is incredible history making. I go so far as to say both of them are iconic, but it doesn't mean that I should automatically be given all of these opportunities. My parents have taught me that you have to prove yourself.


I actually agree.


I like her ownership of it. But I do feel like she's been given all these opportunities. Like, I don't know what opportunities she would have if those weren't her parents.


Not only that, I don't know what opportunity she received that she was even remotely qualified for. Fashion police.


Yeah. And page six notes, she's tried her hard at several. Tried her hand at several career paths, including music, fashion, and acting, correct? Yeah. Just a little shady there. And then elsewhere in the interview, she admitted that she was a self righteous little c word for previously asking, and notoriously asking, who would clean the toilets, donald Trump, if Latinos were kicked out of the country. So she opened up about the comment, which has since been turned into a meme, saying her comments, quote, came out so wrong, and she feels as though this country was, quote, built on immigrants. Speaking out now about the viral remarks, she described herself as a self righteous little C word in the video, quote, I hate it. I hate it so much because I look at it and I'm like, you think you know everything and you know nothing. Nobody wants to hear your opinion on Latin America. I feel very strongly that latin american culture is the backbone of America. I believe that Latin Americans are the hardest working people you will ever meet.


So I feel, like, so conflicted about this, because can you imagine? You accidentally say, I don't think Kelly Osborne is, like, a bad person who feels this way. Can you just imagine saying something unintentionally really fucked up? And for years, and by the way, ten years later, it's more popular than ever. It's a trend on TikTok. Is it? Yes. People do. Like, they're making it their own. So you just replace, like, if you kick every blank out of this country, then who's going to blank? So people are getting really creative. Like, if you kick every angsty teen out of this country, then who's going to smoke you a pot? Donald Trump. People are making up their own. That was a bad example. But people are being really funny about it. I'll send them to you. So it's like another wave of people talking about this. I'm like, I do sympathize with your worst moment becoming truly a cornerstone of culture. It's hard.


It is hard. But at least for her, people aren't letting it go. But I don't feel like she was ever. There was no ever retribution. I don't feel like she ever got canceled or fired or. So even now we all joke about it, but here's Kelly Osborne in Rolling Stone. No, it's so, like, it's not like she's been punished. So I don't know what's worse, to be immediately punished for your actions, but then people move on.


Or people don't move.


You never were punished or had consequences, but people follows you. People don't move on.


That's an interesting two options.


I don't know, and it must be really painful for her, but it's so funny.


No, and I just need her to not get upset over it because it's so funny.




And the best is the way she pedals back. Everybody ends it after Donald Trump, but then everyone's, uh, no. And she's. No, no. In the sense that.


Yeah, you know, in the sense that. You know what I mean? I didn't mean it like that.


Come on. No, it's so, like, honestly, if, like, I think it might have been good for Kelly Oswald. She's really cemented herself, truly, as a fixture in culture, because that thing will never die. It's getting more powerful as the days go by.


Yeah, it's true. And if she wants to get back into music, she could remix it back.




She tried her hand at music at one point, but she could honestly say, jackie.




Yeah, I know. DJ with no job.


No, I released two iconic songs. I think I need to get back into music.


Really? Do you have more to say?


Yeah, it goes a little something like this. Since nobody picked up my original song, I'll just make it myself. I like being alone too much to dance.


You honestly should make that song.


I know.


Why did my mind go to DJ?


I don't know. You obviously don't think of me as an accomplished musician, which means I have more work to do.


Yeah, it wasn't top of mind. I've kind of, like, forgotten about toast and hondo.


Wow. I haven't. And millions of others.


No, millions. No. But I haven't thought about it in a while. It's more like it.


That was honestly low key. Like, such an iconic thing for me to do.


Iconic? We need anthems in the culture, in the show. And you put out the song you wish to see in the world.




But anyways, I feel. Or you could do a remix of this. Then who would be cleaning your toilets? Donald Trump.


Trump. Who's going to clean your toilet? No, I'm crying. Crying. Oh, my God. So funny.


But I do.


I feel like a TikTok DJ has definitely already done that.


Oh, you got to find it and send it to me. But I do think her description of herself in this clip is a self righteous c word as extreme. But calling that was the energy of the comment. Just extremely self righteous. And it's clear that she's self aware.




That's all you can hope for.


No, it's true. And I believe she's changed. I don't think she's, like a crazy anti latina queen. No, she was just, like, a brat who thought she was, like, making a point, and she was not, actually.


Yeah. And in trying to call someone else racist, she was being incredibly racist.


Racist. It was giving pot, kettle.


Yeah. And I do feel for her that she will likely never live this down.


She will never. And honestly, she needs to learn to live with it because it's not going away. So she needs to, I don't know, like, go to therapy or. Sometimes it can feel great to take your power back, get in on it.


That's what I'm saying. To make a song out of it, maybe exploit it so much that people get sick of it. That's always a good strategy.


Exactly. But I did so make merch. I don't see a world in which I'm ever sick of this.


I know, but what if she really ruins it? It's a good strategy.


I'd like to hear an interview from some of the other women at the table who were there. And what was going through their minds?


Yeah, well, I mean, they talk every day. Those, so.


But I don't think half of them are on the show still.


Yeah, I guess it was a really long time ago.


Yeah, I think it was like Rosie Perez.


Yeah, but the other one is still there, joy.




Oh, yeah, they're always there.


They're always there.


Okay, well, sadly, we have to move on from this story.


But we never truly.


But we're still here.


Yeah. And we will continue to be here. If you're looking for here, we'll be right here.


Our next story. Madonna has been sued for false advertising after starting her Brooklyn concerts 2 hours late. Madonna and Live Nation have been sued by two fans for false advertising after she started her shows late. Concertgoers Michael Fellows and Jonathan Hayden argued in their class action lawsuit obtained by TMZ Thursday that Madonna was not punctual during her celebration tour stops at Barclays center in Brooklyn. The performances were supposed to start at 830 eastern time, but the singer did not take the stat each until 10:30 p.m. Eastern time. They claimed she showed up late to all three of her shows at the New York venue, which took place in December, 2023. In the suit, the plaintiffs state that the late start constituted, quote, a wanton exercise in false advertising, negligent misrepresentation, and unfair and deceptive trade practices. They are suing for unspecified damages.


These are two fucking losers. Like, wasting their time and money. It's really annoying. And it actually is rude that Madonna makes people wait. I don't care who the fuck you are. People paid to be here. They got sitters. You're a pain in my ass. Having said that, putting together a class action lawsuit. You need a hobby. You need a hobby. You need a life. This is some of the most losery behavior I've ever witnessed in my life.


Yeah. Also, it was on a weeknight, so part of their complaint is that they had to go to work the next morning. But if they truly had demanding jobs, they wouldn't have time to be doing.


No, but they have all this.


Such as this, right?


They have all this time and money for litigation. Like, please.


Yeah, I mean, I guess we'll see how it pans out. Like, is this really cause for a suit? And if not and they lose, don't they have to pay her legal bills?


Yes, I just don't.


Uhoh, Spoolie's back.


Yes. I don't think that they'll win.


Well, I feel like they think they'll win if they're doing this unless they're.


Just doing it for attention.




Classic. I get that. Doing something for attention like that, I relate to.


Yeah. I feel like they must have some sort of case. I'm interested to see how it plays out. Like, what are the legalities here? Is it false advertising.


Then? It would set a precedent for every performer, but even the performers.


Like, it says 07:00 but that's an opener.




But there is a show that starts at seven.


Yeah, I guess that's true.


Interesting. Sort of Loserville weenies of the week contenders.


Oh, let me write that down. I actually completely agree. Those freaks suing Madonna.


Are you ready for our next story? It's number four. So I feel like you're not.


Oh, my God. No, I'm not. Thank you. How did you know that about me?


I can read my turd muttered.


My turd muttered reading about my turd, my turd. Okay. Today's episode is brought to you by Signos and the Signos program, where you can get access to your continuous glucose monitor and have it mailed right to you. So the CDC estimates that there are approximately 96 million american adults, more than one in three, who have prediabetes. And of those with prediabetes, more than 80% do not know that they have it. And that matters because foods with high in carbs raise your blood sugar more than other foods. During digestion, the pancreas can produce insulin, and that binds the sugar in the blood and takes it into the cells as a source of energy. So when insulin resistance occurs, it can be the number one cause of prediabetes. And a healthy weight allows insulin to work more efficiently and can help you keep your blood sugars within a normal range. A healthy diet and regular exercise are the best way to bring your blood sugar levels back to a healthy range. And signos can help you short circuit this cycle by using data directly from your body to design a weight loss plan that's unique to your lifestyle.


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Toast thank you, la.


You're welcome.


Our next story, a Wizards of Waverly Place sequel pilot, has been ordered at Disney Channel. Selena and David Henry are among the cast, sir, a pilot for a Wizards of Waverly Place sequel series has been ordered at Disney Channel. Variety has confirmed original series star David Henry will star in and executive produce the potential series with original star Selena Gomez said to guest star in the pilot and executive produce, he will reprise the role of Justin Russo. She'll be Alex Russo. And that's.


Wasn't there another brother, Jake?


T y yeah, the little one.


Like, here's the thing. I think for a lot of people my age, wizards of Waverly Place was their roman empire. People talk about the finale like it was like, made them cry or whatever. Personally, I must have missed out on that. Like, I was very much in that era of sonny with a chance. Hannah Montana, like, loved, love, loved, never really resonated with wizards of Waverly Place. So this is actually meaningless to me. And I guess the only thing I really, truly feel is happiness for those two people who host the Wizards of Waverly Place recap podcast, because hopefully they're going to get back to work in the show that shot them to stardom.


Yeah. Or even if they don't, like there's another show about wizards, like, they can recap that there's so much they'll be.


In it because one of the hosts was Alex Russo's dad and the other one was Harper, her best friend. They were main characters. Yeah.


No, but this is just all around great for their podcast. This is, like, surprising. On everyone's count, what will the show be about? It's going to be on Disney Channel. So it's like, is it for us, the people who used to watch wizards? Now I'm going to be watching the Disney Channel.


No, but also, I believe at the end of the show, spoiler alert, the whole show was that the three siblings were wizards. And then when they turned 18, there was this competition between them. Only one of them came out a wizard, and Justin was the smartest one. And everybody thought it was going to be Justin Russo, the oldest brother. Then at the end where everybody was crying, he gives it to Selena or something.


Selena was always the craftiest one. I would have think it would be Selena.


She's only the only wizard. So if it's a show where she's only guest cameoing in the pilot, do we need her? She's the wizard. You're a wizard, Harry.


Yeah. I don't know, when you spell it out like that, it's pretty silly, but now I have to actually, wizards wavelengths. This is a good show. And actually, Alex Russo's character was like, very funny and it was very cute.


Yeah. Cute.


But I never loved it as much as, say, Hannah Montana. So now I have to put myself in the shoes of, like, if Hannah Montana were coming back on the Disney Channel, Miley was reprising her role. I would be so excited. Except I don't know how it could be the kind of show that we need it to be while being on the channel.


Right? Like, it's a show for kids. I feel like it's going to be giving ravens home energy where it's like, alex and her brother have kids and they're wizards now and they show up in a few episodes. Kind of like Fuller house.


Yeah, but how old could their kids be? Selena is 30, 1020 year old. She got pregnant.


Yeah. No, never mind. But she could play someone who's 35.


That's true.


I don't know. Or maybe they're like teachers at the wizard school classic.


What would you want a Han Montana sequel to be?


See, I don't know because it's like, so perfect in its entirety. But I would never turn down, like, an opportunity. But I think she's like, still Hannah.


Still leading a double life. Like, she has kids who know she's Hannah, but their friends at school don't know that their mom is the biggest star. And so they are mean to the kids and they're like, we have vip tickets to Hannah Montana and you can't come.


But then the kid gets pulled on stage by Hannah Montana, becomes the most popular kid at school, but the kid doesn't want it because they weren't nice to her before.




Wait, I'm obsessed.


And Grandpa Billy Ray.


GBR, obsessed. Uncle Jackson, Uncle Jackson. Aunt Lily, Uncle Oliver. Lily's probably still living in the guest house. Like, she was Loki, a freeloader, but okay, go off queen.


And Oliver is troublesome these days.


Yeah, I believe he was just arrested for meth.


Mitchell Muso.


Yeah, that hair.


What would Jackson's hair be now I'm.


Obsessed with the actor who plays Jackson, Jason Earls. He seriously is one of the greatest comedic actors of our. Like, he was low key, hysterical. And not just because we were kids. I watch it now. They even had a Montana movie. I chuckle. Like, his physical comedy was on point.


He's really so funny and he deserves more.


I completely agree. He should be on SNL, like Deadass.


I totally agree. I feel like the industry has failed him.


I completely agree.


I'm trying to see what else he's done.


No, don't look it up because it's nothing and it's going to make us sad.


Like high school musical. The musical. The series.


Excuse me.


Is he in it?


I'm not sure.


Well, that's what's coming to Disney. Let's see if it actually happens. It's giving Lizie Maguire.


Oh, actually, did you see? Lizzie Maguire made waves.


Why? So she went on good guys?


Well, yes, the person. Oh, my God. Ben is obsessed with Lala Kent. He interviewed her yesterday for good guys, and he was like, fuck Randall. Like, he's like. He just learned about this whole thing.


Oh, that's an exciting place to be because remember how we felt? And also, we were first introduced to Lala. Like, she's the coolest girl on the planet.


No, totally. But wait. Oh, the creator of the Lizzie Maguire reboot that got booted did finally share what the plot of the show was going to be, and it was so uninteresting, I forgot it. Lizzie's a chef, and Gordo's about to get married, and he's expecting a baby with some girl.


Lizzie's a chef?


Yeah. I thought that was weird. I thought that was weird for sure.


And Lizzie and Gordo aren't together?


No, but I think. Yeah, right.


With her food.


Right? She's going to bring a knife with her wares.


This cake is so tasty. I should marry Lizzie.


She gets hired as, like, the caterer, so it's literally giving the wedding planner. She spends a lot of time with the bride and groom, like, making cakes and.


Yeah, yeah.


And falls back in love with Gordo. It doesn't sound terrible.


No, it was a movie or a show.


A show is supposed to be, like a series on hulu.


Kind of like not enough for a show.


I agree. And also, I might really be offending our core millennial audience, but Lizzie McGuire was that bitch for a period in time. And that's like, it wasn't like Hannah or even for some people. Wizards of waverly plays. It wasn't brought with us. We left her in adolescence. It was kind of like the dumbest fucking show on the planet.


Yeah, she was a moment in time.




I agree. Are you ready for our fifth and final story?




It's a little food news. I feel like it's been a while.


A little food news.


Subway introduces footlong churros, pretzels, and cookies at stores nationwide.


How do you make a footlong cookie?


I'm looking at it turdy. It looks like a cookie that's in the shape of a ruler.


Thank you. Okay, that's the perfect descriptor. Like, I know how a pretzel can be cylindrical. I know how a churro can be cylindrical.


Of course. Oh, the pretzels look good. Honestly, I feel like pretzel. Like a soft baked pretzel, especially from a fast food place, is so easy to get. Right? And there's nothing tastier.


Yeah, but Auntie Ann's, like, kind of as a corner on the market. However, do you live near a subway? Because we should try these in our mukbang the next time we should.


Let me do subway near me search.


I know you wouldn't know because you'd never step foot in a subway.


Well, I can't step foot in because then I'll smell like it for the rest of my days. But I could pull up. Yeah, there are subways aplenty.


Subway pull up.


So, yeah, we should definitely mooc bong this. Footlong cookies. Footlong churros. I feel like we had talked about footlong cookies. And we already had, like, a story bussing dialog about it.


A bussing dialog. Well, I feel like there's no.


Should be the name of the show.


Thank you. Yes. Title today is bussing dialog.


Bussing dialog. Fuck.


What was I going to say?


I feel like there's no.


Yeah. I don't feel like any fast food chain has kind of cornered the market on churros.


No, not in my estimation.


Not in my, I if you say, who has the best nuggets? Everything's been covered. Chocolate chip cookies. Who even has a churro?


I don't know. Claudi.




I thought I'd try something new. I feel like I've said turd so many times in this episode.


Oh, my God. Please do not call me Claudia. I don't like that at all.


Back to turd. Back to you in the studio, turd.


Why don't you call me Claudia?


Back to you, Claudia. Because I'm not mad at you.






I will definitely be trying these churros. What was the other one? Pretzel and cookie.


They are available. Here are the important dates you need to know starting January 22. They're in a brand new category. For the brand. Okay, Claudia. For the fast casual spot, the category is called subway sidekicks. So cute.


I don't know why they have to make a thing for everything.


I know because it's someone's job and they need to earn their paycheck. But that should be my job.


What would you have called it if they came out with three desserts for Subway?


Okay, so put on the spot. They have hours of team meetings about this. And I have 2 seconds.


No. And you could do better. Come on. What do they call it?


I mean, for me, it'll be Subway sweet treats. But that's just me.


No, for me, it would be subway sweet treat.


Sweet treat.


By the way, that actually is better.


Subway sweet treat versus subway sidekicks. They also need to change the name of subway because it's giving subway.


It's giving rat.


Rat energy. The rats don't rub this subway. We do.


That is so true. We do rub this subway. Once we pull up.




In the mom car.


I know. You know what? I was oggling a minivan yesterday that was driving in front of me.


No, you weren't.


And I was just like, I'm sure it's so convenient. Like, ample space.


Okay, stop.


I'm sure it drives so smooth and safe. And now the thing is, though, since I drive a Tesla, I'll only drive a Tesla for the rest of my.


Life because you know how big a minivan is. Like, you could never. It's a bus.


I need a Tesla minivan. And I feel like because Tesla's. Well, no, the family Tesla is the model Y, which I have. The Model X is a little.


That's a family car.


Yeah, it's a midsize suv. No, they don't have, like, a wagoneer Tesla.


David Dobrik. I remember when I used to watch his vlogs had a Tesla with a third row.


So the Model X is a little bit bigger than the model Y. It has those Batmobile doors, which are just a bit much.


I know. And also really not. What are you going to pull up to the kids playground with your Batmobile?


But I've also heard that the doors going up that way are actually really convenient for getting kids in the car. And when it's raining, they act as a bit of a shield. Yeah, I've heard they're actually really good for that. But I'm sorry, we need to circle back extra.


We have to circle back to the minivan. And this is not a slight against minivans, because I know it's like you.


Need it serve a purpose.


Of course. And this is just me being totally honest with the audience. And I know we have moms who drive minivans, and I respect they are so fugly.


But the thing is, when you are in the car, you don't see what it looks like. And so everybody else has to suffer through the eyesore. But you're enjoying that. You're in a literal spaceship for kids.


No, you're literally in a hearse it's so big.




And, yeah, of course moms need space, but honestly, low key minivans have too much space.


It's. It's a party.


Yeah. I mean, I guess I could see with the tvs on the back of the. It's. It's classic childhood stuff, like going to the soccer game, changing in the back. I get it.


Yeah. You have room for everything. But until there's a Tesla minivan, I can't participate. But I do think Elon, with his ten kids, should be giving us the minivan of our dreams. Just like how he reinvented the pickup truck.




Cyber truck.




Don'te a star minivan. Except after reading the Elon book, and he talks about everything that he hopes to accomplish in the future. Like, we know what's coming. The minivan was not on the docket, unfortunately.




There was no mention of one.


Fuck. Fuck. So, before we wrap up, we have remembered today that it's Friday, and that means our new segment will be airing. It's Queenie and Weenie of the week, where Jackie and I both nominate someone or something to be the queenie of the week and the weenie of the week. Now, of course, the queenie of the week is somebody who did something fabulous this week. The name on everybody's lips, if you will. Weenie of the week is somebody who did something so losery, it could be a person, a place, or a thing. It's really up for interpretation.


It is. I'm just going to briefly look through what the stories were this week to see if I'm missing something.


My queenie of the week is not a person. It's more of, like, a place and a group of people.




And this one goes out to the girls from Detroit. I feel like they were really upset by what we said, and they came for us, but they were low key, respectful about it. I didn't see anything rude. And when it comes to sports, like, when we get stuff wrong, people are so fucking rude to us. Like, get a grip. And I felt like the Detroit girlies were sad to hear what we had said, but they weren't disrespectful. And that's queenie behavior. It is. I'm sorry.


I agree. And people were commenting like, no, this is Detroit's time, right? It's been 66 years. And I just want to say, like, we shall soon see. And I want to say, yes, we were right that one time about the Kansas City chiefs. But we've often been extremely wrong. So I'm very open to being wrong. And if I'm wrong, I will eat my words.


No. And I'm riding for the 49 ers. If the time comes where the 49 ers are no longer in this thing, I will ride for Detroit. They're my backup team. Okay.


They are not Kansas City.


No. What have the Kansas City girls done for me?


You don't want to see Taylor Storm the field.


Oh, fuck. Yeah. But by the way, the lions and the niners, I believe, are, like, in the same league, so I think it could be, like, lions versus chiefs.


Got it.


Don't quote me on that.


Do you think it could be sharks versus jets or no.


Yes, I do. I think it's actually entirely possible.


Got it.


Who is your queenie of the week?


My queenie of the week is ballerina farm. I do think she'll win Mrs. World. She's already our Mrs. American. Not America, by the way. And she's the queenie of my heart. She is the most impressive woman I've ever laid eyes on, and I just want to miss her many mazzles in the birth of her child lesson.


And don't let the hater stop, you know, doing your thing.


No. And she's just an inspiration to millions, and I'm one of them, so she's my queenie.


Honorable mention to Kristen Yuscheck, who was also a queenie of this week.


Major Queenie.


Now, my weenie of the week is a man whose name you don't know. It's Adam Schefter, okay? And he is a sports reporter who apparently was the first to leak Jason Kelsey's retirement, thus ruining the moment for him. And I found out that he did the same thing to Tom Brady, and that's why Tom Brady unretired, just so he could take his own retirement and make his own moment. And apparently, this little shit, Adam Schefter, like, has just a history of doing this. It's like a pattern, and he's, like, a little bit of a prick. So my weenie of the week is Adam Schefter for taking that moment away from Jason Kelsey. I don't think Jason Kelsey is going to do what Tom Brady did and do it all again just so he could have his own moment. But, yeah.


Interesting. Yeah, that's weenie behavior, by the way.


It's literally the definition of being a weenie.


MWB major weenie behavior.


Mwe major weenie energy.


So I guess my weenie, it wasn't a week full of weenies, to be honest.


I know.


Which is so refreshing, but my weenies are going to be those men who are suing Madonna.




You're going to be okay.


Just get a life.


Stop it. Stop wasting people's time, energy, resources, court appointments. Stop it.


It's an abuse of the justice system.


Yeah, but let's see what the justice system has to say for itself, you know?


Right. Maybe we'll be eating our words.


Yeah. The wheels of justice turn slowly, but the cogs work mighty fine.


Is that the second half of that phrase?


No, I changed it, but the sentiment is the same. I can never remember the second half of it.


The wheels of justice turn slowly. Quote.


The wheels of justice turn slowly but grind fine.


I like yours better, but the cogs are what?


The cogs work. I forget what I said.


Okay, well, good thing we recorded it.


Another one is, the wheels of justice turn slowly but exceedingly fine. Yeah, that works.


I actually don't know if I believe that to be true.


The wheels of justice grind slow but fine. No, I mean, you don't think it's true? It takes a while. It could take a very long while, but eventually, not always the wheel turns.


Not always.


Really? What are you thinking of in particular? You don't want to say.


I don't know. I'm just, like, not going to lie. I'm just, like, over this conversation.


You started it.


I was just, like, complimenting your use of words.




I didn't know it was going to turn into an interrogation about my thoughts on the legal system. I didn't know that.


No, I don't mean the legal system, actually. I actually feel like the legal system. Sometimes it doesn't. I mean, like, in public opinion, like the truth coming out sometimes. No.


People are dumb and ugly, and the wrong people always get screwed. The wrong people always get screwed. I feel that way.


I actually agree with you.


Thank you.


When you put it like that, I can think of a couple of instances.


Oh, my God, I'm starving. What are you going to have for lunch?


Me, too.


For lunch, I actually think I'm going to have soup because I really don't feel good.


Is chili soup.


I know, but I don't mind because I ordered my soup from Second Avenue deli, and they give you two pieces of hala with the soup, and let me tell you, their fucking challa is so.


God, it's the best challah, period.


Period. I sometimes order a whole loaf. It's only $7.


Yeah, if you're looking for a great challah, Second Avenue deli, I guess like.


$7 for a loaf. Of bread, which is like the most basic food. Like it used to be a quarter.


That's why people make their own sourdough. Turdy.


Listen, I cap it at Hellofresh.


I want to see Turdy in the kitchen making sourdough.


Someone's in the kitchen with Turdy. Someone's in the kitchen. I know. Well, that's our show. Thanks for a great week, you guys. Thank you so much for listening to the toast the millennium morning show where we deliver the fastest stories that you need to know every Monday through Friday on YouTube. So you're watching us on YouTube. Please subscribe to this video thumbs up. We're also available. So I got Spotify digital bubble radio. Please by visit my beautiful setting and kiddly towns where we are. Have an amazing weekend. I guess we'll find out what Jackie's doing on Monday.


It's not a big secret.


It sounds like it is.


It's really not. It's really, really not.


Well, I can't wait to hang up this recording so I can find out what the fuck it is.


You know what it is?


Act it out for me. Like do charades.


Okay, 1 second.


Because she's taking her headphones off. What? Oh, I did not realize that that was this weekend. Says.




Okay. That was a pretty good clue. That was a good clue.


So tune in Monday to find out.


Wait, you guys are going to want to tune in Monday.


What we're doing and what the clue was.


Oh, my God. Love it.


Tune in Monday. You're not going to want to miss this.


Love you, bye.


Love you, bye.