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Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to The Toast and Happy Tuesday. Hope everybody's having a great day. It's a Tuesday that for us, not to brag, feels like a Friday. This is our last show of the week before we head into the Thanksgiving weekend, which is very exciting. Hey, Jacks, how are you doing?


I'm doing good. It's a Tuesday, feels like a Thursday because we still have a lot of work to do before we can really enjoy the holidays.


It's true.


So while this is our last official show of the week, there's much to be done. There's much to do over at our patron. Patron. Com/thetoast is where you can go this holiday if you're missing your girl.


Yes, we will be dropping episodes for the rest of the week on patron to make sure everybody is well taken care of because the holidays can be difficult. But one thing making the holidays less difficult is our holiday merch drop. So yesterday we launched our Wrenchmiss sets on shoptoastmerch. Com. The shop will be open for a little bit longer. Want to make sure everybody can get their orders in whatever size they want. It's all for pre-order, but we will close the shop soon to ensure that we can start production and get everybody shipped out as soon as possible. So make sure to shoptoastmerch. Com. As Jackie said yesterday, you don't have to rush, but make haste, if you will.


Yeah, do it in a timely fashion. We don't have.


Forever- We don't. I mean-.


The limit does exist.


Do you want to hear something crazy?




There's a small chance that it snows today.


And you will see the snow.


And I have to say, it does feel bittersweet, because if I do see the snow before Christmas in my apartment, I will be so... I will feel warmth and I will feel joy, but it wouldn't feel right experiencing it without Theo.


Yeah, because Theo is still in.


The hospital. Yes, he's not home yet. He probably won't be for like... I'm just guessing the rest of the week.


You think he'll spend.


Thanksgiving there? I do. Which sucks balls.




I don't really have an update for anyone. Today is a big day. The truckers for Theo are outside.


The outpouring of love. I just want to say the outpouring of love for Theo, I was reading the comments, and of course, the truckers as well with their horns. Did you see all of that? There was so much love and prayers for him.


So part of the reason why I was going to... I almost didn't talk about it on the toast, but part of the reason that I did is when I spoke about Theo's heart murmur, so many people were like, My Cavalier, my dog has a heart murmur. He's fine. I just was really hoping for that feedback and people being like, Oh, my God. I experienced the same thing. My dog had a tumor on his throat. My dog had a tumor on his liver. And hearing those sorts of positive stories, that's really why I spoke about it so I could read that feedback. So I did go searching for those types of comments. I just want to say, someone being like, same thing happened to my dog, literally died a week later. You're not helpful, and you need to stop. Sorry that happened to you, but do not share that with me.


Right. I meant just the love for the do, aside from personal testimonies and getting medical information, which is also always helpful, that's how I felt about my certainly. But there's so much.


Love for you, Kla. So much love for do from the Toast community, but also people in my life. My phone was blowing up yesterday, just people being like, Oh, my God, Theo, what can I do? So you really realize how many wonderful people you have in your life. That's always a very small silver lining of situations like this.


How many people Theo has touched? He is literally a cornerstone of the show. The show is as old as he is.


No, 100 %.


We started the breath six months before you got Theo, and then we started the toast like six months after. He is the show.


He is the show. He has a big day today. He has a CAT scan and a biopsy. I'll know a lot more tonight, and then we'll figure it out.


I was going to make a little joke.


That the dog is getting a cat scan? Yeah. It would be funny if Theo was a dog.


It would be. That would be funny. That's why I didn't make the joke. But he's not, right? Because it's not funny when it's-.


When it's not true.


-when it's accurate.


I'm so glad we're on the same page there. I've had an eye twitch for a week. You know when your eye involuntarily just moves?


Like the lid? Yeah, but no one can see it, so you sound crazy.


Crazy. It is bothering the fuck out of me.


Maybe close your eyes. Don't give them opportunity.


I've been thinking about maybe securing an eye patch. If I wear it for 24 to 48 hours, maybe it'll stop.


Maybe, but I also feel like you just want to wear an eye patch.


I definitely... I see the content that comes with an eye patch, and I'm definitely excited by that.


Yo-ho, yo-ho, attorney's life for me.


Arr. Jackie, how are you doing? I'm doing.


Well, and I'm glad to see that you are doing well and that you found- Trying. -your spirits seem well given the situation, and that's all we can hope for.


At the moment. I'm trying. Yesterday was the worst day. I literally canceled my whole day, lay in bed, took a bath, did nothing. And then I had this dinner party that, honestly, I was just dreading. I did not want to leave the house. I was in such a bad mood. And as we were leaving, I'm like, Oh, why did I agree to this? And when I got back in the car after, I was so glad that I went ahead such a nice time. It was like a Jewish dinner party with just a bunch of different Jewish, celebrity, influencers, media people. And it was just such good food, kosher food. We had brisket. It was actually one of those uplifting- Bowieing? -bowieing, and just really a fabulous night. And then I came home and watched the second half of the Kansas-Philly game, and that was fabulous, too. So things are... I don't have any info on Theo in terms of turning around, but my spirit, I feel like whatever I put out will affect the outcome of the results, and I need to be putting out positive energy.


You need to be manifesting.


No, I need to be putting out positive energy.


Okay, I mean, I agree with you. I didn't get to watch the game because I couldn't get my TV on in my bedroom, and I was too lazy to fix it, so I just kept texting Zach for updates where I would walk out for a snack and find out who's winning.


You could Google it too.


My TV?


No, I mean, you could Google that, but you could also just Google the score.


Yeah, but it's just a waste of thumb movement.


But you were texting Zach anyway.


No, but we talk. And I was going for my snack, so it worked out. The Eagles won. I'm happy for them.


It was a crazy game because they didn't really have any lead until the very, very end. And it was like they got their shit together at the end, as Patty and the team were just stinking it up. And it was a bad game for Travis, Kelsey, which he really doesn't have. But he turned over the ball. He fumbled a few times.


I mean, his girls are going through it.


Yeah, maybe they're just connected energy wise. And when one of them is... Kind of like Zaden and Violet. When one of them is down, the other one carries that with them.


Yeah, which is beautiful. It's like, poetically, but not really for.


Career wise. I obviously was enjoying the game. I wasn't particularly rooting for anyone. If I was, I think if I had to think about it hard enough, I would have been rooting for the Eagles because I don't know why. I just feel like everything happens for the Kansas City Chiefs so easily. Do you know what I mean? They're just always winning. I just feel like it's not even hard for them.


Yeah. I'm happy that the Eagles had their shine. No offense during an irrelevant game like- Let's talk about that.


-where was this energy and fucking- Jacki got fucking roasted to Phil in the comments yesterday. She was wrong, we know that, but calm down.


I think I have to issue a disclaimer about when we talk about sports.


And what you're about to say doesn't mean we're going to stop talking about sports because we're learning.


Never. We're Jackie. -we love talking about sports.


And we're listening and we're learning.


I guess I have to say because it wasn't clear, we are not sports experts. We're not. We have really a very limited idea of what's going on at any given time. We're very new to all of this, and we're learning as we go. Yet, even as we learn things, we forget them. And we still make mistakes. And we don't know them for the next time. We don't know how all this works. Honestly, they make it confusing for a reason. They don't want.


You to know. So true.


So yeah, the game technically wasn't irrelevant and thirsty, but it felt that way.


But it's been on the schedule since.


Day one. Yes, it's been on the schedule since last year. So it wasn't thirsty for Taylor, but I also wanted to clarify, it felt thirsty for Kelsey Bowl because the last Super Bowl, I don't see a Bangles-Rams match up. Nobody gives a shit. People care about Kelsey Bowl, so they're capitalizing on The Bretheron. And that's all I was saying. And when I was watching adjacent to Zach last night, and I was like, tell me about this game. Is it a little thirsty that the NFL put it on? Is it something that would have happened? First of all, he starts trying to explain the NFC West- No. Claudia? That's where I draw the line. I wish I could have recorded it because I've never heard it work. Not only is it confusing.


And terrible- He did a bad job explaining it.


So I left even more confused. But he did say, yeah, it's a little bit- Convenient. -convenient, yeah.


Yeah. So I just need everyone to calm down. It's so funny when you poke a certain community and you don't realize, that's what happened to me when I said that, and I stand by what I said, The Bear was a bad show. You don't respect waiters. Like, Oh, my God. Calm down. I just said it was a bad show.


I saw a comment that was roasting, going so hard, rude to me for not getting this football thing right and calling the NFL Thirsty. I would literally think it was Roger.


Goodell writing in it.


Who else has that much of a personal stake in me, shading.


The NFL? No, that's the thing. That's the very interesting part of this job. When we talk about a wide breadth of things, is that what it's called?




Of things? Sometimes you'll find a community you didn't even know existed that's extremely passionate.


Yeah. You need to.


Calm down. Yeah, in the words of Taylor Swift. Also, I got to thinking last night when I was watching the game because I feel like there are a lot of famous football players who are famous in culture, and most of them are the quarterbacks. It's just like a position that's ripe with fame. And I was comparing Patrick Mohomes to Jaylen Hertz, who is the Eagles's quarterback. And it got me thinking why Jaylen Hertz isn't more culturally famous. His team was in the Super Bowl. His team is amazing. They've been very good for a very long time. He's very handsome, young thang. And then I was comparing him to Patrick Mohomes, who's in a Skims ad. I just find, why isn't he more famous and not outside of football?


I don't have the answer, but if I might theorize, which I'm sure everyone will then hand my ass to me again. First of all, how long has he been the quarterback?


I feel like at least three years.


Let me look it up. Okay, that's not a really long time. But also, I think being a quarterback is inherently you're in the spotlight. But I think you can also choose how much you want to do outside of football.




Patrick Mohones, I think he likes the fame, and he wants to do ad campaigns, and he's a silly, goofy personality guy and wants to put himself out there. But I don't think that's for everyone.


It is his third season with the Eagles, and they've been good for three seasons, and they've always been good.


But I also feel like aside from Jason, Kelsey, I don't know the names of any Eagles players. I feel like they're more of a team and less of a one man show.


I actually know quite a few. I'm familiar with Lane Johnson. I'm familiar with Rick Lovato, and that's because their wives are toasters. So I understand that that's a me thing. Yeah.


I was also going to say... Oh, another thing I was wrong about. I really felt last night like, the Chiefs were going to win this, and then there would be a Super Bowl Chiefs-Eagles matchup, and then the Eagles would win.


Right. That's a good theory, but it didn't come to fruition because they won last night. But I was also really happy that they won. One, because I said, I just feel like sometimes everything is so easy for the Chiefs. I'd like to see somebody work for it, and that was nice. But also, Jason, Kelsey was 0 and 3 going into this game against his brother. He has never beat his brother. And he's the older brother, and I feel like he's often overlooked because Travis is Travis. So for him to have gotten a win, I'm happy for him.


What's so funny, though, is in their family dynamic and the way that Travis sees it, he's always trying to catch up to Jason.


Yeah, well, they play different positions, so you can't really evenly compare them in terms of touchdowns.


No, but his whole life, like Jason played football, so he played football. Jason did this. I think there was some scandal when they were in college together, and I think Travis always feels like he's in Jason's shadow, but the way that we know them, it's like Travis first.


Yeah. So I was happy that Jason got a moment. And Ben was like, We could turn it off. I'm like, No, I need to see the brothers hug on the field. The game isn't over yet. And Jason was so happy. And Travis was like, Miss? I know the game.


Wasn't irrelevant in terms of counting towards their overall seasons, but I wish they won a Super Bowl game. This to me, I know it's not, but it still feels like a scrimage. It's not the game.


So now the Eagles are nine and one. They've only lost once. And do you know who they lost to? The 49ers. J-e-t-s-jet. They lost to the worst team in the League, which is so interesting. And the Chiefs are now seven and three. Yikes.




I don't know why I just... If I had to just say which team I thought was better, I would say the Chiefs. Maybe they just get more hype.


Yeah, and we just are watching their games.


Yeah. So I was happy for the Eagles, Girlies, The E-girlies.




And it was very interesting for them. And then this is Thanksgiving weekend. So apparently, there's some big matchups, some age old rivalries like the Lions are playing someone. I'm not really familiar with that matchup.


Me neither. But I know the Cowboys play every Thanksgiving, Thursday. I don't know who they're playing, but Dolly Parton is a half.


Time show. Oh, Jack Harlow... I know it's the half time show. I saw it on TV. For Thanksgiving as well. Probably like a different game. Game. Yeah. Okay, here is the lineup. Packers, Lions, apparently an age old beef, very Midwest. The Commanders?


That's Washington, formerly Football Club, formerly.


Oh, they're not Football Club anymore?


No, they got a name.


I mean, Football Club never really made sense. It sounds like something from Ted Lasso.


No, it's like we're all.


Football clubs. Right. Why are you different? I don't like the Commanders, Commanders. I don't like it.


Now it reminds me of Fourth Way and Commandment, Hatchet.


So they're playing the Cowboys. Oh. And then, the 49ers are playing the Seahawks, draft day.


Why draft day?


Does that movie not take place in Seattle?


No. Cleveland, of course.


Cleveland, of course. Sorry. Okay, so that's Thursday, Thanksgiving, day. Then Friday, oh, this is a very Jewish game.


Okay, who's playing? Let me guess, jets versus giants?


So close.


Jets for the Dolphins?


Yes. That's the most Jewish game on the planet. I can't explain it to you if you don't get it.


Finns up.


Finns up.


I don't know if that's it, but it feels right.


The Buccaneers versus the Colts feels irrelevant. Oh, the Patriots versus giants, a Northeast battle. The Stealers versus the Bangles. And then there's a million games on Sunday. I'm not going through all these. Okay, cool. Wait, where are the Chiefs? Maybe they have a biweek. Oh, no, they're playing The Vegas Raiders and The Eagles are playing The Bills. I feel like that'll be a good game. A lot of people think those are the best teams in the East Coast.


It's not the East Coast. Oh, yeah. No, Zach was talking about Coast last night in his diatribe about the leagues. About the.


Leagues, right? I don't think the leagues make sense geographically because the 49ers and the are in the same league. They're on opposite coasts.


I don't even want to say what I think it is. Say it. Because I'm wrong.




Never thought this until he tried to explain it to me last night. I think there's AFC and NFC. Yeah, and then within those leagues, there's like, AFC East.


Afc West. Yes, that's true. You're literally the meme right now with the math.


It shouldn't be this hard.


No, it shouldn't be this hard. Yet here we are.


They just want to keep us down and uneducated.


So true. But they don't know we're women in sports, and we can't be stopped.


No, and we're going to keep commenting on it as if we know. Yeah. It's more fun that way, honestly.


No, that's literally my life, speaking on things with absolute certainty that I really know nothing about.


Though I just think it's worth mentioning I wasn't certain yesterday when I said this.


I don't know. You were being pretty adamant. Was I? You're like, No, Churdy. It's a scrimage.


But there was something I wasn't certain about. I can't even remember.


So that's your football update. Sorry if your ears are bleeding. We can't be stopped.


No, we seriously can't be. We're in our football eras, you guys. And I think we're going to try out.


For the team. No, it brings us such joy. Honestly, I could see us down the line becoming a family that plays flag football on Thanksgiving. That's a thing.


Well, yeah, but we could do that anyway.


No, but now I could see it as a possibility. Yeah, we could have done it before, but now I think we actually would.


Or we should go to a game as a family.


Would love.


Who would we go to? We don't even have a team.


I'm a Jets 49ers fan. Like, Jets for my soul, 49ers for my Instagram.


Okay, so we would go to a Jets game?


It depends. Am I visiting you? Are you visiting me? I would go to a Dolphins game.




I just feel like the Dolphins need a rebrand. I'm not into their colors. It's so ugly.


Yeah. I feel like ever since Ace Ventura, they never.


Really- Yes, Dan Marino.


They could never really achieve more than that.


Jackie, sometimes we literally have the same brain. Dan Marino.


Ace Ventura.


Pet detective. That movie is so good. Yeah. That's one of the movies that I think when we talk about mean girls, we quoted so much, but I don't think we acknowledge the impact it had on us. I mean, the Hooser is from Ace Ventura. So true. No, that movie was impactful. And what a random movie. If somebody were to say, What's Ace Ventura, Pet Detective about? I would be like, I literally don't know.


I think there was a elephant die.


Went missing. Went missing.


Went missing. And he's the pet detective. Also, I'm pretty sure that movie is canceled in some circles, and that it didn't age well.


Oh, I haven't seen it in a while. Why?


I'm going to botch it, but something about the storyline is a man pretending to be a woman, and I think it's transphobic.


Who's pretending to be a woman?


One of the villain, something.


You know what? Oh, you are right. I know what you're talking about. I need to rewatch, and I'll let you know if it stands to test of time, but it sounds like it doesn't.


It's been branded transphobic, Tuddy.


Okay, another one bites the dust. We've got a great show. We've got five stories, correct?


Actually, it's funny that you ask because you never knew. But we actually had six stories, and I was thinking during the ad break, I'll whittle them down. But they've whittled themselves because we already discussed one of them.


Oh, the game? The Game?


The Game. Okay, that's good. Which is good because I had another Travis story, and it's just becoming the morning Kelsey over here. So it worked itself out, as it.


Always does. Let me ask you a question. Are you feeling at all fatigued in terms of... I feel like when we talk about a story a lot, it gets old at some point, and it's like there are more stories, and you don't know if you should choose them because they're relevant. But we've been talking about it non-stop. Do you feel any fatigue with the Kelsie Bowl, Taylor, of it all?


To me, they're two separate things. Like, Kelsey, Bowl, I'm still juiced up over. We haven't talked about The Bretheron in that long, and they're just hysterical, and it's just good clean fun.




Good clean fun. I support family, so no, not fatigued on that. The Taylor-Travis relationship, I'm not fatigued, but I just need to be mindful of not making it a story every single day and not doing small potatoes, just.


Big potatoes. The big stuff. Yeah, okay, that's fair.


Is. So that's my theory. Let me know if it's working for you guys, or don't let me know. I'll probably continue to do the same thing.


So just letting you know my phone is on just in case I get a phone call. So if you hear anything- Of course.


-we understand. Thank you. -do strong. Without further ado, here are the Fast Five Stories that you need to know.


And the Fast Five stories that you need to know are brought to you by Kiwiko. Unwrap inspiration with super fun science, technology and art projects for kids with Kiwiko. With nine different subscription offers for different ages and subjects, there's something for every kid. When you give Kiwiko, it's so much more than a box of toys. It's the gift of discovery through hands-on experiences, giving kids the tools to learn about topics that they love, from dinosaurs to rocket chips. Tis the season for serious fun. So Kiwiko delivers fun, hands-on projects that inspire a lifelong love of learning. Kiwiko projects spark creative confidence for ongoing tinkering and experimentation. Sure, you can buy a robot, but isn't it way more fun to build your own and way more time-consuming? Because one thing I've learned about being around kids, they need constant simulation. And that's what's great about Kiwiko. It's like an adventure. It takes a long time. You buy a toy, the kid is done with it in 10 seconds and they never want to see it again. But Kiwiko is a box of awesome, in every box delivered monthly. When it arrives, it'll be your kid's favorite day of the month.


There's something for kids of all ages, from infants and preschoolers to teens and beyond. There's no commitments, so you can pause the subscription or cancel it at any time. And it's designed by a team of educators, makers, engineers, and rocket scientists who brainstorm hundreds of ideas to create the most exciting, age-appropriate, and educational projects. These are real engineering science and our projects with high-quality materials and with the holidays coming up, you need a gift for each night of Hanukkah. Kiwiko makes a great gift. Christmas, all Kwanza, all holidays. Discover hands-on fun with Kiwiko. Get your first month free on anycrateline@kwiko. Com/toast. That's your first month free at kwico. Com/toast. Today's episode is also brought to you by Papaya. Okay, Jacks, are you ready to play a little game? It's called Queen or Wench.


Oh, how fun. Yes, I'm ready.


Okay, first question. Is a friend that gives you a pair of fuzzy socks for the holidays a queen or a wench?


Wench. Such a generic gift.


Okay, is the daughter that gives her mom an offensively scented candle for the holidays a queen or a winch?




Okay, last one. Is someone who gives you reusable paper towels from papaya for the holidays a queen or a winch?


Oh, that's easy. She's a queen. It's giving eco-friendly. It's giving useful. It's giving unique. It's giving esthetically cute.


See, this is why we're sisters, because I could not agree with you more. I'm sure you remember us talking about papaya a few weeks ago. A ton of you guys bought your own reusable paper towels after we spoke about them. And of course, we love to see that. But for those of you who haven't hopped on the papaya train yet, listen up. One papaya paper towel replaces 17 rolls of disposable paper towels. Jackie and I have both been converted. We have them hanging all around our house, and you will not catch us buying regular paper towels anymore. Now, since the holiday season is upon us, we want to get into why papaya is the cutest, the easiest gift for Christmas, Hanukkah, Secret Santa, you name it. First of all, they have adorable, festive holiday designs, and since papaya was founded by a Jewish queen, they also have a Hanukkah design. It's a little jelly doughnut, and we're obsessed. They also just introduced their new reusable gift bags, which are very chic. We might just wear them out to dinner later. Plus, they have four hilarious holiday cards. But it's 2023, we're not going to CVS to buy a bunch of tacky plastic gift bags, and we're not standing around reading a million generic holiday cards until we find the one that sucks the least.


With papaya's holiday bundle, you get the gift, you get the bag, and you get the card. Bada bing, bada boom, you're done. I honestly can't think of a better gift for your mom, your mother-in-law, your friends, your colleagues, your hairdresser, your doormat. You need to get someone a gift? Get them papaya. So go to papayereusables. Com right now and use code toast for 30 % offsite-wide. That's papayereusables. Com, code toast. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah from papaya.




You, La. You're welcome.


Our first story-.


Is it sad?


No, I was just reading about the potential hostage deal. I wanted to see if it went through, but I don't see anything. Sorry. Sorry about that. I tracked. I'm switching it up. And you know what? I decided I want to talk more about Taylor, Travis, and Mama, Kelsey. Because in his wide-ranging interview with the Wall Street Journal yesterday, and I saw this yesterday, but I've just been ruminating on it, and I want to talk about it. Travis talked about how his mom, Donna, regretted her initial response to the awkward Taylor Swift question.


On the Today Show?


Yeah, she did an interview, and it came off that she was not feeling Taylor, but she just didn't want to overstep, and she felt really bad about it. So Donna and Kelsey still feels regret over her answer when asked about her son, Travis and Kelsey's relationship with Taylor Swift during an interview last month. The Kelsey matriarch opened up to Wall Street Journal magazine about her sons budding romance with Taylor. During her sit down interview on the Today show in October, she seemingly came off unenthusiastic about Swift, but in reality, she simply didn't want to overstep and oversharing. Once the interview had aired, Travis immediately called his mom to assure her that she did a good job after saying she's spending time with Taylor was, quote, okay. While she still looks back in regret over her underwhelming answer, Donna didn't hold back her gushing over Taylor now. She said, I can tell you this. He's happier than I've seen him in a long time. God bless him. He shot for the stars.


The story makes me sick. She's lamenting over this interview. She shouldn't have been asked that. She's not a media-trained celebrity. She's just a mom. I feel bad that she's sitting, stewing, regretting, thinking... And when it happened, she was probably bugging like, Oh, my God. Is Travis going to be mad at me? And I don't think, Taylor, by any means, I think Taylor is really understanding of how media works, and I don't think she would have thought for a second that Donna Kelsey went on The Today show to shade her son's new boyfriend. But I didn't need her to apologize or address... You know what? She did what she had to do. When I watched it, I didn't think for a second she was being nasty. I thought, for sure, she was uncomfortable, and she just didn't want to overstep Taylor, who's this notoriously private person who's the biggest star on the planet. Please, Donna, you're fine.


Yeah, but I understand why she said just okay. Now I understand why she feels regret because it came off like, Oh, I'm so not impressed with my new potential daughter-in-law, when it's none of those things.


Right. I guess if you watched it and you're like an alien visiting for Mars, you could be like, Oh, this person's dismissive. But that's so not... Anyone with any critical thinking ability would know that this is much more layered than that, Donna.


And I'm pretty sure that's what we said when we mentioned it. It's not this. Speaking of things that are not this, this isn't a story, but it's a perfect segue because Snoop Dogg announced that he's giving up smoke. And in his partnership with Solostove, he no longer has smoke in his life, but he is still smoking marijuana.


So it's a very elaborate partnership. I think it was brilliant, honestly. I love Solostove, a former Toast sponsor. Come back. Where have you guys been? And I love the Solastove product. And I thought this was great, really. That's how you make waves. It's so hard these days. I feel like everybody's so used to seeing... You know when you're being targeted for some product, consumers are much like, savior than they used to be. So it's hard to really pull one over and shock people as a brand. And I think that's what's so exciting about the Super Bowl is everybody does the most. And this was Super Bowl level marketing.


Yeah, I was actually thinking when I saw the announcement, I was like, Oh, when's the Super Bowl? And I'm like, Oh, no, it's not to do with it. But it's something that you would do the week before the Super Bowl and then the commercial years during the Super Bowl.


So I love a brand doing the most, and it's holiday season Q4, very important time of year. So it was strategic. It was very smart, and I enjoyed it. And I think people who thought about his announcement that he was quitting smoke, they thought of it a little suspiciously, and they thought of it more critically than others like ourselves. They were right.


Yeah. I did see it in the article that people were being doubters. I don't know if I would have come to that conclusion on my own.


I didn't have the opportunity.


No, you're right.


Like, everybody else- I might have. When somebody said the edible thing, I was like, yeah.


But I can't say that I would have, because I don't know. I didn't have the opportunity.


I thought this was great. They got us.


Yeah. I'm sure they paid him a boatload of money to really, for a few days, put his brand up in the air like that.


Right, offer this questionable message. Yeah. Yeah, no, he must have been paid a lot.


But it all worked out. It all worked out. That's also another brand publicity moment this week. Do you see the Stanley thing?




So a woman, her car was on fire. I think she.


Got into some... Like her car literally blew up.


Yeah, there's no car left really to speak of.


It's ashes.


The Stanley that was in her cup holder remained intact, and so-.


Not only that, the ice inside the cup was still in cubes. It had melted from the fire.


That's insane. And as if that's not a good enough endorsement for Stanley already, it will withstand all of that. The CEO of Stanley then bought her a.


New car. Right. So her video went totally viral. She's like, You guys, look at my car. It literally was black ashes, like fog, smoke. And then she pulled her Stanley out of the cup holder. It was a little banged up. It wasn't perfect, but it was perfectly intact. And then she shook it and there was ice in there and everybody was like, What? The video went so viral. So then the CEO of Stanley stitched it on TikTok and responded being like, This is amazing. This is such a testament to how our products are made. We so appreciate. We're so sorry. We're obviously going to replace your Stanley, and we're also going to replace a brand new car. And it was honestly the best money marketing could buy. Now everybody feels warmly about Stanley as a company. This girl lost her car and they're doing the right thing and going above and beyond by giving her a new car. Her video was really highlighted the quality of their cups. I was shook. And now everybody just looks at them favorably, and they didn't have to spend a lot of money. This is like billions of impressions, and they've just spent the cost of a car.


Yeah, billions of impressions, because I didn't see her initial video, but I saw it as a story because he was buying her a car. Brilliant.


Brilliant. There are ways to get creative when you're trying to make waves.


That is the perfect segue to our next story, because our next story is a little more brands getting in on the fun. Okay. Chipotle renamed their Kansas City location to honor Travis Kelsey's 2011 misspelled tweet. After the hilarious post resurfaced amid his romance with Taylor Swift. So in 2011, Travis Kelsey tweeted, Went from class to therapy. Now I need some #chipulte, and then I'm off to check out my new apartment. So Kansas City's Chipotle location renamed themselves, Chipulte, Cipulte.


Like, renamed how? Like a new sign?


A new sign.


Wow. Well, let me say, I don't think Travis's tweet was a typo. A lot of people who love Chipotle, call it Chipulte. It's like Targete, I say. Okay, so- It's like a thing people say, so I don't think it was a mishap or a mistake, but that doesn't make this any less funny and fun.


And also the official Chipotle Twitter account did rename themselves Chipulte, at least for-.




The time being. And they replied and said, It's me, hi.


Cute. No, it's fun. This is where I feel like being the social media manager... And social media managing is like a job that's mostly women. They're young girls, and I feel like it's a job that people think is irrelevant, and they don't put respect on that name. They're like, Oh yeah, Bob from Finance. But moments like this, you really have an opportunity to make so much news, so many impressions, and this is fabulous, a win for the social media managers.


Yes, but it is also a fine line sometimes. It's not all just fun and games as a social media manager. As we had discussed, you go out drinking, which accounted you? Post on Instagram. The Pope. -posted on Instagram, the Pope. But also sometimes brands try and get in on the fun, and then the party is ruined.


No, it's really important that your social media manager obviously understands how the world works, but also is an extremely self-aware person.


Yeah, and self-aware on behalf of your brand.


Yes, it's a delicate balance.


But this hits it out of the park. A lot of brands are really doing good stuff this week. Congrats.


Congrats, brands. Congrats, brands. And then with the Super Bowl coming up, I mean-.


The Super Bowl is always coming up.


No, but it's actually coming up now. It's like three months away.


For sure. But now it's like the holidays are coming up. So the brands go hard.


Yeah. Well, that's actually a great segue to our next sponsor, which is Sprit Society having a major Black Friday sale.


The segues are on fire today, Turty-Lu.


So it's the biggest sale of the year, Black Friday. If you've been waiting for Sprit Society to go on sale, launching tomorrow, the entire site will be 35 % off plus, I'm not done, free shipping. And that includes all the new flavors and the fan favorites like pink lemonade and passion fruit. In addition to having their biggest sale ever, they're also launching two new bundles that are 40 % off for a limited time only. So the Lemonade stand, which features three to four packs of pink lemon and three, four packs of lemon. The tropical trio, which features four packs of passion fruit, peach, and pineapple are all 40 % off. So the sale starts tomorrow, Wednesday, and it runs all the way to Cyber Monday. So you have almost a full week to get in on the amazing sale. It's the perfect time to stock up for your gift giving needs if you're doing a white elephant or a secret Santa. Also, it's great to have spritz on hand through the holidays. So this is a great time to stock up the fridge and the outdoor fridge. Don't miss out. Set your alarms at 12:00 PM Eastern time tomorrow.


It's running all the way till Cyber Monday, 35 % off site-wide and 40 % off your two new bundles. If you've been on the fence about ordering Sprit Society, now is the time. Go to spritsociety. Com. That's S-P-R-I-T-Z society. Com. The discount will be automatically applied on the website. No code needed. It starts tomorrow. Don't miss out.


Thank you, La.


You're welcome, Fa.


Our next story is more holiday shopping- Chearmeister?


The holiday cheermeister this year is Jennifer Lawrence, as she laughed off a wardrobe malfunction at the Sachs holiday lighting ceremony. Jennifer Lawrence handled a wardrobe malfunction like a pro during the Sacks Fifth Avenue holiday lighting ceremony on Monday night. I don't know if it was like a pro, but it did play very well.


No, it was cute and funny, but it wasn't subtle.


No, it wasn't subtle. The Oscar winner was giving a speech before unveiling the department store and Dior's carousel of dreams 2023 holiday window displays when her belt unexpectedly popped off and fell to the ground.


It didn't unexpectedly pop off. She goes up to the microphone and she starts to talk, and the microphone is so much louder than she anticipated that the sound of her voice scared the shit out of her. So she jumped back and her belt popped off.


Got it. Oh, right. So then she said, I'm so sorry. That was so loud. That was so loud, my belt popped off. When I saw the video, I thought she was saying her belt popping off was loud.


No, the microphone scared her, which is such a tirty move, like the sound of your voice scaring you?


Never for you.


No, no, yes, for me. I'm not talking about my singing voice. I'm talking like I could literally be talking and be like, Oh, my God. And it was just like, my voice scaring me.


Oh, you being scared by things.


Yeah, even if it's something that I'm doing like talking.


Got it.


For sure. Anyways- She looks gorgeous.


Oh, my God. She looks gorgeous. I'm looking at the pictures of her up there, and it's like, is it the lighting or is it her? I mean, I guess everyone looks like-.


It's her.


They also look nice, the other presenters, but she looks unreal.


No, she looks sick. I believe she's some ambassador or face of Dior, which is why she was selected for this partnership.


Yeah, she has been a Dior ambassador since 2012. Also, I'm pretty sure it was a Dior belt, so that's really not a great advertisement. Your bells should stay on even when the microphone is loud.


Yikes. So true. But how do you balance that with us now talking about the Sachs Dior event, even though we never would have talked about that before? Even if she was there and everything went smoothly.


Ever. So true. So many impressions now that the Toast is talking about it, and it'll make up for the loss of belt sales.


Right. I think net, this is a good thing. If I was a social media manager, I would say, don't worry, guys. It's good.


And what would you tweet about the belt?


Back to the factory to tighten up those seams.




Getting fired. No, I would literally go to where they make belts. I don't know. Do you make it in a factory or a telier?


Yeah, a tellye.


And I would interview one of the seamstresses, and she would be telling us what... She's reconfiguring so that the belt you buy this holiday season won't snap off.


Or maybe it's like interviewing the seamstress and getting to know her story. And maybe, yeah, maybe a seam was skipped, but it's because she's been going through something.


And then it turns into an episode of Undercover Boss, where they buy her a new house.


And a new car and a Stanley.


Okay, funny. First of all. Second of all, I love that we are now in the time of year, the department stores are doing their thing. And even though New York becomes a torture chamber during the holiday season because everybody flocks here to shop, to see the big trees, the big Christmas lights and sacks, it's undeniable magical. And this is exciting. This is the official start.


Right beforeThanksgiving. So exciting. I actually just printed my recipes. I've got to do my holiday shop. It's starting.


When I walked home from work yesterday, this building I pass every day to and from work, had their big Christmas tree up. They're a big office building that has a iconic tree. And I actually was having such a bad day yesterday, especially after the toast, I had nothing left to give in that tree. Christmas joy and Christmas spirit is real.


It's real. The holiday cheermaister is real.


Yeah. So thank you, Jennifer Lawrence, because I probably wouldn't have even known or cared that the Sachs thing lit up last night. But okay, let's play a fun game. How would you rank the major department stores in New York, their window displays? And the stores are include, Sachs, Burgdorfs, Bloomingdale's, Macy's.


Bloomingdale's is really bad.


Wow. You think so?


Yeah. I don't know what their holiday is this year, but that's probably the store that I frequent the most, and their windows do nothing. They don't inspire me to buy anything.


They're not really on the same level as like Sachs or.


Burgdorfs at all. I think Burgdorf is number one. That's their thing. But I think everybody else is stepping their pussy up like Sachs.


Honestly, Sachs is a really close second. I'll have to see the ones this year to make my decision. But you're right. Like, Burgdorf, if you ever saw the documentary, Scatter My Ashes at Burgdorf, they talk about the window displays. They're like year round projects. They have artists from all over the world working on it for years and years. It's amazing.


Yeah. So they have the number one spot. But I think people are coming for their neck.


Yeah. Macy's is like a lot. I think it's a little tacky. What's great about sacks and Burgdorf is it's opulent, but it's very tasteful and tailored sacks. I mean, Macy's is just like lights, shit, trees.


It's so much. But that's also the holiday. Sometimes you get a little too taste, a little too tailored. Where's the nuttiness? Where's the holiday nut?


While Macy's doesn't have the holiday windows on lock, they do have the Thanksgiving Day parade, which is one of my favorite things of all time. Even though the older I get, the more I realize it's dumb and fake, but I love it.


It's so fake. But then when you have kids, the love comes back and you start.


Again- The magic.


Let us see who's in the parade this year. What we can look forward to.




Perodont performances and more. Okay, here's the parade. Yeah, we know it's literally the same every year, thanks. Oh, my gosh.


I feel like the parade is very last minute, like whoever's available. But it is last minute now, it's two days away.


The parade will be kicked off by multi-instrumentalists and Grammy winner John Batiste. There will be performances by a bunch of people. I'm going to read the people that we know. David Foster and Catherine McFee, yeah, they have a new holiday album out. Jessie James Decker, Pregnant Queen. Ashley Park with some Muppets. Oh, close your ears. Penetonics.


Okay, I will say the only time it's acceptable to embrace Penetonics is the holiday season, so I'll allow it. And that song that you introduced me to? Oh, my God. There can be miracles. Their version, honestly, this might be the craziest thing I've ever said, is as good as Mariah and Whitney. It's really good.


It's so good. Also, this is newsworthy for a reason. Broadway will be represented by performances from Anne Juliet, back to the future of the musical, How to Dance in Ohio, Shucked, and Spam a lot. Will Spunchbob be there?


Ethan Slater? Oh, my God. Maybe Ari will be at the event or maybe she'll be in a penthouse on Columbus Avenue on the Upper West Side watching.


From above. Hundred % in a big blanket.




And this year, Santa will be accompanied on his slay by the one and only Cher.


She's preparing to release a 25th anniversary edition of her Gramming winning album, Believe. And she just dropped her new album, Christmas.


That's a big get for the parade. I feel like the talent over the last couple of years is definitely less premium than it used to be. Cher is nature.


This isn't a great lineup.


No, it's not.


I'm so glad you said it. It's usually a little better.


And they usually have a lot of pretty big country people because it's really a parade that the whole country watches.


Yeah, like where's Gavin DeGraw? Honestly, where the fuck is Kelly?


Where the fuck? But Kelly is at a place in her life.


Honestly- I know, where she doesn't have to do things like this. But let me just say something. She has nestled her way into the hearts of millions of Americans. And on Thanksgiving morning, we want to see you. There's a responsibility.


There's a responsibility.


That's the price that you pay for being such a joyful part of our lives. We want to see you on these big, joyful occasions.


Yes, I will say, though, I think if you're a performer, I think once you get to a certain level, the Thanksgiving Day parade is probably the worst gig on the planet. You don't sing live. You're fucking freezing. You're standing out there forever. It's the crack of dawn, and it's a holiday. So if you don't live in New York, you're away from your family.


No, I know, but I think there are some people- Who.


Have a duty.


-who have a duty to show up for us on those days.




It's not always fun and games being America's sweetheart. It's not.


It's hard work.


Someone's got to do it.


And Kelly is not doing it.


No, but honestly, there should be a few bigger names here. Sorry.


I am in agreement. Also a little bit more relevant peeps.


I also feel like if Macy doesn't step it up, someone's going to come out from under them, like the Netflix Day parade, and all of a sudden, Bebbae Finn is flying through the air.


I'm really glad you brought that up because it does feel like Macy's is hanging on to that partnership by the hair of their chinny, chin, chin. It's been their thing for so long, and I'm not against them being the sponsor. It's so New York. It's so classic. I think it nods to a more simpler time. But I agree. The parade has severely gotten worse in terms of everything, like production. Some of those fucking balloons have been around since the '80s. It's okay. They're not relevant to the kids anymore. Clifford can go.


It's my mom's from the '80s.


Yeah, literally. They need to step their pussy up majorly. And they need to get a streaming partner. Why doesn't it stream on Peacock? It needs to be a little bit more 21st century.


Just saying it might.


Stream on Peacock. It definitely does. But that's how irrelevant it is. I didn't even know that.


No, I'm just saying it's on BBC, right?




So it definitely goes to Peacock after.


Oh, no, I'm sorry. It's on a bunch of networks.


Nba syndicates?


No, I feel like it's also because I remember Kelty did- Oh, yeah.


Everybody films the parade. I guess Macy's doesn't really do it with.


One- Right. Because I think Kelty was on CBS. I remember that.


You'll find out on Thursday.


I mean, I feel.


Like- Also, for the parents, here are the kid balloons that are coming through. Recurrent giant balloons include Bluey, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, PAW Patrol, Ryan's World, Picasso, Ronald McDonald.


I mean, for real? Like, Picasso?


Stewart the Minion and Spunchbob Square Pants. Oh, he's doing double duty.


He's booked.


He's booked and busy. Wait, and then new balloons, Beagle Scout, Snoopy, Bluecout and Chugs, Kongfu, Pandas Poe, Leo, Monkey D. Luffy, Pillsbury, Doughboy. Yum. Obsessed. And Uncle Dan. They'll also be Lego, peanuts, baby shark, teenage, mutant, turtles, and Sesame Street. Where the fuck is Mickey? Harry's not going to be happy about this.




Where is Mickey? Mieska, Mooska, Mickey, Mouse. I don't know.






Hot dog. Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggety dog. That song fucking slabs.


That song goes so hard and.


Has a new.


Business doing so.


If I ever become a true, well-respected vocalist, I will perform at the parade. I will be on the meeky float. I will bring Harry and I will sing that song. I'll put my own spin on it more of like an acoustic. I'll have an accompanying guitar.


There's a long version of it on Spotify. It goes into this, Grab my boots and a sandwich. Let's start a parade. It's, Get the coconut, drumkit. I'm ready to play. Claudia, these songs, they go crazy. But okay, I don't know if this is an insult to you, but it's not meant to be.


I love sentences that start that way.


But it's not meant to be.




You should be performing at the amazing Thanksgiving Day parade.


Okay, that is an insult, but I don't disagree. Also, if you're an adult watching, my favorite game to play is like, Catch the lip-syncing flubs, because they also have guitar. If they're a band, they have their instruments. If they're not a band, they still have a backup pianist, and nothing is live. Not the piano, not the guitar, not the music, not the track, not the singing. And they never know when to properly start. My favorite thing is catching them, like fuck up. It's so easy.


No, it's literally like-.


No, and a few years ago, it came out that nobody performs live on the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. And so they don't have to pretend anymore.


Yeah, and they've given up. The jig is up.


The jig is officially up. Oh, Jacks is taking a break.


Why don't you grace everyone with a song while I blow my nose?


Hot Dog, Hot Dog, Hot Dog. It's Mom and Day. It's a fun time song. Hot Dog, Hot Dog. Hot Dog.


Hat Dog. Hot Dog.


Someone turned the air on in the middle of the show in here, and it was just so cold. My nose is running.


I also just remembered that I drove to work because it was so fucking cold and it was the worst mistake ever. There was so much traffic. It would have been so much faster to walk, and I parked illegally. I know my car is going to be towed when I go outside. I just know it.


How fun for Ben to pick it up today.


Yeah. Glad we cleared this afternoon.


Okay, it feels like the end of the show, but we still have two more stories. Oh, my God. I know. Our next story, someone who will never perform at the Thanksgiving Day parade. I feel like I can say it with confidence.


Wait, let me think. Let me think. Let me think. Are they a singer? Yeah. I don't know.




Oh, facts.


Facts. Adele appears to confirm she and Rich Paul are officially married. Adele reportedly confirmed that she and Rich Paul tied the knot. The six time Grammy winner is said to have shared the news at her longtime friend, Allen Carrs comedy gig in L. A. On Saturday. Two members of the audience recounted Adele's purported admission to celebrity gossip Instagram account, Du Mois. They said, I was at Allen Carrs comedy show in L. A. Tonight, and Adele was in the audience. Allen asked the crowd if anyone got married recently and Adele shouted, I did. Another attendee told Du Mois, When he asked if anyone got married recently, she yelled, I did. Super cute all around and was super sweet, but dipped right before it ended.


I feel like this would be on-brand. I think her and Rich Paul are like... Even if they're not legally married, they're legit. They're steady. And her doing it totally privately is so Adele giving us nothing.


I know.


But I'm happy for her, I guess.


It is Adele, and it isn't because she's actually public with her relationship right now. I feel like they just didn't have a big wedding. Maybe while she was in Vegas, they were like.


What if we just? Certain things Adele doesn't fuck around with. And she never shows her son. She's very, very... She's like a... She's a girly, and she chats, and she loves to go out with the girls. But when it comes to her family and her actual private life, she really doesn't share much. Yeah, that's true. Wouldn't even know her son's name for five years, remember? And what is his name? Antonio?


Something like that, yeah.


Right, so I actually... This is, if true, extremely on-brand. I could see it.


Being true. Yeah, and lovely. And I feel like whether or not they got married, they will be together for a very long time, if not forever, marriage, it's all the same.


It's all the same, and it's nice for her to go into this marriage. She had to give half. What she gave her ex-guy, $70 million.


She did?


Yeah. It was one of those crazy things. But this is a person who is extremely successful. Not on the same level as Adele, but up there. And she's going into this now with the knowledge from her first. She's probably much more protected. Yeah. And so I feel good about this.


Yeah. Because I.


Feel like people who go through really bad.


Divorces- They stop believing in marriage and love even, and they become so-.


Like hard.


Yeah, but she's been softened.


No, but, if anything, you go into the next one with so much more experience and knowledge, and you know what you did right, what you did wrong. So I feel like second marriages can be fabulous.




Another chance at love.


Speaking of love, are you ready for our fifth and final story?


The segues are just writing themselves.


This afternoon. Claudia, they literally are. Speaking of love and marriage. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in the baby carriage.


Let me think. Who's pregnant? Who?


For Bliss and Zach of Love is Blind.


Yeah, I know that.


Love is Blind. Bliss is pregnant, expecting her.


First baby. I feel like for them, it wasn't first comes love, then comes marriage. I feel like it was first comes marriage, then comes love.


First comes Irina, then comes marriage, then comes love, then comes baby in the baby carriage. And I.


Feel like when they did that love is blind reunion they talked about they were at a fertility doctor. They were struggling.


A little bit. Yeah, and they were showing us the journey. So they've been wanting to start a family, and now they are sharing that they are having a baby. The couple did an exclusive people magazine interview and photoshoot. Bliss said it's a little bit nerve-wrecking, but I think it's also such a beautiful thing. Babies are miracles and blessings. And I think we've been so open to sharing our journey and our relationship with the world. And this is our next big, beautiful thing. I'm really happy, and I hope that it brings joy to other people. It's definitely brought us a ton of joy.


That's really nice. They, for me, are so random. I know you were when we were watching it. I did not believe in these people's loves. I couldn't see how this could be real. But, like we always say, there is proof in the pudding. There's proof in the longevity. They're having a child now. Is this the first Love is Blind baby? Because Amber and Barnett don't have kids.


That's a very good point.


I don't think Lauren and Cameron Hamilton, Speed, don't.


I feel like People Magazine would have noted that.


And there, you know... What was his name? Bart, no.




Yeah. I mean, he had a baby, but not with someone from the show. Yeah. And so did Mark, who was 24 and Jessica was 34. He had a baby, too. So people have had babies, but not couples who got married on the show. Yeah.


No, there's a big difference. I feel like this is the first one. I think so, too. First that comes to mind for me.




Good call.


So from their season, they're still going strong and so are Chelsea and Kwame.




Is that it?


I feel like there was another strong couple from their season.


All the seasons really.


Mixed together for me. I'll have to ask Zach because he's a love of blind experts. He'll be so happy to hear about this.


No, it's actually really sweet.


I should text him it. I'll text him the news.


And you're right. We always say couples who are really meant to be start to look alike. And I actually think these two look alike. When I saw the picture of them holding the bump, I'm like, Oh, siblings.


Oh, my God.


It's so funny. If your baby announcement doesn't look like two cousins having a baby, it's not going to last. You know.


What I've realized? Well, one, when people date, they start to look like one another when they get married and everything. But when you have a child, and usually the child looks like a bit of each of you, it's like, The husband looks like the kid, and the kid looks like the mom. Therefore, the dad and the mom look alike. Like if A equals B and B equals C, then A equals C.


Yeah, but A doesn't equal C. But I appreciate the logic.


I'm telling you, you'll see, A equals C. A equals C.


And what is.


B equal? A and C. That's the point. Thank you for asking that question.


That was the one thing we learned in math class I actually understood. No, it's A equals B and B equals C. So the A equals C.


That's literally what I'm saying.


Yeah, I know. I'm not talking about your dumb theory about the kids. I'm talking about math.


Yeah, chain reaction.


Chain reaction. Remember when we learned logic and math? That shit was so dumb.


Right, but look, we use it in everyday life. Even 1 plus 1 equals SOC. They didn't teach us that in school, but it's the same thinking. No, we.


Could do a college course on 1 plus 1 equals SOC. Like a mini- We.


Could call it SOC 101.


We could. Those were actually very good stories. I feel like we all in all covered eight stories because there were breakout sessions from each of them.


There were, and we love to foster breakout sessions in our work. And that's what you'll get in SOC 101.


I will say that part of college, the big lectures and then the breakout sessions, what they call it recitation, that was some of my least favorite shit of all time. Those TAs thought they were such fucking hot shit. I'm like, Calm down.


Yeah, TAs, man.


Was that ever something you wanted to do as an undergrad?


No, because as a dumb bitch, I wasn't qualified.


But so are TAs grad students or undergrad students?


No, they're undergrad students who I guess have excelled in the course?


Did you get paid to be.


A TA? Question mark? I believe so.


Question mark. As you fucking should. You do all the work for that dumb ass professor.


Yeah, I've never was struck so much by my TA experience.


No, I was. I was like, You're a nerd. Get away from me. But also, is it there a storyline and gossip girl once they get to college? Serena Fox, one.


Of the TAs? I think he's a full-blown professor, but yeah.


Okay, because fucking a TA is fucking a classmate. It's not a big deal.


No, of course.


Also- Yeah, but we put TAs on a pedestal. It's like you're literally nobody.


Literally you do. I think everyone does. Okay, first of all, I never really thought twice about my TAs. Maybe it's different at every school, but can someone explain? Tas are undergrads. I didn't say that with certainty. Now I'm just doubting everything.


And so are RAs.


Yeah. I only say they're undergrads because we didn't have a grad school at Colgate. So if we had TAs, they were students.


Oh, NYU was like a grad school, a.


Law school, a million schools. Right, so it's confusing. But I do believe that just maybe every school is different. Maybe. But I am sorry to the TA who hurt you clearly.


No, I honestly just remember what I just remember thinking. I'm like, You're a loser. He was on a fucking power trip. I'm like, Calm the fuck down. Down? Calm down?




He just thought he was such hot shit. He was a decently looking person, and I think he just loved being a teacher.


He loved the TA life.


Yeah, and back then, you respected authority. Now in hindsight, I'm like, You're literally two years older than me. Sit the fuck down, bitch.


Yeah, he was your leader.




It's giving, daynatos.




It's giving, Donatos.




So that's our show. It's our final one of the week. But don't freak, because if you're really missing us, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, we will have podcast episodes going up on Instagram.


Tomorrow's patron episode is the fast five stories you need to go know for the Thanksgiving table. So we'll be combing through the news, breaking it down for you with as much certainty as we can, and also giving you a hot take to bring to the table and stir shit up.


Start stuff. What have we.


Just started stuff?


What have we just burn this fucking dinner to.


The ground? But the Stanley would stay standing.




Our show- That's our show. And that's how you bring it full circle in SAC 101.


We'll see you on patron. Also, make sure to head over to shoptoastmerch. Com to get your holiday Winchmiss sets. Hope everybody has an amazing Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for you, Jacks.


I'm thankful for you, TURD.


I'm thankful for the Toast and the toaster who tune in every day and just love to giggle with us. I love you all. Do strong prayers for Theo. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Theo is non-denominational, so he will accept prayers from all religions. He loves all. And yeah.


Do strong. Love you.


Thank you so much for listening to The Millennial Morning Show where we deliver the Fast Five stories that you need to know every Monday through Friday. And you too, so we're watching is on YouTube. Please don't forget to subscribe and give this video a thumbs up. We're also available as a podcast anywhere podcasts can be found on Spotify, to get your public video, iarra, radiocast, box, all the places we listen podcast. Find out to toe to five star view about a beautiful, stunning and wickedly talented we are. Hope you guys have an amazing holiday weekend. We love you and we're back in studio on Monday.


I love you. Love you. Bye.