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Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to The Toast and happy Thursday. Hope everybody's having a great day thus far. Hey, Jacks, how are you doing?


I'm doing good. Happy Thursday, latter half of the week. Gorgeous tings, gorgeous tings.


Oh, my God. Gorgeous tings, gorgeous tings.


I can't go cross eye, but if I could, that would be the time. One of my.


Absolute favorite things on the planet to do is to go cross eye. I think it's one of my greatest talents. I've recently started incorporating it into my comedy.


It's pure comedy.


It's pure comedy. And as a kid, I was told a thousand times, You're going to get stuck that way. So I used to be really afraid to do it. Then a few years ago, I was like, Wait, I'm not going to get stuck that way. What have I just? You know?




I love it.


No, I'm jealous that.


You have the ability- And I'm not one of those people who has to do you know with the finger. I can not. I am natural. I'm organic. I'm only going to do finger.


It's literally part of your comedic routine. It's like adding a curse word to a joke, like it just gives it a little punch.


It gives it extra oomph.


Yeah, so that's another thing. We should add that to your list, because we're always like, What are your talents? Or, What are my talents? Skills. Or, What are my talents? Obviously, you have the singing.


I can go cross eyes.


Natural charisma, comedy, she can go cross eye.


Yeah, no, I... Adds a little spice.


Yeah. How are you?


I'm good. Gargess tinges. Gargess tinges.




Are you? How is do? How is our holistic king of acupuncture?


Yes, Theo took a trip east yesterday. Actually, we went south. It was downtown. And it was good. He got his first acupuncture session. He responded very well to it. She was like, Wow, I wish all my patients were like this. He was so chill, very Zen.


He is Zen. He is Zen, embodified.


Embodified, yeah. What's the word? Embodied or personified. You- No, you joined them together, conjunction. He's embodified. Conjunction. Junction. What's your function? He did really well. She said, It's a journey. Sometimes there are miracles. He walks out of here perfect, but most of the time it takes a couple of sessions. And so we're going to do that once a week, radiation in the beginning of the week, acupuncture a few days later, seeing if one of these Eastern or Western remedies are going to help my boy, hopefully.


It's east versus west, sharks versus jets.


And the thing is, I would love to have this one of them work, and we can definitively say which one it is, and then we can finally put to bed. Is it east versus west that really works? But we won't know which one worked. We're just hoping one of them.


But perhaps if it does work, baruch hashem, it would be a fusion of east and west. Finally, it's not about the competition. It's about the coming together.


No, it would be north.


It would be south. It would be central. South, central.


East, west, north. South, too. No? Yeah, snoo.




Or Snoo.


Really? Sn, Eaton? Yeah, snoo.


Yeah. When's?


Just a little Compass fun for you today.


Let's talk about the Compass app.


Let's talk about the Compass in general as an invention.


Well, Compass or Compass?


Depends who you are.


It's Compass.


It's personal, potato, potato.


Because you just said both in one sentence.


I did?


Yeah, you said Compass and then Compass.


I guess it just depends on where in the sentence it falls. Am I feeling like enunciating in this part of the sentence or not?


With the word D-A-T-A, I don't have a preferred pronunciation. It's just like I could use it twice in the same day and use it totally differently, data or data.


That's how I feel about it. It's not a preference. That's how I feel about it. Compass, Comcast.


Comcast, yeah. What were you going to say about the Compass as an invention?


The Compass? Greater than. It is such an incredible invention. I think it was one of those inventions that really changed the world.




One large leap for mankind. One small device for man- So true. It's really a marvel. I know now we just look at the app on our phone, or our car tells us which way we're facing, but I think we take it for granted.


Honestly, I use directions. I feel like most people are like, Who needs a compass? North, south. It's not a big part of their everyday, but in the.


City, actually. In New York City, it is.


It is, because there's east, west, side, up, town, downtown, which is north, south, east, and west. And when I'm in the city, I actually, at all times, really do know which way is north, which way is south, which way is east, and which way is west, which I feel cool about.


Yeah. And if you don't, you get out your compass, and then you know exactly where you are.


Yeah. I love to be in a taxi and be like, It'll be the Southeast corner.


Oh, yeah. I am Lewis and Clark, navigational clean.


Yeah, I know. When I pull those words out, that's like a... Your driver will know you're a New Yorker. I think somebody lesser than me would say, Oh, the far right corner. But I would know that that far right corner is actually the southwest corner, depending on where I'm coming from.


Yeah, and also it's the far right corner from the angle you're coming at it from, but it's the southwest corner universally.


So Lewis and Clark had nothing on Jackson, TURD.


Jackson and TURD are the modern-day Lewis and Clark, trailblazing queens.


I would also say Jackson, TURD are the modern-day Bonnie and Clyde.


I would say so too, but we have a reverence for the La La TURD.


It's true. I was just trying to think of iconic duos.


Except for stealing the records from Yale about the three identical strangers.


Once we do steal those sealed records from Yale, we will be the modern day version of Bonnie and Clyde. But we won't be driving away in a convertible. We will be driving away in a pickup truck.


That tell us. Okay, we're a Tesla.


Or whatever we can get our hands on at the rental center.


You know? Yeah, well, I heard that you can rent a Tesla at Hertz now. Is that true? Yeah, if you've been wanting to try out the experience. That's actually a perfect thing to do when you're on vacation. Try a new car.


Let me tell you how one of my favorite things is renting a car. The actual journey of getting off the plane, walking to the rental, waiting in line is torture. When you get the keys and you're like... Sometimes they let you choose from a whole section of cars, then you just get to try out different cars that you're never going to really have in your own life. It's very exciting.


Yeah, I feel like most of the times I've done rental cars, obviously I haven't rented a car myself, but with Zach or with you.


Always with- And wait, Jackie, why haven't you rented a.


Car yourself? Because I've never had my license at a time when I rented a car.


Yeah, but also it's just like, Girls don't rent cars. That's a thing for the husbands. That's such a husband job to handle the.


Rental car. We used to rent a car once in a while, and we flushed the keys down the toilet, and now the Jaguar is still sitting in Connecticut, and you're never going to be able to buy a home with your credit.


Oh, my God. I totally forgot that moment. I don't know how we could talk about car rental without talking about the extremely hasty blush. And yes, I do often think about that car sitting in that rest stop in Connecticut. And I also do get a PIT every time I get an experience or an email, like a change in your credit. Usually it's like your credit.


Limit- It's like a jaguar coming back to.


Haunt you. Usually, it's little things like your credit limit increased or-.


You spent more this month and you didn't pay it down. Right.


But one day it's just going to say, There's been a change in your credit, Jaguar.




And if you don't know what we're talking about, it's such a long, amazing story, and there's a.


Whole episode on it. The episode is called The Extremely hasty flush, and you absolutely need to listen to it. It's a cautionary tale for all drivers out there, rental car owners, and people who go to rest stops.


And if you're not going to listen, here's the lesson. Do not put your rental car keys in your bra when going to take a piss at a rest stop, especially a rest stop that has automatic flushes, okay?


So we'll leave you with that?




Where were we?


You could rent a Hertz. I mean, you could rent a Tesla.


You could rent a Tesla when we're driving away with the records because we're the modern day- Body and Clyde. -body and Clyde.


The Lewis and Clyde. Compass.


Compass. We needed to center ourselves, Sturdy.


Wait. I wanted to say a few things from yesterday's episode because a lot of people had very good responses to some of the things we had said. The first thing when we were talking about Mark Cuban, there's a lot of conspiracy theories now about Mark Cuban. A lot of people think he might be running for office.




Good luck with that. Good luck with that. Kenzie, Elizabeth, actually texted me because she's a Dallas girl and she listens to The Toast.


Is it about the pharmaceutical company?


Yes. He talks about it on Shark Tank a lot. But his most recent project, I think, is his biggest passion project, where it's a website to get people medications for any and all diseases, ailments at the cheapest possible rate. And he's really passionate about it, $16 for cancer drugs that would normally cost $2,000 adollars. So it's very expensive. Apparently, he's very, very invested in it, obviously financially, but also emotionally. And maybe he wanted to cash out to put that money towards this particular project. But then there was another conspiracy theory I saw going around on TikTok. Dallas is like a big sports town, but they don't have any infrastructure yet for sports, gambling, and casinos. And I think there's a bunch of very wealthy people trying to get that initiative off the ground. And he might have sold to put money towards that because that's going to be a multibillion dollar journey.


And interesting also is that the Adelsen family does casinos and resorts.


Yes, they are the Sands...


Right. So maybe their part in this has to do with that, too.


Yeah. And then I also heard that this Adelsen fan had to cash out two billion of their shares from Sands to pay for the maths.


Right. So maybe they're just moving their business down to Dallas.


So it was a nice idea that he wanted to spend time with his family. But I do think there's a business thing going on. I don't think he's running for office.


I don't think so either. I think the pharmaceutical thing makes sense. I hope he has success with it. Someone needs to overhaul the pharmaceutical system in this country. It makes no sense. No, it's a disgrace. It's a disgrace. These are life-saving medications. All medication that's helping someone, why is it like this?


No, it's an absolute disgrace. And I agree, if anyone can do it, I think it could be more-rather than the show, even.


Yeah, I think so too. Good luck with that.


Yeah, we truly wish you well. If you need to take a step back and ruin one of our favorite shows, then for this, it's okay.


But thankfully, it's an ensemble show, and it is my personal belief that the show won't be ruined without Mark. Me neither. The show will go on.


The other thing I wanted to talk about, somebody made such an excellent point, I don't know if people were going to agree with us or the sentiment of the weekend being an industry plant was going to resonate with people, but it was just this feeling that I had and then you felt it. And I guess a lot of people felt it too, and somebody offered a really good explanation for why he feels like an industry plant. And they basically just said, Who goes to listen to the weekend? It's mostly just straight men who don't really participate or contribute to Stan culture. So they don't have Twitter accounts tracking all of the weekends, charting and everything. They don't have fan accounts. They just listen and move on with their lives. And that is powerful. And obviously, there's enough people who do that. But the reason why we're not seeing that - Energy. -reception and why it feels like a plant is because they're not putting that energy out there. They don't participate in culture, straight men. They just enjoy.


Okay, I agree with you, except about the fact that straight men don't participate in fan culture, the NFL- Sports. Yeah, sports. Nobody is more of a fan, girly than those guys. Every weekend, getting dressed up in costume, painting their faces, having a party, nuts.


They're nuts. Oh, my God. Okay, there's NFL drama. Did you hear about this? It's so crazy. The Little Kid? Yes.


It's the craziest thing.


Okay, let me tell you. So Deadspin, which is this.


Website- For its publication.


-sports. Yeah. So they published an article about this little kid who was at the Chief's game last weekend who was apparently wearing black face. And because they're the Chiefs, which is Native American, he was wearing a big Native American headdress. They had a picture of the kid from the side. You saw his whole... He must have been eight.


Years old. He's nine.


Oh, wow. Okay. His whole big headdress and then his face is completely black. And so, of course, they roasted this child to filth. And it has come out recently. I mean, it has come out since that article came out. They were using a photo of the kid where you only saw the side of his face. And if you saw him head-on, he had half red, half black, which are the chief's colors, which is not black face. And this kid is Native American. His grandfather was actually a really major leader in the Cheumach tribe. And if he wants to wear a Native American headdress, he absolutely can do that. I just don't know why, in the first place, that deadspun was going after an eight-year-old. What has the world.


Come to? No, it's so sick. That story is literally an accurate representation of the media. They think they slayed. Let's skewer this eight-year-old. He's doing bad. And then it's actually not the whole picture, literally. Literally. And it's like, I'm sure none of the people who worked on that article have any ties to Native Americans, actually give a shit about him wearing the headdress, but it's like, Actually, he does.


No, it was such a crazy turn of events. I was following the whole thing on TikTok.


Context is key.


Context is key. And then speaking of cancelations, sure you have it as a story. Gary?


No, I don't, because I'm avoiding all Gary things.


Yeah, me too, because we're saving the Golden Bachelor for our family trip.


But by the way- As predicted. -well, by the way, by the way- Hold on. I'm pretty sure I need to correct this. I'm pretty sure it's pronounced Jerry. But the reason why we're confused is because we thought it should be J-E-R-R-Y.




Jackie, it's Gary. No, Claudia. I remember when this happened, we did a reel about the Golden Bachelor, and we were like, And it's Jerry. And then the issue was we spelled it wrong in our reel. It's supposed to be G-E-R-R-Y.


Oh, so people were saying it's spelled Jerry, not pronounced Gary.


Yeah, but we were confused because it's like, okay, but if it's with a G, then it's Gary.


Jackie, I just want to say, and I don't want to go looking for clips because you're right, we'll end up spoil it for ourselves. I'm 95 % sure it's Gary, both spelled and pronounced.


I think it's spelled Gary, pronounced Jerry.


Well, Gary Jerry has been canceled. We literally said a year ago that he was going to get canceled, and we were joking, but it's so absurd because it actually did happen. Apparently, all alleged his ex-wife, who is dead, he said he wanted her to lose 10 pounds and she couldn't come to his high school reunion unless she lost the 10 pounds. And he started a new relationship one month after she died. Like, okay, and whose fucking business is that?




What if he started dating someone a.


Month after? How do we know he told his ex-wife to lose 10 pounds?


Because she came back from The Dead and told The New York Post.


I don't know. For real.


No, I didn't read the article. I only read the headlines because I don't want to spoil it. But I can't believe we're trying to cancel this geriatric-Literally.


He likes a Svelte woman.


No, but okay, you're kidding me, right? This is.


So absurd. First of all, I'm going to need proof. And second of all, I'm just... I don't know.


It's just true. I'm just not canceling the oldest man on the planet. I'm just not.


I'm not canceling the Golden Bachelor.


No, I can't. I can't. It's actually satire.


Wait, there are so many cancel worthy things happening right now, and very few cancelations.


So Gary- I'm not going to waste my breath on Gary.


-doesn't even make my list of 1,000.


No, it's so true. Let the man be fat phobic and peace, okay?


But it also has been proven that he's even fat phobic. Let the man be a legendly fat phobic and peace.


No, it's so true. How do we know that these conversations took place when one of the people is dead and the other is Gary? He's not going to tell me.


In the post. But I did see a headline. I didn't click on it, but now that you're mentioning it, that he told... It was an ex-girlfriend that he told to lose 10 pounds, and she might be living. But that's my putting.


To- Well, she sounds like a.


Scorned lover. For sure. You can't take her seriously.


Okay, the Hollywood reporter, The Golden Bachelors, not so golden past.


Hey, let's get into it. Let's get into it.


By sharp contrast to the young Cads with six pack abs, previous... Okay, I don't.


Need their- Their editorialization and word count so that you can hit as many advertisers as possible.


Still grieving a widower. Oh, Gary, pronounced Gary. Oh, it's like Gary. G-a-r-y. It's pronounced G-A-I-R-Y.


So you're adding a third pronunciation to the mix.


Hollywood reporter is not me. Cried real tears during the opening episode when he recounted the story of Tony, his beloved wife of 43 years who tragically died of an infection just one month after their move to their dream retirement house in Hudson, Indiana. It was a dramatic backstory, but our bachelor was able to switch gears and interact easily with the attractive and equally senior... Okay, I don't want to see. Wait, hold on. Let me just find.


Yeah. You might have to go to a different publication that doesn't take itself so seriously and just gives you the T.


So he had told Entertainment Tonight that he hadn't dated him 45 years because he was married for 43.


Oh, I was like, okay, that makes sense.


Despite the vetting, the Hollywood reporter has discovered several inconsistencies- Oh, no. -regarding both his work history. Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. I saw this on TikTok. They're trying to be dragging him for his LinkedIn. Okay? Regarding both his.


Work history- No, we did that yesterday to the public. Shut up.


They have found inconsistencies regarding both his work history and recent romantic entanglement. That contradict the received narrative. Whether they never learned about these discrepancies, ABC, or ignored them to sell a buffed-up, shiny, or storyline for the greater impact, producers presented an incomplete and misleading image of Turner, which the bachelor helped perpetuate in personal remarks.


But it was just a buffed-up story to make.


Him- I think they called him a restaurantor.


-to accentuate his impact. No, that's what they said. Listen, it's show business, baby. A buffed-up story to accentuate his impact I can live with.


He's identified in Kairon's throughout the show as a retired restaurantor, which is a fancy way to say he owns or owned a restaurant with all of its attendant fun and glamor. But according to his profile on LinkedIn, Gary last owned a restaurant in 1985 when he sold his Mr. Quick hamburger drive-in franchise in Iowa, where he worked his way up from high school. Well, that's impressive. After that, he held various sales and management positions in the meat business, again, per his LinkedIn resume, which does not list an end date for his employment. This does not match up with the idea that was pushed on the show that he retired at the young age of 55, which would have been 2006. Never mentioned are his years of pickup, post-retirement work, like installing hot tubs at Gennon Pools near Davenport, Iowa. He then worked as a maintenance man. This is so elitist. Wait, Claudia-.


He's canceled because he didn't disclose he was installing hot tubs?


He then worked as a maintenance man at the Vera French Mental Health Center, also in the Davenport area, as verified by his colleagues who spoke highly of him.


Hardworking man.


This makes me like him more. This is so entitled. Yeah, of course. First of all, he worked at a burger joint in high school. Years later, he worked his way up to being the owner of that franchise, sold it, and then did a rest on his laurels and got more jobs. No job too big or too small for him. This is a dream man.


Yeah, so I guess the Hollywood reporter is upset that maybe the bachelor just condensed the story. He owned restaurants, he sold and retired. But okay, where's the crime?


So then he came to know a woman, they're calling her Carolyn, with whom he would go on to have a nearly three year relationship with, beginning, innocence enough, a month after his wife's death. Attractive in 14 years as junior, she was a staff accountant at the mental health center. They dated for 10 months and then lived together for a year and nine months. This account is drawn from interviews with Carolyn who requested not to be named to protect her privacy, as well as friends she confided in at the time, and text messages with Gary, among other documents.


So they dated for ten months?




His wife died- Let me read that again. They dated for 10 months, and they lived together for a year.


And nine months.


So almost two years. They were only dating for ten of those months.


No, no, no. The total, they were together for three years. 10 months- Dating. -not living together. A year and nine months living together. So three years almost.


Okay, but not three years because they knew each other for three years. But that's intentionally misleading because they met a month after his wife died. But they didn't start dating until a few months later, if you count all those months up.


Okay, so they were in some entanglement for nearly three years.


Nearly three years, but not starting a month after the wife died.


No, they met. Actually, it says, beginning, innocently enough, a month after his wife's death.


Innocently enough. -issure. -which means I met you at work and I know you.


The fact that he started dating is not unexpected. He was single and a widower after all, not cheating. But his amorist activity certainly didn't align with how he regularly yanked viewers' heartstrings with on-air announcement about his lack of a love life since his wife died. He later touchingly admitted to one preshow kiss on the Bachelor Happy Hour podcast. Okay, so they're coming for him because he was with this girl for three years, but he said on the show like he hasn't known true love. It seems like it was just a situation chip and she's getting.


Caught up. Yeah, I know. She thought it was more than it was.


So this relationship with Carolyn is not the only relationship the Golden Bachelor and Jerry producers fail to mention. This fall, a reporter from the US Sun reached out to Heather, a waitress at the Shady Nook, a bar and restaurant located on the lake in Hudson, Indiana, next door to Gary's new Lakehouse, so close that he'd essentially made it his bachelor clubhouse.


Why did the Sun reach out to Heather?


Right. Heather, who no longer works there, considered Gary her friend. She told the reporter that in the past six years, he dated a couple of women. They weren't all long term, but they weren't short term either. He was with a couple of women for a decent amount of time, but it just didn't work out.


Well, what's a decent amount of time? Three- Okay, so let's say he.


Dated a couple... So the fact that they didn't include it on the show makes all these people like liars? It's TV. No, but these articles.


Are intentionally vague. Not for a long time, not for a short time. Everybody has a different idea of what a decent amount of time for a relationship is. Also, he said he hasn't had love since his wife passed. So okay, he didn't love these women. Sorry, girls.


No, and a lot of people at that age just date for companionship.


This is so sick.


Wait, Carolyn, the first girl for three years, didn't want the years of her life as the Golden Bachelor's girlfriend to become a national news spotter, but neither did she want to be the invisible woman, whispered about in Davenport as the gullible gal Gary dumped, duped and then dumped. So Susan McCleary, who's a close friend of.


Caroline- It's giving Karen McCluskey is what it's giving.


I just can't believe this happened to my girlfriend, she said. When Caroline and Gary first started dating in September 2017, my husband and I took them to an Iowa Hawkeye's football game. I thought, This guy is legit. This guy is a really good guy for her. Mccleary recalled watching the show and hearing Gary say that line about not having been kissed for six years. I'm like, What? He's got to know that people are paying attention to the show. I'm just flabbergasted. At first, Carolyn tried to laugh it off, but then The Golden Bachelor became a ratings bonanza. The show was suddenly the talk of pop culture, considered a breakthrough for its positive portrayal of sexually active seniors. And it bothered Carolyn that her ex was foisting lines and moving on to the bachelorette that he had used to seduce her.


I just want to say she was surprised that the show was a success. It's The Bachelor.


So he had texted Carolyn on September second, 2017, less than three months, and now they're saying three months, after Tony's death, his wife. He says, Damn, I go to bed at night thinking of you and wake up in the morning thinking of you. That's so sweet.


That's literally so sweet.


So because he sent that text, he's not allowed to break up with her?


No, it's insane. I guess the one lie I'm really detecting is he said he had been kissed in six years and there were kisses that happened. Okay, has anybody watched the show, Unreal? Do you know how much bachelor producers manipulate everything?


There's other women in here. I'm not in the mood to read this entire article.


You would think that honestly grown women would not be acting this way. I expect it when Jed's ex-girlfriend is actually his girlfriend, and she comes forward. I was his girlfriend. He's on the show. But Karen McCluskey is in her 50s, and you really want to drag Gary now? The man is just trying to find love and set a nice, realistic expectation for seniors in love?


No, it's so absurdly stupid. I can't get over it. And honestly, the Hollywood should be ashamed of themselves.


Everyone should be ashamed of themselves. And it's like they dug this deep, and this was the worst that they came up with. Gary's probably an amazing guy.


I agree. I hope Gary just lets this roll off his back.


I don't know. It's hard. Actually, but he's old. When you're new. He's old. Hopefully, he's wise, and he knows it doesn't matter, and he can ignore the noise. Insane. We stand with you, Gary. Yeah. That's crazy. Is it really actually canceling him, or it's just like they're trying to?


I don't think anybody cares. It's hard to cancel someone who's 60 and probably just made an Instagram and a Twitter.


He's like, Okay, so I'll leave.


Yeah. Okay, I'll just not post.


Yeah. And as stated, he has plenty of jobs and skills, andand he doesn't need the internet?


No, that work thing really bothered me. It was very judgmental and elitist, like he installed hot tubs. And what?


And what about it? I guess the point just to be devil's advocate, he said he retired at 55, but he's still working.


These people are disgusting. Seriously. We're clowning on someone for living the American dream. Jealous.


And it's like, Why are you digging on Gary?


Why? Yeah. What did he do.


To you? It's bad faith.


Bad faith actors, 1,000.


Percent- Being badly faithful to their bad faith.


And acting while doing it.


In a farious manner.


So dumb. So dumb.


Well, I'm glad that we passed through that, and I can go into the holiday watching Golden Bachelor, feeling proud of my support for Gary and his hot tub- Dreams. -and traits.


His hot tub dreams.


His hot tub dreams. And I'm sure there's going to be some hot tubs on the show.


And I just have to say, leave Gary alone.


Leave Gary alone. This is why we can't have nice things, seriously. It's so true. The Bachelor tried to do something nice and pure, and they distilled his story down to something just.


So- Palatable.


-a fairyale we don't have all the time in the world on television.


No, that's the point of The Bachelor. It's like everyone who's a lead is a loser, and they try and make them look cool and successful. That's the whole premise of.


The show. Literally. They have to make it so that he's desirable for 25 women.


Right. It's a show. Get a grip.


It's show business, baby. Should we dive in? If you can't handle it, don't watch. Yes, I think we shall dive in because that was a sixth man story.


You're right.


Yeah. Without further ado, du, du, du, du, du, du, here are the Fast Five stories that you need to know.


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Thanks, La.


You're welcome, fa.


Our first story, and that will surprise no one, Courtney compassionate ingests her juicy placenta after her son, Rocky's birth. I could have told you this. So, Courtney posted on her Instagram, her mommy made encapsulation placenta pills, which she showed was her juicy placenta. And she talked about a lot of the benefits of eating your placenta. And I would like to discuss with my sister, LaTurd, our thoughts on this. So here are some of the benefits she said that people report: higher energy levels, lesser chance of baby blues, lesser chance of postpartum depression, balanced mood and hormones, increased milk supply, tempting, enhanced bonding experience with baby, higher iron levels, reduced postnatal bleeding, uterus returning back to pre-pregnancy size faster, losing the baby weight faster, tempting, and overall faster and better recovery from having the baby. So it was not an ad she just wanted to share. I mean, if anybody on the planet is going to eat their placenta, it is going to be Courtney Kentucky. So it would be more surprising if she wasn't doing this, because a lot of people, even non-super-crunchy people do it. And I just want to get your thoughts. Do you think that you would be eating your placenta?


Honestly, I'm not entirely against it. I have known that people do this for a while, and when I first heard it, I knew that people did it primarily to combat postpartum depression. Anything you can do, sure. But I have also heard, and I'm sure Courtney got the best of the best, but a lot of these companies that... Did she do a capsule? They put it like a pill? Yes, yes. A lot of the times that process strips your placenta of all its nutrients by the time you get it in that capsule.


Interesting. I've also read on the contrary side that the function of the placenta is to filter out toxic things in your body so that they don't make its way to the baby, because it's like the conduit between you and your baby. So it's like all the things that your baby didn't get for a reason.


Oh, that's interesting, for sure. If there was a definitive answer, like yes, it's good for you, it's not for you, I would do it.


Yeah, you wouldn't be irked out?


No, I'm not going to sit down with a fork and a knife and start.


Cutting it like that. The thing is, I feel like if you want to eat your placenta, you actually have to take a bite out of it. These pills-.


No, I know people do it in a shake, where they literally put chunks of placenta.


With like- Chunks? It's not pills? Ice and like...


No, no, no, like more raw.


Okay, because I feel like if you're going to do it, you got to go raw.


Yeah, yeah.


I want a forklift knife.


It's literally that scene in Game of Thrones where Danarius eats at heart.


Yeah. Yeah.


Andand this reminds me of the episode of the qualifications where they pranked everyone into thinking that they.


Ate a placenta. Yeah, I'm actually surprised that Courtney pills her and doesn't just go straight from the source.


Raw, right. But I have to imagine, she's so health, girly. She probably did extensive research.


Yeah, I think also the thing with this, it could have all these benefits if it does what you think it's going to do. Or, worst case scenario, it doesn't do much, but it might make you feel better. It's like a placebo placenta. Like really, what's.


The downside? Yeah, it's a.


Placebo, for sure.


Unless it's like I said-Well, the downside is the thing that you just said.


Right, but that's not proven either. There's not too much actual information. What Courtney said is some of the benefits people report. That's not proven benefits, just how I feel.


I'm not against it. It obviously sounds crazy and gross, but it makes sense.


Yeah. I wonder if they ate their placentas back in the day. When did this start? And where do we get the idea? I guess other animals, I think, were the only mammals that don't eat their placentas naturally. Oh, absolutely. So were those just copying our mammal friends? Mammal?


It's good enough for the mammals. It's good enough for me.


Right? I mean, we're all one in the same.


Yeah, I'm not entirely against this, and I think a lot of people probably would assume that I would be and drag people because it's gross. But no, whatever the mommas need to do to be okay. I don't care.


Yeah, placenta phagia, that's I guess what it's called, is a behavior present in almost all female terrestrial euthyrian mammals, more than 4,000 species, consisting of the ingestion of the placenta. The more you know. But then three articles down, No, you shouldn't eat your placenta. Here's why.


Well, I don't know. These are the same people who are writing about Gary from Indiana, so I don't know who to trust anymore.


I don't know. Is eating the placenta beneficial? To date, there's no evidence from Human Studies to support these claims. You could say that about anything.


I know. It's a personal preference.


It's a personal preference. Kim ate her placenta too.


I wouldn't say that for her.




The placenta is just just transcends everything.


Yeah, it does. And it's more personal than comedy, more personal than food.


Did you have to push out your placenta? It was just like...


Yeah, it's like- It came out.


No, you have to... The doctor has to take it out, and either they press down on your belly. I wasn't paying attention. It's nothing compared to giving birth. Oh, it's compared. Yeah, they can really press it out, or maybe you give one more push, but nothing of note. Interesting. And then it's gone. It's big.


Really? Like the size of the baby?


Yeah, maybe in width. Yeah, it's a nice big-.




What? Like piece of meat? Honestly, like when we did the brisket. When we cooked the brisket.


That looks like- Oh, why did you have to.


Ruin the brisket for me? That looks like a placenta.


Wow. And then what do they do with it if you don't.


Want it? They send it for testing. Pretty sure. I wonder if they do.


That- Okay.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure they do that for everyone they send it for testing.


But if you want to eat it, you have to wait for the testing?


I think you can fill out a form to get it back. I don't know. There's a way to retrieve-.


Sounds like a lot of paperwork, honestly.


Yeah, of course. Yeah, and then you have to get it to the place, and it's like, is it on ice the whole time?


' Right, that's what I was saying about the capsules. By the time you actually get it into powder capsules, what's the point?


What happens to your placenta?


Actually, this conversation is making me a.


Little nauseous. Really? Yeah. It's beautiful.




You can discard it, in which case your hospital or birthing center will take care of it. That's sad. You could take your placenta home. And in some places, people bury their placenta. It's so fascinating. Beyond. The placenta is more personal than comedy, more personal than food. That's true. So glad Courtney is eating hers. Me too. I'll make you placenta pills as your push present.


Thanks. I'd prefer a diamond necklace, but go off.


A placenta necklace.




Next story, Kristen Cavalary reveals the hottest guy she's ever hooked up with. Do you want to take a guess before I share with you? J. Cutler. No, that would be so nice if she said that.


Tyler Cameron. But I don't think they're hooked up.


She said, Tyler Cameron. And believe it or not, you guys, I know this is really hard to believe. He's hotter in person. She said, It's insane. So yeah. What do.


People mean these days when they say hookup?


Does that mean fuck? Okay, I don't think so. They never had a relationship. He was in her campaign.


For- She used him and paid him for publicity.


Right, but they did kiss in the ad, so maybe that was the hookup. But then also, there was a video of them dancing sexily at a party. I don't know if they hooked up offline, but she has to explain that they never had any relationship.


Yeah, no, that was clear. No, like, Tyler Cameron is the hottest man alive, and he literally could not be a nicer person, and he's so lovely, and it makes him hotter.


Yeah, he should be people's sexiest man alive, because that's really what he is.




Actually- By definition.


-sexy. Yeah, that's actually an amazing point. He really should be people's magazine. Yeah. What? No, nothing. Actually, this just reminded me. I went out to dinner last night, and there was a man in the restaurant who was so beautiful. It was shocking. How old? My age, maybe a little bit older.


How would you feel if your father was to meeting someone your age?


And he was wearing this just like, Beige cashmere sweater. He was just so well dressed, well copped. He had this beautiful blonde hair. And honestly, everyone in the restaurant was looking at him. He was otherworldly. He was so beautiful.


Where did you go to dinner?


When I decided I wanted to share the story on the toast as I walked to work this morning, I knew you were going to ask me that. And I think I should not say because his sister is probably a toaster. I don't need that -.


Oh, the man. But I didn't didn't know you to dinner last night.


Yeah, we literally spoke on the phone. And I said I just got back from dinner.


I didn't hear that. Who did you go to dinner with?


My friends from college.


Your friends from college? Aren't those your friends from high school?


Well- Something.


Shady about this dinner, La.


Oh, Oh, I actually don't know how to describe them because I went with with who's my best friend from high school, but then also Margo Fish, who's my friend from college. But me, me, and Margo became like a threesome in college. So I think describing them as my friends from college is accurate.


Okay, technically. But then also, Margo Fish became a part of your high school group of friends. Friends. Like, you get together with your high school friends, she's there.


There. She's there. I know Margo from college.


That was so crazy. Yeah. Oh, there's another conspiracy going around in the toe stem. I don't know if you've seen- What did I do now? I don't know if you've seen it because it has to do with me. But you cut me off the other day when I was about to say a story of something that happened in college. Oh, yeah. I started to say it twice, and I got cut off by times, and I just gave up. What was the story? Story? And wants to know the story.


Okay, you said a conspiracy theory about me.


No, no, I said about me. I said about the toes. Okay, okay. People were petitioning to hear the story. It's not a great story.


Is this when you.


Fell off your bike? No, no, no. We were talking about brainy quotes.


You falling off your bike is the best story.


When you you sorry. Sorry. Doesn't want to hear my my brain quotes college story.


Oh, fuck. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Okay, cool. But it's not even that creative a story, which is why I gave up trying to say it. It's really not that great. But I feel like any story that starts with in college one time, you think think going to be really great. I'll let you know. Know. So was someone who wrote his paper, and I don't know where he left it somewhere. Somewhere. And know how sometimes you would start a paper with a quote?


It's like the the move ever. Yeah. I did it all the time.


It's like a really profound way to start a paper. A quote that encapsulates what you're about to talk about gets the reader inspired.


Albert Einstein.


Once said. Yeah, or it's just like, Speak strong and carry a big big stick, and you get into policy. Anyway, so we found someone's paper and the top of the paper had a quote, and he had his citation. And when you went to the citation at the bottom, it was was com.


That's a story.


It was just an anecdote about brainy quotes.


Yeah, and is brainy quote a legitimate source you can cite? Well, that's.


Just not where the quote originated from.


Right, right. And do you have to source a quote? Let me just tell you, Bibliography culture is bullshit.


You don't have to source a quote, otherwise you could just be making up quotes.


Yeah. I was never into Bibliographies.


No, I'm into into sourcing. I'm not into Bibliography format.


No, yeah, I just wanted my Bibliography to write, trust me.


No, I just want to be able to bullet bullet points, like where I was looking at, go find it for for yourself, like MLS, the.


Quotations- MLS, Chicago.


Chicago. What was The quotations, the commas, the the underlines.


It's So true. Why did we need to learn that?


I don't know. But now it's like, I wish people were learning learning instead of the poison they are learning. Let's go back to the MLS.


Let's go back to MLM, okay? Things were so simple when we were all just selling leggings.


Let's go back to MLM.


Take me back.


Some people are still there.


Yeah, Yeah, good for Some people people I love the girlies on TikTok who cannot be deterred. Mlms could not have a worse reputation. I feel like these days, if you join an MLM, there's enough information for you out there for you to be turned off to it. And so if you're so resolute in your desire to sell makeup or whatever, I have such respect for people just doing the opposite of what everyone's telling them.


To do. Agreed. But then how do you feel about those people when it doesn't work out? Like being like, I'm a victim.


I'm a victim. Yeah, I don't know. I haven't thought through my whole... I don't have a fully thought out thesis.


On MLMs. At this point, if you open eyes, enter into an MLM, what happens next, for better or for worse, you are responsible for?


Right, no, but that's also like now. If you were to literally just walk by Scientology and go in, how do you not know? Right.


You're grown adults. Take responsibility for the choices that you make, especially when there's ample information out there. That's all we can do as grown adults.


100 %.


Our next story, Christmas is heating up.


By the way, I watched watched Christmas Christmas lighting last night. Kelly hosted a two hour live special where she's saying five times on-.


Finally, she's getting to work at being our America's sweetheart.


It was incredible. It was so well done. First of all, David Foster and Catherine Mcfee saying, Everybody Everybody just saying.


Just saying they're the new faces of Christmas. Don't at me.


She was spectators. I'm spectator. She is. Is. Palmer saying... What did she she They all sound the same. Dingle Bell, something like that. Catherine Catherine did Dingle Bells. And I don't remember what... Maybe I'll be home for Christmas. She was impeccable. Liz Gillis and Seth McFarland did a duet, adorable.


They They Christmas as well.


The night ended with a duet of Cher and Darlene Love. It was breathtaking. It really was. And And Kelly, of course, did a few of her originals, and and They Lit the Tree. It was stunning.


Beautiful. You would never know. You didn't see on TV all the chaos that ensued.


At the tree lighting. No, that there are people... Yeah, Yeah.


Came in like- Like the Hamas protesters.


-tried to fuck shit up.


Yeah. I mean, mean, that did, but I guess it didn't make it to TV.


No, it didn't make it to TV. And then, after that was Christmas at at hosted by Laney Wilson, where they had had Del Rey, Casey Musgraves, Laney Wilson, a bunch of people performing. I fell asleep, but I do wish I recorded it. It was really beautiful. Beautiful. And literally set up little stages inside of Graceland.


I'm sure it'll be on Hulu or whichever streamer is affiliated with the network.


Peacock. It was a gorgeous night of programming at BBC.


They crushed it. Wow, that's great.


Yeah. Santa, can't.


You hear me? Well, now is some Christmas programming, not not Lifetime has its first ever Christmas movie with a sex scene. Oh, my God. And guess who's who's in it. Gretchen Wiener. No, but I feel like you could guess. I don't think you you will. If we sat here long enough, I feel like you could.


Okay, give me.


Three clues. Okay. She is an actress. I would hope so. She's an influencer. She's a podcaster.




No, but that's a great guess.


She's a podcaster, influencer, and actress?


Yeah, actress first. Okay. But now I would would say- Oh, know.


Janna Kramer. Janna Kramer, stars in Lifetime's first Christmas movie with a sex scene. More like Triple X-Mess, Janna Kramer's upcoming upcoming movie, A Cowboy Christmas Christmas is the network's first movie with a sex scene. So she was actually pregnant while filming the movie. Oh, wow. And she said it's on her podcast. She said it's the first first Christmas movie that has a sex scene. When I read it, I was like, Well, this is going to be interesting. I'm like, How are we going to do this with a baby? The movie portrays Lexie Crenshaw, a real estate closer who returns to her hometown of of Tubac, to try to convince Kobe Mason, a horse-whipping horse-whipping to give.


Up- Oh, my God. I thought you were.


Going to say a whore. To give up his family's land while also reconsidering returning home to her roots. About the steamy scene, she said, We're on this, spoiler alert. He lays me down on some hay. And then we- Of dust. And then we, you know. And then, obviously, it's still still lifetime. Still family, but it was pushing limits there, too.


I do feel like lifetime got so surpassed by hallmark in the Christmas category that this is an attempt to just.


Do- To want up.


-the most, yeah. But the thing is, with these types of films, the whole point of them and why they're so different and weird and why people are drawn to them is because they're like, so conservative that the formula is so bizarre, but it weirdly works. It's just like these these almost like... Dumb made-for-TV-movies that have so much heart, and they don't make a lot of sense, but they're really well done. And I think this might complicate that formula. Well, I.


Think Lifetime does need to find a way to differentiate himself, because there is Lifetime Christmas movies, there's Hallmark, there's Netflix, Hulu, everyone's making Christmas movies. They're all following the Hallmark template. But But I Lifetime for literally stepping their pussy up and.


Saying- They did step.


Their literal pussy up. We're going to do Christmas different. If you want a little smut with your Christmas Christmas good fun, come over to Lifetime. I think that they're offering something new and different, and that might resonate with viewers. No, but it's.


Still on cable. They're not going to be doing Game of.


Thrones, but- No, it's going to be soft.


Right. Maybe if they did do do Hardcore Christmas, Christmas, on their app or something, that would be powerful.


That's the title, A Hardcore Smut Christmas.


I don't know. The title of my Christmas Christmas movie would would be, I don't Got it. Christmas is coming. That's good.


Christmas is coming.


And so am I. I was singing Jingleballs.


Oh, love that too. But it's a little bit more subtle.


This isn't a title. We could work through it, workshops. Yeah, something about like, A A ho, ho, Christmas.


So I was thinking... What I was going to say, if you read it, it doesn't sound bad. It was more like my intonation, like, like, Holly, Christmas.


You can say it like that. Everything is good. Yeah, right.


Santa Claus is coming to town.


Right. Or like-.


Deck the.


The I don't know.


Deck the balls. Deck the balls. This is a genre that's rife for exploration. It's so true. Get to work. And I think, Janna is the woman to do it. Lifetimes to.


Network for it. Janna is like a God-fearing woman, but she was in entourage, and she was a very promiscuous college student. Yeah.


No, I think this is a really good first step for lifetime. I think they're the right network. I think they got the right girl. This story looks like a beautiful love story about a a rancher.


I know I've told the story a thousand times, but I can't talk about lifetime Christmas movies without talking about the one I saw with Ma and Bialik.


No, you literally can't.


I was on tour, and there was one channel on the TV. So I watched this.


Lifetime Christmas movie with with Ma and But it was like a a Hanika movie. That's why you don't like when they do do movies. And I just don't like when they do do movies, period. Not everything has to to be It's about the Christmas movies.


No, it's so true. The Hanukka movie, it was so bad.


It was bad. It's always bad. Bad.


And is nice, but the non-Jews can have Christmas.


It's okay with with Yeah, they can have their holiday movies. That's fine.


Yeah, it's fine.


Yeah, that's your story.


Yeah, I'm so glad I was able to bring that up today. Thanks for.


Choosing that story. It's been bursting all year long. Are you ready for our next story?


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Do you have something to say? I mean, I only have a breakfast taco when I come to New York because it's next to the studio. I heard a rumor from Julia that you actually eat three a day when I'm not there.


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Thank you, La. You're welcome. Our next next Elon Musk tells advertisers who left X, quote, Go fuck yourself. Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX and the owner of X, formerly Twitter, says that the current advertiser boycott could kill the company. So he was interviewed by Andrew Ross Sorkin on Wednesday afternoon at the New York Times deal book Summer, and he is making headlines, waves, waves.


Yeah, Yeah, the clip everywhere.


The clip was everywhere. So the interviewer asked him, What about advertisers leaving the platform? Why are.


Advertisers leaving the platform?


Advertisers are leaving the platform because of that thing that he tweeted a week or two ago. He responded to a tweet about Jewish communities, which I want to talk about that initial tweet. People are saying that it was anti-Semitic what he said, later clarified. So he had quote-tweeted a tweet that said something calling out Jewish communities and how they've all bought into into progressive ideas that are now being wielded against them. And Elon responded, This is the actual truth. Now, the tweet itself was clumsy because it made it seem like all Jews are progressive and into that stuff. And also that all progressives are Jews, which is just not true. And Elon had since clarified that's not what he meant.


But Elon also just got back from a trip from Israel.


What Elon did.


Going- I'm hard pressed to call someone anti-Semitic because of a a tweet, they literally just got back from Israel and visited the kibbutz and visited with with I'm sorry, that's more important and more indicative of anything.


Anything. Right, the interviewer had started the question. I think he was trying to say, was that press press just to make up for that tweet? Tweet? And to smooth it Does this person know, Elon? Has he ever done anything to appease anyone? When he says something that he he believes, immediately clarified that he was talking about specific Jewish groups like the ADL, ADL, by the way, it's true. True. And a reckoning going on in the Jewish community right now of how the progressive cause has completely left us out. And a lot of progressive Jews are like, What the fuck?


What the fuck? What about us? They don't know where to turn. A lot of Jews who are extremely progressive and identify, so much of their identity is rooted in that progressivism, are having identity crises now, and they really don't know where to turn because when you've devoted so much of your identity to standing up for what you believe, and then nobody stands up for you, you're like, Well, what the fuck? How do we get here? How do we get out?


Right. Also, speaking of your girl, Mayan Bialik did a video talking about this. Did you see her video? It was a few weeks ago. Okay, what did she say? How she's just left heartbroken by all of her... She thought that she was a part of this movement, and she was marching with this group and that group and this group and that group, and she's been completely left out of it. And she's coming to that realization. You should watch that video to understand what's going on. I think a lot of people have seen that video. Anyway, so that's just what was saying when people were like, This is anti-Semitic. He's like, I'm talking about specific Jewish groups, not the entire Jewish community. And then to advertise, and then also it was like a a Media It's a campaign against him to slander him as an an and take him out for that. But he's not an anti-Semite.


I don't believe him to be an anti-Semite.


I really don't. Not at all. He then went to Israel. I don't think it was to appease anyone because, as it's clear, he doesn't do that. He literally told advertisers to go fuck themselves. What he said.


Was- No, he doesn't do do that. But taking a 13-hour trip to a war zone is not something you do to appease people. You do it because you think it's the.


Right thing to do. Right. If you want to appease people, you make a donation, you make a statement- Or an apology. -you educate yourself and listen and learn. But he went to Israel. He met with hostage families. He met with victim families. He's wearing a dog tag with victim's name on on it who said he will not take this dog tag necklace off until they come home. That's not something you can fake, and he's not a faker. So No.


I agree. At this present moment, no issues.


With Mr. Musk. No issues with Mr. Musk. But anyways, they're always trying to take out Mr. Musk. And now this anti-Semitism thing is being used as a label so that they can stop advertising with him. Also, a couple of advertisers, their advertisements had appeared next to... I didn't see it, but what they're saying is like, Nazi things. Wait, what? I don't know exactly what it was, but there was like, advertisers on Twitter, their advertisers were next to anti-Semitic rhetoric, Nazi propaganda, but isn't that on every platform? Right. Anyway, so what he said was, he said, said, advertise. If someone is going to try and blackmail me with advertising, blackmail me with money, go fuck yourself. Go fuck yourself. Is that clear? Hey, Bob, if you're in the audience. Bob Iger. That's how how I- Bob, either. Either Disney because they pulled their ads. That's how I feel don't advertise. And then the interviewer interviewer like, But, Elon, if you don't have advertisers, you don't have have a what are you going to do? And he said that if that's what's going to happen, then that's what's going to happen, and the whole earth will know that X went down because of these advertisers, and he said, quote, Let the chips fall where they may.


Did he say that? But did he do the hand motion? Did he say, Let the chips.


Fall where they may? No, he didn't. Didn't.


And so He.


Needs to do better. And he said of the post that sparked the advertiser exodus, the post I was just telling you about, I I in in not have replied to that particular particular and should have expanded in greater length about what I meant. I handed a loaded gun to those who hate me, he added, calling it one of the most foolish things he had said on the platform.


I'm I'm just like, focused on real anti-Semitism, not this like... It's It's strategic, I'm focused on people who are really anti-Semitic and go out and cause violence and hurt yous and say things like... I'm focused on real anti-Semitism, and that's, I think.


Where everyone should be. From both celebrities and non-celebrities. And there are plenty of celebrities who are posting the wildest anti-Semitic shit, the lies. If Bella and Gigi Hadid are not smeared and canceled to be be like Elon is not even on the list.


No, and I'm hesitant to call her a celebrity, but that girl from Fifth Harmony, have you seen her Twitter? Lauren? Yeah. When she starts coming out with the you people, I know everything I I need to know, she's deeply unwell. And she needs to get the fuck off the internet. Now I would say she'll never work in this town again, but she pretty much already handled that for herself.


Before Gaza. She's also so small, even if she were getting canceled, I don't know the headlines would be so big, but she's not a famous person.


No, she's recognized. And Fifth Harmony was.


Global for a moment. She's literally a Hamas fan, girly. You have to read her Twitter. It's insane. It's insane. And there's a lot of people like that who are operating at that level.


Celebrity, intellectual, political, journalist.


No cancelations. It's open dialog. So Elon-So Elon.


Replied to a tweet that wasn't perfectly quaffed and felt bad about it, clarified, and then took a trip to Israel. Seriously, I'm not going to lose sleep over this. There are worse things going on.


No, not for one second. But the big news was pretty much, Go fuck yourself. Hey, Bob.


Hey, Bob.


Bob, what's good?


This is tough for us. Us. This is tough for us Bob is a real fixture here with.


The toast. He is, but he's more of like... It's the idea of Bob. No, and it's like, what does Bob represent? I don't know, Bob, but he's just like... It's the idea of him. He's the head of Disney. He was the head of the studios against the the He is a symbol. And he's interchangeable. I'm sorry, Bob. He literally just lost his Disney job and got it back. He's interchangeable.




True. True. Once in a lifetime.


It's true. Not like other businessmen and lob.


Literally not like other businessmen. So that's the latest business news. Are you ready for our fifth and final story?


I am. My eye is twitching, and I'm annoyed.


Okay, but it's sports news. Does that get you perked up? It does. And it's Aaron Aaron news.


I saw.


Him him Aaron Aaron Rogers to the practice field 11 weeks after Achilles heel surgery. He's eyeing a December 24th comeback. Oh, my God. Christmas. Christmas is coming, and so is Aaron.


Christmas is coming.


And so is Aaron. Now this could be a smut novel movie too, where he's injured.


Yeah, he falls in love with a physical therapist.


He's injured, and it's a big Christmas game. Will he make it? And then, of course, he makes it. They win him and his physical therapist have Christmas together. They fuck the end.


Yeah, and he he was so many walls up because football is hard.


He was angry when he came into PT, and he was like, I don't need this. I can do it. He tries to stand up on his own. That's a classic scene, and he can't.




Falls, she catches him. He has to accept her help.


I love it. I love it. I love it.


The Jets Jets who tore his Achilles heel in the season opener in September, made his first appearance on the practice field with teammates on Wednesday. In a press conference, Jets head coach coach Robert addressed his return to practice after news broke that his 21-day practice window had started. The window expires on December 20th, giving the team a three week period to decide whether or not to remove Rogers from the injured reserve. Should he be removed, he could potentially be on the field for the December 24 matchup against the Washington Commanders.


Okay, I wish it was a more exciting team with famous people on it, but I'll take it again.


Okay, but also the good news is that the Cowboys just beat the Commanders. And the Cowboys aren't the best team in the NFL.


So the Commanders stick.


So the Jets have a chance at at.


Winning And getting a little confidence.


Yeah, and Aaron looking good, and then going back to his physical therapist, We did it. No, this is so crazy.


He said, he was like, I will make a historic comeback. I will be back in December. He didn't give up on New York, and New York certainly did not give up on him. But it's been a dark couple of weeks with Zach Wilson at the helm. He's just ill equipped. And I appreciate him stepping in at a time when.


We needed him, but his time is definitely up. Yeah. Aaron goes back to December all.


The time. There's a Taylor Swift song for every part of Aaron Aaron journey.


No, that's why he's such a Swifty.


Like the morning of the game against the Commanders, are you ready for it? Like, there's a song. And then after he wins... I mean- New Year's Day. And just just There's glitter on on the floor after.


The party. Just wait until Taylor.


Writes her NFL-inspired album.




Travis, Kelsey. Oh, it's over.


For Aaron Rodgers. It's Aaron Coded. 100 %. So I am hoping for a speedy recovery- What.


A thrill. Thrill. Aaron, December 24th.


Hopefully, he'll be back on.


The field. I'd rather see him up there shaking that thing.


We're all going to be together for the Christmas Day football. Shapiro was at my house. He was so excited that we were excited to watch. And it's just going.


To be a family affair. All the cameras coming out for a family affair. All right. Right. All I have one more thing to say to you, and to everyone, which is that I finished Iron Flame.


Oh, my God, I didn't.


I finished Iron Flame. And?


And I think it's my end of the road for the series. It's not them, it's me. It was always a little young for for and a little silly.


And it was was.


Much of my precious time taken up by reading this this That's how I felt. I feel that. But I I Snitch Loved It will do a mini recap on the Redheads. I'm happy for the fourth-wing family, the Imperial lives on. It was just too much for for me. I have to tap out. Yeah, I'm like 50 percent-.


We'll just finish finish I.


Haven't picked it up in days. Days. It so it wasn't time wasted. Yeah, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I have to start Matthew Perry's memoir for my book club. So I'm going going to have take a break from Iron Flame.


Yeah. And I'm about to.


Start Brittany. It's Brittany, bitch. Oh, how exciting. Yeah, I'm excited about that.


So I'm really happy that I finished the book because that has just been like, every day I'm like, today will.


Be the day. And today was not the day, but yesterday was. Okay, fabulous. We love achieving our goals here at The Toast. Big or small? Every goal counts. 100 %. So that is our show. Tomorrow is our final episode of the the week. Be sure to.


Tune in then. Share Share The with somebody in your life who's miserable and needs us. We're doing important work here. It's a.


Hard time of year. Send Send.


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Love you. Bye.