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Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to The Toast, and happy Monday, squirrel friends. Speaking of swirly girly twirly gumdrops, welcome to my co-host, my sister, my partner in crime. It's Jacqueline Follet.


My P-I-C.


I hate that acronym.


Okay, but do you like what it stands for Partner in crime? I don't think there's a better way to describe us.


Really, we're extremely law abiding, and we're not really partners in crime. We're partners in business, and we're actually more so like life partners.


We are life partners, but we are partners in crime, Claudia, because we're so funny. It's criminal.


Well, that's for damn sure. It should be illegal making podcasts as good as these.


It's good.


Wait, I'm telling you, I'm in my celebrity era. Explain. I saw another celebrity walking to work today.


Oh, you're not the celebrity?


Am I ever?


Well, when you say you're in your celebrity era, I didn't think it was going to be that, as decentralized as that.


Now that I hear it back, it does sound like I'm in a famous era, but we all know that's never going to happen. I am in my attracting celebrities. No, how do I say it? Seeing celebrities. How What's that?


Seeing celebrity. Okay, who'd you see?


I feel like you're actually going to be jealous of this one.


It takes a lot because I don't like to see celebrities. One thing about me, I don't want to see them. I don't want to know them. I want to know them from a distance.


No, it definitely ruins the magic for sure. Who'd you When you see a celebrity doing something so human, she couldn't find her Uber. It was so pedestrian. Maybe it wasn't an Uber, maybe it was a car service, but they were waiting outside. They couldn't find it.


Don't you're supposed to have people for that when you're at a certain level?




You're supposed to walk out the door and the car is waiting.


I believe her man was with her, but his back was towards me the whole time. It really could have been anyone, but I just assumed it was her man. Who?


Olivia Copo?


No. This is somebody you really like. They're Are they on television. I'm trying to think of an iconic line.


This person- Are they on television every day? No. In a themselves capacity or in a role?


In themselves capacity, they are from your... I don't know if they're from, but they're known for living in your home state.


Which is New York, right?


Oh, sorry. Your current home state.


Oh, okay.


Okay, this is boring. It was Larchs of Pippin. Wait.


Oh, that would have been fun to keep guessing. I don't know if I ever would have gotten there. I was thinking more of a Hoda category.


Yeah, no, I could tell you because they were on TV every day. I could tell you were so far that I didn't want to torture the people being like, Oh, my God, who are they talking about?


I just feel like the only celebrities who are up in Adam early in the day who are on TV every morning are the Kelly's, the Clarkson & Rippa variety. Hoda, Jenna, and of course, a woman. I think you said a woman.


I did. Well, we have in our current studio, happens to be right next door to a big celeb hotspot. Whenever I walk past it, I I'm always turn my head.


Oh, that restaurant? Yes.


I'm always turning my head, craining, rubber necking, if you will. And by the way, I'm not the only one. Every time I walk past it, there's a crowd of people. It's slow. I'm like, Everybody, move.


That's so funny. We actually are in a fabulous part of town.


For sure, no. And there's this... And these hotspots, they come and go. So right now, that hotspot's having its era. It might not in a few months. That's how hospitality works.


Yeah. Well, that's cool that you saw Lahrsa. How did she seem?


She looked different. She looked good.


She looks happy. She's been in the headlines a lot. I don't keep up with her daily machinations.


Cummings and goings.


But they're always breaking up and getting back together. But you're saying they were together?


Well, the thing is, I'm not 100% sure it was him because I only saw him from the back. But he was standing like a partner would, but it could have been someone else. I don't know. I, too, don't keep up with the machinations of Lahrsa and Michael Jordan's son. But last I heard, they broke up.


Then last I heard, it was for publicity, and they're getting back together. I feel like they're end game. Don't quote me on that.


We won't. We won't.


But they're giving end game to me. I just feel like they love each other.




Well. Hot take of the day.


It wouldn't be an episode of The Toast if Jackie didn't say the craziest things, you know?


For sure. But I am due for some justice, which will come to me in the first story, because our first big story of the day that broke right as we wrapped and we were looking for a fifth story on Friday.


We literally did four stories. It was like we were...


We manifested the fifth.


Yeah, like premonition vibes.


Yeah. And that will be our first story, is Kate Middleton's announcement and diagnosis. I bet a lot of you are feeling quite foolish.


I'm going to be real with you. We look like clowns. I include myself. You look like mean clowns. I definitely got involved, not to the level of other people, but it was... Conspiracy theories are a slippery slope. It doesn't take a lot to get you radicalized. I wasn't as bad as other people, but I definitely was a part of it. I'm woman enough to admit when I'm wrong, and it's so rare that it's not a big deal for me. I'm wrong. I said it, I'm wrong. I was wrong about Taylor and Travis dating. That was the last time I was wrong. I was wrong again.


She just got caught up in an internet Whirlpool, and I don't blame her. I think that was really hard to resist on TikTok. But the people on Real still have our heads about them, even though there's one lady who was about the truth about Kate Middleton, part I'm 16. Literally, someone sent me one of her videos, and it was part one. So I was like, okay, and I watched it. Maybe there's a part two. She was like, watch two for more. So I go to part two and I see her page. She's literally up to part 30.


Yeah. I do want to say TikTok is the most moronic place on the Planet. I don't feel like TikTok radicalized me. Twitter did. I just want to say. I think that's worth mentioning.


Okay, well, we will get into all of that when we get into the stories. Before we do, we need to catch up about our weekends. How was your weekend, La? My weekend was incredible.


I did all of the things. I feel like I checked every box. On Friday night, I saw Brian and Taylor. We went out for dinner. It's the cool new hotspot. It was called Coco Doc. It's a completely chicken-based restaurant. Every part of the menu had chicken nuggets on it.


But it's fancy?


Extremely, like chicken nuggets and caviar. It's this famous restaurant towards his new spot. Ben and Brian were like, Should we go to Coco Doc? I'm like, How does everybody know this place? It was So good.


What did Ben eat?


I feel like Ben is going to tell his truth on his podcast. Okay, it's not for you to say. It's not for me to say, and it's not for me to judge.


For sure.


I did tell the waitress that I was on Weight Watchers. I can't stop telling people. But also I needed help. She was so helpful, and she actually explained to me their chicken is fried in really good oil. It's not terrible. So I had a little fried chicken, and it was so good the whole day, so I saved my points for dinner.


I love that.


My whole weekend was really like, Weight Watchers. It was just like, points, points, points. I was just like- Counting points. Counting points the whole weekend. But then Ben and I worked out. We had a lazy day on Saturday. It was raining. I feel like I hit everything I was supposed to do on the weekend. Sunday was very wellness. We went to the grocery store, the kosher mart. We worked out. Saturday, we just chilled. Saturday night, we went to the movies.


You saw a beautiful movie that I had been trying to talk about on the toes. How did it came out? How did it came out? Yeah, I spoke about the movie a few months ago that it was Coming out about the Jewish Schindler, the Schindler of Kids.


But he wasn't Jewish?


No. Sorry. Schindler of Kids.


Schindler of Kids, yeah. Nicholas Winton, who was this guy who only later in life did he get the recognition for saving over 600 kids from Prague who were Jewish refugees, and he brought them over to England right before Hitler invaded. It was such a good movie. Anthony Hopkins was amazing. You know who's a queen? I was in the movie theater thinking, I'm like, You're a queen. Who? What's her name? She is from The Crown. She played older party girl, Princess Margaret.


Helena Bonham-Carter.


Bonham-carter. She's such a good actress, and she's just that bitch. She was so good in the movie. I was like, Yes, queen.


What was the movie called? One Life? One Life. Because I remember the conversation. We couldn't figure out what the movie was going to be called, and they said it was going to be called something that sounded like a bad movie title. But then we got to the root of it, and it was called One Life, which is a good movie title.


It's a good movie title also because it's referencing a famous verse from the Talmud, which is to save one life is to save a thousand. And he saved 600. Oh, and what was really cool, I don't want to spoil the movie. It's not a spoiler. But they did... You know at the end of the movie, my favorite part of history movies, the black and white text. So they said it's estimated that, I think it was 669 children that he saved. There are 6000 people alive today because of it. And some of them were extras in the movie, just like random descendants, old young. So cute. It was really well done. And it was It made me sad. The only other people in the theater were totally 100-year-old Jewish people. Me and Ben were so out of place. Every single person was like, You're Bobby. It was a nursery... Not nursery. A nursing home sign out.


Use your platform. Get people to go see it.


It was really good. It was called One Life. It was an... Oh, and by the way, you know why I loved it? An hour and 30 minutes. Thank you. The Fountain Soda machine at my theater was broken, and it's been broken for years. I'm thinking about writing a letter.


Or getting a new theater.


No, I like this theater.


Money talks, turdy.


It's true. I should take my business elsewhere. I should be a Karen.


Yeah. No, Karen would write the letter. Facts.


Oh, my God. Wait. Also, I want to ask you about your weekend. But prior to that, speaking of Karen, did you see this scandal Millie Bobby Brown has found herself in?


I have. That's a really great point. I saw the video, and then I forgot about it, but I had feelings when I saw it.


Millie Bobby Brown did this. I think it's famous in the UK, this podcast. They were talking about how Millie Bobby Brown really loves to leave reviews, mostly negative ones, like at restaurants, hotels, when she feels like they- When she's had a bad experience, she lets them know. She lets them know. She said, My whole life has been people critiquing me, so why can't I do it to others? The internet had some thoughts on it, and I wanted to know what you thought while watching her speak.


I need to say that I am the opposite of her. I will never really complain about anything, even if in the moment I'm like, I'm going to do this. Then once the moment's over, I I've never left a review. I don't have an account for leaving reviews unless someone asked me to leave a positive review about their business.


Of course, I just did that with my Crate and Barrel Delivery 5 stars.


I am the opposite of her, truly. I will accept bad service with a smile on my face. Yeah. What she was saying didn't bother me.


I agree with you. I'm the same as you. You could spit in my mouth, and I would say, Thank you so much. Have an amazing day. Can't wait to come back tomorrow. I love it. Yeah, this is the best thing. It was so good. It was so good. I feel better than ever.


Thank you so much.


I'm the same way as I'm not somebody who's literally ever... Even sometimes I have such a bad experience. I walk out and I'm like, I feel compelled. I'm going to write a review. I never actually do it. I don't think I ever have, actually.


The only thing I do is I will never go there again.


Of course, and that's fair. So I'm the opposite as well. And I don't think on its face what she was saying was wrong. She basically was like, I think if someone's doing something wrong, they should know. However, it being this very famous, rich snob... She sounded like a snob I think it was a fine thing to say, but coming from her, it definitely felt bizarre, especially she's just so young. It felt like braided.


Maybe. It didn't ring as braided. Also, it's not like she's going on her Instagram. It's not like she's writing under her name, Hi, I'm Millie Bobby Brown, very famous person, and you were bad. She's just trying to be a regular person, and why isn't she entitled to the same rights as everyone else? She's a paying customer.


That's actually fact-based. That's a fact-based presentation you just presented.


It cuts both ways. You could say, Oh, because she's so privileged, she shouldn't be allowed to complain. But it's also like, she's also a person, and she's entitled to- She's a paying customer. Do what anyone else would do. You know, that's fair. Same rules for everyone.


That's fair.


I feel like the way she described it, she goes about it in the most polite way possible. It's people like her who might be making service better. People who take the time to complain and to say this was wrong.


In a constructive way, not in a rude.


If everyone were like us, we all be eating mush.


It's so true. May I have some more, please?


For every Millie, there's a Jackie, and I am benefiting because of a Millie.


No, and it's almost like the Millies can't exist without the Jackies, and the Jackies cannot exist without the Millies. In order for the world to remain balanced, you have to have both.


This is a balance. So I have to thank her.


And she has to thank you, too.


She has to thank me for leaving space to complain. For her. Because I hold space for the complainers.


You hold space for two truths, too.


Except on Friday night, we went out to dinner, and I ordered my main, and it was so unacceptable. Well, first, I couldn't send it back and just be like, This wasn't good. I had to make sure Olivia tried it to be like...


She was like, That's rancid. There's an episode of Curb like that. Larry, just now, He got the quesadille pie. He's like, It's disgusting. He made the girl try it. He was on a tape with it. She was like, It was disgusting. The guy was like, I can't take this back. You ate half of it. But because everybody tried it.


That's really funny. No, I just thought I ordered the sea bass, which I don't usually order. I usually go for a salmon, but I was trying to be like- Sea bass is crazy. I was It's going to be fancy and crazy. So I got it and it was so gross. And I'm like, Oh, shit. Maybe I don't like sea bass. And that's not their fault if they made a perfectly good sea bass, and I just don't have a refined enough palate to appreciate it. So I was like, Olivia, can you confirm that this is fucking disgusting?


And one thing about Olivia, she knows a good sea bass. She's a fish girl.


Yeah. Claudia, she was vomiting. It was so wrong. So of course, I didn't do the sending. That's also because I was in a booth and I was on the inside. So someone at the end did it just for brevity's sake.


If there are 10 times I don't like my meal. Maybe once I will return it. And by I, I mean Ben.


No, it was seriously inedible. I didn't feel bad. Also, we had ordered so much food that this one sea bass, goodbye, good day, sir.


It wasn't going to bankrupt the facility.


No. And I didn't feel like, Oh, we ordered two things, and we're sending one back. A waste of your time.


Context is extremely important when it comes to returning dishes.


Yeah, it's all about percentages.


It's so true. Friday night, you went out to dinner. Okay, socialista queen.


So social. My week last week was I was social. I was telling you, we barely chatted because I was just being a social butterfly, which was really fun.


Yeah, so she's too good for me now. She doesn't need the crutch of her bestie on FaceTime. She has real friends in the real world. She doesn't call, she doesn't write. We don't talk anymore.


Okay, I called you last night and you couldn't get off the phone with me fast enough.


I was watching Riva.


Riva is a show that can wait, honestly. It's waited 30 years for you.


That's what you think. You think Riva is a show that can wait. I'm going to put you on. I'm going to put you all on like I did, Young Sheldon. The next sitcom you need to watch, it's on Hulu, is Reba. Let me tell you, Jackie, you will love.


No, I know. We watched it growing up, Friday night, WB11, be there, be square. Joanna Garcia, one of my favorite actresses, is on it. Of course, Reba, Barbara Jean. Like the gang's all here.


Barbara Jean, Steve Howey from Everything But Mostly Shameless recently. He is the boyfriend. It is so good. And that fucking theme song, let me tell you, me and Ben, you think it's like, we have to be about to 15 episodes this weekend. They're only 20 minutes. But you think after the 15 time, we'd I have not pressed skipped intro once. My roots are planted in the past, though my life is changing fast. Who I am is who I want to be. Jackie, the show is so good. The nostalgia, I feel. I think of you, I think of us, Friday night after dinner, Shabbat, always eating a little ice cream, watching Riba. Family fun. It's good, but it's hysterical. You know what? I forgot. It was probably in its time, really What's the word I'm looking for? Not polarizing, but in the very first episode, her teenage daughter gets pregnant and Riba lets them get married and live in their house together. It was probably this very forward, out there show because it was supposed to be just family-friendly sitcom, but It's a little crazy.


Yeah, and we're lapping it up with our ice cream cones. We were obsessed.


Jackie, it was so good. You have to rewatch it.


Okay, I will. But continue.


I'm sorry. I was watching Riba, and yes, I needed to hang up on you because I was watching Riva.


She complains that I have too many friends. I don't call her, but then I call her. I'm trying to chit chat with my girl. Of course, I forgot the reason that I called her, but let's not let that get in the way of a good combo.


Okay, wait. I want to say two things.


She keeps being like, Why'd you call? Do you remember yet? I'm like, No, I'm just having fun at this point.


Well, you weren't having fun. You were using me because everyone was out of the house and you were doing dishes. I know. I do that, too. Whenever I'm doing something I don't want to do, I'm like, If I call someone, it will make the time go faster. Usually, I'm down, but I was at the middle of something and you were doing the opposite. You were just like, We're using me, and that's fine. I'd love to be used. I call people in the bath. I always call people. It's fine. But you did eventually remember why you called me, and I wanted to let you know there wasn't a package here. That closes the loop. You guys don't need to know. It was so stupid, but you don't need to know.


It was really stupid.


There was nothing here.


That hurts after everything. After everything.


Should we name them?


Okay, I'll tell you what it was. This is why I called Claudia, because I got a package last night, or I don't even know. I take so long to open my packages. I got a package from Caraway, and it was one of their big to-go food containers, which we love a food storage container. On the inside, it had cookies and a celebratory note.


I'll read you the note because Jackie sent it to me.


I sent a picture to Claudia. The inside had confetti and custom sugar cookies that had podcast microphones at Caraway. Such a cute little gift, and the gift was for this reason.


It said, Hi, turdy Lou. This month is our anniversary on the toast, and what better way to celebrate them with cookies? We hope you enjoy your food storage, which is perfect for Ben's leftover chili. Xxo, Caraway Toaster's in corporate. So cute. So cute.


So I got it, and I was like, I got Claudia's, obviously. But I also know that you've sent some things here in the past. So it's not that shocking- Never from Caraway.


That they sent.


Actually, one time, I took your order. Yeah, I did.


But they know my address. They have my address, and they sent the wrong thing to Jackie. So I was like- So Jackie was like, Oh, Claudia probably got mine.


No, I asked, did you get mine? Because I wanted to post this little cute thing that they sent, but not if they didn't send me one. That's a little sad. So I called to ask if you got one, which you hadn't. I thought it might be in the studio, and now you're saying that it's not. So I guess I won't post the Carraway package, but I'll just talk about it on the show instead.


By the way, your move, Carraway.


The thing is, Carraway can never do anything to offend me because they have changed my life in such a positive way. Seriously, they could spit in my face, and I would say, Thank you. Jolly, good job. Can I have some more?


That's the theme of today's episode.


Yeah, but with Carraway, my whole life But it's okay to say that it stinks. No, because I eat your cookies, and I'm happy. And I have the container.


After you went to dinner on Friday night, how was the rest of your weekend?


The rest of my weekend was very good. It was a very homey weekend. I can never remember what the hell I did. Anyone else? What did I do on Saturday?


I don't know. We didn't talk because you don't need me anymore.


Yeah. No, we were home most of the week. It was raining, pouring.


Same here.


It was a nice, cozy home weekend. Took some naps.


Me too. I took one on Saturday. It was amazing.


Yeah, we had a long nap time. You never know what you're going to get around here.


Turn me a peat in my bed and pooped on my floor.


Classic. I'm shocked Bird didn't do such a thing.


In solidarity with his bro.


Yeah. So we were just hanging at home.


That's great. Homesteading. Homesteading.




So I think that might be it in terms of we can recap, catching up with the squirrelies, anything you want to catch up on before we dive into the Fast Five. And how would you describe the Fast Five, perhaps in three words?


They are strong.


So are you.


As are you. That's how to do.


Rest in peace.


Crunchy angel Dora.


Crunchy angel Dora.


Now, without further ado, it is time for the Fast Five Stories, that they are strong, that you need to know.


I'm really excited because today's episode is sponsored by a new sponsor, but I've talked about this sponsor a lot because I'm actually an investor in this company. Yeah, that's right. I invest. You guys might have heard of Built, Built Rewards, the Built credit card, and it is for people who rent. Listen up, renters. If you ever feel like you're stuck in this loop of rent payments, rent payments, watching your money vanish into thin air, it is time to turn that rent game around and start earning some serious rewards. That is where Built Rewards comes in. So Built is Breaking Ground as the first rewards program that hooks you up with points on your rent. You can earn points paying rent. Even if you're still rocking old-school rent check vibes, which in my last apartment I was, I had to write a check and I was like, Oh, I can't use this. No, you can. Built Billed Awards has got your back. They will mail a check for you. It's like basically having a personal rent paying assistant. Every month, pay your rent and watch the Built points roll in. You can use your points to jet off on a dream vacation, put your points towards a flight or a hotel stay.


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Their exclusive aroma blend contains nine sweet and spicy essential oils with synergistic benefits that have been used for centuries to support women's health and homeostasis Let me just say Primely Pure is a brand now that they saved my life, I fully respect because I got the worst sunburn of my life and everybody was telling me, You need moisturizer, yada, yada. Do you know half the moisturizers out there just feature alcohol as their number one ingredient? It's so It's so drying. It's synthetic. It's fraudulent. Jackie, when I was at her house, gave me Primally Pure. It's literally exactly what people were telling me, coconut oil, shea butter. Now I'm like, Oh, this brand is legit. I trust everything that they make.


Yeah, it's made with real ingredients that you can pronounce, not a million of them. I just got their new spray that's made with magnesiumium, which magnesiumium is just an amazing- A miracle. A miracle ingredient.


If you're craving fewer crampss and a calmer nervous system, all you need is a cycle soothing spray from Primally Pure, period. If you're tired discomfort during your monthly menstrual cycle, try the cycle smoothing spray from Primally Pure at primallypure. Com/toast. That's www. Primallypure. Com/toast using code toast at checkout for 15% off. Get a order.


Thank you, Tara DeLoe.


An absolute honor.


Our first story. On Friday, Kate Middleton revealed that she has cancer and is getting chemotherapy. She says it has taken time to tell her kids. But on Friday, the Princess of Wales shared In her health news in a personal video message, which came after Kemp's name, Tim Pallice had announced on January 17th that the princess had undergone a planned abdominal surgery. In her emotional video, Princess Kate started by thanking well-wishers for their wonderful messages of support amid her recovery during what has been an incredibly tough couple of months for her entire family. She said, In January, I underwent major abdominal surgery in London, and at the time, it was thought that my condition was non-cancerous. The surgery was successful. However, tests the operation found cancer had been present. My medical team, therefore, advised that I should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy, and I am now in the early stages of that treatment. She called the news a huge shock and said that she and William have been doing everything they can to process and manage this privately for the sake of their young family. As you can imagine, this has taken time. It has taken her time to recover from major surgery in order to start her treatment.


But most importantly, it has taken them time to explain everything to George, Charlotte, and Louis in a way that is appropriate for them and to reassure that she is going to be okay.


I don't really need an explanation as to why she took any amount of time to tell us. Not my business. Felt like a total dick afterwards, wanted to die. So sad. So not what I thought the answer was. I feel like in the video, she looked so exhausted and frail, like someone with cancer would. I don't know, the whole thing made me feel an immense sense of sadness.


Yeah, it made me feel very sad. Very much have a pit. It's very worrisome, too, because she is in the midst of it.


But it's not like we have like, Oh, I went through this, but I'm okay now.


Yeah, she's in the middle of it. It doesn't sound not serious. It sounds like it could actually be quite serious. The palace said that they're not going to reveal any more information, will not be sharing any further private medical information. The princess has a right to medical privacy, as we all do. Agreed. I mean, she already shared so much.


Yeah, there's this... Well, there's two things going on. I feel like I don't even know what to call her. Because she's not a politician, but she's not a celebrity.


She's more than that. Public figure.


But let's say the Prime Minister had some illness. That I do feel is... Everybody deserves medical privacy, but that person should step down if they can't do their duties. I feel like with Kate Middleton, she's not a Prime Minister, but she's not just a celebrity. I feel like she's entitled to that privacy where it's like, if she needs to take time off. The nation won't suffer.


For sure. But the nation couldn't let her take time off. She couldn't even make it to Easter without having to announce.


It really was America, by the way. People in Britain were not as bent out of shape, conspiracy theorizing down dark Twitter holes as much as people in America were.


I agree with that, but I don't think that it was only America. I don't think they would have addressed if it was only America. A lot of things have been going on here, especially as it relates to them and Megan and Harry, and they don't get bent out of shape about it.


Well, there's also a bunch of news stories following the announcement about Megan and Harry and how they're devastated because they found out with the rest of the world. When you and I were talking about him finding out about Charles's cancer with the rest of the world, it did seem like there was an enormous possibility that he was told prior. With Kate and William, I feel like he definitely found out the same time as my ass did. Actually, I found out a little late. I was doing the soda method. I found out 30 minutes later. Yeah.


Then I found out from you. I hadn't even seen it yet. Yeah, him and William don't speak. They do the opposite of speaking.


I feel like William, let's I'm sure the immediate family knew Charles and Camilla. I'm sure William said to Charles, You're not allowed to tell Harry. That's how much they hate each other.


Yeah. Also, maybe they don't trust that he wouldn't in some way share the- Because he's been such a media darling.




He loves, can't keep His mouth shut. Maybe he would go write a book about it.


That's fair, too.




So sad. I feel like, And what are the odds that both Charles and Kate would have cancer at the same time?


Yeah. Be in the hospital at the same time.


Right. I definitely still feel that Charles probably would have shared his diagnosis regardless, but I think he definitely did it also to protect Kate.


But I also think Charles is more of the Prime Minister elk than Kate, where- Yes, he has to. Health information is crucial to doing a job. Important to the nation.




I think he would have shared either way as he should.


Speaking of the royal family, there was- Well, as he would.


I don't really know what's right.


There was footage at the end of the movie, all the amazing things that Nicholas Winton was recognized for after. Basically, nobody knew about it until he had this scrapbook lying around, and he didn't know what to do with it. He took it to this thing, this organization, and it blew up, became a huge news story, and he ended up donating it to Yad Vashem in Israel. But he ended up being nighted by Queen Elizabeth, and there was a video of it at the end of the movie. It was so cute.


That's so cute. Then he's also- When he was like, 80. The Kinder transport, that's what it was, right?


They were referencing the Kinder transport in the movie. I'm sure the Kinder transport inspired him, Nicholas, to do the work that he did, but this was not considered the Kinder transport.


Oh, not the official one.


Where was the Kinder... I was thinking about you the whole movie because that amazing statistic you told me about Paddington the Bear, which has seriously been one of my favorite facts to share with people, of all time. Say it again.


Paddington the Bear, as we all know him, is a little boy- We do all know him. With a backpack and a name tag around his neck. The creator of him was inspired by the kinder transport because the Jewish children who were saved from Germany, they came to the station, because he's always at the railroad station, with backpack- He loves trains. Yeah. He had a backpack on and a tag around his neck. The kids did, too. They had one backpack with them and a tag with their names. And so he was inspired by those children, the character of him.


So the kids in the movie also had a name tag and a backpack. But I don't think this... Because it wasn't official. It was this, literally, what was so amazing about it? Not even underground. This guy, Nicholas, in his house with his mom, Helena Bottom Carter, wrote an op-ed and was like, Listen, I'm doing this. I need people to volunteer to be foster parents and to put up 50 pounds for the immigration fee. He didn't work with the government. Literally, he went to the immigration office every day and asked for 20, 30 visas, and then found foster families literally in his dining room table. That was so amazing about it. The government did not help at It was just these random people at the immigration office who let the visas through. In this almost shady way. He was literally mailing people pictures of the kids being like, Choose your kid, send me 50 pounds. I'll get you a kid. It was like...


That's so amazing. It was rinky ink. But also those families that they would have them... Can you just imagine the parents on the other side?


Well, that part in the movie, I seriously could not stop crying. It wasn't even a hard decision for these parents to decide to literally never see their kids again.


Send them to another country on a train by themselves with a backpack and a name tag.


The Kinder Express was from Germany to England?


Yeah, I think so.


Oh, my God. Then the worst part of the movie is that the final train, which was their biggest transport yet, they were on the train, and Hitler literally invaded Prague that day, and the train never made it, and he never knew what happened to those kids. Or everyone who was living in that ghetto. It was a really good movie. I don't know how we got here, but everyone should see it. It was really good. Anthony Hopkins is so cute. I love him.


We got here because he was nighted by the Queen.


Oh, yeah. So back to Kate. Rafa Washtley Ma, seriously.


Hopefully everyone will leave her the fuck alone now, perhaps.


I will. I have learned my lesson. The thing is, I'm not going to pretend I was better than anybody else. I got in there and I was in a nice way, I think. I wasn't being rude, but I still was speculating, and that's not cool. I was wrong. I will do better. I will not continue to speculate. I have learned my lesson. Have you?


Not to be obnoxious, but you know who wasn't participating in this?


Let me think. Elon, who are you going to say? Me. Oh, yeah, we know.


Oh, it just hasn't been stated yet.


What I maintained-Oh, I'm so sorry. Has it not?


It hadn't been stated yet. What I maintained was like- You said that you believed all royal communications, and people were literally clowning on you in the comments They were saying that. Yeah, that I believe what they were saying was a vague version of the truth. Those were my words.


Yeah, you said- And that's exactly what it was. They're not lying. They're just not being super detailed.


Not detailed. But there was a surgery, and there's a recovery, and it's a version of the truth.


So stick with me. You were right. I was wrong. I'm dumb. You're smart, and there's nothing you could do about it.


No, I don't feel like I have to stunt on you because I know your heart was in the right place and you weren't at the level that other people were at. I feel like I'm- No. I'm stunting on others. I'm right. You're wrong. I'm big. You're little.


I feel good knowing that once the video... No, no. Once her at the Farmer's Market came out, I stopped. Other people did not. They were interviewing that famous impersonator. I stopped after the farm video, and I think anybody who didn't needs to seek help.


For sure. But there are people who are also not stopping at this point.


They think it was a dead fake video. Deep fake. Deep fake. I don't even know what that was. But then, thank you Twitter. Somebody was trying to make a thread about how this is a deep fake video, and community notes came in and said, It has been verified that this is not an AI-generated or a deep fake video. So thank you.


Yeah. Really crazy for the people who are still going on about it. But it If they admit they were wrong, what do they have? That's such a good question. They can't let it go.


For sure.


So hopefully everyone can just give her some peace.


Wait, we didn't We can talk about, this is what I meant to say in the pre-Fast 5 banter, how major news coming out this morning.


Which is?


A date in time for the 5K has been decided on. It is May seventh, and it is in Los Los Angeles, and there is a high likelihood that your girls cannot go just due to travel schedules, things like that, things of that nature. I really thought it was going to be much closer to New York and Florida, like Texas, where all the podcasters live.


I thought it was going to be in Austin, and we were prepared for I'm not prepared to go to Los Angeles to run a 5K and for nothing else, really.


I am in a triangle. I really am. You are. There's a possibility neither of us go, and I've been training for nothing.


I'm calling it that I'm not trying to go unless for some reason we need to be there for something.


Unless somebody wants to book us.


But I don't think you've been training for nothing. I think this has It was so great for us.


Yes. I actually love being a runner. I have to run today, and then I'm going for a run with my coach in the park tomorrow. I just run past these bitches, these lazy slobs, and I'm like, Oh, my God, you guys wish you were me. I just know everybody in the park is looking at me being like, Oh, my God, She's gorgeous. She's gliding. She's in shape. People say there's a runner's how you get addicted to running. You don't. I get addicted to the attention, to what people must be thinking of me, to the accolades. Because I know what I think when When I see a beautiful woman running. I would think in the past, Oh, my God, I'm so jealous. She's gorgeous. She's a gazelle. She's a model. I would think all these things. Now I am the model. I am the gazelle. I can only imagine what people must think when they see me, looking adorable. I always come straight from the toe, so I'm always wearing makeup. It is addicting. That's my favorite high.


All the world's a stage for turdy.


To run across.


Well, I think that's good. I think Net Net, it's been great. Great for the content, great for the health. Really just an overall positive influence.


You sound conclusive. I'm leaving the door very much open. I might go. Yeah. I think you should leave it more open. It could not be less convenient timing.


No, no, no, no.


Or location, if they tried. They almost went out of their way to not consult us. Not that I'm being a victim or anything.


Yeah, but maybe they were like, these girls made it their thing, and we need to cut them out. We got to get rid of them totally. We got to do it as far from where they'll as possible.


Totally. And they know we're like, we don't go within, out of a hundred mile radius of our homes.


Yeah. So that's that. Are you ready for our next story? Some sweet news.




Sweet. Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden secretly welcomed Baby Number Two and are revealing his name. Oh, did he know that? I know. The pair of surprise fans Friday night by announcing they recently welcomed their second child, a son named Cardinal. We are blessed and excited to announce the birth of our son, Cardinal Madden. He is awesome, and we are all so happy he is here. For the kids' safety and privacy, we won't be posting any pictures, but he's really cute, they said.


By the way, we'll get into Cameron Diaz in a moment. There is this renaissance happening on social media. I've seen it It's been a lot on TikTok, where people who have previously shared their children are like family channel vibes. They are saying, making big declarations, that they are not sharing their children anymore. There's been this, and I really saw it a lot on TikTok, but I'm seeing it everywhere, this trend movement to take kids off the internet. I was surprised because a lot of people, it's easier to make money, work with brands. I get it. I've been seeing a lot of it.


Their family channels, that's what they were posting.


Now they're turning into mom channels instead.


Are they deleting the old content or just going forward?


I've seen a mix of both. Primarily, it was this girl. I remember during COVID, she started going out on TikTok. She was I'm pregnant with twins from a one-night stand, and she took everybody on this whole journey. Her kids Violet and Scout, she did it all by herself. It was really amazing. She showed them they were so cute twins. She would be feeding three kids at once. It was really crazy. People became obsessed. She has millions of followers. Then a year ago, she slowly started deleting every old video of the kids of the kids. Then when she finally got up to current date, she made a video being like, I'm not sharing the kids anymore. People were so mad at her. She was really the first to do it. People were so mad at her in such an unhinged way. Now I've started to see more people do it because there's been a lot of backlash, specifically around this one. Have you heard of this kid, Wren?




W-r-e-n. She's one of the biggest... Her mom basically makes TikToks of her. I don't even know if the mom's ever in the content. And it's always stuff I probably wouldn't share. There's nothing wrong with it. But you know how similar to in that Quiet On Set documentary where on its face, it's find. Yeah.


But if you look from a different angle.


If a freak finds it. Somebody, a couple of months ago, did this deep dive on the engagement on this girl's page and how videos where she's in a bathing suit or doing gymnastics or something have insane amount of saves. That's when you favorite something, almost. You don't like it, but it goes to a folder in your- Yes, you can look at it later. And how so many of the followers on this account were men. It started this huge conversation about rent. Save rent, rent, rent, rent. The mom doesn't care. All this information that people... People have really started to send her hate, being like, Stop. She doesn't stop. It's really crazy. It started this conversation. I think a lot of other parent channels and family channels saw it and have started to second-guess their social content. Cameron Diaz now follow. This is a thing some celebrities have always done, not for any other reason than their own privacy. But on the internet, you really have to think long and hard about where this content might end up.


I've also seen recently, a new concern is AI. They're using images of your children. They can age your children and also use their voice for stuff. And there's just a lot of nefarious usages.


Nefarious usages, for For sure. I just keep your eye out because I've been seeing a lot.


Both known and unknown. Because this AI thing is new. It's like if it was a few years ago, you wouldn't have ever expected something like that. That's very interesting. I hadn't seen that. I guess I don't follow a lot of family creators.


Yeah, like family channels. People are now saying, Don't follow family channels. Don't feed the cycle of rewarding people for sharing their kids and detail details of their kid's schedules and their outfits. It's really personal. Yeah. Yikes. I don't agree with it. I hate to be judgmental, but I am. Yeah.


I feel like some things are just clear.


Yeah. Sorry. Now to make Cameron Diaz about something totally else. So happy for her. Yeah.


Another bebe.


She, I think, prior to having her first baby struggled a lot fertility-wise, and I just love her. I feel like Once a quarter, we sit down and we talk about Cameron Diaz. We say the same thing every time, but it needs to be said.


I feel like it's more and more recently. I feel like she took a bit of a break, but now she has her wine business, which brings her to Instagram to make content.


She leaves her bubble once a quarter now because of her Avaline wine company. I'm grateful because that means we're getting content. She's been doing, you're right, cooking stuff and some random interviews.


Yeah, and it's great.


I love her. Truly.


Yeah. Mazel tov to them.


Mazel tov. They're just a great couple. They're part of one of my favorite celebrity webs. Of course. Because when they randomly were at Sophia Richie's wedding, of course it made sense. Joel and Benji, Benji and Nicole Richie. I love.


Yeah. Are you ready for our next story, which is crazy?


Our next story, which is crazy.


Is it number three? It's number three.


I'm ready.


Rebel Wilson is revealing the A-list asshole who allegedly She tried to threaten her over her memoir. So Rebelle Wilson is naming names. One week after teasing the massive asshole she writes about in her upcoming memoir, Rebelle Rising, she revealed the celeb in question. So first she posted- It's funny to reveal something like no one was asking for because the book hasn't come out yet. I think she was. So there's a bit in her book- It hasn't come out yet? It hasn't come out yet. And she had said, this person is hired... This person is an asshole in Hollywood that she was going to write about in her book. She said, I wrote about an asshole in my book. Now said asshole is trying to threaten me. He has hired Crisis, PR manager and lawyers. He's trying to stop press coming out about my book, but the book will come out and you will all know the The Truth. The asshole that I am talking about in one chapter of my book is Sasha Baron Cohen. So the two of them started in one of his movies together. It was called Grimsby. They play a couple.


I think it's just like a nutty fucking movie of his.


And with Reba Wilson, it sounds hysterical.


Yeah, honestly, it does. And the asshole behavior from the book hasn't been revealed yet. A spokesperson for Sasha Baron Dylan told Page 6, quote, While we appreciate the importance of speaking out, these demonstrably false claims are directly contradicted by extensive detailed evidence, including contemporaneous documents, film footage, and eyewitness accounts from those present before, during, and after the production of Grimsby.


Wait, it sounds like Sasha is going to sue her because if he has all that evidence, it sounds like he's going to sue all the people.


Evidence, and he's hiring lawyers, and I guess he was trying to get the book to stop from coming out if what she's saying is defamatory and untrue. She said the book's still coming out, so I guess if it comes out and she's defaming him, and if he says these things aren't true and he's going to prove it, are they going to court?


But the thing is, up until this point, he would have had no case because she never named him. It's giving someone a nickname in the book. However, this Instagram story she just posted saying, The asshole is Sasha Maren Cohen, just gave him a full legal case.


Yeah. Maybe in the book, she did name him, but the book hasn't come out yet. Maybe we would have found out from the book anyway, because I feel like, how can you talk about the movie without us knowing who it was? I feel like it's a very specific thing.


You know, Rebel Wilson was in the news a couple of years ago for winning a major defamation case in Australia. She's very familiar here with the law.


Yeah, because that statement, he's not fucking around.


No, and that statement makes me believe him. You don't deny so egregiously and offer up all the evidence that you have if somebody is speaking truth.


Yeah, you just...


No, not to make everything about me.


Don't add light to it.


I did actually meet Sacha Beren Cohen once in person, and he was disarmingly nice. Now, that doesn't mean that he's nice to everyone, but I did.


I just wanted to say that.


I'm sure those movies- I just wanted to I met him.


You met him in person?


Yeah. Then we were on that Zoom call together that I spoke about.


I'm sure those movie sets are chaotic. Those are nutty movies. Even looking at stills, pictures from the set, it's just like, it looks wrong.


I do want to say I would be interested in reading Rebel Wilson's memoir. Honestly, now, obviously, my interest has peaked because I need to know what the accusations are. But when I think about her career at a glance, I think that's a person whose memoir I would want to read. She's had such an interesting couple of years. Yeah, and she's also a funny person.


I feel like that also usually translates to being an interesting writer.


She's a true comic, so I bet it would be funny.


Her memoir is called Memoirs of a Rebel.


No, Rebel Rising is actually an amazing name for it. I like it.


Rants. Memoirs of a Rebel.


Do you know Rebel Wilson's Sister's name?


Should I?


No, I was just asking if you did.




Because obviously, her parents are into different names. Liberty.


Would you rather be Rebel or Liberty?


Well, I think Liberty because you could have cute nicknames, Libby. They're both different.


Yeah. Anyways, that's the latest beef in Hollywood.


That's the latest and greatest.


Yeah. Are you ready for our next story?


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Great. Thank you, Claudia.


In honor.


Our next story, Taylor and Travis were spotted on a lunch date in LA at Nobu Malibu after returning home from a Bahamas vacation. The two went to Nobu Malibu, had a seaside lunch after a vacation in the Bahamas, apparently.


Do we have any details about where they were in the Bahamas?


Not that I'm seeing. I saw one picture of them that could have been them in the sea.


Yeah, I saw that, too.


Then on a dock, it's not much.


I don't know why them going to Nobu Malibu is so crazy to me.


Because it's one of the most photographed restaurants, everyone there. It's not, I don't want to say- It's not Dirty, but if you don't want to be seen, you wouldn't go there. It's a place where you're okay being seen.


There's a permanent paparazzi group who stand outside. I don't know why. I just feel like that restaurant is very much Kardashian domain, even though you can't own a restaurant.


Yeah, but if one could, they are always there.


Scott is always there, every single one of them. It's because it's in Malibu, which I think is halfway between LA proper and Calabasas where they live. Now, don't quote me on that because I know nothing about LA.


It's just a fabulous place with fabulous food and fabulous people. No wonder the paparazzi is always outside. I feel like on the one hand, people might want privacy, but on the other hand, they've got to get some toro.


No, and the food is so good. I feel like we can't talk about Nobu Malibu without talking about my comedy special, where I tell the story of probably one of the craziest things that's ever happened to me, and it happened to be at Nobu Malibu. You can stream my comedy special. It's called Lean In, and it's available on Prime Video US and Canada. They looked great. They're both in their off-season. He's off from the NFL. She has this month off. It's just so nice. They're going on vacation and having lunch as two normal people would.


Yeah. Looked cute. I love that.


Looks cute, yeah.


Yummy. I'm hungry.


What are you going to have for lunch?


I went off the rails a little bit on my diet this weekend. I just decided I needed a cheat day or two because I've been so good. I was like, You know what? I'm going to just enjoy myself this weekend, so I'm back on the grind today.


I think I'll have a I'm going to have a mystery chicken for lunch. I picked one up from the kosher mart yesterday.


Oh, yeah. I do have fresh grilled chicken that I made, and maybe I'll get a tailored Farms, put it on top.


Love that. I was actually looking for tailored Farms at the kosher grocery, and I couldn't find it. So I need them to work on that. But I need both the kosher grocery and tailored Farms to get to it.


Is tailored Farms kosher?


I don't know, but why wouldn't it be? It's lettuce. If you need a, I know a good one, Taylor.


Our fifth and final story is coming in two parts because it's a ManorPump rules, news, Who's some Vannerpump rules news. Some Vannerpump headlines this weekend. First of all, Ariana Maddox bought a $1.6 million home in LA after her post-splet real estate battle with her ex, Tom Sandoval. Ariana recently purchased a home in the Hollywood Hills. Page 6 has exclusively learned. The insider says, Ariana has fallen in love with this home and is excited for the next chapter. Now, so there's photos of her walking with moving boxes. Is that her moving into this new home?


I don't know because those photos looked old. Remember For days after Scandival, the paparazzi were just standing outside their house every time they did anything? I thought that photo was from there. It's not clear whether that's a recent photo or just they needed a photo of her with a moving box to make it relevant.


It's unclear. I feel like even if she just bought the home, she wouldn't be moving today. Right. So TBD.


I'm so relieved. And honestly, she's moving from the Valley to Hollywood Hills. It's an upgrade in terms of neighborhood. The house is super cute. I've had enough of this house saga for this loser-y cookie cutter Home. There's nothing special about it. Get out. Imagine having to live with him. Get out.


Yeah. No, this is best for her personal journey. You need to cut the cord, enjoy your new man, not be going from hotel to hotel. And It's home looks beautiful. I'm very happy for her, and it's time.


It's time. It was time.


It's been time, yeah.


It's been time.


Also, fifth and final story, Banner Pump Rules news part 2 is Lala was speaking out on her Instagram Q&A about where she stands in her relationship with Katie. So someone-Oh. Oh, what did you see?


I saw that she was going through her list of baby names, and they were like nutty as hell.


Oh, no. I wanted to do that, too. But wait. So on her question box, someone said, Because I'm watch What Happens Live with Katie, Andy hinted that you two aren't cool with each other. And Lala responded saying, I'm sure if I go back to being miserable, we'll get real thick again. Contemplate in not posting this because I love her mom. Sorry, Tara. So she saying they're not friends.


Oh my God. That's a crazy way to say it. Yeah.


That's been percolating this season, though. And even in one of her interviews on last week's episode, she said, She said something to this effect, though she said it kindly because she wanted to save her relationship with Katie. But she was like, when Katie and I were really close, when something to the effect of when we were just mad about everyone and everything. But she was like, I have to let that anger go unless I want to end up like an old bitter Yeah.


No. Actually, on its face, these two are so different now. The people that we currently know, Katie's very much in this rebuilding phase of her life and just not giving a fuck. I feel like Lala is trying to let go of all this toxicity that she had in her life for so many years. The way she phrased it is a little harsh, but I do see what she's saying. These two, I feel like in this moment, are not meant to be friends.


Yeah. I feel like when they were really close, it was like the cast was getting nutty, and it was just the The two of them being more O-G and just united in that. But I also feel like people handle grudges and maybe anger differently. I feel like Katie's the person. It's like, cross me and we're done. It's like, I'm not holding on to anger. I just want nothing to do with you. Whereas I feel like with Lala, when she has a grudge against someone, it manifestsests. She has to let go of the whole thing, or else it will just make her angry. She can't be angry, period.


I do want to say, I actually think these not getting along is really good for the show.


Yeah, it's interesting.


Yeah, it is because there are so many different dynamics at play, especially Ariana. Sheena is such a... Wants everyone to be happy with her, and she really does want to be close with... Even though Katie has been awful to her. For some reason, she still always wants to work on her relationship with Katie. So somebody who's always wanting to have resolution is a little boring for television. But Lala and Katie going against one another, that's something I'd like to see.


Yeah. I think that at the reunion, things got heated between them. Also, I was seeing there's maybe also drama between Lala and Ariana.


Yes. They said at the reunion, it got so bad between Lala and Ariana. It's irreparable. These are just blogs and Twitter people saying that. But they were fighting for so long, the production went over by an hour. It was because Lala and Ariana were at each other's throats, never coming. This is what they said, never to come back from.


I just want to say everything can be come back from on reality TV because you're forced to work things out and still be in the same room with this person. You absolutely have to move on at some point.


No, it's true. Even now with Sanival, I'm like, What is making you a good point?


We are slowly coming back. After even months, such years of this, it will be his It's a part of the history books.


It's true. It's true because think back to Jack's Saucy and Kristen, the craziest thing. That show went on to film for eight more years together.


Now that's like, Ha ha.


It's a part of Bravo history. Yeah. This will be, too.


Yeah. Anyways.


Some of the names that were on the list that people were just couldn't get over. She had crossed some out that I think are still in contention. The ones that she were sharing were the ones that she had considered but were no longer real options. One of them was Rampage. She was like, I thought it would be cute to call them Ram, which I think is so crazy because it's so close to Rand. The other one was Snow.


Oh, that's a cute name.


Yeah. There were some others on there, but people were just shook.


I'm trying to find the... Okay, yeah.


You find it?


Names. Snow. I like that. Mighty. That's not a name. That's an adjective.


That's not a name.


Lion. Also not a name? That's like Wolf.


Right. Oh, that must have been the inspiration.


I like Wolf still. I like Wolf still, too. And then she said, I liked Rampage for a boy and call him Ram. No one else was down, L-O-L. These There are a few names I threw around. The blacked out ones are the ones I'm still thinking on. So the ones that she's showing us are out of the running, but they were in the running at one point.


Lion, Snow, Rampage, and Mighty.


I don't think they're that crazy for Hollywood.


Rampage is nutty.


But she wasn't going to do it. She didn't do it.


Ocean is... It's not common, but it's not the craziest name.


It's Hollywood, but it's lovely.


Yeah. What are all the Vannerpump kids' names?


Summer Moon.


Summer Moon. Summer is a normal name.


Yeah. I like Summer Moon.


We have Ocean. We have Cruise Cruise and Hartford. Cruise and Hartford. Is Cruise Couchy? Yeah. Okay. Cruise, Hartford, and Mercer.


Mercer. Yeah. I think they're all lovely. They're all not common names, but they're all lovely. There's not a flop.


They fit the profile of the family they come from. Yeah, they do. Summer Moon is so Sheena Marie Shay. Love. Okay, so those are the past five. I really enjoyed.


Moral of the story is it's hard to name human beings. It's literally the craziest thing that we do as people.


Yeah, it is. It really is.


You don't appreciate it until you're in it. It's huge.




Crazy It's a crazy thing.


That is our show, you guys. Happy Monday. Hope everybody rises and grinds. And by the time you finish listening to this, it's definitely lunchtime. So go do that. Yeah. Thank you so much for listening to The Toast. Unless you listen to this episode on your lunch break, in which case, I'm so sorry, you have to return to work, but the day's almost over. Time for snack. Time for snack. Thank you so much for listening to the Toast on Monday morning show where we deliver the fast five stories you need to know every Monday through Friday on YouTube. So if you're watching this on YouTube, please feel free to subscribe and give this video a thumbs up. We're also available as a podcast anywhere a podcast can be found. So that's Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Public Radio, iHeartRadio, Castbox, all the places. So wherever you listen to podcast, find us The Toast. Leave a five-star view about how beautiful, stunning, and wickedly talented we are. Hope you guys have an amazing, gorgeous Monday, and we'll see you tomorrow.


Love you. Bye.